It liiiiiiives!!!

And wow, Candeloro can control Ashtaroth's own limbs? That seems kind of...broken? Like, imagine if Mami encountered a Witch that also had ribbon control; she'd be completely fucking defenseless without even the slightest chance of resistance.

Can't Ashtaroth just exert her power a bit more and forcibly regain control of her limbs? It's her own body, after all.
[X] Distract Candeloro to hopefully get control of your limbs back, then...
-[X] ...use some of Sayaka's music platforms to box the familiar in, then grab it and present it to Candeloro.

Candeloro looks up at the words, momentarily ceasing her movement. Just as you're about to construct a Japanese version of the message as well, she tilts her head, hovers another couple of feet upwards... and slowly raises her left ribbon.

...followed shortly thereafter by her right ribbon, whereupon they split and lash out as roughly ten ribbons. Stretching the entirety of the distance between the two of you in an instant, they strike like snake heads at the familiar perched upon your neck, attempting to grab at it even as the Tira-Maid scampers back down your body like a human-sized ant. Well alright, that's probably a "no" then, huh?!
...she CAN understand. She's just too insane/obsessed to care
[A] Sever the ribbons controlling your arms with some well aimed shatterwords.
-[A] Create a 'barrier' of Shatterwords that circle your body to prevent yourself from being puppeted again.
--[A] Specifically, surround yourself with a variant of the Navy Seals Copypasta:
---[A] "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in as a Magical Girl, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Witches, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Middle School Grade Bracket. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with stringing me around like a puppet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of magical girls across this Barrier and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Every Magical Girl I Subsume and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" tactic was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking ribbons. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. "
[X] Subsume Tami-maid to both save her from the witch and eliminate the object of Candeloro's interest from view.

I'm glad this is still a story you're working on, I was convinced you'd lost interest.
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Just stuff the damn familiar in Novella if she wants out so much. The more Tiras, the better. Maybe we can repeatedly raid Candeloro's barrier to assemble an artist/musician squad, and be henceforth known as the Witch of Arts.
I'm pretty sure familiars don't count as whole independent people for subsumption purposes, they're just a part of their witch.
It's back. Hurra!

She gestures at the ongoing chase — Candeloro seems to be slowly gaining on the Tira-maid, even as the familiar platforms from bridge to bridge and platter to platter in a frantic dance of evasion. The witch's ribbons stretch and lash outwards like enormous tentacles, slicing through the air in increasingly violent-looking sweeps.

<Do you really want to get in the middle of that?> you reply. <Candeloro looks to be all but spitting mad at this point, and I doubt her mood is exactly going to improve when she inevitably notices you two left her cottage for real this time. I still have no idea how much of Tomoe-san is left in her, and I'm sure you want to know that even more than I do now, but I suggest we come back and figure it out later, when she's hopefully calmed down a little.>
This assumes Candeloro doesn't start a search to find her missing guests, instead of calming down.:V

But Tira could also send a few minions to distract Candeloro. Or to kidnap Tira-maid and fly away with her.

Sayaka bites the inside of her lip, but reluctantly nods after a moment, apparently accepting that logic. Tira doesn't respond at all however, seeming almost entranced by the manic pursuit still playing out in front of her.

"She's chasing me..." Tira whispers to herself. "She's... desperate..."
Ouch, I guess she just realized how much her vanishing hurt Mami.

Yes, because while you want the girls to get out of Candeloro's sight, there's pretty much nowhere for them to hide on the expansive network of tea platters and rainbows leading back to land, meaning the witch will almost certainly notice them if her pursuit of her own familiar happens to stray too close while they're still on the move. If you head back over to collect the pair however, rather than making your way back separately like you were going to, you can simply hide both of them in Novella, where Candeloro won't be able to notice or take them back one way or another, then pull them back out of yourself once you get back to your own section of the barrier. Much simpler and tidier to pull off.
Or Tira could make a few birds and fly herself and Sayaka to the "ceiling" of the Barrier before moving back towards Ashys Labyrinth. It's unlikely that Candeloro would look up while she is chasing Tira-maid.

...but not to explain in just a few seconds, and the idea seems fairly obvious anyways, so you stick to just relaying the relevant information.

<Exactly.> you reply. <Hang on, I'm coming over.>
"Obvious", huh? She's still horrible at taking other people's perspectives into account. Well, for a given value of "other" in this case.

Evidently thinking the same thing, the Tira-maid suddenly changes tactics. Pulling out a penbrush from somewhere on its person, it begins quickly and repeatedly stabbing the air in front of it, each rapid motion sending a blob of jet-black ink flying forward at Candeloro.
I wonder if Ashy could get that trick by subsuming Tira-maid, assuming she doesn't already have it from Tira. She didn't get anything from subsuming other Familiars but Tira-maid seems to be similar to Shemesh in her intelligence, so maybe?

And that's when everything goes wrong.

You're barely 100 feet out from the cottage when the Tira-maid somehow manages to knock over the giant teacup at the center of the platter it's currently on. The subsequent small flood of shimmering amber liquid washes over Candeloro and actually knocks her out of her hover for a few seconds, allowing the familiar the time to do a complete about-face... and through Sayaka and Tira, you see its eyeless gaze settle directly on you.
I wonder why the Familiar reacts to Ashy but not to Sayaka or Tira. Maybe because of Charlotte's role in Mami's death? In that case, Tira-maid would try to get eaten by Ashy...

In the opportunity created by your distraction and subsequent lack of concerted resistance, the familiar rapidly ascends the remainder of your stalk. It plants itself just behind the center of your vision, leaving you unable to see it directly anymore — but through Sayaka and Tira's eyes (both of them now peeking out from behind the cottage's roof, it being the only real place to "hide" on the tiny island), you see the Tira-maid tilt its head down at Candeloro, its frown curling up into a small smile.

Son of a... the familiar is using you as a shield. You're nothing but a distraction; a literal living obstacle to keep Candeloro from getting at it. Damn it all, you're sick of getting forced into fights that you deliberately didn't pick!
I suspect there is more going on than just Ashy being used as a shield. Otherwise, the smile wouldn't make sense, the Familiar is still in danger.
Maybe a mix of how Tira "died" because of a Witch, and Mamis feeling of being abandoned by Tira for someone "other"?

Candeloro looks up at the words, momentarily ceasing her movement. Just as you're about to construct a Japanese version of the message as well, she tilts her head, hovers another couple of feet upwards... and slowly raises her left ribbon.
She understands Ashy!

...followed shortly thereafter by her right ribbon, whereupon they split and lash out as roughly ten ribbons. Stretching the entirety of the distance between the two of you in an instant, they strike like snake heads at the familiar perched upon your neck, attempting to grab at it even as the Tira-Maid scampers back down your body like a human-sized ant. Well alright, that's probably a "no" then, huh?!
But doesn't cares about Ashy and is more focused on getting her maid back.:V

<Um, okay, so apparently Candeloro isn't limited to controlling just her own ribbons!> you broadcast, shoving your shatterwords to the very edge of your radius as you try and fail to regain some control over your own limbs. <If you can't tell, I am currently being dragged around by my own arms!>
I hope this is limited to "magical" ribbons, otherwise Ashy could power her up with ribbons from outside the Barrier until we can get rid of all attacking magical girls by pointing them at Candeloro. Simply put up a few signs that point at her cottage, maybe kidnap a few of her Familiars, and drop them in the Outer Layer of Ashys Labyrinth.

[X] Just shove yourself far enough into Tomb that your ribbon arms don't stick out anymore. If they aren't there, she can't control them.
This is a good idea, but it should be Tome instead of Tomb.
[X] Just shove yourself far enough into Tome that your ribbon arms don't stick out anymore. If they aren't there, she can't control them.

Another thing Ashy could do is spin until Tira-maid gets shaken off. Candeloro controls Ashys ribbons but not her books, so she should be able to spin or simply fly away.

[X] Spin to win.

Just stuff the damn familiar in Novella if she wants out so much. The more Tiras, the better. Maybe we can repeatedly raid Candeloro's barrier to assemble an artist/musician squad, and be henceforth known as the Witch of Arts.
I'm pretty sure familiars don't count as whole independent people for subsumption purposes, they're just a part of their witch.
Tira-maid seems to be special, similar to Shemesh so who knows what Ashy could get from that. I'm more worried about how that situation is very similar to how Tira "died" and caused Mami to despair. It looks to me like a quick way to get a murderous Candeloro.
I can't find it in the previous chapter, but didn't the escaping familiars look beaten up? It seems iffy to hand them back to be "disciplined." If not, I feel like their familiar-duty might be for Philippe to chase and catch them, thereby actively not losing her friends. Maybe try to catch the Tira-maid and try for peace in our time?

If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure the maids are not abused-looking, it wouldn't really fit what they represent for Mami's witch. The fact that Candeloro's maids dislike her and always want to get away from her, represent Mami's thoughts that, no matter what she does, her friends will come to dislike her and want to leave her, like Kyouko and Tira. Them disliking her isn't always true, but it's likely that Mami thinks that they do, so it's projected into the maids feelings for Candeloro. I think Tira has picked up on this connection, and that's why she's been sitting around kinda shell-shocked this update.
[x] Invite everyone to the inaugural meeting of The Sweets Appreciation Club at Charlotte's barrier.

[x] spin to win
I am not convinced that Ashtaroth is fast enough to generate the centrifugal force necessary to dislodge a snowman, far less a determined familiar. It might be an interesting experiment in: whether Candeloro has finite ribbon-length, whether Candeloro can escape from her own ribbons being tangled around another witch, and whether Ashtaroth can vomit.

[x] long drop with a sudden stop
Falling from a great height and meeting with the unforgiving earth might dislodge and stun the familiar?
Yeah this was my first thought

[X] Just shove yourself far enough into Tome that your ribbon arms don't stick out anymore. If they aren't there, she can't control them.

Followed by just subsume the familiar. Maybe try dragging windmill witch out before trying to subsume Candle though, if we can.

Glad to see this get updated!
Subsuming the Tira maid doesn't really solve any problems though. What's going on between her and Candeloro is a them problem to which Ashy has been caught in the middle of. Heck, it's barely dangerous to her right now, more annoying. Subsuming the maid turns it into an Ashy problem, because Candeloro will attack her for eating her maid. Plus we don't know if we can pull familiars out of Novella, so it could easily be an all for nothing move.

Now it there is a good chance this will devolve into a fight no matter what. Candeloro might get tired of having Ashtaroth in the way and try to eliminate her. The maid might get stabby, thinking she can piss Ashtaroth off enough to start fighting for real, and since Candeloro still wants the maid alive she'll start fighting to keep Ashtaroth off her. And Ashy could get pissed enough on her own to say enough is enough and attack them both. Which might work best for her, because she's got two magical girls waiting in the wings as backup. And hey, Candeloro not being around means we've got some maids hanging around we can try putting to work.
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Oh hey, update! ... Glad too see this back!
First, it's back! Yay!
Oh hey, an alert for a post from Flairina. That was fast, the last big response post in ABG was two hours ag—ohhhh it's Subsumption! Woo!
Good to see another Subsumption update.

Yes, it does live, it is back, and I really am sorry about letting anyone think otherwise - I've been stressing myself out for the past three months desperately trying to shove this update out the door, and just completely failing at it. While ABG has proved to be significantly more popular, I still have WAY too much planned for this fic to let it stop here, so I'll do my best to get the next update out on the expected bi-weekly schedule. No promises I'm afraid, but do know that out of all my fics, this is the one you should LEAST expect to ever fully die. :)

I'm glad this is still a story you're working on, I was convinced you'd lost interest.

Rarely do I actually "lose interest" in continuing one of my fics - what usually happens is that I suddenly have a new fic/story idea, and then get pulled away from what I was working on into working on that instead, and just never get back to it until like a year later. It's what happened with TTTCT when I started Stand-in, what happened with Stand-in when I started this, and what happened to this when I started ABG. I do try to jump around, but that tends to work less often than not... I've really got to stop trying to multitask. if I just finished one chapter for one story, and then moved on to another chapter for another story, instead of trying to write both of them simultaneously as the mood strikes me, I think I'd get things done a lot quicker. It's a tough habit for me to break, for some reason.

I don't think I've ever told anyone this, but because I read Madoka fanfiction before seeing any of the visual material, I always picture Charlotte as a Mimikyu. Always. No exception.

That is... honestly rather fitting. Though, what that brings to mind for me is a Mimikyu attempting to disguise itself as Charlotte, and then being both sad and confused when no one seems to think it's cute/adorable/etc, and instead just runs in the other direction. Poor thing...

Just got caught up.

That was quite interesting.

Thanks, and welcome to the thread! Sorry it's been so inactive as of late; I aim to fix that soon. ^^;

my, what is Candeloro doing to you? It's almost like your nothing more than a puppet... Dancing on strings!

Ashtaroth, quietly dying of embarassment: <...why must that be what I'm best remembered for...?>

Going by a previous conversation of Ashy vs Candeloro in terms of manuverability, she's a bit faster than Ashtaroth, so running away isn't really an option here.

Correct - Ashtaroth is actually faster than she thinks she is, as her size makes up for her low airspeed to some degree, but Candeloro is significantly faster. Imagine the way that small fairies and pixies tend to move in movies or games, and you'll have a pretty decent comparison.

Anyway, boy oh boy this is happening. What an unexpected turn of events. I wonder if that Tira familiar is getting a power/skill boost from the actual Tira technically being a part of the greater Barrier? It seems stronger and smarter then one would expect.

Perhaps... but you should also consider that Candeloro's familiars, being based on specific magical girls (and with access to those girls' weapons), are likely just rather powerful to start with, at least as far as familiars go. Though, this particular one does probably have something of an advantage over others of its kind. ;)

I can't find it in the previous chapter, but didn't the escaping familiars look beaten up? It seems iffy to hand them back to be "disciplined."

No, it doesn't. None of the familiars look abused or hurt, just restricted by their ribbons, which Candeloro can use to control/bind them if need be. The Tira-maid actually lacks these ribbons, as well as the silver platter all of the others are carrying, so she looks significantly less restricted than the other familiars do.

And wow, Candeloro can control Ashtaroth's own limbs? That seems kind of...broken?

You say that, but ribbon manipulation is honestly a pretty darn limited skill, at least in terms of its direct applications against most opponents. Ashtaroth just happens to have a very bad matchup here, being part-ribbon herself.

Like, imagine if Mami encountered a Witch that also had ribbon control; she'd be completely fucking defenseless without even the slightest chance of resistance.

Why do you think so many magical girls die? Eventually, almost everyone runs into a witch they have little to no chance against, simply because they aren't equipped to hurt it properly, or the witch's magic trumps theirs. That's what happens when the monsters you fight may have once been just like you, and have access to similar magic as a result.

Can't Ashtaroth just exert her power a bit more and forcibly regain control of her limbs? It's her own body, after all.

If your limb has been paralyzed by an outside force, and someone else is moving it around for you, can you just "exert more power" and force it to move on your own instead?

[A] Sever the ribbons controlling your arms with some well aimed shatterwords.
-[A] Create a 'barrier' of Shatterwords that circle your body to prevent yourself from being puppeted again.
--[A] Specifically, surround yourself with a variant of the Navy Seals Copypasta:
---[A] "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in as a Magical Girl, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Witches, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire Middle School Grade Bracket. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with stringing me around like a puppet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of magical girls across this Barrier and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Every Magical Girl I Subsume and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" tactic was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking ribbons. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo. "

I have no idea what to say in response to this, but I appreciate the amount of work it must have taken to reformat that copypasta to apply to Ashtaroth. :V

Tira could also send a few minions to distract Candeloro. Or to kidnap Tira-maid and fly away with her.

If she'll just move, perhaps. Sayaka had to all but drag her up onto that cottage roof.

"Obvious", huh? She's still horrible at taking other people's perspectives into account. Well, for a given value of "other" in this case.

I mean, why should one bother explaining their plans to themselves? No real point in that, right? :rolleyes:

I wonder if Ashy could get that trick by subsuming Tira-maid, assuming she doesn't already have it from Tira. She didn't get anything from subsuming other Familiars but Tira-maid seems to be similar to Shemesh in her intelligence, so maybe?

*quietly snickers*

I hope this is limited to "magical" ribbons, otherwise Ashy could power her up with ribbons from outside the Barrier until we can get rid of all attacking magical girls by pointing them at Candeloro. Simply put up a few signs that point at her cottage, maybe kidnap a few of her Familiars, and drop them in the Outer Layer of Ashys Labyrinth.

If Candeloro and Ashtaroth both make it out of this situation intact and unsubsumed, perhaps we'll see.

[X] Just shove yourself far enough into Tome that your ribbon arms don't stick out anymore. If they aren't there, she can't control them.

No comment on whether or not this would work just yet, but the mental image of Ashtaroth with nothing except her "head" poking out of the middle of Tome is highly amusing to me. :lol:

Another thing Ashy could do is spin until Tira-maid gets shaken off. Candeloro controls Ashys ribbons but not her books, so she should be able to spin or simply fly away.

[X] Spin to win.

You aren't wrong, but do keep in mind this has a significant chance of tearing Ashtaroth's arms off if Candeloro's control is stronger than Ashtaroth's ability to create force by spinning.

[x] spin to win
I am not convinced that Ashtaroth is fast enough to generate the centrifugal force necessary to dislodge a snowman, far less a determined familiar. It might be an interesting experiment in: whether Candeloro has finite ribbon-length, whether Candeloro can escape from her own ribbons being tangled around another witch, and whether Ashtaroth can vomit.

Whether or not Candeloro's ribbons have finite length isn't really important in regards to this question, since her control over Ashtaroth's ribbons is mental, not physical - she's not literally taking Ashtaroth's arms in hand and dragging them around, she's just using Ashtaroth's arms like her own arms. Getting her ribbons tangled around Ashtaroth thus would require them getting snagged on a branch or something; otherwise Ashtaroth is just going to end twirling in a circle as Candeloro's ribbons strike all around her.

...though, as for whether or not Ashtaroth can vomit, you already know that answer. She already spit up two of her former meals, remember? :p

Now it there is a good chance this will devolve into a fight no matter what. Candeloro might get tired of having Ashtaroth in the way and try to eliminate her. The maid might get stabby, thinking she can piss Ashtaroth off enough to start fighting for real, and since Candeloro still wants the maid alive she'll start fighting to keep Ashtaroth off her. And Ashy could get pissed enough on her own to say enough is enough and attack them both.

I admittedly cannot deny that there is a significant chance of any or all of these things occurring. ^^;
Well the only option I can think of that is nonviolent is befuddling both of them, somehow
Impromptu dance off maybe?
No promises I'm afraid, but do know that out of all my fics, this is the one you should LEAST expect to ever fully die.
So this quest is like a Grief Seed. Even if it vanishes, it just needs to feast on the despair of its readers to come back later!:V

Perhaps... but you should also consider that Candeloro's familiars, being based on specific magical girls (and with access to those girls' weapons), are likely just rather powerful to start with, at least as far as familiars go. Though, this particular one does probably have something of an advantage over others of its kind. ;)
This sounds like Candeloro physically can't catch Tira-maid because the original successfully escaped, making that defeat/loss an inherent part of the Witch that is Candeloro. So Tira-maid starts her escape, Candeloro tries to catch her and fails, then is depressed about it until a new Tira-maid is made by her Labyrinth and the whole cycle repeats.

... That does sound painful/traumatizing enough for a Witch Labyrinth.:(

Why do you think so many magical girls die? Eventually, almost everyone runs into a witch they have little to no chance against, simply because they aren't equipped to hurt it properly, or the witch's magic trumps theirs. That's what happens when the monsters you fight may have once been just like you, and have access to similar magic as a result.
And then there is Ashy, who subsumes magical girls and makes their magic part of herself. Which makes her exponentially more dangerous over time, because with every subsumed magical girl the chance rises that she can hard counter the next magical girl.

If your limb has been paralyzed by an outside force, and someone else is moving it around for you, can you just "exert more power" and force it to move on your own instead?
Depends on if you are in an anime/manga universe and on how close that universe is too Gurren Lagann.:V

I'm sure there are reasonable explanations for this but I will interpret that as proof that Tira-maid is secretly Shemesh in disguise!:o
I admittedly cannot deny that there is a significant chance of any or all of these things occurring. ^^;
oh you cheeky

Well you know what they say, peace was never an option. The maid is just going to kite Ashtaroth until she's sure Candeloro is distracted, so better to cut the middle man maid and go for the heart of the issue. Plus if petty revenge is required she can just have Sayaka and Tira hunt the maid down while she's busy with the witch.

Oh wait, Candeloro's got her arms and can play 'stop hitting yourself' long as she likes. Better keep her MG crew on hand. Hope they understand the need to beat the stuffing out of Mami so soon after (or a good while before?) the last thrown down. They probably do, Sayaka was already about to spring into action.
No promises I'm afraid, but do know that out of all my fics, this is the one you should LEAST expect to ever fully die. :)

Sounds spooooy.

I do try to jump around, but that tends to work less often than not... I've really got to stop trying to multitask.

I feel you on that one. Hard.

Thanks, and welcome to the thread! Sorry it's been so inactive as of late; I aim to fix that soon. ^^;

This actually my favourite among your stories (here on SV, I have no idea if you habe any hidden under a rock).

Quite funny, considering I have never read the source material.

Seen? Heard?

I have no idea what the source is.

Depends on if you are in an anime/manga universe and on how close that universe is too Gurren Lagann.:V

By the power of friendship I SHALL HEAL MAYOR NERVE DAMAGE!

Anime operating rooms must be weird.
Why do you think so many magical girls die? Eventually, almost everyone runs into a witch they have little to no chance against, simply because they aren't equipped to hurt it properly, or the witch's magic trumps theirs. That's what happens when the monsters you fight may have once been just like you, and have access to similar magic as a result.
Really the only thing making it remotely fair is that the witches are insane and often not really realizing someone's trying to kill them at all....which magical girls starting out as schoolkids with no grounding in strategy or tactics can't really take advantage of well.
You say that, but ribbon manipulation is honestly a pretty darn limited skill, at least in terms of its direct applications against most opponents. Ashtaroth just happens to have a very bad matchup here, being part-ribbon herself.
Ehh, when most opponents are magical girls, in magical girl costumes, then there ought to be a fairly significant proportion of them with a significant vulnerability.
Rarely do I actually "lose interest" in continuing one of my fics - what usually happens is that I suddenly have a new fic/story idea, and then get pulled away from what I was working on into working on that instead, and just never get back to it until like a year later. It's what happened with TTTCT when I started Stand-in, what happened with Stand-in when I started this, and what happened to this when I started ABG. I do try to jump around, but that tends to work less often than not... I've really got to stop trying to multitask. if I just finished one chapter for one story, and then moved on to another chapter for another story, instead of trying to write both of them simultaneously as the mood strikes me, I think I'd get things done a lot quicker. It's a tough habit for me to break, for some reason.
Presumably that Lila thing fits in there somewhere, too.
I mean, why should one bother explaining their plans to themselves? No real point in that, right? :rolleyes:
It feels weird to me how long the story has gone - in both versions - without putting any more spotlight on how Ashtaroth's witch transformation affects her mindset beyond the overt level of "witch-mentality interrupts". It's easy to completely miss that aspect of Ashtaroth's character.
If Candeloro and Ashtaroth both make it out of this situation intact and unsubsumed, perhaps we'll see.
I wonder what would happen if Ashtaroth actually tried to subsume herself.