Doesn't matter if it's legal. It will be a mark on our record we won't be able to shake off, and on top of that for a prospective hero with our potential this can haunt us for years.
That honestly

What with his powers constantly increasing and the upcoming Golden morning and all.

Yeah this is meta but Hookwolf is pretty much one strike away from the birdcage.

Besides which, it is hard to keep to lofty ideals when you have to tell that poor guys wife that her husband is now a hamburger.
That honestly

What with his powers constantly increasing and the upcoming Golden morning and all.

Yeah this is meta but Hookwolf is pretty much one strike away from the birdcage.

Besides which, it is hard to keep to lofty ideals when you have to tell that poor guys wife that her husband is now a hamburger.
Simple, Retained humanity. Killing someone is always going to scar someone. Whether or not you believe it's right or not. Ignoring the calls for the people as idiotic babble cuts off a life-line to the humanity we will leave behind. It should hurt, and it doesn't mean it's right what he did. But killing someone is always going to be an unwise move for a god-king in the making. We are impossibly powerful, and yet we are still human. Going to the birdcage means he's out of play for the game we are playing right now. We have the potential to stop Gold Morning from ever happening. I can't say what kind of person we will be when we get there.
[X] Try to capture him alive. We need to know how he learned about today's trip.
[X] Power
[X] Try the Phoenix Down on Umit anyway.

I am deeply conflicted. We might have some justification to kill, but I don't like the mindset that's implied here. We could cause a great deal of damage mid game, and I want him to try in the same way that Don Quixote tries; constantly striving for the ideal even when he falls short.

I argue about trying for the ideal, but might as well follow suit with Omnimercurial's write-in.
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So I take it you lot agree with the Batman then, that he was justified in not killing The Joker even after he beat Jason Todd to death with a crowbar? I've always believed that that made the Batman guilty of the death of every person The Joker killed at least after that point, if not long before. It's not like the Batman didn't know he was a crazed and un-imprisonable killer even before that.

I am just happy that our grandparents had a different opinion when it came to the ethics of killing murderous Nazis.
So I take it you lot agree with the Batman then, that he was justified in not killing The Joker even after he beat Jason Todd to death with a crowbar? I've always believed that that made the Batman guilty of the death of every person The Joker killed at least after that point, if not long before. It's not like the Batman didn't know he was a crazed and un-imprisonable killer even before that.

I am just happy that our grandparents had a different opinion when it came to the ethics of killing murderous Nazis.
Actually no. The Birdcage is literally inescapable. And Hookwolf will go there the only way to escape that prison is to be let out.

The problem you espouse is a false equivalence. Batman failed not because he didn't kill the joker. He failed because he couldn't stop the joker. He chose to pursue a method he knew didn't work and have more innocents die that way. If Batman did have a Birdcage which Joker couldn't escape the morally correct choice would be to detain the joker in the birdcage.

The problem I was pointing out is far more critical then that. We have an easy means of killing a gun we don't even need to see the victims of. This gun will at one point make us literally capable of killing every criminal that is a bad choice, Morally speaking. It's quite clear how a man who killed Hookwolf may in time choose to pursue that kind of style however.

It's not a straight jump but one that can be easily led into.
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Of course there's another side to this and that's the unwritten rules. We will have killed a villain this will compromise us on that front and will be a pain in the ass. It may actually cause the rules to break and that's something we by all means need to avoid.
Actually no. The Birdcage is literally inescapable. And Hookwolf will go there the only way to escape that prison is to be let out.
He has been captured before and always broken out even after the birdcage order. The only reasonable response here to Hookwolf, someone who killed a PRT member and tried to kill us and has killed tons of people is respond with lethal force.

Edit- If not for Strength of Many we would likely be dead and that was a power we gained after our patrol that ran into E88
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Actually no. The Birdcage is literally inescapable. And Hookwolf will go there the only way to escape that prison is to be let out.

I just checked Hookwolf's Wiki page, and just as I thought I remembered, he escaped while being sent to the Birdcage twice. I confess I don't know where in the timeline with regards to that this story/quest is, but for arguments sake, if he has in fact already been sentenced to the Birdcage and escaped while being sent there, would that change your opinion?
He has been captured before and always broken out even after the birdcage order. The only reasonable response here to Hookwolf, someone who killed a PRT member and tried to kill us and has killed tons of people is respond with lethal force.
That's because people break him out before he reaches his destination.
he escaped while being sent to the Birdcage twice
While in transit, he has never escaped from the bird cage, and if need be, we'll have Alex manhandle him to prison under the wieght of crushing gravity.
[X] Kill him. He was a mass murderer, bound for the Birdcage anyway and he heard my name.
[X] Power

There may be consequences to killing him but... I honestly don't care. He's a nazi and a mass murderer. I doubt people (whose opinion we care about) will care much.
Courtesy of RookDeSuit awesome omake, we gain 100 bonus points and a bonus theme Musical Instrument.
Not threadmarked.

[X] Go all in and lay down a smack down so hard that no one will ever forget. Draw it out. Then kill him. The Phoenix Down him then beat him an inch of his life and ask if he'd like another serving.
[X] Try to capture him alive. We need to know how he learned about today's trip.
[X] Power
Getting info is needed for future move to make and clean up a bit of spy's
Ok this situation is so good for us. We can already assume moles in the part because of this,
So the PRT can act on that and catch a few of them, and be on alert for more.
That messes with Coil a lot,I think this was Coils doing, also on the "No Compendium must use PRT transportation he cant go there him self, he cant ride one of his summons." Well we will be sure to get permission to go on our own this time and not wright it down unless it is give straight to the director.

taking him alive would be good for e rep but when the e88 comes they have a chance of getting hook wolf out during the fight. Now because from they way it sounds he is here to kill us... As in Kaiser got the idea of... "Oh... They have a new cape with lots of potential that will likely turn the status quo against our favor... Well Hook already has a birdcage ordered on him so... Who gives a damn."

Just my argument on how er go forward... I think we

[X] Try to capture him alive. We need to know how he learned about today's trip.
(Idea,Libra to zone of truth and ask him in the midst of the fight if he is here to kill us, how they got the info we would be here today and etc etc.) Also think about bringing out the big Rex with the lots of fire power for intimidation. No one but hook to here to see.

Key word try if he proves to be trying to kill us we switch to lethal... If he runs away after that... Stab him in the back and bring him to his knees.
That's what I don't understand. Why must we be there specifically. It sounds like anyone could have overseen this, but Compendium gets singled out with no backup.
Coil is secretly Tomas calvert a PRT consultant, I don't think should have that power but if he did he would use it to get rid of compendium because it is likely his power has a hard time simulating him so,Get him alone and have someone gank him in a way that will weaken the gankers gang in the case e88 and get rid of a problem he has. Sounds like something he would do. Also the e88 moles in the prt I think a few of them are on Coils pay.
Sounds like something he would do
Sure, but there's multiple parties interested in the Bay, and all are what we would call, intrigue focused. Is this a Coil plot? Is Simurgh testing the Bay's newest Cape? Do select members of Cauldron want us out in a scandal, thus, necessitating a transfer to an 'obscure,' location? Does the Fallen think we would be good 'candidate,' for their 'family clan,'(we were very public)?
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[X] Kill him. He was a mass murderer, bound for the Birdcage anyway and he heard my name.
[X] Power

Doesn't matter if it's legal. It will be a mark on our record we won't be able to shake off, and on top of that for a prospective hero with our potential this can haunt us for years.

Will it haunt us though? We are a newbie hero that has just almost died in a ambush, the second time we are ambushed by the same gang even, the kill itself wont look pretty on our resume, but defeating a high level cape by ourselves while on a very untenable situation will.

Unfortunate that we had to prioritize our life over the capture, but what can you do? The kid gloves have to come off somewhere. Almost dying and still being in very real danger is surely one of those situations.

After the fight, we can ask for some bench time as punishment while we train so that something like this doesn't happen again.

Good message also, first time you make an attempt on my life? Shame on me. Second time? s
Shame on you, you dead now.