Well. That's… different.

"…what happened to you?" Sayaka asks, sounding slightly dumbfounded.

Did... did we auto-Subsume the other Witches due to throwing time travel into an already unstable mix of interconnected Barrier physics? On one hand, neat, but on the other I'm not sure if there'll be any further complications from how it happened. Not to mention how, unlike Subsuming magical girls, we get traits directly added to us rather than controlling a Witch-puppet. Hope trying to shove too many new concepts in at once didn't do anything bad.

...On a related note: I can't remember ever really trying, but CAN we even un-Subsume a Witch? 'Cause screw Candeloro, but I want Best Roommate back!
"Heh, just right out in the open?" Harpoon Girl says to herself, twirling the weapon in her hand as she looks up at you.

Oh, hey Hirako! Long time no see! I just reread the old thread, so despite how she's acting now I'm still kinda fond of her. Nice to see her aga-
Before either you or Sayaka can react, Hirako spins around and somehow tears the portal to the rest of the barrier back open.

-aaand she's gone. She's gone. Welp, it was nice to see you again! Come again soon!
Her eyes flash a brilliant green for a scant moment.

This is new, however. Maybe some kind of extension from her whole "only hear what's important" shtick?

Thanks for the chapter!
So judging from the fact there weren't two Ashtaroth's, it seems like Ashtaroth replaced her past self in the same way Homura does. I wonder if the same applies to everyone she has subsumed. Did Sayaka, Tira, and Saar all just disappear? That could make for interesting consequences.
I find it curious, however, that Homura seemingly didn't overwrite her prior self in this case if Ashtaroth was accurate in her assessment of Homura being the presence within her barrier retreating and leaving.

Homura jumped back early last timeline, due to an imminent threat to her life. We steamrolled canon almost instantaneously; it was like, what, barely an entire week between Ashteroth's adventure and OOPS EVERYTHING ON FIRE?
That does not address the difference of arrival time, though. Sure, Homura didn't stay long, but she went back... and just didn't go as far back for some reason? I think Ashtaroth did something... strange in partially subsuming Homura right as she reverted. Ashtaroth looks different (suspiciously somewhat reminiscent of Homura herself, at that), Homura began the latest loop in the barrier instead of the standard familiar hospital bed (which itself might have caused a forking of Homuras), and said loop's anchor point seems to be Ashtaroth's beginning as opposed to Homura's; there's definitely something weird going on, though just what is rather the mystery in question in the moment. I think Ashtaroth might have sort of partially usurped Homura, rather than subsume, per se, taken part of the other girl within herself and not so much dominated as merged. If Ashtaroth finds herself even behaving more like Homura, I won't be surprised; Homura may well even bring Ashtaroth along in future reversions as well, as tangled together as they seem to be... which could itself be quite the useful narrative tool, actually. Once Homura finishes panicking over this extreme deviation from intended plans, I wonder what she'll make of it; Ashtaroth is much more receptive to some actual discourse than the average witch, and potentially quite powerful at that, so if she has a tag-along, Homura might try to garner said powerful witch as a cooperating ally, rather than a hostile or simply chaotic element that cannot be escaped. The more I think on it, the more I want to see a many-looped Ashtaroth duking it out with the other mighty witch conglomerate with an army of magical girl minions.
Homura began the latest loop in the barrier instead of the standard familiar hospital bed (which itself might have caused a forking of Homuras)
No, Homura woke up in her hospital bed like normal:
Homura gave her shield a full turn, and agony ripped through her. For a moment all she could do was scream, feeling as though she was being torn apart-

And then she was lying on her back in a hospital bed, staring up at a blurry-looking ceiling.
Ashtaroth was just assuming that Homura was still around, since she wasn't in her Profile entry like she should have been, and panicked when that thing that only hostile magical girls do happened right when she lost track of a hostile magical girl.
If so though, she'd had to have gone straight out of the barrier, because you didn't ever feel a portal open-

As if on cue, you feel just such a portal form on the outside of your barrier,
Your train of thought stutters. Wait. If she teleported you away instead of teleporting herself, then why did you feel your barrier just-

The Canvas rips open with a tremendous shriek of noise, and the last, or at least second-to-last person you might have wanted to see walks in through the newly-made gap.
I've gotta agree with @Cirina on this one. I don't think we started at the same point as Homura did (which means she's got a headstart now), and we just came back to the earliest point that an "Ashtaroth" existed.
[ ] Find a Pay Phone and have Sayaka call Madoka to make sure she's okay.
The power of technology~

-[ ] While she's doing that, Head towards where Mami's labyrinth formed. You're not looking forward to dealing with that issue, but you'll have to do it eventually…
--[ ]Along the way, check and see if the scars of the battle on your Barrier are healing in any sort of way.

-[ ] While Sayaka's on the phone, Track down Charolette to see if she's okay... maybe you can figure out some way to thank her for her help, somehow.
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I find it curious, however, that Homura seemingly didn't overwrite her prior self in this case if Ashtaroth was accurate in her assessment of Homura being the presence within her barrier retreating and leaving.

That does not address the difference of arrival time, though. Sure, Homura didn't stay long, but she went back... and just didn't go as far back for some reason? I think Ashtaroth did something... strange in partially subsuming Homura right as she reverted. Ashtaroth looks different (suspiciously somewhat reminiscent of Homura herself, at that), Homura began the latest loop in the barrier instead of the standard familiar hospital bed (which itself might have caused a forking of Homuras), and said loop's anchor point seems to be Ashtaroth's beginning as opposed to Homura's; there's definitely something weird going on, though just what is rather the mystery in question in the moment. I think Ashtaroth might have sort of partially usurped Homura, rather than subsume, per se, taken part of the other girl within herself and not so much dominated as merged. If Ashtaroth finds herself even behaving more like Homura, I won't be surprised; Homura may well even bring Ashtaroth along in future reversions as well, as tangled together as they seem to be... which could itself be quite the useful narrative tool, actually. Once Homura finishes panicking over this extreme deviation from intended plans, I wonder what she'll make of it; Ashtaroth is much more receptive to some actual discourse than the average witch, and potentially quite powerful at that, so if she has a tag-along, Homura might try to garner said powerful witch as a cooperating ally, rather than a hostile or simply chaotic element that cannot be escaped. The more I think on it, the more I want to see a many-looped Ashtaroth duking it out with the other mighty witch conglomerate with an army of magical girl minions.
I've gotta agree with @Cirina on this one. I don't think we started at the same point as Homura did (which means she's got a headstart now), and we just came back to the earliest point that an "Ashtaroth" existed.
There is no appreciable difference in arrival time. Homura returned to exactly the same time she always does, because her wish is keyed to a specific event that occurs within 24 hours of her 'waking up in the hospital'. It's not that she goes back a specific amount of time, it's that she goes back to a specific time.

Further, Mami was not dead, Charlotte had not yet fully formed, and Sayaka hadn't contracted yet. All indicators point to Ashteroth's arrival in Mitakihara to be inside of four days of Homura's typical loop beginning. There is no reason to believe Ashteroth looped to a different point in time, as the events of the story have occurred over a rough stretch of three days.

It's incredibly inconvenient for Ashteroth that Homura's loop begins mere minutes after Ashteroth witches out, but that's arguably just a reasonable narrative device to prevent secret (or narratively unnecessary) information from becoming a story focus for any length of time.
Alternate theory: both Ashtaroth and Homura were brought at the same point in time and in the same way. We know that Homura's self on the timeline gets updated with what happened on the previous time loop, that's the reason why she begins as a magical girl gaining a soul gem and she gets all that extra potential; applying it to Ashtaroth it'd mean the magical girl who used to be Ashtaroth immediately witched out upon "updating" gaining a grief seed.

And what about Hirako? Well, it could be possible that Hirako knew Ashtaroth back when she was a magical girl. Fights for territory are a thing among MGs after all.
She heard what I said, but she didn't actually listen to me at all! She just bulldozed on ahead because she thought she knew better
She really doesn't see the irony of what she just said does she?!

[X] Bring Tira back out of Novella. No matter what you're doing next, you might as well get her settled in now so you're not trying to catch her up even further later.
We need all the fire power we can get and she at least was willing to listen before blondie went full Paladin on our witch.
[-] Head towards where Mami's labyrinth formed. You're not looking forward to dealing with that issue, but you'll have to do it eventually…

Probably should make sure if Mami is along for the ride.
Bring Tira out then go to Candeloreo primarily because Candeloreo is the is only slightly larger then either a tea cup or tea kettle so astroth is while infective against candeloro aka Mami witch and despite the size of her candeloro can capture children and adults despite the size differences however the two girl will have to worry about being trapped in a never ending tea party
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Alternate theory: both Ashtaroth and Homura were brought at the same point in time and in the same way. We know that Homura's self on the timeline gets updated with what happened on the previous time loop, that's the reason why she begins as a magical girl gaining a soul gem and she gets all that extra potential; applying it to Ashtaroth it'd mean the magical girl who used to be Ashtaroth immediately witched out upon "updating" gaining a grief seed.

And what about Hirako? Well, it could be possible that Hirako knew Ashtaroth back when she was a magical girl. Fights for territory are a thing among MGs after all.
Ashteroth noticed her own bloodstain from where she explosively witched out from Hirako impaling her with a spear and leaving her to change. She woke up barely a minute before Hirako showed up, and Hirako was obviously expecting her to be in that state. Ashteroth is at the moment in time just after she witched out originally.
Whenever Homura goes back she's still a magical girl despite not contracting until the day Wally gets here, why on earth would a witch going back not remain a witch?
The questions are really piling up, huh? I'm glad Ashy kept Sayaka, though, if only because she needs the companionship (and a lone witch/person makes for less interesting reading).
The questions are really piling up, huh? I'm glad Ashy kept Sayaka, though, if only because she needs the companionship (and a lone witch/person makes for less interesting reading).
Of course it sucks for Sayaka, because as it's been pointed out, now she can't go home. Same for Tira. They have to live with the sucky aspects of Homura's looping. Worse even, because they don't know they're looping, so whatever they're doing can be ripped away from right under they're feet.

It also makes wishing the three of them separate a non solution, because they don't have a place to go. Ash is a witch, she can go wherever, but the humans can't go home without intruding on their own lives. And even the most optimistic outcome, where the families decide they're happy to suddenly have twins is torpedoed, because they'll just get ripped away from it when Homura resets.

Man, time travel has made everything so much worse.

Though narratively, I'm also glad Sayaka stayed. Her and Ash did a lot of character development together, and it would be terrible to see one half of it reset. Their current relationship is a far cry from where they started, and you can feel the trust they're building. They're stuck in a crap situation and don't even know it, but they'll have each other for support.
Whenever Homura goes back she's still a magical girl despite not contracting until the day Wally gets here, why on earth would a witch going back not remain a witch?
The question is moot. She jumped back in time to the minute she witched out regardless, as evidenced by the location she's at, the obvious bloodstain that she recognizes as hers from the first chapter, and Hirako's temperament. Probably more accurate to say she jumped back to a few minutes after witching out, because in the first timeline Ash had enough time to collect her wits and run away from Hirako before she came back to ground zero to look for Ashy, whereas this time Hirako found and entered her barrier in probably less than sixty seconds.
[-] Go inspect the rest of your barrier. You just lost a lot of familiars, and you should probably at least check that nothing is still on fire.

Need to take stock. Tira is going to take a while to get settled, I want to get this done first and waiting a few hours on that isn't going to do any harm. Candeloro is urgent but also dangerous, and we're not in the condition for a fight right now. Best wait for the extra firepower from Tira.
She jumped back in time to the minute she witched out regardless, as evidenced by the location she's at, the obvious bloodstain that she recognizes as hers from the first chapter, and Hirako's temperament. Probably more accurate to say she jumped back to a few minutes after witching out,
I'd go and say she came back a few minutes before witching out, because we have no idea how long between getting ran though and the witch-out happened.
I'd go and say she came back a few minutes before witching out, because we have no idea how long between getting ran though and the witch-out happened.
It took five updates for Hirako to find Ash originally. Updates Ash spent leaving Canvas, using all of her abilities experimentally, and spending at least several minutes trying to force the memory of her name out of herself.

In this timeline, Ash... had a chance to share a verbal wtf with Sayaka. Hirako breached immediately after. I'm inclined to go with my interpretation.
One interesting possibility might be other dimensional travelers, I suppose.
Or other time travelers. Or precognitives (what does a precog foresee just before the timeline forks?). Or someone who can mess with connections between people—they might reach into a previous universe, but not into a rewritten timeline. Many models of time travel allow for more complicated interactions than travel between a set of non-intersecting universes.

It should produce accurate echoes, because it's preventing Homura from realizing that something is wrong. Homura is apparently not very observant, but even she would notice her own footsteps not making the right sounds.
Not necessarily. If she walks quietly, or isn't paying attention—which she isn't—she could easily miss a lack of echoes. It's not terribly obvious. Heck, even the difference in sound between walking on sidewalk or street and the Canvas needn't be obvious. The difference in texture should be apparent, but that depends on gait and footwear, and can be missed if one is distracted.

There is quite literally nowhere to hide in here.
There are at least three places to hide in here.

You quickly flip to Sayaka's page in Novella, it being the only other place you can think of to look. Immediately, you notice that it feels full again, and a wave of relief sweeps through you.
That's one of them. Were we bigger purely because of Tira and Sayaka, or did we get some of that from Homura?

As soon as Sayaka opens her eyes and looks at you, she stumbles back in surprise. Seeing through her eyes yourself, you immediately realize why.
Hair! We have hair! The mark of power!

You couldn't see it on your own, but your rotating galaxy lines appear to have reshaped themselves into a rough approximation of an actual head, making you look a lot more humanoid than you did before. The branches sprouting from your lower half are also longer than you realized, making that part of you look kind of like one of the trees from Saar's barrier, and… it might just be your imagination, but you think Novella also looks a bit larger, oddly enough?
Definitely got something from Homura. Or possibly from past Ashtaroth? Unless it's just from having had Tira and Sayaka at the same time, but that seems unlikely.

You attempt to flip to her page, and Novella obliges, opening itself to a brand new entry… but, much like Charlotte's was at first, it's almost entirely blank. There's no picture; in fact there's no words, just a couple of singular letters that form barely coherent fragments of them. Her name is the only thing that's intact... and unlike Sayaka's, the page feels barren. Void. Empty.
Homura always was bad at telling people things.

And "letters", huh? I guess witches use an alphabet (I assume that in-universe witch runes aren't just ciphered Latin characters; that would be extremely odd). (Do all witches use the same language? Even Itzli? That would be… interesting.)

You switch focus to the outside your barrier, hoping to see and confirm the magical girl leaving, unlikely as that seems given her abilities… and discover that your barrier is sitting off the side of a road, nestled in the treeline just past a concrete sound blocker. Sengeitsu City is visible not too far in the distance.
Okay then. The timing is far too specific for this to be Ashtaroth getting pulled along for a little bit until the connection gets too stressed and snaps. So either we went back to the start of the loop and lay dormant until witching time, which seems unlikely, or we went back to our birth, or we were carried along until we were ripped away by the termination of Astharoth's existence.

Or maybe we just got to benefit from Homura's wish and redo our meeting with Madoka. :V

Depending on the precise mechanics of the time travel, the local Homura could be the one who just met Ashtaroth (well, two weeks ago), the Homura who would be about to meet Ashtaroth, Original Flavor Homura, or some other Homura. Probably the first or second.

maybe if you bring her out, you can get some answers as to why that might be? You should be safe, now that she's subsumed. Should be, at least.
Oh, Ashtaroth. You would be nothing of the sort.

This is insanity. This morning has already consisted of two different fights against three separate magical girls, and now not only has a fourth one shown up, but it's the girl who essentially killed you, here to try and kill you again.
Hey. Ash. You talked to this girl. Ask her what your name was.

you're letting the image "sweep" over The Canvas

"Wait, what the hell?! You're not— how the fu—"
The obvious thing for her to have seen is Sayaka's connection to Ashtaroth, but it could easily be several other things.

Wha— hold on, is she seriously just leaving?!
She who fights and runs away…

<They aren't magical girls, so there's no real reason she should even care about them.>
Don't be racist.

<I gave it a nickname to avoid confusion.>
We sure do like naming things. Even when they don't really need it.

"Well, no, but… I mean, it was for Madoka earlier!"

By the time your barrier reaches a sufficient altitude
What has she decided constitutes sufficient altitude this time?

[-] Go inspect the rest of your barrier. You just lost a lot of familiars, and you should probably at least check that nothing is still on fire.
Nah. Nobody went near the Faas, and forest fires are fun anyway. Might want to check on Shemesh, though. Maybe get him to some Polinas.

[-] Head towards where Mami's labyrinth formed. You're not looking forward to dealing with that issue, but you'll have to do it eventually…
I'd prefer to do that with Tira. She knew Mami better than anyone else who's present. Though we should probably check whether Candeloro is still present at all.

Well, that's a depressing name.

This does explain how Sayaka will be convinced to leave Mitakihara. Not only is Homura scary, but now there's another Sayaka out there living her life for her. Probably.

[x] Go to Sangeitsu. Ask to borrow someone's phone. Call Madoka or Hitomi.

It's 2011. Mere distance no excuse for losing contact.

People arguing about timing:
Homura loops back to the morning of March 16th at the start of each timeline. Ashtaroth became a witch on the 26th of the same month.
Ashtaroth currently thinks it's the 28th.
It took five updates for Hirako to find Ash originally. Updates Ash spent leaving Canvas, using all of her abilities experimentally, and spending at least several minutes trying to force the memory of her name out of herself.

In this timeline, Ash... had a chance to share a verbal wtf with Sayaka. Hirako breached immediately after. I'm inclined to go with my interpretation.
Because Hirako hadn't even left long enough for their to be time for Ash to leave. Where last time Ash could just took to long to witch and Hirako left from boredom.
Because Hirako hadn't even left long enough for their to be time for Ash to leave. Where last time Ash could just took to long to witch and Hirako left from boredom.
Look, if you want to argue your point, you eventually have to make a claim that can be substantiated by anything present in the story. The situation I presented is both more logical and has that support. Not to mention that there is precedent for Soul Gems containing a Witch's soul a la Homulilly. In the situation you present, there's even odds (if I'm being honest, better than even odds) Ashteroth would just have had a human body while she bled out and died with a harpoon in her chest, according to your interpretation that Ashteroth overwrote her human self mere moments before she witched out.
Look, if you want to argue your point, you eventually have to make a claim that can be substantiated by anything present in the story. The situation I presented is both more logical and has that support. Not to mention that there is precedent for Soul Gems containing a Witch's soul a la Homulilly. In the situation you present, there's even odds (if I'm being honest, better than even odds) Ashteroth would just have had a human body while she bled out and died with a harpoon in her chest, according to your interpretation that Ashteroth overwrote her human self mere moments before she witched out.
… uhmm Every soul gem has a witch in it silly, that's where they come from.
The question is moot. She jumped back in time to the minute she witched out regardless, as evidenced by the location she's at, the obvious bloodstain that she recognizes as hers from the first chapter, and Hirako's temperament. Probably more accurate to say she jumped back to a few minutes after witching out, because in the first timeline Ash had enough time to collect her wits and run away from Hirako before she came back to ground zero to look for Ashy, whereas this time Hirako found and entered her barrier in probably less than sixty seconds
Now I may have very well missed this in earlier part of the story but.
timeline one your stating it went -witchout to run to return to body to story start- and second time line we just reached the point where ashy should have ran because we came at witchout.
Im stating the first timeline - stabbing happen, ashy took forever to actually witch and Hirako left due to boredom to come back later.
This timeline - stabbing happened we came back before Hirako left during the first timeline.
You look down at yourself. Your wounds are gone (again), and you've grown taller (again), with even more black and white branches sticking out of you than before, so you assume it did. That's a relief — if you hadn't pretty much keeled backwards upon falling out of the air and accidentally let Tome's cover take part of the explosion, you're pretty sure you'd be dead right now. Not to mention that while you personally think conjuring an illusion of the barrier fading away to make it look like you died was clever, you doubt that kind of gambit would have worked on the girl a second time.

That being said… where's Sayaka?
Huh, so Ashy survived. I assumed the attack on Homura was a Witchstincts reaction, given that if Ashy, who is made out of paper-like material, survived then Sayaka should have too.
I don't think Sayaka would be calm enough to go along with Ashys ambush idea, after Homura tried to kill her.

Good question. You couldn't see it on your own, but your rotating galaxy lines appear to have reshaped themselves into a rough approximation of an actual head, making you look a lot more humanoid than you did before. The branches sprouting from your lower half are also longer than you realized, making that part of you look kind of like one of the trees from Saar's barrier, and… it might just be your imagination, but you think Novella also looks a bit larger, oddly enough?
Subsuming other magical girls only let Ashy grow a bit. Homura, on the other hand, seemed to change her much more and also changed Novella. Maybe Ashy doesn't subsume their magical power/potential but their history?
Would explain why there is such a difference between the reaction to most magical girls/Witches and Homura.

You stare uncomprehendingly for several moments, your mind desperately grasping for an explanation. Did- did Homura somehow teleport you? Teleport you all the way back here?! The amount of magic that would take is- no, if it was her wish magic then you suppose it might not take her much at all, and based on how much power you felt from her she could probably have done it anyways. Still, instantly sending a witch, barrier and all, to an entirely different city, that's absurd; you don't understand why she wouldn't have simply…
Confirmation that Wish magic is cheaper for the magical girl that made the Wish than other kinds of magic. That makes Ashy even more overpowered, given that she can subsume magical girls to get cheap Wish magic.
Well, she has to get along with the subsumed magical girl to use the Wish magic, but that's necessary anyway, with how they are stuck with each other.

"Heh, just right out in the open?" Harpoon Girl says to herself, twirling the weapon in her hand as she looks up at you. "Pathetic. Make this easier for me why don't ya."
And Hirako is back. I wonder how different this version is to the first Subsumption story version.

"And I made this witch." Hirako finishes as her weapon makes a full loop around and soars back towards her, allowing her to snatch it back out of the air. "She's mine. Now get out of here, or the next one's going through your head."
Could we get a partial entry in Novella from subsuming her weapon?
Anyway, note to self; teach Sayaka how to make shields. Dodging is good but shields slow down projectiles and give more time to dodge even if they break. It's also not like Sayaka has to worry about the costs of her magic.

With picture perfect timing, she slaps the pair of projectiles from the air with one wide swing, sending them spinning away to explode on nothing.
Another thing to train; how to make sword projectiles that explode on touch.

"You think something like THAT will hide you from ME?" she cackles. "Like I said, pathetic. Now, let's see what else you're hiding."

Her eyes flash a brilliant green for a scant moment. Through Sayaka, you see her mouth begin to quirk into another cruel grin… and then, just as quickly, it drops away.

"Wait, what the hell?! You're not- how the fu-"
If Hirako is anything like her last story version, then this was some kind of "importance" based perception magic. Probably tipped her off about the connection between Sayaka and Ashy.
The "You're not" was probably about Sayaka not being a magical girl.

Huh. So she actually left.

...you almost feel cheated.
She's going to come back. If she has an idea about Sayaka's nature, probably with reinforcement.
If she can find people willing to work with her.

This is going to end with Hirako attacking with two or three other magical girls, while Ashy is introducing Tira to Witch!Mami, with Sayaka holding Charlotte in the background.:V

<I don't HAVE one yet, Sayaka!> you shoot back. <First let me get the barrier into the sky before some other magical girl comes along looking for a fight, and THEN I'll work on figuring out what to do now, alright?!>
I guess we are going to avoid Homura and instead explore some of the other cities. Homura is probably going to loop a few times more, trying to learn more about Ashy or just to calm down.
If she can feel parts of her missing, she's probably going to try to do something about it while keeping Madoka safe. That would push the final time-loop back a bit.

…ick, that divider still has your blood on it. Evidently no one besides Hirako has been by to notice that yet. Why did she even come back here? It's not like the outside of the city is exactly prime hunting grounds; the witch you originally found here was a fluke. Did she just want to remind herself of her kill? Did she think that, as a witch, you'd eventually return to the scene of your death for some reason? You certainly weren't planning on it if so.
Given magical girl fights, that must be a lot of blood. I wonder how long it's going to take Ashy to catch on about the time-traveling.
The blood being there after something like two days is a hint, but it's probably going to take Sayaka calling home or Hitomi until she understands.

[-] Bring Tira back out of Novella. No matter what you're doing next, you might as well get her settled in now so you're not trying to catch her up even further later.
We probably should give Tira more time to recover, she wasn't in the best condition going into Novella. Ashy could use some time to relax too.

[-] Go inspect the rest of your barrier. You just lost a lot of familiars, and you should probably at least check that nothing is still on fire.
Probably what we should do next. I'm curious if the other Witches are still around, and if we can find Shemesh.

[-] Head towards where Mami's labyrinth formed. You're not looking forward to dealing with that issue, but you'll have to do it eventually…
That should probably wait until we have Tira around.

-A_d Ag_i_: ________________________________________________
This is actually enough to guess "And Again"; another hint about the time traveling.

[X] Go inspect the rest of your barrier. You just lost a lot of familiars, and you should probably at least check that nothing is still on fire.
I guess we are going to avoid Homura and instead explore some of the other cities. Homura is probably going to loop a few times more, trying to learn more about Ashy or just to calm down.
If she can feel parts of her missing, she's probably going to try to do something about it while keeping Madoka safe. That would push the final time-loop back a bit.
If we wander off somewhere else it'd be funny since Homura would dismiss it as a one off aberrance(it happens apparently), until we show up later in some loop to try to figure out why we get dragged back in time.