Okay, I'm back from work, now I can take the time to respond.

Does not say the power is a single one time use of roll before needing to win the power again.here.

Honestly, I don't see the ambiguity. You roll in the Power section while you have 200 points or more. You land on Random gain, you immediately lose 200 points, then you roll once to gain one creature no matter its cost. They're a special rule in case you would gain something worth 100 points or less, so your 200 points are not completely wasted. That's all.
I can't even imagine how that could be a permanent power, how would that work? (A bonus free creature for every roll? That's wouldn't cost 200 points that would be 1000.)

Particularly since we already rolled this power in the quest twice.
The first time we gained Goliath, worth 300 points.
And the second time we gained a Tiger Seal, and because it was worth only 100 points we also gained an Electric Crutter worth 50 points.

In any case, the winner is Rejection, it will be added to the Meta power section shortly.
Honestly, I don't see the ambiguity. You roll in the Power section while you have 200 points or more. You land on Random gain, you immediately lose 200 points, then you roll once to gain one creature no matter its cost. They're a special rule in case you would gain something worth 100 points or less, so your 200 points are not completely wasted. That's all.
I can't even imagine how that could be a permanent power, how would that work? (A bonus free creature for every roll? That's wouldn't cost 200 points that would be 1000.)
I joined the quest late so I didn't know it's already been rolled. Things can be missed when you aren't apart if the discussion.
The ambiguity is in that it doesn't say it's a single one time use power. If the power doesn't specifically say it is a single one time consumable power then how am I supposed to know?
Ambiguity is left to QM fiat.
What you stated when I asked indicated that the random gains are only creatures of 100 points or fewer.
-Random Gain: Roll for a creature. You gain it with no additional cost. If you would gain a creature costing 100 points or less you can roll again until you gain a second creature costing 100 points or less. Do not stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice.
It's slightly more powerful than that if the first creature cost 0 you gain it and reroll if it cost 50 or 100 points you gain it and reroll until you gain a second one costing 0, 50, or 100 points. So even in the worst-case scenario, you gain two 50 points creatures, but you could also gain two 100 points, or one costing 200 or more. Not counting any 0 pointed one gained during your roll, those don't count.
It'd work to gain the numerous low bearing fruit from the 0-100 sections. At least that what information I was getting from the Q&A. We never talked about high priced creatures.
Not a 300 pointer gain like Goliath or higher. So I figured you'd only be rolling from those sections if we decided to use the Random Gain power. If we even wanted more small fry.
Sorry 🙇
I joined the quest late so I didn't know it's already been rolled. Things can be missed when you aren't apart if the discussion.
The ambiguity is in that it doesn't say it's a single one time use power. If the power doesn't specifically say it is a single one time consumable power then how am I supposed to know?
Ambiguity is left to QM fiat.
What you stated when I asked indicated that the random gains are only creatures of 100 points or fewer.

It'd work to gain the numerous low bearing fruit from the 0-100 sections. At least that what information I was getting from the Q&A. We never talked about high priced creatures.
Not a 300 pointer gain like Goliath or higher. So I figured you'd only be rolling from those sections if we decided to use the Random Gain power. If we even wanted more small fry.
Sorry 🙇

You don't need to be sorry, I just want to understand what exactly creates the ambiguity so I can change to the wording of the power if necessary.

edit: How's that:
-Random Gain: Each time you gain this power, roll for a creature. You gain it, no matter its cost.
In addition, if you would gain a creature costing 100 points or less you can roll again until you gain a second creature costing 100 points or less. Do not stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice.
You can gain this benefit any number of times.
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Chapter 59: Patrol
[X] Power

Power Roll: (260 points)
Roll, D110=108, 500 One of Each (Too expensive), 200 Random Gain, 200 Rejection
Sub vote result:
Banked 60 Points
Well, that will be useful to conserve our points.

The next morning I was woken up really early by a cheerful Olky.

"Master, it's time to get up. You are going on patrol in less than an hour. Olky prepared a healthy breakfast, but you need to take a shower first."

As I look up at an unfamiliar ceiling, I start to regret becoming a hero. I was pretty sure that Villains did not need to wake up this early. The last time I got up at this hour, it was my last day of school and I swore that I would never get out of bed before 8 am after this point.

Grumbling under my breath, I extract myself from the bed and stumble toward the adjoined bathroom.

After my morning ablution, I felt better but I was of the opinion that it was way too early to be up. When I returned to my office I found Olky waiting with the promised breakfast. I was thankful for the attention, I didn't want to go all the way to the cafeteria.

When I grabbed my glass of orange juice I noticed that the color was off.

"Hum, Olky, is there something wrong with the orange juice? It's darker than usual."

"Oh, it's not orange juice master. Olky is very proud. Olky managed to obtain pumpkin by asking the cooks, even if it's not in season. Olky then made traditional pumpkin juice, very important for a healthy wizard breakfast."

He was sporting a smile so enthusiastic that I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't like the taste of pumpkin. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as I feared, not great but I could drink it without throwing up. I just hoped that Olky wouldn't be able to find pumpkins too often.

At 7 am, I found my partners for the new cycle of patrol in the garage, the schedule I've seen was composed of six patrols per day, four hours long each. I would accompany Armsmaster and Assault this time. The boss was already on his famous Armscycle, Assault on a more conventional motorbike. Personally, I would be playing flying scout with Red. The newly christened Aylamon would be with me and Olky would still be my hidden bodyguard.

"Good, you're here. Our objective for this patrol is simple. Remain aware of any disturbances and react to them as fast as possible. We can't let any altercation between the gang degenerate." Armsmaster's voice resonates across the garage.

"Yeah, yeah, we know all that. No need to repeat it." Assault was irreverent as usual but even I could tell that it was mostly habit.

The tinker hero ignored him and gestured for us to go. Once outside I was quick to summon Red and climb on, followed by Aylamon behind me.

Our route today would take us all over town. This early there wasn't much to see besides a few joggers and some early birds going to work. Our formation was basic, Armsmaster was on point, Assault a little way behind him and I was flying above them, in between.

Things were peaceful but signs or tensions were visible, a lot more gang tags, even in normally clean parts of town. We also spotted some people that were clearly lookout for the Empire, they seemed to be keeping track of us. But we couldn't arrest them without any proof of wrongdoing.

We were barely an hour into our patrol, in the residential district, when we were contacted by the Console.

"Console to Protectorate Patrol, we received information about a disturbance north of your position. In an abandoned cinema, the neighbors are reporting hearing loud noise coming from inside, mostly barking and howling. Over."

"Armsmaster to Console, We're on our way Console. Over."

Immediately afterward he addressed me directly. "Compendium you're on reconnaissance duty, go ahead and keep watch of the building. But do not enter before we arrive."

"Understood on my way." By air, I was able to get here in a few minutes. The building in question was in good shape from the outside even if the ensign wasn't there anymore, and the doors were boarded shut. With my enhanced senses, I could indeed hear the sounds of barking dogs. To my ears, it sounded like the dogs were hungry and possibly in pain. I had a bad feeling.

I surveyed the surroundings while waiting. The neighborhood was peaceful even if a little decrepit. People have spotted me of course, a few taking photos from their phone. But I didn't see any obvious sign of gang presence besides the habitual gang tags.

Armsmaster and Assault joined me a few minutes later, and I directed Red to land next to them.

"Nothing to report, no sign of trouble beside the incessant barking."

The Tinker nodded as he observed the building.

"My bet is on a dogfighting ring. Nothing else makes sense, perhaps they abandoned the building and left the dogs behind. They need the manpower elsewhere, and without Hookwolf around to protect them Kaiser probably judge that they could do without it." Assault comment was serious. And after thinking about it I agreed that it was probable.

Armsmaster addressed me. "Compendium sends your bot. I want to see the inside without entering."

Following orders, I summoned the Spiderbot, and using the phone telecommand I directed it through an opening high up on the facade of the former cinema, a broken window badly patched up.

Armsmaster could see the video feed directly in his helmet and I shared the image from the phone with Assault and Aylamon by my side.

The image from the bot reveals a decrepit interior, apparently transformed into a storage room; numerous crates could be seen inside, containing chains, tools, empty beer bottles, and dog food of questionable quality. The door was barred with heavy wood planks. I could see that this cinema once possessed two projection rooms and I directed the spider bot toward one the left one, where the sound came from. It was thankfully stuck open.

The room beyond the door had been converted into a crude kennel. Inside we finally discovered the source of the barking, two dozen rows of mismatched cages, each one containing one or two dogs in poor shape, missing fur, scars, and broken legs were common. Aylamon emitted a sob at the sight and I found my heart torn between indignation and fury.

"I don't see any trace of human presence, we're going in." Armsmaster's voice broke my stupor, he was audibly as angry as me.

I nod decisively and hardened my heart, seeing that spectacle for real wouldn't be easy.

Wordcount: 1105
Excess word: 364

For the roll, 180 points.

[] Creature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Sunday at 1 PM GMT
The last time I got up at this hour, it was my last day of school and I swore that I would never get out of bed before 8 am after this point.
Same. I remember swearing that. And going outside shouting out that I am free. Then I got a job that demanded I get up at 7 to be ready and there by 8. For the life of me I can't remember how I ever get up then or even earlier than that.
between the gang degenerate.
20 short for a chance at double dice but might as well try to clear out some more 0s and 100s

[X] Power

Also finding hookwolfs dog fighting ring is a thing
No Sub Vote this time.

[X] Power

Power Roll: (180 points)
Roll, D110=22, 0 Maintain Summoning (Already gained), 0 Mindless Summoning (Already gained), 300 Mundane Equalizing (Too expansive)
Banked 180 Points
Chapter 60: Dog Figthing Ring
[X] Power

Power Roll: (180 points)
Roll, D110=22, 0 Maintain Summoning (Already gained), 0 Mindless Summoning (Already gained), 300 Mundane Equalizing (Too expansive)
Banked 180 Points

The scene we found inside was just as horrific as expected, more even because in addition to sight and hearing, there was the smell. If I tried to describe it, it would be a combination of piss, shit, stale food, and vomit. My greatly enhanced senses of smell didn't help and I nearly gagged.

But all that was irrelevant compared to the cold rage that was gripping my heart. That the so-called superior race could treat animals so cruelly, disprove their philosophy in its entirety. Or prove their hypocrisy, both works.

When they spotted us entering, the dogs redoubled their barking and whining, but a few curled up in the back of their cage, whimpering in fear. That sight alone brought tears to my eyes, no dogs, no animals should cover like that at the mere sight of a human being.

I was glad that I left Aylamon guarding the entrance, I didn't want her to see that. She put on a token protest but I wouldn't budge on that point.

Armsmaster and Assault were looking around, for them, it certainly wasn't the first time seeing such things but it was clear that they didn't like it any more than me.

I spoke up without turning around. My vision was still fixed on the cages. "Armsmaster sir? Permission to take care of the dogs?"

"Granted. Assault and I will sweep the building."

I started by calling Max, the sight all around perturbed him a little but he managed to remain calm by my side. I then enlarged him and applied the starlight effect.

"Max, you're in charge here. I want you to calm those dogs. Bark and howl as necessary."

All the dogs immediately focused on him. The silence that followed was unsettling after the pervasive noise from before. Max moved into the center of the room, sat down, and emitted one loud authoritative bark. All the animals present immediately sat down.

"Good work, boy." Now that they were calmer I could concentrate on helping them.

"Olky, I need your service." My Elf appeared a fraction of a second later. "Olky is here, Master. What can Olky do?"

"Can you clean this room? And the dogs themselves? I want to help them but I can't do much in those conditions."

With a firm nod, he turns around and contemplates the room for an instant before he starts snapping his fingers in rhythm. The result wasn't instantaneous but the progress was visible to the naked eye, dirt and grime were disappearing at an astonishing rate. You could see a line of cleanliness moving through the room.

It was finished in less than five minutes. This was an excellent reminder of the power that Olky could wield despite his unassuming appearance. "Excellent work Olky thank you. Now for the dog, one at a time and more slowly please."

As Olky began doing that, I walked among the cage looking at the effect it was having while the dogs were still focused on Max. Olky was potent as always, he wasn't just cleaning the dogs, but was also getting rid of excess fur, fleas, and ticks.

Once they were clean, things weren't as bad as I feared. Yes, it was a horrible spectacle, dogs in too small cages, some with broken members, big scars, and everything else. And they were hungry and thirsty too, but none were dead. They could be saved.

"Assault, could you go see if you can find water and perhaps check if someone could bring some medical supplies and a lot of dog food. I don't trust what is left at the entrance." The red-clad hero nodded and I saw him put his hand to his ear to contact the HQ.

While he took care of that I approached the first cage, and I was faced with a problem before I could even begin. I didn't have the key to the cage. Presumably, they were somewhere in the buildings but I was loath to lose too much looking for them. Just as I was about to start searching, resigning myself to that, I found my elf next to me with a bundle of keys in his hand.

"Thanks, Olky, you're the best." Grabbing the keys, I began trying them on the cage. It didn't take long to find the right one. Opening the door I found inside a small and young dog, a puppy really, I could guess a cross between a Fox Terrier and a Collie. He woke up from his trance on Starlight Max when I touched him. This one wasn't traumatized and immediately jumped on me barking happily and licking my face. Certainly recently captured and not yet abused, not much anyway. Once he calmed down I managed to inspect him. He was too light for his size, but not yet starving. His tail was partially cut, but it was an old wound. And finally, the pads of his front legs were damaged and lightly bleeding but it wasn't anything serious.

Once Assault came back with a bucket of water the dog immediately started drinking with obvious relief.

"I contacted HQ, they're sending someone with some medical supplies and the dog food. They also contact the dog pound, so they can take charge of the dogs."

"Very good, thank you. Please keep an eye on this little one while I check up on the others."

Sadly it turned out that this dog was in the best shape of them all. It all goes downhill from this point on. The lesser case consists of simple scars, cut ears, and broken limbs. It only escalates from there, including too-tight collars that nearly suffocate some of them, heavy chains constantly dragging them down, badly healed limbs, missing body parts, tumors, infected wounds, parasites of all sorts, and much more.

I need to send for medical supplies twice more before the end. But I did manage to heal or stabilize them all.

When I was finished with that my cold rage from earlier has transformed into a barely repressed volcanic fury and I had the urge to find a nazi and inflict on him everything that those dogs suffered, simultaneously.

Once that was concluded, all the dogs were taken care of by the dog pound people. We all exit the building with relief. Aylamon was happy to see me and she said that the guys and girls in charge of the dog let her pet them. Looking around I spotted...

[] A group of journalists clamoring for our attention.

[] A butch girl with three dogs of her own looking in my direction.

[] A creepy guy looking intensely at Aylamon

Wordcount: 1080
Excess word: 444
For those curious, this scene with the dogfighting rings was an idea that I got nearly at the start of the quest and slowly refined over time. I finally decided to implement it during this period of intense patrol and just after that we got Veterinary, it was perfect. I would still have preferred Zoologist in the long term but in that situation Veterinary work better.
I also underestimate how difficult it would be to write the various ways for the dog to suffer, I won't do that sort of thing too often.

EDIT: Forgot the 0 points animal.
D87=52, 50 Falconiform, reroll
D87= 59, 50 Neoanguimorpha, reroll
D87=28, 100 Hyaenidae, reroll
D87=3, 200 Elephantidae, reroll
D87=39, 0 Strisores

Please choose one Strisores

[] Write-In.

For the roll, 300 points.

[] Creature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Wednesday at 1 PM GMT
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[] A group of journalists clamoring for our attention.
[] A butch girl with three dogs of her own looking in my direction. -Hellhound
[] A creepy guy looking intensely at Aylamon -no idea

[X] A butch girl with three dogs of her own looking in my direction.
[X] Power
[X] Swift

Poor doggies. Also power again because 300 or less is power until we get double dice for me. 400 and above is worth rolling on creature since 400 pointers are going to add to our arsenal while low point creatures are rare to open up new avenues for us.

Edit- added in Swift for the 0 point bird
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[X] A butch girl with three dogs of her own looking in my direction.

[X] Creature

[X] Swiftlets - > fast flier that has simple echolocation may be useful as nighttime scouts/trackers.

Wonder who could the creepy guy be?
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