A proposal to consider would be combining the system defense fleets with the remaining Imperial Navy until either Vanheim or Midgard come out of the storm.
but just having one will cause a sort of bottleneck if repairs for the fleet need to be done and there's not enough space for te damaged ships?1: I'd rather not make a coercive deal like that
2: Who else are they going to ask to build them? Of course they will ask Avernus to build them.
Because they take 5 years to build?
why only one shipyard? would it be better to make more at the same time?
but just having one will cause a sort of bottleneck if repairs for the fleet need to be done and there's not enough space for te damaged ships?
I'm not an expert but having just one might not be the best, a second or third built at the same time might be better *shrugs* that and when vanahiem comes out of the storm it gives them things to work on/upgrade up.
A proposal to consider would be combining the system defense fleets with the remaining Imperial Navy until either Vanheim or Midgard come out of the storm.
[X] Propose that warp capable system defense fleets be placed under the command of the Imperial Navy, until such time as either Midgard or Vanaheim come out of the Warp storm.
While Navy situation is a major disaster, we also lost 2/3 of our Guard forces as well.
[X] Propose emergency draft to bring Trust Guard back to strength.
About the shipyard : Svartalfheim is the ideal, of course, combining large population with strong industrial base, but I'd go with Muspelheim over Asgard as second choice.
I don't think that's strictly necessary. They've got enough ships to handle their patrols, and I can't imagine the worlds not sending their ships to aid their neighbors. Also, the Imperial Navy does have command over all naval forces when they are present in a system that is being attacked.
This a bad idea as there are a lot of valuable assets in the system.I am proposing giving the navy control over their disposition and tasks now, not just during combat. For example, I would bet a large number of the Avernite fleet would be redeployed elsewhere.
I am proposing giving the navy control over their disposition and tasks now, not just during combat.
For example, I would bet a large number of the Avernite fleet would be redeployed elsewhere.
I'm not looking to make a coercive deal, just to have them give us a reason why the things they want should be prioritized over want the others will want. So lets take the Knight Forlorn. Asgard want's that so they can fight in space. On the other hand the Trust Guard want's Land Raiders and Land Speeders for their forces. Well the Navy would like it if we got around to figuring out those Super Lances. Then there's Jotunheim who is willing to give use a discount on trade for the blueprints for the new Automated Factory's. So why should spend our limited research time on the Knight Forlorn and not the Automated Factory's for Jotunheim?1: I'd rather not make a coercive deal like that
2: Who else are they going to ask to build them? Of course they will ask Avernus to build them.
It will be very costly to handle 3 naval centers. Maybe we should start with finishing a second (Avernus) first?
1. Thanks I will fixOk, just looking over the total Warp capable fleet strength we've got available in the Imperial Trust at the moment.
Imperial Navy: 1/4 of the fleet. Unspecified makeup, but likely composed of Cruisers and below given they were patrol groups. Assuming that, we can guess numbers of 4 Cruisers, 4-5 Light Cruisers, and 24-25 Escorts. Maybe a Battlecruiser if we're lucky.
Asgard: 2 Battlecruisers, 6 Cruisers, 4 Light Cruisers, 40 Escorts
Alfheim: 1 Cruisers, 1 Light Cruisers, 10 Escorts
Jotunheim: 2 Cruisers, 2 Light Cruisers, 20 Escorts
Svartalfheim: 6 Cruisers, 6 Light Cruisers, 30 Escorts
Muspelheim: 1 Cruisers, 5 Escorts
Avernus: 1 Heavy Cruiser, 3 Battlecruisers, 4 Cruisers, 2 (3?) Light Cruisers, 7 Escorts
Totals System Ships: 1 Heavy Cruiser, 5 Battlecruisers, 20 Cruisers, 15 (16?) Light Cruisers, 112 Escorts
Plus whatever the Navy has available.
For our own fleet, I'll note that we have insufficient Escorts. We can make up for that to a degree with Defense Monitors, but due to the slow speed at which they move they are limited in when and where they can be used as such. As I said before, the fifth and first escort types are probably the highest priority for getting built first, both due to the number of intact ships and their respective roles.
@durin - I've noticed a couple things.
1. In the Local Systems sheet Battlecruisers is misspelled as "Battlecuisers" in the Asgard, Vanaheim, and Imperial Trust sheets.
2. In the Turn 58 results it says we have three Light Cruisers, but the Space Sheet on the Datasheets page shows only two. Which is correct?
3. Also, just a question - was the Heavy Cruiser refit with the Well of Urd class armor, given how early during the refit we found the STC for that? Or did it get the Defense Cruiser level armor?
No draft could possibly get the Imperial Guard back to strength so long as both Midgard and Vanaheim are behind the Warp Storm. There simply isn't enough population to do it.
The Imperial Trust's total population is a bit over 157 billion people. 145.6 billion of those, or about 93%, are on Midgard and Vanaheim. There simply aren't enough people on the worlds we have access to in order to draft enough to bring the Imperial Guard to full strength - frankly it's pretty damn fortunate that we have even 1/3 of the Imperial Guard available to us.
Muspelheim is another possibility, yes, but while they have Heavy level defenses they don't have much in the way of a defense fleet. Svartalfheim is best in terms of available labor, while Asgard is best in terms of being well defended.
EDIT - On the other hand, it might be a good location. It's not a life-heavy world, so the Tyranids would have little reason to attack it.
@Elder Haman I don´t think your las propoasal is a good idea, If the Navy takes all Warp capable ships, it will leave some of the systems virtually defenceless...