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The second offer is a tech transfer, right? They want not just export sales but to license production of ITs and 1 micrometer electronics?
All the deals look bad they got good stuff well we get there old garbage space stuff?
You get your own, brand new and wholly independent space industry needed to put stuff like satelites into orbit for communication, telescopes to chart the frontiers of space, gay moonbase, and space stations for SCIENCE!!!
All ussr is offering is basically some free action points. We could build a space program ourselves.
The deal is a reduction of 32 AP for your native space programm, should you decide to make one. As is, you'd get a soviet one after the timeframe of the deal taken.
So the non military stuff immediately while the military spec gear is after native rollout, would the USSR accept that given their current military hard on for stuff?
That would be 8 turns still, due to the fact you could tell 'em to feck off after all the things are built. Also, they a bit angy after CyPac.
The second offer is a tech transfer, right? They want not just export sales but to license production of ITs and 1 micrometer electronics?
Gen1 ITs are sold, and tech transfer for all non-military electronic advancements/technologies given to the USSR for five years. Rocket guidance systems? No. Toasters with in-built light systems? Yes.
[] Make A Counter Offer (Write-In)
-[] Technical Documents and samples of non-military Electronic Advancements, help develop native CyberSyn and automation, USSR constructs cosmodrom in guangchou and helps create native space program in 5 years or less, USSR can use cosmodrom for purely maintenance costs for 10 years.

What do you think?
Also, wouldn't a cosmodrome be way more efficient for us due to the fact that we are much closer to the equator than the Baikonur Cosmodrone?

It's not as big a difference as you think, and it's highly specific on the inclination you're launching into.

Geostationary equatorial will need a substantial dog leg, but more inclined orbits wouldn't be too bad.
I'm fond of building a launch pad in Somalia for said equatorial satellites tho.
It's not as big a difference as you think, and it's highly specific on the inclination you're launching into.

Geostationary equatorial will need a substantial dog leg, but more inclined orbits wouldn't be too bad.
I'm fond of building a launch pad in Somalia for said equatorial satellites tho.
Who knows, we may even do enough research for some of the really wacky launch systems I found through Wikipedia
remember gang, Jungmin very much wants to go to space
we voted for it like 3(? didn't check) 7(went and checked) months ago

As you carefully stand while holding Bo Ni and head back into your home, you cannot shake that utter feeling of awe when you look up at the stars and the endless expanse of the universe. How small it all must appear from up there, how pointless all these struggles and hatred consume humanity. And how much of a tragedy it will be once humanity touches the stars, not with joy, but with blood-stained hands grasping another place to exploit.

...maybe you could do something about that? Be the first to reach space reliably, cheaply, and almost mundanely, chart a path forward unto the endless expanse of space? After all, the universe and the resources locked behind earth's gravity were infinite.

All those worlds were ours if only we went together. And... in peace.
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yes, we should into space, and while it would hurt our rollout of iron tigers, getting the USSR mechs is important, they are our big boy super power friend, and have been balancing alright and not completely falling apart.
[] Accept The Third Offer
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If y'all wanted weird launch systems we should have picked the Valkure.

As it is, Spin Launch on the moon is really attractive.
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The full blurb makes it sound even more impractical
Wikipedia said:
A space fountain is a proposed form of space elevator that does not require the structure to be in geosynchronous orbit, and does not rely on tensile strength for support. In contrast to the original space elevator design (a tethered satellite), a space fountain is a tremendously tall tower extending up from the ground. Since such a tall tower could not support its own weight using traditional materials, massive pellets are projected upward from the bottom of the tower and redirected back down once they reach the top, so that the force of redirection holds the top of the tower aloft.
This thing is kept from collapsing by giant balls being launched upwards
Does anyone know how to rig up bones for a custom built model in blender?
Edit: This is my current progress of a Blender model for my American Mecha concept, I couldn't keep within the height limit because jesus christ the hull itself is 3m
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