Cool, when did you become a moderator and gain the right to police thread interaction?
I didn't; I'm just going under the assumption that "I have gotten in trouble for doing exactly this, so I should warn other people to not do it either, because if I'm not allowed to do this then nobody's allowed to do this."

Yes, I have, in the past, gotten punished for doing pretty much exactly what he just did.
Nah, I don't really need to make any further clarifications since I was already pretty clear enough as is, Sir Plusse. An apology is already good enough as is given no one actually agreed to dropping the subject via your question (though I agree it's best to let sleeping dogs lie at the least for the other fine folks in this thread).

You just made an assumption about what me and other people can and cannot do based off your own actions first and foremost so that's just a sense of self-entitlement coming from someone who causes the arguments to heat up that much in the first place.

You're the only one that has had mods called on you because of what you do so don't use that as an excuse whenever something that you aren't satisfied with crops up whether it be arguments going nowhere or you shouting at people for being stupid because they don't agree with your personal views and thus getting reprisal for said inflammatory remarks.

I have very little respect and patience for you as a person currently. Please figure out how to be a civil participant without threatening possible mod intervention every time you rile other people up.

If you'd rather not have to deal with me, please don't quote or @ me from now on. I'll be more than happy to not interact with you to prevent future headaches.
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How this quest is enjoyable for you when it seems you have half the Thread or more on ignore I will never understand.
Considering how that means "half the thread or more" is made up of either people who piss me off to the point that I ignore them just so I don't start yet another fight that needs mod intervention, or people posting for the sole purpose of picking a fight when I actually try to end things at "agree to disagree" for once, this is actually a valid question despite your underlying (invalid) assumption that interacting with the participants is the point of a quest.

In other words, I'm here for the quest. I will ignore as many people as I need to in order to continue participating, even if that means the only other poster I can see is the OP. If I piss you off that much, ignore me back. It's literally that simple.
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Sir plusse is a provocateur and enjoys riling up the people in the thread with stupid ideas and throwing a tantrum when he doesn't get his way. He's done this three times now. Basarin has warned that he will get the mods involved if it happens again and that goes for everyone else in the thread. I got ignored just for trying to have an honest debate with Sir plusse. Honestly Sir Plusse has been the main disruption in the entire quest.
Rule 4: Don’t Be Disruptive: Threadbanned by QM request.
You're absolutely correct in that assessment Koguyra. It's just really odd seeing this in action.
What, he hasn't ignored me yet? I'm honestly surprised, considering how toxic he was getting (note that I'm not claiming I'm completely innocent myself; I know I get too worked up way too often- hell, I just admitted that I started a lot of those fights that needed mods to stop). I mean, it's literally two clicks and he never has to see me again; why hasn't he done it yet?
I feel that every time I check back in to the thread, there's yet another breach of civility.

This is not fun for me to deal with.

Writing this quest is my way to relax. And these disruptions also are not fun for others who just want to enjoy the quest to deal with either. Seeing this go on like this is discouraging, and I'm not having any more of this.

I have reached out to a Moderator - a dubious first for me - and I'll be pausing writing temporarily until this is sorted out to my satisfaction.
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Okay then. I've had time to discuss with the moderator team (they responded rather quickly, which I appreciate).

So I ask one more time, and let this also serve as official notice: keep discussions civil, do not lash out, and let's all just enjoy the silliness that's inherent in a Super Robot genre quest. I really do not want to have to reach out to moderators again.

As stated before, update will come later in the week - I have family coming in, so I'll try to have some stuff in before they arrive.
Thank you for your patience.

We'll try to make things fun and enjoyable here for you as you do for us. We greatly appreciate everything you do here so don't worry about taking breaks irl.
Speaking of fun, in the next plan. I want to focus on the Arc Cannon Project. it's probably the closest we are currently to getting a FU cannon for the future space battleship that I want to build for Humanities space program.
Speaking of fun, in the next plan. I want to focus on the Arc Cannon Project. it's probably the closest we are currently to getting a FU cannon for the future space battleship that I want to build for Humanities space program.
Sounds fairly reasonable, we've gotten some good advances on out Melee capabilities and a General Blaster upgrade all around so upgrading our Finishers is definitely on the docket.

Where do you see this going? Wave Motion gun, Mega Particle Cannon, or my personal hope, Ball Lightning.
Sounds fairly reasonable, we've gotten some good advances on out Melee capabilities and a General Blaster upgrade all around so upgrading our Finishers is definitely on the docket.

Where do you see this going? Wave Motion gun, Mega Particle Cannon, or my personal hope, Ball Lightning.
I am more going for Wave Motion gun like the Moonstone cannon of the Delphinus in Skies of Arcadia or the Yamato's Cannon in Space Battleship Yamato.