How much training to get Septiania to be able to manipulate water up to Leviathan scale? Zilla to 1 vs 1 Behemoth?
Remember that Zilla and Sapientia are 600-point creatures while the Endbringers are at 800. It may look like only 200 points of difference but the difference in power level is significant. 800 points represent the maximum power level in the CM, just below the reality manipulator at 1000 points. (the 900 points are particular)
Let's take Sapientia. Here's a quote from the wiki:
He is a fearsome beast whose natural element is that of water. Not only is he a powerful swimmer, but he can float on water, his mass notwithstanding, and can generate a vortex the size of a soccer field in the water, drawing his prey to the bottom. |
While it may seem impressive at first glance, in truth as far as water manipulation ability goes, that's pretty pathetic. No water jet, no water sprout, no water shaping, no water shield.
Now let's take the Accelerate Training power.
Your creatures that are naturally able to grow in strength, gain more power or obtain more abilities with training and combat, do so at twice the normal rate.
This mainly includes creatures from the following categories Pokémon, Digimon, Fell Seal, Monster Sanctuary, Kingdom Hearts, and Ni no Kuni. But it may apply to others if appropriate.
In addition, this also removes any maximum level of training such creatures may possess.
Finally, this power also grants the ability to more easily grow for your other creatures but at a slower rate. As an example, a normal bear could gain the strength and endurance of an elephant with sufficient time and training but he wouldn't gain any special power. |
There are two-part to this power, one that applies to creatures that can level up (like pokemon), they level up twice as fast and they can go beyond their level cap. This does not apply to Sapientia, we have no indication that it can grow stronger that way.
It's the second part that interests us, the ability to train beyond their normal limit for creatures that cannot normally level up.
In real life, even if one could convince a bear to make a hundred push up every day and to lift weights, there would come a point where it couldn't continue to improve. A biological limit.
Accelerate Training removes that limit but it does not allow the bear to develop new powers.
Now for Sapientia, if we want to improve its water manipulation ability, it would be possible because it's an ability it possesses.
It would start with training the speed at which it can generate its vortex, how long it can maintain them, and increasing or decreasing the size.
It could also include training to increase its speed underwater, by using the water to push it. Eventually, this could evolve into things like waterspout or water gun effect.
So while it's not impossible to have a Sapientia that could perfectly counter Leviathan. And with some supporting power like Magic Boost or others, it would be easier. It's not something that Alex would consider doing, it would take too long and too much energy for too little gain.
That said Sapientia does have an advantage on Leviathan in that its power is magic based so it trumps the dimensional fuckery used by the Endbrinbgers and the Shard in general. So even right now if Leviathan couldn't stop Sapientia from creating its vortex, preventing the Endbringer from manipulating the water that's in the vortex. It's not much but it could provide an area where its influence is slightly reduced.
Boo. Hey, are we first doing a vote on what to exchange and then what to get in return, or is it one vote where we choose both? Like
[~] A
[~] Z
[~] A --> Z
It would be the last option. I don't want to stretch the voting period too much. And there are not many creatures that were mentioned as potentially tradeable.