The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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The King of Trolls
+++++++++++++++ This Sort of Shit Is Why I Carry a Grenade Launcher About my Person at all Times +++++++++++++++
Conclusion: The King of Trolls
You are Governor Frederick Rotbart, the most martially skilled bureaucrat alive, which is quite fortunate, given the planet you were accidentally sent to govern. You are surveying the progress of the new planetary administratum centre, being talked at rather excitedly by the younger administrator in charge of the project. "And as you can see," he says, pointing at the dataslate in front of you, "we have not had to make any alterations to the plans since taking up your recommendations on how to establish the wiring around the existing promethium pipe infrastructure..."
You follow along vaguely, keeping an ear out for anything important, and making the appropriate responses as you take the opportunity to study the space. The area had been carved out of the rock of the mountain, and filled with the necessary support structure, but the internal walls and floors had yet to be built, leaving a cavernous, almost cathedral-like feel to the space.

You start suddenly as something catches your attention. "And the small army of trolls entering through the rear wall, are they also on the plans?" The administrator blinks at you for a few moments, before following your gaze to where a large group of trolls is slipping out of the walls, rock flowing around them like wet mud. He gives out a short "eep" before running for the opposite entrance. You size the trolls up carefully, gauging their strength, and are alarmed to notice that standing at their head is the largest troll you have ever seen, standing almost twice as tall as even a 'regular' troll, which tower over men. More confounding is that instead of rushing across to attack you, the trolls are forming a relatively orderly throng, a respectful distance from the giant troll, who you now see is wearing a tiny crown of some dark material, perched at a jaunty angle above one of his ears. Most concerning of all is the fact that he is staring right back at you with a similarly appraising look.

Getting an inkling of what is going on, you motion over your new head bodyguard, Agamemnon, and whisper: "Call reinforcements, but don't have them enter just yet, and hand me my grenade launcher, and a reload. I've got a plan."
"Are you sure you know what you're doing sir", he replies with an anxious look.
"Neither more nor less than usual"
He smirks a bit at that, and replies, "Understood sir. Poor Troll King" as he passes you your grenade launcher.

You are pretty sure you know what is going on here. Unlike most of the denizens of Avernus, trolls are intelligent. Stupid, mind, but intelligent enough to be stupid like a human is stupid. They tend to form loose tribal groups, usually with a dominant troll at their head, and it looks like this particular troll has managed to bring several tribes under his dominion. It is fairly obviously challenging you for dominance, perhaps in an attempt to steal your 'tribe'. The extent to which that aggravates you comes as a great surprise. Who would have thought of you a little over a decade ago that a clerk like you would ever feel the need to meet the challenge of a giant troll trying to steal your position.

The civilians and workers having already fled to safety, you order your troops to stand back, and stride out onto the floor of the building site, mimicking the position of your opposite number. The Troll King strikes his chest, and begins to bellow out a challenge in his own language. You don't understand it, of course, but you don't need to.
You call out in turn, "I am Frederick Rotbart, and I have been appointed governor in the name of the Emperor himself! This world is under my aegis, and I will never relinquish it to the likes of you!"
He doesn't understand you, either, nor does he need to.

He gives a roar, and begins running towards you, his arms like tree trunks spread out to either side of him. You approach him at a rather more sedate pace, carefully aiming down the sights of your grenade launcher. You fire off a few krak rounds as you close, which tear small hunks out of his basalt flesh, but don't appear to slow him down in the slightest. As he rushes towards you, yelling his bloodlust, you are struck again by just how large he is. You almost suspect that if one was on hand he could probably club you with a sentinel. After your fourth krak grenade robs him of a chunk of flesh above the shoulder, you pause, and wait for him to draw closer.

He bears down on you like a tidal wave on a jetty, but you manage to keep your resolve, estimating distance in your head as he charges.
Fifteen metres.
Ten metres.
Five metres.

Dropping the barrel of your grenade launcher towards a very specific place on the ground, you fire three shots from your grenade launcher in quick succession, a silent prayer to the Emperor on your lips. There is a trio of sharp cracks, and your prayers are answered by a giant explosion just beneath the Troll King's feet, as you brak through the floor, igniting the concealed promethium pipe. Shielding your face against the shrapnel, but otherwise stung all over by errant shards of rock, you reload your grenade launcher. There is still one shot in it, but there's no sense taking any more stupid risks today.

As the smoke clears, you return your attention to the Troll King. There is no sign of one of his legs, and the other is resting nearby, next to his crown, which doesn't look so tiny now, and you can now see is made out of a black crystal of some sort. Screaming in rage and pain, he hurls his leg at you, with greater enthusiasm than accuracy. It is not as though legs are balanced for throwing.
Stepping under the clumsily thrown appendage, you carefully take aim at him, taking advantage of his immobility and your new-found proximity.

With a low 'foont', your grenade launcher sends a Krak grenade straight into his still-bellowing mouth, a feat that would be more impressive if it wasn't bigger than your head. There is a sickening crunch as his head implodes, and all is silence, save for the crackling of the burning promethium. Feeling the gaze of both sides upon you, you walk forwards and pick up the fallen crown. It is cool to the touch, and when you place it upon your head, you find that it fits you perfectly.

Turning to glare at the trolls, who are looking at you with an unreadable expression, you gesture with your grenade launcher at the wall they emerged from, and call out "Go on, show's over. Piss off now". To your immense surprise, they comply, turning away from you and walking through the walls, back, presumably, to where they came from. As they move you see your reinforcements piling into the room and beginning to gawp at you in disbelief.

"How the hell did you do that?" yells your exuberant bodyguard as you walk back towards the entrance."I redesigned the floorplan around those promethium pipes.", you smile as you reply. "Who says Administrators can't be soldiers?"
"No-one on Avernus any more, by my reckoning, sir."

Suddenly remembering the crown upon your head, you take it off and peer at it closely, as people start to throng around you. It is formed of a single piece of crystal, elliptical at its base, but curving up and out into spikes around the edge at the top. How it was made, or why it fist you so well, you cannot imagine.
Your reverie is interrupted by Agamemnon saying "It suits you, sir". When you give him a confused look, he clarifies: "The crown fits you well, sir, maybe you should add it to that gubernatorial regalia that Henry keeps bothering you about."

Grimacing a little as you are reminded of your protégé's nagging, you respond "Maybe if the sanctionites check it and find no warp taint, and the cogboys find out what it IS, then I will consider accepting a suspiciously well-fitting crown stolen from a warp-fuelled abomination"

Handing it to an aide with instructions to run it to the sanctionites, you continue, "That said, if it is clean, why not. But I'll only accept this regalia nonsense if he can find a way to add a grenade launcher to it. Days like this make me want to carry one about my person at all times."


Several weeks later, are shown the newly-minted gubernatorial regalia of Avernus. While your reservations about the point of having a regalia on so new a colony continue unabated, you must admit that you are impressed. The crown, which you are informed is made of black saphire, although no light has been shed on its origins or manufacture. An elaborate powerknife, hilt modelled on a gnaw-worm, the blade of which has apparently been made from a tooth from the one you killed. But best of all, sitting in pride of place is recognisably the grenade launcher that has seen you safely through these last few years, but you are stunned by the transformation. Some enthusiastic artisan has covered every inch of it with elaborate designs of precious metals, etchings, and inlaid gems. It is a thing of beauty, and more importantly, you doubt anyone could object to you carrying it around in formal situations.

Maybe this regalia business isn't so stupid after all.
Roll-1d100 Result =72+8+20 = 100 Critical Success 4.1 Million Thrones arrive next year

Nice! Although now I'm thinking about what that crit would do with the "all of the above" option. Almost a 100k of metal and material would be... nice at this point.

Also, it arrives *next year*, which is great.

The delay on the Magos Biologis is unfortunate, but it was a success anyway.

We got the morale from law enforcement and our arbitrator has a new trait - good, good!

Success on both defense optimizations is lovely; we should go for weapons next (as it doesn't have upkeep, easy pick for these metal-strapped times).

Sermon needs more work, clearly :p

And we gain a trait for hitting Civilian morale 10 ^_^

So, upcoming turn... well, we'll see what we can do about the metal.

EDIT: Mines are almost certainly a necessity; the delay is unfortunate, but I think it can be made. Public schools likewise.

We don't have an option to turn excess thrones into metal, unfortunately.
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Deacon Markus Aurilian








Veteran Witch Hunter(+2I, +2P, +3M,-1D, bonus against psykers)

Obsessed with witches(+1P,+1I, -1A,-1D)

Deacon (+3P, +1A)

Deacon Markus Aurilian is the protege of a respected bishop which is the only reason he rose to the rank he has. He is undeniably pious and a decent warrior but that is all he has going for him, as he is totally straightforward, poorly educated and a bad administrator. In fact he would make an excellent exorcist or crusader but is totally out of his depth as a Deacon and knows it. Your contacts say he was sent to Avernus in the expectation that it would be far more of a desperate battle then it has proved to be under your command.

Markus Aurilian gained his hatred of witches when a unsanctioned delta level psyker lost control and burnt his entire town to the ground when he was eleven. After being proved free of taint he immediately joined the Ecclesiarchy with the intention of being a witch hunter.

Interesting character
Why do I get the feeling that we might be lucky if Deacon Markus Aurilian where to get overly familar with a Tyrant Lizards stomach.
To reduce the ruinous expense of supplying the PDF we could continue the failed sermons but tie them to a concrete way to do your part with Eccelsiarchy running ww2 style drives to equip the troops.
Why do I get the feeling that we might be lucky if Deacon Markus Aurilian where to get overly familiar with a Tyrant Lizards stomach.

Oh, we'd definitely want someone better in his place. But let's do that productively.

Create a new position overseeing a set of witchhunters with global remit and the responsibility to counter revealed cults and renegade psykers (dug out by our own intelligence agencies - he doesn't get to interrogate the populace) and specialize against Warp-tainted creatures. Put him in charge, and request that he have a deputy to take over 'everyday' sermons and administrative business to focus on it. To be honest, he'd probably be happier there - and as long as he's still formally in charge (and directing things - just from the field) it's not going to be seen as a demotion.

Word the "fight Warp beasties" as constant training of the witch-hunters, so no psyker or chaos cult or - the God-Emperor forefend - daemon will get the best of them. His forces would be reasonably well-equipped for their role, and there'd be a recruitment effort to find the pious and martial among the populace who would be an asset on such. We're effectively creating a specialty unit doing exactly what he wants to be leading - and using it, of course, if usually against the phase tigers and other beasties.

Once it's pretty solid, leak a bit about it to the Ordo Malleus as a kind of open-ended offer. A witchhunting Inquisitor might find having such a band under their orders extremely useful - and I suspect he'd leap at the chance to be sent against the foes of the Ordo Malleus. Of not, then keep him on in the same role, except the focus is on building up, training and exporting witchhunters for the Ordo Malleus.

We could get quite the elite unit and some major credits with Ordo Malleus that we could parlay into resources. Granted, it's a ticking clock until the Imperium practically shuts down, but I suspect we have a few years to wring favors from outside parties. And, post-collapse, having an already-established anti-chaos unit to deploy might be crucial.

Or we could go for something less ambitious, I suppose.
Yup. We are now at the stage were we need to be careful in how we spend our resources.

Definitely need to get schools, and we ought continue pumping morale/productivity.
Yeah, atm we have 156k material and 54.6k metal.
Mines cost 37k material, so we'd have 119 material.
Net -5k material over 3 years (mines take 2 years to set up) costs an additional ~15k.
We absolutely need to save 44k material for factories, and we can't let our material store drop below that without delaying the factories, which would be unwise.

So we have around 60k material discretionary to spend on other projects.
And a ~22k metal budget over the two turns it takes for the mine to get setup. (54k-37k=17k, +~2.5k metal per turn until mines get up)
If it turns out that we need much more metal than we do material, we can always produce less material that turn. But again, 44,000 is our new zero where it comes to material. Bad things happen if it gets below that.

We definitely can't afford, say, Reinforce PDF, and we probably can't afford expand Temple of the Omnissiah or AAA guns or Field Artillery (depending on how much they increase upkeep).

It's not a total disaster, but I implore people to be very careful with how much they spend on metal and material the next couple of turns.
Just the relatively small and cheap projects, okay?

On the other hand, we can go nuts with how much money we spend. So there's that, at least.

EDIT: Forgot the Local Administratum Centres, which will reduce the cost of the projects. So there's a little more wriggle room, but not that much.
And if we get the production bonus from the sermon next turn, that's going to help bit too, though it wont help for next turn, only the turn after.
And again, no responsibility taken for arithmetic mistakes. Don't take my word for it.
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Turn 3
Turn 3

You are Fredrick Rotbart and you are currently taking a moment to wander the mostly empty halls of your far too big palace and reminisce over the last year, as the new year starts. Many major projects were finished last year, from the massive planetary headquarters for the military and the Administratum to Law Enforcement stations and informants for the Arbites. Even your request for more Thrones from the sector governor which netted you several times your most optimistic dreams. In fact you got so much you are almost certain that there is an Administratum error involved somewhere. As your contemplate that, you remember your first impression of Avernus, and the sheer awe you felt at the knowledge that this beautiful planet was going to be yours to govern for the rest of your life, short as that might be.
Over the last year you have spent some time researching STC's and exactly why Magos Explorator Tranth is so eager to find one. You knew the basics of course but you hadn't realized exactly how rare a find they are, and how much one can change the Imperium. (+1 Learning)

General Drago is glad the Planetary Command Headquarters is complete and is ready to begin some new projects. While General Drago's main long term concern is the slowing shrinking size of your military forces, at the moment he is far more worried by the signs that large number of Carniflowers are awakening near Hollin.

Choose 3

Adapt Defenses: Avernus Prime, Avernus' Spine and Lindon- Now that Magos Explorator Tranth has finished his research into how to defend against some of the more exotic threats on Avernus you can upgrade your defenses to stop Phase-tigers and Trolls. These underground metal plates and modified void shield generators are relatively expensive but would decrease the civilian deathrate by several percent.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 100 950 Thrones, 4 973 Material, 9 982 Metal, 3 301 Promethium. Upkeep: 10 095 Thrones per year , 249 Material per year, 499 Metal per year, 165 Promethium per year. Reward: Little wildlife gets through your walls, major decrease to civilian death rate slight decrease to military death rate.

Carniflower Rampage- A massive number of Carniflowers have awoken near Hollin and are threatening to breach the walls. General Drago suggests moving one Imperial Guard Regiment from each other Region along with the Black Irons, all of your drop troops and twenty PDF regiments from Avernus Prime to help deal with this. General Drago claims this is essential unless you want to risk Hollin falling.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 25 000 Thrones, 1 250 Material, 5 000 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown. Reward: Do not suffer heavy casualties in Hollin.

Boot Camps- General Drago want to build a series of boot camps for training new recruits and retraining veterans. This would ensure that new recruits are of better quality and that veterans do not lose their edge. Like the Officers Academy, General Drago does not consider this to be urgent.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 30 000 Thrones, 10 000 Material, 10 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 3 000 Thrones per year, 1 000 Material per year, 100 Metal per year, 20 Promethium per year. Reward: Basic Boots camps in every city, +5 to combat rolls for all PDF and Imperial guard units, allows some permanent training options.

Guard the Skies- General Drago has noticed that most of your Imperial Guard and PDF Regiments are not equipped with any form of anti-air weaponry. This is no issue while your forces stay under the cover of the anti-air batteries of you cities but could lead to problems for any expedition sent beyond the current cities. General Drago does not consider this to be urgent but claims it needs to be fixed at some point and has drawn up this plan to deal with the problem.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 32 000 Thrones, 6 500 Materials Upkeep: 80 Thrones per year, 16 Materials per year, 24 Promethium per year. Reward: 10 Hydra Flack Tanks added to each Regiment of Infantry, Heavy Infantry, Mechanized Infantry and Rough Riders. Note: Adds Hydras to all future Regiment's built, slightly increasing cost and upkeep.

King of Battle- General Drago has noticed the worrying lack of field artillery in your forces. He knows how essential artillery is to standard Imperial Guard tactics, and strongly encourages you to build Basilisk field guns to attach to most of your Regiments.
Time: 1 Year. Cost 37 750 Thrones 9 200 Material. Upkeep: 85 Thrones per year 23 Material per year 23 Promethium per year. Reward: 10 Basilisk field artillery platforms added to each Regiment of Infantry, Heavy Infantry and Mechanized Infantry. Note: Adds Basilisks to all future Regiment's built, slightly increasing cost and upkeep.

Training for Hell- Over the last decade your forces have learnt much about how to combat the monster that inhabit Avernus. General Drago proposes to codify this knowledge and hold seminars and exercises on how to kill the local wildlife for all PDF and Imperial Guard units. This will make your forces more effective when combating know threats in their Region.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 5 600 Thrones, 3 300 Material, 3 900 Promethium. Reward:All units get a +10 bonus to all combat rolls against known threats in their region for the next five years.

Training for War- Instead of specialized training for Avernus you could conduct a general intensive training exercise to increase the general combat readiness of all your forces. This would better prepare your forces for dealing with unknown enemies and for being transferred to a different region.
Time: 1 Year Cost: 5 400 Thrones, 2 900 Material, 3 400 Promethium. Reward: +5 percent Bonus to all combat rolls for the next 5 years.

Reinforce Imperial Guard- The Imperial Guard assigned to Avernus suffered very heavy casualties over the last twelve years and General Drago has suggested reinforcing them with soldiers from the PDF. This plan would ensure that there is at least one Imperial Guard Regiment per ten million people in each city and would replenish the ranks of all Imperial Guard Regiments. It would also recruit more PDF to replace the PDF promoted to Imperial Guard.
Time: 2 Years. Cost: 57 000 Thrones, 20 500 Material, 1 300 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 666 Thrones per year, 2 051 Material per year, 1 266 Promethium per year. Reward: 1 Drop Infantry Regiments, 2 Light Infantry Regiment, 1 Armored Regiment, 1 Rough Rider Regiment, brings all Imperial guard regiments to full strength.

Reinforce PDF- The Avernus Planetary Defense Force has suffered many casualties over the twelve years it has existed and General Drago has put in a request to recruit more PDF soldiers. This request if carried out would ensure that there is at least one PDF Regiment present per million people in each city and would replenish the ranks of all PDF Regiments currently under full strength.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 161 000 Thrones, 95 500 Material, 3 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 4 607 Thrones per year, 4 992 Materials per year, 2 986 Promethium per year. Reward: 21 PDF Infantry Regiments, 14 PDF Mechanized Infantry Regiments, 14 PDF Light Infantry Regiments, 1 PFD Heavy Infantry Regiment, 13 PDF Armored Regiments, 18 PDF Rough Rider Regiments, brings all PDF Regiments to full strength.

Every time you see Henry he looks more stressed and overworked, the strain of trying to administer Avernus while trying not to use up the last of the metal reserves seems to be getting to him. Despite this, he is happy to see you when you come to visit and shows you his latest plans, as well as taking a few minutes to talk about the past. It seems he is feeling nostalgic about the far lower stressed time before you were the Governor of a newly settled Hellworld and the local head of the Adeptus Administratum, after a certain point increased rank is not worth the responsibility that comes with it, at least some of the time. Now if only you could convince Caroline of that.

Choose 3

Public Schooling-Henry has proposed building public schools for all of Avernus. This would take a while to have an effect but would end up producing a better trained, more efficient workforce which would result in a significant increase in tax revenue and a some increase in other industries. Henry considers this a mid priority cause of action.
Time: 1 year. Cost:50 000 Thrones, 5 000 Materials, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 000 Thrones per year, 250 Material per year, 250 Metal per year, 25 Promethium per year. Reward: Public Schools in all cities, +5% base Thrones and +2% base Metal, Production Capacity and Promethium. This bonus is added every year for five year resulting in a +25% increase base Thrones and +10% base Metal, Production Capacity and Promethium.

Expand Mines- Avernus's current mines are small and use only basic equipment. This has to change. Henry has proposed to expand all current mines, use superior equipment and build some good ore smelters. While expensive and time consuming the plan would cover your minerals needs for a decade or so. Henry believes that this is ultra-high priority .
Time: 2 Years. Cost 185 000 Thrones, 37 000 Material, 37 000 Metal, 400 Promethium. Upkeep: 18 500 Thrones per year, 1 850 Material per year, 370 Promethium per year. Reward: Medium mines in all cities with access to metal, +36 000 Metal per year, +100% base metal production.

Build Factories: Avernus- Your current demand for manufactured goods outstrips supply by a noticeable and growing margin. Henry proposes to build factories all over Avernus to counteract this problem and to allow the production of more complex vehicles. These factories would triple your production capacities and while expensive would not take more than a year to build. Henry believe that this option should wait until mines are expanded so that there is enough metal to feed the new factories.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 220 000 Thrones, 44 000 Material, 44 000 Metal, 8 800 Promethium. Upkeep: 22 000 Thrones per year, 2 200 Metal per year, 440 Promethium per year. Reward: Small Factories in all cities, +48 000 Production Capacity, +50% base production capacity, allows construction of Variant Lemon Russ,Valkyries and Vendettas.

Build Factory: Avernus Prime- While you needto greatly increase your supply of manufactured goods you currently need to be careful with your low metal reserves. Henry suggests building a single factory in Avernus Prime as a far cheaper way to increase your manufactured goods output. This would put your Material into the black. Henry believes that this is high priority.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 22 000 Thrones, 4 400 Material, 4 400 Metal, 880 Promethium. Upkeep: 2 200 Thrones per year, 220 Metal per year, 44 Promethium per year. Reward: Small Factory in Avernus Prime, +2 000 Production Capacity, +50% base production capacity, allows construction of Variant Lemon Russ,Valkyries and Vendettas.

Public Health Care- Henry suggest building and running a free public health care system over Avernus. This would greatly decrease the effect of plagues and would increase both the rate of population growth and civilian and military morale with the main cost being in Thrones.
Time: 2 years. Cost 400 000 Thrones, 30 000 Material, 12 000 Metal, 1 000 Promethium. Upkeep: 80 000 Thrones per year, 3 000 Materials per year, 600 Metal per year, 38 Promethium per year. Reward: Public Hospitals in all cities, +2% population growth, reduced damage from plagues.

Social Policy: Work Harder- Henry has prepared a series of plans which include making the population of Avernus work longer the the 49 hours a week that is the current average working week.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 13 000 Thrones. Reward: Varied see below

Social Policy: Longer Working Week- The most simple of the plans is to increase the working week to 56 hours. This would have a small effect on morale and give a ten percent increase in productivity. Henry recommends this option
Reward: -1 Civilian Morale, +10% bonus to base income (multiplicative with morale bonus)

Social Policy: Much Longer Working Week- A more harsh plan is to increase the working week to 63 hour. This would have a major effect on morale and give a twenty percent increase in productivity.
Reward: -2 Civilian Morale, +20% bonus to base income (multiplicative with morale bonus)

Social Policy: Work to the Bone- A very harsh plan is to increase the working week to 70 hours. This massive amount of work would have a major effect on morale and increase productivity be thirty percent. Henry recommends against this option
Reward: -3 Civilian Morale, +30% bonus to base income (multiplicative with morale bonus)

Trading Posts: Lindon- Henry claims that he has located several goods in Lindon that would be quite valuable off world. He proposes setting up groups to gather these plant and animal products from the forests. While causing an increase in the civilian death rate this would provide large number of thrones when a trade ship arrives and a moderate increase in economic activity in Lindon. Henry believes that this is low priority.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 22 000 Thrones, 5 500 Material, 5 500 Metal, 550 Promethium. Upkeep: 2 000 Thrones per year, 275 Material per year, 275 Metal per year, 27 Promethium per year. Reward: Trading Posts in Lindon, d10 times16 000 Thrones of goods per turn, acquired with next trade-ship, 30% increase in thrones, -0.25% population growth

Grox Farms: Elysium- Your largest source of food is currently rather tasteless recycled organics and you have the potential to change this. By breeding more grox on the plains of Elysium and setting up better farming practices you can provide large amounts of meat allowing grox meat to become affordable to most of your population.
Time: 1 year. Cost 18 000 Thrones, 4 000 Materials, 1 800 Metal, 900 Promethium. Upkeep: 1 800 Thrones per year, 400 Material per year, 90 Metal per year, 90 Promethium per year. Reward: Small Grox farms in Elysium, +0.5% Population growth in Elysium, +0.25% Population growth in other regions, +3 000 Thrones income.

Lord Klovis-Ultan is very surprised at how effective his lobbying was last year and wants to build on that success. Fortunately Avernus Prime has yet to run into any major issues so he still has plenty of free time to spend working on submissions. In fact he seem to be the only one of your advisers who has any free time at the moment, much to the jealousy of several of the others.

Choose Two

Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum- You can request that the Administratum send you extra resources to aid the start up of Avernus. It will take several years for any aid sent to reach Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Either 500 000 Thrones, 100 000 Metal, Material or Promethium or 100 000 Thrones and 20 000 Metal, Material and Promethium.

Request for aid: Adeptus Astra Telepathica- You can request the Adeptus Astra Telepathica to evaluate whether a Scholastica Psykana should be built on Avernus. Even if they do there is no guarantee that they will decide that it is a viable location.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success:20% Reward:The Adeptus Astra Telepathica sends an agent to evaluate Avernus as a location for a Scholastica Psykana

Request for aid: Ordo Malleus- You can request that the Ordo Malleus send agents or infomation to Avernus. Even if they come you have no way of predicting their actions.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success:20% Reward: Unknown Ordo Malleus assistance

Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus- You can request that the Adeptus Mechanicus send you more Tech-Priests to help develop Avernus's industrial capacity. It will take several years for any aid sent to reach Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 40% Reward: More Tech-Priests move to Avernus and increase all Production Capacity, Metal and Promethium by 10%

Request for aid: Adeptus Ministorum- You can request that the Ecclesiarchy send a contingent of priest to minister to your populace. It will take several years for any aid sent to reach Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 60% Reward: More priests who increase population Morale by 1 and reduce the chance of cults by 5%.

Request for new deacon: Adeptus Ministorum- You can request that the Ecclesiarchy send a higher ranked priest to take over from Deacon Aurilian so that he can focus on hunting witches. This is unlikely to be carried out as the Ecclesiarchy dislikes others interfering with them. If Deacon Aurilian finds out he may become hostile to you.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 20% Reward: new piety adviser

Tourist Trap- You can publicize Avernus as a potential tourist destination hopefully attracting money from tourists.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Income from tourists, chance of

Arbitrator Oakheart is very worried about the rise in cultists over the last year and hopes that the informants and local Law Enforcement Officers she has trained will be able to catch them. She isn't sure that they will however and so has several plans to increase the likelihood of successfully locating Chaos Cults, before they get too dangerous.

Choose Two

Hidden Agents: Elysium and Lindon- Now that Arbitrator Oakheart has finished setting up a network of informers she wishes to train a group of dedicated spies to support the informant network. These spy would be mostly recruited from the more gifted informants and would actively seek out information, rather than merely report what they hear. While you currently don't have the resources to roll this out over all of Avernus, Arbitrator Oakheart suggests beginning in the more worrying areas of Elysium and Lindon where there has been a spike in the number of cultists found over the last year.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 100 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 10 Promethium. Upkeep: 10 000 Thrones per year, 50 Material per year. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Trained spies seek out information on psykers and cultists in Elysium and Lindon , +5% chance of detecting cultists in Elysium and Lindon , +5% chance of finding psykers in Elysium and Lindon .

Psyker Hunters- Arbitrator Oakheart believes you should build a group dedicated to finding and killing or capturing unregistered psykers. This group would have a headquarters in Avernus Prime and informants in every Region.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 250 Material, 3 Promethium. Upkeep: 1 000 Thrones per year, 25 Material per year, 1 Promethium per year. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: +10% to chance of finding psykers, specialized unit of anti-psyker warriors.

Detectives: Elysium and Lindon- Arbitrator Oakheart wishes to add dedicated detective units to each Law Enforcement Station and increase the number of Law Enforcement Officers. While you currently don't have the resources to roll this out over all of Avernus, ArbitratorOakheart suggests beginning in the more worrying areas of Elysium and Lindon where there has been a spike in the number of cultists found over the last year.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 50 000 Thrones, 5 000 Material, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 000 Thrones per year , 250 Material per year, 250 Metal per year, 25 Promethium per year. Chance of Success: 80% Rewards: More Law Enforcement Officers and Detectives, +5% chance of detecting cultists, 1 in 2 chance of increasing morale.

Investigate The Bayou- The Bayou had a rogue psyker open a warp rift several years ago. While the rift was quickly closed with orbital lance strikes from the Iron Fist, and that half of the city was walled and closed off, it is probable that some level of warp taint remains. ArbitratorOakheart wants to personally investigate The Bayou to find the extent of this taint.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: Unknown. Reward: Information on the level of taint that remains at The Bayou.

Investigate True Grit- True Grit has had a string of bad luck right from first settlement a decade ago. Arbitrator Oakheart is worried that the string of bad luck is a symptom of some underlying cause and wishes to investigate.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: Unknown. Reward: Information on the level of taint that remains at True Grit.

Cultist Hunt- The increase in number of cultists found in Elysium and Lindon worries Arbitrator Oakheart enough that she wants to investigate personally. If she does, there will be a significant increase in how many cultists are found but it will take up a large potion of her time over the next year.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: add half the margin of success to all attempts to find cultists in Elysium and Lindon this year.

Magos Explorator Tranth has yet to reach the defenses on the ruins but has a new technique that he hopes will work, though you have your doubts. Otherwise he is too busy researching how to optimize the defenses in Regions Beta and Delta to start any new projects.

Choose One

Built on Ruins- Beta-5, the warzone of Region Beta, is built on top of some ancient ruins. These are the only ruins yet discovered in Region Beta and Magos Explorator Tranth wishes to gain entry to them.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 2 000 Material, 100 Metal, 50 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruins beneath Beta-5.

Under the Sands: Under Zeta-4 lies long buried ruins from the Dark Age of Technology Magos Explorator Tranth wants to gain entry.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 2 000 Material, 100 Metal, 50 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruins beneath Zeta-4.

Buried Treasure- Under Zeta-3 lie the largest ancient ruins as yet discovered on Avernus. Magos Explorator Tranth would have prefered to explore these ruins before any others but now intends to study it next.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 2 000 Material, 100 Metal, 50 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruins beneath Zeta-5.

Lost City- The city of Gamma-4 was emptied of life when a foolish attempt to access the ruin hidden within it triggered an radiation trap. Magos Explorator Tranth is confident that he can safely open the ruins and if not at least it is no longer under a major city. Magos Explorator Tranth has begun work on these ruins and would prefer to finish before starting somewhere else.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 500 Metal, 100 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruins beneath Gamma-4.

Optimize Defenses- Many of the native creatures of Avernus have unusual abilities that make the standard Imperial defenses unable to stop them. Magos Explorator Tranth is willing to reaseach how to best stop these creatures.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 60 000 Thrones, 10 000 Material, 2 000 Metal, 100 Promethium. Chance of Success: 70% rolled separately for each region. Reward: Recieve report on how to make your defences less permeable to the local wildlife, and thereby reduce civilian and military casualties
Locked 1 out of 2 turns completed

Deacon Aurilian has been busy in the last year personally interrogating and burning the Chaos worshiping heretics that have been located. He has been moderately successful and found out some of the more common ways for them to identify each other(+3 on attempts to detect cultists for the next year). Otherwise, with input from you, he has come up with collection of plans for what the church can do over the next year, including a reworked plan for witch hunters.

Choose One

Sermon- Deacon Aurilian can use his control over the church to order preachers to give a series of sermons on a certain topic.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Varies

Sermon: The Enemy Within- Deacon Aurilian and his preachers are eager to give a series of sermons focusing on heretics, the enemy within, and how to spot them.
Reward: -5% cult activity and +5% chance of detecting cults until another sermon is given.

Sermon: Burn the Witch- Deacon Aurilian wishes to have his preachers give a series of sermons focusing on hatred for the witch and how to spot them. Despite his slightly worrying obsession on this topic it is not a bad idea.
Reward: +10% chance of detecting psykers until another sermon is given.

Sermon: The Emperor Protects- Deacon Aurilian can have his more compassionate preachers give a series of sermons on the protection that the Emperor gives his worshipers. This will increase the morale of the general populace.
Reward: +1 Civilian Morale until another sermon is given.

Sermon: Hammer of the Emperor- Deacon Aurilian can give a series of sermons on how the Imperial Guard is the Hammer of the Emperor therefore his chosen servants. This will increase the morale of the military.
Reward: +1 Military Morale until another sermon is given

Sermon: Work for the Emperor- Deacon Aurilian can give a series of sermons about how every little piece of work strengthens the Imperium and is therefore holy. This will encourage the civilians to work harder and longer.
Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: +10% productivity until another sermon is given

Cathedral of the God-Emperor- Build a Cathedral in Avernus Prime allowing Deacon Aurilian a base of operations and showing the faithful of Avernus Prime the glory of the Emperor.
Time: 2 years. Cost: 40 000 Thrones, 5 000 Material, 15 000 Metal, 1 000 Promethium. Upkeep: 4 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 1 000 Metal, 50 Promethium. Reward: Cathedral in Avernus Prime, 1 more Adeptus Ministorum action per turn, -10% cult activity in Avernus Prime.

Burn the Witch, Version 2- Deacon Aurilian wants to build a group dedicated to finding and killing witches, in fact he goes on about it a lot. This group would consist of holy warriors equipped with the best anti-psyker weapons and trained to kill witches. Recently after finding out his history you have come up with the idea of enlarging this group, have it focus entirely on killing cultists and psykers while ArbitratorOakheart finds them and encouraging Deacon Aurilian to personally lead them.
Time: 2 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 100 Promethium. Upkeep: 4 000 Thrones, 200 Material, 20 Promethium. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Company of trained anti psyker warriors, chance to persuade Deacon Aurilian to let someone else be your piety advisor.

You have projects that you should or could personally supervise ranging from large scale industrial projects to personal improvement. Caroline Vergil your new assistant has an worrying amount of ambition which you hope to teach her to keep in check but is a brilliant administrative assistant.

Choose 4

Personal attention- You are highly capable of military command, administration, and intrigue and are capable of managing a project in any of those fields. Just one though, as you don't have that much free time.
Time: as project. Cost: free. Reward: get one extra Adeptus Munitorum, Adeptus Administratum or Adeptus Arbites action with your characteristic bonus.

Ambition Under Control- After working with Caroline Vergil for the last year you do not think she will ever totally lose the ambition that so defines her but you hope she can be taught to keep it under control. Working with Father Gamal, your personal confessor, your have come up with a plan to teach her. It will take several years but if it works she will be a far better assistant.
Time: 2 years. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Caroline Vergil no longer suffers from the negative effects of her ambition.

Plea to Ecclesiarchy- You can add your voice to efforts to have someone sent to outrank Deacon Aurilian. While still unlikely this will increase the chance of success.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 40% Reward: add margin of success to Request for new deacon

Investigate Magos Explorator Tranth- You can have people look into the history of Magos Explorator Tranth and what forces he has on Avernus.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 65% Reward: Character sheet on Magos Explorator Tranth, datasheet on Adeptus Mechanicus forces on Avernus.

Expedite Administratum request: You have a good understanding of the Administratum and many contacts within it, and can use this to increase the likelihood that a request to the Administratum is carried out and how much you gain from it.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Request for aid: Adeptus Administratum gets a +15 to success chance and has a improved yield.

Promote Avernus- You can use your prestige to back the attempt to attract tourists to Avernus.
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Request for aid: Tourist trap has +10% chance of Success.

Speak to the People: Much to the surprise of both you and your advisers you are a highly popular figure on Avernus. You can use this popularity to run a series of Tel-casts to raise the morale of both the civilains and the military.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 5 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 60%. Reword: +1 to Civilian and Military Morale.

Combat Training- You can undergo more combat training to ready yourself for the dangers of Avernus.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: +1 Martial

Seek the Emperor- You can study and meditate on the holy scriptures and strengthen your faith.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: +1 Piety

Courtly Manners- You can undergo etiquette training and learn how to negotiate more effectively.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: +1 Diplomacy

Shadow Games- You can learn more about the shadow games played by the Inquisition and their fores from ArbitratorOakheart.
Time: 1 Year. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 50% Reward: +1 Intrigue

Currant Income Thrones Material Metal Promethuim
Currant Income 234 710 -4 591 2 439 3 997
Currant Reserves 85 966 156 090 54 658 22 606
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[X]Carniflower Rampage
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 25 000 Thrones, 1 250 Material, 5 000 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown. Reward: Do not suffer heavy casualties in Hollin.
[X]Training for Hell
Time: 1 year. Cost: 5 600 Thrones, 3 300 Material, 3 900 Promethium. Reward:All units get a +10 bonus to all combat rolls against known threats in their region for the next five years.
[X]Training for War
Time: 1 Year Cost: 5 400 Thrones, 2 900 Material, 3 400 Promethium. Reward: +5 percent Bonus to all combat rolls for the next 5 years.

[X]Expand Mines
Time: 2 Years. Cost 185 000 Thrones, 37 000 Material, 37 000 Metal, 400 Promethium. Upkeep: 18 500 Thrones per year, 1 850 Material per year, 370 Promethium per year. Reward: Medium mines in all cities with access to metal, +36 000 Metal per year, +100% base metal production.
[X]Build Factory: Avernus Prime
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 22 000 Thrones, 4 400 Material, 4 400 Metal, 880 Promethium. Upkeep: 2 200 Thrones per year, 220 Metal per year, 44 Promethium per year. Reward: Small Factory in Avernus Prime, +2 000 Production Capacity, +50% base production capacity, allows construction of Variant Lemon Russ,Valkyries and Vendettas.
[X]Grox Farms: Elysium
Time: 1 year. Cost 18 000 Thrones, 4 000 Materials, 1 800 Metal, 900 Promethium. Upkeep: 1 800 Thrones per year, 400 Material per year, 90 Metal per year, 90 Promethium per year. Reward: Small Grox farms in Elysium, +0.5% Population growth in Elysium, +0.25% Population growth in other regions, +3 000 Thrones income.

[X]Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 40% Reward: More Tech-Priests move to Avernus and increase all Production Capacity, Metal and Promethium by 10%
[X]Tourist Trap
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones Chance of Success: 60% Reward: Income from tourists, chance of immigration

[X]Investigate The Bayou
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: Unknown. Reward: Information on the level of taint that remains at The Bayou.
[X]Cultist Hunt
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 70%. Reward: add half the margin of success to all attempts to find cultists in Elysium and Lindon this year.

[X]Lost City
Time: 1 year. Cost: 10 000 Thrones, 1 000 Material, 500 Metal, 100 Promethium. Chance of Success: Unknown but low. Reward: Gain entry to the ruins beneath Gamma-4.

[X]Sermon: Work for the Emperor
Cost: 10,000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 60%. Reward: +10% productivity until another sermon is given

[X]Personal attention
--[X]Public Schooling

Time: 1 year. Cost:50 000 Thrones, 5 000 Materials, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium. Upkeep: 5 000 Thrones per year, 250 Material per year, 250 Metal per year, 25 Promethium per year. Reward: Public Schools in all cities, +5% base Thrones and +2% base Metal, Production Capacity and Promethium. This bonus is added every year for five year resulting in a +25% increase base Thrones and +10% base Metal, Production Capacity and Promethium.
[X]Ambition Under Control
Time: 2 years. Cost: Free. Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Caroline Vergil no longer suffers from the negative effects of her ambition.
[X]Investigate Magos Explorator Tranth
Time: 1 Year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 65% Reward: Character sheet on Magos Explorator Tranth, datasheet on Adeptus Mechanicus forces on Avernus.
[X]Promote Avernus
Time: 1 year. Cost: 20 000 Thrones. Chance of Success: 70% Reward: Request for aid: Tourist trap has +10% chance of Success.

(approximate) Cost after 29% saving:

Thrones: 306k Thrones
Metal cost: 34.5k Metal Units
Material cost: 40k Material units
Promethium: 10.7 Promethium units
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Over the last year you have spent some time researching STC's and exactly why Magos Explorator Tranth is so eager to find one. You knew the basics of course but you hadn't released exactly how rare a find they are, and how much one can change the Imperium. (+1 Learning)

It's 'realized', by the by. Useful it be.

Okay, our income. Positive across the board (except material), but the increase isn't sufficient to do a lot of improvement (except with thrones). We'll need to find ways to improve that, of course.


[X] Training for War
[X] Carniflower Rampage
[X] Training for Hell

Adapt defenses has a reasonably low non-throne upkeep, but I don't know if we can take the upfront metal cost. Dealing with the rampage has a one-off cost only, as does training for hell. The upkeeps for Guard the Skies and King of Battle are... pretty low, actually. Boot camps is higher. We can't current afford to reinforce, unfortunately.

25 000 Thrones, 1 250 Material, 5 000 Promethium
5 600 Thrones, 3 300 Material, 3 900 Promethium
5 400 Thrones, 2 900 Material, 3 400 Promethium

36,000 Thrones | 7,450 Material | 12,300 Promethium


[X] Public Schooling
[X] Expand Mines
[X] Social Policy: Much Longer Working Week

Public schooling is a definite; that upkeep is pretty damn low right now, and the Emperor knows we need more of everything (well, maybe not thrones :p). The mines are must-have, end of discussion, even though they'll really take out all the metal reserves. The Grox Farms are good because of the low expense; I'm leery of losing Morale now that we've maxed it out, unless we can counter this somewhere else. However, I don't think we have a choice; we can deal with that latter, after we've stabilized.

50 000 Thrones, 5 000 Materials, 5 000 Metal, 500 Promethium
185 000 Thrones, 37 000 Material, 37 000 Metal, 400 Promethium

235,000 Thrones | 42,000 Material | 42,000 Metal | 900 Promethium


[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Ministorum

The Adeptus aid is really important for the same income reasons as the mines and so on. The ministrorum counters the lose from the social policy. Administratum aid will likely come only after we've either stabilized metal or have run out... and it's only 40% chance of success.

40,000 Thrones


[X] Investigate The Bayou
[X] Investigate True Grit

Investigate the two places - both to find out what we're facing there and because we don't have a lot of non-Throne resources to play with.

20,000 Thrones


[X] Lost City

Nothing really to say; let's crack this one.

10,000 Thrones | 1,000 Material | 500 Metal | 100 Promethium


[X] Burn the Witch, Version 2
[X] Sermon: Work for the Emperor

We've already got a Sermon running, and we don't need a giant temple at present.

10,000 Thrones


[X] Ambition Under Control
[X] Speak to the People
[X] Investigate Magos Explorator Tranth
[X] Seek the Emperor

Let's go ahead and nip Caroline's ambition in the bud. Meanwhile, Speak to the People should help with the negative effects of a longer work-week. Investigating Tranth is a sound choice, and we round it out with a bit of self-improvement; a bit of prayer should help.

25,000 Thrones


36,000 Thrones | 7,450 Material | 12,300 Promethium
235,000 Thrones | 42,000 Material | 42,000 Metal | 900 Promethium
40,000 Thrones
20,000 Thrones
10,000 Thrones | 1,000 Material | 500 Metal | 100 Promethium
10,000 Thrones
25,000 Thrones

376,000 Thrones | 50,450 Material | 42,500 Metal | 13,300 Promethium
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[] Training for War
[ Carniflower Rampage
[Training for Hell

2 options that cost little metals/materials, and a necessary one.


Public Schooling
[ grox farms
[ Build Factory: Avernus Prime

Public schooling has great long-term dividends, expanding the mines is OMGWTFBBQ necessary, and the avernus prime factory should get us in the black for materials without driving us to metal bankruptcy.

[Request aid: Admech
Tourist Trap
Admech, so we can actually bust open these delicious treasure troves of DAOT shinies, tourist trap because it has a good chance of doing wonders for our economy. Remember, Tourism will take several turns to come into effect, while social policies will come into effect immediately. In the long run, we should aim to get both, so lets have the tourists rolling in as soon as possible before working our chappies to the bone. the Imperium will only last so long, after all.

Hidden Agents
[ Cultist hunt
We should do the cultist hunt, as cultist growth is proportional to cultist numbers. I am inclined to get some agents happening before doing investigates, but I could be persuaded to change.

[XThe lost city
I doubt that we could pry Tranth away from this with a crowbar.

[X] Witch hunters V2.
Much more vital than a sermon, and we cannot afford a cathedral right now.

[Expand mine
[Promote Avernus
nvestigate Tranth
Ambition under control

We are actually better than our advisors on admin, so let's do the most costly admin project ourselves.

[x] superticus. I did not have time to cost out the plan, and did not see that it brought us over.
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[X] Carniflower Rampage
[X] Training for Hell
[X] Training for War

The most urgent and affordable choices.

[X] Expand Mines
[X] Build Factory: Avernus Prime

Public Schooling

Each one of these is essential to put us in the black on Metal and Materials. Public Schooling gives a bonus to all types of production, and eventually reaches 25% bonus.

[X] Tourist Trap
[X] Request for aid: Adeptus Mechanicus

I'm almost ready for the Tourist Trap, but I want to take a stab at the Priests and the Tech-Priest first. If even one of these succeeds then we have space to pick the next in the queue next turn. I think Tourist Trap is next on the priority list.
EDIT: It was pointed out to me that Tourist trap has a longer time cost, so better to get that one first. Change vote accordingly.

[X] Investigate The Bayou
[X] Cultist Hunt

The cheapest way of investigating all these problems.
EDIT: Actually, looking at it, I think Cultist Hunt just adds a bonus to other attempts to find cultist. Might have to change this one...

[X] Lost City
[X] Optimize Defenses (Locked)

If at first you don't succeed...

[X] Sermon: Work for the Emperor

Let's get a sermon working before switching over to witch hunting.

[X] Investigate Magos Explorator Tranth
Personal Attention: Investigate True Grit

[X] Ambition Under Control
[X] Promote Avernus

Find out more about our advisers. I see that Oakheart is no longer on the list to investigate...

Correct our assistant, and support Tourist Trap.

EDIT: Switched out the Personal attention option of a free improve ourselves option, only way to get the cost below what we can afford. Updated my costs.

EDIT2: Turns out we get 24% saving bonus, so I switched back. Updated costs below.

Total Cost: 333,000 Thrones; 54,850 Material; 46,900 Metal; 14,180 Oil

Total Cost after 24% savings: 253,080 Thrones; 41,686 Material; 35,644 Metal; 10,776 Oil

Some people's plans are way over what we can afford. Mine and CircleTheSkies plans are the only ones in our price range.

Available to spend:
320,676 Thrones
151,499 Material
57,097 Metal
26,603 Oil
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Tourist trap takes on average twice as long as either of those requests. It might be wise to do it first.
@durin Question about the Cultist Hunt option. Will this add to the finding of cultists in Elysium and Lindon by itself? Or do we also need Detectives or Hidden Agents to get an effect from it?
Most people's plans are way over what we can afford. Even mine is slightly over.
EDIT: Updated my plan to put us under budget.

Available to spend:
320,676 Thrones
151,499 Material
57,097 Metal
26,603 Promethium

@Superticus Plan:
504.5 Thrones
46.3 Metal
55.1 Material
14.5 Promethium

@CircleTheSkies Plan (Has not taken the 24% saving bonus so is under budget)
386,000 Thrones | 51,450 Material | 42,500 Metal | 13,400 Promethium

@Skewfiend Plan:
Costs not totaled, but I'm certain it's over

My Plan (Updated with new costs):
253,080 Thrones;
41,686 Material;
35,644 Metal;
10,776 Promethium
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its 24 percent saving when you add in admin skill .
Cultist hunt does not need detective or Hidden agents to work
[X] Training for War
[X] Carniflower Rampage
[X] Training for Hell


[X] Public Schooling
[X] grox farms
[X] Build Factory: Avernus Prime

[X] Request aid: Admech
[X] Tourist Trap

[X] Hidden Agents
[X] Cultist hunt

[X] The lost city

[X] Witch hunters V2.

[X] Expand mine
[X] Promote Avernus
[X] Investigate Tranth
[X] Ambition under control
Available to spend:
320,676 Thrones
151,499 Material
57,097 Metal
26,603 Promethium

Numbers on @Skewfiend Plan:

Total Cost: 441,000 Thrones; 62,350 Material; 52,400 Metal; 14,840 Oil

After 24% savings:
335,160 Thrones

We can't afford it.

Guys, please stop voting for plans and creating plans we cannot afford.
@prince84 and @Superticus

Both of the plans you are voting for are no good.

Please vote for either my plan or CircleTheSkies plan. Or create a new plan that will not bankrupt us.