The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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Or better yet, in case of Horus Heresy or something like that we can fuck 5 primarchs each!
Phrasing! Besides I don't think our MC want's to do that with his siblings. He's married and happily at that.

It should be pointed out that per the recent update, We are currently outbuilt on Cruisers by the Dominion. So I suggest that when the next build vote comes. we build 10 cruisers this time 2 each as escorts for each of the Battleships. This will of course eat up our points but I believe that it is the correct choice barring something coming up in the next update.
You guys do realize that if we keep escalating and pumping out Gloriana class Warships, We will probably have enough of them to give each Primarch 5 each? and that's while absorbing losses of them. Sure our Gloriana are stock versions and the Primarch versions are probably a heck of a lot better than the stop version due to the material that mars uses on them.
Not quite. While it's likely that the primarch Glorianas do have a few really nice toys installed, our ships aren't exactly stock. Now we may not have made major advances since the fall, but unlike most people the Bladus federation does understand how tech and science work. So our ships are based on old designs but they have been tweaked and refined over the centuries, and our crews are a lot more skilled and capable. So odds are we have better baseline stats overall compared to a Crusade Era Terran Gloriana, we just don't have the neat relic systems that spike specific stats into the stratosphere.
Our versions are probably smaller than the Terran Gloriannas, which are something like 2 to three times the length of an average battleship in most depictions.
Our versions are probably smaller than the Terran Gloriannas, which are something like 2 to three times the length of an average battleship in most depictions.
The largest Gloriana known to be built was the Invincible Reason whose processional hallway was said to be 28km in length, the second was the Macragge's Honour measured at 26km from stern to bow and the third the Iron Blood measured at 20km from prow to stern. The Dark Angels in particular had an absolute beast built for them.
Well, at least we're going to be able to actually build out our fleet comp. Assuming a chaos ritual doesn't fuck us over again.
The Battle of Chronus
[X] He prioritises securing the shipyards before moving on the planet.

As desirable as it would be to just smash the enemy fleet aside in an overwhelming surprise attack, those shipyards are just too tempting to pass up. They represent decades of heavy investment and it would take the Federation of Bladus the majority century or even longer to build comparable shipyards. Once brought up to the standards of the Federal Navy, their output would allow for rapid expansion of the Federation's naval forces and therefore the expansion of the Federation itself.

And from what Farseer Ulthran has warned you about, the Federation will need that expansion and the sooner it gets started on it, the better.

Your Eldar counterpart, Autarch Oraranel of Craftworld Iyanden, is bringing a single battleship, half a dozen cruisers and an even dozen escorts to the table. Your planning session with the man went well enough as while the alien looked down upon the primitive monkey, he had enough competence to recognise and respect your skills as a fellow admiral. As for the agreed upon strategy, you both settled for the Federal Navy taking the brunt of the fighting while the Eldar skirmish with the Dominion Navy.

Autarch Oraranel wanted to avoid the deaths of his people even if it was for a good cause and so wished to stay away from the thickest of the fighting or drawing the enemy's attention. For your part, you were okay with that as you had initially planned to go in without the Eldar aid. If the aliens wanted to help you, you were okay with the aid being limited as limited aid was still a step up from none at all.

For the invasion itself, it went off to a poor beginning as your fleet came out of the warp scattered and disorganised. Thankfully, the Dominion Navy turned out to be almost as unprepared for the attack and you reacted much faster than your counterpart amongst the defenders. Autarch Oraranel did best of all as his warships got to work harrying and harassing the Dominion forces as soon as the Eldar fleet came out of their web way.

The Dominion had stationed some warships at the shipyards, but they had stationed the vast majority of their remaining fleet at Chronus. To their detriment, it seems that they expected you to prioritise the planet and now you are going to make them regret that. While the Eldar pick off the few escorts, your warships smash the handful of cruisers with your nova cannons. With that, it is just a matter of picking off the meddlesome orbital defences and seizing the shipyards themselves.

The shipyards are massive with four separate megastructures, each one capable of building multiple vessels equal in size to a small city at once. Each shipyard can match a small continent in size and it could take months if not years to secure each one. Or it would if you didn't have a bunch of seers to identify the weak points and priority targets. Federal Marines and Aspect Warriors fell upon key points of the shipyards and the megastructures that would have held out for months fell within hours.

Best of all, the assault force suffered minimal casualties whilst the shipyards themselves took a minimal amount of damage as the majority of their space was taken without fighting.

Of course, the Dominion Navy swiftly responded to the sudden loss of their shipyards and you were happy to meet them head on. The fighting was heaviest at the beginning as the two intact fleets clashed, but after a burst of brutal fighting with heavy losses, the battle began to taper off . The Dominion Navy was swiftly losing its effectiveness as losses rapidly amounted and its crews seem to be losing their stomach for a fight.

You had proven that a Gloriana-class Battleship was a fleet killer many times in the past and today you showed the Chronus Dominion just how deadly two Gloriana working together with a supporting fleet can be. Especially when they have a small fleet of Eldar warships aiding them from the side.

The Dominion Navy suffers heavy losses before the survivors begin to make emergency warp jumps. Both of the Emperor-class Battleships are reduced to drifting hulks while around half of their cruisers are lost alongside more than half of their escorts. Alas, both Apocalypse-class Battleships successfully escape into the warp alongside seventeen cruisers and twenty-one escorts, including the Tiamat-class Destroyer that the Dominion captured from you so long ago. On the bright side, you successfully reclaim the Galahad after the Dominion stole the cruiser from the Federal Navy during one of your earliest battles, though the cruiser is outdated compared to the Prometheans used by the modern Federal Navy.

For side, losses have been fairly light as while all of your capital ships have sustained some meaningful degree of damage, only one of the Promethean-class Cruisers is truly destroyed after suffering a plasma drive overload. You also have half of your escorts remaining as of the nineteen Tiamat-class Destroyers, you only lost nine in the battle against the Dominion. Meanwhile, the cautious and noncommittal tactics of Autarch Oraranel have resulted in the Eldar losing no ships on this day.

A very decisive victory for you and one that you swiftly follow up upon by blasting the orbital defences with nova cannon fire. While defensive stations have their usages against lesser forces, the superior range of the nova cannon combined with the stations' lack of mobility means that even the greatest of them are helpless before the wrath of the Federal Navy.

Unfortunately, the Chronus Dominion still has one last trick to play because you are still clearing their orbital defences, warp energies ripple over the planet as a successful warp ritual engulfs Chronus.


"It is quite typical of She Who Thirsts," says Autarch Oraranel disdainfully, "I strongly recommend that we deal with it swiftly and decisively."

"We are not going to kill a planet full of innocent people," replies Yasmin as she glares at him, radiating anger.

"It is the only sensible choice, mon-keigh," retorts the Eldar and he looks like he wants to say more before catching your eye.

You have no doubt that Autarch Oraranel wishes to simply dismiss the protests of your wife, but he is smart enough to know that her opinion does hold sway here. The Eldar fleet might be more untouched, but Autarch Oraranel has seen you fight first hand and as battered as the Federal Navy is right now, with you at its helm, it is very capable of defeating the Eldar warships.

"What is the nature of the ritual?" you inquire, "I can tell it is something to do with lust, pleasure and the Tempter, but little beyond that. My knowledge of the Four is more based around slaying them."

"It is a ritual based around lust, a synergy of creating lust and being empowered by it," answers Belinda, "The initial ritual has created an aura of lust that has engulfed the planet. The weak-willed are driven to act upon their new passion, but the stronger-willed are capable of resisting."

"For a time," says Autarch Oraranel, "Their animalistic depravities will only strengthen the Dark Prince's touch until none can resist it."

"No, it is not quite that," says Yasmin, "The generated sensation and pleasure is going to something else, but the lust aura is continuous and cumulative, not singular. It doesn't just add a single burst of lust to the individuals as it maintains a lesser, but passively continuous increase. It also-"

"When this ritual has generated enough…lust, what will it do?" you interrupt, deciding to skip ahead to the point part rather than try to wrap your head around what is going on.

"We don't know," answer your wives at the same time.

"But what it is," starts Bel.

"It won't be good," finishes Yas.

"On the bright side, we can expect to face far less resistance as the garrison will also be affected by it," says Bel.

"The price of your own warriors being incapacitated by the ritual, mon-keigh," points Autarch Oraranel, "Once again, Admiral Artorious, the only sensible choice is to swiftly and decisively deal with this threat.

The Chronus Dominion has unleashed an unknown Slaaneshi ritual upon the planet. How do the invaders respond to the threat?
[] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
[] Strike Teams. Bel and Yas both wish to send strike teams to the ritual locations to eliminate it at the source and deal with the ritual without extreme loss of innocent life. However, doing so is riskier and potentially more dangerous than a quick end to the ritual.


The naval battle went well thanks to your high bonuses, but the Dominion was able to pull off a ritual. As a Slaaneshi ritual, it is built around lust and whatnot as the power source, but its end goal is unknown to you and don't ask me for the details on it. All you need to know is that Chronus currently has an aura that makes people horny so they will screw each other to power the ritual to achieve an unknown goal.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.

Too bad there's no Exterminatus choice. this situation looks ripe for one.
Awesome results for the space battle, came in secured the shipyards quickly then chased off the Dominion fleet.
Thinking about bombarment myself at the moment, our wives don't have any inherant resistance to Slannesh and outside of our Anathematic aura they could fall.

[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
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@Oshha can we locate the source/s of the ritual?
that could make limited orbital bombardment possible.
edit - partially misread the option can we make it more accurate with eldar help?
So anyone wanna take a bet ? I bet either that's a ritual to summon either a named keeper of secrets like heart Slayer or Shalaxi Helbane at the head of a demonic legion or it's to drag the world directly into the warp
Thinking about bombarment myself at the moment, our wives don't have any inherant resistance to Slannesh and outside of our Anathematic aura they could fall.
The Jens are mostly stable Alpha class pyskers who can function as part of regular society whilst making very common use of their powers. They have very strong wills.
@Oshha can we locate the source/s of the ritual?
that could make limited orbital bombardment possible.
You already have and the option is already for limited orbital bombardment. The problem is that you don't have precise locations and can't narrow it down beyond the city.
edit - partially misread the option can we make it more accurate with eldar help?
You have already done that.
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
The Jens are mostly stable Alpha class pyskers who can function as part of regular society whilst making very common use of their powers. They have very strong wills.
Huh, good to know, I guess a perfect clone is a good treatment for her previous issues with not relating to people who get picky over needing to obey "reality"
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.

Take no chances in ending this, many people will die but that's nothing compared to what will happen if the ritual pops.
Since it got asked on Discord, I say it here. Chronus is a civilised world with a population in the low billions and at a minimum, at least a billion deaths are to be expected from orbital bombardment with the actual count likely being higher.
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.

Since it got asked on Discord, I say it here. Chronus is a civilised world with a population in the low billions and at a minimum, at least a billion deaths are to be expected from orbital bombardment with the actual count likely being higher.
Compared to the risk of losing the army, the fleet and two mostly stable Alpha-level psykers? A billion deaths of an already Chaos infested world is a small price to pay

Though I'm pleasantly surprised the ship yards were actually salavaged. Though we'll have to wait until the ritual is stopped to tell. And of course a significant portion of the enemy fleet managed to flee. They'll be back. Miraculously stronger than ever in all likelihood.

Though it was interesting to know the Galahad is outdated now. It wasn't appearent if the ships of Bladus were in technological stasis
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[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
[X] Orbital Bombardment. Autarch Oraranel advocates for a swift and decisive end to the threat by bombarding all ritual locations. Unfortunately those locations are all in major cities and the imprecise nature of orbital firesupport combined with lacking accurate coordinates means you are looking at excessive collateral damage.
"We are not going to kill a planet full of innocent people," replies Yasmin as she gives,

This sentence just cuts off. Also could we use strike teams to narrow down the targeting of the Orbital Bombardment so it is not as ruinous?