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A quest based on the Celestial menagerie, can we create the Ultimate Summoner?
Omake Bounty Board
Here is a list of Omake prompts, each one includes a minimum word count as a requirement and a specific reward.
I expect a bare minimum of quality in your Omake, the bar isn't that high but it does exist.
Anyone can write any Omake in the list as long as nobody used that prompt before.

Rogue Life: What if Alex chooses to become a Rogue and open a Zoo on the outskirts of Brockton Bay?
-Minimum 1000 words
-Reward: One biological creature from the Mundane Animal or Ark Category worth 100 points or less + one Theme of your choice among the following. Feather, Fur, or Scales.

Persecuted: What if Piggot freaks out when she discovered that Alex summons living creatures, declared him a biotinker, and puts an order to arrest him?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature worth 200 points or less that can be qualified as monstrous in appearance.

Ninja: What if the initial setting choice was Naruto? Who would try to exploit or kidnap our hero for his unique Summoning Bloodline?
-Minimum 3000 words
-Reward: One Naruto creature worth 300 points or less.

Trainer: What if the initial setting choice was Pokemon? How would our hero react when a Pokemon professor knocks on his door and ask him where all those mysterious pokemon that you use come from?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One Pokemon creature worth 200 points or less.

Wizard: What if the initial setting choice was Harry Potter? What would our hero do against the Basilisk? Kill it? Tame It?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One Harry Potter creature worth 200 points or less.

Quinumvirate: What if our hero was born much earlier and became Keeper of the Celestial Menagerie shortly after Scion's emergence? What if he joined Alexandria, Legend, Eidolon, and Hero to create a Quinumvirate?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature from the Various Category worth 200 points or less.

Servant: What if our hero was summoned as Caster Servant by Shirou during the Fifth Holy Grail war?
-Minimum 3000 words
-Reward: One creature from the Various Type-Moon Various Category worth 300 points or less.
-Claimed by JumpFail200

Mysterious Vigilante: What if Alex chooses to become a Rogue? Never showing himself and only sending his creatures to fight for him?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature from the Marvel/Dc/Worm Category worth 200 points or less.

Interlude Vista: What's happening with our adorable space warper? How is she doing since she got her magical police baton? Dean who?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature worth 200 points or less either with any sort of space manipulation power or one that synergizes well with Vista Power. (in the second case it may be given to her with Grant Summoning at a (much) later point.)
(If it's good enough it may become Canon.)

Interlude Rune: What's happening with the former Empire cape? She getting ready to join the Wards under probation in (state/city of your choice). How is she coping with her memory of Compendium beating the full roster of the Empire?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature worth 200 points or less either with telekinetic-like powers or symbol-based powers.
(If it's good enough it may become Canon.)

Far Future: It's the year 2030, Alex Crewser has now become against his will God Emperor President of the Earth for life. The Endbrinbgers have been defeated or tamed, Scion is gone, and no S-Class threat remained. How is he coping with his new responsibilities?
(You can assume that Alex possesses all the powers of the CM, including the capstones one multiple time each, a lot more partners including at least one 1000 points one.)
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature with powers/abilities centered on exercising authority or with the word King/Queen or similar title in its name worth 200 points or less

Transformation: What if the Menagerie instead of granting the ability to summon creatures granted the ability to transform into those creatures? How would Alex do as a hero without his partners?
(You can assume the transformation can last up to 24 hours, can be used once per day per creature, and that any summoning power takes effect when Alex transforms instead. You can ignore any powers that would require summoning creatures.)
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature with powers/abilities linked to transformation either itself or others worth 200 points or less.

Interlude Glenn: What's happening with the head of Image? How is he coping with all the work generated by Compendium joining the Protectorate? Does he like Compendium? Hate him?
-Minimum 2000 words
-Reward: One creature with powers/abilities linked to creating illusions, that deal with colors, or just a particularly colorful one worth 200 points or less.

Partner Interlude: Choose one of Alex's partners and write an interlude showing its perspective on an event of your choice or even just a normal day for it.
-Minimum 1000 words
-Reward: One creature from the same category as the chosen partner worth 100 points or less. (Can be increased for longer omake, 100 points per 1000 words by default.)

Breaking Canon: What if our hero found himself in canon Worm just after Leviathan?
-Minimum 3000 words
-Reward: One creature from the Worm Category worth 300 points or less.

Training Montage: What if during his offscreen time, Alex was training to learn something new, or improve something he already knows? Can you write a convincing training montage?
-Rules: Do not mention any event outside of training. Do not go inventing a fight against a villain. Do not add a new character as a trainer (if Alex ever meets Number man it will be in the quest, not in an omake).
-Minimum 1000 words
-Reward: Alex learned the skill you've chosen in the quest provided it's not ludicrous. He can't learn Haki in two days, gain perfect chakra control in an afternoon, or master particle physics in one week (not without Miss J anyway and she's not available for the training montage).

SCP-914: Alex gained Scp-914 but he does not have the time to invest in fully exploiting it. So he gave it to a volunteer, presumably not a parahuman. This person may or may not work for Cauldron (with or without Alex's knowledge). Cauldron then tried to exploit the heck out of SCP-914. Results may vary.
-Rules: At least part of the Omake must take shape similar to the Experimental Logs. While SCP-914 is more inclined to cooperate with its summoner (the rules of the CM states that he cannot harm his summoner) the results may still be quite random and/or dangerous for others and/or funny.
-Minimum 1000 words
-Reward: One creature from the SCP Category worth 100 points or less.

More prompts will be added later, feel free to propose your own prompt so I can add them.

-27/12/2022: Opening of the Bounty Board with 5 prompts. (Rogue Life, Persecuted, Ninja, Trainer, Wizard)
-27/12/2022: Add two more prompts. (Quinumvirate, Servant)
-29/12/2022: Add one more prompt. (Mysterious Vigilante)
-30/12/2022: Add two more prompts. (Interlude Vista and Interlude Rune)
-10/01/2023: Add three more prompts. (Far Future, Transformation, Interlude Gleen)
-12/01/2023: Add one more prompt. (Partner Interlude)
-23/01/2023: Add one more prompt. (Breaking Canon)
-03/02/2023: Add one more prompt. (Training Montage)
-30/04/2024: Add one more prompt. (SCP-914)
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Compedium Threat Rating by Totadileplayz
<< Last Updated 20/03/2011 19:21. >>

<< PRT Internal Threat Assessment Report - Security Level 4 access required >>

Protectorate ENE - Brockton Bay, New Hampshire
Reporting Officer - Colin Wallis/ Armsmaster
Subject - Independent Hero Codename: Compendium

Appearance - Compendium resembles a young adult male Human: 5'5" tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds, with short dark brown hair, and a caucasian complexion. With his eyes being brown in color. His costume consists of a brown three piece suit, fedora, and a white mask with a subtle book motif.

Master 8: A Summoner capable of commanding their agents up to a kilometer away from themselves, through the use of technology. Their Summons have variable intellect, and Floramon appears to be their smartest creature yet. While they do focus on summons, they do have some serious master effects in their summons.

-Trump 10: Their power constantly improves over time giving them new abilities, and summons on a seemingly daily basis, this is conjunction with those summons having powers and abilities of their own, causes a high trump rating to be achieved. Along with abilities that enhance others. Due to this their profile needs to be consistently updated for the report to be as accurate as possible.

Thinker 3: Due to the manifestation of a couple of abilities they have gained a thinker categorization. They are a combat thinker as it is primarily focused on the art of combat. This Thinker ability can be currently sub-divided into two aspects. The Weapon Thinker ability causes any weapons they manifest from their ability they become proficient in, and gain the knowledge of what the summon can do in the process. The Second Thinker ability is their Rider aspect they are capable of riding proficiently any creature they can summon which is capable of being ridden.

Blaster 6: As mentioned in the thinker Aspect Compendium is capable of turning his creatures into various weapons which tend to have the powers and abilities of the creature in question. These come in two forms melee and ranged. Of these Multiple weapons are comparable to high-quality tinker weapons, and due to their rapid manifestation and various forms. They are a significant threat when they use these ranged weapons.

Tinker 4: Although not a primary focus they are capable of manifesting materials from their summons, and can use them in various ways. This tinker ability is focused on the materials extracted and thus will similarly grow stronger over time. Some materials are capable of being manifested and used as soon as they are summoned. All known forms will be discussed in the appropriate creatures section.

Striker 5: As mentioned elsewhere they can summon weapons including melee ones these take on the traits the weapon was formed from and as such will be discussed in the appropriate summon's profile.

Mover: 2: They have multiple movement enhancements due to their abilities. The Gravity Gun allows them to hover, while their summons and rider thinker ability allow them to mount their summons to get around.

Changer 1: They are capable of becoming a plant-like form this form does not appear to enhance or change them in any notable fashion aside from their appearance.

Stranger 2: Can camouflage their creatures to fit the environment, but can not use it on themself or other capes.

Intelligence: Guided

Mover 3: Capable of going underwater, and climbing surfaces.

Thinker 2: Capable of Recording various scenes with enhanced senses.

Striker 2: Through physical contact they can activate and deactivate various technology.

Shaker 2: Capable of conjuring holographic imagery for display, and produce weak forcefields.

Weapon Form: Round Buckler enforced by a minor force field.

Known Material Extractions: pieces for a camera, or force field generator.

Intelligence: Animalistic

Blaster 5: They are capable of shooting out a powerful energy beam capable of severe harm.

Brute 6: Strong, and incredibly durable normal firepower will not be effective against the beast.

Mover 2: enhanced speed capable of running and directing it's movement speedily.

Weapon Form: Laser Rifle

Materials: Sparker can be used for electrical munition.

Intelligence: Animalistic

Mover 4: Enhanced Speed and capable of flight.

Brute 6: Variable resistances however, it is capable of tanking most blows without serious damage to itself.

Blaster 7: Capable of launching several different attacks consisting of electricity or gravity.

Shaker 4: its abilities can effect the surrounding environment that can even cause a thunder storm in the immediate vicinity.

Breaker 2: Capable of giving itself a lightning coat.

Weapon Form: Electric/Gravitic with a backpack attachment this weapon in conjunction with it's electric and gravity attacks is capable of giving Compendium the ability to hover and move up and down.

Materials and their use: Solar Crest can be used to craft light armor, White Stabilizer can make better magazines for guns, Genuine Plant can create heavy armor with high gravity resistance.

Intelligence: Low (does not appear to do much on it's own)

Master 3: Complete control over one person so long as it keeps in contact with the target.

Mover 1: Can survive both on land and in water.

Weapon form: Net.

Materials: 5 starfish limbs, known use seems to be as a cooking ingredient.

Intelligence: Animalistic
Specific Species: Eastern Mole

Mover 1: Can burrow in the ground, as an ordinary mole of it's species could.

Weapon Form: Gloves with short sharp claws.

Materials: Fur, can be used for clothes.

Intelligence: Low

Blaster 8: Has various modes of attack the attacks are lethal, and pursuits are being made for less lethal ammunition.
Brute 8: Incredible defense, modern firepower can not take it down.

Weapon Form: Turret with 6 legs, and multiple modes of attack.

Materials: metal vessel can be used for bombs and traps.

Intelligence: Sapient (unable to speak)

Blaster 7: Can shoot off needles, in singular, or barrage form. These needles are capable of having the negative effect to confuse the enemy.

Trump 3: Capable of hastening individuals and decreasing the cooldown on abilities this lasts for 10 minutes before it needs to be reapplied.

Weapon-Form: Needle Gun

Materials: Health Potions, and Tents. Outlier in terms of the ability.

Intelligence: Animalistic
Species: Golden Orb Weaver

Mover 1: Can climb up walls.

Weapon: Garrotte wire made of spider silk, and chitin

Materials: Spider-Silk can be used for various things which can use silk.

Intelligence: Animalistic

Mover 2: Capable of running at high speeds.
Brute 3: It is a large animal with strength and durability to match.

Weapon-form: Furry boxing gloves increase potency of any punch thrown with these on.

Materials: Heavy Fur, enough to make a fur coat.

Intelligence: Sapient

Master 4: area of effect lethargy, or attraction.

Striker 2: Can extend vine-like limbs which can grab onto a foe paralyzing them.

Weapon-Form: A Vine Whip

Materials: dried seeds which can make a paralysing toxin.

Report Overview: They are a highly dangerous and unpredictable cape. It is advised on any serious confrontation with them to bring a thinker capable of predicting his powers in the outset of any fight. Though the likelihood of us having to employ such measures are low, as he seems to be more sane then most capes, and more likely to listen to reason as a result.


Note I'm not completely confident on the rating I gave them so that will likely need to be corrected.
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Omake 2: PHO Interlude After the Press Conference by Totadileplayz
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♦ Topic: Compendium
In: Boards ► PRT Members Discussion
(Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)
Posted On Apr 1st 2011:
Hey, Guys. Just Watched The Compendium Interview. Anyone else seen it? Looks like The PRT has just gained a New Member. Anyone know anything about him? Kind of curious to see what's up with him, if he's honest. We might just have a proto-triumvirate cape in the making.
(Showing page 1 of 1)
►Sweetpickle (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
You have got to be kidding me about that shit. The PRT Are expecting people like us to accept two growing power capes in the same city? No, that's complete and utter bullshit. Compendium's a Tinker, they're pulling a stunt on, and nothing more. Has he even been seen besides his plantsman power? He's probably just a robot tinker with some plant subpower. Perhaps he's a grab bag cape that they are trying to steer one direction on. But, The one thing I'd bet my pickle on is he's not a growing cape. Has anyone seen another growing cape besides Dauntless, other then tinkers? I thought not.​
►Spectocular (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Language! Sweetpickle. Besides there are plenty of capes that grow stronger over time. Moord Nag for one. God I hate her. Others like Lung,or Glaistig Uaine. There are a lot of growers out there. Having one more, isn't all that surprising. I wouldn't compare Compendium with Dauntless in the first place. He's more like Glaistig except with a time based mechanic.​
►Woddy (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Quiet. Sweetpickle? Cat Got Your Tongue? Besides Yeah Compendium's probably honest about his power. The Question comes to how strong is he? If he can't defeat Armsmaster this week, then how long would it take for him to outclass him? One week? One Month? One Year? Spectocular have any clue? I know your a thinker, from your previous talks.​
►Sweetpickle (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Shut, The Fuck up Woddy. I Can Admit when I'm wrong. And Wait one second. Spectocular is a Thinker? I Thought she was an Alexandria-Package. Given her Name and All.​
►Spectocular (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Language! Sweetpickle you shouldn't swear so much.​
Yes Woddy I'm a Thinker, but No I'm not that kind of Thinker. My powers, don't work on future predictions all I can do is determine the here and now. And the more details I start with the stronger my thoughts on it. Just given what I know, I know it's possible For Compendium to win now, and Armsmaster could win now. I don't know how likely each scenario is or what circumstances leads to one's success or the other. So, please leave my powers out of this.​
►Sweetpickle (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Man, Your power Sucks. I could easily say that much. if Armsmaster didn't have his items he'd lose to Compendium, and If Compendium couldn't use his projections he wouldn't be able to win. And I'm not even a thinker.​
►Spectocular (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
My powers aren't meant for speculative fights between two people I've never even meant before. It's more useful for personal situations. Knowing when a Gang Member goes for a smoke break, when I know they're smoking for instance.​
►Woddy (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Sorry About putting the spotlight on you. Spectocular. Can you keep an eye out, and try to figure when Compendium is capable of defeating Armsmaster Easily?​
►Spectocular (Verified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
It's fine. I'll keep an eye out.​
►Potatochips (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Oh, Hey a Compendium Thread. Sorry, been keeping an eye out on these. Compendium is a power grower. It's honestly rather scary. Compendium showed up with rather weak powers that no one really cared about. We figured out a new cape was good, but I didn't see anyone taking him seriously. Within the Week, we knew we were mistaken. One of The Other Capes talked about a small almost ordinary animal which we had no idea how serious of a threat it was. We just figured it was an ordinary sea-creature albeit a bit weird. A Bit Later? We discovered the creature needed to be put on lockdown. He does have some rather innocuous creatures in his line-up, but not all of them are innocent and that means he needs power-testing. I know he's not fully familiar with his creature line-up he can't be. He simply grows too fast to do so. However, some of his powers are giving him a better idea. Some creatures are small more utility based, others are rather powerful. I have no doubts there are stronger creatures he might gain. I wouldn't want to fight him that's for sure.​
►Woddy (Original Poster) (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Well, that's enlightening. Can You Tell us about any creatures in particular? Powers? Anything? I for one would love to hear more. If Compendium is growing as quickly as your saying surely it wouldn't really matter?​
►Potatochips (Verified PRT Agent)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
I'm sorry, but I can't say too much more. I could probably mention a couple of smaller abilities. He has a preternatural understanding of Riding his creatures. Oh, And Heroes Daily should have more coming out if you want to keep an eye on that.​
►Sweetpickle (Unverified Cape)​
Replied On Apr 1st 2011:​
Your One of The Moles for That Newspaper aren't you? Keep up the Good Work, me and My Buddies love to pore over it during our free time.​
End of Page. 1
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Omake 3: The far futur 2 by Totadileplayz
In a way we should have known what was going to happen. Compendium was simply growing too quickly even for himself.

Later reports would note that they directly warned him about not letting his creatures breed. He had informed us about allowing others to gain a portion of his powers, greed led us to letting the creatures to breed. With that, Compendium became the most powerful cape. Even Scion was a joke compared to him.

Once Scion died thanks to Compendium's Efforts, We were worried what would happen if Compendium's shard went berserk. It never did, the creatures he summoned took care of the threats after the collapse of the entities and the end of the age of heroes.

Compendium was the one to usher in a new age. One where the creatures he summoned were the companions of the heroes only the pure of heart were given one and with them true change happened.Compendium brought a golden age, one much like him himself should never end.

It is my belief for long into the future, we will continue to explore space as the entities who were once akin to gods are no more of a trifle to the one true Hero that protects us all.
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Oamke: Differents Pespectives by RookDeSuit
{Downloading Patch 23%.....80%..Complete}{Software Patch: CLOCKWORK Installed}
[Temporal Information]
[Observing Shadows][Observing Solar Position]
{Overcast; Sun 45 ° Due West}---->{Calculating}----> [Conclusion: Evening, 17 ° Hundred]
[Observing Concrete; Observing Bitumin Ro/ {Cancel Observation}------->[Resolution: Default: Urban]
[OPERATOR]{0.5 Mete}/{Weight Detected}
{OP Initiated Rider Sequence}
[Rider Sequence Engaged]
{Course Correction: Command: Jump}
[OP_Response Registered]-->{Evasive Manuevers}
[Query: Hostiles?]​
"He's getting away, stop him!"
[Hostiles Sighted/Elevate Hostiles?->Hostiles]

" Stop! In the name of JUSTICE!" I yell out. I am greeted by the Big Guy with a slow shoulder turn. He's .... actually kind of scary.

No Matter!
I won't let my partner down, so with a huff I order," S-surrender for Great J-justice!" The Big Guy has now fully turned, and he greets me with the stunned silence of one who surely regrets his Villany... Obviously, I've Nailed It.

Now jus- " Hey! Don't turn away from me. You haven't surrendered for your crimes." The Big Guy in the middle of what's obviously Hooman Goblimons turns around, grunts dismissively, and then leaves for the other Warrior Hero. I'm left with about ten Humans just milling about staring. One guy on the left even coughs." Hey, Henchmenmon," I start," You guys got to surrender too."

The unofficial leader of these palookas steps forth and," short plant midget. What's goin' happen here is an idiot is going to get his legs snapped for supporting the wrong kind. He should have been supporting his kind. Afterward, we'll - You know what? You're just a projection. There's no point in talking with you."
"Not if we kick your butts first!"
" Pftt.... Axel, come help me with this real quick." And now they're walking towards me. Oh Boy, okay, he definitely only called like one person, so why are five walking to me. Okay, no panic just have to fight. Easy-Peasy.

" Ah, this here be the scrap." To the right, I see the giant-lipped Brute, Scalpamon.
" Eww, a freak!" goes a criminal," We're goin' show you the business." spoken like a true background mook; not even a likable one either. Though, Scalpa does pause. He stands in the center of his own targets while the henchmen start circling him before- Woah.

From one moment to the next, Scalpa whirls his bulk and scatters them. Some of them even colliding with the criminals on my side. Three of them on Scalpa's right recover, and charge. The one upfront gets vomited on and becomes encased in slime(?) at which point mooks from his group and my group just run. Scalpa approaches us and goes," Oi! Did nay ye say ye was goin' to show me what's what?"

Mr. Background Mook had just got himself pulled up from a heap, and there he goes; with Scalpa - " Well come then. Have a gander ye fop! Show me how!" - hot on his tail. The remaining mooks just watch in a daze. As one, they look to Scalpa, then back to me, and then back at Scalpa before they all seem to come to a decision. They square up their shoulders and face me as a group.

Whelp -_-;

My partner summoned me into a real mess. No, playtime or たまごっち with humble office smell. Heck, the Big Guy didn't even flinch to my presence. Some People. Well, I'll totally deal with him later.

" Bad Guys," I begin," Please Stop Fighting! You're only-"
" Fuck you! Jason, leftside!"
" Epp, Allergy Shower!"

Smells funny here. Many two legged walkers here. Scurry here or over there. No moment to rest. No moment to breathe.

Why scurry? Did they no hunt? Bad to hunt so late.
Maybe, Super hunters come at Dark time, but not during dimming time?
ah-hhuuff, a breathe let loose in simple thought.

Strange Crooked place here. All rock and water and shiny rock.
But the rock is wrong; all flat and single color. No, thats wrong as well.
Big Rocks too flat for nest. Big Rocks too weak to hang from. No place to crawl into hidey-hole.
Not enough rocks that are tiny, rough, and has a scratchy feel. Oh, and rocks should get everywhere. No other way to roll in rock, if it no get everywhere.

The water is large; too large. Where does it go? How does it end? Why are giant shiny rocks in water so strange? Water smell wrong, no tang in it.
Too many questions, no enemy and no answer. Jus' two-legs moving before Dark. A whine begins to rumble before-

Whhriiiiii, Cher-dunk

No enemy, but do have tiny friend. Why on side though?

Cher-dunk, Whhriiiiii Cher-dunk
Cher-dunk, Whhriiiiii Cher-dunk
Vreem-Vroom, Vree-Vroom

Cher-dunk, Whhriiiiii Cher-dunk
Cher-dunk, Whhriiiiii Cher-dunk
Vreem-Vroom, Vree-Vroom

Huh? Tiny friend move body funny. Half of legs on ground and half in air, and use both to twist body on ground? Wh-? Oh! An excited bark spills out
You want to dance, friend!? I will show you the way!

On a lonely rooftop, In a city with a desperate need to diversify it's economy;
One could spy, a happy bouncing Devil-Beast,
who looks more like a hypothesized sky-pupper,
Dancing the Evening Sun Away.

All while a tiny Spooder, shakes it's mechanical feet;
and waits the time away.
Until His Red Giant Friend
Got tired and slept his shift.
For this Machine knew, in its small computer brain,
that the other needed to rest.

A most wondrous sight with a future unknown;
Something simple for a simple soul.
Too bad no one's looking up, But
maybe that's for the best.

It was a private party, you see.

たまごっち = Tamogatchi as per Wikipedia.

Made an omake of our other summons. I thought about making a bunch of separate passages, but that felt like a cop-out. Also, because I sort of had this idea of each perspective is about different aspects of the combat: Preparation, During, and After.

I also experimented to have each perspective be unique, but I recognize this may cause a whiplash effect (Part of why I thought about separate omakes). Regardless, I had the machine, Raptor start things off, and then Floramon who has the Idea of Heroes and Justice. However, a bit of Reality Ensues since most people, i.e. criminals or in this case racists, aren't going to be intimidated by a short colorful digimon. Part of it is this is sort of her first debut meaning, no one really knows anything about her, and part of it is human element. They came here to commit violence, and they're not going to back down which, like police work, highlights how dangerous Alex's job is.

I also had this whole sequence where the gang members quickly learn Floramon has low-level Master powers. How they would go from seeing her as an opponent or an extension of Compendium's Power to an outright threat and monster. The result revelation would result in more venomous dialog against her, but like a coward, I backed down from that idea. Just felt cruel to do for an omake when Floramon is developmentally a youth; not a child, but clearly child-like in the ways that matter. Finally, ended the whole thing with Goliath.

Goliath in the DC Universe is part of the species called Dragon-Bats (no relation to AtLA Animal hybrids). This is important because I had his part be about BB and all the people he's human-watching. However, the native environment for Dragon-Bats, being a fictional country which is implied to be based on Libya, is a desert which Northeastern America is not. Dragon-bats can tolerate other climates, as seen with his comic-book counterpart and Robin, so he doesn't panic like the Greater Roadrunner. That doesn't mean he approves of Brockton Bay, so Red could use a distraction to ease his restlessness. I took creative liberties with Spider-bot's intelligence to have this happen.

Now, I thought about including Scalpa, but I just couldn't do it. The dialogue was not easy to come up with, so I didn't do it. I also thought to do an Alternate Aftermath to contrast Goliath's part. Where Red gets to rest, Scalpa would be working. If he's not moving things then he's playing poker in the PRT lads, and if not that, then he's trying to have a conversation with people. Where Red's with a friend, Scalpa is feeling alone in the crowd, but, like the floramon part, that felt needlessly cruel. He's only had a couple of lines of dialogue, did massive work for Compendium/ PRT, and I'm about to 'reward,' him with loneliness and existentialism?

The final note is the order of perspectives is not in line with what happened. I wrote it as:
Raptor -> Floramon -> Scalpa -> Red
When, it was
Floramon -> Raptor -> Scalpa -> Red.
A minor thing, but I thought to mention it. Now, was the pseudo-poem too much, and did anyone spot the overused references?
Interview with a Pirate by Totadilplayz
An Interview with a pirate.

Dr. Irena: Hello, Scalpa. I'm here to talk about your old life. If you feel uncomfortable at any time we can stop.

Scalpa: Me Cap'n ordered it so. So, what do ye need to ask me dr. Irena.

Dr. Irena: Let's Start off with your homeworld. What was your home like?

Scalpa: I suppose I can regale ye with a tale. The tale o' scalpasac. Me 'ome planet be a toxic 'ell. Long ago me race once desired to get off that there 'ell 'ole. An' we got off it more speed, catch some wind, lads then ye folk, once we stole the first spaceship that there came to our planet. That there detail be a bit 'azy some o' me people sphoeroids regale it as an innocent sin. I can't see it as that there way. Rather I believe like what it led, sphoeroids's beginnin' o' our gentleman o' fortune age started there, it kick-started our galactic exploration, an' our means o' enterin' the galaxy. I don't know much more o' me 'ome planet, but the galaxies be vast, an' filled with ships to plunder.

Dr. Irena: So, your saying that you come from a galaxy faring civilization. And there were other aliens involved? Were humans present in this galaxy?

Scalpa: Ah the backwater earth. Yarr some 'umans showed to the sky in the plumbers. Earth be often visited by aliens like meself.

Dr. Irena: Were you present on Earth at the time of your abduction?

Scalpa: 'ell no, I ne'er went nearrr there. I don't know why but them that there 'ead their with evil in mind tend to 'ave a farrr 'arder time. Bad prospects all around, we might deal with the plumbers but me crew The Oil Coggers did nay want to join in that there mess.

Dr. Irena: You have referred to the Plumbers multiple times. In a rather strange case. Can you enlighten me on what the plumbers are.

Scalpa: 'eh, the plumbers o' this here world. Askin' about the plumbers. Ye be the prt they go by the plumbers. Ye use superpowered men to do yer work. They use various aliens, includin' the plumbers. The plumbers they avast the big world conqueror's an' the small-fries like us. The intergalactic constables that there they be. They be intergalactic some places they 'ave greater power then others. Earth which ye be interested in be protected by the police, then there's the plumbers. Typical deal fer many lands, an' some lands the plumbers take o'er as the only policin' force.

Dr Irena: So The Intergalactic Police Force The Plumbers are your personal Police Force. Do All aliens have superpowers like you've shown? How would humans be ranked compared to the other aliens?

Scalpa notably pauses, seemingly pondering before he speaks once more.

Scalpa: 'umans be an interestin' race. They aren't powerful, smart, strong, fast, or particularly notable. Yet, their planet be dangerous nonetheless. I suspect it lies in yer lack o' 'omogeneity ye warrr with yourselves an' ye seem to thrive in it. It wrecks ye like it does anyone else, but ye profit farrr more on it then another race could on wars fer itself. Yer ingenuity lies in yer path o' destruction. Sorry fer doin' the smart talk but it be a 'ard question to answer. Though more on the lower-scale from me understandin' ye can breed with quite a few races.

Dr. Irena: Alright, thanks for the insight. From this I take it other worlds are more homogenous only having one notable race?

Scalpa: There be other races with internal divisions, but ye 'ave it farrr more then any other race. One man on me crew 'ated another breed o' the same race a gourmand killed 'im through an airlock. Went too farrr in the end. But, Chefine been a jolly man an' I do admit missin' the man.

Dr. Irena: So Where We have Africans, Asians, Whites... There were only a couple for other races?

Scalpa: Aye, I just said that there.

Dr. Irena: Let's Move on Your Crew. Would you want to head back there if you had the choice?

Scalpa: Nah, there I been a dime a dozen, a basic grunt. 'ere? I get to be in the fights I love. An' 'ave a new crew. I be not just one sphoeroid, I be scalpa, the sphoeroid. If there be more I'll always be spied as the first. It be a comfier life. I 'ave orders. Just wish I been out a bit more, doin' some work, or at least existin'. I don't like the idea o' skippin' time. It be confusin'. Doesn't mean I miss me old crew, but I just moved onto a better deal.

Dr. Irena: So, for your role on the Alien Spaceship. Do you know how to build any alien tech? What was your place in the crew?

Scalpa: I been a man that there boarded the gentleman o' fortune ships. Yer blabberin' to the wrong one if ye want an engineer or doc. Like I said I been a dime a dozen, better then the others in me crew. Right clever too with me use o' me personal gifts. But, I trained to fight. I did nay 'elp out much more besides the occassional 'elpin' movin' boxes, or doin' some light simple work to make sure things did nay go tits to the sky.

Dr. Irena: So as a Basic Crew-Mate who was your captain. Have any Goals on the spaceship besides just plundering?

Scalpa: That is the point in a pirate's life take as much as you can. Hope for a good retirement, enjoy the grog, and the life. It be a wonderful one. Now My Captain was a Sphoeroid much like myself Went by Captain McFilthy. Had an Awful Stench about him, and embraced it as a part of himself. That there be the point in a gentleman o' fortune's life take as much as ye can. 'ope fer a jolly retirement, enjoy the grog, an' the life. It be a wonderful one.

Dr. Irena: Thank You. Do You have any thoughts to share?

Scalpa: Why I wouldn't know much about the difference o' this here earth, an' mine now would I? aliens could live 'ere, just like me 'ome, an' ye was just ne'er visited or don't know about them. Don't know dimensional or time travel stuff. So can't comment on that there. 'aven't been summoned to truly understand a basic line. I'd reccomend the sapient's the ones ye want to talk to be summoned as long as possible as often as possible allows them to actually build-up an understandin' o' this here world.

Dr. Irena: I'll keep that in mind. Thank You.

Scalpa leaves the room.

Notably it is canon all omnitrix aliens are actually the apex of the species for that age. So they are actually largely worse then Ben Tennyson for average members of the species. This is besides the fact that we should never ever want a kinecelerean alien companion as it would die in a week.
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Interview with a Elf by RookDeSuit
Evening News

Meeting Location: Room XY; The Rig, Brockton Bay
Time: 9:00 pm
Room XY's camera pans to one Dr. Iris seated at table with pens, and Interviewee is seated across from her. The interviewee stands at 1 meter of height but is currently sitting on a stool. Alternative seating was offered and denied by interviewee.

Dr.Iris: Hello, my name is Dr. Iris. What's your name?

Olky: Is'mm 'Olky. [Interviewee self-identifies with designation, Olky]

Dr.Iris: Alright, so Olky you are aware of the purpose of our meeting?

Olky: Youz wanted to ask Olky abaut where Olky from?

Dr. Iris: Yes exactly. So how about….what do you see as your ideal place to relax?

Olky; An ordered home, Madam! [Subject Olky sits up straighter and more confident at this declaration.]

Dr. Iris: Interesting, so would you envision it as a dry, but warm place or a cooler Mediterranean weather?

Olky: Hmm, Olky fine with either. Oh! Can't hav' a leaky roof. Would be dreadful at Winter. Water inside and dripping to the floor. Ruining all the linens.

Dr.Iris: You don't envision snow for the winter?

Olky: Ugh, pardon but Olky stay inside and tend to the coals. Outside is not proper for true short worker, as I. [Tone is more teasing and playful than outright disgust.]

Dr.Iris: Interesting, and you mention linens, but your current attire-

Olky: Say no more. Ups, pardon; Olky is changing uniforms soon. Have to represent, right proper.[The only event of spontaneous action]

Dr. Iris: Right, right. So it sounds like you prefer to be inside as opposed to outside. Any particular reason? Does the wildlife have powers like you do?

Olky: Hmm…. well some do. The worst is the birds. Snatch you whole they do, or just bad company like the sea gulls. Would not invite for brunch or supper, let alone at a car park.

Dr. Iris: Really, what about humans?

Olky: Yes'm. There is humans, and yes, some haz powers.

Dr. Iris: AH, beat me to it. Any particular reason or..?

Olky: It seem 'o make sense, it did. Iris is curious.

Dr. Iris: Well, with only Earth Aleph as confirmation, a person can't help, but be curious. So! Earth Bet has 'had,' powers for about forty years, so how about your world?

Olky: It's been some hundred of years give or take fifty. At least more than memory as it's always been that way.

Iris: So how on Earth does governance look like?

Olky: Don't rightly know, but housework is always available. If the prime ministers and ministries fail then there'd be no houses.[Subject scoffs at the idea] All ruin and fighting and with humans being silly and nothing to do.

Iris: So you live in a society then? It does sound like a normal civilization, so is there any art? What about sports? Any preference for yourself?

Olky: Yes, and they got them moving pictures like here. Not particularly. Heard Quidditch a spot of fun. Olky would rather work the booths at the stadiums.

Iris: Quidditch being?

[At this, Olky can be seen blush at what appears to be an oversight of common knowledge]
Olky: Pardon, sport for them got two teams in the air, and they is herding flying orbs through ring posts. Get points from that or stopping the other team. Match can end early, but you need your best flier focused on the fastest ball. If not, then captains talk it out. Could end with both teams at the pub, and that's legal match end.

Iris: So wait, what does 'flight,' look like here? A harness suit? A Trump supporting the team?

Olky:[Begins arm motions] Well, its a bit like this wheeless bike. Got a long, narrow body for fast speeds and a small cushion for sitting [arms spread out as a demonstration]. Humans carry some extra when they play certain positions.

Iris; And what about the legs?

Olky: They just sorta…. wrap around the frame. Olky suppose, they can hang there, but that makes them slower.

Iris:....Extreme sports? Hmm…. [# Dr. Iris' report brings up the notion that boredom is a major concern for the functioning of civilization with parahumans. Brought up the idea of sports as an outlet as well as cultural unification.]

Olky: ? [Eyebrows raise. Unsure of Doctor's apparent realization]

Iris: Just a thought, Olky. It's a bit late to ask this, but is there a British Isles? Your accent gives it away.

Olky:[Seems to relax. #Fond memories or home?] Well, Olky, can ensure Ma'am is not called the French Isles. Serving Tea and Scones there.

Iris: Oh? No boiling hot coffee?

Olky: Boiling? Gracious noz. That'll ruin the pot. The Earl Grey needs the soak properly. You must….
[The following are extended instructions on tea preparations. They have been cut for the sake of brevity. See newly created Infographic T for information]
# Blessed be the Enlightened Tea Drinker
# Imagine; being a heretic and rejecting coffee
# Tea? Coffee? Nay! Hot Coco Gang Unite!
# Amen! Pass the marshmallows
# Stop! Delay that, and riddle me this: Water or Milk?
# What are you Nerds doing? Take it to the forums, not work.

Olky: Miss. Iris, can Olky ask a question?

Iris: Sure.

Olky:What's this credit business on about, and why's the banks not stopping it for the sake of Gold?

Iris: Ah, you see... we don't use the Gold Standard.

Olky: Then, how you buy anything? There's no gold galleons then how do you know the quid is good?

Iris: Well, it's a balance of public trust, debt, and assets. Around the 30's, it was deemed too unwieldy, so we hopped off and have been off ever since.

Olky: But…. there's nothing there. Olky no know abaut humans, but gold coin is what humans trade with, powers or no. How do banks work then?

Olky is seen leaning forward with attention and confusion.

Iris: Uh, whelp I think the bank uses a systems of loans, more specifically called investments, which when coupled with a separate system called fractional reserves results in something close to the modern banking system. Now, fractional reserves is-

Bee-beep, Bee-beep be/

Iris: Pardon Olky. Our meeting is done. ...If you want I can finish explaining how banks function.

Olky: Oh, no need Doktor. It's fine. Would Miss. Iris like Olky to send for one of the others or will that be all for today?

Iris: Oh! No thank you. You've been great, and I think I'll take my break.

Olky;[A light blush is seen at the moment of compliment] As you do. *Plop* Tap tap tap tap tap tap

Olky is seen walking from the stool before


-Vanishing outside the door.

Dr. Iris is seen on Room cameras, with her head resting on the table. The recorder picks up one last utterance before she picks her head up and bolts.


Double-blind group can conclude Olky is not of Niblog's creations. Between no instance of teleportation and mild-mannered demeanor with non-Master individuals, the subject designated as Olky is judged as not a prototype Mover for an excursion outside of quarantine zone, Q4. Proposal by earlier report from Subject Beard does not pan out; Olky deemed as not a stolen tinker creation. Seemingly, well-adjusted personality implies a high level of 'programming,' or actual hand-raised upbringing. The first is deemed too costly to create wholesale for the purpose of a teleporting monster; let alone one who could hold a conversation. The second seems inaccurate or unlikely given the rags on the body. It speaks of neglect by parental figure(s) which would not result in current personality. On the other hand, a maker would want their creation to be presentable. This seems not the case. If not the creator then the Vendor would need their product to be in marketable condition. Olky's initial appearance is not marketable

Inconclusive, if Olky is truly from an alternative Earth or elaborate projection. No word yet from Panacea statement. Mild team debate on whether to label such an earth as Earth Gold or Earth Tea. Sending full interview transcript as well as the other transcripts to first think tank. Conclusions depending.

So this took forever, but still only the second of the interview bounties. C'mon guys, we can do better than that.

More importantly, I thought about copying and pasting the format of Scalpa's interview, but that struck me as boring. Instead, I opted for a 'post,' interview where people, other than Iris, have to watch the interview and think about what was discussed. It happened, but we don't see all the details. I was originally going to talk about the British Isles, and about how Compenidum's costume lines up with a local British Hero team, The Suits, but that felt like Dr. Iris was leading the conversation. Went with a meandering talk about Olky, humans and their civilization. Word of QM is he will not know the details, but he knows the broadest details. Unfortunately, Olky will also maintain the secrecy of magic, so some details don't get mentioned or reinterpreted like Wizard Brooms. My attempt at Elf-splaining.

I am concerned Olky doesn't sound British enough, but I didn't want to wait too long to post. Also, I have developed a new headcanon concerning the state of Britain and the rarely mentioned Lord Walston.
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Interview with an alien starfish by TheOmnimercurial
"Ah what a day.... Not a cloud in the sky.... Except on the Planet...."

These were among the many thoughts, being broadcast by Star, as it once again relived a moment of memory, when it encountered Sapient Organisms from beyond it's Homeworld for the first time.

It remembered the blurred and heightened time of emotion, hyper stimulated by it's own version of hormones, a highly potent cocktail of biochemical fuel, triggered by the abduction of a sibling by the unknown entity.

Their relative had been missing from it's Homeworld for some time. After slowly settling back among it's kin, the being once called "Starro" shared it's experiences via it's telepathic abilities.

Slowly yet full with volatile emotions, the tale unfolded and the long, oh so long periods of captivity in the Kryptonian Crystalline edifice, began to slowly heal, sharing experiences proving both cathartic for Starro and also educational for their communitym.

The Exotic Starfish with a single large ocular organ, began to relay it's thoughts on those shared experiences, as well as it's own perspective, now that it in particular was the one on an unexpected journey.

He had been brought to awareness, on another version of the Planet populated by the Humans that existed in a form so very similar to the Kryptonian Races own morphology.

This Earth was in some ways both primitive and exotic when compared to that of the Earth inhabited by a Yellow Sun empowered Kryptonian.

The female Dr asked many questions about this other Earth with it's own version of Heroes and Villains, the Starfish responded with cooperation flavoured bursts of emotion, followed by a replay of more memories to the eagerly listening Scientist.

Soon he began to feel tired, ranged telepathy far more exhausting than the touch based alternative he greatly preferred.

The Dr frowned in disappointment and pouted in a rather ridiculous manner.

The Starfish rolled it's solitary Eye and promptly took a nap, ignoring the Scientist as she threw a rather childish tantrum.

Sleep soon came to pass and the Starfish dreamed happy dreams of swimming and puppetting the non sapient creatures on it's Homeworld.