Week 23: Combat End
The resounding success of the NPPDC's conventional assets is one to behold. The first time showing of the Heimdal was a great initial success-- though far more tests are necessary-- and the sight was an impressive one. The city is in high spirits indeed, and the Victorian representatives are very impressed by the weapon.

Morale to Enthusiastic!

Examination of Argent's body reveals that the kaiju's entire body could function much as an electromagnet, releasing high-voltage discharges or generating a strong magnetic field. This field would seem to be a double edged sword, as while it would surely immobilize the jaegers, it would also draw projectile fire towards it. Had the kaiju been able to actually get close enough, the fight could have been a lot nastier.

It is now downtime.

Kaiju Stats:
Class: Category III Kaiju
Argent is tall and slim, covered in a gleaming silver carapace. Its head is insectile, dominated by two massive, iridescent green compound eyes. An array of metallic spikes jut from its arms, legs, and spinal cord.

HtH: 3
Ran: 3
Str: 3
Tou: 4
Agi: 2
Dex: 4

Dura: 10
Stru: 15

- Magnetic Field: Activate as a Standard Action, deactivate as a Free Action. All mechanical opponents within 15 Units suffer a -5 penalty to all stats immediately, and retain that penalty as long as the Field is active and they remain within its limits. While the field is active, all projectile weapons gain a +1 to-hit bonus as their metal is drawn to Argent's body. Argent may not move or make Melee attacks while the field is active, but may make Ranged attacks.

Claws (x2)
Built-In Melee Weapons
Attack Dice: 1d10
Parry Dice: 1d10-1
Block Dice: 1d10-1
Armour Penetration: 0
Grappling Bonus: +2
Damage Type: Blunt
Damage Bonus: Strength

Variable Discharge
Built-In Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: 1d10
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Electric
Damage Bonus: 1d5
Range: 5/15/25

Electromagnetic Pulse
Built-In Ranged Weapon
Attack Dice: Automatic Hit
Armour Penetration: 0
Damage Type: Electric
Damage Bonus: 2d5
Radius: 10
Indiscriminate: Effects all within Radius, including Argent
Wrathful: When used within Magnetic Field, double Damage Bonus (2x 2d5) against all non-Argent participants.

Electro-Reflective Shell
Coverage: All but Eyes
Armor Value: 3/1
Resilience: All, +3 Electric, +1 Fire
Durability: 9
Superconductive Link: If one piece is Broken, drop Resilience of all intact E-R Shell to +1 Electric.

Electro-Reflective Lids
Coverage: Eyes
Armor Value: 1/-
Resilience: All, +3 Electric
Durability: 3

Category III Kaiju killed: +1000 Resources
Salvage Facility Bonus: +100 Resources
Manufacturing: +3000 Resources
Morale Bonus: +1500 Resources

Total Resources to Spend: 35550

Free Actions:
[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-550 R)
[ ] Leave it be!

Pick your eight actions, free Breach Research, free Jaeger Research, and free Comms action.
[X] Clean the Blue
[X] Research Breach interaction with Kaiju tissue samples from Palisade and Argent
[X] Research Arges integration for Jagdhund
[X] Attempt to establish communications link with Medford

[X] Research Cruise Missiles
[X] Research Jaeger Jump Jets
[X] Research safeties for Heimdal
[X] Research Motorized Artillery

And that's all I've got. Anyone care to finish or change it?
Things to research this turn!

  • Try to research Crank's barrier organ.
  • Improved missiles and cannons for conventional units.
  • Better Melee Weapon for JH, either improve the axe or get her something new (Gunspear~).
  • Jaeger EMP hardening.
  • Try to research the two-way Breach connection again.
Anything else for the list?

Edit: I just remembered that Breach-Tech is supposed to be Not-Magic, and we've only focused on closing Breaches and know that the reaction can be used to make a power-plant. We should look into other exotic effects Breach-Tech can create sometime.
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[x] Plan I'm Bad At Names
-[x] Clean up the Blue! (-550 R)
-[x] Research Cheaper Jaeger frames (free J-tech)
-[x] Research Breach interaction with Kaiju tissue samples from Palisade and Argent (free B-science)
-[x] Attempt to establish communications link with Medford (free comms)
-[x] Research Improved 120mm Cannon. (Something to make them hit harder)
-[x] Research DEWs. (something with greater range than the IE-10. Masers?)
-[x] Research Barrier Shields w/ Crank Token
-[x] Research Elite Unit Training Academy
-[x] Research safeties for Heimdal
-[x] Build 2 Condor squadrons (-2500 R)
-[x] Research Jaeger EMP hardening w/ Hellwyrm token
-[x] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Dexterity*15 (-300 R)

2800 Resources spent, 32750 remain
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[ ] Plan I'm Bad At Names
-[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-550 R)
-[ ] Research Cheaper Jaeger frames (free J-tech)
-[ ] Research Breach interaction with Kaiju tissue samples from Palisade and Argent (free B-science)
-[ ] Attempt to establish communications link with Medford (free comms)
-[ ] Research Improved Conventional Weaponry. (Something to make them hit harder)
-[ ] Research DEWs. (something with greater range than the IE-10. Masers?)
-[ ] Research Barrier Shields w/ Crank Token
-[ ] Research Elite Unit Training Academy
-[ ] Research safeties for Heimdal
-[ ] Build 2 Condor squadrons (-2500 R)
-[ ] Research Jaeger EMP hardening w/ Hellwyrm token

and I'm thinking try for a stat for Tacit with the last action, but I don't know whether to try for Agi or Dex.
Make that improved conventional weaponry research into a improved 120mm Cannon. More specific means more likely to give good results and many of our units use those.

Edit: That or the Super Micro Missiles.
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[ ] Plan I'm Bad At Names
-[ ] Clean up the Blue! (-550 R)
-[ ] Research Cheaper Jaeger frames (free J-tech)
-[ ] Research Breach interaction with Kaiju tissue samples from Palisade and Argent (free B-science)
-[ ] Attempt to establish communications link with Medford (free comms)
-[ ] Research 120mm Gun-Launched Anti-Kaiju Guided Missiles
-[ ] Research Masers
-[ ] Research Barrier Shields w/ Crank Token*
-[ ] Research Elite Unit Training Academy
-[ ] Research safeties for Heimdal
-[ ] Build 2 Condor squadrons (-2500 R)
-[ ] Research Jaeger EMP hardening w/ Hellwyrm token*

*Combine research goals to attempt development of EM barrier shields
Which do we want more, Dex or Agi? Agi increases our charge distance, and Dex is what parries key off of, right?

*Combine research goals to attempt development of EM barrier shields
...That's not how it works. Trying to leap straight to hybrid tech before getting any of the base stuff is destined for failure.
[X] Plan Blow Up Thing That Gives Way to Progress
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-550 R) (Free Action)
-[X] Research Failsafe systems for Heimdal as protection against critical failures
-[X] Research improved Conventional projectile weaponry, focus on armor-piercing capabilities
-[X] Build 1* Nuclear Vortex Turbine (14k Resources) (We can build one for Jagdhund now, and then hopefully research and repair Supercell reactors, then give this to Tacit till we can build a second Supercell. If that fails, we can build a second Vortex Turbine for Tacit later)
-[X] Install Nuclear Vortex Turbine in Jagdhund
-[X] Research Jaeger Supercell Power Core
-[X] Research upgrade to Condor Squadron - Increased Flight Range
-[X] Upgrade Research to 8 (7500 Resources)
-[X] Research Jaeger Upgrade: Tacit Dexterity*15 (300 Resources)
-[X] Continued follow up on previous theory: If the Breach opens to let a Kaiju come through, might it also open if a Kaiju, for whatever reason, wanted to go back? (Free Breach Research)
-[X] Research Cheaper Jaeger Frames, focus on more efficient and cost-effective methods of building new Jaegers. (Free Jaeger Research)
-[X] Attempt to establish communication link with Medford, Oregon (Free Comms Action)

(22350 Resources Spent, 13200 Resources Remain)
Technically, we don't need EMP protection yet - as shown by Gypsy Danger, MK IIIs aren't affected the way higher-end Jaegers are - it's definitely something to research soon, I just don't think it's an absolute necessity this turn.

And Barriers are probably out of reach until we have a better understanding of the Cyborg things (Senjin?). Another thing to have on the shortlist but not quite yet - I think upgrading our research should definitely help get us there sooner rather than later, though.
Technically, we don't need EMP protection yet - as shown by Gypsy Danger, MK IIIs aren't affected the way higher-end Jaegers are - it's definitely something to research soon, I just don't think it's an absolute necessity this turn.

And Barriers are probably out of reach until we have a better understanding of the Cyborg things (Senjin?). Another thing to have on the shortlist but not quite yet - I think upgrading our research should definitely help get us there sooner rather than later, though.
We just fought a kaiju that would've taken us out via EM field.

but fair enough on the barriers.
[X] Plan Blow Up Thing That Gives Way to Progress
[X] Plan Blow Up Thing That Gives Way to Progress

Next turn, I'd like to research improved Kaiju containment procedures. I want the option of capturing something better than a Class 2 in the future.