The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 593 80.4%
  • No

    Votes: 145 19.6%

  • Total voters
Just as a note to everyone, durin said that we don't have to take the course ourselves to stay with her in the ramillies. We can join her there without taking up two of our actions.
[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring
-[X] Double Down: Mentoring

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administration)

I don't know what to do for the extra Diplomacy slot, so I wrote something in.
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[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Way of the Blade (Syr)

[X] Mentoring
-[X] Double Down: Mentoring

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administration)
I would suggest expediting the minefield so we can do the attend the academy next turn, long term that is better as we can start using our personal attention on void actions. If we had it for this turn for example, we could do a ship construction action, build more defense platforms, start another shipyard and get the minefield up for example. It is a powerful way to increase both our system defense and the trust as we can use it to expedite shipyards in sequence so we finish one every year (two from void and two from personal attentions).
[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)
-[X] Double Down: Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administration)
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[X] Expand Naval Academy
[X] Expand Shipyards

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood
-[X] Expedite: Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring
Scince Mentoring is free we can sadly not double down on it...

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administartion)
[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)
-[X] Double Down: Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administartion)
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Important information effecting decisions here. Some people claim remembering that you said that if we build a second large shipyard that it will speed up construction of additional small shipyards. Is that accurate?
Well, here's my plan. Might change, but seems unlikely this go around. Hopefully durin keeps this vote short.

Void Command

[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

Getting the Defense Monitors upgraded will "vastly" improve our defenses according to Freya, and so it's a good use of our shipyards until the time comes that we can start repairing ships. Expediting because we want the Void Command slot open ASAP.
The Naval Academy expansion came out of left field for me, but it makes total sense at the same time. We'll need to start it ASAP so it's ready when we're able to repair ships in a few years.


[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

Henry says do it, so we're doing it. And it just makes sense to not have any regional cities anymore.


[X] Sound Out (Diplomacy with Trolls)
-[X] Double Down: Sound Out (Diplomacy with Trolls)

I can't think of anything else, and info on Jotunheim's security policies might help improve our own. Sounding out on opinions regarding our contact with the Trolls will be useful.


[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

No strong feelings here.

Astra Telepathica

[X] Mentoring

Need to get that Beta to pass. Betas are strategic assets, after all.


[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administration)

Business as usual here.

@Void Stalker, @HanEmpire, @Derek58, @Nervos Belli - Come on guys, you know better than this. You can't double down on Mentoring because it's free. Twice the cost of zero is still zero.
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[X] Formal Education
[X] Expand Naval Academy
-[X] Expedite: Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Sound Out (Diplomacy with Trolls)
-[X] Double Down: Sound Out (Diplomacy with Trolls)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring

[X] Attend Naval Academy

The point of attending naval academy at the same time as waifu is that it would count as "spend time with family", making it one-slot task.

@durin: Can we use "sound out" diplomacy action to find out what other people think about our contacts with Trolls?
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@Void Stalker, @HanEmpire, @Derek58, @Nervos Belli - Come on guys, you know better than this. You can't double down on Mentoring because it's free. Twice the cost of zero is still zero.
Right, thank you.

[X] Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
-[X] Expedite: Construct: Major Refit: Defence Monitors
[X] Expand Naval Academy

[X] Expand City: Mirkwood

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)
-[X] Double Down: Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)

[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)

[X] Mentoring

[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administartion)
@Enjou I thought we were planning to have Robert do the naval academy with his wife next turn?

Also might want to find out what people think of us contacting the trolls.
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My thoughts are that what to do on the void action depends on the answer from durin to my question.

If Large shipyards do increase the speed at which we build small shipyards, then we should focus on building small shipyards until we get a second large shipyard, and then send Rotbart and Freya to the Naval Academy. If they don't then we should do something that take one turn so we can send them to the Naval Academy next year so that Rotbart can start using Personal Actions to push forward more Void actions.

That one turn action is probably the minefield.

The question becomes what to do about the shipbuilding action. It seems to me that upgrading the defense monitors is a mistake to do this turn.

Either we should build the Ancient Defense Cruisers (since that will make our defenses almost impenetrable) or we should build the all escorts.

And I think it depends on what the answer is to my question.

If we are going the large shipyard first, and Naval Academy later, then I think we should build the Ancient defense cruisers, and Build a small shipyard (expedite). That will move us fast towards more shipyards, and then we can expand the Naval Academy in ~3 years, so that it will finish around the same time as the Ancient Defense cruisers and be ready for all the ships we repair from the ship graveyard.

If we are going to go to the Naval Academy first, then I think we are better off doing a bunch of short actions. So I would get the Minefield (expedite), and building all Escorts (since escorts also synergize well with minefields) and then the next shipbuilding action we upgrade the defense monitors. That also takes a total of 8 years (like the Ancient Defense Cruisers).

Although I suppose we could build Ancient Defense Cruisers and also expedite a Minefield... hmmm...
@Enjou Wouldn´t be better to expedite the minefield and send Freya and Robart to the Academy next year?

To be capable of use personal actions in Void will be a major boost...
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On other actions I think we need to sound out people about our actions with the Trolls.

Also, we are going to need to sound out people about importing Avernite Psyker Hunters.

I think we should keep on with the Intrigue and Administration. Next year switch to Way of the Blade and Piety. Then alternate between Piety and Martial and Administration for the last of Syr's tutoring (while continuing Way of the Blade).
I thought we were planning to have Robert do the naval academy with his wife next turn?
I don't see why we should do the naval academy, to be honest. It takes away two of our actions and Freya's the one with actual void experience. We should join her on the ramillies but actually taking the course with her will take too much of our time away.

[X] Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)
-[X] Double Down: Request Information (Jotunheim: Internal Security Apparatus)
Sounding out on the trolls might be better. Our internal security is already pretty tight.

[X] Way of the Blade (Syr)

This or intrigue. Either works for me, tbh.
Since you're fine with both, I say go for intrigue. It's not up to 20 yet and the chance for succeeding in Way of the Blade has not increased as much as it can.
I don't see why we should do the naval academy, to be honest. It takes away two of our actions and Freya's the one with actual void experience. We should join her on the ramillies but actually taking the course with her will take too much of our time away.

Because then we can use Personal Attention on Void Actions - which is our main action bottleneck (other than Mechanicus)
I don't see why we should do the naval academy, to be honest. It takes away two of our actions and Freya's the one with actual void experience. We should join her on the ramillies but actually taking the course with her will take too much of our time away.

Sounding out on the trolls might be better. Our internal security is already pretty tight.

Since you're fine with both, I say go for intrigue. It's not up to 20 yet and the chance for succeeding in Way of the Blade has not increased as much as it can.
He naval academy allows Robert to do void actions as personal actions, and supposedly if taken in tandem with waifu a boost to each other chances of success.

Edit, mandraked
@Enjou Wouldn´t be better to expedite ehr minefield and send Fraya and Robart to the Academy next year?

To be capable of use personal actions in Void will be a major boost...

The extra action would really, really be nice, but honestly we need the Naval Academy expanded before we start repairing ships so that we have enough capacity to train people up.

After Syr is 18 we may just need to bite the bullet and go without Freya, and double up on family time rather than doing any personal projects to make up for it.

On other actions I think we need to sound out people about our actions with the Trolls.

This is a good idea, I'll switch to it.

Since you're fine with both, I say go for intrigue. It's not up to 20 yet and the chance for succeeding in Way of the Blade has not increased as much as it can.

Already changed just before you posted this.
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Current Plan:

Void Actions:

[X] Construct: Ancient Defence Cruisers
246,500,000 Thrones, 13,440,000 Material, 896,000 Promethium, 120,400 Advanced Material, 605 Exotic Material
[X] Small Minefield: Deiphobe
64,000,000 Thrones, 12,800,000 Material, 640,000 Promethium, 8,600 Advanced Material
-[X] Expedite: Small Minefield: Deiphobe
64,000,000 Thrones, 12,800,000 Material, 640,000 Promethium, 8,600 Advanced Material

Currently based on the assumption that large shipyards do not make building small shipyards faster, and so planning to attend Naval Academy next year. Will change if I get new information from durin.


[X] Expand City: Mirkwood
5,073,000 Thrones, 901,700 Material, 519,500 Metal, 209,100 Promethium, 3,558 Advanced Material


[X] Sound Out (Diplomacy with the Trolls)
144,000 Thrones
-[X] Double Down: Sound Out (Diplomacy with the Trolls)
144,000 Thrones


[X] Tutor Syr (Intrigue)


[X] Mentoring


[X] Spend Time With Family
[X] Tutor Syr (Administration)
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The extra action would really, really be nice, but honestly we need the Naval Academy expanded before we start repairing ships so that we have enough capacity to train people up.

I think as long as we get this done in the next 8 years or so it will be fine. We aren't going to have a massive fleet for quite awhile. Upgrading defense monitors locks up our shipyards for 5 years already, and as I said I think Ancient Defense Monitors is a better choice than Upgrading Defense Monitors, and that's 8 years.

That means we don't have to start it for another 3 years.