[X] No
[X]The Old Forest
[X] Yes
[X] Build a Barrow (Uses 1 Beardling Die)
Old man willow also hates evryone, but I doubt is going to kill anyone when dealing with many dawi instead of 4 hobbits, at least he will die in the attempt.
[X] Plan: Incoming Carpenter Clan and looking for sulphur
-[X] Lumber Yard. 0/50 (1 Engineer, 3 Beardling)
--[X] +Fortified, +50 to target, +5 Wood per dice
-[X] Extensive North Pass Fortification, 117/240. (2 Warsmith, 1 Stonemason)
-[X] Huge, Fortified and Decorated Upper Stairs, 104/140. (1 Brewer)
-[X] Eotheod Apprenticeships: 3 Eotheod, Shatterspears
-[X] Storehall. 0/100 - Wood - West Peak - (1 Stonemason, 1 Brewer, 2 Farmer)
--[X] +Huge, +50 to target
--[X] +Fortified, +30 to target
--[X] +Decorated, +10 to target
-[X] Send out Sniffers. (2 Miner)
-[X] Constructed Rune: A King's Panoply - Armor - Klad Karaz Duraz (Armor of the Old Stone)
--[X] Rune of Fortitude, Rune of Stone, Rune of Stone
-[X] King Gisilhari
--[X] Commanding a Throng
-[X] Assuage a Clan - Ironplough - (Both)
-[X] Range Out From the Valley
--[X] The Northern and Eastern Throngs Rangers plus the Eotheod Riders are to, stealthily and carefully, keep their eyes on the Urki in the Eotheod lands. Especially those in Framsburg.
--[X] Western Throngs Rangers are to try and find out what the Trolls to the west are doing, and whether they are mustering alongside Urki to attack somewhere
-[X] Guard Urbaz
--[X] South Throng is to split its men between their pass and Urbaz. While Guarding Urbaz they should try and chat up those that visit the Trading post for news on recent events. A few of the Eotheod will also guard Urbaz and act as translators if needed and they can.
I was thorn between Jrengus and Ulse, I think we will have to make grudgethrower even if we had gunpowder rigth now since mortars will take forever, so the wood is important, training the rider is something that can be done in basicaly all the orders as long as we have the training ground ready when we go.
I sent the miners to search for (hopefuly) sulphur
so the clan elder stop tring to get himself killed to find it.
The rune stuff, wel like the rider the order in whic we build stuff does not really matter as long as we have them, armor is fine plus it keeps up with the traditon of giving our king a new piece of gear evry time he goes to war, I will consider necessary an attempt to make the scary helm and the shield who cost 1 gromling bar before we help the riders.
@Alratan it would not be a good idea and I do not like it, here is why.
1 runes are powerful but not invincible, Melkoth is the second strongest spirit in this world he migth very well shorten the time our own rune will last and need another runesmith to mantain it, or maybe is power in the place is just greatly diminished, it is impossible to say with precision.
2 Eru wants the age of magic to end and send the elfs to Valinor, if he wanted to prevent such an act it will have already done so, attempting to go against Eru whishes is completly pointless anyway.
3 Our runes work because they are close to the spirits of the Dawi and for the initial charge used in making them, a rune in a elf town will last a lot less time needing either more maintenance or a large comunity of Dawi, people are getting so excited about our pop grotw speaking like we could form an empire in a thousand years, whilst I really do not think we will ever reach a pop able to justify even making another permanent settlement that hisn't a trading post or a far mine.
4 it his a Master rune, our Runelord will NEVER make something like this again, it would take 4 other runelords to put a rune like this in all the major elven settlement, by the time we will have 4 of them the "damage " will already have been done, and even if it wasn't with 4 runelord we migth have grown so much to make the impossible and found another city whic would need the rune first.
5 We will never reach such level of friendlines with anyone in just a thousan years, the empire was founded thanks to the Dawi, how many master runes they got defending the walls of the Imperial capital, zero.
Meanwhile the Noldor managed to take part in a diplomatic incidend that resulted in slayerdom for some of ours, sure it wasn't entirely their fault but it take two rocks in a bag to make noise.
And they said our mountain sucks, sure they didn't deserve what they got but they do not deserve a master rune either.
6 Dawi are the most conservative society on their planet and probably here too, I would really dislike if we stopped taking the sometimes bad aspect that comes with it along with the good ones, partly because perfect society are boring to read about partly because it is a foundamental caractherizazion of the Dawi.