A few minutes of google-ing for a Revolver Shogun gives me this. it's not... perfect, but close enough.
So our Samurai Jaeger is Shin Musha Gundam? Eh, why not, fits the OS you'll be using.

I do love that Paladin thing.
Either Musha, really. The Shin Musha (Musha II) has 2 swords, though. I kinda like the Musha Gundam's body, and the super-retro "musket" gun, a bit more, but eh, either way.

As for the Paladin one, yeah. I really like it too, even just that exact design.

But...I wants me a hammer. *Puppy dog eyes*

A few minutes of google-ing for a Revolver Shogun gives me this. it's not... perfect, but close enough.

See, while it's got lots of Gun, how would it punch or melee? That was my problem, finding something that had the sheer GUN you wanted, but that had even a chance of being able to punch or have hidden blades or something.
See, while it's got lots of Gun, how would it punch or melee? That was my problem, finding something that had the sheer GUN you wanted, but that had even a chance of being able to punch or have hidden blades or something.
Well, he does have the knife for melee. It's not a hidden blade though, it's an equipable like Jagd's Axe.

But, the thing with RS is that he's designed on the core concept of "kill them before they can reach you" and "fight in a team". He's supposed to be fire support, not primary melee. Obviously, we give him a point or two of melee so if a kaiju does make it to him he's not completely fucked, but most of his points will have to go to his stat he uses to do his job, so melee will suffer by necessity.

That's why I imagine his secondary focus being Agility, so that it'll be hard for the Kaiju to get to him.
Week 22: Downtime
[X]Plan Make Jaegers Great Again!(retch)
-[X] Clean up the Blue! (-1200 R)
-[X] Follow up on the theory from last time, if the Breach opens to let a Kaiju come through, might it also open if a Kaiju, for whatever reason, wanted to go back? (free breach science)
-[X] Research more discounts on the Nuclear Vortex Reactor (free J-science)
-[X] Scout as far South as the Condors can get, to Oblivion Bay ideally (free comms)

-[X]Repair Tacit, replace Solid Iron Armor on Spine, install Advanced Connpod Plating, GAPAS Augment, & Solid Fuel Thrusters (-1,000 R)
-[X]Install Advanced Connpod Plating & GAPAS Augment on Jagdhund
-[X]Build 4x Advanced Connpod Plating (-3,000 R)
-[X]Build 2x GAPAS Augment (-3,200 R)
-[X]Build 1x Solid Fuel Thrusters (-1,000 R)
-[X]Build a HEEM-2 'Heimdal' Superheavy Armour (Superheavy Unit) (-5,500 R)
-[X]Research the broken Destroyer, see if we can get a proper design for an Anti Kaiju ship
-[X]Research Hellwyrm's data again, try to figure out the origin of the new organs we found.

Cost: 13,700 R
Remaining: 29,950 R
Attempts to look into the Breach's potential two-way connection go horribly off-track when the head scientist decided to use a model train as a visual example. The sleep-deprived scientists were found a few hours later, making 'vroom vroom' sounds as they rolled the trains along the tracks. All Breach-Science members have been given a week-long leave to recover from the loads of work heaped on them.

Work continues on making the Nuclear Vortex Turbines cheaper. It's vastly successful thanks to the tech available, making the reactor far more economic to construct than before.

Nuclear Vortex Turbines now cost 14 000 Resources!

The Condors are sent out on a long-distance mission, laden with as much fuel as they can manage. Their destination: Oblivion Bay-- or as close as they can manage. When they return, about a day later, it's clear they made it fairly far.

While made for long-distance travel, the single squadron of Condors just didn't have enough fuel to make it to Oblivion Bay, not with their size. They managed to get about half-way, setting down in Medford, Oregon-- which is a lot smaller than it was Pre-TDJ*, but still managing to stagger along, thanks to a low population and a few military vehicles that had stopped at the airport when the EMP hit. Industrial ability is nothing compared to Seattle's-- or even Victoria City's-- but it's got great agriculture, and has managed to keep itself off the Kaiju radar. Interestingly enough, it seems Medford's has had some travelers set down there before; a group of olive-green helicopters marked with yellow semi-circles. They didn't stay for long-- apparently they were undertaking a scouting mission-- but they seemed friendly enough.

The auto-jigs are at full work, constructing sheets of ablative armour, massive fuel tanks, and gyroscopic actuators-- all part of the set up for the Jaegers' upgrades.

Tacit Ronin's damaged spinal column is reworked and covered with new armour, before it and Jagdhund's heads are stripped of their old plate. New, advanced armour plating is attached, bulking up the conpods with added protection. Within both jaegers' frames, the GAPAS systems are installed, hundreds of little lights blinking on their hulls where the detectors are placed. Finally, a pair of massive fuel cylinders are attached to Tacit's back, alongside various exhaust vents that sit on the ends and at the jointing area.

TR at 100%! Augments installed! Armour installed!
JH at 100%! Augment installed! Armour installed!

The newest and biggest member of the NPPDC Conventional Defense Force is here.

Clad in white and maroon titanium, the Heimdal is rolled out for all to see, its reactor vents steaming as they vent heat. The vehicle is massive, about three and a half times larger than the Type 100s-- a size that's greatly needed to support its power plant and main armament.

The Murasame Destroyer is an excellent base for an anti-kaiju weapon. Even with only minor tweaks, it would make a useful tool. However, due to time limits and problems with internal space, modifying the current design to support the RX-11 Railgun is not successful. Still, the immediate refit would be a powerful asset.

New Military Unit Available: Murasame-Class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer!
Murasame-Class Anti-Kaiju Destroyer
Costs 2500 Resources (One-Time Refit: 1500 Resources instead)
A truly massive naval asset, revamped to combat kaiju.
- Move up to 8 units a turn on water only.
- 120mm Cannons: 2x 1d10 Impact/Fire damage. -1 Damage. Range 10/20/-, Hits on 5+. Cauterizes Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
-- 120mm HE-SR Power Shell: 2x 1d10 Impact damage. +0 Damage. Range 15/-/-, Hits on 5+. Cauterizes Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
-- Ceramic Safety Barrels: If a Critical Failure is rolled, treat the unit as Out-Of-Ammo for the remainder of the deployment, rather than destroyed.
- Hellfire+ Missile: 3x 1d10 Fire damage. +0 Damage. Range 20/-/-. Hits on 4+. Cauterises Wounds. Benefits from Arges.
- Neptune-43 Torpedo Launcher: 1d10 Impact damage. -1 Damage. Range 15/25/--, Hits on 5+. Cauterizes Wounds. May only be fired against targets in the water.

One request that the newest member of the council-- Brigadier General Halkias-- has is an examination of past kaiju data; specifically, that of the first Category IV that Neo-Seattle ever encountered, known as Hellwyrm. It's a simple request, and is executed in no time.

Review suggested that Hellwyrm possessed some biological discrepancies-- tissues and organs that were considerably younger than the kaiju. Examination of a few samples left over offers an answer: the new tissues have no ambient Breach radiation-- they never came through the Breach. The pattern of growth is rather irregular, but not in an organic manner. Instead, tissue growth almost appears patchwork. And yet... the other tissues aren't disturbed, which would be the case if the tissue was grafted on.


Roll Scanners (1d10+6)

*TDJ, or Tod der Jaeger (Death of the Hunters), marks the collapse of the PPDC, the last remaining Jaegers, and global communications. It's basically the day everything went to hell. Currently, you stand at 6.5 Months TDJ.
We have a battle that takes how long IRLT, then I leave for four hours and suddenly I completely miss the real downtime phase? And with no supercell research or additional plane construction or prep to ensure the highest possibility of the planes actually reaching their destination? And for that matter, where is the conventional ammo upgrade people were saying was a big deal to help keep them from falling back further than they already have?

I am very disappoint. [/minirant]

Mumble mumble annoyed grumble grumble irritated at self mumble mumble
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The signature-- a lone signature, curiously enough-- quickly resolves itself. The techies take a look at the readings. And then they look back at the indicator. And then back at the readings. No, it definitely says kaiju, despite the very high electromagnetic readings and the metal-laced body.

SE-26-032, codename "Argent", appears fairly standard in body form; a tall, lanky insectoid, with a set of spines running along its limbs and back. Visual reports say that its armour is gleaming and metallic, as well as a tendency for instruments to react with exceeding sensitivity when the kaiju's close.

Argent is approaching from the South, and is about 30 kilometers away. How do you deploy?
We have a battle that takes how long IRLT, then I leave for four hours and suddenly I completely miss the real downtime phase? And with no supercell research or additional plane construction or prep to ensure the highest possibility of the planes actually reaching their destination? And for that matter, where is the conventional ammo upgrade people were saying was a big deal to help keep them from falling back further than they already have?

I am very disappoint. [/minirant]

Mumble mumble annoyed grumble grumble irritated at self mumble mumble

SE-26-032, codename "Argent", appears fairly standard in body form; a tall, lanky insectoid, with a set of spines running along its limbs and back. Visual reports say that its armour is gleaming and metallic, as well as a tendency for instruments to react with exceeding sensitivity when the kaiju's close.
We have a battle that takes how long IRLT, then I leave for four hours and suddenly I completely miss the real downtime phase? And with no supercell research or additional plane construction or prep to ensure the highest possibility of the planes actually reaching their destination? And for that matter, where is the conventional ammo upgrade people were saying was a big deal to help keep them from falling back further than they already have?

I am very disappoint. [/minirant]

Mumble mumble annoyed grumble grumble irritated at self mumble mumble
I was, uh, engaged in important research for Jaeger blueprints. Yeah.
We got some nice things, all things considered. Next time we try for Oblivion Bay, we could try one of two strategies:
(1) Research extended fuel tank additions to the Condors and leave a guarded fuel cache at Medford, Oregon.
(2) Research and build a mid-air refueling tanker, which could transfer fuel to the Condors, carryalls, or any future long-range bombers that we develop.

Personally, I'm leaning towards option #2, because the bombers that were built in the Horizon Brave vs. The World quest were murder machines.
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Issue with that is that it would also need fuel.

Mid-air refueling of long-range aircraft is entirely doable, something that many militaries have been carrying out for decades. We could develop a larger airframe that we use as a base for either a large bomber or a fueling tanker. Something like a B-52, but with our special dust-resistant turboprops instead of jet turbines.
Mid-air refueling of long-range aircraft is entirely doable, something that many militaries have been carrying out for decades.
By a plane launched from the same place at the same time? Remember that they still need the return trip, so double the fuel only means half again the distance covered.
I know it's a thing that can be (and is) done, but I was under the impression that the fuel plane met up with them en route, rather than tagged along the whole way.
[X] Infantry, mortar teams, and artillery to the wall.
[X] Heimdal tank and normal-sized tanks deploy 2 units in front of the wall, 2 unit spacings.
[X] TR and JH deploy 5 units in front of the wall, 2 unit spacings. Leave an opening for the tanks and Heimdal to fire.
[X] Attack and scout helicopters deploy to either side of the jaeger, 2 unit spacings.

By a plane launched from the same place at the same time? Remember that they still need the return trip, so double the fuel only means half again the distance covered.
I know it's a thing that can be (and is) done, but I was under the impression that the fuel plane met up with them en route, rather than tagged along the whole way.

Our tanker could accompany them about 2/3 out, refuel them, return, and then meet them again around Medford on their return trip. Alternatively, we could make friends with Medford and see if they would allow us to set up a refueling station in their town, or even station a refueling tanker at their air strip.
Insectoid Kaiju with Spines and a very high EM reading... this is ringing all the bells for a 'friend' from HB quest.

[X] Infantry, mortar teams, and artillery to the wall.
[X] Heimdal tank and normal-sized tanks deploy 2 units in front of the wall, 2 unit spacings.
[X] TR and JH deploy 5 units in front of the wall, 2 unit spacings. Leave an opening for the tanks and Heimdal to fire.
[X] Attack and scout helicopters deploy to either side of the jaeger, 2 unit spacings.
Insectoid Kaiju with Spines and a very high EM reading... this is ringing all the bells for a 'friend' from HB quest.
Neptune? Are you referencing Neptune? Because only Seijin and IV+ Kaiju have bullshit like that. No, Argent's powers are a bit more... grounded than that.
We should also deploy the boats, in case the kaiju wanders into firing range. Forgot about our little PT boats, what with all this talk about glorious bombers and destroyers.
That seems a much better plan.

What did Neptune do?
Offensive Teleporting. Not only could it clear 50 units in a single jump, but it created a plasma explosion on impact, dealing electric and burst damage to everything in range. This guy showed up as one part of a 3-way Cat IV party, and since they all came from different directions we had to split our Jaegers up. Didn't go well for the Jaeger we had to send against him.
Offensive Teleporting. Not only could it clear 50 units in a single jump, but it created a plasma explosion on impact, dealing electric and burst damage to everything in range. This guy showed up as one part of a 3-way Cat IV party, and since they all came from different directions we had to split our Jaegers up. Didn't go well for the Jaeger we had to send against him.
Was this the same one with the invisi-kaiju?