The Chaos Founding

[X] Plan: So chaos dwarfs, eh?
-[X] Warband Name: Hulk Haulers Inc.
-[X] Warband Colors: Mutted gold and bronze
-[X] Warband Symbol: A unbalanced scales.
-[X] Warband Creed: "Everything has a price."
-[X] Weaponsmiths: This warband has grown adept at creating infernal weapons.
-[X] Basic Daemonic Pact: This Warband has a pact that lets them call upon the Lesser Daemons of the dark gods, such as Bloodletters or Plague Bearers, with relative ease. 5 Points.
-[X] Enslaved Furies: This Warband has captured and enslaved many Chaos Furies into its service. 5 Points.
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[ ]Plan: Raiders of the Leviathan arc

We have extra ships, raiding for things like raw materials, food, and high end luxuries we can't make would line up well with us, plus our high tech level means we can probably get in and out fast
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[X] Plan: Iron Overlords.
-[X] Warband Name: Iron Overlords.
-[X] Warband Colors: Silvery-gray primary, with golden helmets, pauldrons and gauntlets.
-[X] Warband Symbol: Silver skull with red gemstones within eye sockets.
-[X] Warband Creed:"Forget no debts".
-[X] Weaponsmiths: This warband has grown adept at creating infernal weapons.
-[X] Well Armed Cult: This Warband can count on the aid of many well armed and experienced cultists in times of war.
--[X] 1 Charge of Better Support.
-[X] Basic Daemonic Pact: This Warband has a pact that lets them call upon the Lesser Daemons of the dark gods, such as Bloodletters or Plague Bearers, with relative ease.
--[X] 1 Charge of Extra Obliterators.
[X]Plan: Raiders of the Leviathan arc
-[X] Warband Name: Perpetual Wreckers
-[X] Warband Colors:Light blue, Red, and hull metal grey
-[X] Warband Symbol: Crossed cutting torch and wrench
-[X] Warband Creed: A use for everything and everything put to its use/ Warcry "Strip 'em for Parts!"
-[X]1 charge of Extra Obliterators
-[X]1 Charge of Better Support
-[X] Weaponsmiths: This warband has grown adept at creating infernal weapons.
-[X] Well Armed Cult: This Warband can count on the aid of many well armed and experienced cultists in times of war.
-[X] Extra Rhinos: Though many would call them simple metal boxes, the Rhino is a capable transport and this Warband has some to spare.

[X] Plan: Iron Overlords.