Oh, I'm really happy with this one. For those who don't know Fell seal is a tactical RPG made by an independent studio. A worthy successor for FFT and FFTA. I highly recommend it if you like that type of game.
In the game, a Variant is a sort of job class that can be granted to a recruited monster. Unlike a theme, it grants some real power. A variant will grant all its powers immediately, no need to level it up.
The benefits are as follow: Variant Body: Grants +7.5% HP, +5% DEF/RES, +2 Jump: For the quest a small boost in toughness and higher jump. Juggernaut: Damage taken until the character's next turn is reduced by 7% (max 35%) for every tile the character has moved this turn: For the quest, it means that moving at least 10m reduces the damage you take by 35% for 10s. Heavy Hit: Deals damage equal to 1/3 of the target's current HP: For the quest, it's an attack that deals more damage the healthier the target is. On a big creature, this could be devastating. Unbreakable Spirit: Every debuff on the character increases their ATK and MND by 10%: For the quest, it's more situational but the poison from Taylor's bug would count, Gallant emotional blast, Glory Girl Aura, things like that. All those things would trigger the bonus. Barrier: Grantsbarrier to the character after being targeted by any offensive action: Speak for itself. Repairs: Heals 45% HP to the target: Our first real healing ability in this quest. Mastery bonus: HP+7, ATK+3, DEF+5, RES+3: No explanation needed.
In total this variant gives a sizable bonus to a creature's toughness, a little attack boost, two passive benefits, a situational counter, a potentially good attacking power, and a healing power.
General rules on variant: Can only be used when summoning a creature, only one creature at a time but can be used as many times as you want. Up to two different Fell Seal variants can be applied to the same creature.
As a side note, on a purely cosmetic level, a Themes is more powerful than a Variant. A plant-themed clockwork Starro would look exactly the same as a standard plant-themed Starro.
In the end, things didn't escalate as much as I feared. Once I explained everything I could about the master power usable with my starfish net both heroes calmed down significantly.
It was decided that I would refrain from summoning the starfish, in either form, until tests on volunteers could be performed. Still, we did discuss the tactical possibility, using the starfish on a villain at the right time could turn the tide of an encounter. Even if we need to keep in mind that PR may mitigate such success.
Just before we ended our test Miss Militia tried to copy my weapon using her power. The mole gloves were trivially easy, Raptor rifle was a mixed success she could only create a flashbang gun, the starfish net only results in a normal net.
The next day I could follow my schedule as planned. In the mornings it means a long visit with a psychologist. It wasn't to determine if I was sane or not. I made the joke that no parahuman is truly sane, simply because we choose to dress in colorful costumes to fight or to commit crimes. The psychologist didn't laugh. Can't win them all, humor wasn't my strong suit anyway.
It was in fact to draw my psychological profile and help identify any case of Master control or Stranger impersonation.
This took the majority of my morning, after that, it was my first physical conditioning session. In other words gym classes, it wasn't fun by any stretch of the imagination.
In the afternoon I returned to the Rig and met with Armsmaster to give him the footage from the Uber and Leet incident. While I was there he used the opportunity to more closely examine my spider bot.
He was able to remove some pieces of the spider bot to study them before putting them back, apparently without arming the bot. The legs and the way they could grab any surface seem to be of particular interest to him. The battery also caught his interest.
He said that it was a good design but inferior to his own. Still, it was not tinkertech so he recorded the design to see if it could be useful somewhere. Finally, he discovered a facial recognition function on it, a potentially very useful tool but it needs to be used with caution because of the unwritten rule.
After that Armsmaster needs to go on patrol so he sends me to the training room to summon my new creatures and to test any new power I may have gained. Inside the training room, I found Battery exercising with her power, running full tilt in one direction before reversing her direction instantly. Occasionally she was pausing to accumulate a charge.
I wave at her and spend a few minutes observing her. She was younger than Miss Militia but she was still an experienced heroine and watching her move was impressive.
Refocusing on my goal I moved to another part of the room. The first thing was summoning my two new creatures.
I chose the spider first, visualizing it on a nearby bench. It appeared immediately before me. I must be honest, I took a step back upon first looking at it. I'm not afraid of spiders but seeing one the size of my hand was a little unsettling.
It was apparently observing its surroundings but didn't seem to be afraid of me. Just in case I ordered it to not bite anyone and to not go more than 10m (32 ft) away from the bench.
I observed it more closely and I must admit that despite the terrifying appearance it was still a beautiful creature. After some research on my phone, I discovered that it was a subspecies of a golden weaver, able to produce some gorgeous golden silk. Thinking about it, this might have some uses, perhaps on my costume or as a product in merchandising. I'll need to mention it to Mister Ware.
In order to test its silk, no her silk, my research said that only females were that big. I order the spider to create a dozen lines of silk on the bench. She immediately got to work.
Just as I was about to summon the second creature that I gained yesterday I felt the Menagerie activating again. I concentrate on my power to look at what I gained this time.
What I found surprised me, it wasn't a new creature but it wasn't really a power either.
It was similar to the plant transformation effect but looked like it goes much deeper, like something to overlay on a creature, a much deeper effect. I was tempted to try it out immediately but I had other things to test first.
With barely a thought I was abruptly faced with a big white wooly hippo. It was looking at me, when he seemed to recognize me, somehow. He bellowed a happy-sounding growl, and he charged me, pushing his head into my chest. I barely managed to remain upright, thankfully he wasn't moving fast. I was sure that with his mass he could have flattened me.
Not knowing what else to do I began to scratch him behind his ears, which resulted in another pleased growl.
"You're a pretty affectionate guy aren't you." My only response was more rubbing against my chest.
"What the hell is that thing?" Battery voice was coming from behind me.
I turn my head toward her. "Apparently my newest projection, pretty affectionate. Do you want to pet him?"
She hesitates a little before to the side of my wooly projection and touches its thick fur. "Wow, it's so soft."
I must admit that we spent probably a little too long petting my hippo but he seems pretty happy with that treatment.
"Okay, that's enough. Let me look at you properly." You push back your animal and begin walking around him. He emits pitiful whines and turns toward Battery while making puppy dog eyes. With a sign, she relents and starts to scratch him behind his ears again.
I ignored the byplay and concentrated on my projection. It was taller than me by a good bit, his head alone was gigantic compared to the size of the body. This gave him a goofy look but I had no doubt that it could bite a man in half without trouble. Touching his fur revealed that it was thick enough for me to push my arms halfway through it before touching the skin below.
My riding skill was telling me that this hippo could qualify as a good mount. Looking around the training room I decided that yes, it was big enough for a little riding test.
"Battery please get clear. Hippo, hum I'll call you White, let's see if you like having a rider."
He didn't react to my declaration but didn't protest when I climbed on his back. Once in place, my legs stretched on each side, I ordered it to advance. Soon we were making a circuit at a fair clip, but my skill insisted that we could go faster.
"Go on, big guy I know you can do better than that, you're barely trying." White seems to take that as a challenge.
He growled in response and suddenly he appeared to double in height. We also began moving much faster.
I heard a gasp from the heroine still observing the situation. I didn't understand immediately what happened but looking down I spotted legs that were suddenly much longer below White.
I laughed out loud at that. "Hahaha, You're full of surprises, big guy." He gave me a please grunt in response.
We stopped soon after and looking closer with Battery, we discovered that White's legs were double joint. Allowing him to bend them in half without hindering his ability to move.
This revelation presents me with a choice. When going on patrol I would probably frequently use a summon as a mount. Of my current summon which one should I use as a mount when interacting with the public.
[] Raptor the Redeye Watcher: Perhaps a little intimidating but smaller and more maneuverable. Also, come equipped with a ranged weapon.
[] White the White Walkie: Much bigger, more approachable as an animal, physically stronger, and smarter if independent action is needed.
Wordcount: 1345
This chapter didn't go as planned, I want to make a small time skip, just resumed the various information that our hero would gain about his power, so we could advance. But a big hippo asks me for some screen time and I couldn't refuse.
Again we have enough excess words to gain 200 points at the same time, a lot of big chapters recently.
[] One Creature roll with 250 points
[] One Power roll with 250 points
[] One Creature roll with 150 points and a second Creature roll with any leftover plus 100 point
[] One Creature roll with 150 points and a Power roll with any leftover plus 100 point
[] One Power roll with 150 points and a second Power roll with any leftover plus 100 point
[] One Power roll with 150 points and a Creature roll with any leftover plus 100 point
[X] White the White Walkie: Much bigger, more approachable as an animal, physically stronger, and smarter if independent action is needed.
[X] One Creature roll with 250 points
[X] White the White Walkie
[X] One Power roll with 150 points and a second Power roll with any leftover plus 100 point
Oh that variant is really nice! Healing and the getting rid of 1/3 of current HP is a nice opener against certain foes. Going for the double roll on powers to try and clear some of them out. Also fluffy hippo! Big PR boost there
[X] White the White Walkie
[X] One Power roll with 150 points and a second Power roll with any leftover plus 100 point
Oh that variant is really nice! Healing and the getting rid of 1/3 of current HP is a nice opener against certain foes. Going for the double roll on powers to try and clear some of them out. Also fluffy hippo! Big PR boost there
I am really curious how that works against an endbringer because that one move might literally push back all endbringers since 1/3 of their hp gone is definitely below the amount they would need to be pushed back
I am really curious how that works against an endbringer because that one move might literally push back all endbringers since 1/3 of their hp gone is definitely below the amount they would need to be pushed back
Thanks to Alduinian for breaking the tie, even if someone else votes afterward creating a new tie. Because I want to start writing I'll break it myself.
[x] White the White Walkie
[x] One Power roll with 250 points = [x] One Creature roll with 250 points
QM tie break: Power.
Power roll: (250 points)
Roll, D85=53, 400 Greater Companion Too expensive
Banked 250 points.
Another vote came after the voting period was closed, it would have been a win for Creature so for my peace of mind I rolled it too. But it was too expensive too.
After the excitement of discovering White's extending legs, he somehow manages to convince Battery to have a race with him. I let them have fun around the training room while I experiment with other things.
First I checked on my spider and was pleased to see her working diligently on laying her silk thread. The end result was as beautiful as expected. I couldn't help but compliment her. "Good work girl, two more lines if you can and it will be enough."
For the next test, I need to move a little further away. I want to see what type of weapon my other creatures turn into.
I'll start with, no before that I need to decide on a name for each of them. I'm tired of thinking about my projection with long descriptions.
For Raptor and White, I'm set. The spider bot can stay spider bot it's simple enough.
My fighter jet, I'll go with the obvious I'll just call him Jet. For the tank bot, I need something non-threatening and neutral, Steelwall? No. Ironcube? Not much better. It has six legs, Hexasometing? Yeah, I like Hexa as a base. Hexamech, Hexabot, Hexaped, hum nothing sounds good. What if I just call it Hexa? Yes, that's neutral enough, let's go with that.
What's left? The starfish with the troublesome master power. Again if I'm ever allowed to summon it I need something neutral to call it. But it looks just like a starfish calling it something different is not necessary. Yes, I'll keep Starfish, it's perfectly fine.
In the same vein, the mole can be just Mole. The golden orb weaver may warrant a better name than just Spider. I'll go simply with Weaver.
That only leaves Cactus guy, for now, Cactus will do, but I'll ask his opinion when the occasion presents itself.
Now that this was resolved I return to my original intention, seeing into what weapon Jet, Hexa, and Cactus can turn into.
Just before that, I look in the direction of Battery and White, to see what they are up to.
The heroine has resumed her power practice and the big goof is now sleeping not far from Weaver's bench.
Reassured that everything was fine I was finally ready to call on Jet weapon form. Facing the wall I trigger the summoning and nearly stumble. Both from the knowledge seeping into my mind and from the weight suddenly on my back.
Even though I couldn't see it, my new knowledge showed me that this weight was a sizable metallic backpack, vaguely in a manta ray shape with two small green spheres embedded on the surface. It was linked to a futuristic rifle in my right hand by a cable running below my arm. All in all a very heavy weapon but well balanced so I could still move with it.
I focused on the knowledge to use it, and it was dozy. Two types of gravity attack, one mode for an electric attack, a sort of electric shield, and a flying mode, hum no, merely a levitation mode because It could only go up and down, and not very far at that.
Turning around I called out loud "Battery do you have a minute?"
"Let me just finish that run."
You nod while observing her. She was able to gain enough speed that she could run up the wall vertically. When she reaches the apex of the trajectory, just before falling back down she pushes with her leg flawlessly transitioning into a downward jump. Landing with impressive forces she released an electromagnetic pulse visible with the naked eyes. I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that.
Thankfully the pulse only traveled a few meters before dissipating. Getting up from her crouching position she walked toward me.
She made a questioning gesture toward my new get up and I briefly explained my ability to summon my projections as weapons. I then asked her if it was possible to have targets.
The heroine leads me toward a panel on the side of the room, it allows someone to modify the configuration of the room in various ways. Battery demonstrates by activating a particular option, it raises a solid wall to create a corridor and reveal five heavy metal targets at the opposite ends.
"Thank you, that's perfect."
I proceeded to put my Jet weapon through its paces and Battery stayed to watch.
The results were pretty impressive, even at the lowest setting, both gravity attacks were strong enough to severely damage a dummy. The electrical bullet didn't appear to do anything but that was because the target could comfortably absorb the electricity. A screen to the side indicates a fairly high voltage and amperage, but not knowing what value a human being could endure I didn't know if it was lethal.
In any case, I'll need to be careful with both types of attack.
I also tried the electrical shield, mostly to see what range it possesses. When activated I was surrounded by multiple electrical arcs up to one meter (3.2ft) away from me. It made for an impressive light show.
The levitation effect was weirdly disappointing. Sure floating in the air was nice at the start but being unable to move was frustrating. Still, it allows me to reach high enough to touch the ceiling of the training room and my implanted knowledge told me that I could go as high as 10m (32ft).
Satisfied with those tests I switched to Hexa weapon. It turns out to be some sort of heavy Gatling gun on six legs, instead of wheels. And instead of one barrel, it got five of various sizes.
"Please, tell me you aren't allowed to use this thing?"
"Don't worry only in S-class situations." My response appears to reassure Battery a little.
The knowledge that came with the weapon informed me that it had eight different firing modes, each one more destructive than the last. Not wanting to risk destroying the training room, even if it was probably heavily reinforced I just briefly tested the flamethrower option at the lowest settings.
Even at his weakest the tongue of fire reaches at least 12m (39ft) away. Thankfully the metal targets prove to be if not heatproof at least heat resistant.
That done I had one last weapon to test, the one from Cactus Guy. I dismissed Hexa Gatling's gun first. That was because I discovered earlier that I can't have more than one projection weapon at a time.
The new weapon turns out to be a simple gun, green with a few decorative spikes. It looks more like a toy than anything. Still, the various powers it offers were interesting. My new knowledge whispered in my mind, that it could fire sharp needles, seems simple enough.
I could also use two spells, yes the Celestial Menagerie chooses that moment to tell me that magic was real at least where Cactus Guy came from. But I'll ignore that revelation for now. I won't call it magic out loud anyway, that would just label me as loon like Myrddin.
Anyway, the two spells being Haste and Confusion, the first one was the one that my creature used on me last time. And Confusion was used to force someone to attack indiscriminately friend or foe. It would be considered a Master effect but perhaps one easier to digest for the Protectorate. Still, I wouldn't test it today.
The last effect was the most interesting, offensively at least, also a sort of spell, Thousand needles. Exactly as indicated on the tin it fires a thousand needles at once, a literal wall of needles. Deadly against any normal human.
I didn't exactly need one more lethal weapon, but the knowledge included with the weapon skill seems to indicate that this "spell" deals a fixed amount of damage no matter the target. This has some potential against some really "unique" targets but let's not get ahead of myself there.
I warm Battery to not stand too close and fire at one target, with a single needle to start with.
I heard a light laugh, "Well, that's underwhelming after the potency of your earlier weapon." She was right about that, the needles simply bounced off.
I simply nod and activate the lever for 1,000 Needles. "Yes, but I have another trick."
I fired and suddenly she had no reason to laugh anymore. The front half of the heavy metal target simply didn't exist anymore. I've never seen such clean damage, the attack simply stopping once it reaches a certain point. The target dummy looks like it has been cut in half vertically.
I heard an impressed sounding whistle coming from behind, and turning around I found Assault, his eyes glued to the target "That was f-king impressive."
"Hum, thanks."
"I would love to see you use that on someone like Hookwolf." He looks lost in fantasy when saying that. He shakes his head and turns toward Battery. "Anyway, I was looking for you babe, our patrol starts soon."
She frowns at the endearing nickname but looks at the time on the clock above the door. "You're right, I'll be right back, I just need to pass by the bathroom."
"No prob, I'll wait here with the newbie."
He turns toward me, "I want to ask, what's with the furball?" He pointed toward a still sleeping White, the noise didn't seem to bother him.
'"New projection, don't worry about it." I responded distractedly. I just had an idea. Could I offer to use Haste on them before they go on patrol? It only lasts ten minutes but it would allow a little field testing and would be interesting to see how it interacts with their power.
Again I didn't write half of what I wanted to write but still, I like this chapter. Don't hesitate to tell me if you find the rhythm of the quest too slow. I have a hard time judging it but I got the impression that most of the chapters are testing the power gained in the previous chapter.
Don't worry I didn't ignore it or forget it. It's just that our hero wants to discuss it with Cactuar himself and he can't do that yet. Cactus is purely a temporary name.