The Eleventh Primarch (30K Quest)

Character Sheet

Drake Artorius

Governance (Level 4) = Legendary
Diplomacy (Level 5) = Peerless
Intrigue (Level 1) = Good
Personal Combat (Level 4) = Legendary
Ground Combat (Level 2) = Elite
Naval Combat (Level 5) = Peerless
Biomancy (Level 4) = Legendary
Telepathy (Level 2) = Elite
Divination (Level 2) = Elite
Pyromancy (Level 2) = Elite
Telekinesis (Level 2) = Elite
Anathematic (Level 4) = Legendary
Engineering (Level 4) = Legendary

Son of Excalibur = Drake Artorius is a true believer in the Federation of Bladus and the ideals that it stands for.
Superhuman Charisma = Drake Artorius has inherited great charisma and persuasive ability from his progenitor.
Little Anathema = Drake Artorius has an echo of his progenitor's antithetical nature to the Ruinous Powers. Immunity to Chaos, Minor Bonus to resisting Chaos for those around you.
-Hated By Khorne = The Lord of Blood holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and he and his servants will actively seek to claim his skull for the skull throne.
-Hated by Slaanesh = The Prince of Pleasure holds a special dislike for Drake Artorius and they and their servants will actively seek to slay him wherever they can.
Necron Knowledge = Drake Artorius made extensive study of the Necrons, the modern day legacy of the ancient Necrontyr. Major Bonus to fighting Necron forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Necron factions.
Asuryani Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the Craftworld Aeldari, the Asuryani. Major Bonus to fighting Asuryani forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Asuryani factions.
Drukhari Knowledge = Drake Artorius made some study of the Drukhari, the vile pirates and raiders of Commorragh. Minor Bonus to fighting Drukhari forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Drukhari factions.
Aeldari Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made complete study of the minor Aeldari groups such as the Exodites, the Corsairs and the Harlequins. Major Bonus to fighting Aeldari forces & Major Bonus to other interactions with Aeldari factions
Mechanicus Knowledge = Drake Artorius has made extensive study of the Mechanicus and its successor factions. Major Bonus to fighting Mechanicus forces & Minor Bonus to other interactions with Mechanicus factions.


Personal Combat
Naval Combat


Not Interested

Ground Combat

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as i said,you have the hammer,the anvil and the scalpel

the scalpel are the spec ops units that break very specific spots of the enemy that will have a domino effect later on and do high risk/high reward mission,so they need to pack as much firepower,training and gear possible

but they are too expensive,so they can be spread too thin and simply fall because lack of supplies
they are lightning strikes,not sustainable for attrition combat over wide areas because of their small numbers and high costs

you have the hammer,units that are supposed to break the stalemates and lead the charge,they are a blunt but highly agressive instrument,breakthrough units,tip of the spear,they still are armies and can be produce in wide numbers,but have a focus on firepower,mobility and the ability to survive the thiccest of combat

and finally the anvil,the supporting beam,that consolidates and secures and the slowly advances and crush the enemy

we have a anvil on the average federate trooper
we will have a hammer on our power armored elites

and eventually we will research our supersoldiers and develop our escalpels
My assumption is that Power armor can eventually be created faster than supersoldiers, so in the long run, it is a greater force multiplier, because you can elevate the common trooper.
Plus, the improved Power armor tech probably also buffs Drake.

Otoh, I doubt knock off space marines will be anywhere near as good as the originals. At least not for a while.
And they're likely not going to be as numerous either, given the nature of the procedures involved.
First off the power armor option doesn't actually improve our power armor tech, it just gives a new kind of power armor. On top of that heavy power armor seems like it may not benefit someone like Drake and may just stick to normal PA.

Actually IIRC the entire army does have genetic enhancements that puts them slightly above the Imperial Guard so they can be just as wide spread Power Armor. And again, we literally have a canon example of a human faction having genetic enhancements spread out across the entire population in the League of Votann. Even if the army wide enhancements aren't as good as full one Space Marines they'd still be a colossal boost if it's even just a quarter or even fifth of their capabilities when combined with our other tech. And again it doesn't just give physical boosts but also mental boosts, which could be seriously helpful for our commander and researcher types.
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So as a hint of things to come,

Things have gone very wrong for you as you rolled a critical failure with nat 1 while the Tzeentch cultists have rolled a critical success with a nat 100 on an opposed roll for how the big Chaos warp ritual went.

Sharing this now to get some of the thread salt out of the system before the update comes along and as proof that you got horribly, horribly unlucky with the rolls.
Edit: And I am going to bed now so don't expect any replies from me until the morning.
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Shame that those rolls weren't switched, otherwise that would have been amazing. At the least hope we at least get some amazing traits and skill boosts from the coming ordeal.
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GG everyone. We are either set back by 50 years, we lost the game, or shit is so bad we might as well restart.

Why? Because unless the QM pulls a deus ex machina or some other contrived bullshit a warp ritual will engulf an entire planet. There is no coming back from this.
So as a hint of things to come,

Things have gone very wrong for you as you rolled a critical failure with nat 1 while the Tzeentch cultists have rolled a critical success with a nat 100 on an opposed roll for how the big Chaos warp ritual went.

Sharing this now to get some of the thread salt out of the system before the update comes along and as proof that you got horribly, horribly unlucky with the rolls.
Edit: And I am going to bed now so don't expect any replies from me until the morning.
There is no things to come. Just restart the quest. This is lost.
Or, maybe, just maybe, we take a breath and wait. If it's game end, it's game end, but it's one pair of rolls. Let's see how bad it actually is.
Welp, it's pretty disappointing that people thought we needed a new type of power armor despite the fact we literally already have that and even for the entire army. Meanwhile our super soldiers pretty much suck considering that they are only slightly better than the Imperial guard. Which is pretty embarrassing considering that we voted for options like DAoT medical knowledge, genetic engineering and cybernetics.

Again, we have freaking DAoT stuff that could theoretically create super soldiers on par with Space Marines and yet our Federations super soldiers still suck. It's just embarrassing that the Cargo cult of toaster lovers have numerous augmented soldiers that are flat out better than ours.

What just makes it ridiculous is that our own domain needed a top tier super solder to save them numerous times. You'd think that after all the shit Drake pulled off that our people would look into making better super soldiers. Seems ridiculous that despite having the tech they aren't doing shit with it. With everything else like power armor and ships I'd get since it seems like a pretty high tech ceiling. But with Drake as a sample to learn from and him actually being made from humans it seems like it would at least make raising their gene tech knowledge a lot easier.

Yeah the ability these guys have for their supposed tech level is outright pathetic.

It's not really helped by the QM not saying in the chapter that mass produced power armor is already a thing.

So as a hint of things to come,

Things have gone very wrong for you as you rolled a critical failure with nat 1 while the Tzeentch cultists have rolled a critical success with a nat 100 on an opposed roll for how the big Chaos warp ritual went.

Sharing this now to get some of the thread salt out of the system before the update comes along and as proof that you got horribly, horribly unlucky with the rolls.

Edit: And I am going to bed now so don't expect any replies from me until the morning.

I thought this was a narrative quest?

Great....just great. Looks like it's heading to technobarbarians for Bladus at best, and a new Daemon World at worst.

None of the tech we chose matter, none of them are shown, none of them are worth anything and fail to live up to the standards of the Dark Age. For goodness sake, genetic engineering from the Dark Age and we're barely better than the Imperial Guard?! Please stop nerfing us. Take a look at an actual polity that maintained a largely intact database, the League of Votann, and then compare them complete and utter disappointment that is Bladus' technology, and speaking of technology where are the AI? We specifically chose it and it's been a complete no show. You'd think back to back attacks would actually make the AI do something.

And now this disaster.

It's been back to back "Bladus gets stomped, Drake saves the day". Looks like we're scheduled for another round. You only bother describing disasters and the enemies. Where was this information when we choose "better equipment".

People who are saying this isn't a numbers game like @Jax are flat out wrong. Only one dice. Best of one. No wonder we keep getting our asses kicked.

You roll for events in what is supposed to be a narrative quest, but you can't be bothered to actually describe or include our boons or make them not complete disappointments.

Or, maybe, just maybe, we take a breath and wait. If it's game end, it's game end, but it's one pair of rolls. Let's see how bad it actually is.

It's one dice roll. Not best of three, no modifiers, nothing. A clear cut Nat 1 for us and Nat 100 for the enemies, and given how badly Bladus got wrecked back to back, and presumably that was average rolls, then Bladus is screwed.

Edit: I shouldn't get so worked up about a quest but barely out of the prologue and its back to back to back to back calamities and the boons we chose being completely ineffective, if they even show up at all amidst the non stop bad news.

I know the constant negativity from me isn't helping much and now that I've calmed down, I'm truly sorry. I still look forward to the quest's updates. But if this how Bladus is annually I'm shocked they're this primitive. I just want to know what we're picking and for our choices to actually pull its weight
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Shit happens, we chose the hard start, literally our own fault no matter how hard we try to cope. We could have literally picked a safer start if we wanted to, but we wanted all that nice tech and shipyards so we made our bed lol

Anyway, we don't even really know the effects of this, just that it was a warp ritual. We should be immune to the effects of chaos, so there's that at least, lets see how we can salvage this.
Shit happens, we chose the hard start, literally our own fault no matter how hard we try to cope. We could have literally picked a safer start if we wanted to, but we wanted all that nice tech and shipyards lol

Anyway, we don't even really know the effects of this, just that it was a warp ritual. We should be immune to the effects of chaos, so there's that at least, lets see how we can salvage this.

What nice tech? We may have chosen it but the QM sure as Hell hasn't bothered showing it.

We chose AI, back to back wars, they were a no show.

We chose genetic engineering? We're appearently barely better than the Imperial guard.

''Better equipment"? The QM couldn't be bothered to tell us what that actually entailed and people thought that power armor wasn't mass producable because they didn't tell anyone that that's what they meant by "better equipment".
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What nice tech? We may have chosen it but the QM sure as Hell hasn't bothered showing i

We chose AI, back to back wars, they were a no show.

We chose genetic engineering? We're appearently barely better than the Imperial guard.

''Better equipment"? The QM couldn't be bothered to tell us what that actually entailed
We literally got a project to develop super soldiers this turn and have a kick ass navy, as well as a very good grasp on the warp (as evidenced by our badass girlfried teaching us biomancy).

Anyway, I am looking forward to the next turn, I enjoy this quest and appreciate that things are not being handed to us on a platter. We chose the hard start, so obviously things will not be easy.
We literally got a project to develop super soldiers this turn and have a kick ass navy, as well as a very good grasp on the warp (as evidenced by our badass girlfried teaching us biomancy).

Anyway, I am looking forward to the next turn, I enjoy this quest and appreciate that things are not being handed to us on a platter. We chose the hard start, so obviously things will not be easy.

Despite being surrounded by enemies for centuries, prior to Drake's arrival they had genetic engineering to be barely better than the Imperial Guard.
May be misremembering here but wasn't it mentioned for this quest that 'heroes' did a lot better against more powerful daemons due to narrative reasons in-universe?
Also I was wondering wouldn't an awesome symbol for our protagonist be the lady of the lake lifting the sword of Excalibur. Hand and sword above a rippled pool of water or a wavy line. The can either hold the handle or blade but it's an incredibly awesome visual
Also I think that could be traced well onto a pauldron
So... my guess is that Tzeentch didn't send a legion. He sent infiltrators, and they were very successful.

Getting a third legion that can be beat off with force of arms would be quite boring... OTOH, an intrigue/diplomacy challenge would be quite a nice curveball.
Drake is not interested in either.


Edit: on another note:
1) A lot of Primarchs had a shittier start. Drake landed on a planet with modern tech, military and governance. As opposed to a primitive world, a deathworld full of monsters, sorcerer tyrants and slavers. Etc...
2) Suffering a major defeat (like this is probably going to wind up being) will push Drake out of his comfort zone. Character development, HO! He will have to use his primarchy MUCHNESS.
3) This might be the conflict that changes Drake from "a really navy admiral" to "an all round commander of men"

And on a more horrible note, and one of the worst case scenarios i can think of:
The tzeentchies got a hold of drake's genetic material, and are making super soldiers.
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chaos primarch time I guess,
While I understand that others have already mentioned this, your Little Anathema trait means that Drake is immune to Chaos. Furthermore, I would not force you down the path of Chaos even if you didn't have the Little Anathema trait.
GG everyone. We are either set back by 50 years, we lost the game, or shit is so bad we might as well restart.

Why? Because unless the QM pulls a deus ex machina or some other contrived bullshit a warp ritual will engulf an entire planet. There is no coming back from this.
There is no things to come. Just restart the quest. This is lost.
You are not getting a game over from a single set of dice rolls, no matter how bad they might be. Please stop unsubstantiated doomposting.
I thought this was a narrative quest?
It is not and never has been. I have been rolling for things since the opening post and I have repeatedly stated that I roll things going on in the update on Discord. This has come up multiple times in the thread before now.
Take a look at an actual polity that maintained a largely intact database, the League of Votann,
No. I am not wasting money on GW's latest money scheme and something that predates this quest. I will not be taking any cues from the League of Votann because we only got details on it after I planned this quest and none of those details are freely available.
What nice tech? We may have chosen it but the QM sure as Hell hasn't bothered showing it.
I have shown it, I am just not telling it like you are demanding. You just refuse to acknowledge that and insist that since I haven't sat down and told you every little detail to your satisfaction, that I am not showing or including the tech bonuses. You repeatedly lie about the technological level and how I have represented it because of your wilful ignorance on the subject. I know this because multiple people in this thread have understood what I've been putting into the updates and have outright pointed out to you whenever complain and spread more of your lies. You just refuse to acknowledge them and double-down on your lies whenever confronted about them.

I have repeatedly shown the tech advantage and I am not writing thousand of words describing it in detail because you don't understand things subtext and showing not telling. Suck it up. Whining about how I am not explaining minutia isn't going to chance anything. I have a life and other projects and so there is only so much time and effort in the day that I'll be devoting to this quest and I'll be focusing on furthering the plot and character development not wasting on minor details.
May be misremembering here but wasn't it mentioned for this quest that 'heroes' did a lot better against more powerful daemons due to narrative reasons in-universe?
You are misremembering. I don't know where you heard that, but it wasn't here.
I thought this was a narrative quest?

Great....just great. Looks like it's heading to technobarbarians for Bladus at best, and a new Daemon World at worst.

None of the tech we chose matter, none of them are shown, none of them are worth anything and fail to live up to the standards of the Dark Age. For goodness sake, genetic engineering from the Dark Age and we're barely better than the Imperial Guard?! Please stop nerfing us. Take a look at an actual polity that maintained a largely intact database, the League of Votann, and then compare them complete and utter disappointment that is Bladus' technology, and speaking of technology where are the AI? We specifically chose it and it's been a complete no show. You'd think back to back attacks would actually make the AI do something.

And now this disaster.
Criticism is fine, when it's polite and well-meaning. You're not being polite, you're being amazingly rude. The QM has already addressed your concerns, and yet you keep repeating how you find the game unfair. But you aren't owed anything. The QM has explained to you how they run ths quest, and you don't like it: fine. The QM is under no obligation to make something you like. If you don't like what's offered, stop reading. Don't make the thread unpleasant for everybody and in particular for the QM, who is writing for free and not for your enjoyment in particular.
To be blunt, you're acting like an entitled asshole.