The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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Does it really matter then? Enhanced soldiers from a polity with Dark Age tech being barely better than the Imperial Guard? How the hell does that make any sense?

And I thought the power armor is the kind that can be mass produced @Oshha It says power armor for marines and army, wouldn't army mean the actual bulk of the army?!

For the power armor bit it's literally mentioned with the second update of the quest here:
-[] Power Armour. Power armour was the norm for elite units during the time of the Confederation and the Federation of Bladus has inherited knowledge for its own use.
As for the super soldiers does make sense if you take into account that our polity didn't have access to the technology and knowledge specifically dedicated to super soldiers. Though since we did maintain DAoT levels of genetic engineering and medical data we can replicate some of Drake's capabilities.
And I thought the power armor is the kind that can be mass produced @Oshha It says power armor for marines and army, wouldn't army mean the actual bulk of the army?!
There will be a build up phase. It won't start off mass producible, but it will become mass producible in time.
@Oshha it should be "limited replication" not "limitation replication" in the choice
Too late in the vote to fix that.

Nah the power armor will be for elites it seems
As for the super soldiers does make sense if you take into account that our polity didn't have access to the technology and knowledge specifically dedicated to super soldiers. Though since we did maintain DAoT levels of genetic engineering and medical data we can replicate some of Drake's capabilities.
Thanks to upgrading the standard equipment of the Federal Army, power armour is standard issue for the Federal Army and was already standard issue for the Federal Marines.
For the power armor bit it's literally mentioned with the second update of the quest here:

So power armor is harder to mass produce than attempts in replicating a Primarch? Really?

But thanks. It's unlikely to win at this point but I've switched to super soldiers. Given Drake's the only competent soldier here they'll need it. Especially since it's the only thing that's gonna get mass produced...or is it?

But regardless of which option wins, I can guarantee that the next update's winner will only have an offhand sentence at best while Drake kicks more ass and saves the day.

As for the super soldiers does make sense if you take into account that our polity didn't have access to the technology and knowledge specifically dedicated to super soldiers. Though since we did maintain DAoT levels of genetic engineering and medical data we can replicate some of Drake's capabilities.

We have DAoT power armor, that's likely worse than Crusade Era, one of which is a repurposed Dark Age hazmat suit (Terminator armor) but is left to our incompetent "elite units" and appearently impossible to mass produce which means the regular soldiers are as pathetic as an Imperial Guard.

Our genetic engineering which isn't even exceptional appearently, will have better luck trying to replicate a Primarch than actually mass producing power armor...

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So since it's confirmed that we already have mass producible think it might be better to focus on creating better augmented soldiers. Since as shown with the Space Marines super soldier augments combined with advanced tech like power armor is extremely potent.
power armour is standard issue for the Federal Army and was already standard issue for the Federal Marines.
Though I can't help but think of Fallout power armor being the sort of stuff used here. Nothing fancy or bling covered like the majority of Imperial designs.
Equipment designed to allow the wearer to carry around armor that can easily shrug off small arms fire while having the option to carry weapons you'd normally mount on light vehicles.

The 'heavy power armor' will probably be something closer to the proverbial mini-mecha.
There will be a build up phase. It won't start off mass producible, but it will become mass producible in time.

Good to know I guess
Too late in the vote to fix that.


Thanks to upgrading the standard equipment of the Federal Army, power armour is standard issue for the Federal Army and was already standard issue for the Federal Marines.

Which we knew nothing about. Because you couldn't be bothered to actually state what "better equipment" is. Please, I'm pleading with you; actually explain what actual benefits we get! Instead of just a sentence with an offhand mention of "they have better equipment" and refusing to actually elaborate on it. People had to ask several times because we're choosing with incomplete information due to how vague you were.

But it's good to know that my first guess of power armor now being in Mass Production was accurate. Likely still much worse than Crusade Era power armor, but I'll take what I can get at this point.

@Oshha How does Bladus' weaponry and power armor currently compare to the Crusade? How big is the gap we need to cover to somewhat match baseline Space Marine armor and to get something better than las guns for the infantry? Maybe it's pessimistic but we have no actual baseline to compare Bladus' equipment to. Just vague and frustratingly uninformative offhand statements so I'm going with the worst case scenario just to be sure.
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But regardless of which option wins, I can guarantee that the next update's winner will only have an offhand sentence at best while Drake kicks more ass and saves the day.

Which we knew nothing about. Because you couldn't be bothered to actually state what "better equipment" is. Please, I'm pleading with you; actually explain what actual benefits we get! Instead of just a sentence with an offhand mention of "they have better equipment" and refusing to actually elaborate on it. People had to ask several times because we're choosing with incomplete information due to how vague you were.

The Quest is about Drake and not the Federation of Bladus during the Great Crusade. The Federation is the background in which Drake's childhood plays out. It shapes us and gives us morals, but it will never play a major part on the galactic scale - besides being a Space Marine Homeworld. Which is relatively huge on the scale but still not that important. I understand your frustration with it, I would love to see more of the Federation and see it rise to maybe even eclipse the Imperium, but that isn't this Quest. So maybe you should try to adjust your expectations?

And to be honest, the Federation is impressive as heck if you think about it. The first time we encountered Orks, we had to bash their leader's head in to win, and the Navy was still barely able to win. This time we beat them back with moderate losses. The same is true for the Facist's one system over and with Chaos.

The first time Chaos attacked us, most defensive lines fell quickly, and traitors spawned in the combat zone. Only with massive orbital bombardment and our personal action was it possible to beat them back. After it, the army was gutted, and the militia stopped existing. The second time Chaos knocked, they overrun barely repaired defensive lines but were brought to hold by our Army, thanks to the equipment and Drake.

You continue to criticize that we don't know what better equipment means, but Oshha shows it. Our better ships mean we can beat back a numerical superior Ork fleet. Our Army? Yeah, they weren't gutted this time.

It is subtle, but instead of locking for any explanation, Oshha expects us to pick up what is lacking. Meaning huge losses or reports about damaged docks. As this is a more narrative quest, you must watch out for this information. We don't have numbers to crunch. We've to pick up the pieces of information from the updates themselves.

What is told us? What isn't?

If something is missing, what is it?

Oshha didn't tell us that the Navy was pushed aside the whole time by the Orks? Well, that means our better technology seems to work in our favor.

The QM doesn't tell us how horrible and outclassed the Army was in the fight with Chaos? Oh boy, good that they have better equipment, or they would've overrun us.
The Quest is about Drake and not the Federation of Bladus during the Great Crusade. The Federation is the background in which Drake's childhood plays out. It shapes us and gives us morals, but it will never play a major part on the galactic scale - besides being a Space Marine Homeworld. Which is relatively huge on the scale but still not that important. I understand your frustration with it, I would love to see more of the Federation and see it rise to maybe even eclipse the Imperium, but that isn't this Quest. So maybe you should try to adjust your expectations?

And to be honest, the Federation is impressive as heck if you think about it. The first time we encountered Orks, we had to bash their leader's head in to win, and the Navy was still barely able to win. This time we beat them back with moderate losses. The same is true for the Facist's one system over and with Chaos.

The first time Chaos attacked us, most defensive lines fell quickly, and traitors spawned in the combat zone. Only with massive orbital bombardment and our personal action was it possible to beat them back. After it, the army was gutted, and the militia stopped existing. The second time Chaos knocked, they overrun barely repaired defensive lines but were brought to hold by our Army, thanks to the equipment and Drake.

You continue to criticize that we don't know what better equipment means, but Oshha shows it. Our better ships mean we can beat back a numerical superior Ork fleet. Our Army? Yeah, they weren't gutted this time.

It is subtle, but instead of locking for any explanation, Oshha expects us to pick up what is lacking. Meaning huge losses or reports about damaged docks. As this is a more narrative quest, you must watch out for this information. We don't have numbers to crunch. We've to pick up the pieces of information from the updates themselves.

What is told us? What isn't?

If something is missing, what is it?

Oshha didn't tell us that the Navy was pushed aside the whole time by the Orks? Well, that means our better technology seems to work in our favor.

The QM doesn't tell us how horrible and outclassed the Army was in the fight with Chaos? Oh boy, good that they have better equipment, or they would've overrun us.

That's all well and good, except why are they making us choose how Bladus develops then? Instead of just Drake's decisions? He's not the ruler of Bladus to be dictating this. Though don't get me wrong, I enjoy being able to steer the direction of Bladus.

And it's not a Space Marine Homeworld, at least not yet. And maybe it never does if we pick up super soldiers later. But a Primarch's Homeworld. Small but significant difference.

I'm not asking for hard numbers. I'm just asking for an actual description of what the Hell do we even choose. We didn't even know that part of the "better equipment" included mass produced power armor so people thought for hours aftet they voted it it's still limited to elite units! That's what I'm asking for.

Actual clear description and information about what we actually choose. Because I don't see it. Better vehicles? A.I? Mass produced power armor and over all better equipment? We all choose those and they're either a no show or such a blank slate and vague that there's no point of choosing it because in the narrative it would have been exactly the same had we chosen something else! Lackluster description, detail, and clarification!

I normally prefer a narrative quest, because there choices and results aren't left to the whims of a dice but also because we actually see how our choices look like narratively. Well guess what. We've seen nothing. Super vague and offhand statements. And that just led to confusion, misunderstanding, and misinformation about what the choices mean and entail.

Because they couldn't be bothered to put it in the actual chapter.

We didn't know we had better mass produced power armor, from the better equipment last turn so people thought that voting for power armor this turn meant it was still limited to the elite units.

But I acknowledge you have a point that the army and navy weren't as helpless as before. That they actually did better on further look. And that my frustration about the lack of any detail has clouded my judgement and made me look at the worst interpretation. My apologies for that @Oshha and I'd just like to say I still enjoy the quest a lot, despite my current loud complaints
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With the shipyards rebuilt, what does Drake have them build?
[X] A Gloriana-class Battleship.
[X] Limitation replication of Drake's supersoldier nature

We already upgraded army gear last turn, time to get started on super soldier elites so we can go beast mode.
Im a bit confused about this? Bc space marines are like the one thing we're guaranteed to see anyways, i don't really see the need to try to develop them in-house. Especially since i forsee an absolute assload of issues with this once the crusade arrives.
Im a bit confused about this? Bc space marines are like the one thing we're guaranteed to see anyways, i don't really see the need to try to develop them in-house. Especially since i forsee an absolute assload of issues with this once the crusade arrives.

The way I figure it means that our Imperial Army forces will be of better quality which while probably not important for most Engagements will mean we can focus the real Marines against the targets that need it.
[X] A few Promethean-class Cruisers and several Tiamat-class Destroyers.
[X] A new warship design using first line technology.
The vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Oct 4, 2022 at 5:35 PM, finished with 112 posts and 52 votes.
Welp, it's pretty disappointing that people thought we needed a new type of power armor despite the fact we literally already have that and even for the entire army. Meanwhile our super soldiers pretty much suck considering that they are only slightly better than the Imperial guard. Which is pretty embarrassing considering that we voted for options like DAoT medical knowledge, genetic engineering and cybernetics.

Again, we have freaking DAoT stuff that could theoretically create super soldiers on par with Space Marines and yet our Federations super soldiers still suck. It's just embarrassing that the Cargo cult of toaster lovers have numerous augmented soldiers that are flat out better than ours.

What just makes it ridiculous is that our own domain needed a top tier super solder to save them numerous times. You'd think that after all the shit Drake pulled off that our people would look into making better super soldiers. Seems ridiculous that despite having the tech they aren't doing shit with it. With everything else like power armor and ships I'd get since it seems like a pretty high tech ceiling. But with Drake as a sample to learn from and him actually being made from humans it seems like it would at least make raising their gene tech knowledge a lot easier.
@Red Bovine you see it the wrong way. We don't get the Master Chief but we get freaking Crisis Suits!

Using the technology legacy from the DAoT (which we're technically speaking are still in) the Federation will come up with a Power Armor that will make Goday go, "Damn son, that's *clicking sound* noice!".

I can already hear the Cargo Cult first cry, then demanding and finally backing us to give the secrets of the Power Armor!

And our sons ... they will go real pro on the galactic scale, their armor the envy of all the other Space Marines. As they wear these big, wide, and ugly Power Armor, our boys will have slick, tightly fitting combat suits. And all the Eldar girls will go like ... wait that's a Mon'Keigh? Oh, my don't judge me if I do play with the animals.
My assumption is that Power armor can eventually be created faster than supersoldiers, so in the long run, it is a greater force multiplier, because you can elevate the common trooper.
Plus, the improved Power armor tech probably also buffs Drake.

Otoh, I doubt knock off space marines will be anywhere near as good as the originals. At least not for a while.
And they're likely not going to be as numerous either, given the nature of the procedures involved.