Post should come by sometime tonight or tomorrow. Had a stressful week, but that's nothing new.

Loving the brainstorm session though! Keep those ideas in mind as we get to the top of the turn.
Cool take care and in that note Here are some Ideas I had.

Seeker SR Core Name: Momotaro
-Weve gone with 2 Western Hero Names so Time to go with an Eastern one Momotaro is classic Japanese Myth hero and more Importantly had 3 Allies in the form of a Dog,Monkey and Peasant which I feel is fitting with our Seeker having 3 Forms of Truck,Mech and Jet.

K-Fang Spear Name: Jotun Lance
-Since I was the one who made the plan to create a K-Fang spear I figure I should propose a Name for it if GM still hasnt decided on one. Jotun is a catchall term for Evil Giant in Norse myth evin Fenrir whos a Giant Wolf is technically a Jotunn since both his parents were one since its a Polearm made from both Tech belonging to Giant enemies we had I figure its a fitting name.

Handheld Energy Blaster Name: Magnum Blaster
-Figured id proposue a name for our new blasters too nothing special Magnum is a slang for gun and shoutout to KR Geats base form.

Tyrants Bane
-A Melee Weapon Combining Arc Blade, Jotun Lance, Heat Knife, Kausen Energy Blaster, K Fang, K Lung, Faedeum,Kausen Energy shards, Zirvitium Alloy, Empathy booster.
-The Purpose is to Create a far more Powerful Melee suited for Beowulf Fenrir and our other Super Robots this also test whether we can use 2 different K class materials in a single weapon with K lung enhancing the Lighting or Blasting ability sword while Kfang increases its melee abilities both in sharpness and durability. Most Likely by using K lungs on the Hild and K Fang on the Blade. Whether its a Sword or a Polearm will depend on the Engineers.
-At the very least Kaiju shows Different K class can work together now just need to put our own spin on it.

Magnum Gatling/Heavyarms
-Using our experience from creating Magnum Blaster using using K Blaster Technology, KLungs, Empathic Booster and Faedium create a Machine Gun type Energy blaster weapon that can be sued by our SRs.

Edit: BTW have we already tested Chimera squadron for SR piloting ability? considering theyve sorted against Kaiju and Kausen and our next is a Seeker we might be able to just pick up the pilot from them. Well that or one of the Golems grow really that we can have them pilot an SR.
Last edited:
March, Year Four - When It Rains
0900, 3 March A.D. 2073
Engineering Bay


Ichiro glanced over at Zulu. "That's it?" he asked, after waiting for a few moments. "Dr. Ignatov and Greg just made whole new bits of life based off of, well...Drones," he said, after a moment of awkwardness, "and you've got just one word to express it?"

"Yes." Zulu looked back up at him - the Drone scientist had begun to take steps to individualize ever since he had been turned in DFRI's custody. His single red visor fitted well over the face guard and a black head unit. A dark purple color scheme was only interrupted by streaks of white lines, seemingly at random but likely in patterns that had some significance to him. Ichiro wasn't going to try and spend the processing power to figure out what they meant.

The Golems were...interesting. They all shared a head unit similar to what Zulu sported, but they were already seemingly getting ahead of individualizing themselves. Some had foregone the face guard entirely, letting themselves appear with full faces. Others were customizing their vehicular appearances, either in simple color cosmetics, or adding...well, he wasn't sure adding that extra fin on the back or side was going to make them more aerodynamic in aerial mode, but to each their own, he guessed.

"'re we gonna explain any of this to anyone?"

"An interesting problem statement." Zulu tilted his head as he considered it. He came to a remarkably quick conclusion: "But not our problem statement. The Westphalian way station is likely far higher on the priority list."

"Oh, right." Ichiro stretched his shoulder out, his servos spasming slightly in memory of the destroyer with the crab walker legs. "No clue what was going on with that. You think Major Devin's got it figured out?"

"Whether he does not or not, it is his problem statement."

"You realize it's growing more difficult to keep some of your subordinates' achievements subtle, don't you?"

You wince slightly at the dry, pointed look that Brigadier General Peters is giving you over the vidlink. "I like to think they're good problems, ma'am. We've got two active Super Robots with auxiliary staff-"

"I'm aware of what you have accomplished," Peters cuts you off. "It's managing the flow of information that's growing more cumbersome." She pulls up screens of her own, making a show of referring to a list. "Let me see here...ahh, yes. You've created more AI lifeforms. It almost makes the miniaturization of alien technology a bloody afterthought, doesn't it?" Her expression brightens slightly as she tosses you a bone. "I do concur it is indeed a 'good problem' to have. Same as striking the official partnership with the Legion, otherwise we'd be on the backfoot even more with the Free Brothers."

"Or just calling them all Kausen and not knowing the difference." You do notice that despite the damnation by faint praise you're getting from Peters, her expression is a little troubled. "Something on your mind, ma'am?"

"Currently dealing with...issues. We're exploring the possibility of creating satellite Super Robot programs. I say it's time that we spread the wealth around, make sure that not everything is concentrated in that university of yours. Give us more coverage - especially after that damned oil derrick we found. To think you almost set up shop there."

"When, ma'am?" You knew this was coming, but you didn't realize it was already taking shape.

"In a month or so we should see the first proposals. You'll be seeing the first rough drafts, and as our expert, you'll be having a voice in recommendations."

The meeting didn't take much longer after that, but one thought is crossing your mind. She seemed to want to wait on Ground Pound earlier - why accelerate things now?

Courtesy of @SITB, here is his recommended template for creating voting plans.

So to make this a LOT easier for everyone involved:

Voting will now be based off of Advisors, followed by which projects they are undertaking rather than the other way around.

So for example:

[EX] Katarina

- [EX] Engineering - Refit

– [EX] Perseus (reduce duration by One Turn)

- [EX] Science - K-Scale Experimentation

– [EX] Shield Potential

This should hopefully make voting a little easier. Pick a project, and slot it underneath each advisor. Remember, two per! (Except for those still engaged)
A Note About Advisors

They work a little differently than before (I'm going to be saying this a lot, but bear with me). Projects and availability are still a thing - you conduct projects after you assign a specific advisor team to them. However, each advisor can now be assigned two projects, letting you cover more ground (and this is my effort to try and avert the option bottleneck that existed before).

The rolling system will be mostly the same: each project will roll 2d6 by default. If you assign someone who you can be reasonably sure would do better at the job (say, Wilde and Henry with anything related to Variable Configuration or Max with Xenotechnology), you will add 1d6. I am not giving success thresholds anymore, as I am taking a new approach to that:

Your advisors are good enough that they will likely succeed at what they're trying to do. The difference now is degrees of success. There will be exceptions (liaison duties, for example, still will have some degree of failure states), but I will no longer cut off options the players want to try based on what they already have or newly discovered. Advisors performing projects where they would reasonably excel at will add 1d6 - those who don't do not get a bonus but can attempt it anyway.

Some restrictions still apply. Aside from Katarina, who still retains her ability to help out wherever she is needed, each advisor still remains within 'their lane.' Sam and Max will always be research, Wilde and Henry will always be engineering. But if the players can justify why someone should be able to cross over, make the pitch and I'll consider it - it just won't be available by default. If a project is also multi-turn, that one action will still remain locked with it until it is completed - but if they still have a free action, they can take on another duty.

Defense Force Options

Captain Haruko Sasaki - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

DFAI-01 'Diana' - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

DFAI-02 'Adrianna' - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

Reaction Force Reports: Kaiju

- Sheol's forces have conducted a trade of sorts with the Westphalians - but they've otherwise stayed quiet. If that's their pattern choice now, it might be best to focus on the infiltrators.

-- Adrianna's Notes – As a reminder, boss, we're seeing a trend of infiltrator types attacking Defense Force facilities. Results are kinda…ehh, but they're still happening as part of a growing trend. There's nothing we can really do about it right now, but we'll keep an eye on it!

Reaction Force Reports: Westphalians

- The oil rig was, by all accounts, an automated outpost of some sort – one with heavy hardware showcasing a growing (if still basic) familiarization with Configuration technology. And it took Ocular stowing away to find it. You're not liking the conclusions you're drawing from this.

- There are increasing reports of more standardized Westphalian mecha being encountered by both the Defense Forces and by Valiant. There are still plenty of variations, but it seems as if the Separatists' design teams have had a brainstorm of sorts. Logistician: Which begs the question: where are they getting the resources and manufacturing sites for them all?

Reaction Force Reports: Free Brothers Kausen

- Tyrannous's aims remain mercurial to you. Surely there's something he's looking for beyond material greed?

Reaction Force Monitoring: Additional Threats

- It's been very easy to hyper fixate on the three big threats - they've been causing you and the Earth Union the most grief up till now, after all. But it might not be the worst idea to keep an eye on anything else that might come up.

- Adrianna's Notes – Don't forget, boss. There's…some kind of ship out there on approach. It's probably not going to get here for a couple of months at its current velocity, but I wouldn't put bets on it.

QM Explanation

The Reaction Force Monitoring action is the DFRI's method of finding and detecting problems before they have time to develop into Crises. You will always conduct a basic roll for each specific threat. However, by assigning an advisor to specifically monitor for a particular threat you have a greater than normal chance of finding something or someone and putting them on your radar earlier than if you had not been looking.

By assigning an advisor, you furthermore can have additional details of the threat revealed to you. Even if you find nothing, you will likely learn something additional about the threat in question.
QM Explanation

Deployments are exactly as they sound, and work much the same way. These are threats that you have identified in one way or another, and you may choose to deploy a Super Robot team to deal with it. These do not remain stagnant, however - leave something for too long, and it may develop into a full blown Crisis. Alternatively, one of the other defenders in the world may deal with it on their own - but at the moment, that is not a reliable method of risk mitigation.

At the moment, a new mechanic being introduced is the 'Rapid Response' option to deal with a specific threat. There is no penalty for not going on these missions. These missions will allow Super Robots and Support Teams to get some 'screen time' (think of these as standalone episodes in a show or chapters in a manga) - and there is a chance of encountering additional characters or assets you might not have found otherwise.

Super Robots

  • SCR-01 Beowulf
  • SCR-02 Perseus
  • SCR-03E Thunderbolt
  • SAI-01 Ichiro Banner
Support Super Robots

  • Argonauts [Repairs – One Turn Remaining]
  • Ocular
Support Teams

  • 3rd Reconnaissance - Jackals
  • 9th Armored Reconnaissance - Phalanxes
  • 1st Experimental Support Wing - V-33s
  • 25th Marine Air Wing – Seekers [Repairs – One Turn Remaining]
  • 1st Golem Wing – Seekers (Drone AI Test Platforms)

- [] Escort – Oil Rig Cleanup

-- [] With Who?

-- It's rare to see Anna Smith approaching you with a somewhat frazzled look on her face. You also know it's wiser to not poke her about it, and just work with her requirements, as they've kept you out of trouble (mostly) before. This time she's asking for some help with the cleanup procedures, just in case the automated defenses left behind any nasty surprises. She would prefer a dedicated Super Robot to be on standby, but she'll settle for a Supporting unit.

- [] Rapid Response - Free Brothers

-- [] With who?

-- Galbinus is doing his best with the mechs he has at his disposal, but some Free Brothers efforts are going to slip through the cracks inevitably. Configuration models are closing the gap, but it's nowhere close enough - one of your Super Robots or Support Teams could help close the gap.

- [] Rapid Response - Westphalians

-- [] With who?

-- The Westphalians have mostly stuck to the European and East Asian Districts, with the one exception in North America you encountered early in your career. The Defense Forces appear to be getting a better handle on combating them than before, and Erika Drake does her best with the Valiant, but they can only be in so many places at once.

- [] Rapid Response - Kaiju

-- [] With who?

-- Every so often, Mercury V sallies forth to take on more kaiju that the Yukimura Institute can detect long before you can. Perhaps you can lend a hand here and there, even if Hiroki doesn't strictly need it.
Liaison: General Li/GDF

- Topic of Discussion?

- You're not exactly close with the Ground Defense Force general, but there is no doubt that General Li greatly appreciated being the first to field the Centurions. It could be worth your while to follow up and see how they're doing, or if there's anything else that needs doing.

Liaison: Colonel Kim/FRC

- Topic of Discussion?

- Captain Sasaki's recent (if somewhat abrupt) visit revealed a detail you never had confirmed, but had theoretical knowledge of – criminal networks, independent or organized, are starting to go after anything related to the Jackal. Pretty soon, the member states of the Earth Union are going to be dealing with a new type of criminal element – ones armed with configurable mecha. Perhaps approaching Colonel Kim with this in mind will result in a more receptive audience?

- Sasaki's notes – We are ill equipped to try and take this on ourselves. We could empower other elements as a police force of sorts, but this would require approval from both General Peters and Colonel Kim's own superiors. We should think carefully if we bring up this topic, or we might commit ourselves to something we might not be ready to support just yet.

Liaison: Colonel Bernard/MEF

- Topic of Discussion?

- Outside of yourself, Henri Bernard is being sought out now as the closest thing to a subject matter expert on the hilariously rare and valued Seekers that have begun to proliferate in the wider EUDF. You could check in on him to get a better picture of how it's being received.

Liaison: Captain Dana Candler/NDF

- Topic of Discussion?

- You haven't heard much from Candler lately - but the Sergey Gorshkov is all too visible in its growing awareness among the public.

Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute

- Topic of Discussion?

- Somehow - somehow - Rin Yukimura and Sam Carlson did not collectively burn down the Kaiju Biotechnology department. Mercury V is being kept busy, and Yukimura himself is polishing off the last of the reconstruction efforts from the Siege.

- Sasaki's Notes - Dr. Yukimura hasn't really had much time to get any updates, but solidifying a line of communication could only help.

Liaison: Mander/MSS

- Topic of Discussion?

- Dr. Dinym has arrived. This action is blocked off this Turn.

- You owe them a favor from a previous operation. Contingent on results from Dr. Dinym's visit.

Liaison: Galbinus-R/Legio Galbinus

- Topic of Discussion?

- The Enclave now has a brand new collapsed tunnel entrance, wreckage from the Predasaur concocted by Scrapheap, a small gaggle of captured Drones handed over to you, and a fresh new coat of crater. There might be more out there, but the Legion is already picking over the remains – perhaps they would be open to some of ours joining them on excavating or analyzing the remains?

- Diana's Notes – Whoever we send is probably going to influence what we find, if anything. Any of my sisters or I will likely result in something more theoretical, while any of our pilots or Super Robots might find some more hardware, and they're going to be committed to this for the month. Your call, sir.

-- Diana's Notes – Delphi's passed on some notes – the Legion's salvagers look like they're in fine form after the recent attack. Galbinus himself is probably busy, but Patch or Herald might be open to go over any insights. That said, he might make time for us if we bring up the topic of the warship on approach.

Liaison: Major Lenora Jenkins/Fulgur

- Topic of Discussion?

- You're actually quite surprised - Ground Pound has undergone a very quick acceleration into the prototype staging. Occasionally named 'Fulgur Robo' (though simply 'Fulgur' in dubious honor of the nightmare fuel that powers it has also been used), Anti-Gravity has now ensured that it's not just the brawler it was meant to be, it's also quick. Jenkins has reached out to invite you to take a closer look.

- Ivanna's Notes – I normally don't poke my head in on these briefs, but Diana invited me over. As a kind reminder, there are some lines of inquiry such as the 'cape' and the Orion Booster idea that we looked into that are somewhat impractical for our teams, but could be of use to Major Jenkins and the Fulgur Team.

Liaison: Write-In

- Topic of Discussion?

- OOC: This is here in case there's a particular agency or grouping you want to try and reach out to. I can't promise it'll be exact, but I'll do my best to come close to something that makes sense in universe.

QM Explanation

These are the known personalities that are, if not friendly to you, at least neutral enough to be willing to discuss things with you. To initiate dialogue, assign an Advisor to the specified contact, and then write in a topic of discussion. This can be anything from floating ideas, to offering additional support, or even giving them information discovered through the Reaction Force monitoring that they can act on (which is usually welcomed). You can also try to work out a trade of sorts if you know they have something specifically that they can offer, but be ready to offer something in exchange if you do.

Engineering Options

'The Duo' - 1LT Adam Wilde & SFC James Henry - 2/2 Projects Assigned

– [X] Seeker Super Robot Frame – Two Turns Remaining

– [X] Mega Blaster Sledder – One Turn Remaining

'Build Team' - Anthony, Greg and Kelly – 1/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] Perseus Sledder Modular Upgrade – One Turn Remaining

- [] Assign Project

Jiro Yukimura - 2/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] Funnel Mk. IIs – One Turn Remaining [Receive +1d6 from Ivanna's Research previous turn]

- [X] Saddle, Super Robot Combination Pack – Two Turns Remaining

EAI-01 'Lana' - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

Dr. Boris Ignatov - 1/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] AI / Psi Guidance System Feasibility Test – One Turn Remaining

- [] Assign Project

Construct Super Robot/Support Units

- Write-In Concept

– Piloted or Super AI?

QM Explanation

If you want to make additional Support Units or a new Core Super Robot, this is where you go. As straightforward as this sounds, I will explain further:

Core Super Robots are the basis for new Super Robots. The Beowulf, the Perseus, the Thunderbolt and Ichiro Banner are all examples of this. They can be modified later to stand alone, or be refitted into combination units.

Support Units is a much more broad category. This can cover everything from supporting Combination candidates, to a band of extra guns (such as the Seekers from the previous deployment). This is also a valid option for the creation and dissemination of a brand new frame for potential wider use across the EUDF.

Dropships also count in this respect - building a new Dropship is a much more time intensive endeavor, but the Pegasus has been proven to work as a concept so if you wish to invest your Advisor's time in it, this is where you go.

All of the above must be within your capabilities. You can only produce what you have already researched and developed. The more complex and powerful the idea, the longer it will take. I will promise that nothing will take longer than Four Turns but keep in mind your ideas vs how long it may take to make them a reality.
Refit and/or Repair

- Choose which Super Robot will be chosen for an overhaul, and with which pieces of equipment.

Candidates for Refit

  • SCR-01 Beowulf
  • SCR-02 Perseus
  • Pegasus Dropship
    • Pegasus
    • Sleipnir
  • SCR-03E Thunderbolt
  • SAI-01 Ichiro Banner
  • The Argonauts (SAI-02 Charlie, SAI-03 Frankie and SAI-04 Iris) [Repairs – One Turn Remaining]

QM Explanation

Refit - This is your chance to take newly developed equipment and bolt them onto the Super Robots. A fully repaired Super Robot will typically only take one or two turns at most to incorporate the new additions. This also includes modifying a Core and Support Unit to Combine.

  • Refits will take place on their own once you decide to undergo the option - this will usually take One Turn. Only make it a vote block if a Refit is taking place. Only assign an advisor if you want to increase the speed.
Repairs - If a Super Robot or Support Units mostly comes back with minor damage, it will be abstracted as having been fixed up. More severe damage (such as Perseus's first major outing) will place them into varying states of repair - usually one or two turns. If you are willing to extend their repair time, however, for one additional turn you can also incorporate new equipment and designs.

  • Repairs will happen automatically. However, assigning an Advisor to prioritize the actions will reduce the time required - always by One Turn, and high results will reduce it further. However, they cannot reduce the duration below One Turn.
Experimentation - Practical Applications

- Select Technology Base/Equipment Base

– What do you want to try developing?

– Place this Project option underneath the relevant Engineering/Special Advisor in the Vote Block.

Experimentation - Combinable Configuration

- Currently gains +1d6 from Olympic-class insights (x1)

- Select Technology Base/Equipment Base

– What/who are you trying to get to combine?

– Place this Project option underneath the relevant Engineering/Special Advisor in the Vote Block.

QM Explanation

As a reference, here is a link to your currently known technologies. You are rolling with a bonus based on the expertise of those involved. I am no longer going to restrict you all based on options I strictly provide. If you have the technology at least slightly figured out, then your engineers can run whole-hog with it.

For example, if you want to develop a new type of melee weapon with the K-Fang as a base, write in what you want to try making based off of that. Same for existing technologies - if you want to try refining something based off of Kausen Energy Blasters, write in what you want to attempt. Low rolls will not result in failure - at worst, you will get a mostly functional version of what you were aiming for with some caveats. At best, you will either get something truly spectacular, or something not quite expected. Go nuts. EXPERIMENT.

(I would say for science but this is the wrong department for that)

Delivery Module Rockets

- Jiro has done some work on them so far, but it's not his expertise.

-- Rocket Modules - Equipped with rudimentary guidance systems and designed to carry weapons systems to deliver to Super Robots in multiple clusters. Lightweight, disposable, and not much else.

-- Can be further developed if given time and resources.

Voluntary Combination - The Argonauts

- Ignatov and Henry were rather bemused as they presented this latest development to your desk - the Argonauts have volunteered to undergo a combination similar to what Breakneck, Tracker and Nailhead had done. Ignatov had also brought up the idea with Patch, and the Legion's medic has agreed to assist with the process again if it's greenlit.

Dispersion Zone Adaptation

- Zulu's insights into the Dispersion Zones has yielded enough to try and give this a go. Some brainstorming involved contemplates simply adapting a 'gauntlet' to detonate the daisy-chained charges into a wall of 'go away' which will last for a few precious seconds of protection. Not great, but against those who lack it, it can buy an invaluable few seconds.

Crocalisk Scale

- Ivanna hadn't had much luck using the scale as a hollow pile bunker spike - but nevertheless it's available for any Engineer who wants to try tinkering with it.

Pterawing Leather

- Similarly, the soft yet hardy mesh of the Pterawings are available for those who wish to experiment with it or incorporate it into a new design.

K-Scale Shield

- It's exactly what it sounds like. Melinda's design notes are just as straightforward – an arm mounted shield that maximizes the apparent purpose of the K-Scales for moderate protection. This should not be a complex project to undertake, but it does seem to have potential for multipurpose capabilities beyond just protection.

- Anthony's Notes – Serious? We never came up with this on our own? Well that's awkward.

Handheld Energy Blasters

- This is very much in the 'prototype' stages, but you now have the Union's first downsized Kausen Energy Blasters. Right now, it's cumbersome, and just barely does the job as well as the dedicated blaster packages (both 'standard' and heavy weapons packages) on your Super Robots. But with some additional experimentation, you could make a limited production run.

- Write-In

Previously attempted projects (which you may retry based on existing technologies)

  • Project Funnel
    • Technology bases: ESP Theory, K-Class

Super AI Development

– Base AI Personality

– Super Robot AI Personality

– Place this Project option underneath the relevant Engineering/Special Advisor in the Vote Block.

QM Explanation

The Super AI work slightly differently in this version of the new system. As before they all are active characters involved in the story. You still choose a human personality as a template, and then let them develop for a few months/turns before they are ready.

The Base AI Personalities no longer provide bonuses in the same way as the previous quest, but you can still assign them to projects as before. Much like normal advisors, they can provide slight bonuses to what they work on (Lana has a history with prototyping new units alongside Jiro, for example, in spite of/despite their bickering). Without spoiling anything, Base AI development will have more story-based purposes and reasons for developing in the future, but not at this time.

The Super Robot AI Personalities are exactly as they sound. They are tied specifically to a Super Robot Frame, and can be switched around and upgraded via Refit.
Predasaur Remains

- You have the remains of an honest to goodness mechanical T-Rex, courtesy of Scrapheap of the Free Brothers. In addition to the somewhat beaten up reactor 'Heart,' you also have the incredibly charred, broken and scrapped remains of the Predasaur itself. Time for the Engineers to roll up their sleeves and see what they can make out of it.

- Lana's Notes – I'm obligated to remind you, sir. This is a giant robotic dinosaur chassis. Granted it's really beat up and has a giant hole in its chest, but it would be criminal for us to not at least give it an assessment.

'Polyphemus' Wreckage

- Perseus Megas really did not leave much left of the 'Polyphemus.' In appearance, it has the basic form of a Free Brother Drone, albeit one that was roughly one and a half times the size of Perseus's Core unit. The head unit was reported to have ejected, and aside from pieces of wrecked armor plating and what look like Mekaen Blasters, mangled skeletal superstructure remains. It'll take your engineers some time to determine if there's anything worth salvaging or learning from it.

Westphalian Waystation Wardens Wreckage

- Added alliteration aside, the various remains of the automated guardians are not in incredibly great shape – Ichiro and Jessica were quite thorough in destroying them. You have bits of the missile destroyer-turned-crab walker, and ultimately only parts of the cargo freighter could be pulled up from the ocean in any meaningful chunks. But you now have additional examples of the growing Westphalian efforts to copy Configuration technology – and what appears to be some strange, slapdash teleportation technology. Why was all of this here this close to Unity Station? And why was it not manned?

QM Explanation

Any enemy wreckage or equipment you salvage from deployments will go here. Straightforward enough - look at anything unusual they left behind and figure out how it works. If nothing else, it will also show you just how far the enemy are coming along in the arms race this conflict has become.

SCIENCE! Options

[] Dr. Sam Carlson - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

[] Dr. Maximiliane Brand - 1/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] Faedium C-Crystals (Joint Project with Mary – One Turn Remaining)

- [] Assign Project

[] SCAI-01 'Ivana' - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

[] Zulu - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

[] Dr. Mary McCullough - 1/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] Faedium C-Crystals (Joint Project with Max – One Turn Remaining)

- [] Assign Project

Empathic Booster and Transmutation

- In the previous month, both Sam and Max came to similar conclusions on different projects. The Empathic Booster does not do a whole lot by itself, at least not with your current understanding of it – but it seems to create a psionic 'bridge' that energy, such as from Transmutation, can cross as a platform. This is extremely theoretical even by the Science Department's standards, but in the short term, it does provide a potential avenue for providing a short burst of hyper charged energy for attacks – or desperate last stand measures. It's going to take both Sam and Max's efforts to discern, however.

- Requires One Assignment from Sam

- Requires One Assignment from Max

ESP Theory

- 'Channeling' Research

– The Channeling phenomenon has legs - and while the actual effect is subtle, its eventual output is something insane. Sam is giddy (or normal - it's hard to tell even after working with him for years) and is eager to pursue this line further.

– Write-In
Kaiju Biotechnology

- Experimentation - K-Scale

– Write-In

– Sam's Notes - You know it, you love it - K-Scale continues to be the best in class for protection. K-Scale Mesh is as far as we've taken it, but there's plenty of ways we could challenge our understanding of it too. Beowulf's got that sword knight thing going for him - why not a shield?

- Experimentation - K-Fang

– Write-In

– Sam's Notes - Solid workshopping from Lana in Engineering! That spear packs quite a punch, and proves that the K-Fang and the K-Scale are yin and yang…for whatever reason. Still, we know what it can do - we could definitely shape some templates to make it faster for the Engineering folks to make something really nasty.

- Experimentation - K-Lung 'Supercharge' Fuel

– Write-In

– Katarina's Notes – It appears that Empathic Boosting can effectively 'supercharge' the existing fuel within a K-Lung fuel cell. If we apply the standard rules of physics, that opens all sorts of possibilities – but Kaiju physiology nor ESP really obey those rules. If we want to incorporate this into something our Super Robots can use, we'll need to do some more testing.

- Experimentation - Olympic-class Leg Sample

– Write-In

– Sam's Notes - Somehow, these suckers overcame the square-cube conundrum biologically. We're short of the other body parts, but now we've got some of the equation literally thrown at our faces - time to see how we can use this to upscale our mechanical men.

- Experimentation - Crocalisk-class Scale Sample

– Write-In

– Ivanna's Notes - We are not likely going to be using the Pterawing gestation method of 'carrier' delivery. If not just on ethical grounds, on sanitary ones. However, despite how brittle and hollow the scales tend to be, it has potential as a weapons or utility delivery pod system of some sort. If we can encourage it to shatter and fragment outwards, all the better. Testing, as we say, is required.

- Experimentation - Pterawing-class Wing Sample

– Write-In

– Ivanna's Notes - The wing sample is odd. It shares some characteristics with not just K-Scale Mesh, but it's also almost smooth enough to count as fabric. In my more whimsical moments, I imagine that with enough Anti-Gravity Solution and a sufficient propulsion system attached to a Super Robot core, we could weave a cape that lets the unit glide in the air for lengths at a time. As it is, I could see the glide potential in a Seeker or other similar airborne unit, but I won't know for sure until we begin testing.

Katarina's Notes - If we're going to make something out of this, it's got to be from the ground up. I agree with Ivanna - the Seeker is probably the best fit for it.
Xeno Technology

– Write-In

– Max's Notes - We have a baseline understanding of everything the Regency's given us. All that's left to do is Lego-block it all and see what doesn't fall over like a Jenga tower. Progress!

- Dispersion 'Zone'

– Zulu's Notes - Dispersion 'Charges' provides an avenue into a new hypothesis - that Dispersion Field can be rendered across a volume of space for X time. Current predicament is increasing Y volume of space for increased duration of X. Not enough data on Dispersion Field itself. May require requisition of resources for research.

- Experimentation - Kausen Equipment

– Write-In

– Zulu's Notes - Zirvitium continues to provide peak protection. How best to refine? Data. Need data.

- Experimentation - C-Crystals

– Write-In

– Max's Notes - C-Crystals for everyone! Yes, I do mean everyone that's a combatant. What I want to know is - does the 'lifeform' part of the whole justice and good heartedness-ibble require organic life, or does digital life count? Inquiring minds - see, me - want to know! For the S word I'm not indulging right now!

- Refinement - Empathic Booster

-- Write-In

-- Max's Notes - Happiness, anger, determination - those are all states of being that we can categorize easily, but it's never one size fits all with human emotions. It's the qualifier that makes us, you know, human. Now that I know what we're looking for, any further refining I can narrow this down to tap into those least, I can try.

Experimentation - Space Flight

-- Write-In

-- Max's Notes - So far, the super carrier hasn't exactly made a maiden voyage beyond the stratosphere. Cowards! We should make our own!

Ivanna's Edits - We don't have anything that can-

Max's Counter-Edits - Details!
Faedium Crystalline Structures

– Write-In

– Mary's Notes - Very lovely to see I was proven right. Not so lovely to see the naming schemes. That said, the Block now provides a solid baseline for what is possible. I want to go higher, higher, higher! Let's go!

QM Explanation

I am being much more free about how you all do your Science, as you can see from the Write-Ins. For the newly discovered samples, you can leave it as a generic 'what does this do?' or you can poke and prod at it for a specific purpose. For the existing technologies, experimenting with them will let you know the limits of what you can or can't do.

Go nuts, is what I'm saying. The worst I'll do is tell you to try modifying it slightly. I won't answer every specific question about where this leads, but I will give hints.

Special Projects

AI-01 'Katarina' - 0/2 Projects Assigned

- [] Assign Project

- [] Assign Project

- Note: She can take on two projects of her own. She can split between different sections.

AI-02 'Melinda' - 1/2 Projects Assigned

- [X] Crocalisk Scale 'Pods' w/K-Fang Munitions – One Turn Remaining

- [] Assign Project

- Note: She can take on two projects of her own. She can split between different sections.

QM Explanation

Special Projects are an exception to the Advisors restriction rules. If this option ever appears, anyone can pitch in and take it on as a project regardless of specialty.

Aftermarket Special

- It amuses you that after all this time, the military industrial complex has realized that you have this tendency to make like Lazarus and raise ailing weapons platforms from the dead. Why bother searching yourself when you now have lots of potential offers crowding your inbox? (You also thank Katarina for filtering out the most outlandish ones)

- Write-In

MSS – Paging Dr. Dinym

- The man himself has arrived. Dr. Marcus Dinym, the brains behind Valiant's core concept of Dinym Currents. He's here to collect – potentially – on finding some kind of technological component within reason that would honor the debt to MSS and balance the books. Assigning an advisor for this action is mandatory this turn.

- Write-In

- Katarina's Notes – Whomever we decide to assign to work with Dr. Dinym is going to ultimately influence which technology we showcase to him. It will be a little more open ended if Melissa or myself guide him around, but we need to give him something that Valiant can use.

- Diana's Notes – The impression I got when I spoke with him last month is that he's looking to make a significant upgrade to the core mechanics. I think he's a little open ended about what he's going to get – it's not like I gave him a catalog or anything – but he might be looking more for something with immediate payoff.

Drone Captives

- You counted yourself lucky when you were able to capture the Drone who would be known as Zulu. Now you have about half a dozen of them, something that you and the Legion are somewhat perplexed by. Talk to them and see what you can learn, or if they'd be willing to cooperate with us.

- Write-In

- Melissa's Notes – So, boss. Yeah. The Drones we captured? I think they're, um, expecting us to do horrible things to them. Delphi kinda thinks that's just what happens to them. Not sure what to do about that, but the bar seems kinda low in our favor.
Okay. Finally got a post out. I am exhausted and worn down, so I'm going to go sleep and I'll respond to any questions or make corrections sometime tomorrow.

Vote is open for a week or until I see the votes slow down. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
I would like to propose a theory about ESP. We may be fundamentally wrong about the nature and capabilities of the Psychic Energy we've been using. Rather than the brain subconsciously doing all the calcs for MMIs what if the, I'm just going to call them Psi Waves, were what are actually performing at least a portion of the calculations, the thinking, needed for MMIs to work in the observed manner. This would to a degree explain the personality phenomenon we've observed. We know that Psychic energy tends to stick around a bit and has a memory esque effect on materials with repeated exposure, so if it is capable of independent "thought" this would combine well with observations of the emergent personality of Perseus. This would also flip the explanation for why the mutation comes with increased thinking ability, namely that the psychic waves offer this capacity rather than generate it.

If this supposition is correct, that Psychic energy itself has some limited capacity for thought and intuition, could have some notable applications. Computation enhanced via psychic energy, the creation of emergent consciousness based purely on psychic energy, and, depending on how things work out, the utilization of Psychic Energy for ESP, as in Extra Sensory Perception, specifically future sight and anti-stealth.
I see a reference of those walkers from the Republic and the Empire in Star Wars.

That does sound concerning and ominous there. Guess we will wait and see about her intentions for the Ground Pound.
My guess is that the behind the scenes politics are becoming worse and a lot of pressure is being pressed to try to take the programs away from her control. Suspected Westphalia sympathizers likely. Plus power and fame hungry people wanting a piece of the action.

General Peters may be trying to set up SR programs seeded with her people and ideals before other people have the chance to try to wrestle away control.
Man glad to have this back shame I wont be able to make a plan till tom since im going out with only my phone today but interesting options.

Next turn gonn need to start making satellites Im fine with spreading our AI trch though need to warn them that od make them prime targets for Free Brothers unless they set up proper defense and secrecy.
Ah, how lovely. Take care of yourself, @Basarin

One potential problem I see is that the scope of turn plans is getting...big. Something to keep in mind for the future.

Now, about a plan...

[X] Cleanup and Cleanrooms
-[X] Sasaki
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Additional Threats
--[X] Liason: Major Lenora Jenkins
---[X] Topic: Tech trades-our project's trash may be your project's treasure, and vice-versa
-[X] Diana
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Kaiju
--[X] Liason: Yukimura Institue
---[X] Topic: How's it going? Need anything in particular?
-[X] Adrianna
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring-Westphalians
--[X] Special Project-Paging Mr. Dinym
-[X] Deployments
--[X] Escort-Oil Rig Cleanup
---[X] Ocular
--[X] Rapid Response-Free Brothers
---[X] Thunderbolt
-[X] Build Team
--[X] Delivery Module Rockets
-[X] Lana
--[X] Predasaur Remains
--[X] Handheld Energy Blasters
-[X] Ignatov
--[X] Westphalian Waystation Wardens Wreckage
-[X] Dr. Sam Carlson
--[X] Emphatic Booster and Transmutation
--[X] ESP Theory-Channeling
---[X] Raw Psychic Energy-Is such a thing possible, and how can it be used? For instance, a blade of such energy or a protective barrier.
-[X] Dr. Maximilliane Brand
--[X] Empathic Booster and Transmutation
-[X] Ivana
--[X] Xeno Technology-General
---[X] Exotic, Efficient Thrusters-What kind of propulsion systems among the Regency's provided tech could prove useful for a Super Robot trying to get close to an opponent, quickly?
--[X] K-Scale
---[X] Bio-Alloy: Can we derive a new material from K-Scale that is self-mending and that can be 'fed' raw material (read: most metals) for emergency field repairs?
-[X] Zulu
--[X] Kausen Equipment
---[X] Exotic Melee Weapons: The Arc Blade is a fine melee weapon, that is indisputable. However, given its reliance on the Spark Caliber, perhaps an option with more staying power would be welcome? Vibration weapons, heat blades, directed energy blades, anything goes so long as it doesn't burn out immediately after use.
--[X] Dispersion 'Zone'
-[X] Dr. Mary McCullough
--[X] Faedium Crystalline Structures
---[X] White Gold: Given Faedium's ability to store energy, could a material derived from it serve as a room-temperature superconductor? Surely that would have many applications for our Super Robots.
-[X] Katarina
--[X] Drone Captives
---[X] Assure them that they won't be tortured or executed, and ask if they're willing to divulge any intelligence they have in exchange for whatever passes for better amenities to Kausen.
--[X] Liason-General Li
---[X] Topic: How are things going? Have you seen anything unusual recently, anything at all, whether in combat or in your own ranks?
-[X] Melinda
--[X] Aftermarket Special
---[X] Focus: Aquatic Warfare-Try to find a failed watercraft of any kind, submersible or not-Gunboats, patrol boats, even confiscated smuggler submarines-and see if they can be adapted for an aquatic configuration model

Given ambiguity for how deployment assignments work (do they need an advisor or not) going to only include one.

The Faedium research is a reference to Sakuradite from Code Geass, and the Channeling research is a reference to psychic stuff from Gundam.

And no, I won't accept Gundam being called weak. Look up Gundam Unicorn for the shit a powerful psychic machine from there is capable of, that thing is practically a Super Robot at the end of the series.

Also, basically all of our other engineering and scientific staff aren't listed on the DFRI info threadmark, so not sure what bonuses they give.

Edit: Added Katarina, Melinda and Zulu actions as I somehow missed them, and also added deployments given clarification from QM.
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Given ambiguity for how deployment assignments work (do they need an advisor or not) going to only include one.

Also, basically all of our other engineering and scientific staff aren't listed on the DFRI info threadmark, so not sure what bonuses they give.

Last note before I pass out for the evening.

Yeah, I do need to go and update the information threadmarks. Lack of time and energy being the culprit. I'll have it updated in future.

As for the deployments - you don't need to dedicate an advisor to it, but you do need to dedicate a Super Robot (Core or Support) to it.
Damn. I'm busy with Overtime work.

I will support any plan that seeks to combine Faedium + C-Crystals + Kausen Shards
I honestly had forgotten about the third and final site. given what we found at the Oil Derrick, It might be best to send a scout to recon that area if Anne's group hasn't done it already. I kind of want try to get a Seeker Super Robot Chassis but I am honestly unsure of how to do it. As for the Argonauts, I'm willing to let them try since we do have Axiom and having a combiner of our own would be a good idea given the circumstances.
[X] Cleanup and Cleanrooms

Good enough for me, Although I do think we probably should get that third dropship built soon. Plus we do have the Argonauts and their idea about doing what Axiom did. I'd like to give it a try but again I don't think their chassis can combine well enough to make a decent combiner for now. I also do want to do a Seeker Super Robot Core eventually.
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[X] Plan - Tyrant's Bane & Deployments
-[X] <<Deployment>>
--[X] Escort – Oil Rig Cleanup
---[X] With SCR-01 Beowulf & Ocular
--[X] Rapid Response - Westphalians
---[X] Thunderbolt, Ichiro Banner, 1st Golem Wing Seekers, 3rd Reconnaissance Jackals, Pegasus
--[X] Rapid Response - Kaiju
---[X] Perseus, 1st Experimental Support Wing V-33s, 9th Armored Reconissance Phalanxes, Sleipnir
-[X] <<Defense>>
--[X]Captain Haruko Sasaki
---[X] Liaison: Major Lenora Jenkins/Fulgur
----[X]Tech Trade using Cape and Orion Booster.
---[X] Liaison: General Li/GDF
----[X] How are the Centurions Doing and is there anything else that needs to be done.
--[X] DFAI-01 'Diana'
---[X] Reaction Force Reports: Kaiju
---[X] Reaction Force Reports: Westphalians
--[X] DFAI-02 'Adrianna'
---[X] Liaison: Galbinus-R/Legio Galbinus
----[X] Theres a New Warship that appeared in the System got any idea what it is?
---[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Additional Threats
-[X] <<Engineering>>
--[X] 'Build Team'
---[X] Enemy Wrekage Analysis: 'Polyphemus' Wreckage
--[X] EAI-01 'Lana'
---[X] Enemy Wrekage Analysis: Predasaur Remains
---[X] Experimentation: Beuwolf Fenrir Weapon "Tyrants Bane"
----[X] Using K-Fang Halberd as Base combine Kausen Energy Blaster, Arc Blade, K-Lung, Zirvitium, Empathic Booster, ESP Transmutation & Faedium to create a Powerful Melee Weapon suited for Beowulf Fenrir from and Strength.
--[X] Dr. Boris Ignatov
---[X] MSS – Paging Dr. Dinym
-[X] <<Science>>
--[X] Dr. Sam Carlson
---[X] Empathic Booster and Transmutation
---[X] Experimentation - Olympic-class Leg Sample
----[X] Using it to Upscale our SR
--[X] Dr. Maximiliane Brand
---[X] Empathic Booster and Transmutation
--[X] SCAI-01 'Ivana'
---[X] Experimentation - K-Lung 'Supercharge' Fuel
----[X] Try to see how it works when Combine with with Arc Blade/Cannon Tech to upgrade our Arc Weapons.
---[X] Pterawing-class Wing Sample
---[X] Effects on Constructing a Seeker Robot with it Particularly the Seeker Super Robot Core
--[X] Zulu
---[X] Experimentation: Enhance a Dispersion Charges with K-Scale
---[X]Experimentation: Enhance Dispersion Charges with Faedeum
--[X] Dr. Mary McCullough
---[X] Faedium Crystalline Structures
----[X] Spark Excaliber: Experiment to see if using Faedium in its construction would improve the Spark Caliber either allowing it to be last Longer than as a finishing strike or make the finishing blow even more powerful.
-[X] <<Special>>
--[X] AI-01 'Katarina'
---[X] Westphalian Waystation Wardens Wreckage
---[X] Drone Captives
----[X] Use Zulu as Proff that no theyre not just gonna kill or torture them then see what we can learn from them and if they're willing to cooperate along.
--[X] AI-02 'Melinda'
---[X] Experimentation: Aegis Shield
----[X] Combine K Scale Shield, Dispersion Zone, Emphatic Booster, Faedeum, & Zirvitum to Create a Powerful Shield for use by Beuwolf Fenrir.
---[X] Experimentation - K-Fang
----[X] Templating to Increase production & Power of K-Fang based weaponry

Okay Ive finished my plan now to explain it.

-Anna is Worried enough to ask for SR to help them so give Beowulf Fenrir as Suprise for any Troubles that problably gonna come gets smacked.
-The Rest is Just Repid Response with Perseus on Kaijus since we know he can handle them then Jessica and Ichiro agaisnt Westphalians which tehy have Ample experiene in with Diana Supporting them with her Reaction Force reports.

Tyrant Bane
-I checked and Callaghan noted Fenrir needed weapons specifically for it so using the K-Halberd as Based put all the Weapon techs weve got to create Gen 1 or 2 Weapon.
-To Support this I have our Science Division do research on things that can support its creation with K-Lungs and Spark Caliber.

Aegis Shield
-Same as Tyrant Bane except defensive and Really wever had Dispersion for a Longtime now and we havent use it on any of our SRs so about time we use now that weve got dispersion charges.
-I have Zulu to support it by experimenting fusing K-Scale and Faedium on Enhancing Dispersion Charges.

-Sasaki on Humans who dont know about our AI's seriously our AI advisors are still secret we shouldnt just revel them unless necesarry. Sasaki for Trade Tech and getting more infor on what we can do for our Allies.
-I also Adrianna inform Galbinus about the Warship along with continoud observation of it just to make sure the new arrivals dont suprise us too much.

-Pretty Important in my Case I decided to go with Boris one of our Founding Engineers with High achievements and reliability combined with both having credentials and Achievements. Will give AI or Software boost to Valiant but at very least Boris has worked with us long enough to be familiar with a lot of our tech considering he was responsible for Kausen Combined Configuarion along with partual work on our MMI so we can trsut him with helping atleast.
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[X] Plan - Tyrant's Bane & Deployments

even better and it gives the SR's something to do.
I'm good with this. New signature weapons like that ought to have spillover into other projects at the very least when completed

[X] Plan - Tyrant's Bane & Deployments