...or perhaps whether or not subsumed people would still qualify under Sayaka's power at all, in that scenario.
Yeah, this sentence just makes me think that Sayaka and Tira (And anyone we subsubsume for that matter) *ARE* actually dead, and the ones we grabbed out of Novella are just globs of our grief that think they're the girls and act like them consequently.

Side note: have we actually figured out Ashy's wish yet? I know there was the 'You were meant to change the world' thing Back when Sayaka nearly killed us, but I'm not convinced that wasn't just Ashy's egocentric nature acting up.
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You know what kinda funny puella can mean female slave and zombies where originally a metaphor for slavery so sayaka calling herself a zombie is not inaccurate
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How is this any different to them being "alive"?
It is mostly an academic difference, I admit. But if they are just a glob of our grief-stuff pretending to be a person, then the odds of us ever successfully 'un-subsuming' them is pretty low, they'll probably show up as a familiar to any magical girls nearby, and it raises a few of the age-old moral dilemmas about cloning.

That middle one could cause us more than a few problems down the line if we ever figure out how to extend the range those two can wander away from us outside the barrier.
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It is mostly an academic difference, I admit. But if they are just a glob of our grief-stuff pretending to be a person, then the odds of us ever successfully
'un-subsuming' them is pretty low, they'll probably show up as a familiar to any magical girls nearby, and it raises a few of the age-old moral dilemmas about cloning.
I don't think they are simply blobs of Grief like Familiars are; otherwise, there would be no reason for there to be a limit on how many Sayakas and Tiras could be made. And there would be the possibility that they turn into copies of Ashy.

I think their souls got dropped into the mix of soul and Grief that is Ashy, lost some parts that then got replaced with Grief, and then reconnected with their bodies once Ashy spit them out.
They probably feel to other magical girls like someone who got a Witchkiss, rather than a Familiar. I mean, if it was something obvious like being a Familiar then Mami and Tira should have sensed that about Sayaka.
What's with the conjecture on how they feel magically? We know how they feel.
Mami frowns, then seems to concentrate on Sayaka for a brief moment, before her eyes widen.

"You're right, something is clearly wrong... I can tell that you've contracted, but your magic does not feel normal at all."

...um, what does that mean? Yes, Sayaka's magic probably isn't normal after being bonded with you, but how can she possibly tell?

"In fact," Mami continues, "it almost feels as though something is…"

She pauses, her neck slowly turning to her right. Her gaze passes over Hitomi's head, landing almost exactly where your barrier is currently posted… and not moving away. Wait, can she seriously tell where you are from all the way over there?!

"…so the witch is here." Mami says, her tone now low and serious.
Apparently they don't feel like familiars, because if they did then Mami would've just blasted Sayaka then and there. It seems to mostly register as 'weird', with a side of being able to follow the magical connection back to Ash. They have to be looking to notice it too, whatever it is isn't naturally attention drawing. Which matchs up with what happened with Hirako, who didn't notice anything was off about Sayaka until she used her eye trick.
What's with the conjecture on how they feel magically? We know how they feel.
*Quotes earlier chapter with pertinent information to prior conjecture*
Evidently it's because we forget about that part, oops.

Okay; so we know that a Magical girl can possibly backtrack our connection with those two, though that could just be a 'Mami thing', she seems to be much more perceptive about magical things than most of her peers, whether that's experience or a quirk of her wish I cannot say.

Nonetheless, if we assume that any Magi could locate us like that then we'll need to be careful not to let them attract too much attention should we ever decide to send them out of the barrier, lest they end up accidently handing out directions to our barrier to anyone who knows how to look.

That also suggests that there is enough of their 'Soul-stuff' in them to pass as a normal magical girl at a glance so like @karmaoa suggests they're clearly not just pure grief. Still seems to imply that their soul has been 'diluted' a tad with our grief though, which doesn't bode particularly well for them.
Okay; so we know that a Magical girl can possibly backtrack our connection with those two, though that could just be a 'Mami thing', she seems to be much more perceptive about magical things than most of her peers, whether that's experience or a quirk of her wish I cannot say.
It's probably a Mami thing. Tira could sense Ashy's Barrier but asked about the connection between Ashy and Sayaka instead of... sensing? it.
Maybe it's because her Wish was about connections? The ribbon theme would play into that.

That also suggests that there is enough of their 'Soul-stuff' in them to pass as a normal magical girl at a glance so like @karmaoa suggests they're clearly not just pure grief. Still seems to imply that their soul has been 'diluted' a tad with our grief though, which doesn't bode particularly well for them.
I mean, it would have been fun because if they consist only of Grief we could have gotten an army of Sayaka's and Tira's, without any time loops.

Anyway, I think Sayaka and Tira could still be freed. Mainly because I think they are similar to Kazumi, just with less Grief inside of them. I think Witches, Sayaka, Tira, and Kazumi are all made out of Grief, with "shards" of their souls floating inside of the Grief. The difference is the amount of Grief to soul that makes them up, with Witches having much more Grief than soul, Kazumi having something like an equal amount of Grief too soul(causing her human appearance until she absorbed more Grief), and Sayaka and Tira having more soul than Grief.

That would mean we still need a Wish to free them, though.
Maybe it's because her Wish was about connections? The ribbon theme would play into that.
If I recall correctly, Mami's wish was to live after the car wreak that killed her parents almost killed her. To that end, pretty sure any magical girl with a solid grasp on the fundamentals of magic could sense the connection. The trick is knowing to look for it.
If I recall correctly, Mami's wish was to live after the car wreak that killed her parents almost killed her. To that end, pretty sure any magical girl with a solid grasp on the fundamentals of magic could sense the connection. The trick is knowing to look for it.
Yes, but phrased as being "connected to life", or something of that sort. Maybe "tied". Not sure, but it was definitely a weird phrasing that seems to have been pretty blatantly "this wording retroactively explains why her magic is ribbons".
Yes, but phrased as being "connected to life", or something of that sort. Maybe "tied". Not sure, but it was definitely a weird phrasing that seems to have been pretty blatantly "this wording retroactively explains why her magic is ribbons".
It could be to 'connect to life' as an interview with the good Urobuchi says, and the kind of injuries you pick up in a car crash (especially when not wearing a seat belt as some believe she wasn't) could plausibly make you phrase things unusually, or maybe there's a cultural component in there that makes it a less weird phrasing in Japanese.

I also seem recall someone in a different thread proposing a decent theory that her wish was to not die alone based on how the only times she seems to 'die alone' (Without friends nearby) in official media are by her own hand (presumably rejecting her wish in the process), but the aforementioned interview seems to suggest otherwise.
I can see something like "I wish to stay tethered to life" which still has the connection implications and also references ribbons a bit more directly than saying "connect" would. Would that work?
There is also the question of intent versus wording. If she were heavily feeling loss at the time, be it from other people in the vehicle, or moving away from people, or never seeing them again, or abandoning them when they need her, or what have you, then that could potentially add a strong "I don't want to die, and by die I mean be separated from those I am attached to" theme even if the phrasing didn't specify anything of the sort.
Omake: By A Hair's Breadth, Part 2 — Mo' Mikis' Mo' Problems
Well, all this talk of Mami dying and the circumstances of her contracting are a mite depressing.

Sudden tone change anyone?
Quoth the Shenron; "Your wish has been granted!"
By A Hair's Breadth, Part 2
(Mo' Mikis' Mo' Problems)

Barriers were interesting things.

Some seemed almost like you'd stepped into a kid's cartoon. Others, more like horrific fever dreams, the kind that only madmen could ever conceive of. And some, like this one, managed to retain that eldritch, inherently wrong quality, while simultaneously seeming utterly serene and peaceful.

A small part of the girl wanted to simply lie down in the nearby grass, stare up into the bizarre aquamarine sky, and let time slowly pass her by. She could sit back and puzzle out the winding sky-roads, following their paths backwards to portals they emerged from and idly observing how they wound about each other.

...she ruthlessly stamped that part of herself out, just as she had so very many others. Whether idyllic paradises or demented Lovecraftian nightmares, barriers were all made of the same loathsome ingredients: the pain and suffering endured by a magical girl made material, given shape by the warped monsters they were all fated to become. Relaxing in such a place was not an option.

Her eyes swept across the familiar fields of papery grass, noting the numerous patches where something had clearly thinned the foliage, as well as the swarm of familiars that looked to be tending to it, carefully pruning back and evening out the greenery's ragged stems. Evidently, this particular witch had fought a truly titanic battle before she'd managed to find it.

All the better that it had evidently survived. Now, after all, she could kill it herself.

Homura growled under her breath, her hatred for this particular witch visibly blazing in her amethyst eyes. An outside observer may have noted that her fury-filled expression stood in notable contrast to the tidy, tightly bound pair of braids hanging down over her back.

The book witch would pay for what it had done to her hair.

...and for what it had done Mami.

...and to that other girl that was also with Mami.

Homura sighed. And to Miki as well, she supposed.

With her resolve set, Homura strode forth to meet the witch that had wronged her so. With malice and disdain burning in her heart, she intended nothing less than to put this "tortured soul" to the torch.

Her journey through the barrier went entirely unimpeded, largely due to Homura choosing to take the trip in grayscale. She paused only long to leave a few rather volatile presents for any of the frozen familiars unfortunate enough to be in or around her path, and soon stood before the portal to the barrier's innermost layer, where she slowly removed a rocket launcher from her shield.

Homura smiled thinly. Done in time-stop, the witch would likely be dead before it even realized it was being attacked. This would be short... but she planned on savoring every moment.

Her confidence in the protection of her time-stop absolute, Homura strode inside, memories of innumerable loops and uncountable battles making her all but certain the witch could not possibly surprise her again.

...until she saw what currently resided within the witch's inner sanctum, the mere sight of which shocked and horrified her right out of her time-stop.

"Fancy seeing you again, transfer student. What's with the braids?"

The mind-numbing greeting echoed out as if from a thousand different directions, and for the first time in many months, Homura felt fear.

---Just a bit earlier---

"So, talk me through this again. What exactly is the plan here? And why exactly do you think that it'll work this time?"

The vile force of purest darkness groaned to itself, sparing two of its ribbons to the task of massaging its non-existent temples in exasperation.

<This is the fifth time! What exactly about what I've been saying to you was unclear?>

"Look, I was having a hard time paying attention, alright? That flying hand thing-"

<It's called a Faas.>

"Yeah, whatever, that 'Faas' kept making rude gestures at me! You try listening to someone when there's a disembodied hand constantly giving you the finger in the sides of your vision!"

<I saw it too, you realize, and I did tell you not to walk through its flowerbed. They get touchy about that.>

"Fine, I get it, don't step on the flowers; I'll be sure to keep that in mind from now on. Now you will you please just tell me what we're doing?"

With a deep and long-suffering telepathic sigh, the witch turned to her more attentive subordinate.

<It's clearly not getting through coming from me, so Tira, would you mind?>

"Not at all." the girl replied with a nod, leaving Ashtaroth to sit back and hang her faux-head in frustration.

"To put things simply, Ashtaroth-san believes she has a new idea of how to unsubsume you." Tira began. "She has found a spot that is extremely rich in magic, and parked the barrier on top of it. Once she has absorbed enough of the ambient despair-"

"Wait, what?" the bluenette interrupted. "I thought you just said it was magic?"

"Ashtaroth-san is a witch. Grief and despair are essentially synonymous with magic when it comes to her." Tira explained. "As I was saying, once she has as much power as she is able to possibly contain, she is going to put you back inside of her book, then extract you again with as much 'force' as she is able to manage."

"No, see, that part I heard." Sayaka noted. "I just don't get how that's any different from what she did before. We already did that on the same night she ate me to begin with."

<For the last time, subsumption is NOT the same thing as eating you!>

Tira cleared her throat. "While I was not present at the time, I do not believe it is exactly the same. The idea, so far as I understand it, is that if Ashtaroth-san is overflowing with grief at the same time that she does this, the excess may be forced out of her upon attempting to extract you, potentially 'expelling' your soul in the process. Does that make sense?"

"So, it's like she's going to drink soda until she pukes, in the hope that she'll puke me up with it?"

"...a crude, but not entirely inaccurate analogy." Tira conceded.

"Huh... well, worth a shot I guess." Sayaka shrugged. "So, when are we doing this?"

A giant ribbon-arm wrapped around the inattentive magi's midriff, gripping her securely as it lifted her high into the air.

<Right now.> the witch decreed, before shoving the source of her headache back into Novella.

For a few moments there was silence as Ashtaroth swelled in size again, shooting upwards like the tree she appeared to be upon reabsorbing Sayaka. Tira, having not witnessed this before, simply squinted up at the display.

"Well, that was an unusual sight. Do you always do that when-"

<When I subsume something?> Ashtaroth asked. <If it's powerful enough, yes. You might want to give me some space by the way, I'm not entirely sure what will happen when I do this.>

"Understood." Tira replied, politely hurrying off into the distance and setting to work with her penbrush.

<Wait, what are you- are you making a bunker?> Ashtaroth asked, watching as Tira literally began painting the structure into existence.

"You said that you are uncertain of what might happen, so making a shelter only seems prudent." Tira replied, completing her finishing touches. "May I ask where you are drawing the power for this experiment, by the way?"

<I parked the barrier in a college exam hall.>

"...ah, I see." the top-hatted girl nodded, ducking into the safety of her impromptu fortress. "I am ready when you are."

Ashtaroth nodded. <Let's do this.>


It was like a scene from her most horrific nightmares.

"Hello? Earth to transfer student?"

...no, it was worse. Worse than anything she could ever have possibly imagined. What Homura was currently surrounded by would haunt her for the rest of her life and beyond.

Sayaka on her own was trouble enough for any timeline. This... this was...

"No..." the time-traveler whispered, frantically denying the unspeakably terrible sight before her. "This can't be real. It has to be an illusion."

A thousand identical Sayakas grinned back at her.

"Wanna bet on that?" the seemingly unending horde of blue replied, their faces one-and-all plastered with an identical smirk.

A deafening click echoed through the white, Miki-infested void.

"Nope!" the normally stoic girl declared, all traces of composure having been replaced by complete and total panic. "I'm out! Have fun!"

With a full rotation of her shield, the world once more began to twist, warping and twisting in on itself before unfurling into a new reality.


<...well, she sent us back to Sengeitsu again> Ashtaroth grumbled a minute or so later.

"So, another boring day's travel back to Mitakihara then?" the Miki chorus groaned in perfect, deafening harmony.

<Could we put some, if not all but one of them away, perhaps?> Tira inquired over telepathy, still sequestered away in her bunker. <I am uncertain just how sane we shall still be upon arrival if we are forced to spend the rest of day with this many bored Sayakas, nor of what state the barrier may be in by that point->

Once more, the Canvas abruptly tore open to reveal a most unwelcome guest.

"Heh, just right out in the-" the intruder started to say before stopping dead, utterly unprepared for the sight that awaited her.

"…what did I just walk into?" Hirako said, mouth agape as the entire mob of Sayakas turned to face her as one unified body.

"Well hi there, Harpoon Girl."

"Uh... um..." Hirako stuttered. "...you know what, never mind, I'll just get going-"

<Sayakas!> Ashtaroth mentally yelled to her unending army of minions, dramatically pointing one of her ribbons at the invading magical girl. <Attack!>

With an ear-splitting war cry, the tide of blue surged forth.

Hirako didn't make it very far.

Magical Girls Homura Akemi and Hirako Hamahashi Defeated!
420 Xp gained.

You acquired:
Error in Subsumption.OS: [MikiS.StackOverflowError]
>2^15?x Sayaka Miki(s)
1x Pirate Girl (Thoroughly dogpiled condition)

You lost:
Any remaining hope of retaining your sanity.

*Many thanks to our favourite Faux-QM for some much-valued Beta'ing.
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Quoth the Shenron; "Your wish has been granted!"
Well, at least it wasn't Kyubey?

Some seemed almost like you'd stepped into a kid's cartoon. Others, more like horrific fever dreams, the kind that only madmen could ever conceive of. And some, like this one, managed to retain that eldritch, inherently wrong quality, while simultaneously seeming utterly serene and peaceful.
I think Ashy's Barrier could fit all of these descriptions. Candeloro's Labyrinth is cartoonish, Charlotte's is a nightmarish hospital dream, and Saar's hill of tulips is very peaceful.

Her eyes swept across the familiar fields of papery grass, noting the numerous patches where something had clearly thinned the foliage, as well as the swarm of familiars that looked to be tending to it, carefully pruning back and evening out the greenery's ragged stems. Evidently, this particular witch had fought a truly titanic battle before she'd managed to find it.
Uh, Homura arrived shortly after the fight with Mami and Tira so it's not like much changed since then. Maybe she was too busy fighting Ashy during her first visit to pay much attention to her surroundings?

Her journey through the barrier went entirely unimpeded, largely due to Homura choosing to take the trip in grayscale. She paused only long to leave a few rather volatile presents for any of the frozen familiars unfortunate enough to be in or around her path, and soon stood before the portal to the barrier's innermost layer, where she slowly removed a rocket launcher from her shield.
I'm surprised she didn't go for a flamethrower. Depending on how it would interact with her time stop it could be more effective and allow her to put Ash literally to the torch!

<I saw it too, you realize, and I did tell you not to walk through its flowerbed. They get touchy about that.>

"Fine, I get it, don't step on the flowers; I'll be sure to keep that in mind from now on. Now you will you please just tell me what we're doing?"
She can create literally, magical platforms but she still walks through flowerbeds. Either she doesn't care or didn't pay attention.

<For the last time, subsumption is NOT the same thing as eating you!>
Otherwise, Ashy could tell you how you taste! Sadly, Ashy's only way to taste things is through Sayaka or Tira.

<Wait, what are you- are you making a bunker?> Ashtaroth asked, watching as Tira literally began painting the structure into existence.
Could she do that? I mean, Forgery makes three-dimensional copies of other works of art. If there is a painting of a bunker...
It makes me curious about how Forgery interacts with more exotic forms of painting like sandpainting or lightpainting.

...no, it was worse. Worse than anything she could ever have possibly imagined. What Homura was currently surrounded by would haunt her for the rest of her life and beyond.
... Now I wonder how Rebellion would have gone if Homulilly was traumatized by Sayaka.

<Could we put some, if not all but one of them away, perhaps?> Tira inquired over telepathy, still sequestered away in her bunker. <I am uncertain just how sane we shall still be upon arrival if we are forced to spend the rest of day with this many bored Sayakas, nor of what state the barrier may be in by that point->
They could also get something for entertainment from Sengeitsu before they start traveling to Kazamino. A bookstore for some mangas, a sports shop for some balls or other equipment, maybe a tv or a sound system.

Magical Girls Homura Akemi and Hirako Hamahashi Defeated!
420 Xp gained.
I guess Homura running away counts as a moral victory.

You lost:
Any remaining hope of retaining your sanity.
Meh, she is a Witch anyway.

All in all 9/10. Not enough synchronized hair flicking, especially with how By A Hair's Breadth Part 1 ended.
Uh, Homura arrived shortly after the fight with Mami and Tira so it's not like much changed since then. Maybe she was too busy fighting Ashy during her first visit to pay much attention to her surroundings?
Well, Homura knows that her time-looping will more or less reset everything, including witches barriers. Mix that with the Faa's having done a bit of landscaping since, which ultimately resulted in her mistaking it for the aftermath of a different battle.
They could also get something for entertainment from Sengeitsu before they start traveling to Kazamino. A bookstore for some mangas, a sports shop for some balls or other equipment, maybe a tv or a sound system.
Mayhaps they could, but there really are a lot of Sayaka's running around. I slightly doubt that Ashy and Co. have the cash for that.
Not enough synchronized hair flicking
...Drat. I knew I'd forgotten something.
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Mayhaps they could, but there really are a lot of Sayaka's running around. I slightly doubt that Ashy and Co. have the cash for that.
They don't need money. It's a matter of life or death! Unimaginable the chaos that a dozen bored Sayaka's could cause, not to mention a thousand!:V

...Drat. I knew I'd forgotten something.
I honestly expected that to be what caused Homura to break. She expects it can't get worse, that nothing could surpass this, her hand is already inching towards her shield and then...

A thousand Sayaka's simultaneously flicking their hair, fabulously!
[X] Sit tight and wait until this is finished. Whatever is going on right now doesn't actually have anything to do with you, so you probably shouldn't interfere. You can conduct your business with the other witch after she's finished with her own.

This EDIT: not a quest is quite fascinating! I found it via the "it should not be this hard to not eat people" tag, and I've binged the entire thing over a day. Turns out being an assimilation monster in the Madokaverse is fun, at least when HomuHomu isn't after you.
I don't have a clear psychological profile of Candeloro yet, but it seems she has leftover memories of Mami, and really doesn't want to let go of said memories.

Perhaps the Tira familiar is mutinous because Candy/Mami remembers Tira being somewhat rebellious?

I wonder if we'll see that "Skull witch" Tira has mentioned before.

Ashy getting caught in Napalm's timetravel was certainly unexpected. Interesting development, though I hope this doesn't escalate to too many timey-wimey shenanigans.

I wonder if we'll ever be able to directly use the powers of subsumed Meguka, or if we'll always be stuck using them as proxies.

One of these days we'll beat Napalm-chan. One of these DAYS!
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[X] Sit tight and wait until this is finished. Whatever is going on right now doesn't actually have anything to do with you, so you probably shouldn't interfere. You can conduct your business with the other witch after she's finished with her own.

This quest is quite fascinating! I found it via the "it should not be this hard to not eat people" tag, and I've binged the entire thing over a day. Turns out being an assimilation monster in the Madokaverse is fun, at least when HomuHomu isn't after you.
I don't have a clear psychological profile of Candeloro yet, but it seems she has leftover memories of Mami, and really doesn't want to let go of said memories.

Perhaps the Tira familiar is mutinous because Candy/Mami remembers Tira being somewhat rebellious?

I wonder if we'll see that "Skull witch" Tira has mentioned before.

Ashy getting caught in Napalm's timetravel was certainly unexpected. Interesting development, though I hope this doesn't escalate to too many timey-wimey shenanigans.

I wonder if we'll ever be able to directly use the powers of subsumed Meguka, or if we'll always be stuck using them as proxies.

One of these days we'll beat Napalm-chan. One of these DAYS!
Looks like you're coming from the Mawile SI. Please be aware that this is not actually a quest - it's just formatted like one. This has been a continuous source of confusion since the start of the original version of the story. Feel free to vote, but the story direction isn't bound by votes.
Looks like you're coming from the Mawile SI. Please be aware that this is not actually a quest - it's just formatted like one. This has been a continuous source of confusion since the start of the original version of the story. Feel free to vote, but the story direction isn't bound by votes.
Ah, right. My bad. Edited.

I was getting tired after binging the thread so I guess that's why I messed that up.
Since the story is being posted again I have a question on PMMM lore in a certain specific detail on soul gems: is the soul gem the soul itself, or is it only the container of the soul?

I was thinking in how Ashtaroth could perceive Sayaka's soul generating grief for her, and I was thinking if Sayaka's soul was in a gem ot free inside Ashtaroth, or what. In particular, I was imagining the scenario of succeding removing Sayaka's soul from Ashtaroth but without the gem* and I was wondering if that was possible.

* yes, that'd cause the soul to dissippate and Sayaka would die; no, I don't want it happening
is the soul gem the soul itself, or is it only the container of the soul?
(PMMM EP 6 English dub);

"...Your souls are your real bodies. It's placed inside a compact vessel where they're easier to protect and where you can control your magic more efficiently..." - Kyubey, on the topic of soul gems.

From that excerpt I'd reckon we can put soul gems down as a container for souls. Except...

"...I take a person's soul from their body and turn it into a soul gem." - Kyubey, less than a second later.

The little fiend instantly goes on to complicate things by saying it turns souls into soul gems as part of the contracting process, the (subbed) Japanese version seems to say the same thing which doesn't help with that much. So it may be a mix of both options.

If anyone who understands Japanese fancies seeing what they're saying in that version and how it compares, that would be appreciated.

"You bastard!" - Kyoko to Kyubey in response. #MVP
Side note: have we actually figured out Ashy's wish yet? I know there was the 'You were meant to change the world' thing Back when Sayaka nearly killed us, but I'm not convinced that wasn't just Ashy's egocentric nature acting up.

There have been plenty of guesses, but I haven't confirmed (or denied) any of them. And do not presently plan on doing so, unless the topic happens to come up in-story... though even then, it's a maybe.

I think their souls got dropped into the mix of soul and Grief that is Ashy, lost some parts that then got replaced with Grief, and then reconnected with their bodies once Ashy spit them out.

You'll actually probably have a clearer answer on this question soon. Or, well, "soon" chapter-wise at least, though how long exactly that will take me to actually write is anyone's guess.

Evidently it's because we forget about that part, oops.

Can't really blame ya if you did. As noted, I'm not the fastest at writing this, am I? (>.<)

It's probably a Mami thing. Tira could sense Ashy's Barrier but asked about the connection between Ashy and Sayaka instead of... sensing? it.
Maybe it's because her Wish was about connections? The ribbon theme would play into that.

Not just a Mami thing, as all magical girls are able (or at least supposed to be able) to sense other magic as a basic skill. Though, Mami may or may not have an easier time of it as a result of said wish, depending on how it was worded - note that what the wiki states said wish is actually is pretty much just a broad guess.

"Not dying alone" makes most of her deaths perfectly ironic. She risks dying whenever she relaxes in the presence of friends.

Meanwhile, Yachiyo's over in Kamihama with the exact opposite problem... huh. They make better foils for each other than I thought.

By A Hair's Breadth, Part 2
(Mo' Mikis' Mo' Problems)

As I'm sure you already know by now, threadmarked! I think I already thanked you while you were PM-ing me, but just so that it's public: thank you so much for the omake! Knowing someone has enjoyed something I've written enough for this sort of thing always makes my day, and I really, really appreciate it. ☺

(As stated in the AN, I personally helped format and wordsmith this one, so for those who haven't already, please check it out!)

This not a quest is quite fascinating! I found it via the "it should not be this hard to not eat people" tag, and I've binged the entire thing over a day. Turns out being an assimilation monster in the Madokaverse is fun, at least when HomuHomu isn't after you.

Welcome to the thread! Glad you're enjoying it so far. :)

I don't have a clear psychological profile of Candeloro yet, but it seems she has leftover memories of Mami, and really doesn't want to let go of said memories.

If I ever manage to get the next chapter out, this may become slightly clearer... or perhaps not, but it'll at least be more information in some regard.

I wonder if we'll see that "Skull witch" Tira has mentioned before.

If you check out the sidestories tab, you'll find she has been seen, if only in flashback thus far.

Ashy getting caught in Napalm's timetravel was certainly unexpected. Interesting development, though I hope this doesn't escalate to too many timey-wimey shenanigans.

The fic won't become all about them, but the fallout from this looping happening alone will be... well. Heavy.

One of these days we'll beat Napalm-chan. One of these DAYS!

And one of these days perhaps someone will rescue Rochelle from the jaws of deadfic. We can but hope.

Of all the possible ways to come across this story, this is one I'd never imagined I'd actually encounter.

I always knew that tag would one day have a purpose beyond just being a joke! :D

Since the story is being posted again I have a question on PMMM lore in a certain specific detail on soul gems: is the soul gem the soul itself, or is it only the container of the soul?

As @Farseer Sen'Zabl noted, it's a little inconsistent, and hard to truly say without being able to understand the original Japanese. You'll see what my interpretation is eventually, however.

All of that said, my dearest apologies for the lack of updates this month - as previously noted, I started a new story, and have been trying to keep it going for as long as the starting momentum will carry me. I'm fairly terrible at multitasking however, so when I'm writing for one story, my other stories start getting neglected (which is the same reason that Stand-in hasn't updated in so long), and it's hard for me to "switch over" to them while actively focused on the other one. Combine that with a specific event I have planned for the next chapter of this being something I really want to get right, which tends to make me do things like pick over a two paragraph segment for literal days, and it's been really difficult to make myself work on it, even after attempting to dedicate an entire weekend to doing so. I'm afraid I can't actually promise anything, as that never seems to really work out, but I will try to get the next chapter out soon... as I usually do, eheh. ^^;
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