Second one was a Minor Wound at best, but at least it did hit the spine. All that's left is Phenom's Break.
It means if Phenom hits the Spine, his Break won't have to deal with Armour.

Alto's Spine armour was still intact, and both Breaks rolled so far have been for Tacit.
I'll roll for Phenom

E: So that's 22 and it can shift to the spine. Submission hold is poor, but I don't think that most submission holds work on people who get ripped in half.
ltmauve threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Break rolls Total: 18
10 10 8 8
ltmauve threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Break location Total: 12
10 10 2 2
ltmauve threw 1 5-faced dice. Reason: Submission Total: 1
1 1
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[X] Tacit: Break Alto twice, use all points in HtH to shift Hit Location to Spine.
[X] Phenom: Break Euphonium's Spine, shifting with all of his HtH, then inflict a Submission Hold.
[X] Jagdhund: Run close to Phenom and watch him savage Euphonium with gleeful satisfaction.
It's with wordless agreement that the two halves of Tacit Ronin come to consensus-- it's time to end this. The jaeger forces one hand up, right under the kaiju's mandible, and flexes. With a wet crack, Alto's head jerks back at an obscene angle, the shattered occipital bone having torn straight through her brain stem.

Successful Break to Spine and Head!
Alto takes 6 Strikes! Extra Brain damage inflicted!

SE-27-014 "Alto" Defeated!

Tension bleeds out of Tacit's limbs as the kaiju stops completely, the momentary battle-fury that shrouded them finally disappearing with the death of their foe. The jaeger's chest lets out a shuddering sigh, as steam swirls from their cooling vents.

Euphonium doesn't get a chance to fight back. Despite the kaiju's great size and vigorous thrashing, the injury to its spine is already slowing it down-- and any weakness against Phenom Sable is an opportunity that the jaeger will capitalize on. Holding tight with one enormous hand, the black jaeger digs into the exposed flesh of the kaiju's back, slicing through musculature and fat with its progressive talons. Its true hand finds something hard, and grabs hold.

And then Phenom Sable ripped Euphonium's secondary brain out, followed by several large chunks of spinal cord.

"Guess he wasn't as spineless as he seemed," Kanji quips.

Successful Break to Spine!
Euphonium takes 5 Strikes! Euphonium is Paralyzed!

Despite the resilience of the rest of its body, Euphonium doesn't survive much longer.

SE-27-012 "Euphonium" Defeated!

The kaiju are all dead. The city is pretty badly trashed. The Protectorate's forces are battered and reduced.

But as the jaegers turn back to each other, there's still technically one last thing to address-- the ones who called them here in the first place; KRAUN Outpost MICHAEL.

I guess now would be the time to... talk to the MICHAEL forces? I'll be honest, I haven't actually figured this part out much. Really, I'd be fine with you just throwing out a well-wishes and farewell, and then leaving.

Also, technically you just
barely failed to inflict Destruction Wounds on both of them. Phenom would have needed to deal 25 points thanks to Cat IV rules, and only managed 21 (Cat IV rules give that minimum 1 AV). Tacit was literally one point short. But even so, Paralysis basically means death if you don't have backup, and the brain damage for Alto would have killed her off in one round anyways.
Tension bleeds out of Tacit's limbs as the kaiju stops completely, the momentary battle-fury that shrouded them finally disappearing with the death of their foe. The jaeger's chest lets out a shuddering sigh, as steam swirls from their cooling vents.

A job well done, Tacit. Very well done.
Holding tight with one enormous hand, the black jaeger digs into the exposed flesh of the kaiju's back, slicing through musculature and fat with its progressive talons. Its true hand finds something hard, and grabs hold.

And then Phenom Sable ripped Euphonium's secondary brain out, followed by several large chunks of spinal cord.
"Guess he wasn't as spineless as he seemed," Kanji quips.
Goddammit, Kanji! :lol

I guess now would be the time to... talk to the MICHAEL forces? I'll be honest, I haven't actually figured this part out much. Really, I'd be fine with you just throwing out a well-wishes and farewell, and then leaving.
Time for diplomacy!

[X] Greet the forces of the Outpost, ask if there's any matter that requires immediate attention and if our forces can assist in any way.


*Dances a jig*

Now I want to walk over to KRAUN and ask them what the heck they think caused them to get the Wrecking Crew.
Sooo, with paralysis inflicted couldn't we have kept Euphonium around to poke and prod at? I know it was a Cat IV, but paralysis seems pretty ideal for keeping a Kaiju sedate. It also looked like the other three were somewhat related to it, so we might have gotten Kaiju reproductive cells out of Euph, which we need for BioJaegers.
Sooo, with paralysis couldn't we have kept Euphonium around to poke and prod at? It seemed like the other three were somewhat related to it, so we might have gotten Kaiju reproductive cells out of Euph, which we need for BioJaegers.
We can only contain Cat IIs in our facility but we can still totally harvest the corpses of everything we killed.

Siege Cannon come to meeeeeeee~
I support a controlled vivisection of Euphonium to best understand the siege cannon mechanism.

We could use our own to counter future siege style attacks.


Seattle needs antisiege weaponry.
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I mean... It is paralysed. Containment... isn't really an issue, or is it? Or is this about radioactivity?
It's about "our facilities aren't made to hold something much bigger and exponentially more toxic and radioactive than a Cat 2, so we have to research how to make them bigger".

Also, we get those Resources and hopefully a Token from this .

I support a controlled vivisection of Euphonium to best understand the siege cannon mechanism.

We could use our own to counter future siege style attacks.


Seattle needs antisiege weaponry.
There are also the merits of having a really, really big cannon to consider.
I'm trying hard to understand the rules mechanics and am really unsure about how you determine if Fire/Acid sticks to a target.

If someone else has a good understanding and cares to jump in and save Fyr the explanation that would be great.
I'm trying hard to understand the rules mechanics and am really unsure about how you determine if Fire/Acid sticks to a target.

If someone else has a good understanding and cares to jump in and save Fyr the explanation that would be great.
IIRC you look at how much damage each attack dealt, then roll a d10. The Fire and/or Acid effect sticks if the dice rolls below the damage number.

For example:
Attack 1: deals 5 damage. D10 result is 4. Effect sticks.
Attack 2: deals 9 damage. D10 result is 10. Doesn't stick.