[-] Facepalm. Shemesh plz.
[-] Introduce yourself. It seems sort of obligatory…?
-[-] Try letters in Japanese. Again. At some point you'll run into someone in this country who'll be willing to engage properly in conversation. Being a tourist might mean it doesn't feel too weird that nobody's acknowledged you while you spent the day rubbernecking, but the lack of conversation is starting to get to you. Tourism is best when enjoyed with friends.
[-] Make like the tourist you are at heart and go sightseeing. Mitakihara is an interesting city to say the least, and… well, why not?

Or plan is obvious..... We shall find a nightclub and dance our worries away!

[X] Back away. You're sure the girl would prefer that you give her some space rather than looming over her like some sort of papery beanstalk.
-[X] Do something to make her feel less threatened.

Well, there's a quick and easy way to achieve that... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



[-] Subsume them both. Out-of-sight out-of-mind is NOT an appropriate stance to take here!
Come on... just a little subsuming? No?

[-] Scold Motile Mollusc. Bad Mollusc! We do not subsume people as a first course of action, especially not ones we may have accidentally kidnapped!

Hitomis are for huggings?
Or is it Smolguca healer?

Well, considering where you just were, and who was likely to be living around there...

I would like to point out that Book-chan is currently the size of a large building. Her hands must be bigger then the girl is tall. Isnt there kind of a risk of squishing her if she were to try and pet her?

Correct, but your hands are also book ribbons, so its pretty unlikely you'd manage to accidentally crush her. Though there is a risk of dropping her since you don't really have fingers.

[-] Facepalm. Shemesh plz.

Silly Chaotic/Retsof! You don't have a face! :p
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[-] Try to work around her fear by annoying her in a mundane way such as spelling out catty comments with your shatterwords or making obscene hand gestures.
True, but there's definitely a more efficient system in there if witches could be used the same way as magical girls, energy-wise. Not to say that Kyubey's race would necessarily make use of it, but you'd think they'd sort of have to, given the posited circumstances.
What are you picturing as a more efficient system? If we assume that (i) witches produce energy, (ii) this energy is not normally available for use (i.e. cannot be extracted from the barrier) (or not efficiently, at least), but (iii) a grief seed produces energy in a usable way, and (iv) converting witches to grief seeds requires some amount of magic, then the system seems fairly efficient.

Unprepared for the change up

You suppose you could take this opportunity to simply leave, but you can't really leave a hostile witch just sitting around in your barrier like an unpleasant house guest.
Why not? She's immobile; stay out of her part of the barrier and you should be fine. And it would provide a decoy for any invading magical girls. Granted, this plan has serious issues both actual and potential, and Saar may be a poor choice for it, but I don't see why one cannot simply avoid an unpleasant houseguest.

Several simply fall out of the air, propellers no longer spinning properly, while others are torn apart by the shards of blackness outright, though less than you'd have expected—your words don't seem to fragment quite as dramatically when thrown like this.
That should be either "fewer" or "less so".

Eventually, the death of so many of their comrades seems to be enough to bring the remaining familiars pause
Not sure about "bring pause" as a synonym for "give pause".

[-] Fall back on one of your go to witch fighting plans.
"go-to"; also in the next update.

In order to pull this off however, you'll need to get back the altitude you just lost and then some, and with the other witch growing like she is and how slow you are moving upwards,
Comma before "however"; "slowly".

You're also glad you can't seem to feel Tome's cover the way you can its pages, because sturdy or not, you imagine the sensation would be akin to being struck in the rear by a fire hose trying to funnel the ocean through itself.
https://what-if.xkcd.com/147/ :V

You don't quite manage to ride the geyser to its zenith, sliding off into a not-quite tumble
"not-quite-tumble" (I think, anyway; I hyphenate more than most people. There have been a number of phrases I've felt would benefit from hyphens, but are a matter of taste rather than correctness so I don't mention them.)

you really didn't want to consider the motion of being a witch not just in body, but at least partially in mind.

Is being more than twenty stories up seriously not enough of an impediment?! Just how high do you need to go?!
maximum reasonable altitude plus detection range, where maximum reasonable altitude is the height of the tallest buildings plus a few hundred feet. So, call it 3000 feet or so?

The girl re-boards her bird,
Boards? Not mounts?

Even if they were better informed than her, which she thought improbable, she had been actively avoiding them to the best of her ability for some time now, thus help, or even so much as a pleasant conversation, was probably not in the cards.
The comma before "thus" should be a semicolon. Or you could replace "thus" with "so".

She certainly could not ask Kyubey, as he would obviously deny any personal wrongdoing on his part regardless of the truth, and given that he possessed power enough to change the very fabric of reality, even inquiring as much may be... ill-advised.
Tense error; should be "might" or "could".

Confrontation 1: Beware Magic Bearing Gifts said:
and the two sides slowly begins sealing together again.

…between the growth, the freeing of your arms, the initial refilling and expansion of your magic stores, and the tornado attack you're all but certain came from her, you just realized you've gotten way too many "rewards" from subsuming Saar. There HAS to be a catch somewhere.
Well, there's the obvious catch of having to kill Saar first, and therefore another witch if you want to repeat this, incentivizing dangerous and destructive behavior. There's also the fact that that tornado attack wasn't entirely voluntary, and the expanded barrier and new familiars which needn't get along with you. It doesn't seem like enough, but it's something, and that last could potentially be very troublesome.

Over the period of a few minutes,
"a period" or "the course"?

far more walkways than possibly could be necessary
"could possibly"

-Shemesh, whose duty is to champion. Dedicated and loyal, he defends the actions of the witch from others. He is rarely around however, as the witch dislikes his company.
Comma before "however". It's interesting that he defends Ashtaroth's actions specifically; that could be quite troublesome in the case of accidents, mistakes, or actions later regretted.

I'm wondering where Shemesh has been for the last… day? He didn't show up while we were exploring the barrier or playing with our shatterwords, and I didn't notice anything that would have prompted him to show up when he did. What has he been doing? Why did he stop?

We will, at some point, need to let probably-Hitomi out of the barrier. When we do so, it would be logical to ask her where she would like to be let out. Which leads to the thought that Ashtaroth can act as transportation—it's faster than walking, and she can carry an enormous amount of cargo. She can take friends on an aerial tour of the city, or to places they couldn't otherwise go (flight and invisibility defeat many obstacles, and if it can also pass through solid objects…)—and, of course, who doesn't want a magic schoolbus? It's a great way to have people to keep her company, and also to explain to any magical girls who might happen by that this is a friendly witch.

Of course, the best way to have regular company in the long term would probably be for someone—probably a homeless magical girl—to live in the barrier. But that would be difficult to arrange, and in the meantime I want to see how probably-Hitomi reacts to Ashtaroth offering her services as a schoolbus.

And as long as we're discussing how to interact with people inside the barrier, I suppose we can start a dance club, too. (Actually, our inner barrier is a big, open space, the floor is probably perfectly flat and level, and we have complete control over the scenery. It would probably make a pretty good dance floor, if only we had a way to make music. Maybe if we ate a mermaid?)

[x] Tell Shemesh to put her down. Gently. Be ready to (try to) catch her if he fails at the "gently" part. Then:
[x] Back away. You're sure the girl would prefer that you give her some space rather than looming over her like some sort of papery beanstalk.
-[x] Do something to make her feel less threatened.
--[x] Apologize. You may not have told him to do it, but Shemesh still abducted her to bring her to you. Assure her that she will get to go home. Also, you used to be human.
[x] Introduce yourself. It seems sort of obligatory…?
-[x] Human interaction is somewhat difficult to come by in here, so if she could see her way to sticking around for a little bit, that would be appreciated. Even just a few minutes of conversation would help with the loneliness. And maybe you could move into the inner barrier so you can write with illusions instead of rearranging shatterwords?
Of course, the best way to have regular company in the long term would probably be for someone—probably a homeless magical girl—to live in the barrier. But that would be difficult to arrange, and in the meantime I want to see how probably-Hitomi reacts to Ashtaroth offering her services as a schoolbus.
Only issue is that Magical Girls need to eat, and we don't know if Ashtaroth has a way to help without dying repeatedly. Man, that would suck. Having to die and get reborn if you needed to help cleanse a girl's gem. Unless we have a way to get our grief seed out.
Only issue is that Magical Girls need to eat, and we don't know if Ashtaroth has a way to help without dying repeatedly. Man, that would suck. Having to die and get reborn if you needed to help cleanse a girl's gem. Unless we have a way to get our grief seed out.
They could work together to fight other witches and split the kills. If Ashtaroth can subsume a filled grief seed they might not even need to split.
[X] Plan Pest Problem

[X] Scold Shemesh. Bad familiar! Naughty, naughty familiar! We do not bring those into the house!

[X] Grab her. You might scare her doing this, but better than leaving her in your familiar's metaphorical hands.

[X] Act like a woman carrying a live mouse out of the house and throw her out of your barrier do your best to make it clear you think your handling something vile in your body language maybe we can make her more indignant or insulted at her treatment then scared.

But where do we drop her in a tree, a bush, in the pond maybe in one of the trashcans?
Art: Dancing Ashtaroth Gifs
[x] Dodge!
-[x] Let your dodging take the form of interpretive dance!

[x] Dodge!
-[x] Let your dodging take the form of interpretive dance!

[X] Do the time old dance of peace, the macaraina

it's very recognizable, even if the dancer is a galaxy on a book with ribbons for arms.

[X] Establish friendship through interpretive dance.

[-] Initiate Dancing.exe

Good bye til next time, magic drawing girl. Kinda rude to leave without at least dropping your name, but alas, so it goes. Allow us to dance a farewell.

Or plan is obvious..... We shall find a nightclub and dance our worries away!

And as long as we're discussing how to interact with people inside the barrier, I suppose we can start a dance club, too. (Actually, our inner barrier is a big, open space, the floor is probably perfectly flat and level, and we have complete control over the scenery. It would probably make a pretty good dance floor, if only we had a way to make music. Maybe if we ate a mermaid?)

...you know, I COULD have spent roughly 10-12 hours working on the actual fic. Instead, because of comments like these, I spent them working on this. I hope you're happy.




(You'll note I had to get slightly creative here, due to Ashtaroth having four arms and technically no hips. There's also a second version that should theoretically sync with the actual music, which you can find here.)

Feel free to use or edit these however you like. Please do in fact, I'd hate to think I made these for nothing. ^_^;
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...you know, I COULD have spent roughly 10-12 hours working on the actual fic. Instead, because of comments like these, I spent them working on this. I hope you're happy.




(Side note, here's a version I attempted to properly sync with the actual music. You'll note I had to get slightly creative here, due to Ashtaroth having four arms and technically no hips. )

Feel free to use or edit these however you like. Please do in fact, I'd hate to think I made these for nothing. ^_^;

Ohmygod that's wonderful. It's everything I never thought to hope for!
Good, good! Everything is proceeding according to keikaku plan!

Also, terribly sorry for bullying you into this, but, well, i liked how this turned out? :V
Good, good! Everything is proceeding according to keikaku plan!

Also, terribly sorry for bullying you into this, but, well, i liked how this turned out? :V

It's fine, it's fine; wasn't really bullying so much as strongly urging me every time I saw a comment in said vein. Though you know, I had to actually research the Macarena in order to make this, so an apology for that might not be out of place.

By the way, the base file for the above gifs can be downloaded here (or here in .xcf format), if anyone happens to want to make their own dancing Ashtaroth with new and/or mix-and match moves. This is about the peak of what I can do, but if you desire to add to Ashtaroth's repertoire and aid her apparent growing reputation as the Witch of Dance, I absolutely encourage you to do so. :p
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Dancing Ashtaroth is...probably everything I have ever wanted and/or needed out of a PMMM fic. Seriously, the entire gif set is really dang great. Thank you for submitting to our petty demands, @Flairina :D

Thank you, this is lovely. hopefully Ashtaroth Dancing Skills will come in handy in the future.

Edit: Can we spread the rumor that one must be a student of DANCE in order to be graced by Ashtaroth's presence?
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[X] Back away. You're sure the girl would prefer that you give her some space rather than looming over her like some sort of papery beanstalk.
[X] Do something to make her feel less threatened. [Write an apology and ask if she wants to leave.]
"looming over her like some sort of papery beanstalk."

I only just noticed the exact phrasing of this and it is wonderful.
Confrontation 3: A Sight For Scared Eyes
> Scold Shemesh.
> Grab her.
> Introduce yourself.

You look down at Shemesh — currently a blue and purple sphere of swirling gaseous clouds — and, in lieu of being able to actually yell at him, begin angrily gesturing in his direction with all four of your arms. Who is this?! Why did he bring her here?! HOW did he bring her here?! Where did she even come from?!

The girl finally looses the scream that she's clearly been building up for quite a while, loudly enough that you wish you still had physical ears to cover. Meanwhile, Shemesh shrinks in on himself, becoming a gray, lifeless-looking ball that somehow gives off the impression of a kicked puppy. You feel a twinge of sympathy for him at that, but it's not quite enough to overcome your fury at... whatever it is he was apparently intending to do here. Darn it, you'd been having SUCH a good morning up until now.

You reach out and snag the girl from Shemesh's invisible clutches, your ribbons nearly large enough to swaddle her like a baby. She doesn't seem to appreciate it very much however, immediately beginning to kick and thrash in a presumed bid to escape. You don't know what she thinks she's doing; you're far too tall for that to be even remotely safe for her right now. Though, with your noted lack of actual fingers, she's genuinely making it quite difficult for you to-

With a surprisingly strong yank, the girl abruptly tears free of your grasp. You make a frantic attempt to catch her as she begins to fall — and miss, causing a flash of panic, but thankfully the giant blades of grass that serve as your barrier's floor prove to be enough to break the girl's multi-story drop anyways. She lands on one of them, bounces uncontrollably between a few more, and then tumbles into the foliage, where you immediately lose track of her.

Oh, brilliant...

You lower yourself until you're skimming the top of the grass, and lean over to push a swathe of it aside, but there's no sign of the girl. Great; even though you can actually move this stuff now, the greenery is so thick that you'll never-

A nearby patch of grass suddenly rustles unnaturally. Looking over, you spot another patch right next to it briefly do the same, followed by several more, each one moving further and further away from you.

Ah. Perhaps there are some advantages to your barrier being a huge, overgrown lawn after all.

You follow the girl's obvious trail from overhead, not really gaining any ground on her, but not really minding. Between her obvious panic and how her first instinct was to run away, you're fairly sure she isn't a magical girl, so she'll tire herself out eventually. You suppose you'll have to take that as the silver lining to this little problem.

The rustling of the grass abruptly ceases, and a loud shriek pierces through the foliage — if you didn't know where she was before, you certainly would now. Hopefully she didn't trip and break something; you're not exactly loaded down with medical supplies here...

Floating towards the rough origin of the scream, you shove aside the grass to find the girl now collapsed on her side. Her breathing is loud and fast, her arms having been bound to her sides by a lasso of what looks like multi-layered cellophane, while several feet away stands the presumed creator of said lasso — an Ummashtart, though not one you've seen before. Her upper body is similar to that of the various faceless girls, a feminine, humanoid form assembled from pale white wax paper, but her lower body is a giant, arachnoid-looking construct made of a clear, stiff material you'd sooner assume to be some sort of plastic than any kind of paper. She turns to face you at your approach, arms crossed over her chest.

...huh, so there is one based off that one-time experiment after all. Cool! Something to think about later perhaps, when there isn't a girl on the verge of hyperventilating in your barrier.

You lean down and pluck the tied-up girl from the ground, which the arachne familiar doesn't seem particularly thrilled about, but doesn't visibly protest either. After working the cellophane off the girl with quite a bit of difficulty — again, sure would be nice to have fingers — you seat her atop Novella. Before she can start screaming again, you gently place the tip of one of your ribbons against her mouth as you begin making and assembling shatterwords.

「Calm down, I mean you no harm.」you spell out for her once you have enough.

The words seem to calm the girl, if only by a scant degree. She no longer looks like she's contemplating her chances of surviving a second dive into the grass below, at least.

"Wh-what are you?" she stutters. "Where is this? What's going on?!"

Figuring there's little point in lying, you decide to just tell her the truth.

「My name is Ashtaroth. I'm a witch, and you're in my barrier. Why exactly you're in my barrier, I'm not clear on either, beyond that my familiar decided you should be.」

The girl now just looks utterly lost. You suppose without any context, none of that would really mean anything to her.

「I assume you don't know about magical girls?」

"You… you mean the kind from tv shows…?" the girl slowly replies, still trembling.

「No. Which means you don't.」

How do you explain this... should you even explain this, given it could end up traumatizing this random civilian girl even more than she already has been? Or- no, wait, more pressing question.

「Could you tell me what happened, exactly?」


「I'm not entirely sure how my familiar even brought you here. You were there, so it would help if you could clarify.」

"I... a-alright." the girl replies after a moment, now seeming largely more perplexed than panicked. "I have Japanese Dance lessons today... I had just left my house with the intent to head to the studio. But before I could truly go anywhere, the world around me... changed to look like this place, and that giant orb dropped out of the sky in front of me. I screamed, and tried to run, but it grabbed me from afar somehow, and started flying through the city with me."

The girl looks down, hiding her expression. "I was crying for several minutes, desperately calling for help, but no one seemed to see or hear me... and then I suddenly couldn't see the city at all anymore, and you appeared in the distance. Your... familiar? Brought me over to you, and..."

She goes silent, but you know the rest from there anyways.

You glance back at Shemesh, still floating where you left him, continuing to look remarkably sad for a faceless, expressionless planetoid. Well, given that little recap, at least his little excursion probably wasn't that conspicuous. You were worried someone might have seen him, but you'd forgotten that familiars have their own little mini-barriers to hide in. Still, how did he-

"Excuse me? Ashtaroth... san?"

You turn back to the girl.

"What exactly do you plan on doing with me...?" she asks, the frightened tremor reentering her voice.

Oh, right.


You pause, realizing you still have no idea what this girl's name is.

「-what was your name again?」

"...Hitomi Shizuki." she replies after a moment of uncertainty, adding a practiced-looking curtsy to her introduction seemingly by instinct. "A pleasure to make your..."

She trails off again. Understandable; you're aware that being kidnapped is rarely considered a pleasure.

「Right. Sorry for accidentally abducting you, Shizuki-san. I'll take you home, and you can forget this ever happened.」

Hitomi blinks, then breathes a massive sigh of relief, resting her hand over her heart as the tenseness in her stance visibly recedes.

「Where do you live?」you ask bluntly, unaware of a way to make that question seem any less potentially creepy.

"Oh, um… I live in the upper district."

「…I don't actually know what that means.」you admit.「I'm kind of new to this city.」

Hitomi fiddles with a bit of her hair. "The… 'rich' area? There are many mansions around…"

Ah, you suppose that would make sense if Shemesh only grabbed her a few minutes ago. That's good; you didn't get too far from there in the interim, so it should be simple enough to backtrack.

「I see. I'll drop you off there then.」you say, beginning to head back in the direction you came.

「You… can't actually see it, but we're on our way.」 you explain, noticing Hitomi's bewilderment at your lack of movement.

"…oh. Okay." she hesitantly replies, seeming to accept that after a brief pause. "Um… if I may, you said something about 'magical girls', and claimed to be a 'witch', correct?"

You repeat the method you used with Top Hat and bob a cluster of your shatterwords up and down to indicate a yes.

"Could you explain precisely what you mean by those terms?" she asks, craning her neck up at you. "I don't think I quite understand..."

You look down at Hitomi, surprised, but considering. You suppose it's only natural she'd be curious — you certainly were, when Kyubey first showed himself to you. However, explaining even just those two terms in any detail is inevitably going to require explaining another, and then another, and another, until you've sent yourself straight down the rabbit hole of explaining the entire magical girl system. You're not sure you really want to get into all that when-

...actually. It occurs to you that you currently have a teenage girl in your barrier, who is not only completely clueless about magic, but is essentially inviting you to tell her more about it. Making this potentially the perfect opportunity to try that thought-to-be-impossible idea of having someone wish you back to humanity. Of course, Hitomi may not have the necessary "potential" for that, but if she doesn't, it's not like you'd lose anything by trying... should you, though? You're only a few minutes away from her house, there's likely not even enough time for this...

[-] Continue towards Hitomi's neighborhood. Easy enough to find again, given that you've been heading in a pretty straight line.
[-] Offer to take Hitomi to her dance lesson instead. You don't exactly have GPS in here, but she can probably direct you there, and you'll have more time to talk.

[-] Ask if you can speak with her for a little while longer once you reach your destination. Given what she just asked, you imagine this may take a while...
[-] Ask if you can come back and explain later after dropping her off. It might be best to give her a little time to process what she's already been through before telling her anything else, lest you utterly overwhelm her.
[-] Refuse to explain, telling her if she knew, she wouldn't want to. Anything else is just tempting fate.
[-] Write in.

(Personal Angle)
[-] Attempt the wish plan. Unless you decide to go around actively kidnapping random girls off the street, you probably won't get another chance like this.
[-] Flat out explain your position and what you're hoping for from Hitomi. There's something to be said about being plain with your intentions.
[-] Make yourself as sympathetic as possible while explaining, and try to lead Hitomi to the decision herself.​
[-] Hold off. This feels a little too manipulative for your liking.

[-] Apologize to Shemesh. You can't just leave him like that...
[-] Don't apologize. Maybe you were a little harsh, but you can't let him think this sort of thing is okay. Or to be repeated.
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Why not just ask about getting in touch later, when she's not busy and we've demonstrated that we're willing to let her go?
Dooming some other girl to become a witch in order to escape being a witch seems pretty awful.

Yeesh. Didn't mean to have this many choices at the end; just sort of happened. Bit uncertain about the dialogue on the whole, but hopefully it seems relatively natural, given the circumstances. For now, rune words have been left in bold and Book Antiqua font for now instead of also being changed to black, which hopefully this remains readable on mobile. This may change, as it's a bit indistinct right now.

Even if this were a quest, the Location vote doesn't seem very important and wouldn't deserve a vote, the explanation and personal angle vote could be combined, and no one cares about Shemesh.
Why not just ask about getting in touch later, when she's not busy and we've demonstrated that we're willing to let her go?

That is one of the choices, so feel free.

Even if this were a quest, the Location vote doesn't seem very important and wouldn't deserve a vote, the explanation and personal angle vote could be combined, and no one cares about Shemesh.

The location vote is actually more important than you think, and the explanation and personal votes initially WERE combined, but I had to separate them since keeping them together ended up making it more confusing. And while you may not care about Shemesh, he cares about you, and what you do here will probably affect later events. Regardless, no need to be rude about it.

Also, I made the font of the rune words larger to make it clearer what they are. I would have done that more immediately after seeing how the post looked on SV, but I got called away for like 20 minutes and the bbcode was putting up a fight.