[x] Salem Option Two: Reinforce and Hold- The second option is to reinforce your defensive forces with more of your Helltroopers and elites and then hold the secondary defences. They will probably still lose some ground to the bombardment and Gargents but should otherwise be able to hold the line against even the massive numbers that Garkill will unleash. - Less casualties among militia and PDF, will lose some Helltroopers and Elites, lose some of outer Salem.
[X] Garkill Assault Option One: No Assault- The first option would be to leave Garkill alone and wait for a better oppetunity to kill him- Nothing happens
still recovering from the sickness, my doctor said it would take around a month
despite this I have been working on the update and hope to have it up tonight, or of not tomorrow
I too have the sniffles. And when I was trying to sleep at three am through a nose with the airflow of a brick, i thought to myself
do more whigh
do an admech romance
it's not that hard
Once, a long time ago, someone with more thrones than sense asked a techpriest:
"How do you make more techpriests?"
Upon explanation, she immediately regretted this decision. But enough about the Lady Primarch Victoria. This is the story of how Tranth-7449 was commissioned for incubation, as opposed to being genetically fabricated with a full clade of replicant clones as is standard procedure for the Mechanicus.
"Every fucking week I crawl up this thing's asshole to find something new wrong with it," cursed Tranth-6982 from beneath the organic synthesizer. "It's fucking ludicrous. Show me where the bad genetor touched you."
"It's not my fault," said Nona, also known as SAREN-8749, one of the rare female-sex clones that arose from the stock by the will of the Machine-God. "It's shoddily constructed."
"The only thing shoddy here is your operational procedure." Tranth squeaked out on his creeper tray, pointing a finger of nanosteel accusingly. "It was a misaligned protein feedline. Next time, don't double-tap the switcher. Or get it replaced, like you should have MONTHS AGO."
Nona tilted her head in puzzlement, the bob of gene-tweaked pink hair swaying lightly. She was slightly built, having prolonged her adolescence to better moderate hormonal development, small and soft and squishy. "But why would I do that, when I have you to fix it for me?"
"Like I don't have anything better to do." Tranth sat up, brushing off his robes. Unlike many of his clade, his hands weren't mechanical augmetics, but nanomachine sludge held in shape over a bionic skeleton. This polymimetic alloy, when forked down to the molecular level and seeded with spectiron nodes, allowed for microscopic repairs and construction to be performed outside of a specialized forge.
It was also the reason why he was constantly pressganged into getting elbow-deep in the iron sphincter of Nona's genetic vault, since she didn't want to waste the forge-city's time and replace the entire thing the first time it broke down and now he was too far down this roller-coaster to give up.
He could have been an explorator on the fleets of the Crusade. Could have, but for the politics of the decision committee. Well, they could roll over and eat a thousand dicks and die.
He pressed the activation button, watching the diagnostics go all green. "Well, there you go. See you next week when you inevitably fuck it up—"
Nona kissed him.
After several seconds with tongue, she let go, patting him on the shoulder. "Thanks, Tranth! It's a date!" With genetically augmented strength, she pushed him out of his office, the bulkhead sliding shut.
In the hallway, Tranth had stalled. The fuck was that, he thought.
The fuck.
Part of the problem was that Tranth never learned to integrate socially with his caste. It was an unfortunate habit of the Tranth line, stemming back to the very first Tranth that landed on Avernus and promptly secluded himself inside empty ruins far away from human contact. Tranths just weren't cloned for human contact. Certainly, human contact was made, but that was just an unfortunate side effect of their main purpose, which was supra-logical engineering and mentat calculation.
But the main part of it was that Tranth was Tranth.
He'd known Nona for years, mostly as a side effect of being Decius' collegiate partner, and had mentally relegated her to quiet furniture. This opinion had been reinforced when she had chosen to advance studies in human biology, a field that was long mastered by the Reclamation, and which produced the least number of combat-ready units per capita.
It wasn't that he didn't like her. Nona was very likeable. She had pleasing symmetry, bodily proportions within standard deviations, sophisticated genetic and surgical enhancements that were fascinating in their complexity and emergent synergy, and hair the colour of candy floss. Tranth had it on good source that people liked that sort of thing.
(Not him. Candy floss was the most inefficient sucrose-derived cuisine. Tranth consumed sugar whole and by the loaf, like a normal person.)
But he was simply… indifferent. When he looked at her, she was no more fascinating to him than a lamp. His thoughts led to her with the same ease that they moved on to other, more relevant matters. And yet, it seemed that indifference was not reciprocated.
Fact: Nona Saren initiated physical contact identified as "kiss."
Fact: The physical contact initiated has several social connotations as per Human Interaction and You: How to Best Liaise with Your Imperial Correspondent as befits a Servant of the Omnissiah by Daniel Dire, PhD.
Fact: Tranth-6982 had previously inloaded the whole text of Human Interaction, but lacked the proper contextual knowledge to relevantly apply the information.
Fact: Information that cannot be applied is useless.
Therefore: Acquire contextual knowledge of the nature.
Counterpoint: Time limit of one week before Nona Saren sabotages her genetic recombinator again. One week insufficient time to overcome social advantages.
Tranth considered this conundrum. Then he logged into the noosphere.
TRANTH-6982 has opened chatroom "0000000112"
TRANTH-6982 has invited SAREN-8740
SAREN-8740: its like three in the morning what
TRANTH-6982: I require aid, Decius.
SAREN-8740: yeah obviously what do you want
SAREN-8740: ive got a hibe capsule with my namecode on it
TRANTH-6982 sent SAREN-8740 a file: "1560-03-08-871-M29.sens"
SAREN-8740: what the fuck
SAREN-8740: did you just make me sim you making out with my sister
SAREN-8740: not cool
TRANTH-6982: No, Decius. She kissed me. What does this mean?
SAREN-8740: did you take twelve hours to think this over
SAREN-8740: before contacting me
TRANTH-6982: That's not the issue here.
SAREN-8740: you dumb toaster fuck
SAREN-8740: do you need a written invitation
SAREN-8740: to fuck my sister
TRANTH-6982: I don't understand.
SAREN-8740: i regret ever knowing you
SAREN-8740: especially since
SAREN-8740: we are now brothers in law
SAREN-8740: forever
SAREN-8740: and ever
SAREN-8740 has left the chatroom.
Well, thought Tranth, that was unhelpful.
Perhaps the dataweb would have more information.
Last week, it was the protein feedline. Today, it was the blood plasma centrifuge. Tranth dropped an ingot of the alloy into his hand, letting it sink in to be processed by his flesh into replacement bearings.
"It's not your fault," he whispered to the inside of the machine. "It's not your fault your operator doesn't know how to gear down RPM settings safely."
"How come you don't have any other augmetics?" asked Nona, kicking her feet on the bench. Oil and dust rained on Tranth's face.
"What makes you think that?"
"You don't taste that different."
There was a clunk of heavy tools dropping on a face. Tranth wheeled himself out. "Do you make it a habit to kiss your enginseers?"
"Only the pretty ones."
Tranth considered this, determined it was none of his business, and wheeled himself back in. "I'm not mutilating myself for inferior engineering." Not that it was flesh and bone, so much as a skeleton of structurally rectified nano-adamantium wrapped with muscles of electro-chain molecular stacks. His skin skimmed neutrinos with the efficiency of laspacks, both photosynthetic alloy and wide-spectrum sensor. His intestines extracted maximal energy from food through matter catalysis. His eyebrows alone could snap rockcrete. His microparticle blood, built to infiltrate and supply energy to these obdurate, self-healing organs, had material properties akin to a hydrocutter stream.
There was no need for time-consuming surgeries and recovery to steal days from his work. After programming, he had simply introduced the nanites and went on his way, slowly but surely converting from man to machine. Occasionally he had to consume materials that couldn't be catalytically fused, but by then he had teeth of regenerative tungsten, and a tongue that could be shut off.
Nona had been talking during his brief moment of self-congratulation. "—Always wondered why you didn't keep your dendrites."
"Any lifting can be performed with the telekinetic module in my right thigh." Tranth stuck a finger in the wheel, inserting the ball bearings and streaming lubricant from a sanctified tray by his elbow.
"Really?" Nona put a hand down. "In here?"
"Yes, genetor, that is my right thigh."
"Oh, then what's in this one?"
"That houses a fusion cell reactor."
"It's firm. And what's in this one?"
Tranth wheeled himself out, to confirm with his own eyes. "Nona, that is not a leg."
"I know," said Nona cheerily.
This had not been in the book, which was an unreasonable oversight to say the least. "Just to be clear," he tried, "you are aware that, anatomically, most would not consider that the item you are grasping… a leg."
"Clear as crystal!"
"Yes. Clear as crystal." Tranth replaced the undercarriage plate, and the centrifuge whirred up. After some thought, he found a section from Human Interaction that seemed relevant. "Nona, would you like to have dinner with me?"
"Yes, Tranth," said Nona. "I would like that very much."
"Good. Now get your hand off me."
TRANTH-6982 has invited SAREN-8740.
TRANTH-6982 sent SAREN-8740 a file: "1611-10-08-871-M29.sens"
TRANTH-6982: Explain this.
SAREN-8740 has left the chatroom.
"Wow," breathed Nona. "An actual restaurant!"
"Of course it's an actual restaurant," said Tranth, dressed in his finest robes. "It comes highly recommended." By way of Decius Saren, but he didn't say that.
"But the Redstone Circuit!" Nona turned to him, eyes sparkling. "I was expecting Hotcake House, or Big Top Burger."
"Fucking what? Why would I take you to Big Top Burger?"
"I've never been to Big Top Burger."
Tranth stared at her. "…Do you want to go to Big Top Burger?"
Later, in the stellarium, they were sitting on the artificial lawn, greasy burgers fresh from the nearest kiosk.
"Oh man! Grox burgs!" Nona took a bite, vibrant hotsauce squirting on her face. "Ah!" she laughed, wiping it from her cheek.
"You have failed the first step of eating burgers," said Tranth. He crammed it in his mouth whole. "Never let it escape."
"Gross!" She fished out some potato chips, freshly carved and fried in second-hand oil. "Bleh! This is the worst thing I've ever eaten!" She grabbed another handful, and licked the salt from her fingers.
"You let it cool down. It is fit only for the corpse-vats now." Tranth held a hand over the cardboard packet, a stream of microwaves browning the fried potato to an inedible temperature. Then he poured them down the hatch.
"Hey! I wasn't done with those!" Tranth gave her his own chips, which were still hot. "Ooh." Nona pinched each one individually and tossed them in her mouth, huffing to cool it down as she chewed, each breath a bloom of infrared gently stamping against Tranth's skin.
He lay down on the false grass, the starlight of the thirtieth millennium shining through the glassteel of the base. After a while, Nona lay down as well, her head on his chest as she used to do to her brothers to punish them.
"This is nice," she said. "We should do this more often." She tugged his hand from beneath her, laying it on her stomach and holding it in hers, flesh fingers between false ones.
"Nona," said Tranth, "why are you doing this?"
She turned her head to look him in the eyes. "Because I like you."
"Why do I like you?"
"You're very likeable," said Nona.
Tranth sighed. "You say that right to my damn face."
"What's so weird about it?" Nona said, her purpled lips tugged in a wide smile. "If you knew yourself as I do, you'd know I'm right."
"That's tautological, Nona," said Tranth. He poked the top of her head with his other hand, twirling one of the bubblegum strands around his finger.
"Mm." She reached up, grabbing his other hand and pulling herself up his chest. "Maybe. It might be weird to someone else." In a shrill voice, she mimicked, "You like him? Why?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because he's weird," said Nona, matter-of-fact. "He's always been weird and awkward and brilliant in a weird, awkward way, and that's all I remembered for years. He was the prodigy clone and I was just Decius Saren's accidental sister. He knows what he wants to do every day of his life, and he doesn't care what anyone else thinks of him. And when I kiss him he doesn't know what to do, and that just makes me want to kiss him more, just to see the look on his face." With a push against his body, she leaned up and pecked his nose. "Does that make sense to you?"
It was to Tranth's shame that he did not. Nona seemed to understand, because she dropped her head in the crook of his neck.
"…You don't like me, do you?"
"I don't," said Tranth.
He heard her breath hitch. "You hate me?"
"I don't."
"But you don't like me like I do you."
Tranth shook his head. His augmentation had progressed too far. His heartbeat too steady, his mind too stable for such imbalances.
He felt her squeeze his hand. "Do you think you might? One day?"
"I don't have that capability. I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry. I just wanted you to know that someone did. You deserved to know."
"Even I deserve to know."
"Even you." Nona made herself comfortable, the constellations of the heavens shining without rest upon her. "…Can we stay like this, just for a bit?"
"As long as you need."
On the subject of love, the Machine Priests of the Omnissiah have this to say:
U = U
A ∈ U
B ∈ U
A ≠ B
{A − B} ∈ U
{B − A} ∈ U
{A ∪ B} ∈ U
{A ∪ B} > A
A ∈ {A ∪ B}
{A ∪ B} > B
B ∈ {A ∪ B}
{A ∪ B} > {A ∩ B}
{A ∩ B} ∈ {A ∪ B}
∴ {A ∩ B} ∈ {A ∪ B} ∈ U
It is known that the Omnissiah, Machine-God, Exalted of Technology, High Lord of Order, Chariot of Knowledge, knows all and comprehends all.
The Omnissiah knows and comprehends the Omnissiah.
To know and comprehend is to be aware, and thus in a state of awareness.
Thus, the Omnissiah, in knowing and comprehending all, is aware of all. The Omnissiah is in a state of awareness to all.
The Omnissiah is the state of awareness to all.
To be aware, is to control by choice of action or inaction. The Omnissiah knows and comprehends all methods of action or inaction. Thus, the Omnissiah controls all.
It is known that the soul is a gift of the Omnissiah.
It is known that the soul is the conscience of sentience.
It is known that sentience is the ability to value knowledge, and thus the ability to make such evaluations. To make evaluations of knowledge, one must first be aware of knowledge.
Sentience is awareness. The zeroth awareness is awareness of the self. The first awareness is awareness of other. From the zero and the first arise the binaric.
To be aware of self but not other is idiocy.
To be aware of other but not self is absence.
The Omnissiah is aware of all. All contains the self and other. The Omnissiah is aware of self, the Omnissiah. Therefore, the Omnissiah is not aware of other, which is all things not of the Omnissiah, which is things not of all, which is nothing. The Omnissiah is not aware of nothing.
Thus, the Omnissiah is all, is immanent in all things, is aware of all things and thus himself. All is the Omnissiah.
The awareness of sentient beings is incomplete. The awareness of the Omnissiah is all. The awareness of the Omnissiah includes the awareness of sentient beings. The Omnissiah is all, and thus is all sentient beings.
The soul is the gift of the Omnissiah. It is the conscience of sentience, and thus the guide of evaluation. The value of the Omnissiah is absolute, and the value of nothing, that which is unlike the Omnissiah, is nothing. Thus, the hierarchy of value is of alikeness to the Omnissiah.
Love, therefore, is merely the evaluation of a sentience by another sentience in its likeness to the image of the Omnissiah. It is the universe knowing itself, and its beauty.
Many years later…
"I love your hair," said Nona, toying with Victoria's locks. "It is beautiful."
"Thank you," said Victoria, glad finally to have found a kindred spirit. "I put so much work into it, and nobody ever appreciates it!"
"I know," Nona commiserated. "But there's just something about looking good for you, you know?"
Victoria nodded sagely, restraining tears. "Mhm. I hear you. I hear you."
Meanwhile, in the corner, two clones stared at each other.
"7449," said Tranth the Elder.
"6982," said Tranth the Younger.
"How was Mars?" said Tranth.
"Awful," said Tranth. "Backwards savage neo-barbarians in red robes. They attempted to requisition me for indefinite study. How is Mom?"
"Effusive. Ecstatic. Et cetera. How goes your research?"
"It goes."
This just about exhausted them both.
"The girl," said Tranth.
"I can't seem to remove her," said Tranth. "By the laws of her people, we are now betrothed."
"Unfortunate," said Tranth.
unfortunately i don't have the time to fully flesh it out, so use your imaginations to fill in the gaps
various errors fixed now that i can breathe unassisted
Nothing previously said gave any hint that it's impossible to be both aware of self and aware of other. If the Omnissiah is aware of self, it shouldn't lock out the possibility of it being unaware of other.
It's not that the Omnissiah is incapable of being aware of other. It's just that the Omnissiah, being interpreted as the entire universe, encompasses everything. There's no other to be aware of.
It skipped from "I don't like you, I am incapable of liking you, I will never like you" to having a child with her. That is more than imagination can fill. A sequel is required.
I briefly considered an omake of this omake series where they got dropped into different alt-universes of the WH40k world. Mostly for the mental image of them being unable to decide if they wanted to either nope the fuck out or go on a 'kill it with fire' spree upon accidentally landing in one of the more universally NSFW alterverses...
Nothing previously said gave any hint that it's impossible to be both aware of self and aware of other. If the Omnissiah is aware of self, it shouldn't lock out the possibility of it being unaware of other.
It skipped from "I don't like you, I am incapable of liking you, I will never like you" to having a child with her. That is more than imagination can fill. A sequel is required.
The Return of Garkill, again Part Thirteen: Defence
After a few minutes of thought you decided against launching a Death or Glory assault on Garkill, believing that you would have a better opportunity in the future that would not involve sacrificing a large portion of your elites. Instead you simply reinforce your forward positions with elite soldiers and prepared your forces to weather the storm that was coming. In particular you moved the Fellsword Squadrons and Knight Maniples up to where they will be able to engage the Ork Gargents, which if left unopposed will be able to breach your defences.
However the initial assault came not from the Ork Gargents but from the gathered Speed Freaks, a hundred million strong. Despite the fact that you had pulled back your airforce in order to prevent them being mauled by the Roks AA and that your forces were manning Salem's secondary defences the Speed Freaks were massacred. It seems that even with Garkill's competent command and their modifications that Orkish Speed Freaks stand no chance against entrenched Avernite soldiers under the careful command of both you and General Schwarz. Sixty million of the Speed Freaks were killed by the interlocking kill zones of Salem's secondary defences over the next four hours, with only a few hundred thousand defenders going with them.
10,000 Speed Freaks Warbands vs Salem Defenders d100=39+38(skill)+25(Orks)+42(Martial)+75(type)+50(numbers)+20(caution)-60(shields)+25(artillery)=254
6 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades, 6 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades vs Ork Horde d100=88+272(skill)+162(defences)+10(Siege Infantry)+169(Regional and Grand Commander)+71(local commander)+20(crossfire)=792 Imperial kills
6,000 Speed Freaks Warbands Ork Kills
1.4 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades
1.4 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades
Of far more concern then the charging Speed Freaks was the concentrated bombardment that the Orkish artillery, Roks and Gargents was unleashing on the secondary defences while the assault was ongoing. This bombardment inflicted notable damage to the walls of District 5-13, where the Roks had focused their firepower, and killed almost five million defenders. However deadly as this may be you have calculated that it will take three days for the Orks to reach the inner walls at a single point, and that is without calculating in your return fire. Once more the sheer toughness of the defences built using Dark Age of Technology designs has made Garkill's attack near harmless, as you calculate that without the new technology a two kilometre section of the defences would now be little more then rubble. The return fire from forty Macrocannons and nearly a million Royal Basilisks. In the four hours before the Orks launched their next assault over twenty megatons of munitions was fired at the Orks, killing around forty percent of the gathered artillery.
Orkish Artillery vs Salem d100=96+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)+20(Gargents)=226
Salem Defence d100=43+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=332
-21 defence bonus, 22/141 damage to District 5-13 walls
22.5 Militia Siege Brigades killed
22.52 PDF Siege Brigades killed
40 Macrocannons vs Ork Roks d100=54+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)=173
Ork Roks Defence d100=45+25(skills)+21(Martial)+25(Rok)=116
12.56/85 damage an hour inflicted on Rok shields
Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=72+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)=311
Ork Hordes Defence d100=37+30(skill)+21(Martial)+25(defences)=113
22 damage to Rok shields
8,160 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
544 Very Big Gunz destroyed
54.4 'uge Gunz destroyed
Four hours after the initial assault on Salem began the remaining Speed Freaks withdrew and a mass of Ork Walkers started attacking on a single front, led by the remaining Gargents. In response the prepared Imperial Superheavies were deployed along with a task force of Helguard and Helltroopers. This proved to be sufficient to hold the line against the Dreads, though not by as large margin as before. The Gargents focused their attacks on the already weakened walls of district 5-13 where they were met with two hundred and fifty Aesir Knight-Titans and seventy-five Fellswords. The combination of the Fellswords devastating long range attacks and the short range capabilities of the Aesir proved to be enough to utterly annihilate the Gargents and their accompanying Dreads. This is the first time that your Fellswords have been used in a major battle and they have proved to be more then worth the price, with the Ork Gargents being utterly unable to stand up to the firepower of their Neutron Obliterators, with a squadron usually being able to one shot a Gargent. After the destruction of the last of the Gargents the remaining Orks assaulting the walls withdrew, leaving Salem's defenders standing strong against Waaagh Garkill.
8,000 Dread Warbands vs Salem Defenders d100=3+38(skill)+25(Orks)+42(Martial)+150(type)+50(numbers)+20(caution)-60(shields)+25(artillery)=293
3 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades, 3 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades, 3 Helltrooper Siege Infantry Brigades, 3 Devil Dog Regiments, 5 Helguard Mechanised Power Infantry Regiments vs Ork Horde d100=42+324(skill)+162(defences)+169(Regional and Grand Commander)+71(local commander)+20(crossfire)+10(type)=798 Imperial kills
1,666 Dread Warbands Ork Kills
.6 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades
.6 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades
.56 Helltrooper Siege Infantry Brigades
3 Helltrooper Devil Dog Regiments
0.17 Helguard Mechanised Power Infantry Regiments
2,000 Dread Warbands and Gargents vs Salem Defenders d100=27+50(skill)+25(Orks)+42(Martial)+200(type)+50(numbers)+20(caution)-60(shields)+25(artillery)=379
0.5 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades, 0.5 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades, 0.5 Helltrooper Siege Infantry Brigades, 25 Fellsword Squadrons, 50 Aesir Knight-Titan Maniples vs Ork Horde d100=44+344(skill)+161(defences)+169(Regional and Grand Commander)+71(local commander)+20(crossfire)=809 Imperial kills
2000 Dread Warbands
Ork Stompa 323
340 Ork Supa Stompas
136 Ork Gargents
16 Ork Great Gargent s
1 Ork Mega Gargent
Ork Kills
0.1 Militia Siege Infantry Brigades
0.1 PDF Siege Infantry Brigades
0.08 Helltrooper Siege Infantry Brigades
3.92 Aesir Knight-Titan Maniples
1.32 Fellsword Squadrons
2 damage to District 5-13 walls 24/141 damage to next section
As the Gargent's launched their assault on Salem the Orkish artillery switched targets to the Imperial artillery, with the Macrocannons receiving the vast majority of the fire. Despite some brilliant defensive work by the Tech-Priests in charge of your Void Shields almost half of Salem's Macrocannons and tens of thousands of Basilisks were taken out by the Orkish artillery, with the Roks providing the vast majority of the firepower. In return your artillery concentrated fire on a single Roks at a time, brining down fourteen along with a good portion of the other Orkish artillery. However you have noticed a good amount of Orkish siege artillery exiting those Roks that still exist, and being emplaced into what is starting to develop into decent fortifications.
Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=85+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=195
Salem Defence d100=100+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=389 Critical Success, Halve damage
32 Artillery Regiments destroyed
16 Macrocannons destroyed
Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=5+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=333
Ork Hordes Defence d100=14+30(skill)+21(Martial)+25(defences)=90
14 Roks destroyed
2,016 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
134 Very Big Gunz destroyed
13.4 'uge Gunz destroyed
This exchange of fire between your artillery and the ever better fortified Orkish artillery continued for the next day. Despite the massive amounts of Orkish siege artillery that was deployed, including several hundred 'uge Gunz, your Diviners provided enough of an edge that you could take advantage of your defences strength to eventually wear down the Orks numbers, though not before they destroyed all of your Macrocannons. The balance of power really started to shift in the last third of the day, when major damage had been done to the Orkish artillery and Roks to greatly reduce their numbers while the Orks were struggling to inflict major damage on your widely scattered Basilisks. By the time that the next Ork Horde reached the first Horde the Orks had set up a decent series of fortifications, including some shield generators but all but seven of the Roks had been destroyed. You estimate that it will take another eight or so hours to take out the last Roks given that the Diviners will need to stop providing assistance and rest. Once the Roks are destroyed your artillery will most likely be able to wreck havoc among the Orks, despite their increasingly sophisticated defences.
First Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=14+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=124
Salem Defence d100=74+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=363
40 Artillery Regiments destroyed
20 Macrocannons destroyed
First Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=61+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=389
Ork Hordes Defence d100=34+30(skill)+21(Martial)+35(defences)=120
14 Roks destroyed
2,184 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
302 Very Big Gunz destroyed
13 'uge Gunz destroyed
Second Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=63+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=173
Salem Defence d100=91+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=380
48 Artillery Regiments destroyed
4 Macrocannons destroyed
Second Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=96+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=424
Ork Hordes Defence d100=28+30(skill)+21(Martial)+45(defences)=124
15 Roks destroyed
2,184 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
302 Very Big Gunz destroyed
188 'uge Gunz destroyed
Third Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=35+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=145
Salem Defence d100=53+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=342
38 Artillery Regiments destroyed
Third Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=95+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=423
Ork Hordes Defence d100=86+30(skill)+21(Martial)+40(defences)=175
10 Roks destroyed
2,184 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
302 Very Big Gunz destroyed
188 'uge Gunz destroyed
Fourth Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=89+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=199
Salem Defence d100=57+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=344
46 Artillery Regiments destroyed
Fourth Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=33+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=361
Ork Hordes Defence d100=39+30(skill)+21(Martial)+60(defences)=148
7 Roks destroyed
1,210 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
246 Very Big Gunz destroyed
188 'uge Gunz destroyed
Fifth Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=12+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=122
Salem Defence d100=86+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=373
16 Artillery Regiments destroyed
Fifth Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=85+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=413
Ork Hordes Defence d100=36+30(skill)+21(Martial)+70(defences)=155
10 Roks destroyed
1,555 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
317 Very Big Gunz destroyed
242 'uge Gunz destroyed
Sixth Orkish Artillery vs Salem artillery d100=94+19(skill)+21(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=204
Salem Defence d100=90+162(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+15(local commander)=377
20 Artillery Regiments destroyed
Sixth Salem Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=50+120(skill)+84(Grand and Regional Commander)+35(Local commander)+89(diviners)=378
Ork Hordes Defence d100=12+30(skill)+21(Martial)+80(defences)=141
8 Roks destroyed
1,741 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
380 Very Big Gunz destroyed
363 'uge Gunz destroyed
More reinforcements have joined the three armies that recently set out from the Orks strongholds to Salem doubling each of them to two billion strong. However given that only one of these armies will be arriving before your reinforcements reach Avernus they are not a major threat, especially given the kill ratios that your forces in Salem have been achieving. More important is the nine hundred million Orks that will be joining the besiegers in the next couple of hours and the eight hundred million that will arrive twelve hours later. When these forces are combined Garkill will have enough Orks to inflict a significant amount of casualties to the defenders of Salem, despite all of the advantages that you can bring to bear.
The Orks besieging Beirut have dug in and are continuing to focus their bombardment on a two kilometre stretch of your walls, as the Imperial artillery returns fire. The Orks inflicted minor damage on the section of wall that they had previously focused on while in return only four of their Roks were destroyed, along with a bit of artillery. Despite the growing fortifications that the Ork at Beruit are building and the artillery that they are teleporting in they have not chance of either winning an artillery duel or causing enough damage to the walls to make a frontal assault viable. After all Salem has proven that the secondary defences are sufficient to hold of the Orks and they are currently untouched.
Orkish Artillery vs Beruit d100=70+14(skill)+11(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=165
Beruit Defence d100=64+192(defences)+70(skill)+42(Grand and Regional Commander)+4(local commander)=372
-24 defence bonus, 159/168 damage to next wall section
0.5 Militia Siege Brigades killed
0.5 PDF Siege Brigades killed
Beirut Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=18+120(skill)+48(Grand Commander)+36(regional commander)+9(local commander)=251
Ork Hordes Defence d100=100+14(skill)+11(Martial)+75(defences)=200 Critical Success, half losses
4 Roks
171 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
26 Very Big Gunz destroyed
24 'uge Gunz destroyed
The Orks at Malea seem to have learnt from the experiences of the other hordes and do not immediately attack, instead fortifying themselves as their artillery focuses on a section on the walls. They caused a bit of damage but the return fire wiped out half of the gathered Ork Roks and artillery. It now seems clear to you that there is no way for one of Garkill's hordes to take a prepared Avernite city.
Orkish Artillery vs Malea d100=42+13(skill)+13(Martial)+10(Very Big Gunz)+20('Uge Gunz)+40(Roks)=138
Malea Defence d100=50+222(defences)+70(skill)+21(Grand Commander)+9(regional commander)+40(local commander)=412
-27 defence bonus, 171/194 damage to next wall section
4.8 Quartok Milita Regiments
0.48 PDF Siege Brigades killed
Malea Artillery vs Ork Artillary d100=27+120(skill)+21(Grand Commander)+9(regional commander)+40(local commander)=217
Ork Hordes Defence d100=53+13(skill)+13(Martial)+25(defences)=104
8 Roks
8,072 Big Gunz Mobs destroyed
1,000 Very Big Gunz destroyed
100 'uge Gunz destroyed
The Orks approaching Yphax, already scattered and demoralised by the Thundabeast stampede and following sally are devastated by your artillery, which pounds them for thirty six hours, using over a hundred and fifty megatons of ammunition and killing two thirds of them. The remaining Orks break and flee, with their massive causalities and the fact that they were inflicted without the Orks being able to fight proving to be to much.
Led by the Phase-Tigers the greatly reduced harassment force in Lindon continues to harass the Orks approaching Lorien, losing most of their numbers but killing over a hundred million Orks. Combined with the well spotted artillery fire from Lorien, which killed another two hundred million, the approaching horde has been both greatly slowed and lost a third of its numbers.
Lindon Harassment (5 PDF Regiments, 9.6 Helltrooper Regiments, 5.49 Helguard Regiments, 4.04 Psyker Regiments, 9 Phase-Tiger Battalions) d100=74+178(skill)+10(home ground)+30(Lindon)+15(scouting)+20(mines)+87(Grand Commander)+60(regional and local commander)+15(psykers)+5(Phase-Tanks)+30(Phase-Tigers)+50(artillery)=574
Ork Defence (3,000 Boyz Warbands) Roll d100=35+32(skill)+25(Orks)+100(numbers)+23(martial)=215
Imperial Kills
Ork Kills
Ork Boyz
PDF Light Infantry
PDF Rough Rider
Helltrooper Light Infantry
Helltrooper Rough Rider
Helltrooper Drop Infantry
Helltrooper Fast Armour
Helltrooper Phase-Tank (13.4)
Helguard Scouts
Helguard Drop Infantry
Helguard Fast-Armour
Helguard Rough Rider
Helguard Skimmer
Psyker Regiment
Artillery vs Ork Horde d100=88+120(skill)+48(Grand Commander)+26(regional and local commander)+20(spotters)=302
Ork Hordes Defence d100=92+16(skill)+11(Martial)+30(Lindon))=149
19,000 Boyz Warbands killed
1,744 'Eavy Boyz Warbands killed
As Garkill's forces continue to entrench themselves around Salem you consider the current campaign and how it is going. Unless Garkill uses another ace you will be able to easily survive the assault of all of the current hordes but given that he will have a quarter of a million Weirdboyz who will be ready for action in the next few hours and that according to Ridcully he is getting more and more ready to redeploy more of his Weirdboyz to the ground there are still some major threats. However apart from preparing for the Wierdboyz next more, which will be either another assault on your defences or just a mass attack, there are no changes that you need to pull off. Garkill is almost certain to focus all of his aces on Salem so unless something major changes you are confident that the rest of your cities will be able to easily hold their own.
[] Write in actions
High Grandmaster Ridcully, , Grandmaster Tamia, Saint Lin and Master Rana (attached to Siant Lin), Champion Surt, General Schwarz (Local commander), Grandmaster Xavier, Governor Rotbart (Grand Commander, Regional Commander of Aridia), Chaplain Horatius
But when did we pull back to the secondary defences? Or are the bunker complexes/housing districts what is meant?
Than there would be the primary defences (outer wall), secondary defences (housing fortresses), inner defences (secondary wall), theritary defences (inner housing fortresses) and finally the keep. That could take some time and men/ork power to get through.
But when did we pull back to the secondary defences? Or are the bunker complexes/housing districts what is meant?
Than there would be the primary defences (outer wall), secondary defences (housing fortresses), inner defences (secondary wall), theritary defences (inner housing fortresses) and finally the keep. That could take some time and men/ork power to get through.
But when did we pull back to the secondary defences? Or are the bunker complexes/housing districts what is meant?
Than there would be the primary defences (outer wall), secondary defences (housing fortresses), inner defences (secondary wall), theritary defences (inner housing fortresses) and finally the keep. That could take some time and men/ork power to get through.
Actually its Primary defences (Outer and Inner Walls), Secondary Defences (Walls around each district (around 15km2), Tertiary Defences (fortifications on each building)
This makes laugh when I picture Avernus as a eight deep fortress nesting doll. Get past the outer system, inner system, planetary, city, city section, building, floor fortifications and you'll find an Avernite behind a reinforced door with a gun.