The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

I think actually seeing a Noldor or Sindarin with a beard would be just as 'I need a moment' for the Dawi, because *elgi don't have beards* and clearly these peoples, for all their resemblence, are indeed of a higher calibre than the Elgi if they are able to grow facial hair. Not nearly on par with the magnificent facial manes of the Dawi of course, but that is a burden of caliber that only the Dawi are able to bear with dignity and humility.

Pretty great update, I'm very happy we're getting along with the Noldor, and I am excited with the opportunity presented by the boy king coming to our gates in need.

As for the Dwarves, they're very obviously a different people, who shouldn't be considered Dawi. That does not, however, mean we can't be close friends and Allies against the Dark, and maybe even one day teach them our "proper" ways.

Exactly, if we're going to merge our respective peoples if that is possible, it needs to be done from the perspective that we are two different peoples so we don't come into this with assumptions that they might take offence at or we take offence that they think differently and so on.
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Just as the Noldor raised up the Edain, we shall raise up the Eotheod.

Of course, the Dawi would be more likely to use the Empire as a reference of uplifting Umgi.
Still, now we absolutely have to get the market and guest residences up, between the results of these two Nat 100s and traders already showing up and asking.
Hey guys remember how the elves here seem nice well remember they used to hunt and eat dwarves before they found out they were intelligent back when dwarves were in primitive states thats either going to make the dawi hate them or think that that's dwarves must been extremely stupid and inferior that they weren't even identified as an intelligent species and it's only luck that they became an empire in the first place
So since we actually hit a major iron ore vein what do we want from this trade deal? A one off deal for some steel to tide us over while we go through building the mine and smelting the ore would be nice but beyond that what do we need/want and what are we willing to give?
This should be a very 'finish things' turn 17. And finding the blood of thungi.

I'm already working on ideas for the omake to help with success. I think I might not do one where our Rhunrikki finds an apprentice, but maybe a fun one to give bonus on the find roll. If we omake everytime we want to secure something, omake powers will be diminished, I'm sure.

And I don't want Warkeymon to decrease omake powers.
Hey guys remember how the elves here seem nice well remember they used to hunt and eat dwarves before they found out they were intelligent back when dwarves were in primitive states thats either going to make the dawi hate them or think that that's dwarves must been extremely stupid and inferior that they weren't even identified as an intelligent species and it's only luck that they became an empire in the first place
Now you're just stirring up trouble as a sore loser. Knock it off please.
Hey guys remember how the elves here seem nice well remember they used to hunt and eat dwarves before they found out they were intelligent back when dwarves were in primitive states thats either going to make the dawi hate them or think that that's dwarves must been extremely stupid and inferior that they weren't even identified as an intelligent species and it's only luck that they became an empire in the first place
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the elves hunted the "Petty-Dwarves" who where exiled from the Dwarven Kingdoms and it was the Petty-Dwarves that started killing the elves first.
This should be a very 'finish things' turn 17. And finding the blood of thungi.
Lots of stuff to finish but it is all quite close so I think we will still have dice leftover. My initial instinct is to put dice towards a sulphur storehouse and starting the shatterspear clan halls as well as moving the farmers over to the north pass.
And I think it wasn't.
I agree, I think the Hold is mostly sad that they aren't Dawi, but it's far better for the sadness to come and pass now than for the inevitable betrayal of expectations that would come in the future otherwise.
Its not like we can't make alliances with the Dwarves afterall, but much like how a Dawi must be careful when making alliances with Umgi, it's the same with the local Dwarves, to treat them like Dawi would have been to invite misery in the future.
I know it's lore. It's also one particular interpretation, misses several details like how they were Dark followers and tried to assassinate Finrod for no reason, and just so happens to relate to the issue you had of Dawi/Dwarves.
…it just goes along with the how the dawi will see the dwarves and elves back then including in the future who knows the dawi might even see the dwarves as literally inferior to them and kinda useless in someways like they see in the umgi in their world or the elgi
So since we actually hit a major iron ore vein what do we want from this trade deal? A one off deal for some steel to tide us over while we go through building the mine and smelting the ore would be nice but beyond that what do we need/want and what are we willing to give?

Favourable deals on bulk artisan goods on Elrond's ticket (He has to be the purchaser/backer for that particular merchant, rando merchant from Rivendell doesn't count): goat wool blankets and tapestries, tableware, cheeses, ale, furniture, jewelry once we get there. Some steel to hold us over for now. Or outright silver as currency for steel. Honestly, a place to trade ale would go a long way I think. And Dawi ale should knock those pretty Noldor on their booties.

@Warkeymon Can we get a preview of all the things that we'll need to produce gunpowder, including storehouses?

I assume guns are made at the engineering hall. Same with regular weapons in the Forge Hall
and starting the shatterspear clan halls
Actually expanding on this a bit there is something I've been debating with myself for a bit, should we build the Shatterspear clan halls on level -1 of the west peak or should we build them on a higher level and dedicate the entirety of level -1 to the engineers?

The advantage to building the halls on level -1 is we can start them next turn. The main reason to do them on a higher level is just for the neatness of having all the engineers stuff on that one level. For reference we need to have the Shatterspear clan halls done by the end of turn 19 so the new carpenters can move into their old clan halls.
Favourable deals on bulk artisan goods on Elrond's ticket (He has to be the purchaser/backer for that particular merchant, rando merchant from Rivendell doesn't count): goat wool blankets and tapestries, tableware, cheeses, ale, furniture, jewelry once we get there. Some steel to hold us over for now. Or outright silver as currency for steel. Honestly, a place to trade ale would go a long way I think. And Dawi ale should knock those pretty Noldor on their booties.

@Warkeymon Can we get a preview of all the things that we'll need to produce gunpowder, including storehouses?

I assume guns are made at the engineering hall. Same with regular weapons in the Forge Hall
Gunpowder is a mix of Saltpeter, Sulphur and Charcoal. There needs to be a Powder Hall for turning those into Gunpowder. Guns and artillery are made in the Engineering Hall.
The advantage to building the halls on level -1 is we can start them next turn. The main reason to do them on a higher level is just for the neatness of having all the engineers stuff on that one level. For reference we need to have the Shatterspear clan halls done by the end of turn 19 so the new carpenters can move into their old clan halls.

We might have a few leftover dice on turn 17 right? Have them start on at least one level of stairs, so we can crank out the Shatterspear halls on turn 19. As a thought.

Until we secure a source of Saltpeter we're not going to need a powder hall or a powder storage, so we have time there. But I do like the idea of all of our engineering being pretty close.
We might have a few leftover dice on turn 17 right? Have them start on at least one level of stairs, so we can crank out the Shatterspear halls on turn 19. As a thought.
This is my current plan notes for next turn:

Decorated Market Hall, 120/160 - 1 Stonemason 1 Beardling
Fortified and Decorated Guest Residences, 174/190.. - 2 Brewers expand to large (174/240)
Huge, Fortified and Decorated Engineering Hall, 130/190 - 1 Engineer 1 Beardling
Iron Mine - 2 miner (0/50)
Sulphur Storehall (fortified decorated) 2 Warsmith 1 Beardling (0/140)
North fortifications - 2 Farmers (0/lots)
Shatterspear clan hall / Stairs up west peak - 1 Stonemason 1 beardling (0/lots)

So yeh we have the dice to build stairs and likely get at least one level done since Warkeymon gives us access to new levels as we complete percentages of the stairs.
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He takes up the talisman that Rhunrikki Gutfroy had made and looks it over carefully and intently. 'This is not work the like of which I have seen anew in a long time. Perhaps only the Three, since my first death, have been so finely wrought that I have come across.'
Not sure what to think about so easily crossing that bar.

the main city of Imladris where the Noldor dwell in some number and if that number is greater than Dawi in Karak Drekfut it is not by many.
Or that, a thousand years and counting before the War of the Ring.
Sulfur from Volcanoes, heap leaching copper ores or as a byproduct of lead sulfide.

Saltpeter from piss, straw, and horse manure (horse lords can help us with this) or via industrial alchemical processes.

Charcoal is easy and abundant with a local wood source.