The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 591 80.4%
  • No

    Votes: 144 19.6%

  • Total voters
[X] Diplomacy:
-[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum (Money)
-[X] Request for Magos Biologis
[X] Adeptus Mechanicus:
-[X] Lost City
-[X] Optimise Defences
-[X] Semon: The Enemy Within
[X] Personal:
-[X] Personal Attention: Commercial Centers
-[X] Expedite Administratum Request
-[X] Investigate Deacon Aurilian
-[X] Speak to the People
Voting closes in 6 hours
Currently winning

[X]Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum
[X]Request for Magos Biologis
By an overwhelming amount

[X]Lost City
[X] optimise defences

By an overwhelming amount

[X] Semon: The Emperor Protects
[X]Sermon: Work for the Emperor
[X] Semon: The Enemy Within

all equal if it is still equal at the time the vote closes I will randomly determine which wins.

[X] Personal Attention: Commercial centers
[X]Speak to the People
[X]Investigate Deacon Aurilian
[X] Expedite Administratum Request

By an overwhelming amount
[X]Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum
[X]Request for Magos Biologis

[X]Lost City
[X] optimise defences

[X] Semon: The Emperor Protects
[X]Sermon: Work for the Emperor
[X] Semon: The Enemy Within

[X] Personal Attention: Commercial centers
[X]Speak to the People
[X]Investigate Deacon Aurilian
[X] Expedite Administratum Request
In the Barracks of Mirkwood
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Administratus
[X] Tourist Trap

Adeptus Mechanicus:
[X] Lost City
[X] optimise defences

Adeptus Ministorum:
[X] Sermon: Work for the Emperor

[X] Expedite Administratum Request
[X] Promote Avernus
[X] Personal Attention: Commercial Centers
[X] Speak to the People

And an omake:
Inside The Mirkwood Imperial Guard barracks. Local commanding officer Hawkins is reviewing the weeks reports for the 405 light infantry Regiment.

Hawkins: So if I'm reading this right in the last week we have lost six scouts to a type of plant that fires its' flowers like buzz saws, one squad to an underground land squid, a sentinel to a tree hippo trying to mate with it and Captain Riley to a parasite that burst out of his chest and ate the regiments commissar. On non lost events Omega squad discovered that the local tree rodent piss a high explosive when starled, Private Jay And Bob discovered a local grass that when smoked give a "great high" while on patrol and the Regiments Mechanicus has reported that someone is altering our sentinels com systems. I have only one thing to say to all this and that is if you keep up the good work I will overlook the still you are building behind the parts reclaimation center is that clear.

405: Yes sir.

Hawkins: I can't hear you.

405: YES SIR!

Hawkins: Good carry on.
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I love this, we are about to become a deathworld whose citizens love every minute of it, and could not approve more of their ruler. :D
Come to Avernus you will remember it for the rest of your life.

This message brought to you by the Avernus ministry of tourism.
I love this, we are about to become a deathworld whose citizens love every minute of it, and could not approve more of their ruler. :D

Well of course! That's because our citizens have been PURIFIED by the furnace that is Avernus, and recognize that only through the God-Emperor and his emissary on this world (that is, to say, us) can they cry out humanity's defiance against a galaxy full of scheming xenos, unclean mutants and the traitorous heretics!

... that or those that survive the wildlife can easily share the food stores with comfort.
Or that no Ork invasion would survive long enough to be a problem. In fact it would be a blessing from the throne it would keep some of the predator feed reducing our loses.
Turn 2 Results
Turn 2 Results

The number of Troll attacks in Avernus' Spine has gone up, with attacks reaching as far as Cassarondo. Over three PDF regiments have fallen, as have seven from Avernus Prime, where the attack is heaviest.
The Azure Islands have calmed down with the man source of causalities being the plague in Arbor.
The cities in Lindon are suffering many loses to rising numbers of phase-tigers, losing several regiments of PDF.
Everglades has been quiet with the main casualties being from the plague that continues in The Fens.
In Elysium the main source of losses has been wandering Tyrant Lizards attacking the herds of Nurn.
The Helljackal attacks have started to die down in Aridia but still killed six PDF regiments from Avernus Prime along with another six PDF Rough Rider Rider regiments.

Officers Academy- General Drago believe that it would be a good idea to build a specialized academy for training officers in Avernus Prime. This would ensure that all officers are competent and have a wide base of knowledge. It would also ensure that all officers use the same terminology which would cut down on the misunderstandings that occasionally happen when forces from different Regions work together. General Drago does not consider this to be urgent but claims it should be done sometime this decade.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 50 000 Thrones, 10 000 Material, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 000 Thrones per year, 1 000 Material per year, 50 Metal per year, 20 Promethium per year.
Reward: Officers Academy in Avernus Prime, +5 to combat rolls for all PDF and Imperial guard units, allows some permanent training option.

General Drago has finally got the Avernus Officers Academy up and running. Currently, most of the PDF officers are going through remedial courses after testing revealed that there were holes in their training, while the more experienced Imperial Guard officers are going through far shorter courses on the Avernus standard communications protocols.

Planetary Command Headquarters- Currently all military operations are run out of a field command headquarters that was one of the first buildings built in Avernus Prime. Building a Planetary Command Headquarters would greatly increase the ease at which you can control and organize your military forces. General Drago believe that this is very urgent and strongly encourages you to begin this immediately.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 40 000 Thrones, 15 000 Material, 5 000 Metal, 1 000 Promethium. Upkeep: 4 000 Thrones per year, 3 000 Material per year, 500 Metal per year, 50 Promethium per year. Reward: Planetary Command Headquarters in Avernus Prime, One extra Adeptus Munitorum action each turn.

General Drago has finished moving his staff into the new Planetary Command Headquarters, and has used the better communications systems to establish a strong communication network with all the military forces on or around Avernus. In the new headquarters the command staff will have access to up to date reports, advanced mapping systems and will be defended from most attack.

Avernus Prime's population has grown by 2.25% over the past year.
Avernus' Spine population has grown by an even 4.475 over the past year.
The population of The Azure Islands has been stable except for in Arbor where the plague has killed 6% of the population over the past year.
The large numbers of phase-tigers have caused the population in Lindon to shrink by 0.25% over the last year.
The population of Everglades has grown by around 2% over the last year except at The Fens where the plague has caused a 3% drop in population.
The population of Elysium has grown by an massive 7% over the last year with Garden Grove getting over its original population of 30 million.
With the fall in numbers of Helljackals the population of Aridia has started to recover and has grown by 2.5% over the last year.

Build Promethium Refineries- Currently Avernus uses around four times as much promethium as is extracted. Henry proposes to build proper promethium refineries so far more promethium can be mined and refined. This will also significantly increase the proportion of promethium extracted that you can use. Small promethium refineries will be built in all cities currently producing promethium. Henry believes that this is very high priority.
Time: 2 Years. Cost: 70 000 Thrones, 14 000 Material, 14 000 Metal, 800 Promethium.
Upkeep: 7 000 Thrones per year, 700 Material per year, 700 Metal per year. Reward: Small Promethium Refineries in all cities with access to promethium, +20 000 Promethium per year, +100% base promethium production.

The construction of the promethium refineries on The Azure Islands and Everglades is complete. Thanks to the promethium they extract and refine you are barely losing any of your promethium reserves. That's your biggest economic pressure under control.

Planetary Administratum Center- Currently all Administratum work is conducted in your Gubernatorial Palace in Avernus Prime. This leaves your Palace rather crowded and is not a very efficient layout. Henry believe that it is time to build a planetary headquarters for the Administratum in Avernus Prime. Henry considers this to be a high priority cause of action.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 40 000 Thrones, 15 000 Material, 5 000 Metal 1 000 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 000 Thrones per year, 2 000 Materials per year, 250 Metal per year, 50 Promethium per year. Reward: Planetary Administratum Center in Avernus Prime. One extra Adeptus Administratum action each turn.

Henry has installed the vast Cogitator banks in the new Planetary Administratum Center and moved the staff and record s over. Not only has Henry reported an increase in worker efficiency of 50% now that they have more space and proper equipment you suddenly have excess space in your palace. To be honest you have far more space then you know what to do with.

Construct Commercial Centers- While you are not running out of Thrones as fast as of other resources you are still running out, so Henry as come up with a plan to increase your revenue. Henry's plan consists of building a dedicated commercial center in each city and using it to give out loans to start up new companies. This will have the effect of increasing the amount of economic activity and therefore the amount of tax revenue. Henry considers this a mid priority action
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 150 000 Thrones, 30 000 Material, 30 000 Metal, 6 000 Promethium. Upkeep: 1 500 Material per year, 500 Metal per year, 50 Promethium per year. Reward: Commercial Centers in all cities, +50% tax income

You have organized the construction of a commercial center in each city and terms for loans to be given out to start up new companies. This finished in a single year, you had forgotten how much easier it was to build civilian structures, and has increased your throne tax income by almost 50% putting you well into the black.

Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum (Thrones)- You can request that the Administratum send you extra resources to aid the start up of Avernus. It will take several years for any aid sent to reach Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Either 500 000 Thrones, 100 000 Metal, Material or Promethium or 100 000 Thrones and 20 000 Metal, Material and Promethium.
Roll-1d100 Result =72+8+20 = 100 Critical Success 4.1 Million Thrones arrive next year

Lord Klovis-Ultan's request to the Administratum not only succeeded but succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, making him believe that whoever is backing Avernus is willing to throw a lot of resources at it.

Request for Magos Biologis- You can request that a Magos Biologis come to Avernus and examine the native wildlife. It will take several years for him to reach Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 60% Reward: A Magos Biologis arives to study the wildlife of Avernus
Roll 1d100 result= 44+8= 52 Success

Lord Klovis-Ultan's official request to the Adeptus Mechanicus for an Magos Biologis to come to Avernus and study our strange wildlife finally got through. He received a response saying that an Magos Biologis is en route and is expected to arrive in six years.

Arbitrator Oakheart has found a number of cultists this year most of whom had no idea what they were involved in. She is worried by the spike in Inner Circle Cultists found in Lindon as well as the large spike in number of cultists found in Elysium.

Cult Activity Periphery Cultists Found Inner Circle Cultists Found
Avernus Prime 6856 579
Avernus' Spine 9243 940
The Azure Islands 5084 2704
Lindon 7482 3452
Everglades 4923 478
Elysuim 6717 1440
Aridia 5350 2165
Avernus Total 45655 11758

Law Enforcement-
Arbitrator Oakheart tells you that she needs to set up formal local law enforcement forces. This will take several years but when complete will be able to enforce Imperial Law on the general population. The local law enforcers (need to come up with a name) will also have a chance of detecting cultists.
Time: 2 years Cost: 50 000 Thrones, 5 000 Material, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep:
5 000 Thrones per year , 250 Material per year, 250 Metal per year, 25 Promethium per year. Chance of Success: 90% Reward: Law Enforcement officers and stations in all cities, +1 Civilian Morale, +5% chance of detecting cultists and psykers.
Roll 1d100 result=68+15(stat) = 83 Success

Arbitrator Oakheart has finished setting up the local law enforcement forces. This has allowed the PDF who were previously filling this roll to step back and let better trained people enforce the law. As a result complaints over legal matters have lowered and trained officers are on the look out for signs of cults.

In the Shadows- Arbitrator Oakheart wants to build a network of informants in the cities of Avernus. This will be the first step towards building a spy network and will significantly increase your chance of detecting cults and increase your chance of detecting psykers.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 100 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 10 Promethium. Upkeep: 10 000 Thrones per year, 50 Material per year. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: network of informers across Avernus, +10% chance of detecting cults, +5% chance of detecting psykers.
Roll 1d100 result= 96+15(stat)= 111 Critical Success

Arbitrator Oakheart has finished setting up a network of informants around Avernus, to detect the more subtle actions against the Imperium. This year she finished recruiting informants and gave them basic training. The network she set up was expertly organized to have as few as possible connections to the authorities.

Arbitrator Oakheart gains trait Spymaster (+5 percent chance of spy related intrigue actions succeeding)

Lost City- The city of Gamma-4 was emptied of life when a foolish attempt to access the ruin hidden within it triggered an radiation trap. Magos Explorator Tranth is confident that he can safely open the ruins and if not at least it is no longer under a major city.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 500 Metal, 100 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruin beneath Gamma-4.
Roll 1d100=48+10(stat)=58 Fail

Magos Explorator Tranth has continued attempts to enter the ruins beneath Dorthonion but has yet to succeed. His Skitarii guard have easy kept the wildlife off his back.

Optimize Defenses- Many of the natives of Avernus have unusual abilities that make the standard Imperial defenses unable to stop them. Magos Explorator Tranth is willing to research how to best stop these creatures.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 60 000 Thrones, 10 000 Material, 2 000 Metal, 100 Promethium. Chance of Success: 70% rolled separately for each region. Reward: Receive report on how to make your defenses less permeable to the local wildlife, and thereby reduce civilian and military casualties
Roll Avernus' Spine 1d100 result= 79+10(stat)+5(temple)= 94 Success
Roll Lindon 1d100 result= 34+10(stat)+5(temple= 49 Success

Over the last year Magos Explorator Tranth has studied the creatures of Avernus' Spine and Lindon in an attempt to come up with defenses that will do a better job of keeping the out. He has succeeded in coming up with a void shield frequency that stops Phase-tigers and a metal alloy that stops Trolls.

Sermon: Work for the Emperor- Deacon Aurilian can give a series of sermons about how every little piece of work strengthens the Imperium and is therefore holy. This will encourage the civilians to work harder and longer.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 50%. Reward: +10% productivity until another sermon is given
Roll 1d100=35+12= 47 Bare Fail (+10 to attempt if repeated)

Deacon Aurilian had his preachers give a series of sermons about the holiness of hard work which while inspiring fail to convince the population of Avernus to work any harder then they currently are.

Personal attention- You are highly capable of military command, administration, and intrigue and are capable of managing a project in any of those fields. Just one though, as you don't have that much free time.
Time: as project. Cost: free. Reward: get one extra Adeptus Munitorum, Adeptus Administratum or Adeptus Arbites action with your characteristic bonus.

You have spent much of this year organizing the construction of commercial centers across Avernus in a effort to raise tax income.

Expedite Administratum request: You have a good understanding of the Administratum and many contacts within it, and can use this to increase the likelihood that a request to the Administratum is carried out and how much you gain from it.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 80% Reward: Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum gets a +20 to success chance and has a improved yield.
Roll 1d100=82 Success with margin of 62

Your attempts to use your understanding of the Administratum and many contacts within it had an overwhelming success as your story seems to have made you something of a hero in the sectors Administratum You managed to organize for a truly massive amount of thrones to be given to you as an aid to stating up but used all of the favors within the Administratum that you were owed. You suspect that you got so much partially as an apology for the massive error that led to you being the Governor of Avernus in the first place, or someone misplaced a decimal place.

Investigate Deacon Aurilian- You can have people look into the history of Deacon Aurilian and find out more about his character and skills. As well as why he seems to be so obsessed with witches.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Character sheet on Deacon Aurilian
Roll 1d100=58+10(stats)=68 Success

You contacts in the Adeptus Ministorum came through and managed to give you much information on Deacon Aurilian.

Speak to the People: Much to the surprise of both you and your advisers you are a highly popular figure on Avernus. You can use this popularity to run a series of Tel-casts to raise the morale of both the civilians and the military.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 5 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 80%. Reword: +1 to Civilian and Military Morale.
Roll 1d100=75 Success

You gave a talk to the people of Avernus about how the initial stages are over but there is much work still to be done and every man, woman and child needs work together to survive on this deathworld. Not incredibly inspiring but it seems to have done the trick as Henry reports that worker efficiency went up after your speech and General Drago reports that the troops morale has increased.

Civilian morale hit 10 gained trait Hero of the People (increased personal loyalty, -5 cult activity)

Year Income Thrones Material Metal Promethuim
Starting 324953 196760 84211 261753
Gross Loss -238987 -40670 -29553 -37147
Remaining 85966 156090 54658 224606
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That Administratum request crit success :D

It's good that our magos biologos is coming, but 6 turns is a loong time.

Do our cities have hospitals or something? Or will we be able to get that as an option? The plague is getting annoying.

Next turn, we should definitely build the mines. Getting the factories also built would be great, but we don't have the metal for both, and factories should go second after mines if there's a metal shortage for obvious reasons.
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Crit success on establishing a spy network. probably because everyone likes us enough to go out of their way to tell our spymaster stuff.

It would be brilliant if we were still in high morale after the Emperor dies.
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It's possible we're in a bit of a pickle regarding metal and material. Like, a very big pickle.
I think we made a mistake with going for promethium rather than mines.

We can't get both mines and factories next turn without running out of metal or running out of both metal and material, albeit metal by a margin of ~1k units (using recycling).
And if we put off getting one or the other we'll be losing even more of the other or both each turn until we completely run out anyway.

At this time, our only hope is to build the mines, get the 10% bonus from the sermon to balance our material, request for aid (material), and then spend a few turns not starting any really large projects,except for the factories once we can afford them.

Or we could down-size our military a bit, as suicidal as that sounds.

Or, if we can buy stuff using our newly found mountain of gold, we could do that I guess.

I sure hope I'm making a huge misunderstanding reading our balance sheet.

But yeah, basically: DOOM!

EDIT: nvm, we can build the mines one turn, and then the factories later when we have the necessary metal. I forgot that mines give metal:V:facepalm:
But even so, we do have to watch our material consumption carefully, and next turn we probably can't spare the resources to do a project(s) we want.
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Yup. We are now at the stage were we need to be careful in how we spend our resources.

Definitely need to get schools, and we ought continue pumping morale/productivity.