It doesn't look that grotesque, it's just a spiky feline, but it's kind of too dangerous with a aoe magical contagion death breath.

[X] One Creature roll with 550 points
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Also, I assume it is standard to summon new summons as a weapon since that tells us a lot about them?

Perhaps not standard but pretty common, if we cat an ordinary cat for example our hero won't bother summoning it as a weapon first. But if we get a beholder with a form very alien or a really big creature such as Mothra, yes we'll summon the weapon first.
Perhaps not standard but pretty common, if we cat an ordinary cat for example our hero won't bother summoning it as a weapon first. But if we get a beholder with a form very alien or a really big creature such as Mothra, yes we'll summon the weapon first.
I'd argue after the starfish that should be his mo who knows what that cat could do
[X] One Creature roll with 450 points and a Power roll with any leftover plus 100 point
Okay vote officially closed. The winner being:
[x] One Creature roll with 550 points

I just did the roll and we got something good and not expensive because we still have the majority of our point. I'm really motivated so I might be able to have the next chapter out today, but no promise.
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Chapter 25: Floramon
[x] One Creature roll with 550 points

Creature roll: (550 points)
Roll, D35=6 Digimon, D122=43 200 Floramon
Créature gained
Banked 350 points.

Our first Digimon and our first creature that can talk. That will be interesting.
I'm far from an expert in Digimon so if you see me make an error don't hesitate to tell me.
From what I understand It's most common Digivolving path is as follow
Pabumon > Tanemon > Floramon > Vegiemon > Blossomon > Lotosmon

I've seen that instead of Vegiemon it can become a Kiwimon as a champion but still end up as Blossomon at the Ultimate level.

I have one question, I know that in the Anime when a partner Digimon digivolve it's temporary and after some time it reverts, sometimes all the way back to an egg depending on the level it reached. With Rookie being the most stable level.
But I presume that they're a way for them to stay in their advanced form, after all the enemies in the anime are all ultimate or mega and they stay that way.
After that dramatic declaration, I showed the Starfish's limbs and the sparker to Armsmaster and explained to him the Tinker power I've gained.

We tried it with my other creatures and each one gave me one item that I could use to create various things. In some cases, I could feel other possibilities for the same creature.

The spider bot gave me (1d2=1) some high-quality lenses that I could use to create cameras, but a second possibility remains to be tested.

With Jet, I gained (1d3=2) a white piece of metal that allows me to create more efficient magazines for all sorts of guns. My boss was particularly interested in that one and he said that his power was giving him ideas too.

Mole grants me a piece of skin and fur accompanied by the knowledge on how to turn it into clothes. I put it with the Starfish limbs to be disposed of, I certainly don't want real fur clothes. Even if technically no animal was harmed.

From Hexa (1d4=1) I obtained a metal cylinder containing some explosive material that I could use to create a variety of bombs and traps. Armsmaster immediately took the cylinder and placed it in secured storage.

Weaver gave me directly a small roll of silk, which was excellent news because it means that I didn't need to summon her to access the silk. I resolved to use that power every day to accumulate silk. Of course, at the same time, I learned how to weave the silk into high-quality clothes. I'll probably end up modifying my costume myself, easier than sending it to a professional.

With White, I gained a huge clump of fur. Thankfully it was only the wool, not the skin. It was followed by the skill to transform the wool into threads and also how to knit. I might use it to make a coat for mom at some point.

No, the real prize of that power came from Thorne, I seriously loved that guy. Instead of needles, a cactus flower, or even cactus bark, as I expected. I summoned (1d4=1) a simple bottle filled with blue liquid. But this bottle was the most important item I've gained today.

I didn't gain any knowledge on how to create anything with it but I gained the knowledge on how to use it and most importantly what its use was.

Holding the bottle in my hand I look up at Armsmaster, "Sir, this bottle here, it's a… well there's no other word for it. It's a healing potion."

He looks skeptical at my pronouncement "I'm not joking. I mean I'm not claiming that it's a magic potion from a fantasy book. I'm sure there's a scientific principle behind it. Or at least a normal parahuman power, well as normal as parahuman power gets anyway. But my power is telling me that if someone drinks this, it will heal the vast majority of their wounds, broken bones, bruises, basically any trauma."

I take a deep breath, "It's not really Panacea in a bottle, it can't do anything against disease, cancer, or poison. But it could save lives."

"I could summon it every day that I don't need to call on Thorne and build up a small reserve to be used by the Protectorate on the field. In addition, I can feel three other possible items that Thorne could produce."

Armsmaster tilted his head and nodded, "Very well, give it to me and I'll send it for some testing. You're right, if it works this could be very useful."

After all that excitement, the rest of the day passed in a blur of paperwork and meetings. I received an email from the deputy director saying that the press conference for my official announcement would take place Wednesday.

It was faster than I expected. I suppose that a new Protectorate member was such a piece of good news in Brockton Bay that they want to rush it a little. The mail indicated that my costume would be ready Monday. A document with a list of common questions was also joined to the mail with the response I should use. There were a lot of materials to memorize.

Sunday morning I wake up with the familiar sensation of a new creature in my chest, in the privacy of my mind, I guess I could say in my soul.

This one was humanoid again, pretty small, perhaps a little bigger than Thorne. But I could also feel a fair amount of power coming from it, more magic perhaps.

Seeing that I wasn't going to work that day, I opted to summon its weapon immediately to determine if it got any power.

It turns out to be a whip made of vine, adorned with a multitude of tiny flowers. Mentally I could command those flowers to emit three different types of pollen. Could be very useful as a non-lethal option, but being seen in public using a whip might be problematic PR-wise.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing with mom. It was nice after the life-changing week I just got. It was also probably the last Sunday I would get in a while after all crime happens regardless of the day of the week.

The only work-related thing I did was summon another item from Thorne, avoiding the potion, this time I got (1d3=2) a folded piece of fabric. After a little trial and error, I understood that it was a basic tent. I was more than a little puzzled by that.

I mean the potion could just be Thorne's sap that possesses healing property. But I couldn't understand how we could create a tent from his body. With a shrug, I decided to ignore that puzzle and bring the tent to work tomorrow. Maybe after some testing, It will be revealed to be a time machine.

My Monday morning was spent trying my new costume and doing minor adjustments to it.

It was only in the afternoon on the rig that I could finally summon my new creature to see what it looked like for real. I used the training room in case I wanted to see its performance.

I found myself before another plant-like creature with flowers for arms and head. Before I could say anything it jumped into my arms. And I heard a girlish voice talking excitedly.

"I'm so happy, happy, happy. I got my very own Digi-destined! You'll see I'm going to be the best Digimon in the whole world. We're going to have so much fun together!"

I was taken aback by the current event, trying to focus despite her happy babbling.
The thought of a talking creature did cross my mind after getting Thorne but I wasn't prepared for this, what should I say?

[] Hum, Hello? Nice to meet you. But What are you?

[] Good day I'm Alex, What's your name?

[] A pleasure, but please could you calm down a little. I'm very confused.

[] Write-In

Wordcount: 1140

For the Roll, 450 points

[] Créature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Monday at 1 PM GMT.
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If I remember it correctly. Digimon partner who Digivolves are using the power/experience/data from their human partner. That's why when they Digivolve it took a lot of stamina from their humans and in order not to exhaust their human to death they need to return to their original forms.

Sometimes because of inexperience or just the sheer power being used to Digivolve they ended up in previous stage before rookie. They are overheating their systems in short, and need time to cool down before going back to rookie.

Normal Digimons are capable of reaching their stronger forms naturally with time (will take years after rookie), experience (Usually those Digimons specializing in skills or martial arts), or taking data permanently from other digimons and will stay in their superior forms as they didn't take a loan from somebody.
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[X] Hum, Hello? Nice to meet you. But What are you?
[X] Créature

We've got another master summon, and both are sapient.
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But I presume that they're a way for them to stay in their advanced form, after all the enemies in the anime are all ultimate or mega and they stay that way.
We also see allied digimon like Leomon able to remain in their form.

edit: Thinking of it, Floramon is perfect for us and Earth Worm. It's a discount plant digimon with a thing against the series original plant digimon, Palmon. The equivalent of ' I want X! We Have X At Home' <See's what X is at home>.'

[X] Good day I'm Alex, What's your name?
[X] Créature
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Hey so I've noticed your grammar isn't great, it doesn't seem like English is your first language so that kind of thing can often be a big hurdle for writing, especially when it comes to dialogue since good grammar in dialogue is both hard to get right and incredibly important.

What I've found, and a lot of other writers too, is that text to speech is more invaluable for spelling and grammar than any spell checking software could hope to be. Running chapters through a text to speech engine before I post them made a world of difference in letting me spot mistakes I would have otherwise not noticed, it could be a good tool for you too.

otherwise your story is really interesting, the concept is really cool, and I think it's a really creative take on the celestial forge. Can't wait to read more!
Hey so I've noticed your grammar isn't great, it doesn't seem like English is your first language so that kind of thing can often be a big hurdle for writing, especially when it comes to dialogue since good grammar in dialogue is both hard to get right and incredibly important.

What I've found, and a lot of other writers too, is that text to speech is more invaluable for spelling and grammar than any spell checking software could hope to be. Running chapters through a text to speech engine before I post them made a world of difference in letting me spot mistakes I would have otherwise not noticed, it could be a good tool for you too.

otherwise your story is really interesting, the concept is really cool, and I think it's a really creative take on the celestial forge. Can't wait to read more!

Well first thank you very much for your comment. Having feedback is always a pleasure.
Yes, English is a second language, I'm french, but even in french grammar isn't my strong suit.
I'm conscious of my problem. I'm sitting using google doc and the integrated corrector and also Grammarly (free version)
I don't see how I could use a speech to text program I don't have a micro on my PC (yes it's possible in 2021) and I'm not sure my poor phone is powerful enough to run such things
Still, I'll look into it.

I hope that despite my shortcoming you'll be able to enjoy the quest.

Side note: Vote closed.
Well first thank you very much for your comment. Having feedback is always a pleasure.
Yes, English is a second language, I'm french, but even in french grammar isn't my strong suit.
I'm conscious of my problem. I'm sitting using google doc and the integrated corrector and also Grammarly (free version)
I don't see how I could use a speech to text program I don't have a micro on my PC (yes it's possible in 2021) and I'm not sure my poor phone is powerful enough to run such things
Still, I'll look into it.

I hope that despite my shortcoming you'll be able to enjoy the quest.

Side note: Vote closed.

Ah a bit of a misunderstanding, what I mean is use software that will read aloud what you type into it, not type what you dictate. Like when you can have google translate pronounce things for you. Text-to-speech rather than speech-to-text.

There's a lot of websites that are free and you just copy and paste what you've written into them and they'll read it aloud, or if you write on your phone a lot of them have a screen reading option in the settings.

grammar and spelling checkers aren't good at noticing if you've used the wrong word in a sentence since it's spelled correctly but listening to it being read aloud it is much easier to notice when things are wrong. Also if something is spelled incorrectly it won't pronounce it properly so it's incredibly obvious if you have made a spelling mistake.

Hope this helps!
Ah a bit of a misunderstanding, what I mean is use software that will read aloud what you type into it, not type what you dictate. Like when you can have google translate pronounce things for you. Text-to-speech rather than speech-to-text.

There's a lot of websites that are free and you just copy and paste what you've written into them and they'll read it aloud, or if you write on your phone a lot of them have a screen reading option in the settings.

grammar and spelling checkers aren't good at noticing if you've used the wrong word in a sentence since it's spelled correctly but listening to it being read aloud it is much easier to notice when things are wrong. Also if something is spelled incorrectly it won't pronounce it properly so it's incredibly obvious if you have made a spelling mistake.

Hope this helps!

Yes, I did misunderstand, my bad. I just try it with the last chapter and you're right it does help a little. I'll probably try it again with a more dialogue-heavy chapter.
Chapter 26: Sphoeroid
[X] Good day I'm Alex, What's your name?
[X] Créature

Creature roll: (450 points)
Roll, D35=33 Ben 10, D50=42 200 Sphoeroid
Créature gained
Banked 250 points.

Two sentient creatures in a row, Okay I'll do what I can.
But, unlike Digimon who are conditioned to work with a Digi destined. This one a fully sentient and independent being. Thankfully one of the rules of CM states that all creatures have a friendly disposition toward their summoner, so I just need to find the right angle.

I tried to remain calm and to start at the beginning. "Good day I'm Alex, What's your name?"

She was still holding my waist and looking at me with adoration.

"I'm Floramon! The best Digimon you could ever get and much better than those stinky Palmon." She gives a determined nod at that last declaration

It was a little disturbing to see such strong feelings from someone I've never met before.

"Well, it's nice to meet you." I smiled at her, I was still very confused, but her enthusiasm was contagious.

"I have a few questions. Can you help me?"

She nods frantically. "Of course. You're my Digi-destined, I'm here to help you."

"Great, let's sit over there." I managed to pry her from my waist and took her hand-flower in my hand. I guide her toward the bench and we both sit down.

She was still all smiles, focusing on me as if she wanted to engrave my trait in her memory.

"So first thing, you used the word Digimon multiple times. But what's a Digimon?"

"Oh, that's easy. I'm a Digimon and all Digimon come from the Digital World!" She seems very proud of her answer.

But it didn't help much. "Okay, and where is that?"

She looks a little confused by that question. "Hum, It's… hum. It's complicated." She closes her eyes to concentrate. "The digital world is, hum, how did Jjimon put it?"

She starts talking slowly, visibly reciting from memory. "The digital world is the reflection of the Human world by way of the digital network." She smiled at me. "Yep, that was it."

That wasn't a very satisfactory answer but I doubt she'll be able to give me more detail. I decided to switch tracks. "Thank you for that explanation. Next question then, what's a Digi-destined?"

Again she bounced happily, she was so excitable it was funny to see. I'm sure that she'll get along great with Thorne.

"I know, I know. A Digi-destined is a human chosen by fate to wield a Digivice and accompanied by a Digimon partner to fight evil! And I'm your partner!"

"Well, I would be happy to be your Digi-destined but sadly I don't have a Digivice. In fact, I don't even know what it looks like."

She frowned in confusion and pointed at my belt. "You got it right there."

Looking down, I spot a device that looks like a small and round walkie-talkie hanging from my belt. Taking it in my hand I could see that it had a tiny screen with a clock on it and a few buttons.

"This is a Digivice, it's what connects us together." Floramon's voice broke my contemplation.

"Well, thank you I didn't see it. It must have appeared at the same time as you." I spent a few moments exploring the function of this Digivice. It mostly allows me to monitor the health of Floramon.

I turned my attention back toward my Digimon. "Let me tell you about me then."

I proceeded to explain to her about my power, though I didn't mention the Celestial Menagerie, that I recently joined a team of Heroes and that I would start my official duties in two day times.

When I finished my explanation she was looking at me with stars in her eyes. "Wow, My Digi-destined is a superhero! We're gonna fight bad guys together! This is going to be even better than I thought."

"I'm glad you're willing to help me. Why don't you show me what you can do?"

"Yes, yes, yes. You'll see I'm the best!"

She jumped from the bench and ran toward the target range I'd set up earlier.

"Okay, My main attack is Rain of Pollen." She demonstrates by agitating her flower hands and projecting a big cloud of pollen all around the target. It has no visible effect on the dummies of course.

She didn't explain what it did but I was sure that it was the same as her weapon shape. It was supposed to make people lose their motivation and become listless. A potential great non-lethal tool, and much more practical than using it with a whip.

Floramon ignored my musing and continued. "I can also do that." She emits a pink cloud of pollen that quickly surrounds her.

I recognized that one too, it was more insidious than the previous one, it would make people want to protect her. Theoretically useful but it reeked of master influence.

We'll need to be careful with it.

"My favorite is the next one, it's called Poison Ivy!" From the metal ground, she somehow manifests thick ivy that ensnared a dummy.

This would probably end my favorite too because I knew that those ivies would induce paralysis, a perfect way to take down someone without hurting them.

"Very nice Floramon, I really like that one."

Hearing my compliment she twirls in place. "It's great, isn't it! But I'm not done. I can also do that."

A rope-like vine came out of both of her flower hands and struck another dummy before capturing it.

"That will be very useful to catch bad guys too. That's great Floramon."

Her beaming smile illuminates the room.

"That was very informative. Now, would you like to meet another one of my friends?"

She rapidly nods. "Yes, Yes. I want more friends."

"Great, I will call on White. He's a wooly hippo and I will use the power I gained recently to transform him a little and see what it does."

Just before I could start I felt a new presence being engraved in my soul. It was hard to describe, vaguely humanoid, taller than me but leaning heavily forward and with an enormous head.

Not wanting to switch tracks, I decided that I'll just summon its weapon later to test its potential powers. I focused back on White's presence in my soul and overlaid the new effect on him. It settled perfectly and he appeared before us.

The change wasn't as profound as with the plants' transformation. His eyes were replaced by camera lenses and his front legs look to have been replaced by artificial limbs too. Unlike Raptor or Hexa, this didn't look like high-tech robotics; it looks more like steampunk with obvious gear visible.

White didn't let me examine him much more before headbutting me asking for scratches. He was worse than a cat, but I obliged him.

"Wow, he's so big." Floramon came closer and using her smaller size she started petting White under his jaw.

She looks up at me. "The metal legs? It's because of your power?"

I nod. "Could you do the same to me?"

"Not today, I can only do it when I summoned a friend. But if you want we can try tomorrow?"

"Yes, yes, thank you. I like that." She raises an arm and looks at it while frowning cutely, probably trying to imagine what it would look like in metal.

Wordcount: 1160
My description of Floramon's powers is entirely based on the very limited wiki description because I couldn't find any video of her using those attacks in the anime on youtube. I hope it's accurate, but if not well too bad now it's accurate for my quest.

For the Roll, 350 points

[] Créature

[] Power

Voting will be closed Thursday at 1 PM GMT.

Important note please read:

I want to ask if anyone of you would be willing to write an omake, specifically a PRT Threat rating document for our hero. Perhaps similar to that from Taylor's Varga. With eventually a sub rating for our creatures.
If I find it of good enough quality (my standard aren't very high), It becomes canon and I'll reward you with a 100 points creature roll, and I'll reroll until we get a creature worth exactly 100 points.
Edit: If you don't want to roll I allow you to choose one 100 points creature instead.
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