The Dawi in Arda (Hiatus)

So a thought for the trade deal, we are selling 4 Dawi ale for 20sc per in our grand stall, Noldor wine goes for the same price but we can trade 1 ale here for 4 wine. That means we can make the exact same profit and save ourself 3 ale per turn by trading for wine here.
The implication of Mithlond not having sovereignty over the other port cities has me wonder info you could make a list of factions we know if but aren't trading with. Like Tharbad for example I don't know if they're part of the Dunedain. We got those maps after all. I want to get an idea of who is distinct from who, and I'd be very much obliged if you'd be willing to provide that information and those distinctions.

Also, what do the two "1's" mean?
Tharbad is technically part of Gondor and is the northern border it used to have with Arnor. Enedwaith is a province of Gondor that hasn't been really part of it for a long time.
I'll work on a list of neighbours you've got some idea about.

The 1's match it up with the pricing system. You buy them for the costs listed.
These jump out at me right away. I wouldn't think we need crazy amounts of imported food but a small amount couldn't hurt. Not going full warship since I'd like to get a better idea of the sort of support requirements (DCs, buildings, and resources) a barge has.

Painless to trade immediately
25 Silver - 200SC/ = 5000
5 Steel- 50SC/= 250

I'd like to buy
Riverine Barge Designs 1=2000
Sulphur 50=1SC

Edit: Ale, Silver, and Steel may be where we'd want to focus if we start finding methods of boosting the latter two directly.
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Tharbad is technically part of Gondor and is the northern border it used to have with Arnor. Enedwaith is a province of Gondor that hasn't been really part of it for a long time.

The 1's match it up with the pricing system. You buy them for the costs listed.

I mean, do we need more than one design per ship?


So a thought for the trade deal, we are selling 4 Dawi ale for 20sc per in our grand stall, Noldor wine goes for the same price but we can trade 1 ale here for 4 wine. That means we can make the exact same profit and save ourself 3 ale per turn by trading for wine here.
I would like to have a steady stream of stuff we can offer to others on the other side of the mountains like Mirkwood, the Eotheod, the Beornings, etc. They'd probably
Enjoy having easy and constant access to Noldor and Mithlond stuff, for example.
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Painless to trade immediately
25 Silver - 200SC/ = 5000
5 Steel- 50SC/= 250
I really don't want to sell steel, we can use it to build custom runic items or refurnish halls or get much better rates in the grand stall if we sell it through warsmith services which give a -5 to a warsmith dice but turn 1 steel bar into 2.5 silver.
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Riverine Barge Designs 1=2000

Dwarfs are very wary of water.

They consider wooden ships flimsy & delicate, they would much rather build their own steam barges if they have the option.

"Dwarfs have a strong dislike of water and the Dwarfs at Barak Varr are unusual in that many of them become sailors. Even so, they still do not relish setting foot on the flimsy wooden ships used by men and Elves. Instead they put their faith in huge Iron vessels driven by paddles and powered by steam boilers located deep within heavily armoured hulls"
I really don't want to sell steel, we can use it to build custom runic items or refurnish halls or get much better rates in the grand stall if we sell it through warsmith services which give a -5 to a warsmith dice but turn 1 steel bar into 2.5 silver.

No worries, I see it as something we're making enough of per turn that we can trade away 4-5 now without really causing a lot of trouble. Could easily wait 5 years and see where we are on it since the silver should cover a lot if we don't go for warships.

A metalsmith or jeweler could both (potentially) offer some nice options for our market hub.

Unrelated here's the cost and income from a brewer's hall.
Brewer Hall built in North Peak. +15 Ale and – 20 Crop per turn.

Dwarfs are very wary of water.

They consider wooden ships flimsy & delicate, they would much rather build their own steam barges if they have the option.

Could use the designs as a starting point, or sell them to humans, or crew them with humans. Dwarfs own everything and do all the work onshore. Cheaper to begin with something that works and reverse engineer.

Edit2: Suspect elven designs are also cheaper from a metal/coal standpoint.
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Dwarfs are very wary of water.

They consider wooden ships flimsy & delicate, they would much rather build their own steam barges if they have the option.

"Dwarfs have a strong dislike of water and the Dwarfs at Barak Varr are unusual in that many of them become sailors. Even so, they still do not relish setting foot on the flimsy wooden ships used by men and Elves. Instead they put their faith in huge Iron vessels driven by paddles and powered by steam boilers located deep within heavily armoured hulls"
Presumably @Warkeymon is planning on them modifying and testing the modifications so it's appropriately Dawi. It's unlikely that the Dawi don't have history of starting with wooden ships. They didn't always have steam power after all.
Didn't the norse dawi use wooden ships? That would give precedence for isolated dawi communities using wooden ships
Sorry to ask you this right after the request for a faction list, but off the top of your head are there reasons for Dawi to have/want valuables like gold and jewels besides trade?
Presumably @Warkeymon is planning on them modifying and testing the modifications so it's appropriately Dawi. It's unlikely that the Dawi don't have history of starting with wooden ships. They didn't always have steam power after all.

I don't know how much stock we can put into the Dreadfleet books in so far as Canon, but per that source the Dawi transitions straight into Ironclads with no wooden ships.

"Dwarfs do not naturally take to the seas; They prefer things of permanence over the fickle and unpredictable tides of the ocean. However, during the War of the Beard, when the Elf and Dwarf races waged war against one another, the Elves of Ulthuan proved their dominance in no uncertain terms - their lightning-fast invasion fleets left many thousands of dead Dwarfs in their wake.

The Dwarfs have always maintained that anything the Elves can do, they can do better; and so it was not too long before Red Brokk Gunnarsson's forefathers had ventured out into the wide ocean. They did so not upon flimsy vessels of wood and linen, though, for Dwarfs put no stock in such inferior materials. Instead they tamed the waves in great silversteel behemoths powered by complex steam engines and ancestor turbines.

As the craft of shipbuilding was perfected, Barak Varr became a hive of industrial activity. The Engineer's Guild sent thousands of aspiring artisans to Barak Varr's dockyards in order to ensure each new species of warship was a technological marvel. The seaport swelled year after year until its fleet boasted several hundred ironclads, Nautilus submersibles and even Grudgebreaker-class battleships, the largest of which were capable of single-handedly tearing down a city's walls"
A rough turn.

But we gotta keep trying with the Eotheod. Honestly, might be best to focus them on more long riders, lesser trades can come later, naturally for them.

Yes, I was a big advocate for the Carpenter clan. I didn't realize that Engineers could also get a lumber camp and charcoal going, but I also see that being an overlap meaning we can spread the -5s around. I would also expect a few other wood trades to be available to a carpenter clan. It also lets us craft wagons, and furniture.

Coppicing (something I see being a bit more carpenter/forester than engineer) should increase charcoal production.

Things like silvopasture also converges really well with goat, sheep, and cattle herds to the point if we can get it going we should see a bonus to meat.

And mushrooms. A lot of mushrooms grow on wood. More crop. More things to make booze from.

(I also want to sneak in pony and horse breeding. Might be worth it to see if we can get one of our Eotheod die to become herders for horses)
It looks like the Dawi could build Monitors for lakes and rivers but the knowledge may have also been super specialized to a single hold. I'm not sure of all the complications involved which is why I had eyes on the barge so we could kind of express interest as a thread and see what was involved.

Being able to move a lot of stuff from the grey mountains down to Lorien just seems really useful to me even if as dawi we're not super enthusiastic about physically being on them. I have similar feelings about Cavalry and dwarves having short arms :D

See, with this deal we can have supplements/replacements to the Feast requirements allowing us to regularly throw feasts and bring morale up.

Everything we could have wanted without more maluses to our dice. We don't even need a new coal mine now.