Federation of Bladus: Power Armor Technical Details
Powered armor is regular equipment among all branches of the Federation's armed forces. While a handful of different patterns are utilized, all inheriting to varying degrees from old Confederation templates, all nevertheless make use of a number of basic systems. First among those if the armors control software. A far cry from the AI systems used before the fall of the Confederation, the ACS is still an advanced piece of adaptive software assisting the wearer in utilizing the armor by regulating cooling and power distribution and assisting in targeting, sensor interpretation and coordinating movement between the armor and the weapon by interpolating the readouts coming in via the cybernetic-neural-interface. A two part system, the interface employed by the Federation utilizes a tradeoff between invasiveness and responsiveness. The wearer requires a relatively simple operation, during which a neural microchip is implanted into the C2 vertebrae just under the back of the head. The chip reads the nerve impulses sent through the spinal cord, the ACS interprets it allowing the armor and wearer to move with great synchronicity. In case the chip is disrupted however, the armor can still be manually controlled via detecting negative resistance, allowing the wearer to continue to operate even with reduced speed and coordination. In all patterns, locomotion is provided by artificial muscle fibers in combination with servo-motors.
In terms of secondary features, all patterns are equipped with internal life support allowing for limited duration operations in highly toxic or void environments, helmet integrated auto-senses for improved friend-foe recognition, a sensor suite, photolenses, allowing vision in low light or dark conditions, and vox-bead and -receiver. Information is provided to the wearer via a comprehensive heads-up-display integrated into the visor and a wrist mounted control display. The ACS controlled life sign monitor also includes a basic medical system allowing for remote or automatic injection of stimulants, anesthetics, blood coagulants or other life-saving medicine and a filtering system allowing for extended operations in less contaminated environments.
The Kirin is the most widely deployed pattern of Power Armor in the Federal Armed Forces, its form characteristic because of the external back-mounted power pack containing the double microfusion reactor array and temperature regulation vents. Kirin is light enough to provide its wearer with significant strength enhancing qualities. Single layer ceramite composite armor provides a significant and, for most situations, sufficient levels of protection, but it is still bulky enough to limit the wearer's range of motion somewhat. Infantry units in the Navy and Army meant for front-line combat roles are equipped with Kirin armor and an assortment of weapons, including the federations service arm, the Crosshot-pattern lasgun rifle, and an arsenal of auxiliary-, flamethrowers, mela-guns, plasma-rifles and heavy-weapons, las- and plasma-cannons, missile launchers, graviton-cannons and assault lasers. The Crossshot pattern is specifically adapted to be used by power armored infantry, allowing for a number of features such as sharing targeting and system data with the ACS via gauntlet data-surfaces and being able to feed the lasguns las-chamber directly via the armors power pack. Doing so allows for a fourth, slow-firing firing mode with greater penetrative and destructive power that would short out the lasguns normal power pack.
Kirin-S or Kirin-Stealth is a subpattern for more covert operations. The outer frame of the armor is redesigned to reduce the bulk, weight and sound-profile while moving. The lighter armor frame coated with chameleonic materials, blending the armor's visual profile with its surroundings, and the reduced power and cooling profile decrease the Kirin-S's sensor profile. The S-subpattern is worn by Scouts and other types of units serving a reconnaissance or light infantry role where low profiles are preferred to the raw offensive- and defensive-power offered by the parent-pattern.
Kirin-Light is a lighter subpattern meant for roles where the full power and equipment suite of a military grade power armor is not required or even unwanted. The lighter subpattern trades defensive power for reduced weight, bulk, cost and maintenance requirements. A lighter armor frame and plasteel plating instead of ceramite composites save enough weight to only require a single microfusion reactor instead of two. Because of those factors it is favored by policing and security forces in the Federation Police and Armed Forces, offering the capacity to wield power-armor rated weapons at a reduced requirement profile while still being able to protect its wearer from most types of weaponry.
The Bulwark is a heavy, hydraulic assisted piece of powered armor closer to a small, heavily armored battlewalker than the other patterns used by the Federal Armed Forces. Thick plates of ablative ceramite composites enable the Bulwark to shrug off hits by all but the most powerful of weaponry, while its greatly enhanced strength and reactor systems allow it to field and power heavy weapons with ease. Each of its arms has a mounting point for a single assault laser, plasma-, grav- or las-cannon and its chest sports a missile-pod. Heavily armed and armored as it is, the Bulwark is a slow, long-range support firing platform, designed and built to pour large amounts of heavy weapons fire at the enemy.
The Aegis is the most recent addition to the Federation Arsenal. Based on extreme environment hazard suits of Confederation design, the Aegis is meant to bridge the gap between the Kirin and the Bulwark patterns, the protection offered by it leaning more towards the Bulwark, while being sized more towards the former. The bulky exoskeleton frame, protected by thick layers of ceramite plates, give the armor a hunched over appearance, but provide increased strength allowing easier handling of heavy weaponry and unparalleled protection for its size, while the hunchback itself serves as a mounting point for a missile pod. All combined, the Aegis serves to provide frontline formations with faster, more mobile, infantry based shock-assault capacity that can also be deployed inside the tight corridors of starships and structures.
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