Arsenal Viper
Class: Mk II
Motivation: To fight for a cause worth fighting for, and win.
Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
Ran: 4
Str: 1
Tou: 2
Agi: 3
Dex: 2
Archetype/Theme: Special Ops/Explosives Expert
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Ranged, missile launcher and pistols.
General Aesthetics: Camouflage. Generally slim build, made for mobility. Obvious and enhanced sensors. Should be obviously carrying a lot of weaponry.
Stat Priorities: High Ran, good Agi and Dex, decent Tou, Str and HtH as dump stats?
Gear Breakdown:
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Arsenal Viper uses handheld Ranged weapons, to save on points invested in non-vital stats. Its main weapon is a missile launcher, or possibly a launcher that can shoot a variety of payloads via gauss or railgun tech. In the latter case, the Omni-Launcher should be equipped to fire missiles (homing or non), grenades, or even remote detonation mines. In addition, it carries at least two additional firearms, a pair of high-caliber, durable pistols for melee combat (see Perks), if not an even larger arsenal of whatever we think we want to strap onto it.
Hand Grenades are also a possibility, as is just setting up the mines by hand. Mines are intended to help prevent enemies from successfully getting close.
Point Defense Bits or Fangs designed to shoot down or deflect incoming fire would be excellent for increasing suvivability, if needed.
Mods, Perks and Augments: Autoloaders in the arms are a must, since Arsenal should live up to it's name, carrying a large number of weapons. Possibly even with an attached Breach Storage, given the wide variety of weapons this unit might use. As for weapon storage, the launcher/Omni-launcher might be best to use the nanotube weapon sling, any other large guns being attached to a SEER system, and its pistols in quick-draw holsters on the waist. GAPAS IS also incredibly important.
An additional perk/mod of note would be the ability to use its pistols in melee combat without the normal downsides. Basically, to be able to just jam the pistol into the enemies face or body and perforate them. This would serve as the unit's main option in melee, along with pistol whipping its foes.
Given low defenses, particular the weakness in Grapples, mobility-enhancing HVMS would be helpful, as well as stability increasing hands, and perhaps an enhanced sensor system for better accuracy in poor conditions. An emergency teleport option would also make things significantly better when against a possible grappler.
Partnership Prospects: Any melee unit in need of Ranged support would work nicely as a partner for Arsenal Viper, particularly bulky ones like Paladin Victor or Cardiac Revenant.
Gear Priorities:
Critical: Missile Launcher/Omni-Launcher, Ammo-loader/Storage in arms, dual pistols, ability to use weapons in melee, GAPAS, Combat sling, holsters.
High: Emergency Teleport, stabilizers in hands to increase aim while on the move, mines.
Medium: Additional firearms, SEER, hand grenades, HVMS mobility leg mods.
Low: Point Defense and other defensive Remote Weapons, Barrier.