Decided to do some fanart of this cuz I enjoy the story alot.
I thought it'd be interesting to try and reinterpret the concept art for everyone's favorite witch a bit.
Hope ya'll enjoy!

(Did I never actually- man, I thought for sure I commented on this; shame on me.) This is awesome! I love the way you drew/made this — the sort of "cut out" look her body has fits perfectly with canon witch "style", and looks great. Tome and Novella are messy-looking in just the right way, and the crosshatching on the ribbons that fades out with distance works really well. Even the frame is amazing; I really appreciate that you took the time for that extra touch. It's very late of me to say, but fantastic job! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

(I actually like your original interpretation of Ashtaroth's vortex hair/lines more than the revised version, by the way!)

If a Ummashtart or Shemesh were to somehow evolve into another Subsumption Witch, could we subsume the newly evolved Ashtaroth? If so, what would get from it?

A topic for another time. :3

For the matter, how would Ash's familiars even eat people? The Ummashtart are made of paper and her only fighter is Shemesh.

Other familiars with similar impairments make do somehow — I don't think it maps exactly to what humans would consider "eating" anyways, much the same way Ashtaroth's subsumption ability doesn't.

Implying that if your power allowed you to oneshot a particular witch at a static cost due to hard counter/wish weirdness, you could run off to a mountain somewhere and be immortal.

I'm doubtful that would work out as well as you might think, and not just for the more obvious reasons.

Ok, I'm not quite sure if this means what I think It means. But I'm gonna post it anyways.

On the one hand, oh yes! Finally, a follow up to Rebellion! Yayyyyyy!!! :D

On the other hand, oh no! The possibility of magic mechanics I've spent way too long thinking over being canonically debunked now exists again! Ahhhhhh!!! D:

Do all of Shemesh's forms come with that eye on them? Does hitting them there blind them?

That was something of a "throw it in" idea I decided on when Dex first sketched Shemesh — I asked him to give Shemesh an "eye" in all his forms, constructed from whatever landscape/planetary features were present in each one. It doesn't physically function as an eye however, so hitting Shemesh there wouldn't do anything it wouldn't to any other part of his body. I'm uncertain whether or not to make that "canon", given that Ashtaroth has never mentioned it (as I hadn't thought of it then), but I do like how it helps to distinguish him from being just a shape-changing planetoid... perhaps I'll leave that choice up to personal interpretation.

~You Are A Giant Book~

Late in replying to this too; I am so behind on so many things. x_x Threadmarked! You already know my thoughts on this one, but regardless, thank you for another wonderful omake Farseer. :) Can't help but wonder where Rochelle's barrier is right now though, or if she brought anyone along with her...

Maybe Tira could teach Ashy and Sayaka how to draw? Or maybe try the illusion version of Minecraft? I'm sure Sayaka and Tira would enjoy designing their own worlds.

Heh, that's pretty much what I said too! Honestly, I don't think Ashtaroth is in danger of running out of things to do with her illusions any time soon — well, unless she's just feeling that uncreative. Perhaps she's in something of a slump, like the one I seem to be in right now. ^^;


What? Finally a friendly character who is not (technically) also Ashtaroth, and are you surprised that we're taking advantage of this unique opportunity?

I shall do my best to restrain my surprise. :rolleyes:

i really enjoyed reading this c:

Why thank you! It is my hope that there will, eventually, be more of it to read, as there was technically supposed to be months ago. ^u^;

That image is amazing. Is this pretty much canon for what would happen if someone wished for Ashtaroth to be human and it didn't "fix" anything other than her lack of human-interaction tools?

I won't confirm that exact scenario would function as such, but I can certainly imagine circumstances that could lead to Ashtaroth ending up looking like this. ;)

Regardless, props to the artist. Hey, can you imagine like, somehow she becomes human again but Tira and Sayaka are still inside of her and now she has basically 3 personalities but she can use their magic like she was able to as a witch? It would be interesting I think.

Ashtaroth finds the tables turned on her as Sayaka and Tira proceed to pilot her around like a human Gundam, fighting for control at times and repeatedly causing Ash to fall on her newly-regained face. Ah, irony.

Don't know what you expect us to say

Heh — the invistext was referencing that I was expecting immediate comparisons to Homura and/or comments about Ashtaroth stealing her color scheme/look, and had several half-formed jokes floating around the back of my mind for that occasion. Guess the resemblance isn't as obvious as I thought though, which I suppose is largely a good thing anyways. :)

any costume elements that would fit Ashy-chans pre-puberty self?


(...Always with the thigh-highs. why did it have to be thigh-highs?) The design is cute and all, but I would prefer the majesty of a longer skirt.

I do like the boots and the front and back drapes.

A longer skirt probably would fit a humanized Ash better (translating from Tome's relative size), but I do still like this look quite a bit regardless. It certainly integrates Ashtaroth's design into an outfit a lot better than I think I would have managed.

Of these, only the second and third match up with the illustrations. Our only hints of powers are (i) "a blue and purple sphere of swirling gaseous clouds" being capable of holding Hitomi, (ii) "a still small, but much brighter yellow and white spheroid somewhat reminiscent of a miniature star" having green lightning on its surface, (iii) "a larger planetoid, this one an angry red color with multiple Saturn-like rings and black, twisting roots spreading all across his still cracked surface" throwing its rings and binding things with them, and (iv) "a form that looks almost like the Earth cast in shadow" shooting a heat beam by exposing its molten core.

I can't say I see a pattern in the powers, at least not enough to predict powers form form. The one that looks molten might have heat powers, or rock- or lava-spewing volcano powers, or self-renewal. Or it's just red and not lava at all, and has desert-themed desiccation powers or rusts metals or gives people mercury poisoning or something.

Fair enough! I suppose that wasn't all that fair a question of me to ask, so I appreciate the effort put in to collect all those quotes and think it over regardless. More on that later, I think.

I'm not certain if it's come up before—a clear indication that I need to reread—but one consequence of Ashtaroth's lack of biological needs*—and biology in general—is that she can lose track of time for far longer than an ordinary human. If she gets lost in thought, she won't be broken out of it by hunger or thirst or sleepiness or bladder pressure; she can just keep going indefinitely. A human might lose half a day to a book or game or thought exercise; Ashtaroth might lose a month to something sufficiently engaging.

*She can and has slept, but it didn't seem necessary. Likewise, she needs to replenish her grief if she expends it, but it's not clear whether maintaining her existence costs grief and regaining it seems like a passive operation anyway.

Excellent observation! I haven't actually had much chance to show this in-story yet, but you're certainly not wrong that Ashtaroth is likely more prone to losing track of time than she used to be — though one has to wonder how much of that is the lack of biological imperatives signalling time's passage, and how much is simply the lack of any imposed schedule/structure in her day, now that she doesn't "have" to be anywhere at a specific time or date anymore.

Can't be a landlady if you don't charge rent! And of course the barrier's not a witch motel! People can leave motels.

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face

Okay, look, there's a (small, inconsistent) difference between a motel and hotel—

She got a lot of pretty, pretty girls, that she calls "friends"

—and the Hotel California isn't supposed to be literal anyway, it's just imagery—

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device

—point made, please get this song out of my head.

This could be Heaven or this could be Hell…

I... kind of love this comparison. :lol:

(Somehow, I have managed to go my entire life only hearing references to this song, while never actually hearing the song itself. Yet from I have picked up about it... yeah, this fits perhaps a little too well.)
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I... kind of love this comparison. :lol:

(Somehow, I have managed to go my entire life only hearing references to this song, while never actually hearing the song itself. Yet from I have picked up about it... yeah, this fits perhaps a little too well.)
Ah the song based on drug addiction.
What are magical girls but people drugged on hope?
Horrible withdraw that turns them in to monsters fits perfectly.
Omake: Could it Be?
Here we go, an emergency omake.

Could it be?

Inside a white space that moves above the city of Mitakihara:

"So, this Kyubey is capable of something more than granting wishes and being invisible?"

「Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that. He uses telepathy to communicate with people.」The Witch, Ashtaroth, answered to the girl on top of her smallest book.

"Telepathy? He uses it on emergencies, I suppose." Hitomi replied, with a bit of fascination and curiosity.

「Well, that's his only form of communication. He also works like some sort of telepathy amplifier, allowing Magical Girls to use their own telepathy from further distances. He can even use it with normal girls so he can talk to them and each other. Normally those girls are Magical Girl candidates of course.」

"So he can talk to them and each other..." Hitomi mutters with a hand on her face, repeating part of what the Witch just told her, deep in thought.

「What? Something wrong?.」The Witch asks.

"Oh is nothing Ashtaroth-san, is just that..." She trails off, deep in thought once again, as if that was the answer to something in her mind. It took a few seconds, but she remmembered.

"Could it be that...?" She thought, recalling a memory from not so long ago.

「Are you sure about that, Hitomi-san?.」The Witch asked. Hitomi looked at the letters in front of her, and leaving her conclusions behind, she responds.

"Yes, is nothing really, I was just thinking on the possibilities of such power on a normal girl." She says with a smile on her face.

「Yeah, I was thinking the same at that time, but that is one of the few "good" things Kyubey does.」Ashtaroth responds.

"What do you mean?" Hitomi says, slightly confused.

「That this is the moment when I tell you the things that not many Magical Girls know, before they sign the contract. 」

And as the Witch describes the true colors about the Magical Girl system Kyubey runs, Hitomi could only hope, this time, that the conclusion she made that day was the right one.

Unfortunately, those hopes died with a blue flash.
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But, because she knew that girls can't love girls, Hitomi realized, in her heart, that the more sinister conclusion had come to pass. When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth; and this was a truth that shook her to her core.

Such a lovely place, such a lovely face

Okay, look, there's a (small, inconsistent) difference between a motel and hotel—

She got a lot of pretty, pretty girls, that she calls "friends"

—and the Hotel California isn't supposed to be literal anyway, it's just imagery—

We are all just prisoners here, of our own device

—point made, please get this song out of my head.

This could be Heaven or this could be Hell…

Then she lit up a candleoro, and she showed me the way

Such a sweet-stuffed place (Such a sterile place)
Such a cavernous face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here
(TODO: Fall, Winter)

Mirrors witch on the ceiling,
The pink champagne Hope, the ultimate drug on ice
She pointed at her empty navel, "We are all just prisoners here, of our own device"
And in the master's chambers,
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives, ("It" referring to Kyubey, depression, or possibly themselves...yeah.)
But they just can't kill the beast
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But, because she knew that girls can't love girls, Hitomi realized, in her heart, that the more sinister conclusion had come to pass. When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth; and this was a truth that shook her to her core.

I wanted to go for a more serious approach (which means the girls can't love girls was out) but that phrase is gold.
Omake: Hotel Ashtaroth (Song Parody)
On a dark alley rooftop, cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of a cafe, rising up through the air
Up above in the distance, I saw a shimmering light
My gem grew heavy and my sight drew in;
I had to stop for a fight.

There she stood in the doorway, ringing the Friendship Bell,
And I was thinking to myself, this could be Heaven or this could be Hell.
She lit up a Candeloro; she showed me the way.
There were whispers down the corridor
Have you heard them say?

Welcome to the Hotel Ashta-Meiro
Such a lovely place (such a rivered place)
Such a windy face
Plenty of room at the Hotel Ashta-Meiro
Any time of year (any time of year) you can find it here

Her mind is egoly-twisted, she got the self-centered trends
She got a lot of pretty, pretty girls, that she calls friends
How they dance in the grasslands, gunpowder wet
Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

So I called up the Pyotr;
'Please bring me some wine
She said, "We haven't had a spirit out here since, two-thousand and nine."
And still Uwasa are calling from far away,
Wake you up in the middle of the night,
Just to hear them say:

Welcome to the Hotel Ashta-Meiro
Such a sweet-lined place (Such a pointed place)
Such a cavernous face
They searchin' for sapience at the Hotel Ashta-Meiro
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise), bring your new allies

Mirrors Witch on the ceiling,
Pink hopium on ice
And she said, "we are all imprisoners here, of our own device."
And in the Master's chambers, they gathered for the fief
They stab it with their steely knives, but they just can't still the grief

Last thing I remember, I was turning through my door;
I had to find the timelike path to the state I was before.
"Relax," said the Witchstincts, "We are... programmed to deceive.
You can loop back anytime you like, but you can never leave!"
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glad you liked the fanart Flairina, and thank you for the kind message!
the hair was rather challenging. I started off basing it on the sort of floating hair people get when underwater then tried out the more abstract version with the dark stripes as an attempt to mimic the original drawing more accurately.
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Or at least the part that manifested as a being instead of a location. I still think she didn't really "lose" anything but instead got flooded with so much Grief that she got "diluted" in a sense. Part of her turned into Candeloro, and the rest got stuck in the Grief that formed her Labyrinth, which is why her memories manifested as pictures.

Maybe if we can prevent a Grief Seed from forming a Labyrinth and instead focus everything on its Witch...
There is actually further evidence of this.

Ashys inner barrier, place where the witch, the most magical part of the barrier, the former magical girl herself lives, is entirely empty.

The outer barrier is flooded with what appears to be past memories and dreams, especially when one remembers her lucid dreaming thing from the first iteration.

And Ashy still remembers her magical life, but everything ordinary about herself is missing... or perhaps just outside the door.
And Ashy still remembers her magical life, but everything ordinary about herself is missing... or perhaps just outside the door.
It can be interpreted like that, but every barrier/Labyrinth is specific to the magical girl/Witch that created it. Candeloro/Mami, for example, doesn't have an empty inner barrier.

That could mean Ashy's barrier is like it is because of her Wish or her personality, instead of Grief mechanics. On the other hand, the Wish/personality could have influenced how the barrier/Labyrinth manifests, despite the Grief mechanics. Ashy and Candeloro/Mami both have manifestations of their past in their barriers (Ashy in the form of the Ummashtart, Candeloro/Mami in the form of the pictures). The difference in placement could be because of their Wishes/personalities, but both have those manifestations.

I think Candeloro/Mami is the outlier there, with her Wish influencing the Grief mechanics into dumping her memories into her inner barrier.
Mainly because it could be argued that Charlotte has manifestations of her past too, in the form of sweets, that manifest in her outer barrier. Sweets were neither important for her wish (her obsession with cheese), nor associated with the place she despaired in (the hospital equipment and Polinas), but going by her Magia Record backstory she occasionally visited a sweets shop.
And Ashy still remembers her magical life, but everything ordinary about herself is missing... or perhaps just outside the door.
One of the things to remember is that we're not sure if Ashtaroth is the girl who witched out now somehow in control of her witch, or if, for whatever reason, she merely *thinks* that she's the currently unnamed Magical girl who suffered a bad case of despair. Though given that she doesn't remember anything before contracting, I'd reckon the latter is more probable.

Either way, this might make any comparisons between Ashy and Candeloro a little more inaccurate because however it came to be Ashtaroth's unusually sane-ish state doesn't seem to be the norm for a witch, and with no real idea of why that's the case beyond a few general guesses we can't really make a valid comparison between the two.

That said, I'd reckon that Candeloro does remember some of her life. Between those pictures and some of her interactions with Sayaka and Tira, it's frankly undeniable.

I think Candeloro/Mami is the outlier there, with her Wish influencing the Grief mechanics into dumping her memories into her inner barrier.
Very plausible: Firstly, Mami has spent a longer than usual time as a Magical girl (IIRC and the multi-year veteran thing isn't just fanon) which may have resulted in Candeloro having more memories to hold on to. Secondly, her wish was something to do with staying attached to life and aren't your memories a key part of your life? Wishes can be a bit funny with alternate meanings like that.
One of the things to remember is that we're not sure if Ashtaroth is the girl who witched out now somehow in control of her witch, or if, for whatever reason, she merely *thinks* that she's the currently unnamed Magical girl who suffered a bad case of despair. Though given that she doesn't remember anything before contracting, I'd reckon the latter is more probable.
Until we have something that disproves it, my opinion of Ashtaroth being the MG is the same as Tira's assesment to Candeloro being Mami*: "No, I do not think so. But she is what is left of her... And that will have to be enough."

* note that what we don't know if any of Candeloro's memories of Mami are from a time prior of Mami becoming a Magical Girl, much like we have confirmed with Ashtaroth so far

Ashys inner barrier, place where the witch, the most magical part of the barrier, the former magical girl herself lives, is entirely empty.

The outer barrier is flooded with what appears to be past memories and dreams, especially when one remembers her lucid dreaming thing from the first iteration.
I think, when talking about the meaning of the empty inner barrier, it should be considered how it's complemented with Set the Scene (whose illusions not only cost much less to use inside it, but also is used to make it look however Ashtaroth wants--not empty).

Now what does that mean, when taken in context as a set?

I think an idea behind could be Control (or being in control) since it goes well with Dramatis Personae, other random stuff, and how apparently her life prior to becoming a witch "was already pretty much in shambles"** which may have been a considerable element to her breakdown into Ashtaroth***. However, I'm aware this answer is still incomplete because...

**...and I'm guessing that's an understatement
*** If you're pulling the first iteration, I'm sure there how badly out of control her life was was a key factor on her breakdown into Ashtaroth

Also, to the best of my understanding, Barriers are supposed to represent a personal hell to the MG who became the witch: like how Candeloro's had the biggest party but no guests, and Charlotte's had all the sweets she could want except for cheesecake. Maybe Ashtaroth had a wild world to explore (her outer barrier) but she was "designed" to stay in her empty, sterile inner barrier where there's no wonder because it always looks like Ashtaroth wants to, thus no discovery?
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Until we have something that disproves it, I'm going with Tira's assesment to Candeloro being Mami*: "No, I do not think so. But she is what is left of her... And that will have to be enough."

* note that what we don't know if any of Candeloro's memories of Mami are from a time prior of Mami becoming a Magical Girl, much like we have confirmed with Ashtaroth so far.
A perfectly valid point about Candeloro, but I'm not sure I see how that relates to what I was saying about Ashtaroth's situation.
If you mean the red ribbon on the frames, is because they are gifts and precious memories.
The pictures were explicitly gift-wrapped, complete with paper wrapping and ribbons. But then there was another ribbon wrapped around the frame itself. If it was just part of it being a gift, I would expect the ribbons to be limited to the gift-wrapping.