It's always an honor to see you cook up your mad wizardry and real life always comes first so take your time to put out the same level of quality as always!
Finally read all the quest, first thread and this one. Really bloomin fun, can't wait for more mech madness!
You raise a hand. "A point, if I may," you ask. When Peters nods, you ask, "The Sergey Gorshkov and its escorts were registered as having entered drydock repairs over..." You check the notes sent ahead to you from Sasaki. God bless subordinates who can predict what their bosses want! "...six months ago. It was set for priority one, but aside from disassembly of the elevator mechanisms, there wasn't any action taken on it. Why have other vessels taken priority if this was so important?"

"A curious question indeed," Bernard agrees. "One that my office has also raised for their vessels, but has yet to receive a satisfactory answer to."
*cough* given current Real Life conflicts, I suspect embezzlement but in-quest, it's probably funding the Westphalians alongside several other similar activities.
That's just a more specific version of embezzlement, though. :V

A tale as long as civilization existed. Now with more giant robots.

To paraphrase an old City of Heroes meme: It's all a Westphalian plot.

I'm here, I'm still around. But it turns out when you're undergoing a job change in addition to creating a continuity book for the previous job (and being the first author to ever do so) with the holiday season bearing down on you, it's really stressful and time consuming.

Who knew?

Anyhoo, I have an omake to post in just a second, but the next turn is gonna be a bit. Appreciate anyone who stuck around!
Nothing Is Impossible
This takes place shortly after Rapid Response (Free Brothers).

1933, 21 June 2073
Refinery Offices

As the door to the 'conference room' slid shut, Vivian Lennox heavily sat down in her seat. The makeshift headquarters still had dust coating the floor after the energy impacts had shaken them all loose, and various portrait frames had been knocked askew or simply fell and cracked on the floor. Only the current room – a worker's break room with a folding plastic table and some chairs – had been scrubbed clean, and that had only been for the sake of the electronic equipment.

Vivian's uniform, normally as pristine as she could make it – if just for the sake of reminding the soldiers that there was a standard even in the field – was matted with sweat and dust, both from in and out of the silo. Her eyelids very much felt like microscopic anvils had attached themselves, and the siren call of sweet, sweet sleep kept growing louder and louder. Never mind the fact that she still had what felt like a metric ton of paperwork – why did we never get rid of that term when there's almost no paper involved? – still glaring back at her from the scattered tablet screens on the table.

After action reports. Battle damage and recovery. Damage to the civilian infrastructure. Analysis of the Kausen frames that had been involved in the attack – including the super heavy walker that they'd somehow sprung out of their collective asses.

And the one entity that was dominating Lennox's attention was the wildcard.


Vivian blinked – all of those reports she had been meaning to look at had apparently just been skipped over, and her hand had already reached out for the specific tablet holding some of the recorded battle data some of her company commanders had taken the initiative to upload as soon as recovery operations had begun. Not that it was exactly restricted knowledge outside of the chain of command – the encounter had been a little too public and center-stage to really try and conceal even if she had wanted to. Vivian had been content to list the footage as controlled information and give a subtle reminder to the line units about not releasing combat footage to the wider public.

Vivian's attention returned to the paused footage of the Super Robot right as it finished its over-the-top combination. Perseus Megas. The Defense Force Research Institute's latest party trick. She'd read the reports of the DFRI's other weapons – hell, she was fielding the watered-down versions of what just seemed flat out like space magic to her. By all metrics it was…gaudy. A transforming Buckler-like – or were they Hoplites now? – one that combined with those two support trucks to turn into something that looked like a Spartan warrior or something.

Yet despite all of that…it worked. And that alone should have been the main presiding fact that dominated Vivian's thought process. Yes, she was factually aware that things such as kaiju and Mercury V existed. Even the NSDF had a flying aircraft carrier for crying out loud.

Why was she surprised?

Because it was something else entirely to see it in person as opposed to abstractly reading about it.

Because it was something else entirely when she and her whole staff could feel the raw power emanating from the Super Robot as it moved with strength and purpose.

Because it moved with the same impossible life-like energy as the Kausen.

That thought reared Vivian's stream of consciousness back some. Bringing up another report, the realization that a question and a seldom voiced fact pinpricking at the edges of her mind finally found itself in the spotlight.


All the foot soldiers, even as they seemed designed to die in droves, still scattered and reacted to incoming fire and threats as if they were some of her infantry. It was hard to make out, but some of the larger units seemed to be gesturing at one another – entirely superfluous motions if they were purely machines. An intelligence bulletin debating with itself whether they were piloted machines or actually were the machines was still doing the rounds – the majority opinion seemed to lean to the former, but Vivian was starting to wonder about that now.

She leaned back against the rickety chair, tapping her stylus against her palm. Her Centurion frames, looking back at it, hadn't done a terrible job given what they were up against. They were suitable against the chaff, if absolutely nothing else could be said about them – it was when the 'officer' frames, for lack of a better term, arrived that the Centurions were smashed into pieces. Thank goodness for the crew escape modules.

But when the DFRI had arrived onto the scene, Perseus – and Perseus Megas – had not fought by itself. It had fought as part of a combined arms combat team. It had brought Phalanxes of its own – I'll be asking about the procurement later – and it had brought some limited air support.

And yes, Perseus Megas was probably tuned up into some ridiculous mega prototype that enabled its raw power, including a Mercury-style chest cannon of sorts. But it had been the spearhead and the moving wall that had drawn attention while both its support and Vivian's own formations had circled around the flanks to cut down their numbers in a more conventional fashion.

If there were any other methods of defeating the Kausen that didn't rely on brute force strength, she didn't know of them. But here was probably the upcoming textbook example of how to do it – the first recorded instance of defeating the Kausen. And all it seemingly required was something resembling the Earth Union's own Kausen-

-their own Kausen. The idea seemed laughable only a month or so ago. But the more she stared at Perseus Megas, the less crazy it sounded. They already had transforming IFVs and tanks. Why couldn't they make their own equivalent Kausen? It wouldn't magically destroy all of the Kausen immediately, but it didn't have to. It just needed to level the playing field back to some kind of conventional battlefield that the GSDF could fight…

Vivan Lennox's stylus began to scribble across one of her datapads as the moon continued to rise outside. It was late, and she wasn't going to suddenly solve the question tonight. But she couldn't delegate these thoughts to her staff unless she committed the thoughts down to her notes. They likely weren't going to listen to a lowly Major serving in an acting Battalion Commander role, but she could make enough noise to get noticed by someone…well, nothing was impossible...
Sounds like Lennox is going to spearhead basically a Gundam themed mecha/mobile suit program that doesn't go for transforming but rather groups of good enough mechs/mobile suits working together as a fire team/platoon.
FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS I LAY DORMANT, WHO HAS DISTURBED MY- Oh, it's Basarin with a new chapter of Super Robot Quest G.


It's nice to know my posting is now equivalent to celestial alignments.

Kidding aside, it was bugging me that I couldn't post for awhile, but life always has a vote. It'll be slower going, but we'll cross the finish on this one yet.
Sounds like Lennox is going to spearhead basically a Gundam themed mecha/mobile suit program that doesn't go for transforming but rather groups of good enough mechs/mobile suits working together as a fire team/platoon.
Well that and our Golems + Solarianss so if we trade probably our AI tech which atleast is developed enough if still something that requires serious expertise.

Edit: Also good chap Basarin and nice to have you back even if only for a while.
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Well that and our Golems + Solarianss so if we trade probably our AI tech which atleast is developed enough if still something that requires serious expertise.

Edit: Also good chap Basarin and nice to have you back even if only for a while.
Seems like her thinking is manned mechs that can move and fight like infantry writ large.

We might see a control system that's like something from G-Gundam- maybe minus the skintight suits?

Though having some level of AI assist would boost the effectiveness of the mobile suits.
Seems like her thinking is manned mechs that can move and fight like infantry writ large.

We might see a control system that's like something from G-Gundam- maybe minus the skintight suits?

Though having some level of AI assist would boost the effectiveness of the mobile suits.
We do have our Man Machine Interface For that though thats one of our Top Secret Techs and a Core one we dont include in the Production Models.
We do have our Man Machine Interface For that though thats one of our Top Secret Techs and a Core one we dont include in the Production Models.
Sharing that will likely have to wait until after the inevitable coup arc fires off in SRW fashion and Westphalian agents show themselves. But there's enough mad scientists out there that I'm sure that Lennox will have no trouble finding a control system technology that works.
Theres also the classic "use videogames to recruit pilots" trope. Project SRX in SRW, G-Force in the Godzilla novels & The Last Starfighter.

With the C-crystals we should be able to do something similar once more Super Robot development projects come online right?
Theres also the classic "use videogames to recruit pilots" trope. Project SRX in SRW, G-Force in the Godzilla novels & The Last Starfighter.

With the C-crystals we should be able to do something similar once more Super Robot development projects come online right?

They're classic tropes for a reason!

And maybe not directly, but franchising and enabling other branches is definitely an option.
Oh man glad to see this back.

And now we have our second new super robot team. Hm almost seems less like she was inspired to make super robots and more inspired to make real robots
There's going to be some kind of megalomanic who wants our tech so they can upload themselves into an immortal and beautiful body so they can rule somewhere as a godking super robot.
welcome back Basarin and Merry Christmas to you and everyone else. As for Lennox, If she's not the future leader of one of the upcoming SR programs, I will be very surprised.
you know i was just thinking of going through another reread of this quest,

another awesome entry!
Thanks for the kind words all!

I'm out traveling at the moment for the holidays, but I'll try to have a draft up sometime soon (before the new job has me traveling more).

Sounds like Lennox is going to spearhead basically a Gundam themed mecha/mobile suit program that doesn't go for transforming but rather groups of good enough mechs/mobile suits working together as a fire team/platoon.
Oh man glad to see this back.

And now we have our second new super robot team. Hm almost seems less like she was inspired to make super robots and more inspired to make real robots

Choices you all make at large tend to nudge opinions based on what's seen as available and their perceived performance profiles. Who knows what that future will bring?