The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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The emperor : ah yes my son come there's still much work to be done it is time to meet your legion your gene Sons forged from your very own genetic code the astartes my finest Warriors the greatest super soldiers Humanity has ever or will ever produce the might of the Imperium made manifest proof that the Imperium is the only way for no others were able to make replicate or match such fine Warriors such bulwarks against the terror of old night nor clad them in such weapons and armor as I have

Drake : that's a fine speech dad but but about that ( make replicate or match ) part hum you seen that member of my guard there ?

Emperor : yes my son? What of him-(goes silent as he psychically scans the guard)

Drake : Yeah well the Genesis and biomancers got an idea or two and figured out some neat tricks not quite as effective but it even works on adults Fair bit easier to produce too we call em the liberators the name barely beat out the Spartans

The emperor : . . .wut (anathema.exe has shut down initiating reboot)

Perfection :V
It bears pointing out folks that there is one silver lining to this whole situation. The constant battles are draining our enemies of their strength. true they can replace it but that will take time, unfortunately that's the same for us since we just lost our entire navy. OTOH except for the Greenskins the other polities that have attacked us can't replace their man power as easily as we can. and we can only do that thanks to the tech advantages we have and our shipyard which is capable of building one of the most powerful warships in the imperium.

So again we are not as bad off as you think. can we still lose. yes, but if we win and can hold on until we can get our navy back into shape and build up our military ground forces. we can start taking planets away from our enemies and adding them to our own to supplement our own strength,
It bears pointing out folks that there is one silver lining to this whole situation. The constant battles are draining our enemies of their strength. true they can replace it but that will take time, unfortunately that's the same for us since we just lost our entire navy. OTOH except for the Greenskins the other polities that have attacked us can't replace their man power as easily as we can. and we can only do that thanks to the tech advantages we have and our shipyard which is capable of building one of the most powerful warships in the imperium.

So again we are not as bad off as you think. can we still lose. yes, but if we win and can hold on until we can get our navy back into shape and build up our military ground forces. we can start taking planets away from our enemies and adding them to our own to supplement our own strength,
Not really.
Demons are without number.
Orks get stronger the more they fight.
The only enemy faction that weakens when beaten is the Dominion.
Tech InfoPost
Artificial Intelligence & Cybernetics
While the Federation of Bladus has extensive records and knowledge when it comes to artificial intelligence, lingering backlash has left them hesitant to make use of that knowledge. That said, they are more willing than most in the galaxy and the Federation of Bladus makes limited use of Men of Stone. First Line capital ships will incorporate a Man of Stone aboard them to make full use of its advanced systems and major cities will have a Man of Stone to assist in running. Other uses of Men of Stone include assisting day to day government operations as every major department has at least one Man of Stone to aid it in its work.

When it comes to Men of Gold, the practice is generally disdained in favour of less intrusive alternatives such as mere tools or using rejuvenat to extend one's lifespan. Men of Gold aren't unknown to the Federation, but they are a rarity and are treated as weirdos for their choices in life. Finally, Men of Iron are outright forbidden out of a semi-irrational fear that there will be another revolt against humanity.

To go along with its artificial intelligence knowledge, the Federation of Bladus has extensive cybernetic technology. These cybernetics can range from chip implants to replacement limbs or organs. The chips can be basic utilities such as being a link to one's bank account for payment or functional as a hands free communication device or they can be more extensive such as the implants used by spaceship captains to interact with the systems of their ships. The prosthetics are high-quality that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing and their capability can range from being just as good as the original to exceeding it in its functions.

Long story short, you have really good robot parts.

Combat Vehicles
The Federal Army makes use of a large variety of vehicles, dating back to the old days of the Confederation. When it comes to its scouts vehicles, the Federation primarily uses jetbikes and light walkers, each piloted by a single individual who is responsible for both movement and firing its weapons. These light walkers and jetbikes are also used for high mobility tasks where their superior speed and agility allows them to outdo infantry and heavier vehicles in the Federation's arsenal.

For its transportation, the ubiquitous Rhino is used by the Federal Army as its APC of choice. Robust and reliable, the Federation makes extensive use of the Rhino, including taking advantage of its adaptable design to create new specialised variants to act as support vehicles to its other forces. The Federal Army also makes use of aerial transports from large gunships to provide fire support to mid-sized gunships that can transport a squad of soldiers as needed to even smaller gunships that are used as air-to-air interceptors or air-to-ground fire support.

When it comes to tanks, the Federation has two choices. For its light tank, the Federal Army uses the Predator variant of the Rhino as the more deadly yet just as mobile vehicle is a fearsome hunter of light vehicles. Between its speed, armour and firepower, the Predator is a versatile asset on the battlefield that pairs well with the Rhino APC. However, the light nature of the Predator limits its effectiveness as a heavy tank, to which the Federation has enough design with heavier firepower and armour at the expense of mobility. Tough and deadly, but slow, these heavy tanks are designed for holding the line and engaging in slugging matches.

Finally, the Federation of Bladus has an assault tank. With the mobility of a light tank whilst being more heavily armoured than a heavy tank, the assault tank comes in a variety of different forms for different purposes from urban combat, to brawling matches to routing out enemy infantry. There is even a transport variant that can carry a small squad of soldiers within its hull.

All of these are similar to Imperial vehicles, but that is because a fair few Imperial vehicles come from STCs so I used those as a basis. That said, your vehicles are pound for pound better due to retained knowledge and expertise.

Genetic Engineering & Medical Science
The Federation of Bladus has extensive knowledge when it comes to genetics and other medical areas. Nonetheless, the Federation refrains from going too far with its technology lest its citizens alter enough of themselves to no longer truly be human or igniting debates on what does or does not count as desirable. Because of this, the Federation limits itself to relatively basic applications of genetic engineering for medical purposes, primarily correcting harmful medical conditions alongside a few widespread minor adjustments for improved living quality.

The medical technology of the Federation of Bladus is vast as they have retained almost all of the Confederation's knowledge. They are capable of curing or healing almost everything and cheap mass production of rejuvenat sees it widely distributed with everyone being able to access it. Between ample access to rejuvenat and the excellent medical care available, the average person in the Federation will live for centuries with some making it past a thousand.

You have really, really good healthcare.

Power Armour
The Federation of Bladus makes heavy use of power armour with regular power armour being the standard for the military and armed police. This standard armour is nothing special, but the Federation does make use of some specialised armours such as sleek stealth suits that reduce protection in favour of agility and a degree of undetectability or lighter variants of the regular suit for work that doesn't justify a military-grade suit of power armour.

The Federation also has a suit of heavy power armour that is slow and unwieldy. It makes its mobility impractical, but the raw durability combined with the firepower that is carried makes it devastating when deployed properly. In recent years, the Federation has deployed a middle ground between this suit and the standard power armour, seeking a different compromise of protection, firepower and mobility.

You have power armour and lots of it.

Part of how humanity spread across the galaxy was due to its terraforming techniques. Refined over thousands of years of interstellar colonisation, the Federation of Bladus is one of the few entities in the galaxy that has retained some of the Confederation's terraforming knowledge. While there is nothing particularly special about these techniques beyond their effectiveness, the Federation can terraform a planet in decades or centuries instead of having to wait thousands of years at a minimum.

Basically you can terraform planets in a timeframe that makes doing so potentially impactful for the quest.

Warp Knowledge
The Federation of Bladus has not forgotten the dangers of the warp and throughout the Age of Strife, its warp knowledge has increased rather than decreased. It knows how the Confederation safely dealt with psykers and has scaled that up as their numbers increased. They know of Chaos, of the Ruinous Powers and of the Four. They know about the Violent and his bloodthirsty ways.They know about the Diseased and his false gifts. They know about the Plotter and his deceitful schemes. They know about the Tempter and how the Excessive was born from the Fall of the Eldar Empire. And they know to stand firm against them lest the Four destroy everything that the Federation stands for.

You know what the Warp is, how it works and what Chaos is.

The Federation of Bladus has kept much of the Confederation's knowledge when it comes to warships, including a shipyard capable of producing First Line designs. In addition to retaining the three First Line designs that the Confederation had before its downfall, the Federation has the technology and knowledge to build its warships to a higher standard.

Compared to its modern counterparts, the Federation's warships are faster with superior turning. They have greater sensors, especially on smaller warships like escorts. Their void shields are both stronger and recharge faster on top of providing protection from asteroids and other navigational hazards found in the void of the galaxy. It is able to support additional and more effective point defence in addition to having sturdier and tougher hulls while advanced fire suppression systems are able to handle fires much quicker.

The Federation also has vastly superior weaponry in the void. Its torpedoes go faster by almost fifty percent faster whilst its small craft squadrons are refuelled and rearmed by automated systems with greater efficiency and speed. Its nova cannons are accurate enough to reliably hit what they are aimed at and its teleportatarium can be used more rapidly and it recharges at a faster rate. Lances have longer range and can pierce void shields as easily as they pierce hull and armour. Macros, both the regular variety and plasma, are also longer ranged and have a reduced loss of accuracy at longer distances.

Basically, your warships are just better when it comes to human factions.


Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Fixed. Thanks for catching that.
Do ya mind potential design specs for gear and thr like?
Feel free to post them, but I will only canonise them on a case by case basis.
So I'm guessing we don't have any graviton, disintegration, vortex weapons or Volkite Weapons?
They are weird, confusing and complex so I decided not to put them on the table in the first place.
You have power armour and lots of it.
Admech: "Behold the wonders of the Omnissiah, this holy power armor designed through the use of Sacred STCs is both elegant in it's construction and purpose. Following the sacred rites to appease the Machine Spirits our Forgeworld can bring forth an amazing 50 of these suits every year."
Bladus: -Takes quick look at specs- "Well kind of backward in some cases but if that's the standard for the guys serving under Drake...."
-Heads over to factory line, changes some settings and it starts churning out 500 of the same suits every week-
You know what the Warp is, how it works and what Chaos is.
Big E: "Well that just won't do."
You have really, really good healthcare.
Imperial Army conscript: "Bah, them Bladus punks an' thier fancy nanomeds an' autobanadges. All a good soldier needs is a big-ass stick, sum moonshine, rags an' a quick flama' burst tuh stop any bleeding."
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Between the Warp knowledge, Drake's incorruptable nature and all the other goodies we can probably leverage things to basically become the Grey Knights.

Only legion sized.
Wasn't the reason the Grey Knights could be trusted with thier role due to the fact that thier geneseed was derived from the Emperor?
"Where the other space marine chapters were built upon existing stock, the grey knights were born of a new gene-seed, one without the flaws of those that had gone before, and which carried the gift of the emperor's own flesh and soul."
So Big E would never need to worry about them being more loyal to thier Primarch instead of him.
How They triangulate in warp with Sea of Soul greatly agitated due to Slaanesh's birth? Do they use Astromincron for this purpose by taking real time position of Terra while in Warp? Do they use far more extensive void Abacus?

What is their communication technology in the place of Imperial equivalent of Astropaths?
How They triangulate in warp with Sea of Soul greatly agitated due to Slaanesh's birth? Do they use Astromincron for this purpose by taking real time position of Terra while in Warp? Do they use far more extensive void Abacus?

What is their communication technology in the place of Imperial equivalent of Astropaths?
They probably make short jumps and have superior FTL tech that makes it faster and safer than usual.

Astropaths, iirc, aren't like a traditional "call someone and have chat". They send images and feelings that, iirc, aren't standardized so it takes time to interpret them. Its one of the reasons why it takes so long for Imperium to respond to requests for help.
They probably make short jumps and have superior FTL tech that makes it faster and safer than usual.

Astropaths, iirc, aren't like a traditional "call someone and have chat". They send images and feelings that, iirc, aren't standardized so it takes time to interpret them. Its one of the reasons why it takes so long for Imperium to respond to requests for help.
How They triangulate in warp with Sea of Soul greatly agitated due to Slaanesh's birth? Do they use Astromincron for this purpose by taking real time position of Terra while in Warp? Do they use far more extensive void Abacus?

What is their communication technology in the place of Imperial equivalent of Astropaths?
Astropathic communications is basically prophetic visions. A vision of a green wave being transmited signalizing an ork waagh. But most messages are more complex and need time to be decoded, if ever. It's closer to sending pictures of abstract art than a text. Either Bladus has a technological work around or they don't have FTL comms. I hope it's the former. Expanding would be much harder without half way decent FTL comms.

Though on the abacus I am curious, @Oshha does Bladus have the knowledge to make a Warp Abacus for their ships?

I know that without a Navigator or Warp Abacus, Warp Drives can safely travel only single digit light years. Meanwhile, with the Warp Abacus, they can travel ten times the distance, around 40-50 light years.

Though the Navigators have them beat by being able to guide ships into making 3 digit light year jumps on average in comparison, the warp abacus presents a potentially mass producable Dark Age piece of tech, in comparison to the limited numbers of Navigator families that they destroy any sample scavenged by rogue traders
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Artificial Intelligence & Cybernetics
While the Federation of Bladus has extensive records and knowledge when it comes to artificial intelligence, lingering backlash has left them hesitant to make use of that knowledge. That said, they are more willing than most in the galaxy and the Federation of Bladus makes limited use of Men of Stone. First Line capital ships will incorporate a Man of Stone aboard them to make full use of its advanced systems and major cities will have a Man of Stone to assist in running. Other uses of Men of Stone include assisting day to day government operations as every major department has at least one Man of Stone to aid it in its work.

When it comes to Men of Gold, the practice is generally disdained in favour of less intrusive alternatives such as mere tools or using rejuvenat to extend one's lifespan. Men of Gold aren't unknown to the Federation, but they are a rarity and are treated as weirdos for their choices in life. Finally, Men of Iron are outright forbidden out of a semi-irrational fear that there will be another revolt against humanity.

To go along with its artificial intelligence knowledge, the Federation of Bladus has extensive cybernetic technology. These cybernetics can range from chip implants to replacement limbs or organs. The chips can be basic utilities such as being a link to one's bank account for payment or functional as a hands free communication device or they can be more extensive such as the implants used by spaceship captains to interact with the systems of their ships. The prosthetics are high-quality that are virtually indistinguishable from the real thing and their capability can range from being just as good as the original to exceeding it in its functions.

Long story short, you have really good robot parts.

OK, but imagine me being a new player to this quest coming in later and just going trough the threadmarks. What are Men of Stone, Men of Gold and Men of Iron in this quest? You didn't put that into this informative threadmark.
OK, but imagine me being a new player to this quest coming in later and just going trough the threadmarks. What are Men of Stone, Men of Gold and Men of Iron in this quest? You didn't put that into this informative threadmark.

Men of Iron - purely Digital AI
Men of Stone - personality engrams/brain uploads
Men of Gold - extreme cybernetic modificiation. Think Cyborg from DC or a high ranking Tech Priest (but not as grotesque) in terms of just how extensive the cybernetic mods
They are weird, confusing and complex so I decided not to put them on the table in the first place.

So this quest doesn't have them? Or the Federation of Baldus was enough of a backwater not to have them?

Its only theorized or propaganda that states the Grey Knights use geneseed from Golden Bastard. We really don't know for sure. Plus they use whole lot of other shit and are all potent psykers.

There's at least some Thousand Sons in their geneseed considering who their first Grandmaster was.

Men of Iron - purely Digital AI
Men of Stone - personality engrams/brain uploads
Men of Gold - extreme cybernetic modificiation. Think Cyborg from DC or a high ranking Tech Priest (but not as grotesque) in terms of just how extensive the cybernetic mods

You know that. I know that. Will a new player know that down the line if they only read threadmarks?
They are weird, confusing and complex so I decided not to put them on the table in the first place.

Does that mean Bladus was such a backwater/frontier that they only have auto and las weapons? Even the Imperium has them.

The fact that they're complex to make for the Imperium shouldn't make them non existent.
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Hahaha thank you for that

the Lost Primarch quest with the Primarch Kesar.

. . . . . Link please . . . me curious

I'm afraid that the answer is try it and find out.

Haha Fair enough so anyone feeling like focusing on telepathy for a little bit so we can Blair horrible music like the Barney song or trash talk directly into their minds?

How They triangulate in warp with Sea of Soul greatly agitated due to Slaanesh's birth? Do they use Astromincron for this purpose by taking real time position of Terra while in Warp? Do they use far more extensive void Abacus?
Who knows but it does give me an idea I wonder if we had enough skill in telepathy and enough people could we create a sort of beacon/reference point in the warp not a light or anything remotely as big as the astronomicon but something more like a background static Buzz or even song from some type of telepathic choir that based on how loud or quiet it is could allow ships to somewhat Orient themselves and figure out where \ how far or close they are in relation to Bladus or perhaps instead set up multiple smaller choirs across multiple worlds and ships could figure out which is which by the difference in sound

( telepathic equivalent of a navigator : oh this one sounds like jazz so it must be Jazzys world this world sounds like rock and roll must be rockers world and this world wait. . . thats no no NO NO !!! ( Doom music slowly intensifies ) oh God no it's space Australia turn around NOW NOW back into the Warp before it's too late !!! )

sorry about the joke couldn't help myself but it's an interesting idea no?

Orks get stronger the more they fight.
True but at least a small amount of them need to survive in order to do that and with the War Boss that's been holding them together probably soon to die the Orcs back in their system will probably spend decades fighting each other to decide who's the new war boss so we probably won't have to worry about them for a while even the Orcs that now eventually will start popping up PlanetSide will likely be in a feral state a little more than big green caveman without any Mech boys

By any chance does the confederation have any knowledge of or how to make phase iron Or if not do might they have a small store of it?

Big E: "Well that just won't do."

Yeah we're probably going to have some trouble for that well let's hope the emperor notices that Drake is a lesser anathema to chaos and hope that we're able to Leverage that and our knowledge and hopefully are entrenched enough that he won't view crushing a Primarch that is immune to chaos and destroying perhaps the last remnant of the Federation and all knowledge and Tech they hold as worth it

Artificial Intelligence & Cybernetics

Genetic Engineering & Medical Science

Oh how the tech priest are going to feel some very complicated feelings of longing and hatred for us I'd imagine they would threaten to raise bloody hell if the emperor didn't force us to hand over all our Tech and replace all our Engineers scientist etc etc with them even if that didn't happen we'd probably have a fair few spies of theirs trying to steal our Tech