Hello, been away for a while. Real Life hit rather hard, not fully let up either.
Haven't totally caught up but thought I'd make some comments on the Vanahiem Quartok nat 1 disaster.
in this case if you did not fight to protect the Quartok you would lose around fifteen relationship with Asgard, as well as several with everyone else
not fighting to protect a protectorate is bad, especially to the Feudal houses of the Aesir
This right here seems like the best spin to put on it, we were just trying to reduce tensions between our protectorate and our friend inside the Trust.
Avernus: Vanaheim is our friend, Quartok is our protectorate. Vanaheim doesn't like our protectorate. That's bad. We want them to be friends. Can't we get Vanaheim to not hate our protectorate?
Vanaheim: I get that, BUT YOU WERE PROPAGANDIZING MY PEOPLE! You wouldn't like that if I did it to you.
Avernus: *sheepish* I guess I went about it the wrong way, but I really did just want you to get along with my protectorate because I really like you a lot and it bothers me that you hate my protectorate so much. Sorry, please forgive me?
Avernus, the socially awkward nerd-jock who can kill you in a dozen different ways but all thumbs when it comes to not offending people.
Add in a forgiveness of debt to add some balm to the insult (see honey, I bought you a massive diamond ring to show how sorry I am), and see if we can get Vanaheim to shift from "outraged at the idiot" to "exasperated at the idiot" status.
I'm thinking, maybe there's the possibility of a 3 way deal.
Muspelheim is currently planning to upgrade a few of their massive floating cities. To do so, officially, they'd have to pay an extremely expensive tithe. Such a tithe would mean a dramatic increase in the size of the Trust fleet, and thus a massive increase in the required infrastructural capacity at Vanaheim, the primary shipyard. My proposal for the 3 way deal would be that we sell of a large part of our debt to Muspelheim , which uses it and some of it's own funds to pay of the required tithe to the Fleet. The fleet uses these resources to expand itself, as well as it's facilities around Vanaheim.
Cost and Benefits for the 3 groups.
Avernus :
- Loose lots of debt money's
- Loose a bit of relationship with Muspelheim
+ Get to build flying cities
+ At reduced price, thanks to Avernian debt transfer
- Does not get to build them for free
+ Gets support from Muspelheim
+ Reduced Debt
+ Massive bonus infrastructure project => Greater prosperity.
Not a bad idea...
Maybe we can approach Surt about it beforehand an not offend Muspelheim. Since they support the whole Quartok protectorate too...
Maybe allow Olaf room to push hard for requiring the tithe for the Muspelheim cities, and return home with a political victory?
Behind the scenes we agree to "sell" our Vanaheim debt to Musphelhiem very cheaply so that it can afford to pay for this tithe.
Another idea:
We just figured out how to build a Starfort. Asgard has one. We have one. Would Vanaheim like one?
Vanaheim would also be the next most natural place to build one next, since we will want to defend our main fleet port.
It could be sold as a clear benefit to Vanaheim that comes from having such close relations with Avernus. Which makes Olaf's relationship with Avernus a positive. It can also bolster the reputation of our new Fabricator-General, while at the same time placating the Vanaheim Mechanicus, since they get some of that wonderful Mechanicus prestige that Avernus has been hogging.