1457, 20 June 2073
Legio Galbinus Command Room
To Richard Callaghan, there was just
nothing quite like stepping foot in the
Legion's base. There was just nothing like it in all of human history - an embassy, scaled for mechanical and sentient lifeforms, yet with all the amenities for human traversal built into it. He remembered more than a few raised eyebrows when the boss had agreed to build this, and this was back when they didn't have a practically unlimited budget. The metallic walls with the purple tint took some getting used to, but after that...
Well. He was in an alien base built by humans. Richard was sure the DFRI would find a way to top that eventually, but this ranked pretty high up there.
"This is Perseus. I think they took the bait."
Galbinus nodded, a grim smile set on his face. The Legion's commander, easily standing at least a head's taller than anyone else in the room, had his arms crossed, with one hand cupping his chin. Even Fenris would only be about as tall as Herald. "Excellent. Do you have visual on their leaders?"
"Transmitting now."
A still image hologram emerged on the holographic table the command room was centered around. The Free Brother - primarily red with yellow highlights - looked as if he had taken on a pickup truck as an alternate mode. "Throughput," Galbinus mused thoughtfully. "He must have been awoken from stasis recently."
"Likelihood: High." The modulated voice came from the other side of the table. Herald - Galbinus's tactical mind - was an odd one. Of all the Legion, he still had refrained taking on Configuration. Primarily chrome in color, he didn't have a face like most Kaus - it was a singular face plate that lit up in cadence with his speech or mood.
"Possible mission parameters: raid for supplies and energy stores. Human garrison incidental."
"With that many Drones?" Richard asked. Even the command table had been reworked to accommodate human guests - Major Devin had come by more than a few times, and Patch had finally had enough of the humans simply standing near the table on someone's hand. Now there was a dedicated walkway and platform with rails along the edges. "Is that going to be enough to feed all of them?"
Speaking of Patch, the gruff medic sniffed. "They likely don't expect the Drones to survive. Wasteful to even manufacture them, but chaff serves their purposes well enough." The other two Kaus shook their heads in disgust, but Tyrannous's callous disregard for most things in life had been well established for them by now that Richard assumed they were somewhat desensitized to it. It still reminded him a bit too much of human commanders in the deep parts of pre-Unification.
"Throughput will put up a fight, but he will withdraw if he runs out of viable options," Galbinus cautioned Oscar and Xiu Yin. "We only require their attention on you for a little while longer." His optics glanced at another display, one that was rapidly approaching the Enclave.
"Perseus's got this. We all do," Xiu Yin replied.
"We'll do our best to give you room to maneuver," Oscar chimed in.
"And that is all I ask of you," Galbinus said with a smile on his face. "Galbinus out." The holographic window cut off, and the corner display rapidly expanded to show the seismic tremors. "With that..." Galbinus nodded respectfully to Richard. "My compliments once again to Major Devin. With your assistance, we have now forced the Free Brothers to make a choice. Whichever they consider the bigger threat will weaken their response to the other."
"Which will then let us determine who Tyrannous considers to be more important as well," Patch added. "Either Bandit is considered important enough that additional resources to this encroaching party is warranted, or Battlegroup Perseus is." Richard tilted his head at the naming scheme, but he couldn't deny it had a nice ring to it.
"Optimal outcome: Beowulf's appearance warrants Free Brother escalation," Herald said a moment later. His faceplate shifted to turn to Richard, his face glowing with green light.
"New battleform: as yet unaccounted for."
"We still haven't fully tested it either," Richard pointed out. "And we do also have the Argonauts."
"Yes. Them." Patch had a bemused smile on his face. "I do appreciate that Frankie has been proving to be an apt student. First response engineering is a delicate art, and the more who can weld wounds together after a fight the better."
"If anything, their presence will confuse whoever is leading them," Galbinus noted. "For the most part, each mech across this conflict are known to one another in some form. They are
entirely new, and until the true nature of their construction becomes known, they will assume they are from Mekaen. We can use that to delay their response...Herald? Tactical assessment."
"Processing." The projected running estimates emerged, showing the tactical layout of what was to come.
"Current status: Bandit being arranged for 'transport' to Legion vessel Metatrine's Shield." The floating block containment unit that looked halfway between a medical gurney and a power generator was shown, with a few icons for Legionairres surrounding them.
"Architect, Nailhead and Tracker positioned for guard detail."
Then what looked like an honest-to-god
drill tank projected itself to emerge not far from Bandit's position. "
Estimate: squad sized element of Drones led by one to two Free Brother officers from drill unit. Extraction likely through drill unit or unknown methods at this time."
"Rangefinder has been present coordinating operations for the Free Brothers planetside more and more recently," Patch cautioned. "It's possible that, depending on how much Tyrannous considers Bandit to be an asset, he may appear personally."
"And there's no telling who will be leading the initial assault either," Galbinus mused. "It all depends on how badly Tyrannous wants him back."
"So what's our play?" Richard asked. "You've got Beowulf and Charlie, Frankie and Iris working together as a team. How do you want us?"
"You and Beowulf have proven to be rather skilled in a straight confrontation," Galbinus replied. "I ideally want you in place to take on the larger threats. And should that be insufficient, we will step in as well - but I want the shock value of a relative unknown to throw the Free Brothers off balance." Galbinus's optics dimmed momentarily, reminding Richard of a human blinking. "That said, these are your people. If you have any input on how and when is best to engage them, I am willing to listen."
Richard then walked over - and a smaller holo screen appeared in front of him from the platform, letting him manipulate the Kaus-sized picture. "Here's what I'm thinking..."
Galbinus has made the objective clear: he ideally wants the Free Brothers to feed more of a response into reclaiming Bandit than fighting against Perseus. If he can force the heavier hitters of the Free Brothers to make an appearance, all the better. How does Richard think he can best help make this happen?
Pick one.
[] Early Appearance: Have the Beowulf and the Argonauts already present and ready to engage. The shock of new forces could prompt an early call for reinforcements. Whether it's answered is another story, and this may be too sharp of a defense to draw in further assets from the Free Brothers.
[] Reserves (Beowulf): Have the Argonauts already on the field with the Beowulf in reserve. This should confuse the Free Brothers and convince them to drip feed some additional reinforcements hopefully.
[] Reserves (Argonauts): Have the Beowulf already on the field with the Argonauts in reserve. Beowulf is more known to the Free Brothers (thanks to the one they're trying to recover) and may initiate a more immediate response.
[] Reserves (All): Have everyone from the DFRI held back in reserve until Galbinus is ready to send them in. This will rely entirely on the Legion's ability to sell the defense as just weak enough to consider taking on.
[] Write-In
QM Note: And we're back! Sorry for the delay. Hope you all enjoy the update!