My ideas are primarily focused on refining Revolver, and figuring out stuff for our eventual Raubtiers.
Although I did supply the pic for Limbo Blue!
I briefly considered an AOE-spec ranged Jaeger (through heavy usage of cluster munitions, parallel target locks, and probably large-scale explosions) before realizing that's basically building a Jaeger for the sole purpose of anti-conventional combat.

I mean, not that that'd be USELESS (overkill and resource-inefficient, certainly, but not useless), but it'd probably be better as a Mark 0 blueprint if we do decide to try that. After all, while it'd be really good at killing swarms of smaller targets, it'd undoubtedly have issues with single large targets. So we should just stick it on a frame that isn't meant for soloing anyway if we really want to go that route.
I briefly considered an AOE-spec ranged Jaeger (through heavy usage of cluster munitions, parallel target locks, and probably large-scale explosions) before realizing that's basically building a Jaeger for the sole purpose of anti-conventional combat.

I mean, not that that'd be USELESS (overkill and resource-inefficient, certainly, but not useless), but it'd probably be better as a Mark 0 blueprint if we do decide to try that. After all, while it'd be really good at killing swarms of smaller targets, it'd undoubtedly have issues with single large targets. So we should just stick it on a frame that isn't meant for soloing anyway if we really want to go that route.
In theory I think it actually could deal with the "stun immune" Categories of Kaiju, through saturation of munitions via stacking targeting and firing Alpha Strikes. And even if things are Stun Immune, very few Kaiju are Ice or Fire immune so far, and none displayed immunity to Temp Strikes which Electric still does.

You could likely worm damage in by doing AOE Ice, because even at the lowest level, Ice adds damage to a target. Make it Arctic themed? Impact/Ice would be pretty freaky more than likely, and Impact is the default for K-Scale explosives if we look at the Jaegrenade.

(And 2d10-2 damage bonus Impact is pretty hefty if variable no matter how you slice it)

E: and very very little is completely immune to a giant robot punching it in the face.
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Well, if nothing else an AOE-spec Jaeger would be damn impressive to see in action, due to all the missiles flying around everywhere and the explosions potentially reaching anime-like "cover the horizon" quantities.

Actually, it might be more viable with Plasmacasters or shotguns for close-range combat, now that I think about it. I considered giving it a Machine Cannon for tougher targets until seeing that 3+ Dex requirement; that's a bit too much of an investment for my tastes, even if that'd give it the ability to competently wield melee weapons. Though I doubt there's much that could stop me from giving it a couple of Garneles.

...yeah, this could actually work, if I make those changes to the design.
Well, if nothing else an AOE-spec Jaeger would be damn impressive to see in action, due to all the missiles flying around everywhere and the explosions potentially reaching anime-like "cover the horizon" quantities.

Actually, it might be more viable with Plasmacasters or shotguns for close-range combat, now that I think about it. I considered giving it a Machine Cannon for tougher targets until seeing that 3+ Dex requirement; that's a bit too much of an investment for my tastes, even if that'd give it the ability to competently wield melee weapons. Though I doubt there's much that could stop me from giving it a couple of Garneles.

...yeah, this could actually work, if I make those changes to the design.
I would go for mortars in the shoulders like an Orchestral Organ and Plasmacasters in both hands, since Vixen Gold is our Missile Lady(though she isn't really meant for AoE specifically so that shouldn't needlessly overlap, barring me using the Sunfires for shits and giggles).

Either way, Vixen, Revolver and your Jaeger are going to be sharing quite a few build critical Augs and Mods which is nice because it saves research time.
As usual, I'm starting my AOE design as a Mark II, so it'll probably use shotguns for a bit before becoming eligible to equip a Plasmacaster.

Anyway, I'm not entirely satisfied with its stats, but I'm not really sure what to change about them. Kinda considering taking a point from Ranged, though where I'd put it instead is open for debate.

HtH: 0
STR: 2
RAN: 4
AGI: 3
TGH: 2
DEX: 1

Yes, I'm perfectly aware that those stats make it absolute trash in melee and ESPECIALLY grapples, unless I decide to use its no-doubt-high (lots of integrated weapons planned) STR score to Slam everything into submission. The idea is, of course, to avoid melee like the plague, with the shotguns/Plasmacasters being intended primarily as an emergency weapon for when (not if, I know better than to apply "if" to this scenario) something gets in close.
As usual, I'm starting my AOE design as a Mark II, so it'll probably use shotguns for a bit before becoming eligible to equip a Plasmacaster.

Anyway, I'm not entirely satisfied with its stats, but I'm not really sure what to change about them. Kinda considering taking a point from Ranged, though where I'd put it instead is open for debate.

Yes, I'm perfectly aware that those stats make it absolute trash in melee and ESPECIALLY grapples, unless I decide to use its no-doubt-high (lots of integrated weapons planned) STR score to Slam everything into submission. The idea is, of course, to avoid melee like the plague, with the shotguns/Plasmacasters being intended primarily as an emergency weapon for when (not if, I know better than to apply "if" to this scenario) something gets in close.
Slams wouldn't be too bad for you to use I think as its primary melee move, given three things. One, Nixeu is interested in Slam Mods and Augs, so there might be assistance equipment in the works for that. Two, OMEN can help with both Strength and HtH IIRC so you can boost your stats that you have weaknesses in. Three, I'm pretty sure that an enemy you just knocked Prone with a Slam is actually pretty vulnerable to a Shotgun or Grenade to the face due to worsened reactions.
Slams are already its planned primary (only) melee attack (as opposed to point-blank ranged, which will be the shotguns at first), actually. I mean, if I can take a stat dependency or two out of the design by just smashing my face into theirs (not literally, obviously, that'd be suicidal even without stuff like Knifehead running around) then I might as well go for it.
Y'know, I think the only real role I haven't submitted a Jaeger design for at this point is "ranged attacker." I mean, I've got a fast melee debuffer (Shadow Zero), I've got a fast melee DPS who doubles as a disabler (Breaker Asura), and now I've got a tanky melee DPS who can be considered a swarmer (Sawmill Tempus).

Of course, as recently discussed, I'd have to come up with some sort of gimmick to set it apart from the other already-submitted ranged attackers to make it worthwhile to even stat it out, so I'm unlikely to submit one, but still... got some decent variety going for my submissions, I'd say. And yes, I'm just realizing this.
[insert usual argument about how a role system isn't particularly helpful with conceptualizing Jaeger designs here]
I briefly considered an AOE-spec ranged Jaeger (through heavy usage of cluster munitions, parallel target locks, and probably large-scale explosions) before realizing that's basically building a Jaeger for the sole purpose of anti-conventional combat.

I mean, not that that'd be USELESS (overkill and resource-inefficient, certainly, but not useless), but it'd probably be better as a Mark 0 blueprint if we do decide to try that. After all, while it'd be really good at killing swarms of smaller targets, it'd undoubtedly have issues with single large targets. So we should just stick it on a frame that isn't meant for soloing anyway if we really want to go that route.
While mine does use explosives, I can't say it's AoE focused. I mostly just wanted to give it a missile launcher, then was like "wait, what if I just gave it something that could throw other explosives too by using electromagnetism?" So I'm cool with that.

Actually...hell with it. I wanted to drop both designs at once, but whatever. I've got Ranged Build complete, might as well show it off.

Arsenal Viper

Class: Mk II
Motivation: To fight for a cause worth fighting for, and win.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
Ran: 4
Str: 1
Tou: 2
Agi: 3
Dex: 2

Archetype/Theme: Special Ops/Explosives Expert
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Ranged, missile launcher and pistols.

General Aesthetics: Camouflage. Generally slim build, made for mobility. Obvious and enhanced sensors. Should be obviously carrying a lot of weaponry.

Stat Priorities: High Ran, good Agi and Dex, decent Tou, Str and HtH as dump stats?

Gear Breakdown:

Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Arsenal Viper uses handheld Ranged weapons, to save on points invested in non-vital stats. Its main weapon is a missile launcher, or possibly a launcher that can shoot a variety of payloads via gauss or railgun tech. In the latter case, the Omni-Launcher should be equipped to fire missiles (homing or non), grenades, or even remote detonation mines. In addition, it carries at least two additional firearms, a pair of high-caliber, durable pistols for melee combat (see Perks), if not an even larger arsenal of whatever we think we want to strap onto it.

Hand Grenades are also a possibility, as is just setting up the mines by hand. Mines are intended to help prevent enemies from successfully getting close.

Point Defense Bits or Fangs designed to shoot down or deflect incoming fire would be excellent for increasing suvivability, if needed.

Mods, Perks and Augments: Autoloaders in the arms are a must, since Arsenal should live up to it's name, carrying a large number of weapons. Possibly even with an attached Breach Storage, given the wide variety of weapons this unit might use. As for weapon storage, the launcher/Omni-launcher might be best to use the nanotube weapon sling, any other large guns being attached to a SEER system, and its pistols in quick-draw holsters on the waist. GAPAS IS also incredibly important.

An additional perk/mod of note would be the ability to use its pistols in melee combat without the normal downsides. Basically, to be able to just jam the pistol into the enemies face or body and perforate them. This would serve as the unit's main option in melee, along with pistol whipping its foes.

Given low defenses, particular the weakness in Grapples, mobility-enhancing HVMS would be helpful, as well as stability increasing hands, and perhaps an enhanced sensor system for better accuracy in poor conditions. An emergency teleport option would also make things significantly better when against a possible grappler.

Partnership Prospects: Any melee unit in need of Ranged support would work nicely as a partner for Arsenal Viper, particularly bulky ones like Paladin Victor or Cardiac Revenant.

Gear Priorities:

Critical: Missile Launcher/Omni-Launcher, Ammo-loader/Storage in arms, dual pistols, ability to use weapons in melee, GAPAS, Combat sling, holsters.

High: Emergency Teleport, stabilizers in hands to increase aim while on the move, mines.

Medium: Additional firearms, SEER, hand grenades, HVMS mobility leg mods.

Low: Point Defense and other defensive Remote Weapons, Barrier.

Yeah, he's basically supposed to play like Snake from SSB, minus the melee attacks, at long and medium distance, and fight up close and in melee like he's Death the Kid. The motivation is basically something I came up with as a reoccurring theme of the MGS games, as well as many of the spin-offs. Still could use refining, perhaps, but it works for now.

And yes, my deliberate avoidance of built-ins is part of what makes Arsenal distinct. Plus, it frees up stats to put in moving faster and having good sensors. Dex is actually relevant for Ranged builds, due to the fact that it's tied up with sensor checks. The single point in Str is basically just to let him throw grenades a bit further, and maybe help with Grapples a little, though he is extremely bad at them.
Slams wouldn't be too bad for you to use I think as its primary melee move, given three things. One, Nixeu is interested in Slam Mods and Augs, so there might be assistance equipment in the works for that. Two, OMEN can help with both Strength and HtH IIRC so you can boost your stats that you have weaknesses in. Three, I'm pretty sure that an enemy you just knocked Prone with a Slam is actually pretty vulnerable to a Shotgun or Grenade to the face due to worsened reactions.
I'm not the only one, given Vixen Gold's stats. And it's more like Titan Exalt likes Slam improvements. I have more builds than Titan, even if he is the most likely one to see daylight, due to an excellent Jaeger body existing in the Bay. So long as we improve the Agi drastically, anyway.
Well, finished my ranged AOE build, sort of. Still feel like I got something wrong with the stats, but it's done enough to post here, and I can revise it if necessary (which I fully expect to happen).

Arsenal Factor
Class: Mark II
Motivation: Cover the horizon in explosions!
Pilots: If this doesn't require a dedicated Ranger or two for the multitarget function I will be very surprised.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
STR: 2
RAN: 4
AGI: 3
TGH: 2
DEX: 1

Archetype/Theme: As the name implies, basically an arsenal that got up and started fighting on its own.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge; may become Parry with point-defense mod
Primary Weapon: Mortars, cluster munitions, missiles... basically any kind of AOE we can manage.
Secondary Weapon: Shotguns, which may be swapped for Plasmacasters when it becomes eligible. Also: Garneles.
General Aesthetics: I think an "improvised" kind of look might be interesting, for variety.

Stat Priorities: RAN > STR = AGI > DEX = TGH > HtH. RAN is its primary attacking stat, and I hope to give it a point-defense mod as well. STR lets it equip more weapons, and can be used for Slams if all else fails. AGI is for dodging and kiting. DEX for scanners (gotta find the target before you can shoot it; less important for Arsenal due to carpet bombing, though). TGH just in case something manages to hit. HtH can pretty much be ignored for the most part.

Gear Breakdown
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Unlike most Jaegers, Arsenal's purpose is not so much "deal the most damage possible to the target" as it is "deal damage to as many targets as possible." As such, the vast majority of its weapons will be focused on AOE. My initial thought involved swarms of missiles which each lock onto a different target, but Sunfires, mortars, and cluster munitions are all viable alternatives.

For close-range combat, it will be equipped with a pair of wrist-mounted shotguns, though these can be swapped for Plasmacasters when it reaches Mark III.

It will carry some Garnele Fangs for support, primarily for the purpose of engaging larger targets such as Kaiju in its stead.

It'll probably need the CMP-5 Combat Gauntlets to mitigate its weakness to grapples slightly; however, it will never actually attack with them, so their offensive stats are irrelevant. Similarly, Gyroscopic Stabilizers will be equipped solely for defense, with little to no regard for any stats other than their evasion.

Slam-enhancing equipment would be nice, but can be omitted if it conflicts with its other equipment.

Mods, Perks, and Augments: Central to the design is its parallel lock-on capability enabling it to fire at multiple targets simultaneously, which will most likely take the form of a Head or Sensor Mod (could potentially be an Augment, but the amount of equipment required to lock onto multiple targets at the same time would likely be fairly extensive).

Another requirement is a point-defense upgrade of some sort; giving it the ability to leverage its RAN stat for defense will vastly increase its survivability.

The Sovereign system will be Arsenal's primary source of single-target damage, and is thus absolutely vital to its functionality.

The ability to fire more than one weapon per turn would be quite helpful with its stated purpose of "shoot everything at the same time," but may cause issues with game balance without some form of drawback considering how many guns it'll have (-1 to attack rolls for each weapon beyond the first?).

HVMS should also be present to give it a non-zero chance of victory when it inevitably gets grappled.

HMHVS will aid its "kiting" combat style by enabling it to outrun its enemies somewhat more consistently. The current OMEN system would likely be helpful primarily as an aid during emergency retreats, but could conceivably help with Slams by increasing the speed at which it rams the target, should it ever need to do so.

GAPAS, naturally, is a hard requirement, because you can't shoot enemies and not expect to get shot back, and we can't be sure that point-defense will work on everything. A Barrier would be a good backup once enough Augment capacity is freed up to equip one, for similar reasons.

Gear Priorities
Critical: Parallel lock-on mod (needs research); point-defense upgrade (needs research); Sovereign system with Garneles (available); GAPAS (available); built-in Scatter weapons (needs research)
High: HVMS (available); HMHVS (available); OMEN (available); CMP-5 Gauntlets or successor (available); Gyroscopic Stabilizers (available); AOE weapons (needs research)
Medium: Slam-enhancing equipment (needs research); any externally-mounted Barrier (available)
Low: "FIRE EVERYTHING!" ability, regardless of method (might need research, might be a pilot perk)

I figured that name LDj suggested before I clarified what I wanted for Sawmill Tempus was too good to just waste, so I appropriated it for this design (since it actually turned out to be a decent match for the name).
True, their current stat layouts ARE very similar (enough so to dub that stat layout the Arsenal-type frame)...
Well, finished my ranged AOE build, sort of. Still feel like I got something wrong with the stats, but it's done enough to post here, and I can revise it if necessary (which I fully expect to happen).

Arsenal Factor
Class: Mark II
Motivation: Cover the horizon in explosions!
Pilots: If this doesn't require a dedicated Ranger or two for the multitarget function I will be very surprised.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
STR: 2
RAN: 4
AGI: 3
TGH: 2
DEX: 1

Archetype/Theme: As the name implies, basically an arsenal that got up and started fighting on its own.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge; may become Parry with point-defense mod
Primary Weapon: Mortars, cluster munitions, missiles... basically any kind of AOE we can manage.
Secondary Weapon: Shotguns, which may be swapped for Plasmacasters when it becomes eligible. Also: Garneles.
General Aesthetics: I think an "improvised" kind of look might be interesting, for variety.

Stat Priorities: RAN > STR = AGI > DEX = TGH > HtH. RAN is its primary attacking stat, and I hope to give it a point-defense mod as well. STR lets it equip more weapons, and can be used for Slams if all else fails. AGI is for dodging and kiting. DEX for scanners (gotta find the target before you can shoot it; less important for Arsenal due to carpet bombing, though). TGH just in case something manages to hit. HtH can pretty much be ignored for the most part.

Gear Breakdown
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Unlike most Jaegers, Arsenal's purpose is not so much "deal the most damage possible to the target" as it is "deal damage to as many targets as possible." As such, the vast majority of its weapons will be focused on AOE. My initial thought involved swarms of missiles which each lock onto a different target, but Sunfires, mortars, and cluster munitions are all viable alternatives.

For close-range combat, it will be equipped with a pair of wrist-mounted shotguns, though these can be swapped for Plasmacasters when it reaches Mark III.

It will carry some Garnele Fangs for support, primarily for the purpose of engaging larger targets such as Kaiju in its stead.

It'll probably need the CMP-5 Combat Gauntlets to mitigate its weakness to grapples slightly; however, it will never actually attack with them, so their offensive stats are irrelevant. Similarly, Gyroscopic Stabilizers will be equipped solely for defense, with little to no regard for any stats other than their evasion.

Slam-enhancing equipment would be nice, but can be omitted if it conflicts with its other equipment.

Mods, Perks, and Augments: Central to the design is its parallel lock-on capability enabling it to fire at multiple targets simultaneously, which will most likely take the form of a Head or Sensor Mod (could potentially be an Augment, but the amount of equipment required to lock onto multiple targets at the same time would likely be fairly extensive).

Another requirement is a point-defense upgrade of some sort; giving it the ability to leverage its RAN stat for defense will vastly increase its survivability.

The Sovereign system will be Arsenal's primary source of single-target damage, and is thus absolutely vital to its functionality.

The ability to fire more than one weapon per turn would be quite helpful with its stated purpose of "shoot everything at the same time," but may cause issues with game balance without some form of drawback considering how many guns it'll have (-1 to attack rolls for each weapon beyond the first?).

HVMS should also be present to give it a non-zero chance of victory when it inevitably gets grappled.

HMHVS will aid its "kiting" combat style by enabling it to outrun its enemies somewhat more consistently. The current OMEN system would likely be helpful primarily as an aid during emergency retreats, but could conceivably help with Slams by increasing the speed at which it rams the target, should it ever need to do so.

GAPAS, naturally, is a hard requirement, because you can't shoot enemies and not expect to get shot back, and we can't be sure that point-defense will work on everything. A Barrier would be a good backup once enough Augment capacity is freed up to equip one, for similar reasons.

Gear Priorities
Critical: Parallel lock-on mod (needs research); point-defense upgrade (needs research); Sovereign system with Garneles (available); GAPAS (available); built-in Scatter weapons (needs research)
High: HVMS (available); HMHVS (available); OMEN (available); CMP-5 Gauntlets or successor (available); Gyroscopic Stabilizers (available); AOE weapons (needs research)
Medium: Slam-enhancing equipment (needs research); any externally-mounted Barrier (available)
Low: "FIRE EVERYTHING!" ability, regardless of method (might need research, might be a pilot perk)

I figured that name LDj suggested before I clarified what I wanted for Sawmill Tempus was too good to just waste, so I appropriated it for this design (since it actually turned out to be a decent match for the name).
I don't see anything wrong with this stat load out. The important thing is that it isn't slow, cause that would eff him over really quick.

True, their current stat layouts ARE very similar (enough so to dub that stat layout the Arsenal-type frame)...
*goes to check something*


Vixen Gold
Class: Mk II
Motivation: To Rain Fire Upon the Enemy!
Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH 1

Archetype: A majestic archer raining missiles down from on high, supporting her fellows.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Missiles from 20 to 40 units away.
Secondary Weapons: Spiked Fists for leveraging her eventual massive strength score.
General Aesthetics: Majestic and Statuesque, Vixen is a Jager of sleek curved Jagdarium plates and brings to mind the idea of the towering Colossus of Rhodes.

Stat Priorities: Primary stat is Range, Secondary is Str, Third is Agi with HtH and Tou taking up the rear and Dex getting no love because it is totally not needed. She's not particularly tanky but I'm okay with that.

LostDevilJho's Revolver Shogun
Revolver Shogun
Class: Mk II
Motivation: To Shoot Down The Sun
Pilots: Probably should have them.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
Str: 2
Ran: 4
Agi: 3
Tou: 2
Dex: 2

Archetype/Theme: Samurai Guy / Literally all the guns
Preferred Reaction: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Shoot it to double death.
General Aesthetics: Take Noisy Boy, then cross it with Full-Burst Freedom Gundam (minus the wings), and you're basically in the right neighborhood.

Stat Priorities: Ran > Agi > Dex > Tou > Str > HtH

Vixen and Revolver also have a similar stat loadout. They're all in the same bailiwick, sensibly, but with slight modifications either way.

E: So does Shattered Archer and Watcher Majestic, though both diverge more from the basic setup due to different build decisions.
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I guess the first Mass Production-Type Jaeger Frame we'll develop will be an "Arsenal Type" Frame. Fun fact, Arsenal Ships are ships built to have hundreds of VLS cells so they can missile spam like they came out of Macross, so the name certainly fits a Ranged-Focused Jaeger.
Fun fact, Arsenal Ships are ships built to have hundreds of VLS cells so they can missile spam like they came out of Macross, so the name certainly fits a Ranged-Focused Jaeger.

Not quite Macross worthy the Ohio Class submarines SSGN(Ship, Submersible, Guided Missile, Nuclear powered) have 22 vertical launch tubes and enough ammo to fire each 7x. That is a lot of Tomahawk cruise missiles to have inbound ANYWHERE.
Well, finished my ranged AOE build, sort of. Still feel like I got something wrong with the stats, but it's done enough to post here, and I can revise it if necessary (which I fully expect to happen).

Arsenal Factor
Class: Mark II
Motivation: Cover the horizon in explosions!
Pilots: If this doesn't require a dedicated Ranger or two for the multitarget function I will be very surprised.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
STR: 2
RAN: 4
AGI: 3
TGH: 2
DEX: 1

Archetype/Theme: As the name implies, basically an arsenal that got up and started fighting on its own.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge; may become Parry with point-defense mod
Primary Weapon: Mortars, cluster munitions, missiles... basically any kind of AOE we can manage.
Secondary Weapon: Shotguns, which may be swapped for Plasmacasters when it becomes eligible. Also: Garneles.
General Aesthetics: I think an "improvised" kind of look might be interesting, for variety.

Stat Priorities: RAN > STR = AGI > DEX = TGH > HtH. RAN is its primary attacking stat, and I hope to give it a point-defense mod as well. STR lets it equip more weapons, and can be used for Slams if all else fails. AGI is for dodging and kiting. DEX for scanners (gotta find the target before you can shoot it; less important for Arsenal due to carpet bombing, though). TGH just in case something manages to hit. HtH can pretty much be ignored for the most part.

Gear Breakdown
Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Unlike most Jaegers, Arsenal's purpose is not so much "deal the most damage possible to the target" as it is "deal damage to as many targets as possible." As such, the vast majority of its weapons will be focused on AOE. My initial thought involved swarms of missiles which each lock onto a different target, but Sunfires, mortars, and cluster munitions are all viable alternatives.

For close-range combat, it will be equipped with a pair of wrist-mounted shotguns, though these can be swapped for Plasmacasters when it reaches Mark III.

It will carry some Garnele Fangs for support, primarily for the purpose of engaging larger targets such as Kaiju in its stead.

It'll probably need the CMP-5 Combat Gauntlets to mitigate its weakness to grapples slightly; however, it will never actually attack with them, so their offensive stats are irrelevant. Similarly, Gyroscopic Stabilizers will be equipped solely for defense, with little to no regard for any stats other than their evasion.

Slam-enhancing equipment would be nice, but can be omitted if it conflicts with its other equipment.

Mods, Perks, and Augments: Central to the design is its parallel lock-on capability enabling it to fire at multiple targets simultaneously, which will most likely take the form of a Head or Sensor Mod (could potentially be an Augment, but the amount of equipment required to lock onto multiple targets at the same time would likely be fairly extensive).

Another requirement is a point-defense upgrade of some sort; giving it the ability to leverage its RAN stat for defense will vastly increase its survivability.

The Sovereign system will be Arsenal's primary source of single-target damage, and is thus absolutely vital to its functionality.

The ability to fire more than one weapon per turn would be quite helpful with its stated purpose of "shoot everything at the same time," but may cause issues with game balance without some form of drawback considering how many guns it'll have (-1 to attack rolls for each weapon beyond the first?).

HVMS should also be present to give it a non-zero chance of victory when it inevitably gets grappled.

HMHVS will aid its "kiting" combat style by enabling it to outrun its enemies somewhat more consistently. The current OMEN system would likely be helpful primarily as an aid during emergency retreats, but could conceivably help with Slams by increasing the speed at which it rams the target, should it ever need to do so.

GAPAS, naturally, is a hard requirement, because you can't shoot enemies and not expect to get shot back, and we can't be sure that point-defense will work on everything. A Barrier would be a good backup once enough Augment capacity is freed up to equip one, for similar reasons.

Gear Priorities
Critical: Parallel lock-on mod (needs research); point-defense upgrade (needs research); Sovereign system with Garneles (available); GAPAS (available); built-in Scatter weapons (needs research)
High: HVMS (available); HMHVS (available); OMEN (available); CMP-5 Gauntlets or successor (available); Gyroscopic Stabilizers (available); AOE weapons (needs research)
Medium: Slam-enhancing equipment (needs research); any externally-mounted Barrier (available)
Low: "FIRE EVERYTHING!" ability, regardless of method (might need research, might be a pilot perk)

I figured that name LDj suggested before I clarified what I wanted for Sawmill Tempus was too good to just waste, so I appropriated it for this design (since it actually turned out to be a decent match for the name).
Not a huge fan of blowing equipment slots on making Ranged builds which have a lack in Grapple stats better at Grapples, since that might be better spent avoiding them, or getting options that negate the risk in some manner. Like...there's a diffierence between holding your own on the battlefield, and being competent at every possible type of engagement. One is much more feasible than the other.

As for the name, I could change it. "Compulsive Viper" would be an amusing way to pay homage to both sources of inspiration, since it sounds like a Metal Gear codename, and references Death the Kid's OCD.

Edit: BTW, I was tempted to name it "Gaseous Snake" or "Plasma Snake", but decided it was to blatant.

Vixen Gold
Class: Mk II
Motivation: To Rain Fire Upon the Enemy!
Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH 1

Archetype: A majestic archer raining missiles down from on high, supporting her fellows.
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Missiles from 20 to 40 units away.
Secondary Weapons: Spiked Fists for leveraging her eventual massive strength score.
General Aesthetics: Majestic and Statuesque, Vixen is a Jager of sleek curved Jagdarium plates and brings to mind the idea of the towering Colossus of Rhodes.

Stat Priorities: Primary stat is Range, Secondary is Str, Third is Agi with HtH and Tou taking up the rear and Dex getting no love because it is totally not needed. She's not particularly tanky but I'm okay with that.
LostDevilJho's Revolver Shogun
Revolver Shogun
Class: Mk II
Motivation: To Shoot Down The Sun
Pilots: Probably should have them.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
Str: 2
Ran: 4
Agi: 3
Tou: 2
Dex: 2

Archetype/Theme: Samurai Guy / Literally all the guns
Preferred Reaction: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Shoot it to double death.
General Aesthetics: Take Noisy Boy, then cross it with Full-Burst Freedom Gundam (minus the wings), and you're basically in the right neighborhood.

Stat Priorities: Ran > Agi > Dex > Tou > Str > HtH
Vixen and Revolver also have a similar stat loadout. They're all in the same bailiwick, sensibly, but with slight modifications either way.
Looking at Vixen again after the experience of our last fight, I think it might be good to add something for sensor accuracy in rough conditions, given the low Dex.
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Not a huge fan of blowing equipment slots on making Ranged builds which have a lack in Grapple stats better at Grapples, since that might be better spent avoiding them, or getting options that negate the risk in some manner. Like...there's a diffierence between holding your own on the battlefield, and being competent at every possible type of engagement. One is much more feasible than the other.

As for the name, I could change it. "Compulsive Viper" would be an amusing way to pay homage to both sources of inspiration, since it sounds like a Metal Gear codename, and references Death the Kid's OCD.

Looking at Vixen again after the experience of our last fight, I think it might be good to add something for sensor accuracy in rough conditions, given the low Dex.
Yeah there is plausible reason to do that, though on the other hand she isn't meant to be fielded away from a City, and as demonstrated with Tacit you can have a City feed a Jaeger data which mitigates part of the issue.

I'll have to think about it, at some point.

E: Also just occurred to me, but it is totally possible to have one Jaeger with better eyeballs feed another Jaeger data through Dex checks. So you can have Tacit or Jagdhund or Phenom or anyone else act as a spotter of sorts for Jaegers like Vixen.
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Not a huge fan of blowing equipment slots on making Ranged builds which have a lack in Grapple stats better at Grapples, since that might be better spent avoiding them, or getting options that negate the risk in some manner. Like...there's a diffierence between holding your own on the battlefield, and being competent at every possible type of engagement. One is much more feasible than the other.
Think of it as reducing the effectiveness of what would otherwise be an enemy auto-win action, then. After all, 0 HtH means this design's gonna be INCREDIBLY weak to grapples. I mean, I've previously mentioned the scenario of a charger running up and suplexing things to death, so can you blame me for taking precautions to attempt to minimize those shenanigans?

Like, there's a difference between "trying too hard to do everything and thus failing" and "oh god I've got a fatal weakness to this one attack method, I need countermeasures NOW" too.
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Not quite Macross worthy the Ohio Class submarines SSGN(Ship, Submersible, Guided Missile, Nuclear powered) have 22 vertical launch tubes and enough ammo to fire each 7x. That is a lot of Tomahawk cruise missiles to have inbound ANYWHERE.
The real problem with the Arsenal Ship concept, as was explained to me, is that it's a whole lot of money and explosives being put in a relatively poorly-defended ship and over-specialized ship. The four Ohio SSGNs get around that problem by virtue of being sneaky subs and being conversions of existing hulls, not to mention they still have their torpedo tubes, while the Arleigh-Burke Class DDGs have many VLS cells, but still have an assortment of guns, two triple torpedo tubes, and the Flight IIAs have space for two Seahawk helicopters on the ship itself.

Of course, in this age of giant monsters that can survive tremendous amounts of firepower and break ships in half over their assorted appendages, and a lack of Congress telling the Navy it can't have all the toys it wants, an Arsenal Ship might just be viable.

Speaking of the Arleigh-Burkes, getting our hands on one of them would be one hell of an improvement to our naval firepower, but the two shipyards that built them are on the other side of the country, so we'll need to figure them out ourselves.
The real problem with the Arsenal Ship concept, as was explained to me, is that it's a whole lot of money and explosives being put in a relatively poorly-defended ship and over-specialized ship. The four Ohio SSGNs get around that problem by virtue of being sneaky subs and being conversions of existing hulls, not to mention they still have their torpedo tubes, while the Arleigh-Burke Class DDGs have many VLS cells, but still have an assortment of guns, two triple torpedo tubes, and the Flight IIAs have space for two Seahawk helicopters on the ship itself.

Of course, in this age of giant monsters that can survive tremendous amounts of firepower and break ships in half over their assorted appendages, and a lack of Congress telling the Navy it can't have all the toys it wants, an Arsenal Ship might just be viable.

Speaking of the Arleigh-Burkes, getting our hands on one of them would be one hell of an improvement to our naval firepower, but the two shipyards that built them are on the other side of the country, so we'll need to figure them out ourselves.
Why settle for something dead people made when we can make our own? :V

(half serious, half joke)
Thought I'd throw my other hat into the ranged Jaeger ring.
Grindell Jolly

Class: Mk II
Motivation: To feel the need, The need for speed.

Starting Stats (12/15)
HtH: 0
Ran: 4
Str: 3
Tou: 1
Agi: 3
Dex: 1

Archetype/Theme: Skirmishing Debuffer, The overall design is based off the F-14A Tomcat with the laser system theme inspired by the Falken from the ace combat games. The move and shoot aspect is derived from the high-speed action of Maverick in Top Gun with the slams coming from the F-14A Tomcat being described as "Fast yet strong"
Preferred Defense Action: Dodge
Primary Weapon/Method of Attack: Ranged laser assault.

General Aesthetics: Primarily grey with black and yellow accents painted with a jolly roger on each of the rear fins. Designed after the only F-14A Tomcat in Seattle used by the VF-103 Jolly Rogers, slick almost aerodynamic. Entropy cannons rest on the back hanging as "wings" before engaging on the Jaeger's waist.
Stat Priorities: RAN > AGI > TOU > DEX > STR > HtH

Gear Breakdown:

Weapons, Gadgets, and Armor: Maverick Grindell primarily uses laser weapons, using the stance change thermal cannon idea from Boreas as it's primary means of attack cycling between Fire, Electricity and Ice. It uses the thermal cannon primarily for debuffing the enemy, taking advantage of the freeze canon mode as a means of support. For close-mid range a pair of 3x wrist mounted UV Vulcans should suffice. Potential upgrades to the UV Vulcan's could see them take on the element changing abilities of the canons or sonic elements. Maverick can also take advantage of it's Agility in slams if needed. Something to allow a point-blank shot after a slam would be nice.

For more damage a chest mounted Kinetic guillotine similar to Skofnung's energy cannon for added damage and anti-barrier shenanigans.

Fighting style: Mavericks style changes depending on the enemy he is facing. If faced with a sword class Kaiju he focuses on debuffing the target with ice. VS Jaegers he takes a more offensive role using electricity to try to stun them without completely destroying them. Against Kaiju he starts by focusing on squisher targets before moving onto a more supportive role. Ideally he could even mix and match different elements using the effects in combination. Usually using kiting when fighting, that is to evade while firing shots are your opponent, keeping a highly mobile fighting style.

Mods, Perks and Augments: Improved targeting and the ability to benefit with Arges would be highly beneficial to make sure crucial shots land. Additionally something that would lessen the penalties of moving and shooting or even give a bonus for shooting and moving, based on the idea of repostioning for the right angle would be helpful. Even more helpful given it's potential partners would be a targeting system that only targets enemies, removing the disadvantage of clusters.

GAPAS is crucial to the defense of Maverick and HVMS would help him with said repositioning.

Partnership Prospects: Practically anyone would benefit from having the debuff benefits, but if used a pure sniper Paladin Victor or Phenom Sable make perfect partners.

Gear Priorities:

Critical: Entropy Cannons, GAPAS, Cluster-nullyfying targeting systems, Moving Shot stabilizers

High: Kinetic chest-beam ARGES benefit , HVMS, Sonic Vulcans. Point-blank slam-shot

Medium: Another close range defense system. Potentially Jackal's lasers or a Plasma caster. CMP-5 Gauntlets

Low: Barrier, Fangs of some sort
The original build was an Arsenal build, decided to go with 3 Strength for more damage and slam potential.

Edit to include Sonic Vulcan's.
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