Just finished reading through the quest. Gotta say, can't wait to see the reactions to the first deployment of Iron Tigers. I suspect that it will be an excellent oh crap moment for whoever they are deployed against.
Lemme think...
1. Iron Tigers
2. IT-Tech Derived Submarines
3. Early Automatization
4. Automatic Electronic Networking between military units (tanks, planes, ships. IT already have that.)
5. Electronic Economic Planning
6. Advanced Smart Artillery Shells
7. Improved Rocketry
8. Space Exploration (IT Tech-Derivatives be here)
9. Civilian IT-Tech applications in the automotive, mining, farming, naval, medical, infrastructure, construction, etc. sectors to improve military readiness.
10. And a whole lot more.
Lemme think...
1. Iron Tigers
2. IT-Tech Derived Submarines
3. Early Automatization
4. Automatic Electronic Networking between military units (tanks, planes, ships. IT already have that.)
5. Electronic Economic Planning
6. Advanced Smart Artillery Shells
7. Improved Rocketry
8. Space Exploration (IT Fuel-Derivative be here)
9. Civilian IT-Tech applications in the automotive, mining, farming, naval, medical, infrastructure, construction, etc. sectors to improve military readiness.
10. And a while lot more.
Wait, I thought IT fuel was nixed and replaced with better actuators after the whole hyrogen-mass-energy-density at diesel-volumetric-energy-density thing?
Ie: IT key techs being: turbine engines, electronics, material science, electro-hydrostatic actuators (the electric motors being the key component there)?
1. Iron Tigers
2. IT-Tech Derived Submarines
3. Early Automatization
4. Automatic Electronic Networking between military units (tanks, planes, ships. IT already have that.)
Wait, I thought IT fuel was nixed and replaced with better actuators after the whole hyrogen-mass-energy-density at diesel-volumetric-energy-density thing?
Ie: IT key techs being: turbine engines, electronics, material science, electro-hydrostatic actuators (the electric motors being the key component there)?
Yeah, that latter song pretty accurately describes Guangchou to my understanding.
Side note, I have noticed that over half of this thread has just been the Iwa Jima situation. Not that I don't think the situation deserved it since holy shit a carrier just got thrown into a country by an act of god, but still.
>Loggin In...
>Welcome @VillainBuiscit
>Accessing Thread: Need Help For School Project: Re: Guangchou Carrier Incident.
>Free User
A classmate told me that this is a fantastic site to ask for facts and information regarding past events, especially as people from across the line mingle here.
The thing is, I have to do a project on past historical events, and I drew the Guangchou Carrier Event, but I know next to nothing about that.
Also, we aren't allowed to use Wikipedia, and I can't afford other information pages, so can you help me?
>Oh boy, this sounds like it will be fun! Please wait a moment; let me assemble the gang! @LORDCYBER!, @MikyTheTerrible, @PlayfulElephant, @ZenWeiBestWei, @ParticularlyZenBison
You up to help me educate the noob?
Or am I free to post the stuff alone?
>Ohh...Guangchou Carrier Event...the thing that made the American Troubles a bit closer to reality. Shit...I mean, it's a goddamn miracle we sent McGovern to oversee shit and the overall negotiations, which helped shoot him into the White House Proper...but I'm more of "The Domestic Front" of the Troubles guy. I mean, TOM CLANCY, Author and American Hero, stopped an entire wave of Terrorism and then wrote a book about it. I still love Hunt for Red October.
>An American Carrier got dumped via Tsunami onto Communist Island Guangchou, and everyone freaked out, fearing WWIII was on the horizon. Instead, the "Glorious Leader" of the time decided to issue the largest littering fine in history along with a bill for all the expenses the stranded and bored sailors racked up. While everyone was still scratching their heads at this, Guangchou used the opportunity to extort America for spare change, basically.
It was a bizarre time to be alive.
>Ye, as Milky said. It was the most bizarre thing to happen cause, I mean...
God looked at one carrier and said: "Fuck You In Particular!" before chucking it onto the gay island.
The miraculous thing is... there were no deaths to the crew!
The hilarious thing was an Asian farmer threw eggs at them shortly before the whole nation did at the US.
After that, they basically extorted the US for money.
And it was still cheaper than decommissioning would have cost them!
>Free User
>There were no deaths? At all?
You would think that the commies would be a bit scared about the carrier.
And because they had the Mecha currently above the island and all that...
>Silver User
From what I've read, everyone was apparently terrified because they thought China had somehow figured out how to set off nukes to beach ships. Everyone thought China had some secret program to send ICBMs underwater, in a way we couldn't detect or trace. I know there are only two papers on the actual Tsunami and its connection to nuclear weapons, one by Dr. Garza and his team in Madrid and one by Dr. Marino and his team in Berlin. Unfortunately, while both of those papers are good resources, they do cost a $100 access fee, so I'm not sure you will be able to use them for your project.
Anyways, while everyone else panicked about nukes, sailors panicked about what would happen to them on the gay island. Guangchou's leader apparently fainted because he had calculated the clean-up costs. It's kind of insane to read some of these stories about what everyone was panicking about. Give me a second; perhaps I can find a paper about the events in Guangchou.
>Free User
>Thank you, PlayfulElephant!
You are right; I don't have the kind of money to pay for that. Most of my money goes to medicine. It sucks to live in [PERSONAL DATA IS CENSORED FOR FREE USERS]...
And I didn't know he fainted! I'd been under the impression he was already planning on how to make money off of the incident or hide the Mecha.
>Free User
>No, I wish. I could get actual healthcare there... : (
Here I get told to be happy I get anything at all, being a [PERSONAL DATA IS CENSORED FOR FREE USERS]
>I just thank god that it didn't ruin the Reputation of the Navy...dear god, imagine if it had gone to total shit and we lost them bye-bye Naval Supremacy. Heh. Well, at the very least, it didn't make things worse. Is anyone here thankful for McGovern's Food Aid Program? The Man ended food insecurity in America FOR GOOD, and they still call him a bad president!! What is wrong with people sometimes!
Alright, let's answer something else...and see if people can stop bitchin' about McGovern.
>Free User
>Man, can't talk about anything here, huh?
>Free User
>Ah yes. The Iwo Jima. The ship that my grandparent's fishing boat was made of, LMAO.
Apparently, we were just rolling in recycled steel for a few years after that fiasco.
It had some weird knock-on effects, too, like, Commiewood wouldn't have existed as we know it if that entertainment rider to the reparations hadn't been thrown in on a whim by our diplomats. It's incredible how much of history comes down to happenstance. Imagine you were this close to not having to smuggle bootleg Cosmos tapes past the Canadian border so that you could get your sci-fi fix.
>Hello @FLUFFYSNUGLE! You have been issued [2] Warnings! Any more, and we'll have to upgrade your pay-per-post to pay-per-word according to our policy!
Beep Boop, I'm A Bot.
>Free User
> Sweet Marx in heaven, I will never not be freaked out by what a rent-seeking hellscape the western infosphere is.
>Sup Zen? Good to see you; still up to bootleg the newest western on Friday?
Anyways, yeah! That was pretty funny once I read about that!
Apparently, they also added that they wanted all of the Star Trek tapes to show them on TV a year later.
Cause they thought they were communist in nature.
Gene is still seen as the most subversive ally in the media world, lol!
>Hello Comrade ZenWeiBestWei!
I have blocked an automatic ban for using the word: [Marx] in one of your posts!
Please keep me hidden, so the West may one day be freed!
Beep Boop, I'm A Better Bot!
>Silver User
Oh yeah, the old Iron Tiger program.
Yeah, I know they had it above ground and that we recognize now how revolutionary they were, but apparently, the first Iron Tigers were really buggy. Here is a report from Fu Huiling in 1979 (FREE Even! Just be careful of all the links on that page) that details Several problems in maintenance and even basic operation that the Chinese had with their initial *Iron Panda program. They had so many issues, and one of the big ones was apparently with electronics. Reading between the lines, I think they had problems with humidity. I believe the first Iron tigers were developed underground but then had to be improved to work on the surface, and that is why there were mechs outside the bunkers in Guangchou. They were trying to fix those notorious electronic problems to use their Iron Tigers normally.
But yeah, Guanchou's leader didn't have a plan. He just fainted. He was notorious for his weak constitution. If you read the memoirs of Omori Shiro, you will get an excellent insight into Guangchou politics. He only became the Japanese ambassador in 1983, but he dug up so much dirt on the political scene in Guangchou. You need to read his political memoirs to see just how much shit he wasn't allowed to speak about while in the country. It's wild to see just what was really going on
*The Iron Panda program is a hilarious thing to research, and most of it is declassified. I know that by 1981, China had started a new mech program to replace this one, but it's fascinating to read about the early failures in mech design. Seriously, if you want a good primer on the difficulties of mech design, just go through the documentation for the Iron Panda Program. The best part is most of that shit is free.
>Technically, it's a Subscription service no....5 bucks for Internet access. Though if only we could break the Payment Block...it is ruining the Free Information Movement! THE INTERNET SHOULD BE FREE! BUT ALSO FREE OF THAT Commie Crap that they KEEP SPAMMING ME WITH! I Got Seven Viruses from your Chinese ADS! THE BASTARDS ARE MAKING ME SPEND MORE TIME FIXING MY COMPUTER THAN USING IT!
One of these days, I will make my own Router.
>Silver User >Reply To @LORDCYBER!
>Dude, why don't you just move? Like, do you understand just how many other places have got their shit together? Both in ASEAN (South East Asian alliance) and SAARC (South Asian Alliance), all members are required to subsidize power and internet use. It's only the US that can't do shit.
>Free User
>I know what you are talking about, LordCyber. Thankfully, my mom is a MilEng, and cobbled one together!
But to get back to my project.
So, the carrier landed, and people freaked. The leader fainted, the Iron Tigers were hidden, and then... what?
I know that there was a lady in the UN that declared it a littering due to my friend, but how did people react?
And what was China doing?
>GOLD >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
>You do know we're recovering from the Third Wave of the Troubles, Right? You know Suicide Bombings from Communist Agitators...and Right-Wing Lunatics running at Politicians with Axes and Colts. It's not that we can't fix our problems; it's a fact Lind and Peirce aimed for the Power Grid... and we're still repairing it. Thank god Cal is fine.
And what the heck is "Fourth Gen Warfare..." It sounds like some pentagon pencil-pushing baby trying to make himself important!
>Free User
>Pssst kid, want some drugsquality entertainment? lol
You bet, one internationalist historical adventure coming right at you.
Also, yeah, Roddenberry was a significant influence on early commie sci-fi, but it was Hitoshi that elevated his progressive ideas to their peak in Cosmos. Like, the premiere of Cosmos reads like an extended list of Hays Code violations. Anyways, this is all off-topic, so back to the Iwo Jima.
From a material standpoint, the influx of food and industrial goods was a massive boon for Guangchou that allowed the state apparatus at the time to relax its sprint to food self-sufficiency enough that it could get a head start on creating an industrial base for electronics manufacturing and development - I don't need to tell you the payoff that that was - you're probably accessing this site with a knock-off Guangchou processor. Like, everyone fixates on the wacky military hardware that spawned, but the cybernetic central planning systems were the real hero of the information age - looking back, the US kind of indirectly saved the USSR from the economic collapse by advancing the timeline of computer development in Guangchou.
>Oh...Hey, future flame war material for the Fiction discussion...Commie Sci-Fi vs. American Sci-Fi is like the Ultimate Badge of the Nerd Wars... You haven't lived until you got into a verbal fistfight over whether Star Wars or Cosmos is better.
But Star Wars has Laser swords, Jedi, Carrie Fisher, and the Force...what does Cosmos have that is any better.
>Free User
>@LORDCYBER, My people, aren't seen as either sex objects or dumb barbarians within Cosmos?
>I mean, in a worldbuilding sense...and no, Lucas didn't mean that when he made the film...that's just the Fan's being assholes again. Listen to his interviews... I swear Cosmos fans take things too literally... Also, anyone here playing Knights of the Old Republic... that's the big one. Awesome RPG.
>Great...another Shitshow in the South China Sea. That's just wonderful. Everything is just going to shit again. Does anyone want me to look for good news that will help everyone forget that we're going through another life-changing event...like Who's going to be running for President or something?
>Silver User
>So, no one is sure what happened in the next 32 hours. I believe there is a schedule floating around somewhere for how the Guangchou representative spent that time, buts it's challenging to find. We know that their diplomat visited the reps for the US, USSR, China, Japan, and France (but not Britain!). The widespread consensus is that none of these visits lasted more than 30 minutes, and supposedly, the Guangchou rep was kicked out of some of these meetings. No one has any evidence if Guangchou used bribery or blackmail on the other reps.
However, After 32 hours, another emergency session was declared, and the Taiwanese representative was not present. Apparently, suppose you read the memoirs of Ensar Karakus (aide to the Turkish ambassador at the time). In that case, Ensar states that the Taiwanese rep had some insane orders from dictator Chiang Kai-shek to claim all the waters around Guangchou as sovereign territory and demand the carrier's immediate return or Taiwan would invade.
Reading between the lines, the second emergency session, America bending over backward with its littering speech... well, it's clear that Dictator Chiang overplayed his hand. Someone learned about his order, called another emergency session when the historic vote was held and made sure the Taiwanese didn't attend. Moreover, within a year, you would see a democratic coup in Taiwan (no, Dictator Chiang didn't die a natural death, that is a piss poor coverup job). Evermore evidence is that the money the extra $20 Million loans the EMF provided in 1975 and then the approval for a NATO base built after 1978 on the island.
The US didn't flub things with a speech. The USSR didn't threaten to nuke DC if the US didn't play ball. The French weren't being cowards again when they told the British to back down from the podium and not give their planned speech. China didn't threaten to use enough nukes to flatten Japan.
No, Taiwan caused their own 'Great Shame,' and the whole government was forcibly 'reformed' by the west. And it didn't even fix things. You want to know why we are having problems today. Because apparently, no one in Taiwan to this day has gotten the message that a war would be bad. Taiwan still thinks that everyone should've responded to the whole Guangchou affair with military force. So, seriously, if you do end up writing this report, you have to touch on the modern-day consequences and how the current tension can be directly tied to the events of the Guangchou Carrier crisis.
>Free User
>Thanks for the info, @PlayfulElephant!
And I know what you mean about Taiwan; my Dad has been there on military duty for the last year.
I hope they let him and the others resume writing letters. I miss him. : (
Moving on from that, I have enough for me to cover how things happened, but what were people doing on the ground? The Sailors and Guangchou soldiers?
>Well, the Marines were getting some bussyin town on Uncle Sam's purse.
The one straight dude in the navy was busy ensuring that sensitive info was shredded, angry that he didn't get any bussy.
All the while, the Guangchou Soldiers were trying to keep everything contained and the people from making a ruckus near the ship.
There is some clip somewhere on YouTube about a farmer being consoled due to losing his geese because of the carrier parling on top of them.
>Free User
Ok, I'm going to spoiler this because it is off-topic, but I can't allow this challenge to my fandom to go unanswered:
OnOn one hand, the mature side of me wants to say that Cosmos vs. Star Wars is an apples to oranges comparison - they're very different works with different aims and stylistic conceits, and comparing them is missing the point.
On the other hand, Star Wars is a nothing but a liberal's impression of what anti-imperial struggle entails that dons airs of revolutionary struggle without backing up its position with any intellectual rigor (seriously - the Rebel Alliance wanted to restore the Republic? The same Republic that the Empire was created out of?) and pushes a liberal conception of history steeped in Great Man theory.
And on the third pseudopod: Captain Yasmine's microgee sword fight, Mommy Morozova, the Kherson Rift space battle, and, oh yeah, The Second Sexual Revolution. Checkmate Warsies.
>Cosmos didn't give that treatment to any group of people, but I'm going to need to know who your people are to answer more specifically. (Hint: you can get around the auto censor by providing geocoordinates.) >Reply To @MikyTheTerrible
>My impression is that while the PPDC officially backs the PRC to the hilt, behind closed doors, Words Are Being Had, and if the Chinese keep being Warhawks, then Chinese factories will start to experience 'unfortunate delays in microprocessor deliveries' soon. >Reply To @VillainBuiscit
>Oh gods. Like, on the one hand, I'm glad the CIA spent like, fifty million to develop a counter to 'homocatalytic chemical agents' instead of using it to oppress south Americans or something, but holy shit.
>Silver User >Reply To @FLUFFYSNUGLE
>I mean, The leader of Guangchou fainting was probably shushed up, so you just had ordinary people interacting under their prerogative.
I've heard that the sailors were generally under a protocol to secure the ship and not interact with the locals (and not start a firefight, which didn't happen, thank god!). I mean, we have obvious evidence that they interacted with the locals, but I'm not sure how many people stayed with the ship.
Of those who left the ship... well... I've heard a lot of stories about the sailors fornicating and letting loose on the island, but I'm not sure how true they are. There are some conflicting accounts from sailors right after they returned home. However, any other actual documents on the sailors' behavior on the island are still heavily classified. I haven't found any good public reports with good primary sources (although apparently, it is well known that the sailors partied hard).
As for the Guangchou soldiers, I have heard they were terrified. Apparently, no one was prepared for the whole thing, and the soldiers were barely able to contain things. However, this info is from official Chinese reports which were recently declassified, and those reports are pretty sketchy on accurate details. So I'm not sure I would trust them, especially considering subsequent showings of Gungchou soldiers and Guangchou mercenaries.
>Sailors on the ground? Well, let me put it this way: Ever wonder where the terms "Gaycation" and "Gaygration" came from?
Back then, Guangchou was only really known as a backwater hell on earth in the States - decades of anti-commie propaganda. Between that and the difficulty of making the trip, only the most desperate LGBT+ people would risk it.
After, though? After gay sailors from all over the states got to experience Guangchou's 'affectionate welcome' and then return home and spread the word through the subculture?
Let's just say brains weren't the only thing being drained.
>GOLD >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
>Considering that they literally Ran into the Arms of Ms. Mercenary Goddess of Outer Heaven Herself to Cry about it... I like her, but being emasculated that hard made them Run to the Desert to Cry about it?
It made the US a laughing stock of the Intelligence Community until they got their act together in '83.
At least Granada wasn't a cluster fuck for them like Guangchou, in and out in one week courtesy of the US Marines.
Sure it pissed off the Brits, but they were busy in the Falklands at the time.
>Silver User
>Ok, seriously, everyone? Are you sure you are not being just a bit revisionist? I know what Guangchou is famous for now, but are we saying that Guangchou was a ready-made red-district gay tourist trap even back then? They didn't even have tourists back then! I can imagine a few of the soldiers having a good time, but there's no way everyone was gay and found a partner. Did they even have a brothel big enough to handle all the sailors?
>Free User >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
>I mean, I know we're famous as That Gay Island in the west, but it's not like there's a lack of straight people here? And sex work has been legal here since the queendom was overthrown, so a sizable workforce could be drawn on to keep the US sailors entertained and out of trouble (that has to be the weirdest mobilization in military history).
And, not to be crass or stereotypical, but... I'm sure even the straight sailors had their eyes opened to whole new worlds of possibilities during their stay here.
>Free User >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
>Well, for that to happen, I'd need to know the geocoordinates of the lab my species had been crafted within, which is still classified. : P
>So...who do you think will win the Presidency, Bobby Seale or Colin Powell? I mean, I'm a hometown hero guy myself and have my money on Sale...but I honestly think Sale is better as a Governor for California. He Beat the National Alliance that was running around in the state back when he was mayor of Oakland but still. But Powell did break the Spine of the NA by killing Lind and burning their armories.
But onto Guangchou, yeah...Everyone in the LGBTQ+ Community was thrilled to hear about them, even brought that god-awful hairstyle to the states...it was cute for a while, then it got gaudy! >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
Not saying any of them didn't...it did force Playboy to make a visit. Hugh Hefner was the owner of the platform for peace the world needed and somehow deserved.
No, I'm not talking about the Leather Wearing Male Playboy Bunnies...I was talking about the ones in Latex. I'm a collector! Dammit!
Now...before anyone gets into another Flame thing about Star Wars... did any of you guys hear the Rumors that we're getting the Wookie Homeworld in Ep 3! it's being filmed in Guangchou, BABY!
>Free User >Reply To @LORDCYBER!
>Ewww. The fact that Hefner is held up as some kind of icon of sexual liberation in the West just makes me shudder. Like, maybe it wasn't publicized much across the ocean, but his whole visit lives in infamy over here. >Reply To @FLUFFYSNUGLE
*suspicious squint*
Waaaaaaaitaminute. Do I detect a genuine Neko? (Is that racist? I don't know if that's a racist term? Is there a better word I should use?)
>DOGGY! \o/
>Free User
>Not so much racist, as amusing.
I mean, my species is classified as Homo Lupus and not Homo Cattus.
We were made from proud wolfs, after all. : )
And you can call us Lupus (singular), Lupi (plural), and Werewolf/s (multi-use we like).
As long as you don't make any dog jokes, no one will be angry. Like @VillainBuiscit just did...
>Wolf Da-wait, no, you're a minor. WEREWOLF! \o/
>Free User
>Silver User >Reply To @FLUFFYSNUGLE >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
>Wait, are you taking this seriously, @ZenWeiBestWei? I mean, really? Why would a catgirl need to be able to know about the Guangchou crisis for a school project? How would a catgirl exist? How would a catgirl even get access to the internet? I mean, didn't the catgirl mention their father serving in Taiwan somewhere earlier?
I mean, yes, it's fun to pretend to be a catgirl. I know how popular it is to dress up as one during Halloween, and there are plenty of people pretending to be ones on the roleplay board on this website. Although, maybe pick a better username if you ever get another account anywhere since you are practically asking people to 'snuggle' you or otherwise be creepy with the username you have @FluffySnugle.
>@MikyTheTerrible >Silver >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
>Maybe Speciest? Not sure; all this talk of racial identity just gives me a headache, to be honest.
>GOLD >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
>Zen, the fact that we managed to make Gay Marriage in California and most of the Western States legal is because of him in 1988, the worse year of the troubles at THAT TIME. God, the fact he literally nearly got shot by an assassin, almost went bankrupt, and fought virtually every conservative think tank in America and WON for that to happen makes him a better and frankly more inspiring person than you give him credit for.
People like to think America is still the greater shithole of the Troubles...It's not...and the fact people still think that shows just how ignorant people are.
We've broken the NA, We've Made Peace with the LGBTQ+ Community, and fixed the Social Services.
God...Insufferable. See, this is why I'm with the Free Internet Coalition.
>Silver >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
>Free Users get a random username assigned to them. Fluffy just got bad (or really good) luck here.
>Silver User
>So OP is playing wolf-girl. And apparently, I missed that in the 10 minutes it took to type up my response. Want to tell us what you look like? I know there are a lot of different types of wolves, and I know roleplayers always love describing their 'skins.'
>Well, you see, I've got these huuuge boobs. I mean some serious badonkers! Packing some dohookabangalonkaloos!
Except, wait!
I'm a guy.
>Silver User >Reply To @FluffySnugle
>@FluffySnugle. I honestly didn't realize you were a big-boobed 'WolfMan.' Wait, did you model your character off of that recent Shoujo Manga with the black-eyed, black-haired Wolf Prince? I think he's called 'Edwin-Sama' or something? And his eyes are supposed to represent his curse and evil heart? I know he's supposed to be a villain in the series, but if that's your inspiration, I have to say you have good taste. >Reply To @LORDCYBER!
Dude, your country is like the worst sunk cost fallacy. It's like when you buy a 'fixer-upper' house, and you constantly have to fix every pipe and plank every two years. And you repair it with rotting planks and rusting pipes. Wasn't it just last year that there was that whole controversy about the gay organ donor and how they couldn't use him for the organ transplant? I know the senator's daughter still survived and could get another donor organ, but that whole debacle was because of a law passed in the mid-1980s. So there's plenty of shit that still is being carried over from your shitty period. I get that everything is beginning to settle down now, but not everything is rainbows just yet. You still got so much to work on.
>... >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
Well, it didn't help we were fighting one of the biggest Political Crises on US Soil since the Civil War. God, remember the Scare about when the NC almost took that nuke?
...Uhg...every time, people...The Sale-Sander's Bill (Part of the Wider American Reconstruction Bill) is the Biggest infrastructure Bill in History. It's bigger than any Five Year Plan and Great Leap Forward that any Commie nation can do. And unlike the Soviets and China, we're going to do all of it without killing millions of our people...so yeah, it's a bit slow on the upswing in getting things started. But, on the other hand, 30% of the GDP is in it, and we are not going to screw around with it. So yeah, we are slow on showing results; we want to make sure we aren't being screwed...and if that means being deliberate about everything being fixed, so be it.
Blessed McGovern ensured that three meals a day were assured and not a theory, and we still find time for famine relief and helping other nations' food security! The Sandwich and Beer Diplomacy is the cornerstone of Modern US Policy...if you want to bitch about being Fed by Americans, then kindly...use the proper channels...you'll save more money that way.
>Free User
>Oh. Man, I thought this was a Questnights thread.
>Free User >Reply To @LORDCYBER!
>Critical support for Tavarish Hefner? lol
Like, ok, he still made an awful impression in Guangchou and still had many disturbing things about him. You can praise someone for their actions in one field while still criticizing them for other issues.
Also, I don't mean to denigrate your achievements, but 'made peace with the LGBT+ community is a touch generous. The US made being non-hetero-cis no longer illegal. You then decided that's it? Queerphobia is over? (Is Jim Crow not ringing any bells?)
Uhhhhh... three meals a day is perhaps a relatively low bar for what is ostensibly one of the largest and most powerful nations on Earth to clear?
Don't get me wrong; famine is no joke; I grew up hearing stories of the famines that went on during Wei Cai's regime, but Guangchou, China, and the USSR - all utterly devastated in WW2 and having to build up an industrial civilization from almost scratch managed to eventually provide food, shelter, and safety for the vast majority of their populace AND became either superpowers or great powers within the span of several decades.
Meanwhile, America, untouched by said wars and starting from a much stronger position, actually managed to decline its quality of life and geopolitical importance.
That feels like a pretty big clue about whose economic and social systems are 'better.' >Reply To @VillainBuiscit
*looks sideways at the camera*
I mean. There are loopholes if you want a custom handle without paying for it... @FLUFFYSNUGLE (PM me) >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
Ok, should I tell them? Or wait for them to realize it on their own?
>Silver User >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
>Tell me what? I don't really think I missed anything here, chief.
Yeah, there is a list of people who know how to get individual usernames on this website, but I'm certain ZenWeiBestWei is on it and should get back to you quickly. I know they helped one of my friends get their unique username quickly.
>Free User
>Can anyone recommend any good Questnights thread? I finally got off duty and had some time to do some surfing.
>Free User
>Morning, people! I'm back from school; thanks for your replies here! >Reply To ZenWeiBestWei
You don't need to do that. I don't have the money to keep visiting here, even with my half-time job. >Reply To Abominable_Tankman
Hello! *handwave*
Uuh, what is a Questnight?
>Silver User >Reply To @FLUFFYSNUGLE
>Good morning @FluffySnugle
Sorry for the late reply. I think we have pretty different sleep schedules.
I'm sorry to hear you won't be able to be a regular member. It sucks how much you are gouged for internet in certain countries, and I'd definitely recommend moving once you are old enough.
As for Questnight, well... Questnight is a pretty famous Guangchou Board. If you frequent a lot of boards, you will know it as the most famous questing board. There are a lot of outstanding quests, and I think Abominable_Tankman is asking for one of their alt-history boards, but he needs to be more specific in his request. Goodness knows, there is a thread on this website with recs for medieval fantasy quest recs, and I think that's relatively popular, so I can't tell if that was what he was expecting either. It can be complicated to access in a few places, so you might want to look up using a VPN if there are a lot of banned websites in your country.
>Free User >Reply To @PlayfulElephant
>You can bet on me moving! Once I am old enough and have the money, I'll be requesting citizenship with the BRD! Equality Here I Come!
And thanks for the answer; it seems interesting! I'll be looking at those later; I devour any books too quickly for my mom to buy new ones at a reasonable rate. : S
>Ladies, Gentlemen, and the Other's that use they...The Free Internet Act has just passed through Congress and will be Law within the Year.
Say goodbye to the Shitty Bots and Fees!!!
THE FREE INTERNET IS COMING! YES, YES, YES! This update has been brought to you in collaboration with: @abominable @Anon500 @BelligerentGnu @CyberEnby @Cyberphilosipher @Dain24601
A big round of applause for your help in this update!
Bonus Objective: See if you can spot who was who!
I'm assuming that everybody in the UN was more than happy enough to go along with our little legal fiction for the sake of averting total thermo-nuclear war.
My favorite character is Abominable_Tankman. I don't know who plays him, but the guy obviously thought up some deep and memorable lines for his character, despite there only being two lines. 🤔
That was a rollercoaster and a half, honestly I find a little hilarity in watching Lind try his hand at real world applications of his "fourth generation warfare"
I'm assuming that everybody in the UN was more than happy enough to go along with our little legal fiction for the sake of averting total thermo-nuclear war.