@HeroCooky i have an idea for the gravity plate quirks can you tell me if its good or not?
Gravity plates: the weight of the crew, control, quarters, equipment, and transport bays are halved except for a few cases like cargo bays, ect, supplies last for 100% longer, and maintenance and repairs have a bonus.
The reasoning behind this is that as we all know 0g complicates everything take for example the bathroom in 0G it is a mess of pipes and pumps as to not make the waste spilled into everything, gravity simplifies it. and people definitely have an easier time to fix everything too when you are not floating and about and the parts are much simpler.
Also have several questions compared to battletech how different is the construction of our spacecraft? With us being literally out of this universe do we mount our armour differently? Because 100 tons of armour for a 100000 ton warships sound really stupid.
And does the flak needed a gunner or is it like the phalanx in that it is automated? I need it to update my design.
Also is it possible to research the technologies from the technology votes? we know it exist afterall and as we seen throughout history with the right motivation humanity will do almost everything.
Gravity plates: the weight of the crew, control, quarters, equipment, and transport bays are halved except for a few cases like cargo bays, ect, supplies last for 100% longer, and maintenance and repairs have a bonus.
The reasoning behind this is that as we all know 0g complicates everything take for example the bathroom in 0G it is a mess of pipes and pumps as to not make the waste spilled into everything, gravity simplifies it. and people definitely have an easier time to fix everything too when you are not floating and about and the parts are much simpler.
Also have several questions compared to battletech how different is the construction of our spacecraft? With us being literally out of this universe do we mount our armour differently? Because 100 tons of armour for a 100000 ton warships sound really stupid.
And does the flak needed a gunner or is it like the phalanx in that it is automated? I need it to update my design.
Also is it possible to research the technologies from the technology votes? we know it exist afterall and as we seen throughout history with the right motivation humanity will do almost everything.
and we already have the foundation for both of these with AGI controlled drones and battlemechs we just needed time to reseach it.[][Technology] Drone Hive Intelligences
Interlinked Artificial Intelligences that are, individually, dumber than bread, but, together, can work wonders, especially if placed into drones of various sizes. From pollinating arti-bees to gun-bearing hover drones flying security and to battle.
[][Technology] Mobile Suits
Six-meter-tall oversized power armor, previously extensively used in the construction of orbital facilities and ships, most notably the Fontaine, they were quickly adapted into war machines of surprising efficacy thanks to rapid technological advancements. They haven't replaced the tank; they are six-meter-tall targets after all, but they have burrowed into their own niche in humanity's order of battle. (This starts a sub-turn to decide your Mobile Suit Doctrine/Appearances.)
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