Clank doesn't need a communication device, I assumed that he can connect to a standard radio network.
As for testing, it's big form, probably not. It has been mentioned in the report but unless it's something very significant I'll stop doing power testing for each and every new creature. Otherwise, it will end up being the only thing I write about.
For the ammo, he obviously can't collect them, so the Menagerie will provide enough for a few shots, three or five perhaps.
Ah. I assumed he would have radioed for help once it was clear Alex was in pain and non responsive to his attempts to get Alex's attention.
Perhaps just an after action report? Or if you don't have the time maybe you wouldn't mind would you offer bounty Testing Omakes in accordance with your writing style and wishes in exchange for ordinary real animals? That way we don't make Testing Omakes on creatures you personally want to do? And if passed enough by you they can be canon Sidestorys?
I have a difficult time imagining that they wouldn't need\want to get an idea of his "Endbringer Fighters" so they can plan appropriately or at a bare minimum get a look at them to sate their curiosity.
3 or 5? Ehhh. Ok for other warfare. Awesome maybe if apart was selling tickets for Giant Robots VS Giant Monsters fights. Not awesome for EB fights. In what time frame does he get them? I am fine with the more limited ammo in early games, unlike later ones that gave him unlimited ammo. Had to put more strategy into the giant robot fights. I am 98 to 99 percent sure Clank only had a maximum of 2 Plasma Bombs. The wiki I checked says later games made the Plasma Bomb a rechargeable thing. Though I am fine with him only getting 2 per a summon. His max loadout capacity in canon. Iirc his max loadout capacity for missiles was...I wanna say 250? Perhaps Clank can work on a way to charge up the Plasma Balls or do 'something' with Alex's new Changer power? And maybe build more missiles to load himself up with? Giving Geoffrey a conniption over an AI building it's own weapons for itself and it's eventual mass extermination be worth it.
Something I didn't remember till I went to the wiki was that Clank (at least in the games I played) never actually had the power to turn giant himself! It was a special effect of an Ultra-Mech Pad. Thought you should know Incase you want that form something Clank has to work towards achieving.
Of course these are my own thoughts and feelings and you should be free to write your own story hope I am not over stepping that much.
Giant Clank is an enhanced form of Clank, playable in Ratchet & Clank, Going Commando, Up Your Arsenal, Size Matters, and Secret Agent Clank. Clank is capable of transforming into this form after interfacing with an Ultra-Mech pad. The transformation greatly enlarges Clank to a gigantic size...
I actually think that Modification would be better in the long term, but Boost is better now. I'm still a bit salty about Plasma Body....imagine how cool a Clockwork Solar System would have looked... I don't even know how Clockwork would work with Plasma...
Perhaps just an after action report? Or if you don't have the time maybe you wouldn't mind would you offer bounty Testing Omakes in accordance with your writing style and wishes in exchange for ordinary real animals? That way we don't make Testing Omakes on creatures you personally want to do? And if passed enough by you they can be canon Sidestorys?
I have a difficult time imagining that they wouldn't need\want to get an idea of his "Endbringer Fighters" so they can plan appropriately or at a bare minimum get a look at them to sate their curiosity.
I wouldn't be opposed to Omake showing power testing. Rewards if any would depend on the quality of the pieces and could even be made canon (if I can fit it in the timeline.)
3 or 5? Ehhh. Ok for other warfare. Awesome maybe if apart was selling tickets for Giant Robots VS Giant Monsters fights. Not awesome for EB fights. In what time frame does he get them? I am fine with the more limited ammo in early games, unlike later ones that gave him unlimited ammo. Had to put more strategy into the giant robot fights. I am 98 to 99 percent sure Clank only had a maximum of 2 Plasma Bombs. The wiki I checked says later games made the Plasma Bomb a rechargeable thing. Though I am fine with him only getting 2 per a summon. His max loadout capacity in canon. Iirc his max loadout capacity for missiles was...I wanna say 250? Perhaps Clank can work on a way to charge up the Plasma Balls or do 'something' with Alex's new Changer power? And maybe build more missiles to load himself up with? Giving Geoffrey a conniption over an AI building it's own weapons for itself and it's eventual mass extermination be worth it.
Something I didn't remember till I went to the wiki was that Clank (at least in the games I played) never actually had the power to turn giant himself! It was a special effect of an Ultra-Mech Pad. Thought you should know Incase you want that form something Clank has to work towards achieving.
Of course these are my own thoughts and feelings and you should be free to write your own story hope I am not over stepping that much.
Yeah I read on the wiki about those mech pad thing, but for the story it was easier to say that Clank can do it once per day without external help. Less complicated that way.
Not Even If I Was Dieing Of Starvation?
Hurley. Name it Hurley. Or Mr. Hurley. Mrs.? Missus?
Need help? Just ask yourself W.W.D.W.N.I.? What Would Damien Wayne Name It?
Not Even If I Was Dieing Of Starvation?
Hurley. Name it Hurley. Or Mr. Hurley. Mrs.? Missus?
Need help? Just ask yourself W.W.D.W.N.I.? What Would Damien Wayne Name It?
Power Roll: (420 points)
Roll D125=95
200 Self Boost, 200 Self Modification, 50 Self Theming (Already Gained)
Sub vote result: Self Boost
Banked 220 Points
Sorry for the delay this chapter was a bitch to write.
While a Mind was busy in the Mental Realm I studied the images given by my drone. It shows a truck parked next to an abandoned barbershop. Three guys were unloading a heavy wooden crate from the back of the truck. All three wore clear signs of the Empire be it shaved-headed, E88 tattoo, or biker leathers
I reported my finding to Assault who decide to intervene. "Compendium you're in charge of keeping the truck from fleeing. Triumph and I are going to talk to these gentlemen. We'll wait for you to get into position."
"Understood." I flew ahead to place myself a little way in front of the truck. How could I best stop the truck? Discretely and not permanently?
I thoughtfully consult my list of partners. Who could do that? Ah, yes. You'll do the job just fine.
For the first time, I call on Tools, materializing him on the head of Hercules. I visited him in the Mental realm last night and he was a nice if simple guy.
"I have a job for you." I pointed at the truck below. "I want you to discreetly disable this. Perhaps decoupling the drive or cutting the fuel line. I'm sure you can find something good, but easy to repair. I trust your judgment."
He nodded seriously. I boosted him in multiple ways before sending him down. Granting him the ability to fly, the Air theme and Size Reduction for more discretion, but also Speed boost and Clockwork just for the hell of it.
I watched as he floated down slowly and swiftly disappeared beneath the truck. Less than a minute later he reappeared and waved in my direction. It was done. I contacted Assault. "Truck neutralized, and I'm ready to intervene if you call me."
"Roger that, we're going in."
I positioned my drone above the gang members to keep an eye on the situation. When Assault and Triumph reached the scene the three gang members were busy lifting a heavy wooden crate and didn't spot them.
The red-clad heroes spoke up. "Hello there gentlemen. I'm surprised to see people working at this hour."
All three froze upon hearing his voice. Two of them look up and start to panic when they spot the two heroes. The third is back being turned and didn't see them and shouted in anger. "Fuck off. It's none of your business. If you don't want trouble you'll be gone by the time I turn around."
His two friends shook their heads vigorously but he ignored them. He gestured for them to drop the crate and they reluctantly did so. I noticed that they didn't just let it fall but carefully lowered it to the ground. What will we find in those boxes? Drugs? Weapons? Counterfeit Money?
As soon as the crate touched the ground the two goons that saw Assault and Triumph step back ready to bolt. The third one, presumably the leader, turned around oozing confidence. "I didn't hear you running so does that mean you want a beating then?" The words barely left his lips when he spotted who he was talking to, it was almost comical seeing him suddenly pale and losing his composure.
Assault cocked an eyebrow but remained silent.
The thugs managed to gather some courage and spooked up much more respectfully. "Apology Officer didn't see you there, really sorry about that. We were bothered earlier by some slant-eyes scum. But I mean no disrespect to you, of course."
The casual way he spouted out racial slurs made my blood boil and I could see both Assault and Triumph tensing at those words.
"So what can I do for you?" His attempt to be friendly failed miserably but Assault did respond.
"Well, I'm quite curious about what you're doing making a delivery at this hour. "He makes a show of looking at a watch he doesn't wear. "It's nearing 4 AM, and you're delivering heavy wooden crates to an abandoned barbershop."
The man fumble for a moment, searching for an excuse, before blurting out. "It's construction equipment… Hn, yes. We're delivering construction equipment, our employer bought the building and he intends to restore it. He wants to transform it… into…into… a… Dance club. Yes, that's it a dance club." He seems pretty proud of himself for thinking of that bit.
I resisted the urge to facepalm and I saw Triumph sniggered under its breath. We definitely didn't find the elite of the Empire here. From the corner of my eyes, I saw the two other goons edging to the edge of the truck to make a run for it.
Assault decided to play along for a bit. "That's excellent news, it's good to know that some entrepreneurs are coming back to the city. I'm sure that turning this tiny barbershop into a dance club will be a great success."
The guy nodded excitedly, clearly thinking that Assault is buying his bullshit. His mood plummeted however when the heroes continued speaking.
"Still, I'd like to check on this construction equipment." You could practically hear the quotation marks. "I need to be sure that everything is in conformity."
Understanding that the game was up the thug jumped in the back of the truck while screaming to the other two. "Move, move, move!"
During the exchange, the two thugs managed to crawl inside the truck's cabin. I heard the motor starting and roaring in acceleration, but no movement. Good works Tools.
When the thugs saw me landing in front of the truck on the back of Hercules they slumped down in defeat. After that things move quickly, Triumph starts by cautiously opening the crate, and inside he finds numerous guns and grenades. This was enough to detain the three goons. After inspecting the barbershop we found two more crates in the reserve at the back. Assault said that it was certainly a strategic reserve for future operations.
But that was not the worrying part, two things were much more disturbing. The first was that the truck was mostly empty when we found it, but with traces proving that it was full recently. It was easy to guess that we only stopped it at the end of its route. It was a near certainty that a number of such weapon caches were hidden in the Bay.
If it was just that it wouldn't change much. Gangs are hiding weapons, the revelation of the century, nobody will believe it. No, the most important part was that we found a smaller metallic crate in the truck, it was at the very back hidden by the other boxes. When we opened it it was three-quarters empty, but what remained inside worried us a great deal. It appears to be some sort of tinkertech gun attachment. Clank inspected them, he wasn't certain but his theory was that it would attach a short live forcefield to the bullet when it exited the gun. Transforming any bullet into an armor-piercing one. Armsmaster would need to check, maybe Clank was wrong, but no matter the effect this was troubling. The Empire was arming for war.
The rest of our patrol was more peaceful, once some PRT troopers came to take charge of the perps and the evidence. I had Tools repair the truck so they could more easily move it.
On our way back Assault noted that this weapon shipment operation was really clumsy on the part of the Empire. The few times they intercept weapons in the past it was one small crate or bag transported by car, not a truckful. They must have been in a real hurry to take such a clumsy approach.
As I pondered that I felt the Menagerie triggering one again and waited for my Minds to give me a report.
Two things this time, a little thing called a Possum Chicken a hybrid animal like a few we already have, but much less promising than a tiger-armadillo hybrid like Rayure. The meat is good supposedly so there's that. And the second thing is minor power called Self Boost, much more interesting./ It allows us to use some power normally only applicable to our partners to ourselves instead./For now we can only use Speed Boost, which is already really nice. But it's implied that other power we haven't gained yet would apply too./No details on those other powers sadly./But it synergizes really well with Multi-Boost, we can have one instance of Speed Boost on Solar, one on ourselves, and one for a partner depending on the situation. Probably a mount like we used on Red yesterday.
I didn't wait to use Speed Boost on myself, and its effects were obvious immediately. It wasn't quite a slow-motion effect, I still couldn't see the beating wing of a fly, but I could probably catch one with my hand. It would synergize really well with The Jump.
A few minutes later we reached the HQ and I couldn't avoid thinking anymore about one thing I was dreading. Today would be Umit's funeral and I need to prepare myself both physically and mentally.
Wordcount: 1520
Excess word: 882
How will Alex go to Umit Funeral?
[] Openly as Compendium Note: Risk of drama, if the new superhero comes to a random PRT trooper's funeral, people will ask why.
[] Openly as Alex Note: He could pretend to know him from your cover job at the PRT in accounting. May pose risk for its identity.
[] Discreetly as Compendium Note: He could hide under a newly and hastily crafted invisibility cloak. But won't be able to interact with anyone.
I hesitate before giving you that choice but I think this could lead to some promising plot points. I hope you'll take this choice seriously.
Can't risk identity and oh boy tinker tech equipment that makes the guns fire AP? Not good. Though now that we have some of it we might be able to track it, and it does have a shelf life before it needs the tinker to do maintenance i think.
Going for power since we can try and get more boosts (or maybe roll self mod).
So there is a 700 point power: Sustained Immortality basically as long as we have summons out we cant die, if we do we replace a summon and stay alive, might be worth trying some high point power rolls if we get there
[X] Openly as Compendium
[X] Power
I expect things to go poorly, but it will be most interesting to see him turn it around. Also E88 will definitely show up if he does.
So there is a 700 point power: Sustained Immortality basically as long as we have summons out we cant die, if we do we replace a summon and stay alive, might be worth trying some high point power rolls if we get there