This is pretty dope, 10/10, would subsume.
Oh dear, the would subsume part of this just gave me another question. If a Ummashtart or Shemesh were to somehow evolve into another Subsumption Witch, could we subsume the newly evolved Ashtaroth? If so, what would get from it? Of course, this is just a hypothetical. I doubt any of Ashy's Familiars will get the chance to evolve, since that would require them to kill a certain amount of people, which ourself or anyone who Ashy has subsumed will likely prevent from happening in the first place. And yes, I do agree that the art is quite cool.
Another question to a possible familiar-born Ashtaroth is if something like that isn't one of the antithetical things Ash can't do. Like not subsuming vulnerable magical entities.

Her nature is Egocentric, so I don't think she'd even willingly allow any familiar of hers to 'steal' Grief, going by how badly she took to Charlotte stealing hers to hatch. If what I suspect about Subsumption being her natural Witch way of feeding and how her barrier is built to force a confrontation at the Inner Layer, then maybe the familars might not even be capable of growing into more Ashtaroths.

For the matter, how would Ash's familiars even eat people? The Ummashtart are made of paper and her only fighter is Shemesh.
Omake: Downtime Awareness
"And... WE ARE BACK, PEOPLE!" a scream of joy could be heard across the barrier scaring some nearby Pyotrs, Faas crashed into each other and a Du Polignac, with a hairstyle similar to the one that make the scream, fell down a ladder while it was trying to put decorations on the left side of Charlotte's Sweet Cave. Said Witch tripped and fell face first on the ground with a faint and startled "Beh?!".

"Sayaka, why did you do that?!" said Tira Narumi, the newest Magical Girl inhabiting the barrier, with her hands on her ears. Candeloro, the Witch born from the Magical Girl previously known as Mami Tomoe, hanged around on Tira's neck, her 2 front ribbons trying to protect her metaforical ears from the scream too.

<I'm with Tira on that. What the hell, Sayaka?!> Ashtaroth, the Witch of Subsumption, voicelessly screamed, while also trying to protect her metaforical ears with her 4 ribbons.

"Oh, sorry about that. It just that suddenly I felt like everything went back to normal again, and I'm really happy about that." The mentioned Magical Girl said while rubbing the back of her head, obviously embarrassed. "You don't have to worry really, I'm ok."

The veteran Magical Girl, and the 2 Witches looked at each other, trying to figure out what had just transpired. At the end, they gave up. They have more interesting things to do after all.
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Idle question, not directly related to Ashtaroth, but something that her Witchstincts might point out, or be able to answer.

So, an overloaded grief seed needs to be given to Kyubey, right? Because otherwise it can hatch a witch?
Well, what if you don't give it to him?

Just let it hatch into a witch...
...kill it again (easy, since you've already beaten it once)...
...And get a new grief seed.

No need to frantically find a witch before grief overwhelms you.
No need to farm familiars.
No need to fight to the death for territory.
And no need for Meguca to be suffering!

Well, granted, Kyubey wouldn't appreciate this, but nobody likes bunnycat anyway.
Idle question, not directly related to Ashtaroth, but something that her Witchstincts might point out, or be able to answer.

So, an overloaded grief seed needs to be given to Kyubey, right? Because otherwise it can hatch a witch?
Well, what if you don't give it to him?

Just let it hatch into a witch...
...kill it again (easy, since you've already beaten it once)...
...And get a new grief seed.

No need to frantically find a witch before grief overwhelms you.
No need to farm familiars.
No need to fight to the death for territory.
And no need for Meguca to be suffering!

Well, granted, Kyubey wouldn't appreciate this, but nobody likes bunnycat anyway.
A witch poping up in your face tends to end in the magical girl dying.
It is also a thing that witches dont always drop grief seeds.
Idle question, not directly related to Ashtaroth, but something that her Witchstincts might point out, or be able to answer.

So, an overloaded grief seed needs to be given to Kyubey, right? Because otherwise it can hatch a witch?
Well, what if you don't give it to him?

Just let it hatch into a witch...
...kill it again (easy, since you've already beaten it once)...
...And get a new grief seed.

No need to frantically find a witch before grief overwhelms you.
No need to farm familiars.
No need to fight to the death for territory.
And no need for Meguca to be suffering!

Well, granted, Kyubey wouldn't appreciate this, but nobody likes bunnycat anyway.
While I'm unsure if it has an origin in Canon it's often mentioned in fics that a rehatched witch is usually more powerful than when it was originally.
A witch poping up in your face tends to end in the magical girl dying.
Not if she's decently experienced. I mean, Kyouko was fine even though she was caught off guard by Oktavia hatching, and Sayaka managed to survive Charlotte hatching without powers at all.
It is also a thing that witches dont always drop grief seeds.
Huh? I haven't heard of this. Source?
Idle question, not directly related to Ashtaroth, but something that her Witchstincts might point out, or be able to answer.

So, an overloaded grief seed needs to be given to Kyubey, right? Because otherwise it can hatch a witch?
Well, what if you don't give it to him?

Just let it hatch into a witch...
...kill it again (easy, since you've already beaten it once)...
Yeah, not sure where I've heard from it, but I also recall rehatched witches to be more dangerous, so its likely that it'd take more magic expenditure to finish off, leading to diminishing and dangerous returns.
Implying that if your power allowed you to oneshot a particular witch at a static cost due to hard counter/wish weirdness, you could run off to a mountain somewhere and be immortal.

So thats why all the immortal sages live on mountain tops, they are dodging magical girl turf wars.
Can someone explain what is this "Yuri's Night"? I mean I know about the day but it suddenly appeared. Is this some sort of event or what? And does it mean something?
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Ok, random thought to keep filling this thread while we wait. Can you imagine a PMMM game with the same gameplay as "Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4"? I think is could be cool.
And while thinking that, I noticed Sayaka has quite a lot of alternative versions of herself between Canon, Quests and Fanfics that could be made into different characters, like Goku in "FighterZ". In fact, just for fun, I decided to point them out. But I bet there are more so you can add them if you want, or from other characters too.

Sayaka Miki (Anime)

Derailed Sayaka Miki (Anime)

Law of Cycles' Agent: Sayaka Miki (Rebellion Movie)

Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Adfligo Systema)

Full Armored Sayaka Miki (Sayaka Quest)

Adult Sayaka Miki (Sayaka Quest 2)

Sayaka Miki: The Ashen One (Blue Ash)

Sayaka Miki: The Time Lady (Hope's Private Secretary)

and of course...

Subsumed Sayaka Miki (Subsumption)
Art: Shemesh Commission
Well, it's Walpurgisnacht, and once again I have failed to finish the next chapter in time to post it on the day of (quelle surprise). Kind of having trouble writing in general right now, honestly... but! I didn't want the day to go by without any remark at all, and I hardly want it to seem like I've stopped working on this fic — plus, I figured Shemesh probably deserved some love after his heroic sacrifice last arc. Therefore!

(Animated Version)

(Freeze Frame Version)

This awesome depiction of Shemesh (or four of his myriad forms, at least) comes courtesy of @Dexexe1234, author of Terrene Spire, Mycelium Roots, The Ashar Knells, and all sorts of other cool art fics/quests. He was kind enough to draw and animate this totally free of charge, and deserves more love, so go check his stuff out if you've got the time. :) Also feel free to guess at what kind of magic Shemesh might have/use in each of these forms (if any), or what may have influenced each one's design — their features weren't just picked at random, promise!

I know that this hardly serves as a replacement for, you know, getting the fic going again, but hopefully my unplanned hiatus will be ending soon. For everyone still here, thanks for having stuck with me thus far. o(*^u^*)o
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Well, it's Walpurgisnacht, and once again I have failed to finish the next chapter in time to post it on the day of (quelle surprise). Kind of having trouble writing in general right now, honestly... but! I didn't want the day to go by without any remark at all, and I hardly want it to seem like I've stopped working on this fic — plus, I figured Shemesh probably deserved some love after his heroic sacrifice last arc. Therefore!

(Animated Version)

(Freeze Frame Version)

This awesome depiction of Shemesh (or four of his myriad forms, at least) comes courtesy of @Dexexe1234, author of Terrene Spire, Mycelium Roots, The Ashar Knells, and all sorts of other cool art fics/quests. He was kind of enough to draw and animate this totally free of charge, and deserves more love, so go check his stuff out if you've got the time. :) Also feel free to guess at what kind of magic Shemesh might have/use in each of these forms (if any), or what may have influenced each one's design — their features weren't just picked at random, promise!

I know that this hardly serves as a replacement for, you know, getting the fic going again, but hopefully my unplanned hiatus will be ending soon. For everyone still here, thanks for having stuck with me thus far. o(*^u^*)o
I think you sorted that wrong in the threadmarks.