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A quest based on the Celestial menagerie, can we create the Ultimate Summoner?
Character Sheet
Settings: Worm

Name: Alex Crewser
Age: 19
Occupation: Protectorate member
Appearance: 1.7m (5.5f), Short dark hair, and brown eyes.

-[100]-[Marvel]-Spider Bot: Name - None
-[200]-[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Redeye Watcher: Name - Raptor
-[300]-[Xenoblade]-Chromium Fal-Swo: Name - Jet
(0/4 to Chromium Fal-swo)
Size: Length: 12m (39.4ft), Width: 12m, Height: 2.5m (8.2 ft)
Elemental Resistance:
Physical, Ether (Exoteric Energy), Thermal (Extreme Heat)
Elemental Weakness:
Laser, Electricity, and Gravity
-Super Charge: Physically collide with the target
-Gravity Sphere: Fire 3 sphere of energy that deals gravity damage
-Electrical Ray: Fire 4 seeking bullet that electrocutes one or more targets.
-Gravitic Beam: Fire an intense red beam of energy lasting several seconds that deals gravity damage.
-Collider: Provok a short-lived electrical storm around itself
-Barrier: Create an electrical barrier around itself.
-Can fly up to 200Km/H (124M/H), Can hover indefinitely, Can fly in any orientation, and can maneuver extremely well.

Author note: The stats provided are my best estimate after replaying the game and are canon for the quest unless you can provide a valid counterargument.
For the purpose of the quest, gravity damage is dealt with by suddenly increasing the gravity at a given point.
-[300]-[Marvel]-Starro: Name - Star
Cleric of Kanaloa level 8: Mana Reserve (10*lvl), Healing Word (Touch, Distance (2m/lvl), Neutralize Poison), Divine Patron (1st Power), Blessing, Cure Disease, Shield of Faith, Holy Ligth
Caretaker (Trauma) level 6: +2.5% to healing speed per Caretaker lvl when treating Trauma. You can instantly get an accurate reading of their health concerning your specialty by touching a being.
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Eastern Mole: Name - Mole
-[300]-[Horizon Zero Dawn]-Deathbringer: Name - Hexa
-[200]-[Final Fantasy]-Cactuar: Name - Thorne
Head Attack: Rams into one target for light damage.
Confuse: Inflicts Confuse. Targets afflicted by Confusion attack friends or foes randomly. Last 1 minute or until the target takes damage.
Haste: Bestow Haste. Targets move physically faster, gain improved reaction times, and regain energy faster. Last 10 mins.
1,000 Needles: Deals exactly 1000 points of damage to one target. In the quest, it's an instant kill effect against any civilian, most non-brute parahuman, and even some brutes depending on the way their power works. An armor can allow a target to withstand the attack but will be damaged and force fields can block it. Cactuar can be ordered to use it but by default will only use it as a counter.
Hide: Cactuar can hide underground with just the top of his head visible. This only works on dirt, sand, or similar loose materials.
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Golden Orb Weaver: Name - Weaver
-[100]-[One Piece]-Knockback II White Walkie: Name - White
-[200]-[Ben 10]-Sphoeroid: Name - Scalpa
-[100]-[V: Hitchhikers' Guide]-Babel Fish: Name - Babel
-[100]-[Slime Rancher]-Gold Slime: Name- Goldy
-[300]-[Harry Potter]-House Elf: Name- Olky
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Greater Roadrunner: Name - Runner (Lend to Nimue)
-[200]-[Pokemon]-Frillish: Name - Buoy
Type: Water/Ghost
Level 32
Ability: Water Absorb
Held Item: Mystic Water
Move Prepared:
1: Absorb
2: Water Pulse
3: Shadow Ball
4: Strength Sap
Move Know:
-Strength Sap (Egg Move)
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Double Team (TM)
-Water Gun
-Poison Sting
-Night Shade
-Water Pulse
-Rain Dance
-Shadow Ball
Height: 1.2m (3.11 ft)
Weight: 33kg (72.8 lbs)
-[300]-[DC]-Goliath: Name - Red
-[300]-[Harry Potter]-Zouwu: Name - Rainbow
-[200]-[D&D]-Crysmal: Name - Scorgem
-[050]-[Avatar]-Deer Dog: Name - Max
-[050]-[Avatar]-Koala Sheep: Name - Fluffy
-[050]-[Starbound]-Electric Crutter: Name - Zap
Lightning Disciple level 8: Taser Touch, Generator, Electric Field, Electric Healing, Lightning Aura
Entertainer (Stunt Performer) level 6: +5% to attractiveness per Entertainer lvl when performing stunts. You can temporarily summon a stage costume on yourself, adapted to your next performance.
-[000]-[Starbound]-Avian Bunny: Name - Ears
-[000]-[Starbound]-Human Cat: Name - Nut
-[000]-[Starbound]-Glitch Piglett: Name - Bacon
-[000]-[Starbound]-Floran Snake: Name - Serpent
-[000]-[Starbound]-Novakid Snugget: Name - Fluffy
-[000]-[Starbound]-Apex Weasel: Name - Tube
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Candy Cane Snail: Name - Spiral (Granted)
-[100]-[Worm]-Atlas: Name - Hercules
-[600]-[Godzilla]-Tailed Beast Zilla: Name - Rex
Element: Nuclear Chakra
-Immunizes the user from the damage dealt by radiation.
-Radiation can be absorbed to regenerate chakra.
-Can be injected into an object or being to track it from an extremely long distance.
-Can be used like an X-ray machine to see inside something. (with the normal limits of an X-ray, it's not Superman see through cloth) Will require training.
-Can be added to any offensive action. (From Claw attack to energy beam) This means dealing additional internal damages and lingering damages.
-Can be used to generate explosions. This will require training too.
-Can be used to accelerate the radioactive decay of unstable atoms. This will require a lot of training.
(Side note: For the purpose of this quest, any mention of radiation only refers to radiation generated by nuclear waste or nuclear weapons. Not all sorts of radiation that exist in the world, otherwise even light would be included and that would be too much.)

Jinchuriki Powers:
-Last one hour.
-Ability to use Nuclear Chakra (Requires training)
-Ability to use the Initial Jinchuriki Form, Version 1 and Version 2. (Requires training)
-Manifesting the tail will be possible.
-Can free Rex from the seal but the initial one-hour summoning duration is maintained
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Cave swiftlet: Name - Swift
-[000]-[Avatar]-Frog squirrel: Name - Greenie (Lend to Nimue)
-[300]-[One Piece]-Boss (Kaen Kabuto): Name - Carapace (Molt Twice: 0/4 to next Molt)
-[050]-[Starbound]-Rare Iguarmor: Name- Spike
-[000]-[Portal]-Defective Turret: Name- None
-[000]-[Oddworld]-Slurg: Name - Sluugy
-[050]-[Dinotrux]-Picktools: Name - Climb
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Mantis Shrimp: Name - Shrimp
-[200]-[Ark]-Attack Drone: Name - Hover (Granted)
-[100]-[Avatar]-Tigerdillo: Name - Rayure
-[100]-[Zelda]-Green ChuChu: Name - Vert
-[100]-[Dragon Quest]-Bullfinch: Name - Minos
-[300]-[Dragons]-Fireworm (Queen): Name - Light
-[100]-[Xenoblade]-Arachno: Name - Skitter
-[100]-[Star Wars]-Ysalamir: Name - Yellow
-[100]-[Harry Potter]-Demiguise: Name - Clear
-[100]-[Slime Rancher]-Rock Slime: Name - Rocky
-[100]-[Metroid]-Lightbringer: Name - Healer
-[200]-[Final Fantasy]-Mandragora: Name - Merle (Lend to Nimue)
-Dream Flower: 15' AoE Sleep.
-Head Butt: Single target damage and a chance to Knockback.
-Leaf Dagger: Single target Poison.
-Photosynthesis: Regen effect.
-Scream: 15' AoE Mind down.
-Wild Oats: Single target damage and Vitality down.
-[100]-[Kirby]-Rocky: Name - Rocky
-[100]-[Minecraft (Twilight Forest)]-Death Tome: Name - Grimoire
-[100]-[Elder Scroll]-Servant Shadowmere: Name - Shadow

Class: Assassin

  • Strength: C
  • Endurance: C
  • Agility: C
  • Magical Power: E
  • Luck: C
  • Noble Phantasm: D

Class Skills

  • Presence Concealment(C and EX): While this skill rank is quite low for an Assassin class Servant, Shadow remains a Horse, so hiding is harder for him. Shadow's Presence Concealment is unique in that he can share its effect with whoever is riding him.

Personal Skills

  • Vertical Movement (D): Shadow can move effortlessly on vertical surfaces as if it was horizontal. This effect includes its rider who felt no discomfort from it and can act as if gravity was coming from the vertical surface. This skill cannot be used on surfaces that can't bear Shadow's weight, or wooden fences.
  • Fast Travel (EX): Shadow can always follow his rider no matter how far or how fast he moves. Shadow automatically teleported to the side of its master should he find himself suddenly too far from him. This works no matter the distance and even across dimensions, the only limit being that Shadow needs enough room to appear and the environment must not be hostile to him, such as deep underwater.
  • Regeneration (B): Shadow constantly regenerates by absorbing matter from his original plane of Oblivion. Only a sufficiently fast and powerful attack can kill him.

Noble Phantasms
  • Dark Pool of Oblivion (D)(Anti-Unit): Shadow summons forth the Dark Pool that births him underneath its foe. The target is slowly dragged into it. Should it fail to escape it will die disintegrated by the void between dimensions. Resisting the attraction from the pool is possible but not easy, some form of enhanced strength or outside help is necessary. While being dragged in the pool teleportation effect cannot be used on the target, even by itself.
-[100]-[One Piece]-Black Den Den Mushi: Name - Spy
Learned Cryptography from Miss J.
-[100]-[Toriko]-Doctor Fish: Name - None
-[100]-[Warhamme 40,000]-Machine Spirit: Name - Tech
-[100]-[Dinotrux]-Junktools: Name - Tools
-[100]-[Oddworld]-Vykker: Name - Etszu
-[100]-[Ben 10]-Scrutin: Name -Eye
-[100]-[Subnautica]-Mesmer: Name - Hypno
-[100]-[Starbound]-Electric Fluffalo: Name - Spark
-[100]-[Kirby]-Chilly: Name - Snow
-[100]-[Percy Jackson]-Basilisk: Name - Basil
-[100]-[Lilo & Stitch]-Efficiency V Experiment 529 Digger: Name - Digger
-Structural Engineering: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of a university diploma in the subject.
-[100]-[Kingdom Hearts]-Bulky Vendor: Name - Vendor
-[050]-[Worm]-Snitch: Name - Drone
-[200]-[Fallout]-Automatron: Name - Automatron (Options)
-[100]-[Dragon Age]-Gurn: Name - Horn
-[050]-[Ratchet and Clank]-Critters: See Spoiler (Lend to Nimue)
Quadrupedal Ligne 2 Main
Slug List
Bipedal List
Quadrupedal List
-[100]-[SCP]-Scp-999: Name - Hug
Verant Avatar level 5: Accelerated Maturation (+5%/lvl to plant growth), Verdant Transformation (Photosynthesis: 5% health regen per hour in sunlight), Forest Knowledge, Pollen Production, The tools you use to gather your chosen resource no longer wear away from use and no longer require energy to function.
Gatherer (Plant) level 5: +2.5% to productivity per Gatherer Level when gathering plants.
-[100]-[The Wandering Inn]-Pegasi: Name - Pegase
-[100]-[V: Yu-Gi-Oh]-Kuriboh: Name - Fluff
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Eastern Gray Squirrel: Name - Chip (Granted)
-[050]-[Minecraft (Aether)]-Aerbunny: Name- Cloudy (Lend to Nimue)
-[000]-[SCP]-Scp-1316: Name - Lucy
-[500]-[Ratchet & Clank]-Clank: Name - Clank
-[200]-[Ni No Kuni]-Ruffian: Name - Mane
Sign: Sun
Level 5
Miracle Move: Conflagration
Trick 1: Earsplitter
Trick 2: Fling Flame
Trick 3: Hot Huff
Trick 4:
-[200]-[Fell Seal]-Lemon Pektite: Name - Malcolm
Level 20
Basic Attack: Small electrical shock
Thunder 1: Deals Lightning damage in a small area (5m diameter sphere) up to 10m away.
Thunder 2: Deals Lightning 1.5*damage in a small area (5m diameter sphere) up to 10m away.
Coalesce: Sacrifice their life to revive an adjacent ally, fully restore their HP, and transfer all buffs to them.
Passive: Amorphous: All attacks against this character are considered to be from the front. (no additional damage taken no matter where attack land)
Counter: Adaptive Affinity: When the character is dealt elemental damage, they gain a buff that increases their own damage output by 0.35x with that Element.
Movement: Hover
Elemental Resistance: Resist Water, Neutral to Fire, Weak to Earth, Absorb Lightning

Knowledge gained from Miss J: Electricity
-[200]-[SCP]-Scp-5094: Name - Miss J
-[000]-[Avatar]-Possum chicken: Name - Lazy (Granted)
-[300]-[Terraria]-Vampire Frog Staff: Name - None
-[500]-[V: Astral Chain]-Axe Legion: Name - Howard
It can be summoned at will, with no per-day limit on the number of times it can be called on. But it can only remain summoned for 100 seconds at a time, with a cooldown of 100 seconds between each summoning.
It still counts toward the summoning limit.
It's linked to the summoner by an immaterial chain so it can't go more than 10m away from him (the Improved Distance power does not apply). It's controlled telepathically, with no need for verbal orders, and the summoner can access the senses of the Legion at any time.
And finally, it's completely invisible to normal humans. (a few parahumans may be able to perceive it or at least its presence.)
It's not immaterial however and can affect the world around it. The chain itself is immaterial for everyone but you and the Legion, it may interact only with some Projection.
Level 2.5/6
Cleaving III on Axe
Special Abilities:
-Energy Barrier: Create a spherical barrier 3m in diameter around itself.
-Explosion: Can generate explosion in surface previously stabbed.
Abilities: (3 slots)
Chain Boost +5.0m ( Occupy 3 slots)
Level 1 Skills:
Ability slots +2
+5% Atk and +5% Def
Level 2 Skills:
Perfect Dodge + Sync: Grants a Sync Attack chance after a successful Perfect Dodge.
Chain Bind + Sync: Grants a Sync Attack chance after a successful Chain Bind.
Auto-Bind: Automatically Chain Binds all enemies within the area of effect.
Power Charge: Boosts attack power of you and the Legion.
Speed Star: Boosts movement and attack speed for you and the Legion.
Level 3 Skills:
+5% Atk and Def
+10 % Atk and Def
Blue Shield: Deploys 3 shields that block attacks.
Level 4 Skills:
Crash Bomb: Buries a volatile time bomb that explodes if touched.
Hit Rush: Unchains the Legion for a fierce combo.
Rising Axe and Axe Sweep
Perfect Call: Activated when the Legion is called right before an enemy attack.
Level 5 Skills:
+10 % Atk and Def
Sync Keep: Briefly retain boosted stats and ability effects after dismissing the Legion.
Perfect Call + Sync: Grants a Sync Attack chance after a successful Perfect Call.
Ability slots +1
Level 6 Skills:
+20 % Atk and Def
Ability slots +1
-[050]-[Harry Potter]-Sorting Hat: Name - Godric
-[600]-[Toriko]-Denshark: Name - Bruce (Special cars: Cells, Interrogation, Administration)
-[200]-[Monster Sanctuary]-Skorch: Name - Chandelle
Nature Dragon
Element: Fire/Earth
Weak to Fire
Resist Earth
Utility: Ignite: Burns vines, Enkindles torches, etc…
Level 25 (26 Skill points)
Armor Bypass x2
Mud Cannon LVL 4
Ignite LVL 4
Restore LVL 4
Barrier LVL 1
Health Plus x1
Revive LVL 1
Sustain LVL 1
Mana Plus x2
Soul Beam LVL 2
Combo Healing
Magic Powered Shield
-[200]-[Pokemon]-Sneasel: Name - Sombra
Type: Dark/Ice
Level 24
Ability: Keen Eye
Held Item: None
Move Prepared:
1: Quick Attack
2: Leer
3: Bite (Egg Move)
4: Ice Shard
Move Know:
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Double Team (TM)
-Bite (Egg Move)
-Ice Shard
-Quick Attack
-Metal Claw
-Poison Jab
Height: 0.9m (2.11 ft)
Weight: 28kg (61.7 lbs)
Taking inspiration from Legend Arceus, in addition to its normal Gen 8 moveset, Sneasel will learn the following move:
Ice Shard at level 9
Slash at level 21
Poison Jab instead of Icy Wind at level 24
Swords Dance instead of Hone Claws at 36
And it will also evolve at level 36.
-[200]-[Slugterra]-Jellyish: Name - Goober
-[000]-[Ark]-Achatina: Name - Slow (Lend to Nimue)
-[100]-[Ark]-Giant Queen Bee: Name - Beeauty
-[000]-[Subnautica]-Golden Trivalve: Name - Cyclops
-[600]-[Mother of Learning]-Princess: Name- Princess
Female Nine-Headed Blue Hydra
20m in Length/Height
Short-range teleportation (less than 100m) cannot attack immediately afterward.
Faster than its size would indicate
Telepathy with Alex
Wind infused Roar
Poisoned Fang and Poison breath
Disintegration beam
Summoned with Imperial Orb (only contain the empty (no furniture, nothing) but intact palace and no animal life.)
Alex can teleport inside with people he's touching.
Alex can store a copy of his memory in the orb.
-[600]-[Bayonetta]-Sapientia: Name - Sapientia
-[000]-[Portal]-Companion Cube: Name - Companion Cube
-[500]-[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Harvest: Name - Harvest
Made up of 500 fist-sized drones.
Visible only to Parahuman with Projection power. (Miss Militia, Crusader, Manton, Genesis, Ursa Major, etc...)
Take damage only from Projection and reflect that damage to Alex but divide by 500.
Alex can see, hear, and talk (only to "Stand" users) through each component of Harvest.
Each drone can possess a hypodermic needle able to inject liquid into a target, the liquid must be provided separately.
Harvest as a whole is considered to be one creature for the purpose of power interaction, with the size of an 80cm cube.
Destruction power: E (very weak)
Speed: B (good, higher than a human)
Range: A (Excellent) (5km radius)
Persistence: A (Excellent)
Precision: E (very weak)
Development Potential: C (Human)
-[200]-[Don't Starve]-Bernie: Name - Bernie (lvl 5/9)
1: Nothing
2: Patch Up I: Regen 0.5 Hp/s
3: Accelerant I: Speed +15%
4: Tough Stuffing I: + 15% Hp
5: Patch Up II: Regen 1 Hp/s
6: Accelerant II: Speed +30%
7: Tough Stuffing II: + 30% Hp
8: Lunar/Shadow Bernie: +5 Planar dmg to Shadow/Lunar enemy and gains 15 planar protection against them
9: Burning Bernie: Catch on fire, deal damage to enemy that touch Bernie
-[200]-[D&D]-Kamadan: Name - Sekmet
-[200]-[Dragon Quest]-Shadow: Name - Ombre
-[300]-[Warhammer 40,000]-Catachan Devil: Name - Centi
-[300]-[Monster Hunter]-Rathalos: Name - Massue
-[050]-[Elder Scroll]-Clockwork Skeevaton: Name - Squee
-[000]-[Avatar]-Turtle crab: Name - Sebastian
-[800]-[V: Neon Genesis Evangelion]-Eva 01: Name - Eva
-[600]-[Xenoblade]-Cressidus: Name - Cressidus
Rare Blade Level 4
Role: Tank
Element: Earth
Weapon: Knockback II Rockrending Gauntlet
Driver Modifier: PV Max: + 20%
Rockrending Gauntlet Arts:
-Lion Claw: Deal more damage from the Front
-Buffalo Beat: Knockback target
-Rock Bullet: Launch Rocky projectile in front of you.

  • Lv. 1 - Dead Ball - Throw out a ball of condensed energy from your right hand. Adds a 90% chance of dealing a guard-annulling attack.
  • Lv. 2 - Berserk March - Go on a rampage, bowling over the enemy. Increases aggro drawn from Specials by 90%.
  • Lv. 3 - Earth Breath - Hit the ground with ether collected between both fists. When landing a hit, restores 45% of damage dealt to the whole party.
  • Lv. 4 - Star Crusher - Rush down the enemy and slam them with a leaping body press. Increases dmg dealt to toppled enemies by 125%, extending Topple duration.
Battle Skill:
-Senton: Increases dmg dealt to toppled enemies by 125%, extending Topple duration
-Double Team: Increases Blade's Lv 4 Special damage by 150%
-Trespass: Deals damage to all enemies when swapped in via Blade Switch

Blade Arts:
-Draw Aggro: Draws aggro from enemies in battle.
-Arts Plus: Boosts the power of the next Driver Art by 50%.

Field Skill:
-Earth Mastery: The power of an Earth Blade
-Nopon Wisdom: Knowledge related to Nopon. Decode writing, speak Nopon, etc.
-Botany: Knowledge related to plants

Blades can be summoned and unsummoned at will.
Blades can either give you their weapon to use or use it themselves.
-[200]-[Risk of Rains]-Lepton Daisy: Name - None
Must be attached to an active object to work, anything with an on/off button.
Send a pulse of healing in a 60m radius every 2 minutes.
If multiple daisies are attached to the same object, a pulse will be sent once per daisy at evenly spread intervals. (once per minute for 2 daisies once every 30 seconds for four daisies, and so on)
-[300]-[Dragons]-Changewing: Name - Camo
-[200]-[One Piece]-Treasure Tree Adam: Name - None
-[400]-[Monster Sanctuary]-Draconoir: Name - Xaytorreth
Aerial Reptile Dragon
Element: Earth and Neutral
Weak to Physical Attack
Resist Earth and Neutral
Utility: Improved Flying: Can fly with a Rider
Level 29 (30 Skill points)
Claws LVL 4
Stone Rain LVL 4
Shadow Storm LVL 3
Wizardry LVL 2
Anti Curse
Attack Plus x1
Magic Plus x1
Crit Chance Plus x2
Critical Poison
Hybrid Mastery
Buff Catalyst
Critical Essence
Health Plus x2
Defense Plus x1
Soul Beam LVL2
-[000]-[SCP]-Scp-3973: Name - Lucky
-[100]-[XCOM]-GREMLIN: Name - ROV
Your Gremlin is automatically upgraded to Gremlin II and Gremlin III after enough time spent summoned and used.
-[100]-[Dragon Quest]-Imp: Name - Trick
-[100]-[Dragons]-Spiderwing: Name - Soiele
-[000]-[My Little Pony]-Parasprites: Name - Cutie
-[100]-[Stardew Valley]-Red Slime: Name - Boule (0/4 to Purple Slime)
-[200]-[Mass Effect]-Rachni Worker or Rachni Soldier: Name - Baxter
-[100]-[Super Mario]-Koopa Troopa: Name - Koops
Path: Paper Mario:
Lvl: 15/25
Lv1- Learn Shell Toss
Lv5- Learn Power Shell
Lv10- Learn Shell Shield
Lv15- Learn Dizzy Shell
Lv20- Learn Shell Slam
Lv25- Learn Fire Shell
-[100]-[Xenoblade]-Pond Tenebra: Name - Retto (0/4 to Crusher)
-[100]-[Pokemon]-B Unown: B: Name - Beta
Type: Psychic
Level 18
Ability: Levitate
Held Item: None
Move 1: Hidden Power: Flying
Height: 0.5m (1.08 ft)
Weight: 5kg (11 lbs)
-[100]-[Monster Hunter]-Velociprey: Name - Cobalt (Granted)
-[050]-[Harry Potter]-Magical Owl: Name - Staria
-[050]-[Slime Rancher]-Tabby Slime: Name - Sleeky
-[100]-[DC]-Mickey the Mouse: Name - Mickey
-[100]-[Risk of Rain]-Defensive Microbots: Name - None
Any creature summoned while this is summoned will also have a Defensive Microbot summoned with them.
-[100]-[Final Fantasy]-Trick Sparrow: Name - Beaker
-[100]-[Terraria]-Worm Scarf: Name - Comfi
-[100]-[Minecraft (Thaumcraft)]-Golemancy: Name - None
You can summon any type of golem allowed.
-[000]-[Elder Scroll]-Ancestor Moth: Name - Memoria
-[050]-[Naruto]-Bikōchū: Name - Shino
-[100]-[The World Ends With You]-Pig Jig: Name - Oscar
-[100]-[Okami]-Blocking Spider: Name - Tiny (Lend to Nimue)
-[050]-[Toriko]-Butterfly Therapy: Name - Balm, and Salve
-[100]-[Warhammer 40,000]-Cyber Mastiff: Old English Sheepdog: Name - Macula
-[000]-[Eternal Cylinder]-Ocular Orthopod: Name - I-Spy
-[050]-[The Secret Saturday]-Shamirs: Name - Constructio
-[100]-[Skylanders]-Slobber Trap: Name - Hooch
-[100]-[Kirby]-UFO: Name - E.T. (Lend to Nimue)
-[100]-[Ni No Kuni]-Fairy: Name - Dorly
-[100]-[Monster Movie]-Gremlins: Name - Gonzo
You can summon your Gremlin either as a Gremlin or as a Mogwai.
-[100]-[Lilo & Stitch]-Experiment 234 Shush: Name - Shush
-[100]-[Disney]-Flubber: Name - Flubber
When you gain Flubber, you also learn how to create an energy generator functioning on Flubber.
-[100]-[RWBY]-Nightmare: Name - None
You summon your Nightmare in seed forms and can use it to infect any living creature.
Unless the target is unusually resistant to diseases or parasites, they fall asleep four hours after infection.
-[100]-[Portal]-Sentry Turret: Name - None
-[100]-[Slugterra]-Polero: Name - Tang-el
-[100]-[Ratchet and Clank]-Maintenance Bot: Name - Bleep
-[100]-[SCP]-Scp-4384: Name - Haida
-[100]-[The Wandering Inn]-Waisrabbit: Name - Blink
-[050]-[V: Sonic]-Chao: Name - Dream
-[400]-[Monster Movie]-Simuroc: Name - Simuroc
-[200]-[Fell Seal]-Ercinee: Name - Domo
Level 21
Basic Attack: Clawed Wing
Sacred Bolt: Deals Holy damage to the target up to 6.5m away.
Kamikaze: Sacrifices the character's life to deal Fire damage to all enemies (damage increases the more HP the character has and the closer they are to enemies).
Final Chant: Sacrifices the character's life to heal all allies (healing increases the more HP the character has).
Passive: Hallowed Body: Increases ATK by 20% of MND and MND by 20% of ATK.
Counter: Turnabout: Upon death, deals 1.5x Fire damage around the character.
Movement: Flying
Elemental Resistance: Weak to Water, Immune to Fire, Light Resistance to Earth, Neutral to Lightning, Weak to Darkness (Profane), Resistance to Light (Holy)
-[050]-[Elder Scroll]-Mudcrab: Name - Crusty (Lend to Nimue)
-[000]-[Avatar]-Purple Pentapus: Name - Penta (Granted)
-[300]-[One Piece]-Knockback II Punch II Snake Weapon: Name - Kuja
-Teaching: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of a university diploma in the subject.
Living Weapon level 8: Weapon Properties*4 (Blurring (1st), Merging (3rd), Material Imitating (5th), Telekinetic Control (7th)), Size Adaptation, Situational Adaptation
Teacher (Haki) level 6: +2.5% to teaching speed per Teacher lvl for Haki. You always know the best ways to teach a specific person or group of people, within the limit of your specialty. This even allows you to bypass any learning disabilities they may have.

Materials Available for Imitating:
Spider Silk, Zilla's Scales, Element, Demiguise's fur, Blue Steel, Bright Shard, Orichalcum, Titanium, Aluminium, Steel, Gold, Silver, Copper, Diamond, Plastic, Adam Wood, Prismatic Shard, Demonite Ore, Thaumium, Flubber, Magical Mercury, Sapient Pearwood, and Sacred Tree Wood.
-[200]-[Ratchet and Clank]-Glitch: Name - Glitch
-[000]-[Don't Starve]-Naked Mole Bat: Name - Sniffer
-[100]-[Kirby]-Blade Knight: Name - Caradoc
Heroic Swordmaster level 8: Spin Attack (Basic, Aerial), Heart Containers (+25%*lvl health), Jump Strike, Dash Attack
Gatherer (Dungeon) level 6: +2.5% to productivity per Gatherer lvl in Dungeon, The tools you use to gather your chosen resource no longer wear away from use and no longer require energy to function.
Sword Enchanted with Looting III
-[200]-[Monster Hunter]-Felicicrow: Name - Felicity
-[300]-[V: Maneater]-Maneater: Name - Grace
You can summon your Maneater with one Path and four organs of your choice.
Bull Shark path: No Bonus
Bone Path:
+25% Thrash Damage, +60% Boat damage, +50% Splash radius, 30 Tailwhip damage, +250% Tailwhip force, 90% Damage resistance, +175% Ramming Damage, +50 Boat Crew Knockback Resistance, 40% Boat Crew Damage Resistance, 100% Ram Force Bonus, on evade, inflict 50 damage on anything in 2m, 17 Damage Reduction, 25% Mass, on a lunge, inflict 60 damage on anything within 2m, 25% Lunge Speed, 25% Max Speed, 25% Acceleration Bonus, 50% Crew Ejection Chance on Ram, 25% Swim Speed.
Shadow Path:
30% Bite Damage, 50 Health per bite, 50% Max Speed, 40% Swim Speed, on a tail whip, the poison projectile deals 50 damage in a 30m range, 5 poison counters on all creatures in 10m, 30% Lunge Speed, 25% Thrash Damage, on evade, release a poison cloud that puts 5 poison counters on all creatures within 5m, 20% Acceleration Bonus, on a lunge, releases a cloud that puts 10 poison counters on all creatures within 10m
Bio-Electric Path:
On a bite, you release an electrical shock, on a tail whip, it launches a wave of electricity that inflict 10 damage and puts 3 stun counters on anything within 4m, on a tailwhip, it launches a wave of electricity that inflicts 20 damage and puts 3 stun counters on anything in the path for 30m, on a slam, the target boat cannot move for 10s, on evade, you turn into lightning, inflicting 20 damage and put 3 stun counters on anything within 5m, 100% Damage Resistance, 70% Evade Speed, 30% Projectile Damage Resistance, 30% Electrical Damage Resistance and on a lunge, you turn into lightning, inflicting 20 damage and putting 6 stun counters on anything within 9m, 25% Lunge Speed, 25% Max Speed, 25% Acceleration Bonus, 25% Swim Speed, +50% Bio-Electric damage bonus
Atomic Path:
On bite, gain five +1% damage bonus and damage resistance counters that can stack with other attacks, on slam, release a burst of atomic energy, inflicting 75 damage and pushing everything within 6m, you also gain five +1% damage bonus and damage resistance counters that can stack with other attacks, on evade, you turn into atomic energy, inflicting 150 damage on targets you impact, you also gain three +1% damage bonus and damage resistance counters that can stack with other attacks, +50% Damage Resistance, +30% Evade Speed, on tail whip, release a bolt of atomic energy with a 30m range that inflicts 150 damage, immunity to radiation sickness, +5% Damage Bonus, Atomic Blast allows you to gather and fire blasts of atomic energy, while active, holding a bite will put you in targeting mode while you charge up a blast of atomic energy, the longer you charge, the more damage you will do when you unleash the blast by releasing bite, the blast will do base 200 damage to targets it hits and will explode in a 10m radius, inflicting base 100 damage.
Advanced Sonar: This evolution improves the range, cooldown, and sensitivity of your sonar ability.
Passive: +300% Sonar Radius, -50% Sonar Cooldown.
Hearty: This evolution increases your Health and resistance to being knocked off a boat by the melee attacks of crewmembers.
Passive: +600 Max Health, +60 Boat Crew Knockback Resistance.
Amphibious: This evolution allows you to survive longer and move faster on land.
Passive: +50% Land Speed, 125% Survival Time on Land.
Adrenal Gland: This evolution increases your speed when you are badly injured.
On Low Health: +30% Max Speed, +30% Evade Speed, +30% Lunge Speed, +30% Acceleration Bonus, +30% Swim Speed.
Reinforced Cartilage: This evolution increases your resistance to damage.
Passive: +15% Damage Resistance.
Subliminal Evasion: This evolution makes normally hostile wildlife that are a fraction of your size neutral to you.
Passive: Hostile fish smaller than 90% of your size are neutral to you.
Brutal Muscles: This evolution increases your swimming speed and the damage of your tailwhip.
Passive: +30% Max Speed, +30 Tailwhip Damage, +30% Acceleration Bonus, +30% Tailwhip Force, +30% Swim Speed.
Tail Catapult: Increases the damage, range, force, and velocity of your whipshot attacks.
Passive: Projectiles you whipshot inflict an additional +25% damage, +200% Whipshot Velocity, +200% Whipshot Range, and +200% Tailwhip Force.
Healing Factor: This evolution restores a small amount of your Health every second.
Passive: +36 Health Regen
Sonic Burst: This evolution releases a powerful blast of sound when you use your sonar, damaging and knocking back creatures and boats nearby.
Passive: When you use your sonar, you release a sonic blast inflicting 150 damage and forcing back creatures and boats within 30 meters, the damage drops off the further the target is from you.
Disorienting Sonar: This evolution disorients nearby creatures when you use your sonar, causing them to inflict less damage.
Passive: When you use your sonar, creatures within 60 meters of you gain a -30% penalty to the damage they inflict for 10 seconds.
Targeting Sonar: This evolution uses your sonar to pinpoint nearby threats, granting you a damage bonus against them for a short time.
Passive: When you use your sonar, you release a sonar ping that grants you a +30% bonus to damage inflicted to creatures and humans within 60 meters for 10 seconds.
Protein Digestion: This evolution increases how many Proteins you gain and the Health you heal by feeding.
Passive: +30% Proteins, +30% Health on Feeding.
Fat Digestion: This evolution increases how many Fats you gain and the Health you heal by feeding.
Passive: +30% Fats, +30% Health on Feeding.
Mineral Digestion: This evolution increases how many Minerals you gain and the Health you heal by feeding.
Passive: +30% Minerals, +30% Health on Feeding.
Mutagen Digestion: This evolution increases how many Mutagens you gain and the Health you heal by feeding.
Passive: +30% Mutagens, +30% Health on Feeding.
-[500]-[TYPE-MOON]-Volumen Hydrargyrum: Name - Trimmau
-[100]-[Terraria]-Anomura Fungus: Name - Kokako (Lend to Nimue)
-[400]-[Devil May Cry]-Devil Bringer: Name - None
When Summoned replace your right arm from your hand to your elbow.
Appearance: The forearm is almost completely covered in black scale-like skin, save for the glowing blue streaks that run through it in its entirety. The scales run up the back of the hand and outside of the fingers. The inside of the hand is dark greenish-blue.
Intangible Touch: Spectral arm can interact with incorporeal beings.
Buster: After grabbing an enemy with the Devil Bringer, bust them up with this damaging throw. Throws vary according to the enemy.
Snatch: Send forth the Devil Bringer and grasp a distant enemy within its clutches. Large or heavy enemies cannot be pulled in.
Hell Bound: Grab a ledge to move long distances in a heartbeat. Using Snatch against enemies that can't be pulled will execute a Hell Bound instead.
Dual Hold: Position one or two captured enemies in front of you for a larger shield to ward off more attacks. Enemies who cannot be snatched up cannot be used as shields.
Bringer Knuckle: Follow up with a ferocious attack from your demonic arm. The type of attack changes depending on the position and the condition of the enemy.
Auto-Search: When near hidden objects or spaces, the Devil Bringer will begin glowing, strengthening as it gets nearer to the hidden object.
Absorb: Can absorb some item or materials that possess special properties to gain new related powers. (Cannot absorb partners' armor/vehicle/weapon shape. Subject to QM veto.)
Spectral Like-Like: Transform your Spectral Arm into a Spectral Like-Like that follows you around.
Blue Metal Arm: Transform your Spectral Arm into an animated piece of armor, gauntlet, vambrace, and pauldron. It could either cover your arm for protection or move independently, able to do the same action as the spectral arm.
Efficient Destruction: Your Devil Bringer claws and Spectral Arm deal more damage to inanimate objects.
Invisible Arm: You can render your Spectral Arm invisible at will.
Fairy Light: You can create a floating fist-size orb of light and anchor it to any part of Devil Bringer (finger, palm, elbow…) or to the Spectral Arm. It glows blue by default but it can be toggled to any color of the visible spectrum. When the Orb is present and Auto-Search activates, the orb sends out a light beam in the direction of the item objects or spaces.
Angel's Blood: On contact Devil Bringer can drain the blood of a creature and use it to heal you.
Express Hell Bound: When using Hell Bound you are teleported directly to your destination without passing through the intervening distance.
Nightmare Claw: You can generate a sleeping draught with your claws and inject it on contact.
Chaos Power: You can give a machine energy to power it with a simple touch or through the Spectral Arm.
Spectral Shark Tail: Transform your Spectral Arm into a Shark Tail overlapping your legs.
Water Shadow: In addition to your Spectral arm you can summon an arm made of water. You can either overlap it with Devil Bringer to generate a secondary hit after every punch. Or you can have float near you and control it mentally as an additional limb.
-[000]-[The Future is Wild]-Forest Flish: Name - Flint (Lend to Nimue)
-[200]-[V: Warframe]-MOA: Name - Undecided
-[300]-[Kirby]-Master Hand: Name - None
-[000]-[Rayman]-Plum: Name - None
-[000]-[Monster Hunter]-Moon Slug: Name - None (Lend to Nimue)
-[700]-[Pokemon]-Koraidon: Name - Koraidon
Type: Fighting/Dragon
Level 78
Ability: Orichalcum Pulse
Held Item: None
Move Prepared:
1: Collision Course
2: Dragon Claw
3: Flamethrower
4: Agility
Move Know:
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Double Team (TM)
-Sunny Day
-Breaking Swipe
-Rock Smash
-Ancient Power
-Drain Punch
-Brick Break
-Dragon Claw
-Collision Course
Height: 2.5m (8.02 ft)
Weight: 303kg (668 lbs)
-[100]-[Zelda]-Mini-Moldorm: Name - Lumbric (Lend to Nimue)
-[000]-[SCP]-Scp-2584: Name - Ouroboros
-[200]-[D&D]-Water Animental Crane: Name - Yuhua (Lend to Nimue)
A bird made of ever-flowing water, with a beak and talons made of coral, glowing green orbs for eyes, a crown of foam, and tail feathers of bubbles. (Reference Image)
-Water Mastery: When it and its foe are both submerged in water its attacks are more precise and deal 5% more damage.
-Water Breath Attack: It can use a breath weapon, once per minute, generating and projecting water in a cone twice its size (23 in length and width at normal size). Pushing back and damaging any creatures or objects in the zone. It's the equivalent of being subject to a water cannon used for crowd control.
-[300]-[Metroid]-Evolve Zeta Metroid: Name - Glutton (1/10 to Omega)
-[300]-[Risk of Rain]-Xi Construct: Name - Xi
-[300]-[Super Smash Bros]-R.O.B: Name - Rob
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Clathrina Clathrus: Name - None (Granted)
-[000]-[Minecraft (The Betweenlands)]-Root Sprite: Root
-[100]-[Ark]-Raptor: Name - Delta
-[100]-[Metroid]-Pulse Bombu: Name - Electron
-[300]-[V: Discworld]-Luggage: Name - Baggage
Thorns X
-Healing items, poison, assorted chemicals.
-Precious Ingots and Gems.
-Magic Rings.
-Wool, Silk, and Leathers.
-Costume and Civilian Clothes.
-[300]-[Megaman]-Doc Robot: Name - Doc
When you summon your Doc Robot, you can choose which program data from the eighth Robot Masters from Mega Man 2 it came equipped with.
Alternatively, if you possess other Robot Masters you can have your Doc Robot use their program data instead.
-Available data:
Metal Man: Metal Blade
Quick Man: Quick Boomerang equipped with Rang Ring L-2
Air Man: Air Shooter
Crash Man: Crash Bomber
Flash Man: Time Stopper
Bubble Man: Bubble Lead
Wood Man: Leaf Shield
Heat Man: Atomic Fire
-[000]-[Terraria]-Critter: Enchanted Nightcrawler: Name - None
-[200]-[Ratchet and Clank]-Experiment 223 Glitch: Name - Hacker
-[200]-[Digimon]-Sunarizamon: Name - Gobimon (Path 1: Champion 8/10)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Cape Sugarbird: Name - None
-[000]-[Toriko]-Potato Mouse: Name - None
-[200]-[Dragon Quest]-Powie Yowie: Name - Yeti
-[200]-[SCP]-Scp-387: Name - Lego
-[000]-[The Eternal Cylinder]-Springworm: Name - None
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Hymenopus Coronatus: Flower Mantis: Name - None
-[800]-[V: Generic Fantasy]-Custom Dungeon Core: Name - Nimue
-[400]-[Final Fantasy]-Tonberry: Name - Tom
-[400]-[V: Crash Bandicoot]-Kupuna Wa: Name - Kupuna Wa
-[000]-[Stardew Valley]-Lava Eel: Name - None
-[300]-[Ben 10]-Arburian Pelarota: Name - Roller
-[400]-[Ark]-Manticore Name - Rager
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Hummingbird: Golden-Tailed Sapphire: Name - Prism
-[050]-[Monster Movie]-Killer donuts: Name - Glaze
-[300]-[RWBY]-Seer: Name - Devin
-[050]-[Elder Scroll]-Sep Adder: Name - Adet
-[000]-[SCP]-Scp-368: Name - Origami
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Calopteryx Taurica (Damselfly): Name - Damsel
-[300]-[V: Danny Phantom]-Cujo: Name - Cujo
-[300]-[Fakemon]-Duplicat: Name - Replica
Type: Normal
Level 33
Ability: Prankster
Held Item:
Move Prepared:
1: Glare
2: Transform
3: Double Team
4: Feint
Moves Know:
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Feint (Egg Move)
-Double Team
-Confuse Ray
Height: 0.6m (1.11 ft)
Weight: 7.2kg (15.9 lbs)
-[300]-[Plants vs Zombies]-Enforce-Mint: Name - Perfor
Level 3/10
Every 80 seconds can generate a circular area of effect 10 m in radius that lasts for 10 seconds.
Up to 9 + 1/lvl beings at a time entering this effect are shrunk to a third of their size for two minutes.
Give boosts to melee plants (Kiwibeast) when they are within 10 m of it.
-[100]-[Plants vs Zombies]-Kiwibeast: Name - Stompy
Level 3/10
At full health is the size of a large dog, when lightly wounded double in size and when severely wounded triple in size.
Every two seconds on the ground generating a shockwave dealing damage to enemy that are close by. (1m, 3m, or 5m depending on its size).
-[300]-[Monsuno]-Mysticblade: Name - Mysticblade
-[300]-[Kid Icarus]-Punch II Power V Divine Bow: Name - None
-[300]-[Enter the Gungeon]-Blank Companion's Ring: Name - None
-[300]-[Shaman King]-Matamune: Name - Matamune
-[300]-[Genshin Impact]-Kageroumaru: Name - Kageroumaru
Can generate one Canine Bunshin at a time but must remain focused while doing so.
Thunderwheels: Launches three spinning wheels of electricity in different directions
Canine Art: Plummeting Blade: Teleports to a target location and marks an area around it, calling down thunder and dealing damage in the marked area shortly after.
Canine Art: Geo Bunshin: When attacked, teleports away and leaves a Bunshin Bomb at its original location that marks an area around it before detonating, dealing fire damage in the marked area.
Dendro Prison: Upon initiating a fight, summons a square barrier made of Thorn vines around the target. The barrier does not deal damage.
-[300]-[Cassette Beasts]-Diveal: Name - Cousteau
Type: Water
Level: 14
-Ice Coating
-Elemental Wall
-Ice Resistance
lvl17: Ice Breaker
lvl21: Undertow + Remaster into Scubalrus
-[200]-[Worm]-Personal AI: Name - Virtual Alex
You gain an AI that can be implanted into any Computer or similar technology. It will have a mind identical to yours with the ability to access all files on the computer. When unsummoned the AI's memory will be given to you.
-[300]-[Marvel]-Flerken: Name - Oscar
-[500]-[V: Paranatural]-Custom Spirit: Name - Ties-That-Bind
-Name: Ties-That-Bind (answers to Binder)
-Power Level: 3
-Shape: Humanoid in shape and size, with multiple arms and no body below the head. Wears a fancy cape.
-Color: Maroon
-Traits: Poltergeist (can interact with the physical world), Spectral Combat (can fight using spectral energy), High Spirit (can speak High Spirit)
-Powers: Vectors Shift
The Spirit can fire up to 3 Ghostly Arrows at any target it can see no matter the distance.
The arrow reaches its target instantly and does no damage, it is a marker, not an attack, but the sensation is unpleasant.
The arrow is visible as a Ghostly outline but only Ties-That-Bind or its Spectral can interact with it. Living targets struck by the arrow will be able to feel it, but cannot interact with it. It is a very unpleasant sensation.
Once a target is marked, the Spirit and its spectral can use the marker in two different ways.
They can teleport to be adjacent, up to two meters, to the Ghostly Arrow.
If the marked target has a size of less than 50 meters in any direction, they can also adjust the direction in which Gravity affects it.
-Character: Rather old for a spirit, he has accrued much wisdom in his life. He strongly believes in doing the right thing and is willing to ignore or break the law if that's what it takes. Tends to favor direct answers to whatever problem he faces, but if pushed will come up with elaborate schemes. Disdains the idea of fighting fair and will mock people who think of it as a virtue. He enjoys dark humor to a somewhat disturbing degree.
-[200]-[Ark]-Liopleurodon: Name - Charlie
-[200]-[Bayonetta]-Hideous A: Name - Hid
-[200]-[Bayonetta]-Hideous B: Name - Deo (Lend to Nimue)
-[200]-[Bayonetta]-Hideous C: Name - Ous
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Glaucus Atlanticus (Blue Sea Dragon): Name - None
-[000]-[Genshin Impact]-Maintenance Mek: Name - None
-[000]-[Rainworld]-Lantern Mouse: Name - None
-[300]-[Code Lyoko]-Scorpion: Name - Stomper (Lend to Nimue)
-[050]-[Harry Potter]-The Monster Book of Monsters: Name - Booky
-[700]-[EDF]-Gargant: Name - Gargant
Can spawn EDF creatures you own worth 500 points or less except Carriers.
Available Creatures: [400]-Deroy
-[200]-[Monster Movie]-Griever: Name - None
-[000]-[Monster Hunter]-Tsuchinoko: Name - Flat
-[000]-[Mundane Animal]-Heterometrus Laoticus: Name - Scorp
-[400]-[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]-Hermit Purple: Name - Hermit
-[300]-[Ark]-Blue Astrodelphis (Saddle): Name - Flypper
-[050]-[Mundane Animal]-Pokemon Monotremata (Platypus): Name - Perry
Male (Image by Twime777 on Deviantart)
Species: Ornithospy
Type: Water/Poison
Level 8
Ability: Infiltrator
Held Item: None
Move Prepared:
1: Aqua Jet
2: Hone Claws
3: Return (TM)
4: Jump Kick
Move Know:
-Jump Kick (Egg Move)
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Double Team (TM)
-Tail Whip
-Aqua Jet
-Hone Claws
-Quick Attack
Lvl 1: Scratch
Lvl 1: Tail Whip
Lvl 4: Aqua Jet
Lvl 8: Hone Claws
Lvl 12: Quick Attack
Lvl 16: Poison Tail
Lvl 20: Taunt
Lvl 24: Thunder Wave
Lvl 28: Slash
Lvl 32: Spark
Lvl 36: Camouflage
Lvl 40: Aqua Tail
Lvl 44: Cross Poison
Lvl 48: Toxic Spikes
Lvl 52: Surging Strikes
Hp: 80
Att: 105
Def: 70
Sp. Att: 45
Sp. Def: 75
Spd: 115
Total: 490
Height: 0.7m (2 ft)
Weight: 5kg (11.1 lbs)
-[300]-[Quest Specific]-Explosive Rubble Golem:Name - Rubble
This creature is summoned in the shape of a grenade. When thrown or upon a mental command it explodes into a storm of metal cables that shred everything in a 20m radius. Immediately afterward the cables retracted, dragging with them pieces of debris, rubble, or trash within range. The type of material doesn't matter, concrete, metal, plastic, wood, or even flesh are all acceptable.
These pieces are then used to build a body for the golem. The size and shape of the golem varied depending on available materials. Most common are humanoid, quadrupedal, or a mass of tentacles, but virtually any shape is possible.
On command the golem can explode again, sending the pieces that constitute its body in every direction, shredding its surroundings with its cables again, before reforming its body from available materials.
This object/weapon/creature was created by the Tinker Bakuda as a caricature of Compendium's summoning abilities.
-[100]-[Minecraft (Thaumcraft)]-Silverwood: Name - None
You summon your Silverwood with two, three, or four Silverleafs at his feet. The flowers remain even after the summoning duration of the tree ends.
Your Silverwood always contains a pure aura node.
-[200]-[SCP]-Scp-3160: Name - None (You summon a swarm of 129 SCP-3160. They count as only one creature.) (Granted)
-[400]-[Kingdom Hearts]-Caves of Wonder Guardian: Name - None
-[200]-[Dragon Ball]-Senzu Bean: Name - None
-[000]-[Ratchet & Clank]-Heliogrub: Name - Grub
-[200]-[My Little Pony]-Custom Unicorn: Name - Moonbeam (0% to Alicorn)
Cutie mark: Moon and Light
Sex: Mare
Unicorn Magic (with a silver aura): Mainly telekinesis. Minor light generation and control. Minor divination to find lost objects or to find a safe path to a location.
Cutie Mark Talent: Dreamwalking. (Necessitate touching the target's forehead with her horn)
With enough time and training, Moonbeam can become an Alicorn, greatly enhancing her power.
-[300]-[Vampire Survivor]-Laurel: Name - None
-[800]-[Worm]-Siberian: Name - Juggernaut
Always assumed to be under the effect of the Scales and Lightning Themes.
This changes the appearance of this creature in the following ways:
The white and black pseudo skin is replaced by electric blue scales.
The hairs are replaced by long tendrils reminiscent of dreadlocks but made of tiny scales.
The face became far more reptilian, with no nose, no lips, and horizontal eyelids.
A vestigial tail sprouts from the backside.
Lastly, the whole body is covered by cracks in fissures showing the interior of the body, which is filled with numerous slow-moving lightning bolts and plasma clouds.
-[300]-[Star Wars]-Sleft-chuff: Name - Zeppelin
-[000]-[Monster Hunter]-Blue Diva: Name - Diva
-[300]-[Warhamme 40,000]-Trygon: Name - Piercer
-[000]-[V: The Smurf]-Smurf: Name - Smurfrouge
-[300]-[Ben 10]-Gimlinopithecus: Name - Hé-no (Lend to Nimue)
-[200]-[Pokemon]-Shiny Honedge: Name - Durandal
Type: Steel/Ghost
Level 15
Ability: No Guard
Held Item: Metal Coat
Move Prepared:
1: Return (TM)
2: Aerial Ace
3: Shadow Sneak
4: Protect
Move Know:
-Destiny Bond (Egg Move)
-Protect (TM)
-Return (TM)
-Double Team (TM)
-Fury Cutter
-Shadow Sneak
-Aerial Ace
Height:0.8m (2.07ft)
Weight: 2kg ( 4.4lbs)
-[000]-[Mortashen]-Sloth: Name - None
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Neopterygii (Dwarf Galaxia): Name - None
-[200]-[Slime Rancher]-Quantum Slime: Name - Quanta
-[000]-[Star Trek]-Garanian Bolites: Name - None
-[000]-[Metroid]-Zuru: Name - Lamp
-[200]-[Dragon Quest]-Metal Slime: Name - Quicksilver (1/10 to Liquid Metal Slime)
-[100]-[Borderlands]-Jabber: Name - Gobs
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Afroinsectiphilia (North African Elephant Shrew): Name - Nosey
-[600]-[Godzilla]-Methuselah: Name - Methuselah
-[100]-[Avatar]-Tiger Seal: Name - Stripes (Granted)
-[000]-[Starbound]-Hylotl Crasberry: Name - Pincer (Granted)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Tree Lobster: Name - Lobster (Granted)
-[100]-[Devil May Cry]-Pyrobat: Name - Klat (Granted)
-[100]-[Half-Life]-Vortigaunt: Name - Kane (Granted)
-[200]-[Terraria]-Ivy Whip: Name - None (Granted)
-[100]-[Borderlands]-Surveyor (Repair): Name - None (Granted)
-[100]-[Evolve]-Blitz Leopard: Name - Blitz (Granted)
-[100]-[Starbound]-Trifangle: Name - Shot (Granted)
-[300]-[Terraria]-Sanguine Staff: Name - None (Granted)
-[400]-[Devil May Cry]-Damned Chessmen: Name - None (Granted)
-[300]-[Slugterra]-Crystal Worm: Name - Quartz (Granted)
-[200]-[Terraria]-Angry Nimbus: Name - Cumulo (Granted)
-[050]-[Harry Potter]-Hinkypunk: Name - Smoky
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Gekkota: Knob-Tailed Gecko: Name - Arthur
-[300]-[Elder Scroll]-Storm Atronach: Name - Qo
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Charadriiformes Least Auklet: Name - Aethia
-[300]-[Dauntless]-Stormclaw: Name - Burst (Reference video)
-[200]-[Jewel Pet]-Kaiya: Name - Kaiya
-[300]-[V: Dresden Files]-Bob: Name - Bob
-[300]-[League of Legends]-Zac: Name - Zac (Can be summoned with any skin)
-[300]-[God of War]-Phoenix: Name - Apollo
-[300]-[Dota]-Brewmaster: Name - Mangix
-[300]-[Star Trek]-EMH: Name - V'Lock (Image)
-[300]-[Command & Conquer]-Nanocore: Name - None
Your Nanocore can deploy into nearly any Empire of the Rising Sun structure. It can not deploy into a Giga-Fortress unless it has been rolled separately, nor can it deploy into a Psionic Decimator or a Construction Yard.
Instant Dojo can produce infantry equipment, Mecha Bay can produce all Empire vehicles, and Imperial Docks can produce naval ships. Vehicles and ships are not manned, however, and require the Keeper to provide them with pilots and crew.
The Nanocore has a computer interface, allowing you to upload new schematics of buildings for it to unfurl into.
Any structure created by a Nanocore inherits the original Nanocore summon duration, summoning slot, and status as a creature.
Available structures: Instant Dojo, Mecha Bay, Imperial Docks, Instant Generator, Ore Refinery (with Harvester), Nanotech Mainframe, and Nanoswarm Hive.
-[200]-[Sonic]-Wisp Jade Wisp: Name - Hoody
-[300]-[Magic the Gathering]-Uncommon Treefolk Argothian Treefolk: Name - Argos (Six Meters tall humanoid-shaped tree)
-[200]-[Slugterra]-Neotox: Name - Tox
-[000]-[Fallout]-Barnacle: Name - None

-[100]-[V: Girl Genius]-Dingbot Prime: Name - Prime
Prime can build a maximum of 20 dingbots at a time.
Any dingbot created by yours falls to pieces when it's unsummoned.
-[200]-[Digimon]-Floramon: Name - Aylamon (Path 1: Mega 1/10)
Digivolution paths:
-Floramon > Kiwimon > Blossomon > Lotosmon
-Floramon > Woodmon > Cherrymon > Ceresmon

-Beneficial Emulation: Nuclear Chakra from Zilla
–She gains immense Chakra reserve with a mix of Earth and Fire affinity that forms Nuclear Chakra. She can do anything that Zilla can do with it.
If she wishes to use it for something else she must learn to do so.
-[300]-[Mass Effect]-Geth Legion: Name - Legion
Class: Geth Infiltrator
Geth Assassin: +15.00% Health, +25.00% Weapon Damage, -25.00% Power Recharge Time
Improved AI Hacking: Temporarily hacks a synthetic enemy so it will attack its former allies. Also generates a temporary shield around the hacked target so it can fight more effectively against its allies. Recharge Time: 12.00 seconds, Duration: 9.00 seconds, Shield Strength: 350.00 points
Attack Combat Drone: Spawns a tech drone to draw enemy fire. The drone can electrically stun targets briefly and damage their shields. Only one drone can be active at a time. Recharge Time: 30.00 seconds, Duration: 18.00 seconds, Drone Attack Recharge Time: 3.00 seconds, Drone Health Bonus: 160.00%, Drone Damage: 40.00 points
Improved Geth Shield Boost: You can briefly reinforce your kinetic barrier with a high-energy geth shield that absorbs a large amount of damage. Re-routing the shield generator into your weapons' power source can boost their damage for the duration of the shield. Recharge Time: 12.00 seconds, Duration: 60.00 seconds, Shield Strength: +75.00% of maximum shields, Weapon Damage: +10.00%
Equipements: Omni-tool, M-98 Widow, Kinetic barrier.

Temporary Companions:

-[050]-[Quest Specific]-B.U.T.L.E.R: Name - B.U.T.L.E.R. (Location: New York City (New York), Protectorate headquarters)
This brick-shaped robot measures 50 cm in length 15 cm in width and 20 cm in height.
Hero created it on a whim to serve as an automatic vacuum cleaner.
With its LIDAR and various sensors, B.U.T.L.E.R can accurately navigate its environment and detect stains or dust.
It comes equipped with a sonic pulse projector that can annihilate even the most persistent spot of dirt.
In addition, B.U.T.L.E.R does not touch the ground, it levitates leaving no trace of its passage. By default, it levitates a few millimeters above the ground but it can go as high as 20 cm in altitude to climb stairs or avoid obstacles.
It's equipped with a 50cm extendable pipe to vacuum under objects and furniture. The same pipe can also empty its dust tank into any trash bin it can find.
Lastly, under the same principle, it can also manipulate its recharging cable to insert it into any compatible power outlet meaning that it does not need a recharging station.
-[050]-[Stardew Valley]-Void Chicken: Name - Just (Location: Orb's Pocket Dimension)
-[050]-[Mundane Animal]-Yellow-crested Cockatoo: Name - Delilah (Location: Des Moines (Iowa), PRT Headquarters.)
-[050]-[Quest Specific]-Robot Monkey: Name - Spike (Location: Denver (Colorado), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Phasme: Bacillus Rossius: Name - Spindles (Location: Oklahoma City (Oklahoma), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[050]-[Mundane Animals]-Testudines: Ornate box turtle: Name - Chartreuse (Location: Topeka (Kansas), PRT Headquarters.)
-[100]-[Mundane Animals]-Equidae: Mule: Name - Houdini (Location: Jefferson City (Missouri), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[050]-[Mundane Animals]-Serpentes: Corn Snake: Name - Zeke (Location: Cheyenne (Wyoming), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Glires: Chinchilla: Name - Nerea (Location: Lincoln (Nebraska), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animal]-Magpie: Name - Maggie (Location: Pierre (South Dakota), PRT Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animal]-Common Leopard Gecko: Name - Spot (Location: St Paul (Minnesota), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animal]-Neopterygii Comet Goldfish: Name - Ariel (Location: Madison (Wisconsin), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[050]-[Mundane Animal]-Iguania Central Bearded Dragon: Name - Pogo (Location: Bismarck (North Dakota), PRT Headquarters.)
-[100]-[Quest Specific]-Wire Golem: Name - Fred (Location: Helena (Montana), Protectorate Headquarters.)
A 1.8m statue made of one continuous piece of metal wire. It can move and bend in ways a human cannot. It can even partially unravel itself. It's roughly as strong and fast as a human but clumsier.
Created by the Parahuman Hero Filament.
-[100]-[Mundane Animals]-Bovidae: Goat: Name - Billy (Location: Montpellier (Vermont), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Rodentia Guinea Pig: Name - Barron (Location: Albany (New York), PRT Headquarters.)
-[100]-[Mundane Animals]-Caninae Great Dane: Name - Giant (Location: Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Urodela Spotted Salamander: Name - Drake (Location: Columbus (Ohio), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Neopterygii Siamese Fighting Fish: Name - Bet (Location: Lansing (Michigan), PRT Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Galloanserae Turkey: Name - Sabine (Location: Montgomery (Alabama), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Anura Green frog: Name - Jumper (Location: Baton Rouge (Louisana), PRT Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Caninae Silver Fox: Name - Lupin (Location: Jackson (Mississippi), PRT Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Glires Fancy Rat: Name - Minus (Location: Tallahassee (Florida), Protectorate Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Crustacean American Lobster: Name - Ecarlate (Location: Augusta (Maine), PRT Headquarters.)
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Araneae Daring Jumping Spider: Name - (Location: Concord (New Hampshire), Protectorate Headquarters.)

-Chef: You become an unparalleled cook, able to create meals from anything edible and a few that are inedible.
-Farmer: You become an extremely skilled farmer, you can grow any type of plant and raise any type of animal.
-Hunter: You become an extremely skilled Hunter, you can hunt any kind of animal you know how to track them and the best way to bring them down.
-Rider: You become extremely skilled in riding living creatures as long as they can bear your weight, and it's even more impressive when you're riding one of your summoned creatures.
-Strategist: You become an excellent strategist, you know how to detect weakness in your foe, and how to best assault a position, or defend one. You know how to handle logistics and how to best formulate your order.
-Survivalist: You become an extremely skilled survivalist, you can survive in the wild while naked, can light a fire, create a shelter, and find water and food in the most unlikely place.
-Trainer: You become an extremely skilled animal trainer, you can train any animal to perform any trick as long as it can physically do it, and as long as doing that trick wouldn't be harmful to it.
-Veterinary: You become an extremely skilled veterinarian, you can diagnose and heal any malady affecting an animal as long as it's possible and you have access to the right tools. This also includes all the creatures you have gained.
-Zoologist: You become an extremely skilled zoologist, and your knowledge concerning animals is unparalleled.
-Mechanical Engineering: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of a university diploma in the subject.
-Psychology: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of a university diploma in the subject.
-Medicine: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of a university diploma in the subject.
-Unarmed Combat: Learned from Cressidus. Novice verging Intermediate level.
-Calligraphy: Learned from Miss J. The equivalent of ten years of practice in the subject.
-Summon x 3: When you summon a creature less than 20m in length or height you can summon three of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit. You can only have one creature affected at a time.
-Summon x 7: When you summon a creature less than 20m in length or height you can summon seven of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit. You can only have one creature affected at a time.
-Anchored Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose a point in space that you can see. The distance that this creature can move is centered on that point instead of centered around you. You can only have one Anchored creature at a time.
-Baby Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose to make it a baby version of itself.
-Chain Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose another creature of the same size, with a 10% difference maximum. When the first creature dies or is unsummoned, the second creature is automatically summoned to the same place.
In addition, if any members of the chain benefit from one or more beneficial effects when it's dismissed the next members in the chain inherit those same effects. Detrimental effects are not transmitted, however.
In that way, you can create a chain of up to ten creatures. Any creature currently in a chain cannot be summoned without breaking the whole chain.
-Contingent Summoning: You can choose a creature so it's summoned in a specific place related to you and upon a set trigger of your choice. Should that trigger be met the creature is immediately summoned. The trigger can be anything that you can imagine. As long as a creature is set to be summoned this way you cannot summon it normally. You can only have one Contingent summoning activated at a time.
-Explosive Summoning: You can choose when you summon a creature to generate an explosion centered on where the creature will appear, damaging the surroundings but not the creature. The strength of the explosion depends on the size of the creature, an insect would explode like a firecracker, a pig like a grenade, and so on.
-Flashbang Summoning: You can choose when you summon a creature to generate a flash of light and/or a blast of sound centered on where the creature will appear, affecting the surroundings but not the creature. The strength of the effect depends on the size of the creature, an insect would flash like a candle or a bell, a pig, like a torch or a gong, and so on.
-Fusion Summoning: You can summon two different creatures at the same time, creating a new being, the fusion of both. This resulting creature's appearance is a combination of both, it possesses the power of both and is the size of the biggest of the two. You can only have one fusion at a time.
The fusion counts as only one creature.
-Independent Agent: When you summon a creature you can choose to make it an independent agent.
This creature can freely leave the range of your normal summoning radius and it doesn't count toward your normal summoning limit.
You can only have one independent agent at a time, the Multi Boost power, the Summon x 3, x 7 powers, or similar do not function with this power.
You cannot use any power (such as forward teleport) or benefit from the presence of your independent agent (such as Strength of Many) if it is outside your summoning radius.
Should you die your Independent agent remains until the end of its summoning duration.
-Invisible Summoning: You can choose when you summon a creature to make it invisible and inaudible. It will remain in that state until it takes an aggressive action or until it takes damage.
-Maintain Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose to ignore the normal 24h time limit. The creature will stay by your side until it is killed or unsummoned. You can only have one creature at a time maintained this way.
-Mindless Summoning: You can choose when you summon a creature to make it mindless. It possesses no capacity for reflection and no initiative. Unless ordered it will remain motionless. In addition, if you resummon this creature normally at a later time it won't have any memory of the Mindless summoning.
You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.
-Mundane Equalizing: Choose a target, friend, or foe, and then summon a mundane animal. The chosen target loses access to all his power as long as your animal maintains a line of sight with the target, remains within half your summoning radius and remains in the same dimension.
In addition, your animal cannot benefit from any boost on your parts, such as Strength Boost or Invisible Summoning.
The powers suppressed this way are only those inherent to the target, not those granted by tools and not internal power use. (a ninja from Naruto could reinforce his body but not throw a fireball.)
-Pint-sized Gigantification: When you summon a creature measuring less than 2m in height or length you can choose to enlarge it up to 2m in height or length. You can only have one creature under this effect at a time.
-Relay Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose any other being (belonging to you or not) that you can see. The distance that this creature can move is centered on that being instead of centered around you. You can only have one Relayed creature at a time.
-Sheep's Clothing Summoning: When you summon a creature, you may choose to expend a summoning attempt for another creature as well to use this ability. If you do so, the first creature will be summoned in the form of the second creature. It may revert to its real form and back either entirely or partially if desired and is otherwise capable of using its abilities that aren't specifically linked to external anatomy (such as claws or bites) in the false form. Creatures summoned by this ability only count as a single creature.
-Substitute Summoning: You can summon a creature one additional time than normal by expending the ability to summon two other creatures, each of the same cost as the resummoned Creature or a single Creature at a higher price. This power allows you to ignore the normal once-per-day limit but you still cannot have multiple copies of the same creature summoned at the same time.
Quest name for each possible cost: "0: Insignificant", "50: Negligible", "100: Mundane", "200: Special", "300: Magical", "400: Rare", "500: Epic", "600: Legendary", "700: Mythic", "800: Divine", "900: Continental", "1000: Cosmic".
-Swarm: When you summon a creature less than 50cm in length or height, you can summon one hundred of them instead of one. They only count as one creature for the purpose of your summoning limit and for the power Strength of Many and Mental Partition. You can only have one Swarm at a time.
--Endless Multitude x1: Each time you gain this power you gain the ability to use Swarm on one additional creature or generate an additional 100 copies of a creature when using Swarm on it.
-Ultimate Summoning: Once per month, for up to one hour, you can summon all your creatures simultaneously fused into one being. You can do so even if you already summoned some of them. It will automatically dismiss all your current summoned creatures, and you cannot summon any other you may gain after its summoning as long as it's present.
This resulting being possesses all the power, ability, immunity, and resistance of the combined creatures. Its physical, mental, and magical abilities are the sum total of all component creatures. You can define its exact look, shape, and size using the various characteristics of all the combined creatures, with a minimum size of 1m tall.
This being is controlled by a copy of your own mind that joins back with you at the end of the summoning.
It still counts as being multiple creatures for the purpose of your power such as Multiple Minds or Strenght of Many.
-Armor Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into armor for you to wear. The armor shape is unique to each creature, and it's appropriately sized for you.
You also gain the skill necessary to use that armor.
You can only have one creature in armor shape at a time.
-Vehicle Summoning:
When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into a vehicle. The vehicle shape is unique to each creature, its size is proportional to the creature's normal size, and still possesses all the creature's power.
You also gain the skills necessary to drive that vehicle.
You can only have one creature in vehicle shape at a time.
-Weapon Summoning: When you summon a creature you can choose to transform it into a weapon. The weapon shape is unique to each creature, and it's appropriately sized for you. You also gain the skill necessary to use that weapon. You can only have one creature in weapon shape at a time.
-Adaptive Camouflage: At will, you can apply an effect to all your summoned creatures that make them blend better with their environment. This does not render them invisible but they simply change their look to something that looks normal. This lasts as long as you concentrate on this effect. This takes priority on any Theme that may be currently applied and some things may be harder to hide than others.
-Armored Creatures: You can choose when you summon a creature to give equipment appropriate for its shape. This can include horseshoes, barding, saddle, armor, and/or weapons. For weapons, the creatures must possess limbs able to wield them. The equipment possesses no special property but is strong enough to resist the creature's own strength and is generally not cumbersome. You can only have one creature at a time equipped this way.
-Creature Haunting: You can touch one of your creatures and disappear inside its body. You can perceive the world through its senses but you cannot control it. It will simply continue to follow your previous order.
-Copy Summoner: You can transform one of your summoned creatures into a copy of yourself. It assumes your shape, including clothes, it can move like you but unless it already knows how it does not learn to talk.
You can only use this power on a creature with a size close to your own, up to 20% bigger or smaller.
-Defense Boost: At any time you can choose to double the health and resistance of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Energy Boost: At any time you can choose to double all the energy pool of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. This includes mana, chakra, psionic, etc… This does not boost health. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature in a 24-hour period.
-Magic Boost: At any time you can choose to double the magic (any sort of esoteric ability, spell, chakra techniques, pokemon moves, psionic abilities, etc…) power of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. This doubles the damage dealt, health rendered, duration, difficulty to resist, etc...
You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Speed Boost: At any time you can choose to triple the speed and reaction time of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
Speed Amplification: x1
-Strength Boost: At any time you can choose to double the strength and endurance of one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
--Boosts Synergie: If a creature benefits from all five Boosts power (Defense, Energy, Magic, Speed, and Strength), its presence and karma increase slightly.
-Displace Damage: Once per minute you can choose one of your creatures, from this point on any damage that would be dealt to you is dealt to that creature instead. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.
-Exchange Position: You can exchange your position with one of your creatures. Or you can exchange the position of two of your creatures.
-Free Modification: Instead of applying a modifier or a theme when you summon a creature, you can apply or remove it at any time after summoning it. This also applies to the baby, armor, vehicle, and weapon summoning power if you have them.
-Backward Teleport: You can instantly teleport one of your creatures next to you.
-Forward Teleport: You can instantly teleport yourself to be adjacent to one of your creatures.
-Grant movement: At any time you can choose to grant the ability to fly, swim, or burrow (with their normal speed) to one of your summoned creatures, this lasts until the creature is unsummoned. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.
-Grant Traits: At any time you can choose to grant ONE trait from one of your creatures to another one.
You can only grant a trait from a creature not currently summoned.
A trait can be a body part, limb, internal organ, or skin. It can be characteristic such as immunity to poison, resistance to fire, or the ability to absorb sunlight. It can also be more esoteric such as magic reserve, knowledge of a subject, or skill with a weapon.
You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Healing Effect: Once per hour you can completely heal one of your creatures with a touch.
-Increase Damage: When you and one of your creatures or when two of your creatures attack the same target you both do twice as much damage. Even if more than two creatures attack the same target the damage is not increased further than twice.
-Resource Network: You form a network with all your summoned creatures. This network allows you and your creature to share any type of physical (health, endurance, electricity, etc…), mental (stress, emotion, psionic, etc…), or mystical (magic pool, chakra, haki, etc…) resource with any other member of the network. You are at the center of the network, you can refuse to share your resources and you can forcefully take the resources of your creatures.
-Size Augmentation: At any time you can choose to double the size of one of your summoned creatures; this augments its strength and resistance in proportion but reduces its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Size Reduction: At any time you can choose to halve the size of one of your summoned creatures; this reduces its strength and resistance in proportion but augments its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Gigantification: At any time you can choose to multiply the size of one of your summoned creatures by a factor of your choice from 5 to 10, to a maximum of 200m in height or length. This augments its strength and resistance in proportion but reduces its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Miniaturization: At any time you can choose to divide the size of one of your summoned creatures by a factor of your choice from 5 to 10, to a minimum of 10cm in height or length.; this reduces its strength and resistance in proportion but augments its agility; this lasts until the creature is unsummoned or you dismiss the effect. You can use this ability on one creature at a time and you cannot use it multiple times on the same creature.
-Supercharged Boost: At any time you can choose one summoned creature and divide the time remaining before being unsummoned by 60 (transforming hours into minutes) and in exchange grant one of the following benefits to the creature:
-Create a perfect clone of it.
-Double its strength, endurance, and speed.
-Heal it completely and render it immune to damage.
You can use this ability at will but only on one creature at a time.
You can only use this ability on creatures that possess a limited time for their summoning.
-Telepathic Communication: You and your creatures can communicate by telepathy with each other.
-Accelerate Training: Your creatures that are naturally able to grow in strength, gain more power or obtain more abilities with training and combat, do so at twice the normal rate.
This mainly includes creatures from the following categories: Pokémon, Digimon, Fell Seal, Monster Sanctuary, Kingdom Hearts, and Ni no Kuni. But it may apply to others if appropriate. In addition, this also removes any maximum level of training such creatures may possess.
Finally, this power also grants the ability to more easily grow for your other creatures but at a slower rate. As an example, a normal bear could gain the strength and endurance of an elephant with sufficient time and training but he wouldn't gain any special power.
-Adaptive Immunity: Should one of your creatures die, you and all your other creatures immediately gain immunity to the specific type of damage that killed it for the next 24 hours.
-Alpha: Your creatures emit an aura that makes weaker creatures that are similar to them subservient toward them. This means that they wouldn't attack them unless ordered by an exterior force and they may even follow their lead as long as it wouldn't be harmful to do so.
To determine the relative power level of a creature the factors to consider are size, intelligence, and magical powers, in all cases when compared to creatures of a similar power level your creatures have the advantage.
-Ally Transformation: Instead of summoning a creature you can choose to transform a willing living being (thereafter designated as the target), not one of your creatures, into the shape of that creature, it lasts one hour. The target gains all the power and ability of that creature. This counts as summoning that creature for the day.
Once transformed the target counts as one of your creatures for all purposes, except for your Summoning Limit.
Lastly, when you apply to the transformation you can apply any viable Summoning Power to the target as if you were summoning the creature normally.
-Animals Language: You gain the ability to comprehend and verbally communicate with animals and other non-sapient creatures. The knowledge and awareness of many animals are limited by their intelligence, but at minimum, they can give you information about nearby locations and creatures, including whatever they can perceive or have perceived within the past day. In addition, this would allow Alex to talk to all his partners who are sentient but cannot normally talk. (Pokemon, Monster Sanctuary creatures, Dragons, and so on.)
-Animals Senses: At will, you can enhance your senses, such as sight, hearing, smell, etc, to become a copy of the senses of a creature you possess. This can even allow you to gain an entirely new sense such as electroreception from a shark.
-Calming Aura: You gain a calming aura that affects animals or other non-sapient creatures. This aura calms agitated creatures and prevents them from panicking even in stressful situations.
-Combined Attack: You and up to four creatures, or up to five creatures without you, can each make any sort of attack against the same target.
All five attacks are combined into one, in any way you wish. The resulting combined attack always hit its target as long as at least one attack that composed it could hit, even if the probability was low, and if the target was detectable when the attacks were launched.
In addition, the combined attack ignores all forms of artificial defense, resistance, or immunity that the target possesses. Such as an elemental immunity spell, a forcefield, or a potion of poison resistance.
It also deals twice as much damage as normal. If you possess the Increased Damage power, the effect stack for a total of four times as much damage.
You can make a Combined Attack once per hour.
-Controlled Reproduction: You can allow your summoned creature to reproduce either with other compatible summoned creatures or with normal beings. You do not have any specific control over the resulting offspring, but they start with a favorable impression of you. In addition, you can double the growth rate of any such offspring until they reach adulthood.
-Copyright: Your creatures cannot be forcefully controlled or copied by others. They cannot be cloned, reverse-engineered, or mentally dominated.
-Creature Acquisition: You gain the power to add willing creatures you encounter to your pool of summonable creatures. To do so the creatures must recognize you as its superior, it can be because you tamed it, because you defeat it and it agrees to serve you, or similar situations. Once made this decision is permanent and the creature becomes a companion (see the companion power for more detail), should it die it loses the companion statue and becomes a normal summonable creature.
You cannot use this ability on a humanoid creature.
-Designated Target: At any time you can choose one of your summoned creatures until this creature is killed or unsummoned any of your foes that can perceive it are forced to prioritize attacking it instead of anything else.
-Equip Traits: At any time you can choose to equip ONE trait from one of your creatures to yourself.
You can only equip a trait from a creature not currently summoned.
A trait can be a body part, limb, internal organ, skin, or others. It can be characteristic such as immunity to poison, resistance to fire, or the ability to absorb sunlight. It can also be more esoteric such as magic reserve, knowledge of a subject, or skill with a weapon.
You can use this ability at will but only ONE trait at a time.
-Enhanced Themes: Applying a theme to your creature grants them a minor power depending on each theme.
-Environmental Adaptation: You and your summoned creatures share with each other the ability to live in each other's respective environments. This can include breathing things other than air, surviving intense heat or cold, or the ability to see in adverse conditions or similar effects.
Available Environments: Underwater (Frillish, Mesmer, etc…), High Altitude (Pegase, Aerbunny, etc…), Desert Temperature (Cactuar), Cold (White Walkie, Chilly), Irradiated Zone (Zilla), High Voltage Area (Lemon Pektite, Electric Flufalo, etc).
-Dimensional Travel: Once per month, you can teleport into the original dimension of one of your creatures. You appear close to a member of the same species as the chosen creature. You can also teleport back to your original dimension with the same once-per-month limit.
Quest-specific rules
--Each time you use Dimensional Travel all creatures that you currently have summoned are automatically dismissed, even if they were under the effect of powers such as Anchored Summoning, Maintain Summoning, or Relay Summoning, and even if you are in direct contact with those creatures (such as clothes, tattoo, possession, etc...). And all active power effects are ended.
The only exceptions are as follows: Any sort of permanent Companions, Creature summoned with the Independent Agent power, and Creatures summoned by means other than the Celestial Menagerie (Summoning Contract, Servant Ritual, and so on.)
Your links, if any, with any creatures that remained behind, such as Share Senses, Telepathic Communication, Know Location, and similar effects, are reduced to the point that you can only tell if the creature is alive or not. In the same way, you cannot affect those creatures with any powers be it a boost, a teleportation effect, apply a Modifiers, or others.
--You cannot take anyone with you in your dimensional travel with the exception of those that benefit from your Grant Summoning power if they are touching your bare skin when you activate the power.
--You can elect to return to the Dimension you came from before the normal duration of one month elapses. In that case, you cannot use Dimensional Travel again for the remainder of the month plus one additional month.
-Friendly Fire Immunity: You and your creatures are immune to the direct damage inflicted by each other's attack and such attacks can even phase through you to reach their true target if necessary.
-General Boost: When summoned your creature gains a 20% increase in Strength, Endurance, and Speed.
-Gift Attack: You (or any of your summoned creatures, designated as Gifter) can choose any techniques/spells/special attack that does not depend on a physical medium, and gift it by touch to any of your summoned creatures or you, (from here on designated as Receiver). The Receiver can then launch that attack any time afterward.
Gifter cannot use or give the same attack to someone else as long the first gift attack isn't used.
A Receiver can only hold one gift attack at a time and can choose to lose the attack without using it.
The Gifter can at any time also take back the attack with a touch.
-Grant Summoning: You can give an ally, not one of your creatures, the ability to summon one creature that you possess, you lose access to that creature. This choice is permanent and you can only grant one creature per ally, but you can grant this ability to any number of allies as long as you have enough creatures.
They follow all the normal rules of the Celestial Menagerie.
In addition, when you grant one creature in that way, you can also grant them a copy of one of your powers.
The copied power can be:
Any Skill power
Any Summoning power.
Any Enhancement power except Grant Trait.
Among the Miscellaneous power only the following: Accelerate Training, Adaptative Immunity, Alpha, Animals Language, Animal Senses, Alpha Creatures, Controlled Reproduction, Copyright, Equip Trait, Enhance Themes with one theme you possess, Environmental Adaptation, Friendly Fire Immunity, General Boost, Gift Attack, Illusionary Summoning, Improved Distance, Know Location, Material Extraction, Mental Partition, Mental Realm, Non-Lethal, Perfect Teamwork, Pocket Biosphere, Self Theming with one theme you possess, Self Transformation, Share Power, Strenght of Many, Summoning 3/day, Sustained Immortality, Toy Summoning, Unhindered Movement, or Unsummoning.
Among the Choice powers only Companion or Greater Companion if the given creature respects the cost limit for those powers.
Finally if after granting a creature to an ally you would roll the Exchange power you can choose to exchange their creature instead of one of yours if they are willing.
Should any being that benefits from this power die you are immediately alerted to that fact, but not how, and can choose to summon the creature that was granted to it at the location of the death. The creature acts as if it was under the effect of the Independent Agent power, even if you do not possess it. Regardless of your choice, that creature returns to your pool of creatures one week after the death of its previous owner.
-Illusionary Summoning: You can create an illusion of one of your creatures, it looks and sounds the same but it cannot physically interact with the world. You can vary the size of the illusion from too small to be seen up to the normal size of the creature. You can mentally control the movement of the illusion. You can only have one illusion at a time.
-Improved Distance x2: Quadruple the distance that your creature can move away from you. Now up to 2 km (1.2 miles).
-Improved Limit x2: You can have four times the number of creatures summoned at a time. Now up to 40. Cannot be gained again.
-Know Location: You always know the exact location of your creatures relative to your own position.
-Material Extraction: Instead of summoning one creature you can instead summon one of its body parts such as bone, hide, or blood. These materials remain permanently. You also gain any skills necessary to use these materials to create cloth, weapon, tool, or food, as appropriate.
Using this ability counts as if the creature was summoned.
-Mental Partition: You gain an additional train of thought for each creature currently summoned. This allows you to think about multiple things at once.
-Mental Realm: You gain access to a purely mental realm, you can enter it either by meditating or in your dream. Inside this realm, you can find all your creatures, each one with its territory adapted to its needs. This allows you to communicate with them without summoning them.
-Multi-Boost: You can apply any Boost power you possess to six additional creatures for a total of seven.
This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost, plus Armored Creatures, Copy Summoner, Grant Movements, Grant traits, Gigantification, Miniaturisation, Size Augmentation, and Size Reduction. This also applies to the following summoning power: Explosive Finish, Anchored, Contingent, Invisible, Maintain, Mindless, Pint-Sized Gigantification, Relay, Armor, Vehicle, and Weapon.
Gained thrice.
-Multi-Modification: You can apply the same modifier to two additional creatures for a total of three. The modifiers that can be applied this way are as follows: Ark's Variants, Dungeons & Dragons Templates, Super Mario's Power Up, and Fell Seal's Variants.
If you gain this power while you do not have access to any Modifier you automatically gain Ark's Tek Variant. (Gain three times, max seven creatures)
-Non-Lethal: At will, you can designate any number of your summoned creatures until you dismiss this effect their attacks only deal non-lethal damage to living creatures. They can still deal a lot of damage such as broken bones, lost blood, burns, poison, etc… but this never kills the target and does not deal permanent damage. The damage can always be healed, but it may not be easy. Be aware that this does not protect the target from collateral damage.
-Perfect Teamwork: You and your creatures can cooperate perfectly, you'll never get in each other's way, you can anticipate each other's actions, and you can easily coordinate your strikes, and move just the right way to protect each other.
-Random Summoning: Once per day you can roll for a creature. You immediately summon it no matter its cost. You do not gain it. If you roll a modifier (such as a D&D template) reroll but the rolled creature gain that modifier if it was applicable. In all other respect, the creature obeys all the normal summoning rules.If you rolled a non-creature/non-modifier entry, such as Pokemon Mega evolution or Harry Potter Animagus, reroll.
Additional rule: If you roll a creature that you already possess or that was previously summoned with this power, reroll. (Doom Mirror, Demon Wall, Pickle, Gugalanna, Hulex)
-Self Boost: You can apply any Boost power you possess to yourself. This includes Defense, Energy, Magic, Strength, and Speed Boost. Applying a Boost to yourself does not count as applying a Boost to one of your creatures.
-Self Modification: You can apply the following creature modifier to yourself instead of one of your creatures.
The modifiers that can be applied this way are as follows: Ark's Variants, Dungeons & Dragons Templates, Super Mario's Power Up, and Fell Seal's Variants.
If you gain this power while you do not have access to any Modifier you automatically gain Ark's Eerie Variant.
Applying a Modifier to yourself does not count as applying a Modifier to one of your creatures.
Available Modifiers: Clockwork, Tek Creatures, Brute Creatures, Half-Dragon (Shadow), Champions.
-Self-Theming: You can apply any theme that you possess, even multiple ones, to yourself.
-Self Transformation: Instead of summoning a creature you can choose to transform yourself into the shape of that creature, it last one hour. You gain all the power and ability of that creature. This counts as summoning that creature for the day.
Once transformed you count as one of your creatures for all purposes, except for your Summoning Limit.
-Share Power: If you have a power that can only affect yourself (an enhancement to your body or mind, a defensive aura, a movement effect, etc) you can share it with one of our creatures by touching it when the power takes effect. This does not apply to always active powers but does apply to powers that trigger on their own as long as you are touching when it triggers.
And conversely if one of your creatures can use such a power they can share it with you in the same way.
-Strength of Many: You gain a 10% increase in strength and endurance for each creature currently summoned.
-Sustained Immortality: As long as at least one summoned creature is present in the same dimension as you, you cannot die. However, this does not prevent you from receiving wounds or from pain, it simply prevents your death.
Should your body completely disintegrate, your soul destroyed, your mind obliterated, or any similar drastic damage, a random creature is dismissed and you reappear in its place.
-Summoning 3/day: You can summon each creature three times a day instead of once per day. Note: In addition powers limited to once per day use that came from a Creature Category can also be used three times per day.
-Toy Summoning: You gain the ability to, three times per day, summon a toy copy of one of your creatures. These copies are permanent and can be any sort of toy, plushy, plastic soldier, lead figurine, wooden puppet, etc...
-Unhindered Movement: You and your creature can move through each other's bodies without any hindrance becoming intangible relative to each other as needed.
-Unsummoning: Your creatures gain the ability to dismiss themselves.
Even your non-sapient creature can do so as long as you give the order to do it under X or Y circumstances.
-[100]-[D&D]-Animate Object: You gain the ability to use the Animate Object spell once per day, but you can only animate one object up to a Huge size (less than 10m in height or length) and it lasts for 24 hours. Upon using this ability you can choose to use any power that you possess able to affect a summoned creature on the animated object instead.
-[100]-[Pokemon]-Berry: You gain the ability to once per day summon any six berries of your choice.
-[100]-[Marvel]-Flower of Krakoa: I: You can summon enough Flower of Krakoa I to create one dose of Human Drug I and you know the process to do it.
-[600]-[Worm]-Custom Shard: Solar: Plasma Body: You can transform your body into a plasma-like material. In that state, you emit heat (up to 1500 °C) and light. In that state, you can increase your mass up to twice your normal mass and shape your body in any way you can imagine. In that state, your senses are the same as normal. In that state, you're twice as resistant to physical damage.
-[100]-[Monster Hunter]-Wyverian Transformation: At will, you can transform into a Wyverian or back to normal. You can remain in that shape as long as you wish with all the benefits that entail. In addition when in that shape any equipment you wear (clothes, armor, accessories, and weapon) weighs half as much for you.
-Quick Charge III Blaster: At will you can summon a Blaster and a Bandolier with 6 canisters.
You may modify/upgrade your Blasters to include more mods and to accommodate additional creatures from other Categories that can be used as projectiles such as Snark from Half-Life, Giant Worm from Starbound, or Live Ammo from Oddworld.
-[400]-[Fell Seal]-Beastmaster:
Weapon and armor: Maul, Axe, Mace, Light Armor, Heavy Armor, Shield
Mastery bonus: MND+3, DEF+5, RES+5
Active skills:
--Dismiss - Heal: One target up to 5m away, Dismisses all active pets for the character and heals 0.65x HP (MND) per dismissed pet.
--Dismiss - Attack: One target up to 5m away, Dismisses all active pets for the character and deals 0.7x Physical (ATK) damage to the target per dismissed pet.
--Dismiss - Empower: One target up to 5m away, Dismisses all active pets for the character, and grants 1 random (rolled a d27) buff to the target per dismissed pet.
--Dismiss - Revive: One target up to 2m away, Dismisses all active pets for the character and revives an ally (unconscious, or dead less than 10mins ago, the body must be whole) on the targeted tile, restoring 30% HP per dismissed pet.
--Dismiss - Burrow: Dismisses all active pets for the character. Character displaces themselves to the targeted tile (3m away plus 1m per pet) (cannot be a water tile) and deals 0.5x Earth (ATK) damage to targets in a small area (2m diameter circle) around them per dismissed pet. Range increases by 1 for each dismissed pet.
--Dismiss - Glomp: Dismisses all active pets for the character and heals 0.35x HP (MND) to all allies per dismissed pet, in a 50m radius.
--Dismiss - Swarm: Dismisses all active pets for the character and deals 0.45x Physical (ATK) damage to all enemies per dismissed pet, in a 50m radius.
Passive Skills:
--Serenity: The character gains 3 MP when a pet is dismissed or when most buffs/debuffs are dispelled or wear off.
--Enemies' movement will be stopped at tiles adjacent to this character unless they are already in those tiles.
Counter Skills:
--Loyal Friends: Counters any offensive actions taken against the character by bringing out a known pet and immediately using its Pet Effect if the character has fewer than 3 pets out.
Pet skills:
--Pektite Dollop:
On summoning: One target up to 2m away, Deals 0.9x Thunder (MND) damage in a small area (2m diameter circle).
Every 30s: Deals 0.2x Thunder damage (MND) to adjacent enemies.
--Ercinee Kindling:
On summoning: One target up to 2m away, Deals 0.9x Holy (ATK) damage to the target and grants the character Renew.
Every 30s: Restores 0.2x (MND) HP to adjacent allies.
-[100]-[D&D]-Phantom Steed: Your Phantom Steed acts as if created by a 20th-level caster but lasts 24 hours. It can fly and can move up to 160Kmh (100Mph).
-Player Pin: This allows you to read people most surfaced though. Should it leave your summoning radius it reappears on your person immediately.
-[400]-[Zelda]-Gasha Nuts: You can summon one Gasha Nuts per day, like a creature, and crack it open to gain a random item. The item remains even after the end of the summoning. List of possible items here.
-[300]-[Minecraft]-: Charm of Life II: Once per day for 24 hours, you can summon a Charm of Life II. It does not count as a creature. Alternatively, you can summon four Charms of Life I instead with the same stipulation.
-[300]-[Hearthstone]-Shadowstep: You can only use this spell on your own creature, not on other beings, and not on yourself. The target must be within 100m of your position.
Cost 0 Mana Crystals but resummoning a creature that you use this spell on before the normal 24-hour delay costs a number of Mana Crystals determined by the following formula: Cost/100 - 2 (Minimum 0).
Possess a reserve of 10 Mana Crystals, allowing you to cast that spell. Your Mana Crystals regenerate at a rate of one every 10 minutes.
-[100]-[Slime Rancher]-Corral:
Once per day, for 24h hours, you can summon a Corral, equipped with any upgrades of your choice. At the same time, you summon one Slime of your choice inside it, and four copies of that Slime appear at the same time. Those Slimes cannot leave the Corral by any means.
If you installed an Auto-Feeder, it's filled with the favorite food of those Slimes. However the food cannot be taken out, only used to feed the Slimes.
Your Corral transformed into a Pond or an Incinerator Ash trough, for Slimes that would require it.
Available Slime: Gold Slime, Rock Slime, Tabby Slime
-Dungeon Master lvl 7: Accessible Minions (Traits, Materials), Deploy Traps (Spike, Pit, Web, Beartrap, Lightning Plate, Slime Patch), Improve Trait (Class System), Personality Upgrade (Remove Malus), Master's Quarter
-Researcher (Magical Theory) lvl 4: Increased Learning Speed (2.5% per lvl), Perfect Memory.
-Magic Circuits: To fully use your Servants and Noble Phantasm the Menagerie granted you 40 D ranks circuits. (Mana produced per Rank: E=10, D=20, C=40, B=80, A=160, EX=320)
-Command Seals: One.
-[300]-[Jackie Chan Adventures]-Rabbit Talisman: You can summon the Talisman directly or summon an appropriate Rabbit-like animal to be the bearer of the Talisman power.
-Furyoku: You gain access to your Furyoku and can manipulate it to create an Oversoul for any Spirit you may possess. Furyoku amount: 100 (Available Spirit: Matamune)
-Diveal Swim Ability: This allows you to swim faster than normal and it's less tiring for you.
-[200]-TM: You gain the ability to summon a TM, HM, or TR (from any generation) of your choice once per week that you can use on your Pokemon.
You can only use a particular TM on a specific pokémon if it's part of its Learnset.
Available TM: Protect, Return,
-Busoshoku Haki: You know how to use Busoshoku Haki. For now, limited to your own body, only on a very small surface, and for a brief time.
-[800]-[Highschool DxD]-Annihilation Maker: You gain this Longinus Sacred Gear that allows you to generate Anti-Monsters out of your shadow by draining your stamina.
--Anti-Monsters do not count as creatures of the Celestial Menagerie. They do not benefit and cannot be targeted by your powers. Conversely, this means that they are not subjected to the rules of the Celestial Menagerie.
--By default, Anti-Monsters are two-meter tall black humanoids with a single glowing red eye from which they can emit a light beam. You can spend more stamina when creating his Anti-Monster to alter their shapes. The more the resulting monster diverges from this default shape and size the more costly it is. Anatomical knowledge of the alteration can help mitigate this cost. The single red eye is the only feature that cannot be altered.
--When creating an Anti-Monster you can designate a species or a sub-species of beings as their target, you cannot designate a specific being as a target at the cost of more stamina. Against the designated beings the Anti-Monster's attacks deal more damage, they take less damage from those being's attacks, and they can more easily detect and track them. If you create a batch of Anti-Monster they must all have the same designated targets. Knowledge of the targeted species can help mitigate the increased stamina cost.
-Chakra Adept:
--Reserve: Above Average Chunin
--Control: Moderate
--Affinity: Earth and Water
--Know Techniques: Good Body Enhancement, Wall Walking, Water Walking, Paper Sticking, Wood Engraving, Summoning Technique (Panda), Reverse Summoning technique (Panda Valley), Earth Release: Flying Thrown Stones, Water Release: Water Characters.
--[800]-[Naruto]-Custom Summoning Contract: Panda & Red Panda, Speciality Fuinjutsu.
--[700]-[Naruto]-Mokuton Bloodline: You gain the Mokuton bloodline and a functional chakra network to use it. You do not gain any other knowledge of Chakra techniques besides Mokuton techniques.
When you first gain this ability, you possess enough chakra to use a dozen basic Mokuton techniques per day, but this can be improved with repeated use and training. It can also accelerate the growth of existing plants at the cost of their longevity.

-Air: This theme makes your creature look like they are formed of Air, Tornado, Mist, Fog, Steam, or Smoke. Colors can vary from normal to outlandish. Your creature shape may also appear to be moved by an unseen wind.
Effect: When enhanced this theme grants your creatures the ability to pass through partial barriers such as prison bars, air vents with grate covers, wire fences, etc. Does not allow them to pass through fully solid barriers.
-Constellation: Your Creatures look like a piece of the night sky with a constellation inside it. The stars of the constellation are the joints and also in the center of distinct body parts, the chest, the face, etc... Glowing lines connected stars and distinct glowing outlines are optional. The look can also include galaxies, nebulas, or solar systems. Sometimes a cloud, a satellite, a comet, or even an aurora can appear inside the body as if seen from afar. (Credit: Tizian.s)
Effect: Your creatures are fascinating to look at, people other than you and your summons find it hard to look away from them. Sufficient willpower or sudden distraction can overcome this effect. Once overcome the effect is not reapplied for the same creature, but can still manifest from another one.
-Eldritch: The appearance of your creatures appears wrong, to a greater or smaller degree. This can include deformity, pustules, vestigial tentacles, or additional eyes (non-functional) in random places. But it can also be more subtle, shadows too small, light that reflects as if the creature was farther away, colors that seem to change when not looking, or even voice too high pitched for their size.
Effect: Your creatures are immune to all time-based effects unless they allow it.
-Fur: The appearance of your creature mimics that of mammals. This mostly consists of a fur covering, but hide like a cow or elephant is possible, or even smooth skin like a dolphin is available. This may also include antlers, tusks, or horns.
Your creatures gain a 50% resistance to cold and heat.
-Food: Your creatures all look delicious with this theme. They look like they are made of various types of cooked food. Licorice for hair, bread for skin, fries as horns, or wine as blood.
Other beings can eat pieces of your creatures to gain a slow regeneration effect, this deals damage to your creatures depending on the size of the pieces taken.
-Forcefield: Your creatures are made of forcefields. Either one with a complex shape, or multiple small ones. They can be of any color but blue and green are the most common and they are semi-transparent.
Your creature can freely ignore any forcefield that could hinder them.
-Insect: Chitin becomes the main material that covers your creatures. It also includes antennas, mandible, pincer, elytra, and segmented body.
Effect: When wounded your creatures do not bleed, instead, they release a short-lived swarm of bugs that hover around them attacking anything close by. The swarm dissipates after no more than 15s.
-Lightning: Your creatures look like they're made of living electricity. Whether this is constantly crackling lightning bolts in the outline of your creature, a thundercloud in the shape of your creature constantly rumbling and flashing with inner light, or a creature-shaped plasma globe. They do not shock anything they touch, are not made of electricity, nor can they manipulate it.
Effect: Your creatures repel metallic items, lessening considerably the damage that they would receive from metallic weapons, it even affects bullets as long as they are metallic.
-Machine: Metal and plastic are now the main components of your creatures. They look like robots, clockwork toys, or even vehicles. They can have gear, pistons, doors, or even wheels.
Effect: Your creatures become immune to all poison and diseases. They also no longer need to breathe.
-Musical Instrument: With this theme, your creatures look like musical instruments. Either one instrument with a shape modified to that of the creature or a combination of different instruments such as trumpet for legs, guitar for the body, and flute for the tail. This theme doesn't change the volume of the sound your creatures emit but makes them more harmonious and pleasant to hear.
Effect: Your creatures gain immunity to sonic damage and sonic-based hostile effects.
-Plants: Your creatures are made of a mix of plant matter. This includes vines, woods, leaves, flowers, roots, fungi, fruits, seeds, etc...
Effect: Your creatures regenerate 5% of their health per hour when exposed to natural sunlight.
-Scales: The appearance of your creature mimics that of Fish, Lizard, Snake, or even Dragon. They are covered in scales, spines, and ridges, shells are also a possibility. Their shape may appear elongated. Vestigial fin and webbed paw are also common.
Your creatures can swim at up to half their normal speed and can breathe water. If a creature already could swim, it gains a 10% boost of its speed.
-Slime: Your creatures look like they are made of slime, jelly, tar, or other semi-liquid material. They can be of any color or combination of colors. On touch, they may be sticky or bouncy.
The surface of your creatures becomes adhesive, this allows them to cling to any surface vertical or horizontal, even upside down. This also means that they can keep hold of other creatures easily.

Card Captor Sakura:
-[100]-The Libra
-[400]-The Big
-[100]-The Jump
-[100]-The Voice
-[400]-The Rain

-[300]-Bakugami: Cherry Bomb
-Upgraded version of all Celestial Brush Techniques.
-All Celestial Brush Techniques can be enhanced by using Chakra. Or alternatively, normal seals can be enhanced with mystical ink.
-Seals can be created with the Celestial Brush. Only apply to immediate effect seals.
--Know seals: Light Burst.

Golden Sun:
-[200]-Flare (Mars)
-[200]-Clover (Venus)
-[200]-Simoom (Jupiter)
-[200]-Magnet (Venus)

Summon Spirit:
-Venus (1 Venus)
-Ramses (2 Venus)
-Cybele (3 Venus)
-Judgment (4 Venus)
-Mars (1 Mars)
-Kirin (2 Mars)
-Tiamat (3 Mars)
-Meteor (4 Mars)
-Jupiter (1 Jupiter)
-Atalanta (2 Jupiter)
-Procne (3 Jupiter)
-Thor (4 Jupiter)

-Zagan (1 Venus + 1 Mars)
-Megaera (1 Venus + 1 Jupiter)
-Flora (1 Venus + 2 Jupiter)
-Haures (3 Venus + 1 Mars)
-Daedalus (3 Venus + 4 Mars)
-Catastrophe (3 Mars + 5 Jupiter)
-Charon (8 Venus + 2 Jupiter)

Final Fantasy Invocation:
-[400]-Diablos (Lvl 51)

-Goblin Punch: Goblin Punch inflicts non-elemental damage to one enemy, but inflicts massive damage if the enemy's level is the same as the caster. Can be used at a range of up to 5m.
-1000 Needles: 1000 Needles inflicts 1000 damage to an enemy, regardless of defense stat or bonuses such as Protect.
-Dream Flower: Puts enemies within a 4.5m radius around you to sleep for 90 seconds.
-Matra Magic: Reduces an enemy to one HP. Low chance of hit, and fail on bosses.

-[800]-[TYPE-MOON]-Zveri - Krestnyy Khod: When this Noble Phantasm is activated, your lower half takes on the form of the mountain-sized (1km in height and 1.5km in length) primordial Mammoth, that is considered a Divine Beast. The transformation lasts for 3 minutes, or until you unleash your energy blast, if you only possess the minimum amount and quality of Magic Circuits. (~4 mana/sec)

Pocket Biospheres:
This Pocket space is a perfect sphere with impenetrable borders. It measured 6km in diameter with the ground perfectly halfway up the sphere.
The sky is red and always overcast with purple clouds. There's no day and night cycle, only night with a constant shattered full moon moving through the sky.
The land itself is desolate with no plant life, sterile earth, and stony jagged peaks. The only remarkable features are the numerous gravity dust crystals of various sizes doting the land.
In the center stood a giant purple crystal, towering up to hundreds of meters high, and a gothic castle had been carved on the inside of this crystal.
The castle contains a multitude of rooms, among which are, a conference hall, training rooms, a landing platform, and a well-stocked library.
Some useful resources can be found in the castle, a few crates of dust of all types, mundane weapons, armor, and clothes.
There are also three different mecha shift weapons and a pair of Scrolls.
Twisted Cage: A Man Catcher that can transform into a Boomerang and vice versa.
Rusty Harp: A Scythe that can transform into a Longbow and vice versa.
Primalhowl: A War Hammer that can transform into a Grenade Launcher and vice versa.

-Fell Seal Variants:
Variant Body: Grants +7.5% HP, +5% DEF/RES, +2 Jump
For the quest a small boost in toughness and a higher jump.
Juggernaut (Passive): Damage taken until the character's next turn is reduced by 7% (max 35%) for every tile the character has moved this turn
For the quest, it means that moving at least 10m reduces the damage you take by 35% for 10s.
Heavy Hit (Skill): Deals damage equal to 1/3 of the target's current HP
For the quest, it's an attack that deals more damage the healthier the target is. On a big creature, this could be devastating.
Unbreakable Spirit (Passive): Every debuff on the character increases their ATK and MND by 10%
For the quest, it's more situational but the poison from Taylor's bug would count, Gallant emotional blast, Glory Girl Aura, and things like that. All those things would trigger the bonus.
Barrier (Counter): Grants barrier to the character after being targeted by an offensive action
Repairs (Spell): Heals 45% HP to the target
Mastery bonus: HP+7, ATK+3, DEF+5, RES+3
Variant Body: +5% DEF/RES, Immunity to Berserk and Charm.
Resilience (Passive): Any debuffs applied to this character will last 1 turn fewer.
Protect (Skill): Character protects a target from taking any kind of direct damage by taking the hit in their stead (will not work for area of effect Abilities if the protector is already a target of the Ability). While active, the character cannot be displaced.
Rampart (Passive): Enemies' movement will be stopped at tiles adjacent to this character, unless they are already in those tiles.
Vanguard (Counter): Any ally being targeted by an attack that is also targeting this character takes 25% less damage. The amount of damage reduced that way is then applied as healing to this character.
Fleet of Foot (Skill): Grants Fleet of Foot and removes Root around the character. A unit with Fleet of Foot will have increased movement of +1.
Mastery bonus: HP+9, DEF+5, RES+4, Resistance Water, Fire, Earth, and Lighting +2

-[100]--Tek Creatures: Can be applied to all creatures. Grant a mechanical appearance with a chrome-like quality. It grants increased resistance and sharper claws or teeth.
-[300]-Brute Creatures: Size increased by 50%, Health by 500%, and Strength by 200%.

-Monster Hunter:
-[100]--Subspecies: Can be used when summoning specific Monster Hunter creatures to summon a different subspecies.
Available Subspecies: Azure Rathalos, White Velociprey, Tempestborne Stormclaw
--Variant: Can be used when summoning specific Monster Hunter creatures to summon a different subspecies.
Available Variant: None

-Dungeons & Dragons
-[300]-Half-Dragon (Shadow)
-Count as a dragon for all purposes.
-Gain +50% Health.
-Gain black semi-transparent draconic wings if the size of the creature is higher than 2.5m in height or length.
-Skin becomes tougher and may grow black or purple scales.
-Gain claws on front limbs and sharp teeth.
-You gain a breath weapon, a Cone (10m radius) of Shadows that bestows one negative level, usable once per day.
Negative levels weaken all aspects of a living being, physical, mental, or supernatural. Even killing the target if it's weak enough or with enough negative levels. The target can attempt to remove one negative level per day with enough willpower.
-Gain +8 Strength, +2 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Charisma
-Immunity to Energy Drain
-Gain immunity to sleep and paralysis
-Gain dark vision

-[100]--Elite: Can be used when summoning specifics Evolve creatures to summon an albino version. When unsummoned it grants you a short-lived buff.
Available Elite:

-[100]-Elemental: Can only be applied to specific Borderlands creatures. Must select the specific elements each time it's applied.
Available Elemental:
-Jabber > Charged Jabber or Gassy Jabber or Burning Jabber or Frosty Jabber

-Minecraft (Thaumcraft):
-[200]--Champions: This effect is considered a modifier and can be applied to any summoned creature. But only one at a time. When you apply this modifier, the target creature gains one random attribute, roll a d14 to find which one. (If a creature gains the Champion modifier multiple times in the same day, through the use of the Free Modification power, it will have the same attribute each time, determined at the first application of the day). In addition when unsummoned or killed a champion has a 1 in ten chance to drop a random treasure bag.
Roll: d14Attributes
1Vampiric: Heal for 50% of the damage dealt to enemies, max of 2 health.
2Venomous: Inflicts poison for 5s.
3Undying: Has the same effect as Regeneration III buff.
4Warped: Can teleport within line of sight.
5Tainted: Inflicts flux flu
6Infested: Spawns Tainted Crawler when hit.
7Warded: Gets (additional) Runic Shield for 50% of the mob's max health.
8Mighty: Deals 4.5x more damage.
9Sickly: Inflicts the hunger effect for 25s and emits green particles.
10Grim: Inflicts the wither effect for 10s.
11Spined: Deals 1 to 4 damage to the attacker for each attack.
12Fiery: Sets enemies on fire and emits orange fiery particles for 4s.
13Armored: Takes 25% less damage.
14Bold: Attacks 100% faster and leaves a harmless electric field behind them.
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Creature’s Weapon/Vehicle shapes, Material Extraction, and Senses
-Spider Bot: A round buckler shield
-Redeye Watcher: Laser rifle
-Stainless Fal-Swo: Electric/Gravitic rifle attached to a backpack
-Starro: Net
-Eastern Mole: Thin fur gloves with small claws on each finger
-Deathbringer: Gatling gun on six legs with multiple modes of attack
-Cactuar: Needle gun
-Golden Orb Weaver: A simple garotte wire made with a wire of golden silk and two sticks of chitin.
-White Walkie: A heavy pair of furry boxing gloves, but you'll deal more damage with them than you would without.
--Floramon: A Vine Whip
--Kiwimon: Grenade Launcher
--Blossomon: Cat o' nine tails
-Sphoeroid: A big water gun that fires slime
-Babel Fish: A bulky earring that hides a really tiny dagger.
-Gold Slime: Sling that uses soft golden bullets. (The bullets dissipate after hitting a target and are generated at a rate of 3 bullets per minute.)
-House Elf: A wand that can manipulate objects and creatures at a distance.
-Greater Roadrunner: A throwing knife in the shape of a feather that transforms into a miniature roadrunner after hitting its target, it then returns as fast as possible toward the thrower and transforms back.
-Frillish: A triple flail with the chain replaced by Frillish arms, that allows the use of any attack Frillish knows.
-Goliath: A big two-hand Axe with blades in the shape of bat wings. Fairly light for its size and deal more damage than the wielder's strength alone could account for.
-Zouwu: A pair of double-dagger made of the Zouwu fangs. Deal more damage than the wielder's strength alone can explain.
-Crysmal: One Atlatl that can throw a crystal spear once per minute. Also, grant the use of the Crysmal offensive power (Control Object, Control Sound, Mind Thrust, Ego Whip).
-Deer Dog: A pair of knives made of antlers.
-Koala Sheep: A reinforced pillow.
-Tiger Seal: A big rubber mallet.
-Electric Crutter: An electrified dart that reappears in your hand 30s after leaving your hand.
-Tree Lobster: A small black baton made of chitin.
-Liguus Virgineus: Drill-shaped knife
-Atlas: A pair of small scythes made of chitins
-Zilla: A big cannon with an organic look that can fire a miniature version of Zilla's breath weapon.
-Cave swiftlet: A three-blade shuriken
-Frog squirrel: A green yo-yo with a string looking like a frog tongs.
-Boss (Kaen Kabuto): A giant Warhammer with a head that looks like Boss's horn.
-Rare Iguarmor: Spiked bracer on the right arm
-Defective Turret: A small gun without ammo that explodes 30 seconds after being summoned.
-Slurg: Glue Grenade
-Picktools: Icepick
-Mantis Shrimp: An artificial raptorial claw the size of a pistol. Can be used underwater to generate cavitation bubbles.
-Attack Drone: Small Tek Canon
-Tigerdillo: A shield and a clawed gauntlet.
-Pyrobat: Pistol that emits a small jet of fire.
-Green ChuChu: Baseball bat made of rebounding slime.
-Bullfinch: Spiked Hammer in the shape of a Bullfinch head
-Fireworm (Drone): A flaming dagger, the user is immune to the heat produced by the dagger.
-Arachno: A pistol that throws nets made of webs.
-Ysalamir: Clawed gauntlet that projects anti-Force Bubble.
-Demiguise: Invisible and weighted dueling cloak (do not render the wearer invisible)
-Rock Slime: Hammer made of rock
-Lightbringer: Crystal wand.
-Mandragora: A dagger made of leaves
-Rocky: Stone Hammer
-Death Tome: Spellbook
-Shadowmere: Horseshoe attached to your shoes
-Doctor Fish: Syringe that can absorb Fat, tumors, blood clots, and melamine if just under the skin.
-Junktools: Claw head
-Vykker: A bracer with four small-clawed arms that can act semi-independently.
-Scrutin: A stone gun that fires mana bolts
-Mesmer: A fan with a hypnotic pattern
-Electric Fluffalo: A horned helmet.
-Chilly: A white gun.
-Basilisk: A snake-shaped bracer that can project fire or poison.
-Experiment 529 Digger: A handheld drill
-Vortigaunt: Electrical gun
-Automatron: Shishkebab or Hammer saw
-Gurn: Heavy lance
-Scp-999: A spray that projects relaxing pheromone
-Pegasi: Reinforced mitten with hoof pattern
-Kuriboh: Clawed glow
-Eastern Gray Squirrel: A wooden gun that launches nuts
-Clank: Shoulder-mounted Rocket Launcher
-Ruff: Protubering Fanged Mouthguard
-Lemon Pektite: Tentacle Shaped wand
-Possum chicken: Small Whip
-Axe Legion: Invisible Axe
-Denshark: A Leiomano with a chain that can be controlled mentally.
-Skorch: Candle-shaped club.
-Sneasel: Pair of Gauntlets with extending claws
-Jellyish: Glue Gun
-Achatina: Flail
-Giant Queen Bee: Stingergun that fire bee
-Trivalve: Yo-Yo
-Princess: Nine-Head Flail
-Sapientia: Ornate Rocket Launcher
-Companion Cube: A hammer
-Harvest: A Gatling Gun that fires hypodermic needles, empty by default but can be filled with various liquids.
-Bernie: A pair of gauntlets in the shape of bear paws.
-Kamadan: A gun that launches sleeping gas equipped with 6 snakes that can attack independently.
-Shadow: A saber
-Catachan Devil: Scythe
-Rathalos: Hammer
-Turtle crab: Pincer gauntlet with turtle shell wrist protection
-Eva 01: Spear (not the Spear of Longinus but looks like it)
-Changewing: Acid Thrower
-Treasure Tree Adam: Two meters long Club
-Draconoir: Longsword
-Scp-3973: Plastic gun that launches dice
-Imp: Giant Fork
-Spiderwing: Wrist Launcher producing webbing
-Parasprites: Sling that launches eating marbles
-Slime: Bouncy ball
-Rachni Worker: Explosive grenade that sticks to surfaces or Extensible Pincer
-Koopa Troopa: Flail with shell as weight that can be detached and throw
-Terebras: Spear
-B Unown: Twin Chakram
-Velociprey: Velocidrome Dual Blades
-Magical Owl: Silent boomerang
-Tabby Slime: Beach Ball
-Mickey the Mouse: Cutting Pincer
-Defensive Microbots: Laser Pointer
-Trick Sparrow: Javelin
-Worm Scarf: Ribbon with a mouth at one end.
-Golemancy: Golem Hand
-Bikōchū: Scent tracking Kunai
-Blocking Spider: Shield Yoyo
-Cyber Mastiff: Electric Lopper - Man catcher spear hybrid.
-Surveyor: Laser Gun
-Ocular Orthopod: None
-Shamirs: Thorn whip
-Slobber Trap: Water Gun
-Blitz Leopard: Whip
-Trifangle: Laser Gun
-UFO: Shoulder-mounted laser gun
-Fairy: Shield lantern
-Gremlins: Clawed gauntlet
-Experiment 234 Shush: Sonic Gun
-Flubber: Boxing Gloves
-Sentry Turret: Machine Gun
-Polero: Lasso
-Maintenance Bot: Plasma Torch
-Scp-4384: Haida Dagger
-Waisrabbit: Dart that can teleport past an obstacle if throw
-Chao: Tonfa
-Simuroc: Bec-de-Corbin
-Ercinee: Light Crossbow
-Mudcrab: Shield that can open in a big crab claw
-Purple Pentapus: Suction cup dart
-Glitch: EMP grenade with a radius of 10cm.
-Naked Mole Bat: Twin barreled gun that fires snot
-Blade Knight: Sword
-Felicicrow: Feather-shaped Dagger
-Maneater: Sawtooth Cutlass, Bone Sledgehammer, Shadow Sword, Electric Club, or Atomic Gun
-Anomura Fungus: Twin Scimitar
-Dingbot Prime (Girl Genius): Wrench
-Master Hand: A white glove.
-Plum: A basketball
-Koraidon: Saw-Axe
-Mini-Moldorm: Articulated Gauntlet
-Scp-2584: Hoop
-Water Animental Crane: Water pistol
-Zeta Metroid: Arm Canon
-Xi Construct: Chest Laser
-R.O.B: Pincer claw
-Raptor: Saber
-Pulse Bombu: Miniature shoulder canon
-Luggage: Wooden hammer with a mouth on top
-Doc Robot: Laser pistol
-Damned Chessmen: Turret with varied munitions (Whirling Blades, Falling Spear, Fire Arrows, Quad Laser, or Blast of Energy)
-Experiment 223 Glitch: EMP Grenade
--Sunarizamon: Spiked Gauntlet
--Tortomon: Spiked Shield
-Powie Yowie: Fire Extinguisher
-Tonberry: Knife
-Crystal Worm: Long Spear
-Kupuna Wa: Shield
-Lava Eel: Nunchaku
-Arburian Pelarota: Flail Yo-Yo
-Manticore: Spiked Chain
-Hummingbird: Golden-Tailed Sapphire: Needle
-Killer donuts: Circular Shuriken
-Seer: A pair of cat-o-nine tail
-Sep Adder: Flying Dagger
-Cujo: Spiked Fist
-Duplicat: Buckler Shield
-Enforce-Mint: Leaf Fan
-Kiwibeast: Hammer
-Mysticblade: Katana
-Matamune: Katana
-Kageroumaru: Tanto
-Diveal: Trident
-Flerken: Whip that can split into multiple grasping tendrils.
-Liopleurodon: Harpoon gun with teleporting harpoon
-Hideous A: Scythe
-Hideous B: Pair of Chainsaw Swords
-Hideous C: Shotgun
-Scorpion: Staff with Hammer on one end and Spear on the other
-The Monster Book of Monsters: Hammer
-Gargant: Big Laser/Plasma Canon on legs
-Griever: Extendable Spear
-Angry Nimbus: Water Gun
-Tsuchinoko: Spatula
-Heterometrus Laoticus: Stilleto
-Astrodelphis: Laser Gun
-Monotremata (Platypus): Spear with a blade in the form of a duck bill.
-Explosive Rubble Golem: A miniature version of the grenade, weapon shape varies depending on available materials. Hammer, mace, staff, etc…
-Silverwood: A wand that can slowly purify a target or an area.
-Scp-3160: 129 Darts that can become conceptual once thrown, fusing with the first object they encounter and exiting from any similar object of your choice immediately afterward.
-Caves of Wonder Guardian: Tiger Head Staff
-Heliogrub: Flashlight Club
-Custom Unicorn: A spear
-Geth Legion: M-98 Widow
-B.U.T.L.E.R: Hammer
-Siberian: Clawed gauntlet
-Sleft-chuff: Whip
-Blue Diva: Throwing Dart that emitted a melody when thrown.
-Yellow-crested Cockatoo: Small Boomerang that whistles as it flew
-Trygons: Twin Scythes
-Robot Monkey: Wrench
-Phasme: Bacillus Rossius: Bâton
-Smurf: Brush
-Gimlinopithecus: Mace
-Honedge: Sword
-Ornate box turtle: Shield
-Mule: Pitchfork
-Serpentes: Corn Snake: Daguer
-Glires: Chinchilla: Gloves
-Quantum Slime: Ball and Chain
-Zuru: Shield
-Metal Slime: Bouncy Ball
-Jabber: Hammer-Slingshot
-Elephant Shrew: Shiv
-Magpie: A throwing knife
-Common Leopard Gecko: Gloves
-Iguania Central Bearded Dragon: Brass Knuckle
-Wire Golem: Throwing Net
-Methuselah: Morningstar
-Hinkypunk: Shield-Lantern
-Goat: Hoe
-Storm Atronach: Shotgun
-Least Auklet: Knife
-Great Dane: Baseball Bat
-Spotted Salamander: Poisoned knife
-Siamese Fighting Fish: Boxing gloves
-Void Chicken: Throwing Knife
-Stormclaw: Storm Blades
-Kaiya: Wand
-Bob: Staff
-Zac: Slingshot
-Phoenix: Sword
-Brewmaster: Wyrmbrew Connoisseur Weapon
-EMH: Medical Tricorder
-Nanocore: Laser Katana
-Jade Wisp: Giant Fan
-Argothian Treefolk: Club
-Silver Fox: Curved Dagger
-Fancy Rat: Small Knife
-Neotox: Smoke Gun
-Barnacle: Mine
-Lobster: Scissor
-Jumping Spider: Glue Gun

-Spider Bot: Grapple Gun
-Redeye Watcher: Motorbike
-Stainless Fal-Swo: Identical to normal but with a cockpit
-Starro: Seabob
-Cactuar: Scooter
-White Walkie: Snowmobile
--Floramon: Grappling Whip
--Kiwimon: Kiwi-shaped Walker
--Blossomon: Tank
-Sphoeroid: Miniature truck with a hose
-Gold Slime: Pogo Stick
-House Elf: Monocycle
-Greater Roadrunner: Rollerbalde
-Frillish: Innertube
-Goliath: Ultralight Aircraft
-Zouwu: Pickup Truck
-Crysmal: Crawling Tank
-Deer Dog: ATV
-Koala Sheep: Micro Car
-Tiger Seal: Jetski
-Electric Crutter: Electric Scooter
-Atlas: Organic Winged backpack
-Zilla: Combination of Submarine and Tank.
-Boss (Kaen Kabuto): Helicopter
-Rare Iguarmor: Sledge
-Picktools: Climbing Picks
-Attack Drone: Drone with cockpit
-Tigerdillo: Monowheel
-Pyrobat: Hanglider
-Green ChuChu: Jumping Shoe
-Bullfinch: 4x4 Kart
-Arachno: Mini Spider Tank
-Demiguise: Backpack with climbing arms
-Rock Slime: Pogo Stick
-Mandragora: Monowheel
-Shadowmere: Dirt Bike
-Scrutin: Stone Hand glider
-Mesmer: Underwater Scooter
-Electric Fluffalo: Mini Tractor
-Chilly: Giant Hollow Snowball
-Basilisk: Skate and Surf Board combo
-Experiment 529 Digger: Miniature Tunnel Bore
-Vortigaunt: Monowheel Scooter
-Automatron: Modular Bike
-Gurn: Armored Bike with a horn at the front
-Scp-999: Giant Hollow Bouncy Ball
-Pegasi: Autogyro
-Aerbunny: Cloud Parachute
-Clank: Heli-Pack
-Ruff: Bike
-Lemon Pektite: Hoverboard
-Skorch: Minecart
-Sneasel: Climbing Gear
-Golden Trivalve: Segway
-Princess: Giant Tank
-Sapientia: Flying Ship
-Bernie: Small 4x4
-Kamadan: Sport Bike
-Shadow: Magic Carpet that Glides a few centimeters above the ground.
-Catachan Devil: Futuristic Truck
-Rathalos: Jet
-Eva 01: Giant Tank
-Cressidus: Armored Car
-Changewing: Small Stealth Jet
-Treasure Tree Adam: Thousand Sunny (only the shape)
-Draconoir: Flying Gondola
-GREMLIN: Flying Hoverboard
-Imp: Flying Fork
-Spiderwing: Grappling Hook
-Rachni Worker: Tank Scooter or Tank Buggy
-Koopa Troopa: Shell
-Terebras: Aquatic Scooter
-B Unown: Levitating Hoops
-Velociprey: Motorbike
-Magical Owl: Flying Broomstick
-Tabby Slime: Pogo Stick
-Trick Sparrow: Hand glider
-Golemancy: Walking Chair
-Blocking Spider: Small Spider Tank
-Cyber Mastiff: Exoskeletal Legs
-Surveyor: Jetpack
-Slobber Trap: Thread Motorcycle
-Blitz Leopard: Three-wheeled Car
-Trifangle: Miniature spaceship
-UFO: UFO Shaped Single Seated Hovercraft
-Experiment 234 Shush: Bike
-Flubber: Bouncy Ball
-Sentry Turret: Scooter
-Maintenance Bot: Hoverbike
-Waisrabbit: Shoes
-Simuroc: Ornitopther
-Ercinee: Flying Hoverboard
-Purple Pentapus: Boots with suction cups
-Mudcrab: Amphibious Quad
-Snake Weapon: Rope that can tie itself
-Blade Knight: Sword
-Maneater: Miniature Submarine
-Anomura Fungus: ATV
-Master Hand: Flying Car
-Plum: Buoy
-Koraidon: Bike
-Mini-Moldorm: Sand Bike
-Water Animental Crane: Surfboard made of solid water
-Zeta Metroid: Quad.
-Xi Construct: Same as its normal body but with a cockpit inside
-R.O.B: Hover Scooter
-Raptor: Motocross
-Luggage: A wooden throne supported by a dozen of feet
-Doc Robot: Bike
--Sunarizamon: Surfboard that works on sand
--Tortomon: Mini Tank
-Powie Yowie: Snowmobile
-Crystal Worm: Drill Vehicle
-Kupuna Wa: Flying Bowl
-Arburian Pelarota: Sphere Tank
-Manticore: Flying Tank
-Seer: Two Mini Blimps
-Cujo: Monster Truck
-Duplicat: Segway Drift Skates
-Mysticblade: Fantasy Jet
-Kageroumaru: Parallel Two Wheels Skateboard
-Diveal: Sea Bike
-Flerken: A miniature car, the size of a cat but that can contain lots of people/beings in its fleshy interior. The size of the car door doesn't hinder entrance.
-Liopleurodon: Mini-Submarine
-Hideous A, B, and C: Hover Bike
-Scorpion: Futur Tank
-Gargant: Same as normal with a cockpit on top
-Griever: Six Wheels Car
-Angry Nimbus: Floating Cloud
-Astrodelphis: Flying Mini Submarine
-Explosive Rubble Golem: Random depending on available materials. The most common are bikes, cars, and trikes.
-Custom Unicorn: Bike
-Geth Legion: Geth Platform
-B.U.T.L.E.R: Hover skate
-Siberian: Bike
-Sleft-chuff: Dirigible
-Trygon: Mini-Tank with a drill
-Robot Monkey: Skateboard
-Gimlinopithecus: Buggy
-Honedge: Floating skateboard
-Mule: Tractor
-Quantum Slime: Pogo Stick
-Zuru: Rollers Skate
-Metal Slime: Mono Wheel Skateboard
-Jabber: Monowheel Bike
-Wire Golem: Bike
-Methuselah: Giant Mining Dump Truck
-Goat: All-terrain bicycle
-Storm Atronach: Hover Bike
-Great Dane: Scooter
-Stormclaw: Offroad Vehicle
-Bob: Skateboard
-Zac: Rolling Sphere
-Phoenix: Fighter Jet
-Brewmaster: Barrel Car
-EMH: Hover Chair
-Nanocore: Hover Truck
-Jade Wisp: Kart

-Spider Bot: Pieces for a camera or for a forcefield generator (same size as spider bot forcefield)
-Redeye Watcher: Sparker (Electrical munition), Small Machine Core
-Stainless Fal-Swo: Fal-swo Solar Crest (Can be used to craft light armor), White Stabilizer (Can be used to craft a better magazine for a gun), or Genuine Plate (Can be used to create heavy armor, with high gravity resistance).
-Starro: The five limbs of Starro that can be cooked.
-Eastern Mole: The fur. Can be used for clothes.
-Deathbringer: Metal Vessel (for bomb and trap), Crystal Braiding ( for Shadow and Adept Sling), Deathbringer Lens (can copy the Deathbringer weapon), or Metalburn (can create corruption arrow or fire buster).
-Cactuar: Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Tent, or Ether.
-Golden Orb Weaver: A small roll of golden silk, enough to make as an example a bracelet 1cm wide.
-White Walkie: Heavy fur, enough to make a big coat.
-Sphoeroid: A jar of slime
-Babel Fish: A dead Babel fish, make for an excellent fish sauce
-Gold Slime: 2 Gold Plort and knowledge on how to create jewelry with them.
-House Elf: House elf wine and the knowledge of multiple recipes to cook with it.
-Greater Roadrunner: Feathers and the knowledge to use them to make clothes and jewelry
-Frillish: Mystic Water
-Goliath: Its wings and the knowledge on how to craft a gliding cape with them.
-Zouwu: Four fangs and the knowledge to create jewelry with them.
-Crysmal: One small quartz crystal and knowledge on how to cut it.
-Deer Dog: Two antlers that can be fashioned into primitive tools and weapons.
-Koala Sheep: 5kg of wool. And the knowledge on how to turn it into threads and to knit.
-Tiger Seal: Blubber and the knowledge on how to turn it into soap.
-Electric Crutter: A Static Cell
-Avian Bunny: Bunny legs and recipes for such
-Human Cat: Fur that can be used for clothes.
-Hylotl Crasberry: 2 Claws and Recipes for such
-Glitch Piglett: Ham and recipes for such
-Floran Snake: Tail and recipes for such
-Novakid Snugget: Cotton Candy
-Apex Weasel: Fur that can be used for clothes.
-Tree Lobster: A dead tree lobster and how to cook it.
-Liguus Virgineus: The shell and the skill to use it for jewelry.
-Atlas: Pieces of his carapace that can be used to make armor
-Zilla: His scales can be used to create radiation-resistant armor.
-Cave swiftlet: Feather that can be used for jewelry
-Frog squirrel: Impermeable fur
-Boss (Kaen Kabuto): Chitin that can be made into armor or horns/tusks that can be made into weapons.
-Rare Iguarmor: Hardened Carapace
-Defective Turret: Parts of the turret that need to be repaired.
-Slurg: Slime vial, that can be used to make glue
-Picktools: Parts to build an Icepick
-Mantis Shrimp: Dead shrimp to cook.
-Attack Drone: Element and the basic knowledge of Tek technologies.
-Tigerdillo: The carapace and how to turn it into armor
-Pyrobat: Demon leather
-Green ChuChu: Green Jelly, enough to produce one green potion per day.
-Bullfinch: Seed of Strength, Cowpat, Magic beast hide
-Fireworm (Drone): Firecomb
-Arachno: Insect Jaw, Arachno Silk, Arachno Ear.
-Ysalamir: Leather skin
-Demiguise: Fur and the knowledge to use it to create an invisibility cloak
-Rock Slime: Rock Plort
-Lightbringer: Light Beacons
-Mandragora: Leaves that can be used to create a sleeping potion or a poison.
-Rocky: Pieces of granite
-Death Tome: Random Enchanted Book or Magic Map Focus
-Shadowmere: Hide Leather, and the knowledge to craft clothes and saddles
-Black Den Den Mushi: Snail Shell
-Doctor Fish: Dead fish to cook
-Machine Spirit: None
-Junktools: Assortment of nails, screws, and bolts
-Vykker: Claws and Skin
-Scrutin: Eye Gem that can channel mana
-Mesmer: Body that can be cooked and bioluminescent fluid
-Electric Fluffalo: Static Cells
-Chilly: Ice and Snow
-Basilisk: Vial of poison
-Experiment 529 Digger: His tail.
-Bulky Vendor: Bright Shard, or Orichalcum
-Snitch: Camera and drone component
-Vortigaunt: Skin
-Automatron: Robot parts
-Gurn: Horn and leather
-Critters: Meat
-Scp-999: Jelly
-Pegasi: Hide, feather, and meat
-Kuriboh: Fur
-Eastern Gray Squirrel: Meat
-Aerbunny: Cloudtwine
-Scp-1316: Cat Fur
-Clank: Titanium Alloy Ingot
-Ruff: Pie and Booster Shoots
-Lemon Pektite: Godwood
-Scp-5094: CD-ROM of Miss J's Whiz Kidz Schoolhouse, but non-anomalous.
-Possum chicken: Meat
-Sorting Hat: Magical Leather
-Denshark: Shark Fin
-Skorch: Monster Bell and Silk
-Sneasel: Quick Claw
-Jellyish: Jar of Glue
-Achatina: Chitin, Raw Meat, Achatina Paste, and Organic Polymer
-Giant Queen Bee: Honey
-Trivalve: Shell and flesh
-Princess: Leather
-Sapientia: Halos
-Companion Cube: One Aluminum Ingot or One Plastic Sheet
-Bernie: Beard Hair, Beefalo Wool, and Silk
-Kamadan: Sleeping Gas capsule, Poison Vial
-Shadow: Seed of resilience
-Catachan Devil: Acid and Chitin
-Rathalos: Rathalos Carves
-Clockwork Skeevaton: Clockwork pieces
-Turtle crab: Pincer, meat, or shell.
-Eva 01: LCL, Plugsuit's materials
-Ivy Whip: Vines and leaves.
-Lepton Daisy: Petal that can be made into perfume.
-Changewing: Acid vials
-Treasure Tree Adam: Wooden beams or Planks, Big quantity, and Carpentry knowledge.
-Draconoir: Silver or Totem
-Scp-3973: Dice, Normal figurines, or paint.
-GREMLIN: Electronic pieces and repulsor plates.
-Imp: Prayer ring, Seed of resilience, Seed of wisdom, Chimaera wing, Cool cheese
-Spiderwing: Fire Resistant Silk
-Parasprites: Wings and teeth
-Slime: Sap, Slime, Green Algae, Jade, Amethyst, Diamond, or Prismatic Shard
-Rachni Worker: Gaseous poison or Acid
-Koopa Troopa: Green Shell
-Terebras: Terebra Paw Stamp, Terebra Water Grease, Sharp Ear, Perforated Oar, or Taut Leather
-B Unown: Psychic Gem
-Velociprey: Velociprey Carves
-Magical Owl: Feathers
-Tabby Slime: Tabby Plort
-Mickey the Mouse: 10cm² of Smart Skin
-Defensive Microbots: Pieces for laser and aiming system
-Trick Sparrow: Ore or Echo Screen
-Worm Scarf: Demonite Ore
-Golemancy: Thaumium
-Ancestor Moth: Silk or Ancestor Moth Wing
-Bikōchū: Chitin
-Pig Jig: Lolita Emblem, Sheep Heavenly
-Blocking Spider: Demonic Chitin and Demonic Silk
-Butterfly Therapy: Butterfly Wings
-Cyber Mastiff: Cybernetic pieces for dogs
-Surveyor: Aerial drone pieces
-Ocular Orthopod: Giant eye that can be cooked
-Shamirs: Cement-like paste
-Slobber Trap: Vial of adhesive saliva
-Blitz Leopard: Bioluminescent liquid
-Trifangle: Mech Salvage Part, Stick of RAM, Silicon Board, Copper Wire
-UFO: Aluminium and Titanium
-Fairy: Magical lanterns
-Gremlins: Teeth, Fur, or Leather
-Experiment 234 Shush: A microphone
-Flubber: Inert flubber
-Nightmare: Sleeping Agent (causes nightmare)
-Sentry Turret: Pieces for Machine guns and Bullets
-Polero: Elastic rope.
-Maintenance Bot: Various repair tools
-Scp-4384: Tobacco
-Waisrabbit: Angora Wool, can be crafted into items that allow for short-range teleport
-Chao: Chaos Drives
-Simuroc: Beak
-Ercinee: Diamond Thread
-Purple Pentapus: Meat
-Mudcrab: Mudcrab Chitin
-Snake Weapon: Leather skin
-Naked Mole Bat: Monster Meat, Naked Nostrils, or Guano
-Blade Knight: Mundane sword
-Felicicrow: Feathers
-Maneater: Shark Skin, Bone plates, Bio-electric Feelers, Poison, or Nuclear spikes
-Volumen Hydrargyrum: Magical Mercury
-Anomura Fungus: Shroomerang (Only once), Mushroom Spear (Only once), Hammush (Only once), Mushroom Cap, or Glowing Mushroom
-Forest Flish: Flish meat that can be cooked
-Master Hand: Roll of Coton
-Plum: Edible version of the Plum
-Moon Slug: Helium canister
-Koraidon: Black Belt and Dragon Fang
-Mini-Moldorm: One Bomb
-Scp-2584: Snakeskin
-Water Animental Crane: Magically infused water
-Zeta Metroid: Energy Capsules, Chitin, Claw, Teeth, Protoplasme
-Xi Construct: Defense Nucleus (once), Aegis, Fuel Cell, Laser Scope.
-R.O.B: Electronic components
-Raptor: Hide, Raw Meat
-Pulse Bombu: Energy Capsules
-Luggage: One log of Sapient Pearwood
-Clathrina Clathrus: A dead sponge
-Root Sprite: Root Pod, White Pears, Aspectrus Fruit.
-Doc Robot: Electronic components
-Damned Chessmen: Demonic Marble or Demonic Obsidian
-Critter: Enchanted Nightcrawler: Fallen Star
-Sunarizamon: Sand
-Cape Sugarbird: Feathers
-Potato Mouse: Potato ideal to make French Fries
-Powie Yowie: Fur coat or Holy water
-Scp-387: Random Lego Set
-Springworm: Springworm Excreta
-Hymenopus Coronatus: Flower Mantis: Its body
-Tonberry: Elixir, Ether, Mirage Vest
-Crystal Worm: Quartz Crystal
-Kupuna Wa: Clockwork pieces that can be used to build very precise clocks and watches.
-Lava Eel: Dead Eel
-Arburian Pelarota: Shell that can be used to craft armor and Chemicals that reduce friction
-Manticore: Element
-Hummingbird: Golden-Tailed Sapphire: Multicolored Feathers
-Killer donuts: Normal Donut or Ingredients (Milk, Yeast, Sugar, Eggs Butter, Flour)
-Seer: Organic glass
-Sep Adder: Venom and skin
-Scp-368: Paper
-Calopteryx Taurica (Damselfly): Elytra
-Cujo: Squeaky Toy
-Duplicat: Mirror Herb
-Enforce-Mint: Normal mint leaves
-Kiwibeast: Normal Kiwifruits
-Mysticblade: Feathers
-Divine Bow: Sacred Tree Wood
-Kageroumaru: Shuriken
-Diveal: Plastic
-Flerken: Fleshy tentacles that can be used to create expanded space in containers.
-Liopleurodon: Black Pearl, Raw Fish Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat, and Megalodon Tooth
-Hideous A, B, and C: Orbs
-Glaucus Atlanticus (Blue Sea Dragon): Venomous nematocysts
-Maintenance Mek: Meshing Gear
-Lantern Mouse: Luminescent Fluid
-Scorpion: Electrical organ and metal feet
-The Monster Book of Monsters: Paper, Leather, Teeth
-Gargant: Metal Alloy and Electronic pieces
-Griever: Grief Serum
-Angry Nimbus: Nimbus Rod (Only Once), Water
-Tsuchinoko: Leather
-Heterometrus Laoticus: Venom
-Astrodelphis: Hide, Raw Meat, Element
-Monotremata (Platypus): Bill, Biofluorescent Fur, Venom, Tail + Poison Barb.
-Explosive Rubble Golem: Metal cables and wires
-Silverwood: The wood, the flower, or a Node in a Jar (only once per week).
-Scp-3160: Wasp venom that can be conceptually applied to an object, thereafter all similar objects in a 10km radius are considered to have the venom applied.
-Caves of Wonder Guardian: Random treasure piece
-Senzu Bean: One Senzu Bean (Only once per week)
-Heliogrub: Bioluminescent fluid
-Custom Unicorn: Unicorn Horn
-Sleft-chuff: Tibanna gas
-Blue Diva: Meat
-Yellow-crested Cockatoo: Feathers
-Trygon: Chitin and Claws
-Robot Monkey: Metal
-Phasme: Bacillus Rossius: Its body
-Smurf: Basic Makeup kit
-Gimlinopithecus: Fur
-Honedge: Metal Coat
-Sloth: Yolk
-Neopterygii (Dwarf Galaxia): His body
-Ornate box turtle: Shell and Meat
-Mule: Leather and Meat
-Serpentes: Corn Snake: Skin
-Glires: Chinchilla: Fur
-Quantum Slime: Quantum Plort
-Garanian Bolites: Temporary skin paint
-Zuru: Shell and bioluminescent organ
-Metal Slime: Seed of agility, Medicinal herb, Seed of life, Molten globules, Golden tiara (only once)
-Jabber: Fur
-Elephant Shrew: Skin
-Magpie: Feathers
-Common Leopard Gecko: Skin
-Neopterygii Comet Goldfish: Body
-Iguania Central Bearded Dragon: Leather
-Wire Golem: Metal wire
-Methuselah: Stone-like skin
-Hinkypunk: Lantern
-Knob-Tailed Gecko: Tail
-Goat: Horn
-Storm Atronach: Void Salts
-Least Auklet: Feather
-Guinea Pig: Fur
-Great Dane: Bones
-Spotted Salamander: Skin
-Siamese Fighting Fish: Its body
-Void Chicken: Unfertilized eggs and feathers
-Stormclaw: Stormclaw Hide, Conductive Antler, Glinttooth, Volthoof, and Capacitail
-Kaiya: Kyanite
-Bob: Human Skull
-Zac: Ooze
-Phoenix: Feathers
-Brewmaster: Cinder Brew
-Nanocore: Metal Ingot
-EMH: Holographic Projector
-Argothian Treefolk: Wood that resists metal
-Silver Fox: Pelt
-Fancy Rat: Skin
-Neotox: Poison
-Barnacle: Shell
-Neotox: Poison
-Barnacle: Shell

–Ability to zoom: Spider Bot, Snitch, R.O.B, Geth Legion
–Enhance Vision: Redeye Watcher, Rathalos, Trick Sparrow, Simuroc, Ercinee, Felicicrow, Yellow-crested Cockatoo
–Gravity Vision: Stainless Fal-Swo
–Underwater Vision: Starro, Frillish, Mesmer, Critters, Trivalve, Terebras, Purple Pentapus, Diveal
–Low-Light Vision: Zouwu, Human Cat, Apex Weasel, Tigerdillo, Scp-1316, Sneasel, Kamadan
–Details Vision: Crysmal
–Enhanced Peripheral Vision: Koala Sheep, Shadowmere, Electric Fluffalo, Pegasi
–Low-Temperature Vision: Rare Iguarmor
–See weak point in Ice: Picktools
–Ultraviolet: Mantis Shrimp
–Far Red: Mantis Shrimp
–Polarized Light: Mantis Shrimp
–Targeting Reticule: Attack Drone, Trifangle, Sentry Turret, Gargant
–Immunity to Bright light: Lightbringer
–Mana Vision: Scrutin
–Darkness Vision: Shadow, Draconoir
–Soul Vision: Eva 01
–Grid Vision: Scp-3973
–Electronic Vision: GREMLIN
–Sound Vision: Rachni Worker
–Wound Vision: Butterfly Therapy
–Damaged Machine Vision: Surveyor, Maintenance Bot
Analytical Eyes: Ocular Orthopod
–See structural weakness: Shamirs
–See Kill Count: Tonberry
–Lava Vision: Lava Eel
–See Effect Duration: Kupuna Wa
–Ability to see through own body: Arburian Pelarota
–360° vision: Seer
–Concept Vision (see things as their most fundamental concept): Scp-3160
–Recognize Projection: Siberian
–High-speed Vision: Metal Slime

–Enhanced Hearing: Avian Bunny, Mandragora
–Echolocation: Goliath, Cave Swiftlet, Pyrobat, Lantern Mouse
–Targeted Hearing: Experiment 234 Shush
–Sonar: Maneater, Astrodelphis
–Notes and Pitch recognition: Blue Diva

–Enhance Smell: White Walkie, Deer Dog, Human Cat, Glitch Piglett, Apex Weasel, Liguus Virgineus, Atlas, Zilla, Frog squirrel, Boss (Kaen Kabuto), Slurg, Tigerdillo, Bullfinch, Fireworm (Drone), Arachno, Ysalamir, Basilisk, Eastern Gray Squirrel, Aerbunny, Ruff, Possum chicken, Jellyish, Achatina, Giant Queen Bee, Princess, Kamadan, Catachan Devil, Turtle crab, Changewing, Spiderwing, Velociprey, Tabby Slime, Mickey the Mouse, Pig Jig, Blocking Spider, Cyber Mastiff, Slobber Trap, Blitz Leopard, Polero, Snake Weapon, Naked Mole Bat, Anomura Fungus, Moon Slug, Koraidon, Raptor, Manticore, Hummingbird: Golden-Tailed Sapphire, Sep Adder, Duplicat, Mysticblade, Matamune, Kageroumaru, Hideous, Griever, Heterometrus Laoticus, Heliogrub
–Highly Enhance Smell: Bikōchū
–Underwater Smell: Hylotl Crasberry, Denshark, Mudcrab, Liopleurodon

–Highly Enhanced Taste: Floran Snake, Novakid Snugget, Green ChuChu, Parasprites, Slime, Ancestor Moth, Flerken, Tsuchinoko
–Taste Sound: Scp-4384

–Enhanced Touch: Eastern Mole, Tree Lobster, -Master Hand
–Detect Tumors and Blood Clots: Doctor Fish
–Know the density of a stone by touch: Cressidus
–Sunlight Detection: Treasure Tree Adam, Enforce-Mint, Kiwibeast
–Touch Reading: The Monster Book of Monsters
–Detect Amount of Life Energy: Honedge

–Vibration Sense: Cactuar, Worm Scarf, Crystal Worm, Zuru
–Detection of Air movement: Golden Orb Weaver
–Detection of Water vibration: Tiger Seal, Glaucus Atlanticus
–Detection of Language Center: Babel Fish
–Magic Detection: House Elf, Death Tome, Magical Owl, Luggage, Custom Unicorn
–Danger Sense: Demiguise
–Mineral Detection: Rock Slime
–Radio signal Detection: Black Den Den Mushi
–Identify Machine Function: Machine Spirit
–Find Bolts and Screws: Junktools
–Seismic Sense: Experiment 529 Digger
–Detect Telepathic Communication: Vortigaunt, B Unown
–Depression Detection: Scp-999
–Weakness in Metal Detection: Clank
–Electroperception: Denshark, Maneater, Pulse Bombu, Scorpion, Platypus, Trygon, Gimlinopithecus
–Heat Detection: Skorch
–Tide Detection: Sapientia
–Light Detection on Skin: Ivy Whip
–Projectile Detection: Defensive Microbots
–Sense Negative Emotions: Nightmare
–Locate opening: Waisrabbit
–Detect Powersource: Glitch
–Know Temperature: Volumen Hydrargyrum
–Know the Level of Water Purity: Water Animental Crane, Maintenance Mek
–Energy Detection: Zeta Metroid
–Detect Plants: Root Sprite
–Detect Machines: Experiment 223 Glitch
–Detect Sugar: Killer donuts
–Detect Ghosts Strength: Cujo
–Rain Prediction: Angry Nimbus
–Debris Detection: Explosive Rubble Golem
–Taint Detection: Silverwood
–Gold Detection: Caves of Wonder Guardian
–Detect air pressure: Sleft-chuff
–Teleportation Detection: Quantum Slime
–Emotion Sensing: Zac
–Electricity Sensing: Electric Crutter, Lemon Pektite, Storm Atronach, Stormclaw
–Master Effect Detection: Kaiya
–Fire Detection: Phoenix
–Alcohol Detection: Brewmaster
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List of Meta Power

Meta Power:

-Enlarged Dice: When you roll a creature or a power you can choose the entry directly above or below the one rolled.
If you roll the first entry on the list you can choose the one below it or the last one on the list.
If you roll the last entry on the list you can choose the one above it or the first one on the list.
Enlarged dice will work in the following way:
At the end of each voting period, I will roll the dice before I start writing the chapter (like I do currently), and depending on the result I will create a subvote where you will choose among the possible options. Here are a few examples:

1: Creature vote for 300 points, I roll a 50 for the category (Various) and a 59 for the entry.
Enlarged dice let you choose between 58, 59, and 60; those entries cost respectively 700, 700, and 600 points. You can't afford any of those so no subvote.

2: Creature vote for 300 points, I roll a 50 for the category (Various) and a 56 for the entry.
Enlarged dice let you choose between 55, 56, and 57; those entries cost respectively 300, 400, and 800 points. You can only afford the first one, so you gain it, no need for a subvote.

3: Creature vote for 300 points, I roll a 50 for the category (Various) and a 63 for the entry.
Enlarged dice let you choose between 62, 63, and 64; those entries cost respectively 300, 400, and 300 points. You can only afford two, The Luck Dragon or Bastion. In that case, I'll create a subvote where you can choose between the two.
And no you couldn't choose 63 just to keep your point.

Also if a potential entry includes further choice, it will be given immediately, such as choosing a type of Rare Sliver or a Pokemon regional form.

It works the same way for power. I hope that this was clear. If you have any questions don't hesitate.
-Double Dice: When rolling for a creature you can roll twice, for the categories and for the entry, and choose either entry as long as you have enough points. You can even choose to gain both entries if you can afford it.
An example of how Enlarged Dice and Double Dice will work: (only for creature roll)
Creature Roll: (300 points)
Roll 1, D110=12 Xenoblade Chronicles, D153=29
100 Caterpile, 100 Chilkin, 300 Ciniculas
Roll 2, D110=24 Elder Scroll, D45=6
200 Chaurus Hunter, 100 Chaurus Reaper, 100 Clannfear

This would give 12 possibilities for the vote because you could vote for two creatures, one from Xenoblade and one from Elder Scroll as long it would be under 300 points. In consequence, I would list all possibilities as vote options. More work for me but easier to decipher the vote afterward.
It would look like this:

[] 100 Caterpile
[] 100 Chilkin
[] 300 Ciniculas

[] 200 Chaurus Hunter
[] 100 Chaurus Reaper
[] 100 Clannfear

[] 100 Caterpile + 200 Chaurus Hunter
[] 100 Caterpile + 100 Chaurus Reaper
[] 100 Caterpile + 100 Clannfear

[] 100 Chilkin + 200 Chaurus Hunter
[] 100 Chilkin + 100 Chaurus Reaper
[] 100 Chilkin + 100 Clannfear
-Free Reroll: If you fail to gain something that you rolled because you do not have enough points, you can immediately reroll, once. Stack with Double Dice and Enlarged Dice only if all options are too expensive.
This is a permanent effect.
-Accelerate Gains: Each time you gain 100 points you gain an additional 20 points.
-Rejection: When you would gain something you can choose to instead reject it, you gain nothing this time and keep your points. You cannot reject something twice in a row.
This is a permanent effect.
-Micro Bonus: Each time you gain a creature costing between 50 and 300 points you also gain one 0 points creature of your choice.
-Debt: You can use this power only a single time for each time you gain it.
If you roll a creature entry that you cannot afford you can choose to still gain it and go into debt, your total amounts of points go in the negative equal to the difference between the cost of the entry and your current point total. Afterward, you can continue to roll normally but you can only gain 0 points entries until you've gone back to a positive amount of points. (Used thrice.) (None in reserve)

-Choose one (100): You gain one creature of your choice costing 100 points or less. You can gain this benefit any number of times.
If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything. (Used once can be refused.)

-Choose one (200): You gain one creature of your choice costing 200 points or less. You can gain this benefit any number of times.
If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything. (Used once can be refused.)

-Choose one (400): You gain one creature of your choice costing 300 points or less. You can gain this benefit any number of times.
If you already benefit from this entry at least once, you can reroll instead of choosing anything. (Used once can be refused.)

-Removal: You can choose one category and permanently remove it from the Celestial Menagerie. You can immediately reroll.
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Compendium Loadout
This post will contain Compendium's normal loadout of partners and its gear.
It will be updated periodically when he gains new creatures.
And of course, it's not set in stone, Compendium can always switch things around depending on the situation.

0: Independent Agent: Olky
1: Maintain: Clank
2: Maintain: Princess
3: Maintain: Babel equipped with Yellow's force-repelling bubble
4: Maintain: Spy
5: Maintain:
6: Maintain + Anchored: Healer to Brockton Hospital
7: Anchored: Scalpa (Chain: Roller, Redeye Watcher, Scalpa, Roller, Redeye Watcher, Scalpa, Roller, Redeye Watcher) to PRT HQ
8: Anchored: Miss J to PRT HQ
9: Anchored: Personal AI to office Computer
10: Anchored:
11: Relay: Accompany Other heroes, variable (Merle, Eye, Spider Bot, Beaker, E.T)
12: Relay:
13: Relay:
14: Bakugami
15, 16, 17, 18: The Libra, The Jump, The Big, The Voice
19, 20, 21, 22: Flare x 7, Clover x 3, Simoom, Magnet
23: Weapon:
24: Armor: Variable: Chandelle, Bruce, Scorgem, Eva
25: Devil Bringer
26: Nimue
27: Beta
28: Stand: Harvest
29: Mount: Variable: Red, Hercules, Pegase, Rainbow, Massue, Xaytorreth, Camo, Grace, Flypper
30: Helper: Buoy, Thorne, Malcolm, Sombra, Ruff, Chilly, Ombre, ROV, Koops, Cobalt, Surveyor, Hooch, Dorly, Trimmau, Koraidon, R.O.B, Gobimon
31: Living Munitions: Goober or Tang-el
32: Vampire Frog Staff
33: Tech (In Phone)
34: Blades: Cressidus
35: Comfi (Air theme)
36: Defensive Microbots
37 to 40: The Pioneer: Kuja, Caradoc, Star, Zap (Training in the Dungeon)

Bonus: Solar Shard (With Speed Boost)
Bonus: Companion: Prime
Bonus Greater Companion: Aylamon
Bonus Greater Companion: Legion
Bonus: Servant: Servant Shadowmere
Bonus: Any Panda, at least one all the time. Aggretsuko as a secretary most often.

Bonus: Temporary Companion from Creature Acquisition: 18

Total: 68/40 during Patrol

Class: Dungeon Master lvl 7/Researcher (Magical Theory) lvl 5

Djinn Bonus:
-(Mars) Flare x7: +11 HP, +4 PP, +2 Def, +2 Luck
-(Venus) Clover x3: +8 HP, +3 PP, +2 Def, +3 Agi, +2 Luck
-(Jupiter) Simoom: +12 HP, +2 Att
-(Venus) Magnet: +8HP, +3PP, +4 Att

Self Boost:
-Defense: Double health and resistance.
-Energy: Double energy reserve. (Chakra, Magic, Mana Crystals, Magic Circuits, Ink, Furyoku)
-Magic: Double the effects (damage, healing, duration, etc...) of all esoteric powers. (spell, chakra techniques, pokemon moves, psionic abilities, etc...)
-Speed: Triple movement speed and reaction time.
-Strength: Double Strength and Endurance.
--Boosts Synergie: Minor increase in presence and karma.

-Clockwork (Primary): +7.5% HP, +5% DEF/RES, +2 Jump, HP+7, ATK+3, DEF+5, RES+3.
-Guard: HP+9, DEF+5, RES+4, Resistance Water, Fire, Earth, and Lighting +2 (Counter: Vanguard)
-Champions: One random modifier if not obviously visible.

Benefits from passive powers:
Strength of Many: +10% boost to Strength and Endurance for every creature. 440% Bonus most of the time.
Mental Partition: One additional Mind per creature. 34 additional minds most of the time.

Permanent Bonus:
Seed of Strength x100: +200 Strength
Seed of Resilience x100: +200 Defense
Seed of Wisdom x100: +200 Intelligence
Seed of Life x100: +500 HP
Seed of Agility x100: +200 Agility
Beastmaster: Mastery Bonus: MND+3, DEF+5, RES+5
Cressidus: + 20% Max Hp

Gift Attack:

Equip Trait:
: Immunity to mundane damage

-Earth Affinity
-Water Affinity
-Control: Moderate (can direct it toward body parts for a boost, can reinforce a weapon, can walk on walls, and on water)
-Capacity: Above Average (The equivalent of summoning a Knight. Regenerate in two hours.)

-Compendium Costume: A three-piece suit in light brown color. Includes a fedora in the same color and a white mask that only shows the mouth. A book motif is present as buttons and cufflinks.
-Shield bracelet: A bracelet that looks like a watch, and can emit a shield-sized forcefield.
-Magnetic Harness: Hidden under the costume. Allow Clan to cling to Compendium back. Include a shield emitter at the front to protect the torso.
-Invisibility Cloak: A square piece of fabric 2m by 2m, renders invisible anything behind it.
-Totem +4: +55 Attack, +55 Magic, +500 Health, and a 1000 health points ablative shield at the start of a battle.
-Prayer ring: +10 Charm, +5 Defense, Recharge 25 MP per use with a 33.3% chance of breaking each time.
-Sheep Heavenly Pin: +5 Attack
-Player Pin: Can read the surface thoughts of a target within 10m, requires eye contact.
-Bundle of Arrows + Bowstring
-Three seals that can safely contain living beings.
-Titanium Needle
-13 AMIE (Autonomous Magnetic Invertebrate Ejector): Can hold up to eight Slugs, one pilot, one gunner, and six ammunitions.
-Defense Nucleus: 4 Alpha Construct stored in seals.
-Magic Potion

Contingent Summoning:
-Howard: Behind Alex, Trigger: If a melee attack dangerous enough to deal serious damage to Alex is detected. Then, it uses "Energy-Barrier".
-Fluff: At the edge of Alex's range, Trigger: If Sustained Immortality is triggered more than 10 times in less than a minute. Then, it dismisses itself to trigger its power.
-Redeye Watcher with Self Transformation, Trigger: If a Biological Master effect targets Alex.
-Defensive Microbots with Swarm, Trigger: If a projectile moving at 300km/h or more and targetting Alex is detected within 100m.
-Ties-That-Bind: Behind Alex, Trigger: If ambushed or attacked by ten or more adversaries at the same time. Then enter Spirit Trance.
-Juggernaut (under Themes) with "Ally-Transformation" on Crystal, Trigger: If Crystal found herself in critical health while within Alex's range.
-Flubber with "Ally-Transformation" on Claire Crewser, Trigger: If Claire Crewser found herself in critical health while within Alex's range.
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Panda & Red Panda Summoning Contract Details
Species: Panda and Red Panda

Specialty: Fūinjutsu
Basic Knowledge: Can create Basic Storage seals
Barely Competent: Can create Storage seals and Explosive seals
Average: Can create variants of Storage and Explosive seals
Adept: Can create Barrier Seals, Chakra Storage Seals
Master: Can seal Tailed Beast, Can create Exotic Seals

Name: Laoban
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Master), Bukijutsu (Adept: Bô Staff), Earth Release (Adept)
Size: 17m (55.7ft)

Name: Sifu
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Master), Nature Chakra (Master), Space-Time Jutsu (Adept), Genjutsu (Adept), Taijutsu (Adept), Water Release (Adept)
Size: 0.7m (2.2ft)

Knight 1:
Name: Po
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Adept), Taijutsu (Average), Barrier (Average)
Size: 8m (26.2ft)

Knight 2:
Name: Qishi
Gender: Female
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Adept), Bukijutsu: Sword (Average), Lightning Release (Average)
Size: 12.5m (37.7ft)

Solider 1:
Name: Ji
Gender: Female
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Bukijutsu: Polearms (Barely Competent)
Size: 4m (13.1ft)

Solider 2:
Name: Huo
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Fire Release (Barely Competent)
Size: 5.5m (18ft)

Solider 3:
Name: Shui
Gender: None
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Water Release (Barely Competent)
Size: 4.2m (13.8ft)

Solider 4:
Name: Diqiu
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Earth Release (Barely Competent)
Size: 5.9m (19.35ft)

Solider 5:
Name: Lei
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Lightning Release (Barely Competent)
Size: 0.9m (2.9ft)

Solider 6:
Name: Feng
Gender: Female
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Wind Release (Barely Competent)
Size: 4.5m (14.7ft)
Equipment: Frost Walker II Sandals

Solider 7:
Name: Suo Yin
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Healing Jutsu (Barely Competent)
Size: 5.2m (17.6ft)

Solider 8:
Name: Xiang
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Taijutsu (Barely Competent)
Size: 6m (19.6ft)

Scout 1:
Name: Azan
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Hidding in the Shadow (Genjutsu), Wind Lenses (Wind Release)
Size: 0.6m (1.9ft)

Scout 2:
Name: Xiao
Gender: Female
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Body Compression (Space-Time Jutsu), Land Detection (Earth Release)
Size: 1.2m (3.9ft)

Specialist 1:
Name: Cho
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Master)
Size: 1.2m (3.9ft)

Specialist 2:
Name: Zhu
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Master)
Size: 0.8m (2.6ft)

Name: Xinxi
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Enhance Speed, Body Flicker Technique
Size: 0.55m (1.8ft)

Name: Yuhe
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Average), Medical Jutsu (Adept)
Size: 1.6m (5.24ft)

Name: Zei
Gender: Female
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Barely Competent), Can walk on all surfaces, Possessed numerous sealing seals tattooed under her fur, Scent Suppression (Wind Release), Ignore Presence (Gengutsu)
Size: 0.5m (1.6ft)

Name: Zhuan
Gender: Male
Jutsu Type: Fuinjutsu (Barely Competent), Stone Compression (Earth Release), Earth Wall (Earth Release), Water Purification (Water Release).
Size: 1.8m (5.9ft)

10 Civilians:
Name: Bo Te, Occupation: Potter, Race: Panda, Gender: Female
Name: Shu, Occupation: Librarian, Race: Panda, Gender: Male
Name: Aggretsuko, Occupation: Secretary, Race: Red Panda, Gender: Female (She learned Computer Literacy from Miss J)
Name: Shiwu, Occupation: Cook, Race: Panda, Gender: Male
Name: Lu Tze, Occupation: Janitor, Race: Red Panda, Gender: Male
Name: Nong, Occupation: Farmer, Race: Panda, Gender: Female
Name: Cao, Occupation: Gardener, Race: Red Panda, Gender: Female
Name: Erduo, Occupation: Musician, Race: Red Panda, Gender: Male
Name: Sikao, Occupation: Philosopher, Race: Panda, Gender: Female
Name: Danci, Occupation: Caligrapher, Race: Red Panda, Gender: Male
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Dungeon Core Character Sheet
Dungeon Core Character Sheet

-Core Name: Nimue
-Dungeon Name: Camp Camelot
-Type: Pocket Space
-Personality: Carefree (+10% Floors size, -10% Trap damage) (Malus removed from Dungeon Master Class)
-Traits: Class System (Improved), Invader Revival
-Minions: Summoned. (Max per creature: 50 + 50 x floor, Max total per floor: 100 + 100 x floor)
-Number of Floors: 5
-Floors Size: 110m2 x floor number
-Available Themes: Air, Constellation, Eldritch, Food, Fur, Insect, Lightning, Musical Instruments, Plants, Scales, Slime.
-Available Minions:
-[010]-Forest Flish
-[010]-Frog squirrel
-[010]-Greater Roadrunner
-[010]-Moon Slug * 5

-[050]-Critters (Quadrupedal Ligne 2 Main)

-[100]-Anomura Fungus
-[100]-Blocking Spider

-[200]-Water Animental Crane
-[200]-Hideous B

-Available Loot:
All floors: Cooper coins, Berries, Paralyzing seeds, Quartz, Green Jelly, Flower of Krakoa: I, Mundane Silk, Gold Plort, House elf wine, Hardened Carapace, Cloudtwine, Chitin, Achatina Paste, Organic Polymer, Beefalo Wool, Silk, White Pears, Meshing Gear, Power Ring L-1, Armor Ring L-1, Gold Luck Ring, Snowshoe Ring, Roc's Ring, Quicksand Ring, Whisp Ring, Bottles o' enchanting, Potion of Slow Falling, Iron Ingot, Copper Ingot, Bronze Ingot, Wooden or Bronze weapons, Leather Armors, Swimmer's Ring, Void Chicken feather, Stickpaste vial, Purgewater vial, Medicinal Berry, Medicinal herb

Starting on Floors 5: Silver coins, Magic beast hide, Firecomb, Arachno Silk, Rock Plort, Enchanted Book lvl 1 or 2, Magic Map Focus, Booster Shoots, Silk, Silver, Chimaera wing, Cool cheese, Spiderwing's Fire Resistant Silk, Velociprey Carves, Tabby Plort, Echo Screen, Ore, Aluminium, Fur coat, Holy water, Power Ring L-2, Armor Ring L-2, Rang Ring L-1, Steadfast Ring, Green Luck Ring, Bombproof Ring, Peace Ring, Apprentices Ring of Aer (or Terra, Ignis, Aqua, Ordo, Perdition), Vis Stone, Potion of Night Vision, Potion of Water Breathing, Potion of Leaping II, Potion of the Turtle Master II, Steel Ingot, Iron Weapons, Iron Armors, Red Ogre's mask/shield, Volatile Sludge

Starting on Floors 10: Gold coins, Hi-Potion, Ether, Dust crystal of all types, Element, Seed of Strength, Demiguise's Fur, Enchanted Book lvl 3 or 4, Shadowmere's Hide Leather, Scrutin's Eye Gem, Basilisk's poison, Titanium Alloy Ingot, Godwood, Quick Claw, Superconductive Copper, Seed of resilience, Prayer ring, Seed of wisdom, Amethyst, Jade, Green Shell, Psychic Gem, Rathalos Carves, Magical Mercury, Aegis, Fallen Star, Mirror Herb, Black Pearl, Orbs, Halos, Power Ring L-3, Rang Ring L-2, Toss Ring, Blue Luck Ring, Green Holy Ring, Blue Holy Ring, Red Holy Ring, Like Like Ring, Subrosian Ring, Zora Ring, Emerald, Gold Ingot, Ender Pearl, Ring of Protection, Potion of Regeneration II, Potion of Fire Resistance, Potion of Healing II, Potion of Swiftness II, Potion of Strength II, Potion of Invisibility, Steel Weapons, Steel Armor, Tibanna gas, Iron Dragons's scales, Moblin Ring, Quantum Plort, Piece of Heart (randomly dropped from bosses), Seed of agility, Seed of life, Alloy

Starting on Floors 20: Platinium coins, Phoenix Down, Light Beacons, Enchanted Book lvl 5, Bright Shard, Totem, Diamond, Demonite Ore, Thaumium, Chaos Drives, Diamond Thread, Black Belt, Dragon Fang, Mirage Vest, Elixir, Sacred Tree Wood, Poison Barb, Unicorn Horn, Red Ring, Blue Ring, Green Ring, Diamond, Golden Apple, Enchanted Weapons or Armor

Starting on Floors 30: Orichalcum, Prismatic Shard, Inert Flubber, Heart Ring L-1, Magic Potion

Starting on Floors 40: Protection Ring, Enchanted Golden Apple

Starting on Floors 50: Sapient Pearwood,

In addition, all minions can drop as loot their respective items from Material Extraction.

-Roaming Guardian: Little Gugalanna (Gawain)
-Look like a white and gold Bull with blue horns.
-Its strength, size, and power scale with the size of the Dungeon.
-Can manipulate and generate wind and lightning.
-Can take on a baby form.
-Can order around the minions of the Dungeon.
-Can manipulate the traps of the Dungeon.
-Can teleport anywhere in the Dungeon.
-Can take on the Themes of the floor he is on.
-Is not inherently hostile but will defend itself if provoked. And it may attack if he thinks someone does not respect Nimue.
-Avatar: None yet, will start to manifest one when reaching Floor 20.


Core Room:
-Floor 1:

-Size: 110m2
-Theme: Insect
-Minions Max cost: 100
-Max Total: 200
-Assigned Minion: -[010]-Frog squirrel *5, -[050]-Mudcrab *1, -[100]-Anomura Fungus *1.

-Floor 2:

-Size: 220m2
-Theme: Lightning
-Minions Max cost: 150
-Max Total: 300
-Assigned Minion: -[010]-Greater Roadrunner *5, -[050]-Critters *3 (Quadrupedal Ligne 2 Main), -[100]-UFO *1

-Floor 3:

-Size: 330m2
-Theme: Slime
-Minions Max cost: 200
-Max Total: 400
-Assigned Minion: -[000]-Achatina *5, -[050]-Mudcrab *2, -[100]-Mini-Moldorm *1, -[200]-Water Animental Crane *1

-Floor 4:

-Size: 440m2
-Theme: Plant
-Minions Max cost: 250
-Max Total: 500
-Assigned Minion: -[010]-Frog squirrel *5, -[100]-Blocking Spider *2, -[200]-Mandragora with -[50]-Pint-sized Gigantification

-Floor 5:

-Size: 550m2
-Theme: Musical Instrument
-Minions Max cost: 300
-Max Total: 600
-Assigned Minion: -[000]-Forest Flish *10, -[100]-Anomura Fungus *5


-Floor 6:

-Size: 660m2
-Theme: Eldritch
-Minions Max cost: 350
-Max Total: 700
-Assigned Minion: -[010]-Greater Roadrunner *10, -[050]-Mudcrab*3, -[300]-Scorpion


-Floor 7:

-Size: 770m2
-Theme: Machine
-Minions Max cost: 400
-Max Total: 800
-Assigned Minion: -[010]-Achatina*10, -[050]-Critters *3, -[100]-Blocking Spider*2, -[200]-Hideous B with -[150]-Brute

Looks like a very cluttered factory. One big room with an assembly line in the middle, a few side rooms, and a warehouse at the end, where the boss waits.

-Floor 8:

-Size: 880m2
-Theme: Air
-Minions Max cost: 450
-Max Total: 900
-Assigned Minion: -[000]-Moon Slug * 5, -[050]-Aerbunny with -[050]-Pint-sized Gigantification *4, -[300]-Gimlinopithecus with -[150]-Half-Dragon (Shadow)

Looks like the inside of a giant cloud. Lots of tiny corridors. Two Mains rooms and one giant boos room.
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Dungeon Classes
List of available classes:
Generic classes available to everyone:

[] Fighter
Progressively increase physical stats, Grant bonus damage when using weapons, Learn Combat Maneuver with secondary effects (Cleave, Bull Rush, etc…)
[] Rogue
Progressively improved agility and speed, Grant Bonus damage against unaware targets, Learn how to hide, pickpocket, pick locks, and find traps.
[] Wizard
Increase your mana pool, Learn Magic spells, and Gain a familiar.
[] Cleric
Increase Mana and Health, Learn Healing, Buff, and Light spells, and Choose a god to gain a passive benefit.
[] Incarnation of a Hero
Choose a Mythological Hero and become its incarnation, gaining ability related to that Hero at levels 1, 10, and 20. Heroic Resolve (continue fighting despite wound or exhaustion), Last Minute Powerup, Chosen One (influence your Fate for good and/or bad), Wise Mentor, Favored Enemy, Epic Willpower (Resiste influence), DOES NOT BECOME A SERVANT!!!

Theme-based classes available to everyone:

[] Verdant Avatar
Plant Theme: Can transform into a plant gaining multiple benefits, Can massively accelerate plant growth, Can animate plants, Can release pollen to produce various effects, As a capstone can plant a tree that will act as a respawn point should you die.
[] Astrologist
Constellation Theme: Can discern people's birth sign on sight (from multiple mythologies), Can grant a blessing or a curse to someone depending on their birth sign, Can summon projections in the shape of constellations, Can generate illusions of the night sky that fascinates peoples, and can cast a few thematic spells.
[] Hive King/Queen
Insect Theme: Can Summon a swarm of bugs at will (species improved as you level up), Can enhance bugs in various ways, Gain a giant bug companion, Can gain insect traits (Webspinner, Wings, Stinger, Scorpion Claws, etc…)
[] Incarnation of Winds
Air Theme: Can transform into a Wind Elemental, Can summon gas clouds with various properties, Can generate air blasts and miniature tornados, Can predict the weather with a high degree of accuracy, and Can become transparent.
[] Lightning Disciple
Lightning Theme: Can transform into a lightning Elemental, Can throw lightning bolts, Can generate electricity with perfect control of the voltage, intensity, etc…, Can apply an electric aura to items or people, Can travel by transforming into lightning.
[] Bard
Musical Instrument Theme: Can summon a magical instrument that will grow with the user, Can play songs that buff allies and/or debuff enemies, Can cast some minor spells, Can generate sonic blasts, Can charm people with music.
[] Cultist
Eldritch Theme: Can gain mutations of your choice (Tentacles, Additional Eyes, Enlarged Brain, Slime Coating, etc…), Can project images of the Far realm/Void to people with the possibility of causing insanity, Can Teleport by passing through the Far Realm/Void (possibility of taking other at their own risks), as a capstone gain an Eldritch Companion.
[] Gourmet
Food Theme: Can eat anything that can fit into your mouth, Grant temporary buffs from eating something and eventually permanent if eating a sufficient quantity of it, Gain passive regeneration, Can conjure food, and As a capstone can transform a target into food.
[] Slime Sentinel
Slime Theme: Gain a slime that can be equipped as armor (grant protection, protect from dangerous environments), Your Slime armor can absorb liquid to gain certain properties (Milk, Blood, Water, Alcohol, Petrol, Oil, Glue), Can extend limbs, Slime Armor gives you regeneration, immunity to blunt shock trauma when wearing slime armor, can create slime clone)
[] Reptile Imitator
Scales Theme: Gain power based on reptiles (not literal trait just inspired) (Chameleon Camouflage, Corail snake Venom, Cobra hood, Turtle Shell, Alligator Ferocity, Boa Constriction, Frog tongue, etc…), Can shed skin to heal, Can change gender in an egg, Can hibernate to conserve energy.
[] Hunter
Fur Theme: Gain an Animal Companion, Gain nature skills, Can take trophies from kills to gain some benefits, Gain enhanced senses, gain the ability to move easily through natural environments, Can lay magical traps, Can use poison.
[] Assimilator
Machine Theme: Gain the ability to absorb machines to gain powers, Become stronger and more resistant the more machines are absorbed, Can Analyze, Repair, and Improve Machines, Can temporarily supercharge a Machine, And Can fuse and take control of a bigger machine.
[] Force Sculptor
Forcefield Theme: Gain the ability to generate progressively bigger forcefields and to shape them, gains the ability to generate force armor and weapon, can take control of other forcefields.

Classes available only with specific requirements:

[] Living Weapon
Make you the perfect weapon. Gain unique properties. Make you more useful to your wielder.
Can only be selected by a being that can be considered a weapon.

[] Heroic Swordmaster
Enhance your Swordsmanship, Gain special attacks with your sword, and Give enhanced health.
Can only be selected by someone with a heroic inclination who specializes in using a sword.

Classes specific to Alex:

[] Energy Conduit
Can freely convert one type of energy into another (Magic, Mana, Chakra, etc…), Techniques/Spells/Powers cost less, Can supercharge Techniques/Spells/Powers, Can lend energy to someone, and the ability to use one Technique/Spell/Power, Can absorb energy.
[] Card Wizard
Reduces the magic cost of cards, increases the versatility of cards, and Can convert two partners into guardians, can create a book to contain the cards which means that all cards count as only one creature for the CM. Can generate permanent effects with Cards. At the max level can create a limited number of custom cards.
[] Psynergie Adept
Gain the ability to use Psynergie, Gain an elemental affinity, Djinn recovers faster, and Summon Spirits are stronger.
[] Totemist
Inspire the D&D 3.5 Totemist from Magic of Incarnum. Gain the ability to equip ghostly magical beast body parts to gain buff and abilities (called Soulmeld). This would include all the official ones, plus custom ones based on creatures possessed.
[] Shard bearer
Improve Shard power, Gain thematically appropriate secondary powers, Can temporarily grant a copy of your powers to others, and Can create an avatar for the Shard.
[] Pokemon Master
Gain a Starter Pokemon for free, Gain Poke Balls (pokemon in balls don't count toward summoning limit), Can teach one non-standard move to your Pokemon, Gain an effect equivalent to an Exp Share, Can summon your Pokémon with any of their abilities, and as a capstone gain either Mega Evolution, Z Move, Gigantamax, or Terracristal.
[] Blue Mage
Become a Blue Mage able to learn spells/powers from monsters (and not Parahuman), Can gain resistance and/or immunity to specific effects, Can channel Blue Mage spells/powers through a weapon, and as a capstone can summon clones of the monsters that you learn spells/powers from.
[] Chakra Adept
Gain a Bloodline or one unique series of clan jutsus, Gain more Chakra, Learn Jutsus faster, Gain unique combo jutsu that works in conjunction with your summoning contract animals, and as a capstone become a Jinchuriki permanently.
[] Magus
Gain a Magi Bloodline, Gain Improved Magic Circuits, Gain More Command Seals, and as a Capstone gain a Servant (one that is not in the Celestial Menagerie, subject to QM veto).
[] Esper Summoner
Gain the ability to call Final Fantasy Esper/Eidolon/etc… with Mana, Gain Chocobo summon, Gain the ability to call on Spirits (FF XI), and Gain Physical Manifestation.
[] Dungeon Master (First Class taken by Alex)
Gain the ability to improve your Dungeon traits and Gain more traits, Can lend creatures to the Dungeon without losing access to them, Can temporarily Summon Dungeon Boss without having them count against your summoning limit, Can manifest part of the dungeon around you up to a whole floor, Can make the Dungeon lose the Malus from their personality or gain a second personality.

Civilian Classes:

All civilian classes follow the same pattern, granting an ability at the 1st, 5th, 10th 15th, and 20th levels.

[] Crafter
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: Improve an aspect (Aesthetic, Durability, Efficiency, Efficiency, Ease of Use, Resilience, Safety, or Weight) of what you build by 2.5% per Crafter level.
5th: Can summon temporary tools to work with.
10th: Can improve two aspects
15th: Reduce the materials needed to craft something by 50%
20th: Can improve three aspects
[] Entertainer
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: Increased attractiveness for spectators when performing by 5% per Entertainer level.
5th: At any time you can temporarily summon a stage costume on yourself, adapted to your next performance.
10th: Gain a 5% bonus for your creativity in coming up with new materials related to your Entertainer specialty per Entertainer level.
15th: You gain a 10% monetary bonus on any contract you sign to perform within your Entertainer specialty.
20th: Can generate visual or auditory special effects when performing.
[] Gatherer
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: Gain a 2.5% bonus per Gatherer Level to your productivity when collecting your chosen resource.
5th: The tools you use to gather your chosen resource no longer wear away from use and no longer require energy to function.
10th: Bonus becomes 5% per Gatherer Level.
15th: The speed at which you can gather your chosen resource is doubled.
20th: Bonus becomes 10% per Gatherer Level.
[] Manager
1st: Anyone working directly under you gains a 2.5% bonus per Manager Level for their work efficiency.
5th: You know how to present the right argument to your own boss. You have a 50% more chance of your own ideas being accepted.
10th: Groups of people working under you do so smoothly and without friction. They do not forget the griefs they may have between each other but they can ignore them while working.
15th: You can recognize people who could be assets for your projects on sight and you know what arguments to use to convince them to help, though it may not be for free.
20th: Any projects you direct from start to end are finished in half the time and with half the needed resources.
[] Researcher
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: When researching a subject related to your specialty you gain a 2.5% bonus per Researcher Level to your learning speed.
5th: You gain a perfect memory in relation to any subjects related to your specialty.
10th: Bonus becomes 5% per Researcher Level.
15th: You gain the ability to mentally and instantly calculate extremely complicated mathematical formulas.
20th: Once per day when doing research you can call on your intuition to instantly find the solution to a problem you're facing.
[] Caretaker
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: Anyone that you are taking care of, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 2.5% bonus per Caretaker Level for their recovery speed.
5th: By touching a being you can instantly get an accurate reading of their health with regard to your specialty.
10th: Anyone that you are taking care of, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 5% bonus per Caretaker Level for their recovery speed.
15th: At will you can summon mundane supplies to take care of your patients, such as water, bandages, splints, painkillers, vitamins, or similar simple items.
20th: Anyone that you are taking care of, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 10% bonus per Caretaker Level for their recovery speed.
[] Teacher
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: Anyone that you are teaching, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 2.5% bonus per Teacher Level for their learning speed.
5th: You always know the best ways to teach a specific person or group of people, within the limit of your specialty. This even allows you to bypass any learning disabilities they may have.
10th: Anyone that you are teaching, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 5% bonus per Teacher Level for their learning speed.
15th: At will you can summon mundane supplies that can serve to teach within the limit of your specialty, such as books, blackboards, paper, pen, or similar simple items.
20th: Anyone that you are teaching, within the limit of your specialty, gains a 10% bonus per Teacher Level for their learning speed.
[] Transporter
At first level choose a specialty.
1st: You can carry double the normal weight of goods you could normally bear.
5th: You learn how to drive any type of mundane transportation vehicle.
10th: You always know your position and distance relative to the position of your destination and the shortest path to go there.
15th: The carrying capacity of any delivery vehicle you drive is doubled.
20th: Once per day and for the duration of your delivery you can summon an appropriate mode of transportation adapted to the goods you must deliver.
[] Laborer
1st: Increase efficacity when working under someone else orders by 2.5% per Laborer level.
5th: Gain an immunity to work-related afflictions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
10th: Gain a 50% bonus to your endurance when working.
15th: Increase speed by 20% when doing repetitive tasks.
20th: Increase efficacity when working under someone else orders by 10% per Laborer level.

Details of classes currently used by Alex, a partner, or an important secondary character.


Dungeon Master

You have forged a unique symbiotic connection to your Dungeon Core. This allows you to enhance your Dungeon in numerous ways and allow your Dungeon to enhance you in turn.

Accessible Minions (Traits)
Deploy Traps
Improve Trait
Personality Upgrade, Master's Quarter
Accessible Minions (Material)
Bonus Trait
Themed Wall, Dungeon Mana
Independent Dungeon
Boss Summoning
Accessible Minions (Transformation), Personal Core
Manifest Floor
Improve Trait
Accessible Minions (Summoning), Delvers Shades

-Accessible Minions: You retain some level of access to the creatures you lend to your Dungeon Core.
At 1st level, you retain the ability to use Equip Traits and Grant Traits with traits taken from your lend creatures.
At 7th level, you can use Material Extraction on your lend creatures.
At 15th level, you can use the Ally Transformation and Self Transformation powers using the shape of your lend creatures.
At 20th level, you regain full access to your lend creatures, allowing you to summon them once again while still allowing your Dungeon Core to summon Minions in their shape.

-Deploy Traps: Starting at 2nd level, you can once per minute manifest one trap that exists in your Dungeon within 50m of you. The trap appears where you wish, altering the environment to fit. The trap can remain for up to one hour before disappearing and you can have a number of traps deployed equal to your Dungeon Master level.

-Improve Trait: Your bond to your Dungeon Core allows you to improve its innate traits.
At 3rd level, and again at 19th level, you can improve one trait of your Dungeon. See below for the list of traits and how they are improved.
–Assault: Your Dungeon Core can trigger an assault once per week instead of once per month.
–Auto-Reset: The Reset effect now affects loot and minions.
–Class System: Your Dungeon Core can grant a secondary civilian class, such as Blacksmith, Cook, Merchant, Farmer, and so on.
–Invader Revival: Your Dungeon Core can retain hold of an Invader's soul for up to one month instead of one week. In addition, the first time an Invader dies inside your Dungeon they can be revived for free.
–Limit by Floor: Your Dungeon Core can alter the layout of a floor even if Invaders are present as long as the Invaders cannot see the changes being made.
–Mana Enrichment: The effect of Mana Enrichment manifests much faster. Change can start manifesting in as little time as 24 hours. In addition, your Dungeon Core has much more control over the change that can manifest, within the limit of the themes it has access to.
–Party Limit: Your Dungeon Core can now generate up to three instances of itself at the same time, allowing up to the party of Invaders to enter it. Each one in their own instance.

-Personality Upgrade: At 5th level, you can upgrade the Personality of your Dungen Core. Choose one of the following upgrades.
–Double Personality: Your Dungeon Core gains a second Personality with the Bonus and Malus this entails.
–Double Effect: The Bonus and Malus of your Dungeon Core's Personality are doubled.
–Remove Malus: The Malus of your Dungeon Core's Personality disappears.

-Master's Quarter: Your Dungeon gave you your own quarter inside itself.
At 5th level, you gain access to your own space that serves as your quarter inside the Dungeon, located right under the Dungeon Core's room and accessible via a secret entrance. The size of your quarter is equal to a quarter of the largest floor of the Dungeon and grows in size with the Dungeon. You can choose how your quarter is organized and separated into any number of rooms. It contains appropriate mundane pieces of furniture and amenities.
At any time you can enter or exit your quarter by opening a portal in the air. The entrance portal can lead anywhere into your quarter and the exit portal always leads to the last place you manifest an entrance portal. A portal can be as small as your head or as big as three times your size.

-Bonus Trait: At 9th level, you can choose an additional Trait for your Dungeon Core.

-Themed Wall: Starting at 10th level, you can once per hour, summon a wall within 50m of you, that remains for up to 10min. This wall can be vertical, horizontal, or anything in between but it must be anchored to a surface. You determine the size of the wall when you summon it within the following limits, Height between 50cm and 5m, Thickness between 5cm and 1m, and Length between 1m and 20m. You can also choose its shape freely, straight, angled, curved, or even fully circular. By default, the wall appears to be made of stone but you can choose to change its appearance based on any Theme that your Dungeon used. The wall benefit from the effect of the theme should it be appropriate. For example, an insect-themed wall could look like it's made of chitin and release a swarm of bugs when struck. No matter its appearance your wall always possesses the durability of stone.

-Dungeon Mana: Your link to your Dungeon allows you to access a fraction of the mana it produces and benefit from its unique properties to enhance your spells.
At level 10th, your mana reserve increased by 5% per Floor that your Dungeon possesses.
In addition, when using spells and abilities that rely on mana that deal with creating objects or beings their duration of effect is doubled.

-Independent Dungeon: Starting at 11th level, your Dungeon Core no longer counts toward your summoning limit, it can remain summoned indefinitely and can exist outside your Summoning radius.

-Boss Summoning: Starting at 13th level, you can three times per day for one hour summon a copy of a Boss that your Dungeon Core possesses. You can only have one Boss summoned at a time and you can't summon the same Boss more than once per day.
A Boss is defined as the minion that costs the most on any given floor. When summoned this way it counts as one of your creatures but does not count toward your summoning limit. It benefits from any Themes, Summoning Powers, Modifiers, or potential boosts from your Dungeon core personality without counting any normal power limitation. For example, if your Dungeon Core applied the Swarm power to its Boss, a common rat, you could still apply the Swarm power to another creature.
When the Boss dies or is dismissed it leaves behind loot if the Dungeon Core assigned any.
Lastly, anyone fighting the Boss counts as being inside the Dungeon should it be relevant.

-Personal Core: Your link to your Dungeon is now so strong that you developed a core of your own.
At level 15th, you developed somewhere inside your own body a core, a spherical crystal the size of a cherry. This core can act as a substitute for one or more of your vital organs, such as your heart, brain, lungs, and so on should they be damaged or destroyed. It takes over their functions for as long as necessary to keep you alive. This means that even if your whole body is destroyed, as long as your core is intact you are still considered alive, however, it does not provide any sort of regeneration so other sources of healing are needed to restore your body.

-Manifest Floor: Starting at 17th level, you can once per day for up to an hour generate around you a copy of one floor of your Dungeon Core. This seamlessly replaces the environment around you which returns to normal at the end of effect.
The manifested floor is on all points identical to the one inside the Dungeon, including hazards, traps, treasures, and minions. The Minions follow your command but do not count as your creatures.
Anyone passing through the entrance or exit of the floor finds themselves inside the Dungeon proper, on the corresponding floor. For example, if you Manifest floor 11, anyone passing through its entrance will find themselves on floor 10 and anyone passing through its exit will find themselves on floor 12.
This only applies if the Dungeon was summoned beforehand, otherwise, they simply exit the manifested floor.
Lastly, even when not using this ability you always count as being inside the Dungeon, which means that you can use magic items without consuming mana, you can gain level in your class, you can teleport to the core room at will, and if your Dungeon possesses the Mana Enrichment trait you emit mana around yourselves in a 10m radius.

-Delvers Shades: Your Dungeon learned how to keep an imprint of those that died inside it and allow you to make use of those imprints in the forms of shades.
At level 20th, you gain the ability to once per day summon a shade of a being that died inside your Dungeon, for up to one hour. This worked even if the being was resurrected since.
This shade looks like it's made of mist and shadow but possesses the same physical properties and power as the original being, including any equipment it had in his possession upon his death. You can choose to grant the effect of one Theme to the shade
The shade is mindless and obeys all your commands to the best of its abilities.

Heroic Swordmaster

Your mastery of swordsmanship and your dedication to doing good qualify you to become a heroic Swordmaster.

Spin Attack (Basic)
Hearth Containers
Jump Strike
Dash Attack
Spin Attack (Aerial)
Sword Beam
Magic Meter
Flurry Rush
Helm Splitter
Spin Attack (Combo)
Projectile Deflection
Ending Blow
Spin Attack (Hurricane)

-Spin Attack: Starting at 1st level, you learn how to make a Spin Attack.
By holding out your sword parallel to the ground from your extended arm at a forty-five-degree angle behind your back for three seconds you can charge energy into your sword, once charged and for as long as you maintain this position you can unleash the Spin Attack, allowing you to spin three times on your axis.

This attack deals twice as much damage as you normally do with a normal sword slash to all creatures and objects within your striking range and projects a wave of energy dealing the same amount of damage within twice that radius. In addition, this pushback any affected unanchored creatures or objects up to twice your size by two meters and may make them fall to the ground if they do not have stable footing.

You can hold the charge for your Spin Attack as long as you maintain position but while doing so you can only walk at half your normal speed.

Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to use the Aerial Spin Attack. It functions like the basic Spin attack, except that you can choose to be lifted in the air by up to four times your own height when using it. You do not take any falling damage when you land after using it. Any creatures or objects that would be pushed back by a basic Spin Attack are lifted to the same height before being pushed. Unlike you they do take damage upon falling down should they be susceptible to such things.
In addition, any time you find yourself falling through the air, other than from using Aerial Spin Attack or Jumpr Strike, you can trigger an Aerial Spin Attack with no charge time. This lifts you in the air as normal, deals damage around you, and allows you to land safely.

Starting at 15th level, you gain the ability to use a Spin Attack or an Aerial Spin Attack immediately after finishing a Jump Strike or a Dash Attack with no need to charge it.

Starting at 20th level, you gain the ability to use a Hurricane Spin Attack, It functions like the basic Spin attack, except that you can maintain it for up to thirty seconds and move at your normal walking speed while maintaining it. Finally, when the Hurricane Spin Attack ends it sends a shockwave in an expanding circle around you that dissipate when it reaches ten time your striking range. This shockwave deals damage to any creatures or objects within its radius equal to four times the damage you normally do with a normal sword slash.

-Hearth Containers: Starting at 2nd level, you gain +25% of your base health for each Heroic Swordmaster level you possess. So at 2nd level, it's a +50% bonus, at 3rd level, it's a +75% bonus, and so on.
This is based on your health before any other forms of enhancement you may possess.

-Jump Strike: Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to make a Jump Strike. By holding out your sword in a guard position for three seconds you can charge it with energy, similar to a Spin Attack, once charged and for as long as you maintain this position you can unleash the Jump Strike, allowing you to make a strong jumping attack.

You jump forward and perform a downward slash against one enemy in front of you and you generate a shockwave on the ground at the end that deals the same amount of damage to the surrounding creatures or objects. The damage inflicted by this attack, by the shockwave, and the radius of the shockwave varied depending on the height of your jump or the elevation of your starting position relative to your landing position.

With an elevation under three meters, you deal twice as much damage as a normal sword strike, with both the attack and the shockwave, and the shockwave affected every creature and object in a two-meter radius.
With an elevation between three and six meters, the damage is multiplied by four and the radius increases by two meters.
For every three meters of additional elevation, the damage multiplier increases by two and the radius by two meters.
The increase continues up to a maximum elevation of twelve meters for a multiplier of ten and a radius of ten meters.
Beyond that, the damage and the radius do not increase.

You take no damage from the fall when using Jump Strike no matter the elevation.

-Dash Attack: Starting at 5th level, you gain the ability to execute a Dash Attack. By holding out your sword horizontally in front of you, you can charge it with energy, similar to a Spin Attack, once charged and for as long as you maintain this position you can unleash the Dash Attack, allowing you to run with your sword in front of you.

You can run up to a hundred meters in a mostly straight line, minor corrections of your trajectory are allowed, at up to four times your normal running speed. Any creatures or objects that you encounter on the way that are your size or smaller take damage, twice as much damage as a normal sword strike, and are pushed to the side. Bigger creatures or objects stop you in your track but take four times as much damage as a normal sword strike.

-Sword Beam: Starting at 9th level, you gain the ability to project Sword Beams if you are in perfect health, or in critical condition. Sword Beam can be used in two different ways. First, you can make a slash in the air with your sword, generating a crescent of energy. Second, you can thrust your sword forward, generating a bolt of energy. In both cases, the energy projectile travels for up to 50m before dissipating unless it encounters an obstacle before that. It inflicts damage identical to a normal sword slash or trust.

-Magic Meter: Starting at 10th level, you gain magical reserves that allow you to enhance your sword strike and your other's Heroic Swordmaster abilities as described below.
-Basic Sword strike: You can spend a quarter, half, three-quarters, or the totality of your magical reserves to multiply the damage dealt by your next sword strike respectively by two, three, four, or five.
-Spin Attack: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves to enhance your Spin Attack. This has two effects, it doubles the damage dealt by your spin attack and it doubles the radius of the wave of energy.
-Jump Strike: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves to enhance your Jump Strike. This allows you to calculate the effect of your Jump Strike as if you jumped twice from twice your current elevation, with a minimum of three meters.
-Dash Attack: You can spend a quarter, half, three-quarters, or the totality of your magical reserves to multiply the maximum distance traveled, your speed, the size limit of affected creatures, and the damage dealt respectively by two, three, four, or five.
-Jumping Dash: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves to execute a Jump Strike at the end of a Dash attack. A quarter of the distance traveled counts as elevation to calculate the effect of your Jump Strike.
-Fast Charge: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves to execute a Spin Attack, Jump Strike, or Dash Attack with no charge time.
-Aerial Spin Attack: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves when using an Aerial Spin Attack to double the lifted distance.
-Sword Beam: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves to generate a Sword Beam even if you are not in perfect health or in critical condition.
-Flurry Rush: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves when performing a Flurry Rush to make ten sword slashes instead of five.
-Helm Splitter: You can spend half of your magical reserves when executing a Helm Splitter maneuver to destroy all the protection of your target, all its armor pieces, its full shell, and so on.
-Projectile Deflection: You can spend a quarter of your magical reserves when deflecting a projectile to double the damage it will deal to the senders.
-Ending Blow: You can spend the totality of your magical reserves when executing an Endbinh Blow to disintegrate the target in its entirety.
-Hurricane Spin Attack: You can spend half of your magical reserves when performing a Hurricane Spin Attack to double the duration, movement speed, and size of the shockwave.

-Flurry Rush: Starting at 11th level, you gain the ability to perform a Flurry Rush. If you are within reach of an enemy and manage to avoid one of its attacks at the last moment by jumping back or jumping to the side you then enter a state of accelerated perception. In that state, you can move much faster than normal, which allows you to jump back toward your enemy and perform five sword slashes in the blink of an eye. Your enemy cannot defend itself against those attacks unless it also possesses a way to react at an enhanced speed.

-Helm Splitter: Starting at 13th level, you gain the ability to use the Helm Splitter techniques. This is a variant of the Jump Strike. When performing a Jump Strike you can choose to break a piece of protection that the target is equipped with instead of doing damage to it.
This can be a piece of armor such as a helmet or a breastplate, or a hardened part of the target such as a shell, scale, or carapace. Helm Splitter does not generate a shockwave.
You can only use Helm Splitter once per minute.

-Projectile Deflection: Starting at 17th level, you gain the ability to deflect projectiles coming your way. Any time that you see a projectile measuring between five centimeters and one meter coming within range of your sword you can strike it and send it back to the beings or objects that send it. For the purpose of this ability, a projectile can be a physical object such as an arrow, a stone, a missile, or a similar object but it can also be immaterial such as a laser, a fireball, a magical curse, or other phenomenon.

-Ending Blow: Starting at 19th level, you gain the ability to execute an Ending Blow. You can use an Ending Blow on any creature that has been knocked to the ground and rendered unconscious, paralyzed, or otherwise made unable to react. You leap into the air and land on the enemy, sword first. This kills the enemy instantly, regardless of health, bypasses any supernatural defense it may possess, ignores any kind of regeneration, and neutralizes any sort of self-resurrection ability

Living Weapon

Despite your statue as a living creature, you consider yourself to be a weapon to be wielded by your master. You poured your all into the pursuit of being the best weapon possible.

Weapon Properties
Weapon Properties
Size Adaptation
Weapon Properties
Weapon Properties
Situational Adaptation
Weapon Properties
Weapon Properties
Modify Properties
Weapon Properties
Weapon Properties
Enhanced Enchantment
Weapon Properties
Weapon Properties
Phantom Duplicate

-Weapon Properties: Starting at 1st level, and every two levels afterward you gain a Weapon Property of your choice from the following list if you meet the minimum indicated level.

-Ammunition Generation: You can freely generate mundane ammunition (arrows, bolts, bullets, sling-stones, etc.) for your wielder the moment they try to reload you. The ammunition generated this way are not made of exotic material, do not have special properties, and are not enchanted in any way. Ammunition generated this way disappears thirty seconds after being generated. Minimum level 1st.
-Blurring: You and any projectiles you throw become blurry and indistinct for everyone but your wielder. It makes it much harder to parry you or block your projectiles. Minimum level 1st.
-Breaking: You deal twice as much damage to inanimate objects. Minimum level 1st.
-Commanding: At any time your wielder can brandish you to influence their allies and enemies. Any allies that see you being brandished this way become heartened and they can better resist foreign mental influence, are less affected by pain, and are more coordinated. Any enemies that see you being brandished this way become afraid of your wielder, are more easily influenced, and are more prone to making mistakes. These effects can only be resisted by those with a strong will. Minimum level 5th.
-Explosive Impact: Each time you or your projectiles strike a target or a hard surface you can generate a minor explosion. This deals no damage to you or to your wielder but damages the target and can push it away if it's not heavy enough. Minimum level 3rd.
-Ignore Protection: You have a 50% chance to pass through armor, shields, or thin covers to strike directly the target behind. Minimum level 5th.
-Immaterial Touch: You can interact and damage normally immaterial targets, ghosts, partially dimensionally displaced beings, elementals, and so on… Minimum level 9th.
-Inconspicuous: You became completely unremarkable. Your wielder can always have you with them, nobody will object to your presence in areas where weapons are forbidden or taboo. Minimum level 1st.
-Learning: If you see someone using a special technique, spell, or ability that involves a weapon of similar shape as you, you can record it. Then you can allow your wielder to use it once within the next five minutes. Or you can keep it in reserve and teach it to your wielder. This process takes a minimum of one week but it can take much longer depending on the complexity of the technique and the familiarity of your wielder with a specific type of power. As long as you are teaching your wielder you cannot switch out the Learning property. Minimum level 15th.
-Magic Stealing: At any time you successfully hit a target you can attempt to steal one ongoing beneficial effect that the is currently under and give it to your wieldier. You have a 25% chance to succeed each time you hit. Minimum level 9th.
-Material Imitating: At any time you can touch one type of solid material to copy its property upon yourself. It can be any type of material, mundane, exotic, or magical. You can only copy one type of material at a time. This lasts for 24 hours. Minimum level 5th.
-Merging: Even if you don't like it sometimes your wielder uses other weapons. To remain by their side even then you can now merge with another weapon that they're wielding and grant that weapon all the property and power you possessed. This is not a fusion, the merged weapon do not change shape, but some cosmetic change may manifest themselves to signify the merge. Minimum level 3rd.
-Projectile Guidance: If you throw a projectile you can control its trajectory. This includes making turns of up to 90°, zigzagging, gaining altitude, or losing altitude. You cannot slow it down or stop it. Minimum level 3rd.
-Telekinetic Control: Within a range of two meters, you can be controlled telekinetically by your wielder, leaving them free to use their hands for other things. Doing so takes the same amount of focus as if they were wielding you normally and with the same force. Minimum level 7th.
-Tracking: At any time you successfully hit a living target, for the next 24 hours you know its exact position relative to yourself. Minimum level 1st.
-Transfer Conditions: At any time you successfully hit a living target, you can transfer any harmful condition affecting your wieldier to the target. That can be a disease, a poison, a mental condition, a harmful spell, a curse, and similar effects. Minimum level 13th.
-Spell Channeling: Your wielder can use you as a focus to increase the effects (damage, range, duration, etc.) of offensive spells he cast by 50%. This can apply to any exotic effects similar to spells. Minimum level 9th.
-Unbreaking: As long as you are in the hand of your wieldier you take no damage from being struck by other weapons or from contact with armor or objects. In addition, you are also immune to exotic effects that would specifically break you. Minimum level 3rd.
-Weakening: At any time you successfully hit a living target, you have a 25% chance to weaken it, reducing its strength by 5%. Each time you succeed you boost the strength of your wieldier by 5%. Both reduction and augmentation last ten minutes, the duration resets each time a new one is applied, and can be stacked any number of times. Minimum level 13th.
-Weight Modulation: You can modulate your weight, and that of your projectile, by up to 500% in either direction at will. Any weight change is felt by your wielder only if it would be advantageous for them. Minimum level 7th.

-Size Adaptation: Starting at 4th level, your size becomes malleable. You change size as need to adapt to the size of the one that wields you. This process is automatic and not under your control.

-Situational Adaptation: Starting at 8th level, your wielder can use you normally no matter the environmental condition as long as they can exist in that specific environment unarmed. For example, a wielder that can breathe underwater, or one that is equipped with deep sea diving equipment, could wield you underwater as easily as on land. This even protects you if you normally can't breathe underwater or if you can't go underwater because you're a sword made of fire.
The same principle applies to the void of space, high or low gravity environment, extremely high temperature, and so on.

-Modify Properties: Starting at 12th level, once per day you can reselect all your Weapon Property. You must still respect the minimum level for each one. A weapon property gained at 1st level can only be exchanged with a weapon property available at 1st level.

-Enhanced Enchantment: Starting at 16th level, any beneficial enhancements, temporary or permanent, used on you are twice as effective. This includes effects that were applied to you before you gained this ability.

-Phantom Duplicate: Starting at 20th level, three times per day for a duration of ten minutes each time, you can generate two flying phantom duplicates of yourself. Those duplicates possess the same powers and abilities as you and can fly around your wielder in a radius of ten meters. They can act either independently or in concert with your wielder. If your wielder uses a special technique with you, your duplicates also benefit from them.

Lightning Disciple

Your admiration for lightning in all its form knows no bounds. You want to become an incarnation of lightning.

Taser Touch
Electric Field
Electric Healing
Lightning Aura
Lightning Bolt
Electric Redirection
Lightning Travel
Arcing Bolt
Storm Spheres
Call Lightning
Lightning Incarnation

-Taser Touch: Starting at 1st level, at will you can touch a creature or object and inflict an electrical shock to it that deals minor electrical damage. In addition, there is a small chance that this attack paralyze the target, depending on their constitution.
If you can wield weapons you can channel your Taser Touch through them if they are made of conductive materials.

-Generator: Starting at 2nd level, you can touch an object powered by electricity smaller than you and power it for as long as you touch it or recharge it until its battery is full.

-Electric Field: Starting at 3rd level, you can once per hour generate a circular field of electricity on the ground measuring a minimum of two meters in diameter and a maximum of two meters + two meters for every five levels in Lightning Disciple.
This field can either be centered on you, and move with you, or be anchored to the ground. In both cases, the field remained for ten minutes.
Any creatures, except you, entering the field take minor damage and take damage again every thirty seconds as long as they remain in the field.
Lastly, if you use an offensive electrical attack while in the field you can dismiss it at the same time to double the damage of your attack.

-Electric Healing: Starting at 5th level, you become immune to electrical damage and in fact heal when subject to it.

-Lightning Aura: Starting at 7th level, at will you can apply a Lighting Aura to a creature or object that lasts for ten minutes. You can have a number of auras active at the same time equal to one plus one per five levels in Lightning Disciple.
Anyone who touches or is touched by a creature or object with a Lightning Aura takes minor electrical damage.

-Lightning Bolt: Starting at 9th level, you can once per minute throw a Lightning Bolt. This bolt travels for twenty meters plus twenty meters for every five levels in Lightning Disciple and deals major damage to all creatures and objects in its path.

-Electric Redirection: Starting at 10th level, you can redirect toward yourself any electrical attack that passes within thirty meters of you and then absorb it harmlessly.

-Lightning Travel: Starting at 11th level, you can once per minute transform into a miniature lightning bolt and travel through the air in a straight line up to one kilometer in distance plus an additional kilometer per every three levels in Lightning Disciple. Your movement speed in that state is equal to that of normal lightning and can be considered functionally instantaneous for most purposes.
Any creatures in your path take moderate electrical damage.

-Thundercloud: Starting at 13th level, you can designate one being and create a miniature thundercloud that hovers above that creature and follows it along. The thundercloud can remain for up to ten minutes or until you dismiss it. For as long as it remains the thundercloud every thirty seconds it sends a miniature lightning bolt to the target dealing moderate electric damage each time.
You can create up to three thunderclouds at a time but you can assign only one to a specific creature.

-Arcing Bolt: Starting at 15th level, you can once per minute target a creature that you can see within fifty meters and send a lightning bolt at it. After it strikes the target, the lightning can arc toward another creature of your choice within ten meters of the first target. The lighting can continue to arc toward other targets in that manner until it strikes a number of times equal to half your levels in Lightning Disciple. The targets need not be different each time. For example, at level twenty you could hit two creatures five times each by making the lightning arc back and forth between the two.
All targets take moderate electric damage from each hit, except the first one, which takes major damage.

-Storm Spheres: Starting at 17th level, you can generate at will up to five spheres ten centimeters in diameter that look like crackling storm clouds and that orbit around you in a five-meter radius.
At any time that a being that you consider to be a foe of yours comes within ten meters of a sphere a miniature lightning bolt is thrown toward that foe, dealing moderate electrical damage to it. As long as the foe remains within ten meters of a sphere it continues to be targeted by a miniature lightning bolt every thirty seconds.
In addition, you can choose to mentally send a sphere flying in a straight line toward any point that you see. When the flying sphere impacts a solid surface it explodes into numerous lightning bolts, dealing major electrical damage to all creatures and objects within twenty meters of the impact point.
You must wait a minimum of one minute before you can replace a sphere that explodes this way.

-Call Lightning: Starting at 19th level, you can once per hour call down Lightning Strikes from the sky. When outside you can designate a spot on the ground, thereafter for one minute once every five seconds Lightning will strike the designated spot dealing severe electrical damage to every creature and object within ten meters of that spot and dealing major sonic damage to every creature and object within thirty meters of that spot.

-Lightning Incarnation: Starting at 20th level, you gain the ability to transform into a Lightning Elemental for up to three hours per day divided in any way you want.
Your body shape and size remain the same but you become made of pure lightning.
Being a Lightning Elemental grants you the following benefits.
You can fly at up to five times your normal running speed.
You can enter and travel through conductive surfaces just by touching them.
You become immune to physical damage unless the objects or weapons possess esoteric properties.
You become immune to poison, harmful gases, and biological dangers.
The damage dealt by your electrical attacks, even those gained outside this class, is doubled.
Anyone who touches you directly or with conductive objects takes minor electrical damage.

As a representative of your god you go around healing in their name and spreading the faith.

Mana Reserve, Healing Word (Touch), Divine Patron (1st Power)
Healing Word (Cure Disease)
Shield of Faith
Healing Word (Distance)
Healing Word (Neutralize Poison), Holy Light
Divine Patron (2nd Power)
Healing Word (Group)
Healing Word (Remove Curse)
Consecrated Ground
Healing Word (Regeneration)
Miraculous Revival
Divine Patron (3rd Power), Hallowed Body

-Mana Reserve: Starting at 1st level, you gain a mana reserve equal to ten times your level as a Cleric. You can use this reserve of Mana to power your Cleric abilities or other magical abilities you possess from other sources. Your Mana reserve is fully replenished at dawn every day. Alternatively, you can spend one hour in prayer to replenish your reserve to half its maximum.

-Divine Patron: Starting at 1st level, you must choose a god, a powerful supernatural entity, or a concept that will be the source of your cleric abilities and that will grant you three powers that are unique to it.

(Author Note: In practice, this list contains any and all gods from all mythology and religion, including ones from fiction. In practice, I will only elaborate on a case-by-case basis.)
Bakugami Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

Diablos Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

Koraidon Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

Zodiark Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

Kanaloa Powers:
1st: With a touch, you can grant a creature the ability to breathe underwater for 10 minutes per Cleric levels. You can use this ability at will but you can only affect up to five creatures at a time.
2nd: At will you can summon one wooden canoe big enough for up to six adult humans to ride. The canoe moves on the water all by itself and follows your orders. The canoe can navigate on the water even under the worst weather and is indestructible.
3rd: Once per day you can summon up to eight tentacles made of water anchored to any surface of your choice. You choose the size of the tentacles when you summon them up to a maximum of twenty meters in length and two meters in thickness. Once summoned the tentacles can attack any creatures or objects that you designate as targets, they can deal major damage each time.

Jubileus Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

XXX Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

XXX Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

XXX Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

XXX Powers:
1st: To be Determined
2nd: To be Determined
3rd: To be Determined

-Healing Word: Starting at 1st level, you can touch a living creature and say a short prayer to heal it of five percent of maximum health by spending one point of mana. For each additional point of mana present you heal the target by an additional five percent.

Starting at 3rd level, you can touch a living creature and say a short prayer to cure a disease affecting it. This doesn't heal the damage dealt by the disease it only removes it. The cost varies as indicated by the table below.

Mana CostType of diseases
5Bacteria and Viruses
15Fungi, Prions, and Parasites.
20Arthropathy, Vascular Diseases, Neurological Disorders
50Hereditary and Genetic

Starting at 6th level, you no longer need to touch a creature to heal it, instead, you can target any creatures that you can see within a distance equal to two meters for each of your levels as a Cleric.

Starting at 8th level, you can touch a living creature and say a short prayer to neutralize any type of poison affecting it. This doesn't heal the damage dealt by the poison it only removes it. This cost three points of mana.

Starting at 11th level, you can heal two additional creatures for every five levels of Cleric with every use of Healing Word for no additional mana cost.

Starting at 13th level, you can touch a living creature and say a short prayer to remove any type of Curse affecting it. This doesn't heal the damage dealt by the curse it only removes it.
This cost ten points of mana.

Starting at 16th level, when healing a creature you can spend an additional ten mana to regenerate one lost limb or body part.

-Blessing: Starting at 2nd level, you can recite a prayer to bless a creature that you can see within twenty meters. This Blessing grants for ten minutes a five percent increase to the creature's Agility, Endurance, Resistance, or Speed, you choose which benefit to apply when applying the blessing. This costs three points of mana and you can increase the effect by an additional five percent for every three additional points of mana spent this way.
A creature can only benefit from one blessing at a time, applying a new one removes the previous one.

-Shield of Faith: Starting at 5th level, you can recite a prayer to apply a sphere of translucent light over a creature or object. This sphere acts as a shield that protects the target inside and lasts ten minutes or until it breaks. Anything attempting to strike the target must first destroy the sphere. The sphere can withstand up to 5000N of force (the equivalent of two punches) before breaking. This costs three points of mana and you can increase the resistance of the shield by an additional 5000N for every three additional points of mana spent this way.

-Holy Light: Starting at 8th level, you can at will manifest or dismiss an aura of light around your body. This aura illuminates the area around you in a twenty-meter radius, creatures may have a hard time seeing you clearly through the glare of the aura while yourself is unaffected by it.
While the aura is active you can spend five points of mana to project a brief ray of light that deals moderate damage to a target up to thirty meters away. This ray of light deals thrice as much damage on undead and demonic targets.

-Consecrated Ground: Starting at 14th level, you can establish a consecrated ground by saying a prayer in the center of the chosen area. This area is a circle twenty meters in radius that is invisible to anyone but you. The area is protected against teleportation and portals both in and out. Anyone standing inside the area attempting to attack you or any of your allies must spend twice as much energy (stamina, mana, psionic, etc…) to do so. And lastly, the effect of all the buffs you applied have their effect double while inside the area.
Creating a Consecrated Ground cost ten mana.

-Spiritual Weapon: Starting at 17th level, you can enhance a creature's natural weapons (claws, teeth, tail, etc…) or a manufactured weapon. By touching the targeted weapon and saying a short prayer you transform it into a spiritual weapon. Spîritual weapons pass straight through armor and skins to deal wounds directly to the target spirit and soul. A spiritual weapon passes through armor and forcefield, bypasses artificial resistance (potions, spells, etc…), and ignores half of the target's natural defense (scales count as half as thick for example).
You can affect any number of weapons this way but each use costs twenty mana.

-Miraculous Revival: Starting at 19th level, you can once per week revive a dead creature that died within the last 24 hours. To do so you must touch the body, which must be relatively intact, and spend an hour in prayer. At the end of the hour, the creature returns to life with all deadly wounds healed, any other damage is not healed. This cost 100 points of mana.
You can extend the duration between the time of death and the time of revival by spending an additional 20 points of mana for each additional day that the creature was dead.

-Hallowed Body: Starting at 20th level, your overall health is doubled, any healing effect and buffs you cast on yourself cost three times less mana, and the buffs have no time limit.

Verdant Avatar

You are a representative and a defender of the forest. Always ready to defend the natural world against predation.

Accelerated Maturation, Verdant Transformation (Photosynthesis)
Forest Knowledge
Pollen Production
Seed Spitting, Vegetal Communication
Verdant Transformation (Root)
Entangling Vines
Wall of Thorns
Verdant Transformation (Bark), Flower Vision
Entangling Vines(Thorns)
Animate Plants
Verdant Transformation (Leaves), Leaf Wings
Root Traveling
Entangling Vines(Poison)
Tree of Life, Verdant Transformation (Sap)

-Verdant Transformation: Starting at 1st level, you begin to manifest plant traits, enhancing you in various ways. The first trait to manifest is a green tint appearing on your skin. This allows you to do photosynthesis. As long as you are exposed to a source of light you regain five percent of your maximum health per hour. If you already have access to similar benefits from another source, the benefit stacks.

Starting at 6th level, at will you can grow roots to plunge into soils. This has two benefits. First, it makes it much harder to forcefully move you against your will. And second, if you stay rooted for at least an hour per day you do not need to eat and drink for the day.

Starting at 11th level, at will you can cover yourself with bark. This reduces the damage you take by three percent per level in Verdant Avatar.

Starting at 16th level, at will you can sprout leaves and branches from all over your body. You can choose the precise shape, color, and textures of the leaves and branches. This allows you to camouflage yourself amongst other nearby plants.

Starting at 20th level, your blood (or equivalent bodily fluid) changes to gain properties similar to that of tree sap. This renders you immune to all forms of poisons, diseases, malignant tumors, and parasites. In addition, you are immune to any effects that would inflict bleeding wounds, your sap/blood clots quickly.

-Accelerated Maturation: Starting at 1st level, you passively emit an aura in a twenty-meter radius that encourages the growth of plants. Any plants that spent at least half an hour within your aura gain a five percent bonus to its growth speed per level Verdant Avatar for the next 24 hours.

-Forest Knowledge: Starting at 2nd level, you can identify any plants on sight. When you see a plant, or even part of it such as leaves or a piece of bark, you instantly know the species it belongs to. You also learn the basics of any properties it may possess, for example, if the leaves are poisonous to humans or the durability of the woods, and any common uses it may possess. This only applies to basic knowledge, however. Knowing that the roots of a specific plant are used in potion-making does not give you the skills or the knowledge on how to make any such potions.

-Pollen Production: Starting at 4th level, you can produce clouds of pollen to hinder your enemies. Once every ten minutes you can produce a cloud of pollen ten meters in diameter centered on your position that lasts for five minutes. The clouds you produce are static but can be affected by external forces such as winds. You are immune to the effects of your pollen clouds. Each time you produce a cloud of pollen you can choose the specific effect it will produce.
Your options are:
Irritating: An almost invisible white cloud, any unprotected living beings within the clouds start coughing, sneezing, and crying. This may also hinder machines that need access to clean air to function.
Blinding: A deep yellow cloud, it hinders all forms of vision across a majority of the light spectrum including infrared and ultraviolet.
Fascinating: A light blue cloud, the pollen almost glows and catches the attention of any creatures that see the cloud. This can be very distracting for them.
Sleeping: A deep gray cloud, any creature that enters the cloud must resist the urge to fall asleep. The longer they remain inside the harder it becomes.

-Seed Spitting: Starting at 5th level, you can spit out seeds as projectiles. You can at will generate a dozen seeds inside your mouth (or equivalent organ) and then spit them out at high speed. Dealing moderate damage to any objects or beings that you hit with them.

-Vegetal Communication: Starting at 5th level, you can communicate with plants. You gain the ability to talk to plants, and they will understand you. And the ability to perceive their answers. A regular plant's sense of its surroundings is limited, so it won't be able to give (or recognize) detailed descriptions of creatures or answer questions about events outside its immediate vicinity. However, they have excellent memory and can give you an accurate description of the weather over their entire lives, information about any attacks from parasites or animals they were subjected to, and information about the soils they are planted into.

-Entangling Vines: Starting at 6th level, you can produce a field of entangling vines on surfaces around you. A number of times per day equal to half your Verdant Avatar level you can summon out of nowhere a field of vines on any surface that you can see with a radius of ten meters per Verdant Avatar level. Any creature that attempts to move through the field, except you, is greatly hindered by the animated vines that actively attempt to trip them up. Should a creature fall into the field, the vines will even attempt to grapple them.

Starting at 11th level, you can choose to add thorns to the vines that deal moderate damage to the creature moving through the field.

Starting at 19th level, you can choose to add paralyzing poison to the thorns that can cramp the muscles of any living being injected with it, sufficient dosage can fully paralyze the being, and even more, could lead to death.

-Wall of Thorns: Starting at 9th level, you can erect a wall composed of thick tree trunks covered in thorns. A number of times per day equal to a third of your Verdant Avatar level you can summon a wall of wood within 50m of you, that remains for up to 10 min before dissipating. This wall must be vertical and anchored to the ground. You determine the size of the wall when you summon it within the following limits, Height between 1m minimum and 2m per level maximum, Thickness between 1cm minimum and 10cm per level maximum, and Length between 50cm minimum and 1m per level maximum. Your wall can form a straight line, be curved, or even be circular.

-Flower Vision: Starting at 11th level, you can summon spying flowers. At any time you can make a flower, the appearance of which you can determine, sprout from any surface that you can see. From then on, with some concentration, you can see as if you were standing where the flower is located. At any one time, you can have a number of spying flowers equal to half your Verdant Avatar level. The flowers can remain for up to 24 hours or until you dismiss them.

-Animate Plants: Starting at 14th level, you can with a few seconds of concentration imbue an inanimate plant with mobility and a semblance of life. The target plant cannot be larger (in height or length) than five meters per Verdant Avatar level you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half your Verdant Avatar level and the effect lasts for a whole day. The plants follow your mental commands to the best of their abilities.

-Leaf Wings: Starting at 16th level, you can sprout wings made of leaves from your back. At any time you can generate out of your back a pair of wings made of leaves. They allow you to fly at the same speed as you can normally walk. You can keep those wings upward to an hour per day, split in any way you wish.

-Root Traveling: Starting at 17th level, you can use plants and the roots that unite them to travel all over the world. Once per day you can enter any normal plant the same size or bigger than you and come out of another plant of the same kind a minute later, as long as both plants are on the same planet and in the same dimension. Both plants must be alive and rooted to the ground (you couldn't travel toward a plant that is transported into an airplane). You do not need to know the precise location of the exit plant and can simply select a distance and a direction, you will emerge from the closest plant of that species relative to your chosen destination.
You cannot bring anyone with you when traveling this way.

-Tree of Life: Starting at 20th level, you can plant a special tree that will resurrect you should you die. You gain the ability to create a seed that over the course of a week will grow into a full-size tree that is up to five times your size. This tree can look like any tree species of your choice. Once your tree has matured should you die your tree will produce a fruit, a process that takes 24h. That fruit will then fall to the ground and over the course of a further 24h will take your shape. Once this process is complete you will wake up in full health.


You live for combat, your only passion is perfecting your fighting techniques to the utmost or learning new ones.

Physical Boost, Combat Maneuver
Combat Maneuver
Bonus Damage (+10%)
Combat Maneuver
Physical Boost
Combat Maneuver
Bonus Damage (+20%)
Combat Maneuver
Physical Boost, Combat Maneuver, Switch Boosts
Bonus Damage (+30%)
Combat Maneuver
Combat Maneuver
Physical Boost, Bonus Damage (+40%)
Combat Maneuver
Combat Maneuver
Bonus Damage (+50%)
Physical Boost, Combat Maneuver, Finishing Move

-Physical Boost: Starting at 1st level, you gain a ten percent boost to either your agility (the speed you move and your reflexes), your endurance (how long you can perform a tiring activity), your resilience (your overall durability and resistance to damage), or your strength (how much you can lift and the force with which you can strike). You must choose to which parameter this boost applies upon gaining this ability.
At levels five, ten, fifteen, and twenty, you can choose additional boosts, either to the same parameter or a different one.

-Bonus Damage: Starting at 3rd level, you deal an additional ten percent damage when making any kind of physical attack, be it with a melee or a ranged weapon.
This bonus increases by an additional ten percent at levels seven, eleven, fifteen, and nineteen.

-Combat Maneuver: Starting at 1st level, you learn a Combat Maneuver of your choice from the list below.
You learn an additional Combat Maneuver at level two and every two levels thereafter.

Additional Boost: You can select an additional Physical Boost.

Armor proficiency: You can wear the heaviest armor and the biggest shield with perfect ease as long as you can lift them.

Bull Rush: When landing an attack on a target you find it much easier to push them back.

Blind Fighting: You are adept at fighting without being able to see your foe, using your other senses and your mastery of combat to anticipate the moves of your foes.

Block: You are adept at blocking attacks as long as you see them coming you have a much easier time intercepting them, both in melee and at range.

Charge: When running toward an enemy if you make an attack right as you reach them you'll deal fifty percent more damage to them.

Cleave: When you are adjacent to at least two enemies any attack you make against one also deals half as much damage to the other.

Counter: Any time you are struck by an attack you immediately counterattack, dealing half as much damage as a normal attack. To counter a melee attack you must wield a melee weapon, and the same applies for a ranged attack.

Disarm: You find it much easier to disarm an opponent when attacking them.

Environmental Sheating: By plunging your weapon into a substance you can cover it with that substance, this lasts for one minute, and may enhance your weapon in various ways. What qualifies as a substance can be quite varied, a stream of freezing water, a bonfire, an electrical outlet, a cloud of poison, a sand dune, a ray of sunlight. Plunging your weapon in a substance deal no damage to you or to your weapon, even if it normally should.

Far Shot: When using throw weapons or ranged weapons you can send your projectiles twice as far. You can select this Maneuver any number of times, each time you do you increase the distance multiplier by one.

Feint: You are adept at creating openings in combat, able to sneak in your strike through the smallest opening in your opponent's guard.

Grappler: Immediately after hitting a creature with a melee attack you grapple it and attempt to subdue it.

Improvised Weapon: When using objects that are not weapons as weapons, they deal as much damage as a similar-shaped weapon would and they have much less chance of breaking.

Mutilation: You have become much more adept at removing limbs and body parts, able to do with cleanly and precisely.

Multi-Shot: You can fire an additional projectile or ammunition per shot. You can select this Maneuver up to five times, the benefit stacked.

Monkey Grip: You can wield with ease weapons that would normally be too big or too heavy for you as long as you can lift them.

Pierce Defense: The damage you deal with physical weapons, ignore ten percent of your target defense (armor, hide, skin, forcefield, etc…). You can select this Maneuver up to ten times, the benefit stacked up to a hundred percent.

Precise Shot: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons with extreme precision, able to hit exactly where you're aiming even at the very edge of your range.

Quick Draw: You are always ready for a fight, you can draw your weapon and make an attack immediately even if you're caught by surprise.

Rebound: When using a ranged weapon, you can make it so your projectile bounces from its initial target to hit a second one located within ten meters of it. You can select this Maneuver any number of times, allowing your projectile to bounce one additional time.

Risky Gambit: You can adopt a stance that makes you more vulnerable to your foes attacks, taking fifty percent more damage, but in exchange you deal fifty percent more damage to them.

Shield Bash: While wielding a weapon and a shield you can strike with your shield at the same time as you attack with your weapon, dealing additional damage.

Shift Position: Immediately after making an attack you can move up to ten meters away before anyone can react to your movement.

Taunt: By hurling insults and innuendo you can attract the attention of nearby foes, making them far more likely to attack you.

Unusual Weapon Handling: You can wield weapons effectively with a body part or a limb not normally well suited for it, such as in your mouth, strapped to your knee, or with your tail.

Weapon Specialization: Choose a weapon of any sort, from now on you deal an additional ten percent of damage with that weapon. You can select this Maneuver any number of times, either choosing a different weapon or the same one, in the second case the benefit stacks.

Weapon Trick: If you perform a flourish with your weapon, this attracts the attention of nearby people, distracting them for a few seconds.

-Switch Boosts: Starting at 10th level, you can once per day spend ten minutes exercising to reselect your Physical Boosts, changing to which physical attributes they apply.

-Finishing Move: Starting at 20th level, you can design a personal finishing move that you can use up to three times per day, with a minimum of ten minutes between uses. The base form of your finishing move is by default one strong attack against one target and that deals twice as much damage as normal, and that cannot be avoided by your target. Your finishing moves benefit from all your Maneuver as normal.
Upon that base, you must select additional components from the following list to add to your personal Finishing Move, each one costing a variable amount of points. You have at your disposal 12 points to spend. Note that some components are drawbacks that give you additional points.
Once you have finished designing your Finishing Move, the choice is final and cannot be changed.

Point Cost
Once per dayYou can only use your Finishing Move once per day instead of three times.
Charge TimeYour Finishing Move necessitates one minute of charge time before you can use it.
You can select this component up to ten times, increasing the charge time by one minute each time.
BacklashWhen using your Finishing Move you lose a third of your health. You can select this component up to three times, in that case, you'll die immediately after using it.
You cannot select the Healing component at the same time as this one.
AssistanceYou need the help of a specific being to use your Finishing Move, they must be adjacent to you. You must select that being when designing your Finishing Move and can only change for another if this being dies. You can select this component up to four times.
PassifYour Finishing Move deals no damage to your target. You cannot select any component that grants additional damage to your Finishing Move.
AestheticYou can generate one or more visual or sonic aesthetic effects when using your Finishing Move. An aura around you, sparks on the ground, smoke at the tip of your weapon, and so on. These effects are purely cosmetic and do not hinder your vision or that of your opponents.
ElementalUpon selecting this component you must choose an element (fire, water, light, acid, etc…). Your weapon with be clad in it, dealing an additional ten percent of damage of that type when using your Finishing Move.
You can select this component any number of times, either choosing an additional element or increasing the damage dealt by one element by ten percent each time.
Flying SlashYou can strike with your melee weapon from a distance of up to twenty meters. You can select this component any number of times, increasing the distance by twenty meters each time.
BaneUpon selecting this component you must choose a type of being (undead, animals, construct, humanoid, etc…). You will deal an additional fifty percent of damage to beings of that type when using your Finishing Move.
You can select this component any number of times, either choosing an additional type of being or increasing the damage dealt to that type by fifty percent each time.
HinderingUpon selecting this component you must choose a type of debuff to inflict upon your target, that will last for five minutes. Available debuff: Blind, Deaf, Mute, Sleep, Slow, Berserk, Poison, and Confuse.
You can select this component any number of times, either choosing an additional debuff or increasing the duration by five minutes each time
EnhancingUpon selecting this component you must choose a type of buff to apply to yourself at the end of your Finishing Move, that will last for five minutes. Available buff: Strength, Agility, Endurance, Resilience, Perception Boost, Elemental Immunity, and Magic Resistance.
You can select this component any number of times, either choosing an additional buff or increasing the duration by five minutes each time.
Swift MovementImmediately before or at the end of your Finishing Move you've moved up to twenty meters from your starting position.
This is not a teleportation effect, simply high-speed movement. You can select this component any number of times, moving an additional twenty meters for each instance.
Area of effectInstead of affecting one target your finishing move affects an area, a five-meter radius sphere, centered on a point of space that you strike with your weapon. Damage is dealt to every foe in the radius, and his affected by all other components. If you pick beneficial components, such as Enhancing or Healing, the benefits apply to all allies in the radius in addition to yourself.
You can select this component any number of times, increasing the radius of effect by five meters each time.
HealingImmediately after you execute your Finishing Move you will be healed by half the amount of damage you dealt. Any health gained above your maximum will act as an ablative shield that will last for five minutes.
MultiattackYou can make one additional attack during your Finishing Move. This additional attack benefits from all damaging enhancing components but not others. You can select this component any number of times, making an additional attack for each instance.

Force Sculptor

You've learned how to generate and shape forcefields. In fact, you've reached such mastery of the subject that your forcefields can be considered works of art.

Forcefield Generation, Ignore Forcefield
Forcefield Properties
Forcefield Generation (Complexe Polygon)
Steal Forcefield
Forcefield Generation (Durability: Granite), Forcefield Properties
Forcefield Weapon
Forcefield Generation (Anchored)
Forcefield Properties
Forcefield Generation (3D)
Forcefield Companion
Forcefield Generation (Durability: Steel), Forcefield Properties
Skintight Forcefied
Forcefield Generation (Freeform)
Forcefield Properties
Forcefield Generation (Durability: Diamond)
Forcefield Shards
Forcefield Generation (Moving), Forcefield Properties
Starting at 18th level
Forcefield Generation (Durability: Carbon Nanotube)
Crushing Forcefield, Forcefield Properties

-Forcefield Generation: Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to generate Forcefield. This works as follows:
>Generating a Forcefields is a purely mental action that takes only a second of concentration on your part. You do not need to see where you want to generate your Forcefields but you must be able to visualize it. You cannot generate a Forcefield wholly or partially intersecting with an object or being. Your Forcefields have no set duration and remain as long as you do not dismiss them. You do not need to concentrate to maintain them.
>You can generate a number of Forcefields equal to half your Force Sculptor levels, minimum of one.
>The maximum surface area of your Forcefields is equal to twice your Force Sculptor levels in square meters.
>The maximum distance at which you can generate a Forcefield is equal to five times your Force Sculptor levels in meters. Once generated you can move further away with no limitations.
>At first level, the durability and strength of your Forcefields is equal to that of oak wood. If any portion of your Forcefields broke, the whole Forcefield is destroyed.
>You can choose the color of your Forcefields each time you generate them, but they always are uniform and semi-transparent.
>At first level, your Forcefields are flat, and can only take the shape of squares, circles, or triangles. They cannot bend.
>At first level, your Forcefields are anchored relative to the planet/dimension you stand on when generated.

Starting at 3rd level, you can shape your Forcefields like ovals, polygon up to dodecagon, stars with up to ten points, and trapezoids.

Starting at 5th level, the durability of your Forcefields increases to that of granite.

Starting at 7th level, you can anchor your Forcefields to an object, being, or body part. The Forcefield will move to maintain its relative position vis a vis this object. Should an obstacle prevent that movement either the obstacle will be moved if the object exercises enough force or the Forcefield will break.

Starting at 9th level, you can shape your Forcefields in three dimensions, spheres, squares, and pyramids.

Starting at 11th level, the durability of your Forcefields increases to that of steel.

Starting at 13th level, you can shape your Forcefields in any two or three-dimensional shapes of your choice.

Starting at 15th level, the durability of your Forcefields increases to that of diamond.

Starting at 17th level, you can create free-moving Forcefields. This allows you to move them mentally up to the maximum distance that you can generate them, at a speed equivalent to your own. Or you can program them to move with a simple pattern (back and forth, circle, rotation, etc…).

Starting at 19th level, the durability of your Forcefields increases to that of carbon nanotube.

If you already can generate Forcefields, you can apply all the benefits of this class to those as well.

-Ignore Forcefield: Starting at 1st level, you and any attacks you make can pass straight through any Forcefields, your own or others.

-Forcefield Properties: Starting at 2nd level, you learn a Forcefield Property of your choice from the list below.
You learn an additional Forcefield Property at level 5 and every 3 levels thereafter. You can apply and remove those properties to your Forcefields freely but only one at a time per Forcefield.
-Breakable: Your Forcefield can be broken into pieces without dissipating, only the smallest fragment will disappear.

-Cold: Your Forcefield absorbs heat sufficiently fast to freeze water from all over its surface.

-Focus: Your Forcefield becomes a lens able to focus light that passes through it, amplifying the effect of any light-based attack that passes through it, at the cost of narrowing it.

-Heat: Your Forcefield emits heat sufficient to cook meat from all over its surface.

-Invisible: Your Forcefield becomes fully invisible to standard human vision.

-Image: Instead of being monocolored your Forcefield can display any number of colors of your choice, even with patterns and complex images. You can even modify the display at will.

-Light: Your Forcefield emits light equivalent to a light bulb from all over its surface.

-Magnetic: Your Forcefield becomes Magnetic, attracting ferrous objects with a force equal to twice that of Earth's gravity.

-Mirror: Your Forcefield takes on the texture of mirrors and can reflect all types of light-based attacks and effects.

-Permeable: You can select one or more types of material that can freely pass through your Forcefield.

-Redirecting: Any projectiles, physical or energetic, passing within 2 m of the edge of your Forcefield are redirected toward the Forcefield.

-Sharp: The edge of your Forcefield became razor sharp.

-Spiked: Your Forcefield is covered in spikes measuring between 10 and 50 cm (your choice). The spikes do count toward the calculation of the surface area of the Forcefield.

-Thick: Your Forcefield is no longer paper thin, instead it's 5cm thick, greatly increasing its durability. Only by piercing a hole all the way through can it be made to dissipate.

-Trapped: The first time any living being comes into contact with your Forcefield it contracts to try and engulf them, assuming the Forcefield is big enough to do so.

-Wired: Your Forcefield conducted electricity equivalent to a taser from all over its surface.

-Steal Forcefield: Starting at 4th level, you can take control of any Forcefields that are within an area where you could generate one. Once you've taken control of a Forcefield you can dismiss it, reshape it, move it, or otherwise take any actions you could have taken with your own Forcefields. Stolen Forcefields do not count toward your maximum amount of Forcefields.

-Forcefield Weapon: Starting at 6th level, you can generate one Forcefield shaped like any melee weapon of your choice and wield it as if it were a normal weapon of this type. This Forcefield does not count toward your maximum amount of Forcefields. You can ignore any hindering or harmful properties that you apply to this Forcefield.

-Forcefield Companion: Starting at 10th level, you can generate one Forcefield shaped like a living creature and breathe life into it, to create a faithful companion. You can choose its shape freely, giving it up to twelve limbs (arms, legs, wings, tails, etc…), up to ten orifices (mouths, ears, nostrils, etc…), and up to eighth eyes but once the choice is made it's permanent. This companion can measure between 20 cm and 2 m in height and length. It's roughly as smart as a dog and follows all your orders. Should your Forcefield Companion be destroyed you can recreate it after waiting an hour. This Forcefield does not count toward your maximum amount of Forcefields. You can ignore any hindering or harmful properties that you apply to this Forcefield.

-Skintight Forcefied: Starting at 12th level, at-will you can cover yourself with one Forcefield perfectly aligned with your body and that moves with you. You can choose to include objects you pick up with this Forcefield or not. You can see, hear, and feel through this Forcefield as if it wasn't there if you wish to do so. This Forcefield does not count toward your maximum amount of Forcefields. You can ignore any hindering or harmful properties that you apply to this Forcefield.

-Forcefield Shards: Starting at 16th level, at-will by concentrating for two seconds you fire at supersonic speed a Forcefield Shard the size of your hand. It dissipates one second after hitting an obstacle.

-Forcefield Mansion: Starting at 18th level, you can once per day generate a full house made out of Forcefield. It lasts until you choose to dismiss it. It can contain up to 20 rooms and is fully functional and furnished. It only lacks utilities but can be connected to an existing grid.

-Crushing Forcefield: Starting at 20th level, you can select one of your existing Forcefields and activate this ability. This multiplies the durability of the Forcefield by ten and makes it contract on itself until it reaches the size of an atom before dissipating. This crushed anything that was inside of it. You can activate this up to three times per day but no more than once per hour.
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List of Grant Summoning Recipient
Miss Militia (Hannah)
Partner: Manhattan Transfer and Swarm
Visible only to Parahuman with Projection power. (Miss Militia, Crusader, Manton, Genesis, Ursa Major, etc...)
Take damage only from Projection and reflect that damage to the user.
Users can perceive air currents through it. Detailed enough to create a sort of 3D radar image centered on the stand.
Destruction power: E (very weak)
Speed: E (very weak)
Range: A (Excellent) (5km radius)
Persistence: A (Excellent)
Precision: A (Excellent)
Development Potential: C (Human)

Armsmaster (Colin)
Partner: Surveyor and Independent Agent

Moa (Dario Merlo)
Fruit User: Tori Tori no Mi, Model: Giant Moa
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A 27-year-old Mexican/American of 5'10 ft. This man has been working as a Paratrooper for 3 years.
Personality: A grump. Short of temper, but a guy who would have any friends back. Think Brutus from those Pixie and Brutus comics.
Localization: Salt Lake City, Utah
Powers or Skills: Black Belt in Bando. Makes a mean Chicken Tortilla.
Explanations for new powers: Recent Trigger.

Penseur (Ulrich Steiner)
Partner and Power: Lobster and Mental Partition.
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Medium height (1.69m), slightly overweight, short dark blond hair, and gray eyes.
His costume looks like a green office suit, with thick Tinkertech glasses, a false beard, and a tinkertech tablet at his waist. He's 30.
Personality: Stoic, appear calm, enjoys playing Sherlock Holmes but not always right. Frustrated by the fact that he can't go on the field more often.
Localization: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Powers or Skills: Thinker 3. He can massively accelerate his thinking speed. He can observe a scene for hours mentally while only a second passes in the real world.
He worked as a combat analyst and tactician. Remotely guiding his fellow hero through cameras installed in their costume.
Explanations for new powers: None, because remain at base often, and even if going out partner can be easily hidden under his costume or in a pouch.

Brook (Amedeo Abarca)
Planned Partner and Power: Pincer (Hylotl Crasberry) and Equip Trait.
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A small (1.62m) man of Mexican origin, short cropped black hair, and brown eyes.
Personality: Stubborn and a little paranoid, doesn't trust easily. However, if someone managed to gain his trust he'll be their friend for life.
Localization: Vancouver, Washington
Powers or Skills: Shaker 3, can manifest a bubble of water around himself and then generate water tentacles from it. Cannot breathe underwater and is forced to carry diving equipment to use his power for any length of time.
Explanations for new powers: Will wear a false rebreather and pretend that it's Tinkertech.

Focus (Aishling Tighe)
Planned Partner and Power: Tiger Seal and Animal senses.
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A short (1.54m) man, thin but not muscular, with brown hair in a military cut, and green eyes.
Personality: Often anxious and overly sensitive. Suffer from an inferiority complex because of his eyesight which ampers his power.
Localization: Davenport, Iowa
Powers or Skills: Thinker 2, Can put filters in his vision that highlight things depending on some criteria (flammability, destructibility, temperature, conductivity, etc…). Power does not work through any medium from simple glasses to visors, or cameras. Suffer from a severe case of nearsightedness.
Explanations for new powers: Expensive surgery to correct his vision

Dragster (Judie Post)
Partner and Power: Blitz Leopard with Vehicle Summoning (Three-wheeled Car).
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A short (1.59m) woman, thin, almost anorexic looking with very few curves. She has light green hair pulled in a ponytail, in truth, it's a wig because she's bald. Her eyes are dark brown and her gaze is piercing.
Personality: In costume, she's cheerful and outgoing but in her civilian life she's dour and solitary.
Localization: Henderson, Nevada
Powers or Skills: Shaker/Mover 4: Can enhance any vehicle she drives. Making it faster, more maneuverable, and surrounded by a forcefield. The more advanced the vehicle the greater the effect. The vehicle is under heavy stress and accelerates wear and tear while under the effect.
Explanations for new powers: None, just a new Tinkertech vehicle that can endure her power.

Lady Mecha (Rachel Strand)
Partner and Power: Trifangle and Material Extraction.
Cape Name: Lady Mecha
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Medium height (1,68m). Red, short hair double braided to reveal a bony, sad face, and lidded black eyes.
Personality: Deeply independent and solitary, preferring to work alone or in a position of leadership. Meticulous about her work. In addition, she tends to be arrogant.
Localization: New York City
Powers or Skills: Mundane engineer, currently working in R&D for the PRT.
Explanations for new powers: New Trigger

Flare (Marie-Helene Karter)
Planned Partner and Power: Pyrobat and Weapon Summoning
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Tall (1.85m) and very slim, Midnight Black, long wavy hair almost fully covers a fine, lived-in face. And hazel eyes.
Personality: A spontaneous and generous woman always ready to help, somewhat naive. Does not like how limited her power is. She wants to do more.
Localization: Los Angeles, California
Powers or Skills: Blaster/Shaker 3: She can manipulate fire but not generate it. Transport a miniature flamethrower during patrol.
Explanations for new powers: None, the weapon will be treated as a piece of Tinkertech.

Blossom (Angiola Moretti)
Partner and Power: Ivy Whip and Rider
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A small (1.6m) woman with ginger, curly hair hanging over a skinny, wild face, and clear green eyes. Her cheeks are covered with freckles forcing her to wear a full face mask to disguise her identity. She's 35. Her costume looks like that of a fantasy druid and appears to be made of giant leaves and flowers.
Personality: Angiola is dependable when she starts something she gives her all. She can be a little forceful if someone tries to stop her from accomplishing her goals.
Localization: Little Rock, Arkansas
Powers or Skills: Shaker 4. She can greatly accelerate the growth of plants in a hundred-meter radius, even without nutrients or water). She can also animate and control plants in the same radius but they must remain anchored to the ground.
Explanations for new powers: None, just an innovative new use of her power and a clever way to create a pot for the vine.

Checkmate (Danilo Kolar)
Partner and Power: Damned Chessmen and Anchored Summoning
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A tall man (1.82m) with black hair, a chiseled jaw, and piercing green eyes.
Personality: Intelligent and serious doesn't talk much. He doesn't like to be reminded of his Croatian origin.
Localization: Nashville, Tennessee
Powers or Skills: He's a PRT agent, specializing in detective work.
Explanations for new powers: New trigger
-[400]-[Devil May Cry]-Damned Chessmen: Name - None
You summon a giant chessboard (8m to the side) with eight Damned Pawns, two Damned Knights, two Damned Bishops, two Damned Rooks, one Damned Queen, and one Damned King. They count as only one creature.
8 Paws: Move 2m at a time. Strike with two swords. Can be promoted into a Damned Knight, Damned Bishop, Damned Rook, or Damned Queen if one is missing.
2 Knight: Move 4.5m at a time by jumping and spearing the ground as its lands. Strike with its horn.
2 Bishops: Move up to 22m at a time. Can summon a ring of fire which can be focused into arrows and shoots diagonally. Can summon a small vortex of wind that heals it and nearby pieces.
2 Rook: Move up to 16m at a time. Can summon other pieces if one is missing. Can switch places with the King. Can fire line of laser in a cross shape.
1 Queen: Move up to 22m at a time. Make Charge attack.
1 King: Move 2m at a time. Can open to unleash a burst of energy around itself. If killed the Chessboard and the other pieces are dismissed.

Rhombic (Sandra Watts)
Partner and Power: Crystal Worm (Quartz) and Armor Summoning
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A tall (1.87m) and athletic woman with blonde hair, warm brown eyes, and freckles around her cheeks.
Personality: She's outgoing and cheerful. She plays a variety of sports and loves being outside.
Localization: Jackson, Mississippi
Powers or Skills: Fitness Trainer
Explanations for new powers: New Trigger

Nimbus (Makarova Nata)
Partner and Power: Angry Nimbus and Vehicle Summoning
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: An average-height (1.62m) woman, in good shape with light brown hair, deep green eyes, and a vaguely star-shaped light brown birthmark on her neck that contrasts greatly with her very clear skin tone. She's 27. She came from Irkutsk Oblast in Russia and immigrated to the USA as a teenager to flee from an abusive family.
Personality: Honest to a fault, she prefers to remain silent instead of talking. She dislikes having to hide the source of her power but accepts the reason why.
Localization: Chicago, Illinois
Powers or Skills: None
Explanations for new powers: Will pretends to have refrained from using her power for a few months before being caught in a cape fight that forces her to use them to protect herself and other innocents. Will be an open cape.

Kane (Bryan Spearing)
Planned Partner and Power: Vortigaunt (Kane) and Independent Agent
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A medium-sized pale man (1, 67m) slightly overweight. He's 29. Chestnut, curly hair tight in a ponytail, and dark brown eyes. Because of a genetic disease, he's paralyzed from the waist down and moves in a wheelchair.
Personality: A wise and hard-working man. Love gun. Spent a lot of time at the range during his downtime.
Localization: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Powers or Skills: No power. Highly qualified armorer.
Explanations for new powers: Kane would pretend to be a Case 53. His supposed main power would be an automatic resurrection if he died, reappearing in a chosen spot after some time (Bryan would just resummon him the next day.).

Chiropter (Priya Patel)
Planned Partner and Power: Sanguine Staff with Share Senses
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A very tall (2.12m) man, bulky and muscular. He has black, frizzy hair and tan skin.
Personality: Despite what his appearance might imply, he is reserved and calm. He loves classical music and could spend hours talking about it.
Localization: Lexington, Kentucky
Powers or Skills: None
Explanations for new powers: New trigger. Staff will be indeed inside a prop equipped with a blade as a sort of halberd.

Binary (Dwayne Bardsley)
Partner and Power: Clathrina Clathrus and Mental Partition
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Tal (1.85m), Long brown hair kept in a ponytail, brown eyes, in good shape but not overly muscular.
Personality: Reserved, almost shy. Prefer to be alone.
Localization: Charlotte, South Carolina
Powers or Skills: Master 3. He can create clones of himself. However, they are not independent and he must split his attention between his main body and the clones to control them. He has gained enough skill to control one clone in addition to his body nearly flawlessly but had trouble beyond that.
Explanations for new powers: None, improvement in control is the result of training.

Viewpoint (Helena Velera)
Partner and Power: Chip and Mental Partition
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Tall (1.89m), Very long black hair, light brown eyes, very curvy.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, flirts with anyone who catches her eye. Love to be in the thick of the action no matter the situation. Doesn't like her power much.
Localization: Annapolis, Maryland
Powers or Skills: Thinker 3. Can tag people and gain the ability to see around them in the third person. Can move the point of view but it must stay within one meter of the tagged person. Can zoom in with telescopic and microscopic vision. See all tagged persons at the same time, making it hard to focus.
Explanations for new powers: None, no outward sign of change.

Query (Adrianna Davos)
Partner and Power: Spiral and Mental Partition
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Medium height, with medium lustrous brown hair, green eyes, with a svelte and delicate body shape.
Personality: Calm and focused. She hates being bothered when she's busy.
Localization: Houston, Texas
Powers or Skills: Thinker 5. Can ask herself a question. Objects or persons in her vision are highlighted if they can help her answer that question. Can only have one question active at a time. Forgoing a question is possible but causes a headache which increases in potency the further away she is from answering the question. Asking a new question while suffering from a headache is possible but worsens it.
Explanations for new powers: None, no outward sign of change.

Insight (Steve Vibe)
Partner and Power: Lazy and Mental Partition
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Medium height, with blond hair, brown eyes, and a slender shape, almost feminine.
Personality: Spontaneous and friendly, loves making new friends.
Localization: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Powers or Skills: Thinker 5. Can gather pieces of information from nothing about a given subject but this puts a lot of strain on his mind and renders him unconscious. The more detailed the information gathered the longer he remains unconscious.
Explanations for new powers: None, no outward sign of change.

Rewind (Lucy Presley)
Partner and Power: Penta and Mental Partition
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Medium height, light blonde, flowing hair gently hangs over a bony, friendly face. Smart green eyes. Toned and lean, with little obvious muscle.
Personality: Hard worker, hates being idle.
Localization: St Louis, Missouri
Powers or Skills: Thinker 4, Can touch an object and go into a trance, allowing her to see the past around that object as if time was rewinding. Rewind speed can be modulated from one to one up to five to one. Frequently work with the police for mundane crimes.
Explanations for new powers: Second trigger.

Electron (Edward Lancaster)
Partner and Power: Scp-3160 and Forward Teleport
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Really tall man (2.05m), dark hair, brown eyes, thin and athletic.
Personality: For the most part lazy and unmotivated, only active in subjects he's interested in which vary often.
Localization: El Paso, Texas
Powers or Skills: Striker 4. Can electrocute on touch. Can vary the intensity from a simple jolt up to inducing cardiac arrest.
Explanations for new powers: New trigger.

Tek (Karl Cornel)
Partner and Power: Attack Drone and Material Extraction
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Average size man (1.71m), redhead, dark green eyes, a little overweight.
Personality: Motivated and hardworking.
Localization: Phoenix, Arizona
Powers or Skills: Mechanics
Explanations for new powers: New Trigger

Mimetic (Clara Zimmerman)
Partner and Power: Velociprey and Material Extraction
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Tall woman (1.79m), long brown hair, blue eyes, fairly muscular
Personality: Studious and motivated. Love animals. Vegetarian.
Localization: Glasgow, Montana
Powers or Skills: Tinker 4, Can only build things out of biological materials, skin, bone, blood, wood, etc… The resulting creations aren't alive but possess property based on materials used in their creation (A helmet made of bat leather could grant echolocation.).
Explanations for new powers: Compendium gave her materials to work with.

Creatures that Alex is willing to give away:
-Gold Slime: Name- Goldy
-Koala Sheep: Name - Fluffy
-Avian Bunny: Name - Ears
-Glitch Piglett: Name - Bacon
-Floran Snake: Name - Serpent
-Novakid Snugget: Name - Fluffy
-Apex Weasel: Name - Tube
-Candy Cane Snail: Name - Spiral
-Cave swiftlet: Name - Swift
-Defective Turret: Name- None
-Slurg: Name - Sluugy
-Picktools: Name - Climb
-Attack Drone: Name - Hover
-Mandragora: Name - Merle
-Machine Spirit: Name - Tech
-Scrutin: Name -Eye
-Mesmer: Name - Hypno
-Electric Fluffalo: Name - Spark
-Basilisk: Name - Basil
-Experiment 529 Digger: Name - Digger
-Vortigaunt: Name - Kane
-Automatron: Name - Automatron (Options)
-Eastern Gray Squirrel: Name - Chip
-Aerbunny: Name- Cloudy
-Vampire Frog Staff: Name - None
-Axe Legion: Name - Howard
-Sorting Hat: Name - Godric
-Achatina: Name - Slow
-Clockwork Skeevaton: Name - Squee
-Turtle crab: Name - Sebastian
-Lepton Daisy: Name - None
-Changewing: Name - Camo
-Treasure Tree Adam: Name - None
-Spiderwing: Name - Soiele
-Terebras: Name - Retto
-Magical Owl: Name - Staria
-Trick Sparrow: Name - Beaker
-Ancestor Moth: Name - Memoria
-Blocking Spider: Name - Tiny
-Butterfly Therapy: Name - Balm, and Salve
-Cyber Mastiff: Old English Sheepdog: Name - Macula
-Surveyor (Repair): Name - None
-UFO: Name - E.T.
-Fairy: Name - Dorly
-Gremlins: Name - Gonzo
-Experiment 234 Shush: Name - Shush
-Sentry Turret: Name - None
-Polero: Name - Tang-el
-Maintenance Bot: Name - Bleep
-Purple Pentapus: Name - Penta
-Glitch: Name - Glitch
-Naked Mole Bat: Name - Sniffer
-Phantom Steed: Name - None
-Animate Object: Name - None
-Forest Flish: Name - Flint
-Plum: Name - None
-Moon Slug: Name - None
-Mini-Moldorm: Name - Lumbric
-Scp-2584: Name - Ouroboros
-Water Animental Crane: Name - Yuhua
-Xi Construct: Name - Xi
-Clathrina Clathrus: Name - None
-Raptor: Name - Delta
-Pulse Bombu: Name - Electron
-[400]-[Devil May Cry]-Damned Chessmen: Name - None
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Cape Sugarbird: Name - None
-[000]-[The Eternal Cylinder]-Springworm: Name - None
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Hymenopus Coronatus: Flower Mantis: Name - None
-[300]-[Slugterra]-Crystal Worm: Name - Quartz
-[400]-[V: Crash Bandicoot]-Kupuna Wa: Name - Kupuna Wa
-[000]-[Stardew Valley]-Lava Eel: Name - None
-[000]-[Mundane Animals]-Hummingbird: Golden-Tailed Sapphire: Name - Prism
-[050]-[Monster Movie]-Killer donuts: Name - Glaze
-[050]-[Elder Scroll]-Sep Adder: Name - Adet
-[000]-[SCp]-Scp-368: Name - Origami
-[300]-[Monsuno]-Mysticblade: Name - Mysticblade
-[300]-[Enter the Gungeon]-Blank Companion's Ring: Name - None
-[300]-[Marvel]-Flerken: Name - Oscar
-[000]-[Genshin Impact]-Maintenance Mek: Name - None
-[000]-[Rainworld]-Lantern Mouse: Name - None
-[300]-[Code Lyoko]-Scorpion: Name - Stomper

List of Candidates:
Name: Olivia M. Powell
Cape Name: Queen Wild
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Suffered a violent break-in while at her mom's work at the pound. 8 years old at the time. Was on Halloween day and dressed up waiting to go trick or treating. Was dressed as Black Panther, and pretended hard to be a real black panther. Money and drugs are taken and her mother and another worker were killed. Survived while hiding behind some animals in the cages. Took hours to bring her back from that mindset. Some cats seem unnaturally protective of her. Father was easily convinced to bring her into the Wards. Has stayed ever since.
Personality: Had many difficulties growing up and using her powers. After much therapy, she has since been stabilized and uses memetics heavily to bring her mind back from going too far. In her teenage years, she has since grown in confidence and capability, making the Protectorate her career. Likes to keep a number of rescue pets. Especially hard to keep ones that people went normally bothered trying with.
Career: Has a chip on her shoulder as being "not in her right mind" by people that knew her in her youth or seen her slip too deeply into an animal's mindset too many times. "Like the difference between a person that sees you as a person as well, and predatory lion that sees you as food," has been a more unfortunate statement made when she slipped too far in an all-out gang fight. Such statements and experiences have been a mark on her record and strained her relationships with coworkers. Has proven herself in search and rescue operations and the capture of some minor villains over the years. Studies Eastern animal combat styles. Has made the Protectorate her career path and expressed interest in a coveted Protectorate Leader position. Now that she's the legal age to join the Protectorate she has been looking to move to a new city for new opportunities and a fresh start.
Localization: Portland Oregon
Powers or Skills: Master 4 Thinker 2, Power Of Imitation. Can take control of creatures and individuals the more she imitates the species or individual. Effectiveness grows the better its kind is imitated or a specific individual. Power seems to work easier with feline animals, but not exclusively.
-Addendum research shows attempts at Imitation of a generalization of a species such as all reptiles prove a level of control over all reptiles in the affected area. With of course better control of Imitation of a specific subspecies.
-Addendum generalized imitation seems to improve when provided theological data on the behavior habits and environmental data on extinct members of reptiles.
-Addendum prolonged Imitation revealed her body making slight alterations to better resemble animals and their movements and to a degree their specific capabilities.
-Addendum Acting the Imitation for too long can negatively impact normal brain functions. Making it difficult to return the subject's mind back to normal behaviors.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers
: Trump 1. Had a breakthrough in attempting to Imitate the extinct Giant Moa for expert researchers attempting to more accurately catalog the Giant Moa as it may have acted in the wild. Publicly stated that they won't be doing more till the results of this are understood and verified to be positive with minimal impact on her mind.

Name: Choi Ji-Ho
Cape Name: Animalia
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Standing at 5"4, Ji-Ho Choi is a recent Wards graduate from California. She was only a member of the Wards for only two years before graduating. She has a troubled history with her parents, who are no longer involved in her life, which led to her triggering. Her Trigger Event was similar to Bitch's in that it involved her pet being hurt but differed in that she gained the power to have animals empower her rather than being able to empower animals. When not acting as a cape, she always has one of her pets with her.
Personality: Generally distant with people but always very loving to animals. She has been described as "politely friendly".
Localization: California
Powers or Skills: Changer 3, Animal Mimicry. Upon touching an animal she can copy one body part from it to temporarily replace her own. For example, touch a bear and get a bear's arm. She can only maintain as many parts as she has body parts. Body parts return to normal upon sleeping/going unconscious.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers
: Second Trigger.

Name: Charleen Worthington
Cape Name: Capoeira
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A tall (1.9m) and very muscular woman, but she does retain some womanly curves. Medium black hair, and maroon eyes. She's 26.
Her costume is a simple white capoeira uniform with a mask, no shoes, red weighted ankle, and wrist bands. In addition, she wears a red wig to hide her real hair.
Personality: Cheerful and outgoing, make friend easily. Secretly remained traumatized by her trigger event, a mugging gone wrong that killed her boyfriend. She wishes for a new start.
Localization: Salem, Oregon
Powers or Skills: Brute 2/Striker 3/Mover 1: Enhanced thoroughness and strength, can charge energy into her leg to enhance the strength of her kick or her jump. The effect is proportional to her leg strength.
She learned Capoeira and Kickboxing after gaining her power.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers: None, her death will be faked and she will adopt a new identity in another city (Atlanta, Georgia)

Name: Eliot Ferron
Cape Name: Silver Feather
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A short (1.65m) man, fit but not muscular. Short blond air, green eyes. He's 32.
His costume is a silver bodysuit with feathers motifs, a short blue cape, and a helmet reminiscent of a bird's head.
Personality: Serious and calm. Antisocial. Deeply believe in the ideal of the Protectorate.
Localization: Topeka, Kansas
Powers or Skills: Master 4/Trump 2: Can control birds of all sorts. The maximum amount of birds he can control is based on their total mass which must be equal or inferior to his own weight. When under his control the birds are covered by a silvery forcefield that protects them.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers: A false Hero will be created that will pretend to be a Trump that is able to give the power of shapeshifting into a Moa to one person at a time. Cooldown limitation (like a week after each use before the power can be given to someone else) and power synergy will explain why Silver Feather is always the recipient.
If need Silver Feather will go out occasionally with another costume, explaining that he's a PRT trooper that receives the power this time because Silver Feather was unavailable.

Name: None
Cape Name: Anatomy
Gender: None, Case 53
Brief Description: A medium (1.72m) human-shaped but without skin or hair, elongated arms, big hands and feet, a proportionally smaller head, and pure red eyes.
Personality: Reserved and shy. Love to observe the sky, day or night.
Localization: Jefferson City (Missouri)
Powers or Skills: Master 3/Brute 2: Can divide themselves into up to ten identical bodies. The more bodies are present the weaker they all are. Can only be killed if all bodies are killed. Must wait a few minutes after division before they can divide again.
Planned Partner and Power: To be determined
Explanations for new powers: An attempt to return him to human shape gone wrong. The Tinker responsible was killed and the machine was destroyed during the experiment.

Name: Toran Anstel
Cape Name: Doppelganger
Gender: Man
Brief Description: Medium height (1.72m), lean swimmer build, red hair, brown eyes, chiseled jaw. He's 22.
Personality: Outgoing and friendly, big eater, loves to cook and sing.
Localization: Albuquerque, New Mexico
Powers or Skills: Stranger 4. He can create an illusory copy of himself and becomes invisible as long as the copy exists.
Planned Partner and Power: Brute partner and Share Powers.
Explanations for new powers: To be determined. Will depend on the specific partner.

Name: Vela Clemens
Cape Name: Fairy
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A short (1.5m) and plump woman, with brown hair, big grey eyes, and a button nose. She's 19.
Personality: Shy and quiet. Was bullied in school because of her short size. It was in part the cause of her trigger event.
Localization: Springfield, Connecticut
Powers or Skills: Changer/Breaker 3. She can reduce her size to a minimum of 10 cm tall.
Planned Partner and Power: A small partner that can serve as Mount when she's small and the Rider power.
Explanations for new powers: A slight bending on the truth, the mount is a normal animal that was trained by Compendium and gifted to Fairy to enhance her mobility. Fairy just needs to be careful of only summoning her partner before going out.

Name: Tupaq Aenoheso
Cape Name: Haunter
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A tall (2.03m) Native American man. He's 23. With long black hair, pulled into a ponytail, and black eyes. An ugly gunshot scar adorned his left cheek.
Personality: He is restless and jittery, always looking for something to do. He's imaginative and loves to draw. Brother to Ayun.
Localization: Billings, Montana
Powers or Skills: Thinker 2/Stranger 5. He can send his mind into someone else's body, sharing their senses. The target is not mastered and unaware of its presence. He can send his mind to someone else from the point of view of a previous target. He loses his own senses when doing so.
Planned Partner and Power: Need a small partner and Mental Partition
Explanations for new powers: A second trigger can explain the ability to control his body while still spying through someone else senses. The partner can remain hidden.

Name: Ayun Aenoheso
Cape Name: Manes
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A tall (1.98m) Native American woman. She's 26. With medium-length black hair, and black eyes.
Personality: Always calm and composed, can spend hours meditating. She loves fashion and frequently acts as her brother's model. Sister of Tupaq.
Localization: Billings, Montana
Powers or Skills: Master 4, Can send out one ghostly projection that can possess one person but fall unconscious when doing so.
Planned Partner and Power: A small agile animal and Creature Haunting. (So her body is safe while she's unconscious.)
Explanations for new powers: Same second trigger as her brother. The creature is just well-trained.
Note: Inspired by the fic Spirit of Sisterhood by Sierra101

Name: Sharron Sutton
Cape Name: Gleam
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.70m) very curvy black woman. She's 22. With long black hair and piercing green eyes. Her costume is a skintight red bodysuit and she wears an enclosed helmet.
Personality: Friendly and affectionate. Love to give hugs even to people she barely knows.
Localization: Aberdeen, South Dakota
Powers or Skills: Blaster 4. She can throw various energy blasts (Electricity, Heat, Kinetic, Light, or Sound). However, she must remain motionless to charge them requiring a least 30 seconds for anything truly damaging and more than a minute to really become potent.
Planned Partner and Power: Phantom Steed and Rider
Explanations for new powers: None, must wait until the revelation of Grant Summoning.

Name: Sonja and Idun Jenson
Cape Name: Alpha and Omega, Infinity when fused.
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: Identical twins, both are stunning young women reasonably tall (1.77m). They're 19. Long dark blond curly hair, blue eyes.
Personality: Two very independent women with similar personalities. Sonja is spontaneous while Idun is a little more reserved. Both love cooking.
Refuse to be separated for long, uncomfortable if forced apart for too long.
Localization: Montpelier, Vermont
Powers or Skills: Thinker 2/Trump 1. They can communicate mentally with each other. If they grab each other hands they can fuse. The fusion is a beautiful woman (1.90m) that is a Striker 7/Brute 1, with Extremely high enhanced strength and a minor resistance boost. The fusion can be broken with a sufficiently strong hit.
Planned Partner and Power: Two partners that can protect them when they've not fused and Strength of Many to boost them in and outside of the fusion.
Explanations for new powers: None, need to wait for the reveal of Grant Summoning.

Name: None
Cape Name: Viridian
Gender: Identify as a woman
Brief Description: Case 53. Small (1.35m) human shape but covered in thick green fur. Genderless under the fur.
Personality: Sensitive and peaceful. Love animals but most of them don't like her scent.
Localization: Orlando, Florida
Powers or Skills: Thinker 6, can simulate the future by going into a trance, the simulation moves at twice the speed of the normal world. (to see 12 hours in the future would need 6 hours of trance). The longer the trance the harsher the Thinker's headache at the end.
Planned Partner and Power: A Small Partner and Mental Partition.
Explanations for new powers: None, because remain at base often, and even if going out the creature can be easily hidden under her costume or in a pouch.

Name: Beyza Terzi
Cape Name: Bluedrift
Gender: Woman
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.67m) woman with dyed blue, shoulder-length hair double braided and black eyes. She's 37. Her costume is a skintight light blue spandex suit, with a cyclist-like helmet and thick yellow-tinted goggles.
Personality: Materialistic, almost mercenary in her comportment. She always expects to receive something in exchange for service rendered. Proud of her Turkish origin.
Localization: Princeton, West Virginia
Powers or Skills: Mover 5, Can teleport through a line of sight.
Planned Partner and Power: A bird with good vision, or even night vision + Share Senses
Explanations for new powers: None, must wait for the reveal of Grant Summoning.

Name: None
Cape Name: Obelisk
Gender: None
Brief Description: A three meters tall cone, two meters in diameter at the base, made of an unknown material that looks like ceramic, weighing half a ton. A five centimeters clear glass-like sphere stood at the very top of the cone, it play the role of an eye. At the mid-height of the cone, four equidistant holes open allowing for four two meters long tentacles to emerge. Cannot move on its own, its tentacles are not strong enough to drag the cone. An Omega symbol is hidden on Obelisk's underside.
Personality: Obelisk cannot speak. They can only communicate through writing using a pen strapped to a tentacle. They are learning English. Their original language is similar to Hindi. Obelisk is easily angered, raging at his conditions. To distract himself from it he loves to watch movies, particularly ones that talk about traveling to distant lands.
Localization: New York City
Powers or Skills: Can emit a strong invisible microwave ray from the tip of their tentacles able to melt steel. Can also emit an even stronger ray from their eye but this exhausts them.
Planned Partner and Power: A mobile creature and Creature Haunting.
Explanations for new powers: To be determined

Name: Mat Denman
Cape Name: Weal
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A medium-sized (1.72m) man with brown, greasy hair. A cheerful face with gray eyes and a beard gracefully compliments his cheekbones. He's 23. His costume is a skintight green suit with a multitude of symbols for luck on it such as dice, clovers, or rabbit foot.
Personality: Mercurial, he can change moods in an instant. Going from depressed to cheerful or vice versa. Before his trigger spent all his time playing Tabletop games. Now can't stand them and is still searching for other things to do.
Localization: Little Rock, Arkansas
Powers or Skills: Trump 3. He can roll one d20 dice to boost a physical trait of a target, including himself, for a few hours, he cannot dismiss the effect. 11 and higher increase the trait. 10 and lower decrease the trait. One drops the trait to zero. Twenty increases the trait dramatically. What counts as a physical trait is very vague, it can be strength, speed, skin resistance, eyesight, immunity system, or even size.
Power normally does not work if someone or something tries to influence the dice roll.
Planned Partner and Power: Scp-3973 and Strategist
Explanations for new powers: Second Trigger
Note: Taken from "theslowblitz" in this thread

Name: Mathias Lorenzen
Cape Name: Newton
Gender: Man
Brief Description: A medium (1.7) size man with brown, shoulder-length hair tight in a ponytail. A thin, pale angular face and bright green eyes. He's 29. His costume is a dark blue bodysuit with white arrows going in various directions. When using power his skin turns dark blue and his hair black.
Personality: Very adventurous he's always searching for new experiences. Easy going he never seeks conflict. Doesn't like to talk about his Danish origin.
Localization: Fargo, North Dakota
Powers or Skills: Shaker 4. He can modify the direction in which gravity applies in a zone, up to reversing it completely. He can do so in a radius between 1m to 30m centered on a point he can see.
Planned Partner and Power: Aerbunny and Equip Trait.
Explanations for new powers: False Tinkertech belt.
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Daily Material Extraction Tables
-Death Tome: One Enchanted Book per day.

-Trifangle: One Mech Part per day
Roll a d85 for Mech Parts
Arthuria-00 Mech Body
Champion-00 Mech Body
Dominion-00 Mech Body
Golem-00 Mech Body
Kabuto-00 Mech Body
Marshal-00 Mech Body
Venturer-00 Mech Body
Occasus Mech Body
USCM Mech Body
Beat Mech Body
Skulduggery Mech Body
Reactor Mech Body
Shockhopper Mech Body
Arthuria Mech Body
Champion Mech Body
Dominion Mech Body
Golem Mech Body
Kabuto Mech Body
Marshal Mech Body
Venturer Mech Body
Exodus Mech Body
Occasus-2 Mech Body
Peacekeeper Mech Body
Hero Mech Body
Lilotron Mech Body
Miniknog Mech Body
Protector's Mech Body
Cyclops Mech Body
Nightwinder Mech Body
Basic Mech Boosters
Astro Mech Boosters
Stalwart Mech Boosters
Zed Mech Boosters
Sleek Mech Boosters
Hammer Mech Boosters
Zero Mech Boosters
Gallant Mech Boosters
Drill Mech Arm
Flak Cannon Mech Arm
Heatrifle Mech Arm
Missile Rack Mech Arm
Split Shot Mech Arm
Tommy Gun Mech Arm
Cannon Mech Arm
Cluster Mine Mech Arm
Gatling Gun Mech Arm
Homing Missile Mech Arm
Neo Chainsaw Mech Arm
Plasma Drone Mech Arm
Wobbleshot Mech Arm
Beam Drill Mech Arm
Beam Sniper Mech Arm
Dual Rifle Mech Arm
Energy Blade Mech Arm
Energy Rifle Mech Arm
Gravity Mine Mech Arm
Guided Missile Mech Arm
Neo Laser Mech Arm
Shield Drone Mech Arm
Spikefist Mech Arm
Swarm Drone Mech Arm
Tesla Stream Mech Arm
Solus Katana Mech Arm
Basic Mech Legs
Hopper Mech Legs
Twinjet Mech Legs
Arc Mech Legs
Sleek Mech Legs
Ronin Mech Legs
Intrepid Mech Legs
Hermes Mech Legs
Airhorn Mech Horn
Bike Bell Mech Horn
Bull Mech Horn
Charge Mech Horn
Clown Mech Horn
Foghorn Mech Horn
Melody Mech Horn
Robot Voice Mech Horn
Rubber Duck Mech Horn
Sports Mech Horn
Steam Whistle Mech Horn
Toy Mech Horn
Train Whistle Mech Horn
Truck Mech Horn

-Gasha Nuts: One random item per day.
Does not necessitate the use of Material Extraction, but it can be used to grab an item already gained previously.

-Champion's Treasure Bags:
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Reference pictures for Armor Summoning
This but in light gray and without the "shark gun thing".
This but a more cat-like helmet, and no staff.
Exactly that, but green.
Like that but with smaller wings.
That but purple and without the lance.
That but orange and semi-transparent.
-Treasure Tree Adam:
-House Elf:
That without the wheel.
-Pulse Bombu:
Like that but in blue/green with yellow spheres at the joints.
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