The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
-[] "You speak of the Warp as a taint and in that you may well be correct Steward. However the galaxy has been tainted by many things since your slumber. The Aeldari have fallen, dragging many a race with them kicking and screaming. Those that you call the Krork infest the galaxy like a plague, ever hungry for war and destruction. There were even those like yourself. Men made out of iron, wielding weapons powered by exotic energies, attempting to scour all life from existence. Yet, should we judge you for their crimes? I choose not to, and wait to see what your actions tell of you Necrontyr. I can only hope you will see the wisdom in looking at me and my own in a similar way.

The Warp is a thing that touches many in this new age, in ways big and small, those that are touched by it often have little choice in the matter and we are not unaware of its dangers. Wielded with caution and constant vigilance, it can be directed against the laughing gods that seek to consume us all. But never carelessly. Rather than face eachother on the field, I would much rather see us achieve fruitful concord and see that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. After all the future need not be a place ravaged by constant war."
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-[] "You speak of the Warp as a taint and in that you may well be correct Steward. However the galaxy has been tainted by many things since your slumber. The Aeldari have fallen, dragging many a race with them kicking and screaming. Those that you call the Krok infest the galaxy like a plague, ever hungry for war and destruction. There were even those like yourself. Men made out of iron, wielding weapons powered by exotic energies, attempting to scour all life from existence. Yet, should we judge you for their crimes? I choose not, and wait to see what your actions tell of you Necrontyr. I can only hope you will see the wisdom in looking at me and my own in a similar way.

The Warp is a thing that touches many in this new age, in ways big and small, those that are touched by it often have little choice in the matter and we are not unaware of its dangers. Wielded with caution and constant vigilance, it can be directed against the laughing gods that seek to consume us all. But never carelessly. Rather than face eachother on the field, I would much rather see us achieve fruitful concord and see that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. After all the future need not be a place ravaged by constant war."
Are you looking to workshop this further? because i'd vote for it as is, especially when the leading option has suicide by necron.
The Blood of Drake
I finally finished an Omake that I have wanted to write since about October. The discussion about the Vatborn in this part inspired me.

I hope you people like it.

The Blood of Drake

Maximilian Oda sat in the small changing room before the maintenance airlock on the prime deck of the Tiamat-class destroyer Hydra. He could feel his heart race in his chest and the tension grow. In the small room, another vatborn was already waiting. The vatborn was Miles Sisko, the oldest vatborn on the Hydra. He had been part of the first batch that had joined the navy; even if his rank was below Maximillian's, he was a parental figure for most of the vatborn. A man you went to when you require advice or help with something that the military protocol can't take care of.

Or when someone faced a dilemma. Such as the one Maximilian encountered when he read the book Miles had given him when he was off-duty. The book was The Blood Manifesto, a work that was part philosophical, part religious. Written by vatborn for vatborn. There was only one way to truly get it, from a vatborn who was part of the Bloodsworn – those who had accepted the truth as laid out in the book. Maximilian had been given his book by Miles. At first, most of it had made sense, but the more he read, the more his questions became. Finally, they had reached a point where he couldn't continue. He needed help to solve the dilemma he had found himself facing.

"You have questions, brother?" Miles Sisko's voice sounded rough, thanks to the loh-sticks he liked to smoke whenever he had the chance. His face showed a significant burn scar, a memory of the time the Hydra had faced orks and barely made it out.

"Yes." Maximilian hesitated for a moment as he tried to find the right words. "It's about the book you gave me. I've read it thoroughly. But certain parts have left me with an uneasy feeling. I understand what is written, but it doesn't fit what I've experienced."

"Ah, I understand. You aren't the first young one who has felt like this. Questioning the manifesto is good, Maximilian. If you stop questioning its teachings, it will fail at its true purpose: to explain our place in the universe. This place will change over time; that is the fate of all things. Nothing stays the same forever. Change is the way of the universe; only if we question it can we hope to gain enlightenment. And yet we have to embrace what we have, see the decay that comes before the change and embrace it. Don't worry; ask your questions, and I will do my best to answer them."

"Right, in the manifesto, several parts stated directly or indirectly that vatborn are better than novats. That weˋre above them. Yet I've worked and fought next to novats. As far as I could tell, there aren't any differences between other military personnel and us. We share the same gene enhancements and perform at the same level. How can we be better than them?"

As Maximilian spoke, he could see Miles nod along with a slight smile on his lips, giving him the impression that the older vatborn had heard this many times before. And yet he didn't interrupt him once, simply let him continue with an air of passion around him.

"And you feel rightfully concerned about it. Do you know what I mean? All you said is true, yet you seem to overlook the obvious difference between ourselves and the novats. What separates us from them?"

For a moment, Maximilian was hesitant. "We're made for war, and they aren't?"

"Almost right," Miles said with a new smile blooming on his face. The smile turned his face into a grotesque mask thanks to the burn scar. "But not completely right. The difference between them and us is that they choose this life. We don't. When we leave the training, we know that our purpose in life is war; in theory, we could leave the military, but only if the Federation allows it. And that would require that the threats we face grow fewer in number and wouldnˋt immediately increase at a concerning frequency. Most of us will die before we have a chance for another life. Where novats might break over this knowledge; for us, it gives us resolve. They have families and a life outside the military. We've got the military, our duty to the Federation that gave us life. Our priorities are sitting opposite from each other. This gives us a strength they will never know."

"You mean because only a few of us have founded our own families?"

"Partly, yes. But mostly because we know that our lives are owned by the Federation and will be spent in its defense. That isnˋt something bad, the Federation gives us a good life, but they hate that they are forced to do it. Yet they don't understand that we give our lives gladly to protect them. This is our purpose in life. What better way to die than to fulfill your purpose simultaneously? Their inherent weakness is one of our strengths."

"But in the manifesto, it is also written that we carry a drop of perfection that novats miss. Isn't that hinting at an underlying feeling of superiority over the novats? After all, the same passage mentions that they lack it."

"What is the drop of perfection, Maximilian?"

"Well, to put it simply, it is the description Chief Genesmith Carlson gave in an interview regarding Admiral Drake's genetic makeup."

"Then you have the answer already. We carry the same hint of perfection that Father Drake has in his own genes. He has been gifted to our world by the currents of the Warp, from a faraway place with even better gene-forging knowledge than we have. We were created using knowledge the Federation gained by studying the genes of Father Drake. That means that we're created with this hint of perfection in mind. Novats indeed receive the same modifications as we have. The difference, young Maximilian, is that our bodies have been created to work better with them. There is a reason why they more often receive medical checkups than we do. Our bodies are better for them, even if we all received the same modifications."

"Is that why the manifesto names him as our spiritual father? I thought it was mostly because he used his influence to ensure the vatborn were created."

"It is one of the reasons, yes. But he also set the example all vatborn should try to follow. His loyalty and dedication to the ideals the Federation had been founded on are commendable. It is something all vatborn should try to do, just like Father Drake does daily. I would say that this is our greatest duty – to follow his example." Miles stopped for a moment. Out of his uniform, he took a worn and old-looking copy of the manifesto. Holding it up, he continued: "Indeed, that is the intention of the manifesto. Some information is lacking, and contradictions have been made intentionally. They are there to be questioned and challenged, just as Father Drake has challenged and changed, more than once, what it means to be an exemplary officer of the Federation Navy."

For a moment, silence fell over both vatborn. Maximilian tried to process what he had been told, and Miles simply waited for the other man to continue the exchange. Finally, the younger one sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I'm not sure I can get a boyfriend with so much psychic potential as Father Drake's wife."

The older vatborn chuckled. "Yes, a challenge we all face. But not one that you should worry too much about. We don't have to follow Father Drake's example in every aspect."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
Frak me Drake's vatborns are basically astartes! I thought Federation simply just used random DNAs but they used Drake's! And not to mention girl astartes are a thing now🤯
-[X] "You speak of the Warp as a taint and in that you may well be correct Steward. However the galaxy has been tainted by many things since your slumber. The Aeldari have fallen, dragging many a race with them kicking and screaming. Those that you call the Krok infest the galaxy like a plague, ever hungry for war and destruction. There were even those like yourself. Men made out of iron, wielding weapons powered by exotic energies, attempting to scour all life from existence. Yet, should we judge you for their crimes? I choose not, and wait to see what your actions tell of you Necrontyr. I can only hope you will see the wisdom in looking at me and my own in a similar way.

The Warp is a thing that touches many in this new age, in ways big and small, those that are touched by it often have little choice in the matter and we are not unaware of its dangers. Wielded with caution and constant vigilance, it can be directed against the laughing gods that seek to consume us all. But never carelessly. Rather than face eachother on the field, I would much rather see us achieve fruitful concord and see that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. After all the future need not be a place ravaged by constant war."

I'm voting for this, the most sensible option without suicide or giving up your freedom, not to mention the quotation from Official Warhammer is badass.
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Could our Little Anathema trait come in handy when negotiating here? We possess a unique Warp signature that burns away the sort of taint and corruption that the Necrons presumably are worried about, which seems relevant.

Like, presumably this isn't just "Raagh we hate the Warp" so much as being aware of its dangers.
Could our Little Anathema trait come in handy when negotiating here? We possess a unique Warp signature that burns away the sort of taint and corruption that the Necrons presumably are worried about, which seems relevant.

Like, presumably this isn't just "Raagh we hate the Warp" so much as being aware of its dangers.
Nah, Necrons do hate the Warp.
And these guys have memories from back when they were still flesh, i.e. when the Old Ones, masters of the warp, made a bunch of warp capable races as weapons in the war.
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
[X]"It would be a shame to find my end before I could uncover the mysteries sorrounding my creation and arrival in this sector of the galaxy. I do not know the motives of my creators, if I was made this way for noble or evil intentions, but so far I have only used these powers of mine to defend my people from the constant assail of Orks, Demons and Imperialistic neighbours to the best of my ability. If it is your demand and you speak truth in seeing yourself as stewards of the younger civilisations in this galaxy, then I will exchange my freedom or life without resisting in return for your promise to watch over my people."
I hate to do this to a vote, but after thinking about how it could work, I have to veto this write-in. To be blunt, I can't see Drake genuinely offering his life or freedom without resisting. Not to mention that he has no reason to trust these alien constructs who he has only just met. If he has to choose between trusting the future of his people to his own hands or those of these aliens, Drake is going to choose himself. He isn't going to submit to the Necrontyr without a fight or being given good reason to trust them.
[X]"I am sorry, before I give an answer to that. Could you elaborate on your civilisation?"

-[x] "You speak of the Warp as a taint and in that you may well be correct Steward. However the galaxy has been tainted by many things since your slumber. The Aeldari have fallen, dragging many a race with them kicking and screaming. Those that you call the Krok infest the galaxy like a plague, ever hungry for war and destruction. There were even those like yourself. Men made out of iron, wielding weapons powered by exotic energies, attempting to scour all life from existence. Yet, should we judge you for their crimes? I choose not, and wait to see what your actions tell of you Necrontyr. I can only hope you will see the wisdom in looking at me and my own in a similar way.

The Warp is a thing that touches many in this new age, in ways big and small, those that are touched by it often have little choice in the matter and we are not unaware of its dangers. Wielded with caution and constant vigilance, it can be directed against the laughing gods that seek to consume us all. But never carelessly. Rather than face eachother on the field, I would much rather see us achieve fruitful concord and see that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. After all the future need not be a place ravaged by constant war."
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[x]"I could ask the same. Man of Iron were machines created by my ancestors who almost destroyed my kind. Yet we speak, that gives me hope. Maybe I was born of the Warp but I stand against the Four that rule so cruelly over the Warp. I've opposed them before and I will do so until I die. It would be a shame if this ends in war, but be assured, Necrontyr of the Cleopatkh Dynasty that I, Drake Artorius of the Federation of Bladus will not simply roll over and die without a wimper."
[x] Because trying to kill us all would be counter productive and inefficient. Warp users and beings are not monolithic. We hate each other almost as much as you might hate Aeldari, and there is no overriding unity amongst us. My people will gladly burn orks and the minions of the four with fires real and immaterial alike. On the other hand if you start killing the warp users that are semi-stable and manage to work well with their polities of residence you will unite the most capable and cunning of the remnant empires against you, and while that may be of little concern to the Necrontyr of old, or to even the Necrontyr of today in aggregate, is that the best choice for your dynasty right now? Say you cull selectively the warp tainted are exterminated, and everyone has a grand old time, what then? Will you remain on every inhabited world and keep killing the new psykers as they arise? Endlessly having the same arguments with the local governments, put down rebellion after rebellion? All the while creating a rich breeding ground for the four in the warp to spread their influences into the materium? Or would you prefer to exterminate all other life in the sub-sector to ensure no warp tainted beings could ever arise? I somehow doubt I have arrived at the exact date when that would have become practical or desirable for you given that you have seen fit to stay here all this time, unconcerned with even the surface of the very world you reside within. As far as anyone knows you have won your war, whatever force bound the Aeldari and Krork is long gone from the galaxy given how they slaughter and manipulate each other and themselves as eagerly as my own people have turned upon ourselves after the fall of our golden age. Congratulations you win. What do you want to do now? Continue a war against people who are so far removed from your foes that most of them have not even seen the same stars? Or enjoy the fruits of victory and enjoy this new galaxy you are in? Or I guess you could just stay here if you wanted to... Not sure why you would, but that's an option, though how anyone can stay planetside for so long is a mystery to me when there are perfectly adequate spaceships to zip around on.
[x] Because trying to kill us all would be counter productive and inefficient. Warp users and beings are not monolithic. We hate each other almost as much as you might hate Aeldari, and there is no overriding unity amongst us. My people will gladly burn orks and the minions of the four with fires real and immaterial alike. On the other hand if you start killing the warp users that are semi-stable and manage to work well with their polities of residence you will unite the most capable and cunning of the remnant empires against you, and while that may be of little concern to the Necrontyr of old, or to even the Necrontyr of today in aggregate, is that the best choice for your dynasty right now? Say you cull selectively the warp tainted are exterminated, and everyone has a grand old time, what then? Will you remain on every inhabited world and keep killing the new psykers as they arise? Endlessly having the same arguments with the local governments, put down rebellion after rebellion? All the while creating a rich breeding ground for the four in the warp to spread their influences into the materium? Or would you prefer to exterminate all other life in the sub-sector to ensure no warp tainted beings could ever arise? I somehow doubt I have arrived at the exact date when that would have become practical or desirable for you given that you have seen fit to stay here all this time, unconcerned with even the surface of the very world you reside within. As far as anyone knows you have won your war, whatever force bound the Aeldari and Krork is long gone from the galaxy given how they slaughter and manipulate each other and themselves as eagerly as my own people have turned upon ourselves after the fall of our golden age. Congratulations you win. What do you want to do now? Continue a war against people who are so far removed from your foes that most of them have not even seen the same stars? Or enjoy the fruits of victory and enjoy this new galaxy you are in? Or I guess you could just stay here if you wanted to... Not sure why you would, but that's an option, though how anyone can stay planetside for so long is a mystery to me when there are perfectly adequate spaceships to zip around on.
I'm going to veto this vote for being far too long since it is a few hundred words long.