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@HeroCooky i have an idea for the gravity plate quirks can you tell me if its good or not?

Gravity plates: the weight of the crew, control, quarters, equipment, and transport bays are halved except for a few cases like cargo bays, ect, supplies last for 100% longer, and maintenance and repairs have a bonus.
The reasoning behind this is that as we all know 0g complicates everything take for example the bathroom in 0G it is a mess of pipes and pumps as to not make the waste spilled into everything, gravity simplifies it. and people definitely have an easier time to fix everything too when you are not floating and about and the parts are much simpler.

Also have several questions compared to battletech how different is the construction of our spacecraft? With us being literally out of this universe do we mount our armour differently? Because 100 tons of armour for a 100000 ton warships sound really stupid.
And does the flak needed a gunner or is it like the phalanx in that it is automated? I need it to update my design.

Also is it possible to research the technologies from the technology votes? we know it exist afterall and as we seen throughout history with the right motivation humanity will do almost everything.
[][Technology] Drone Hive Intelligences
Interlinked Artificial Intelligences that are, individually, dumber than bread, but, together, can work wonders, especially if placed into drones of various sizes. From pollinating arti-bees to gun-bearing hover drones flying security and to battle.
[][Technology] Mobile Suits
Six-meter-tall oversized power armor, previously extensively used in the construction of orbital facilities and ships, most notably the Fontaine, they were quickly adapted into war machines of surprising efficacy thanks to rapid technological advancements. They haven't replaced the tank; they are six-meter-tall targets after all, but they have burrowed into their own niche in humanity's order of battle. (This starts a sub-turn to decide your Mobile Suit Doctrine/Appearances.)
and we already have the foundation for both of these with AGI controlled drones and battlemechs we just needed time to reseach it.
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While it is a good idea, I like the idea that the "excess" mass is simply used to make vastly better amenities and modules.

As for construction, yours is Real Life Construction but with Artificial Gravity Plates enabling some shenanigans.
Ok fair enough and i cant wait to see people's reaction on how our steerage are better then their officer quarters and cant wait to see the construction shenanigans.

Also what about the technology is it possible to research it? Even with a substantial investment both tech's seems to be worth it.

And what about the flak?
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The Sheriff has the same role as the Thor, and thus the plans are now scrapped, though were rumors of the design team having been reluctant to pursue such idea after seeing the many Negative Quirks the Thor came up with. What more if the Sheriff is developed? Ironically, having cold feet, the Sheriff Design Team sort-of came to terms once again with the Guhslinger team, who instead shelve the v2 plans and scrapping the v1 design. The same could not be said to the Lancer that is in the same tonnage with the Trooper, though there are some talks between the two that perhaps a middle ground could be made of sorts between the two designs.

OOC: Please remove the Sheriff proposals from Military Designs, QM, as they're the same as the Thor (wielding two Heavy Coilguns) with the Guhslinger v1 being yeeted to oblivion whilst v2 is being kept for now (which may be replaced by v3 by the time Standard Fusion Engine comes around?). Lancer thingy wants to yeet Compact + the needed Narrow/Low Profile Quirks to the Troops somehow, the former allowing another Trooper to be placed in the same Mech Bay of another Compact Mech (namely the Trooper in this case) to allow being en massed while the latter improves stealth (survivability in the tabletop) whilst also being a pre-requisite for said Compact Quirk. I'm cooking up a Medium Mech (since Compact Mechs is only applicable to Medium tonnage and below) but don't have an idea on the role for it yet... Missile Boat maybe?

...actually, is making Quad Mechs possible with the movement basis based on the multi-legged automata as a result? I think I recall Quad Mechs have a positive bonus to Piloting I think...? Hell, maybe a Tripod Walker? Heh. :V

- - -

...while the Mech Design Teams for those three are doing their own thing, Primitive Laser Weapons on the other hand has been finished and as expected, there wasn't much fanfare about it as such weapons have heat issues which are incomparable to the Coilguns nevermind the Multi-Missile Launchers. Of course, it was still a weapon that doesn't require ammunition but still, to compare the specs between the regular Standard Lasers (thanks to the ones installed on current Military Mech Assets from a certain phone company...) to the Primitive Lasers:

R = Regular/Standard, P = Prototype

R. Small Laser - 3 Damage, 1 Heat, 1/2/3 Range, 0.5 ton.
P. Small Laser - 3 Damage, 2 Heat, 1/2/3 Range, 0.5 ton.

R. Medium Laser - 5 Damage, 3 Heat, 3/6/9 Range, 1 ton.
P. Medium Laser - 5 Damage, 5 Heat, 3/6/9 Range, 1 ton.

R. Large Laser - 8 Damage, 8 Heat, 5/10/15 Range, 5 ton.
P. Large Laser - 8 Damage, 12 Heat, 5/10/15 Range, 5 ton.

...a Prototype Large Laser alone overheats a regular Mech's Fusion Engine with its built-in 10 Heat Sinks and needing two tons of Heat Sinks to completely make it heat neutral, and some are arguing that with the same tonnage required for that, a Medium Coilgun (5 tons) with two tons of ammo overshadows said Prototype Large Laser. The same couldn't be said to the Prototype Small and Medium Lasers, the latter of which is being compared with a Light Coilgun whom has a better range nevermind the inherent advantage of Coilguns of being able to pierce through things easily (Internal Damage) whilst the former seems doable as replacement to a standard one, even if twice the, neglible, heat.

Bad Reputation (UNSC) for Prototype Large Laser. :V
Maybe Bad Reputation (QM) to all IS Lasers?

Still, these were still Primitive Prototype variants, so it's only a matter of eventually being able to reach the Standard Variants in due time but that doesn't stop some proposals to help mitigate said issue most which are outlandish like using chemicals stuck inside a cartridge to allow less heating of said weapon, which was quickly shutdown as why not use a Medium Coilgun in that case? Another is actually venting said excess heat from lasers as some sort of attack, basically a massive flamer of sorts shaped like a cannon or maybe a rifle?, the proposer of which is quickly sent for psychological check-up since that goes to war crime territory of sorts. One even thought of maybe reducing the needed materials to making said Prototype Large Laser, down from five tons to maybe around four tons, notwithstanding the Jettison-Capable weight-saving yet if designed as a handheld weapon. Still, the argument was heating up (heh) that security had to intervene and let the matter cool down... said buckets of various flavors of ice cream probably helped with that too.

"...maybe we make better ways for cooling the heat issue?", a random researcher said whilst enjoying mint chocolate ice cream, and slowly said idea gained traction that returning to see the feasibility of it. One such proposal is using a rechargeable cooling pod, like having a bottle of water or refreshment but for combat platforms that are overheating or similar. There was also maybe making better software that can handle said heat management more efficiently. But perhaps the most promising proposal that is gaining traction right now is improving the cooling jackets for not only the laser weapons but also apply the same Quirk to weapons available to the UNSC, with certain great expectations with Missile Weaponry in particular. This sadly can't be applied to weapons with little heat usage already, namely with a Standard Small Laser, a Heavy Coilgun or similar weapons (that uses only 1 Heat): they tested it, in numbers and thus in hypotheses, and said weaponries don't work as a result.

For now, all three are proposals, and they've been submitted to the higher command for further discussion and, hopefully, getting the appropriate funds to start said proposal/s...

- - -

OOC: Had this cooking whilst at work yesterday. Not sure about the PPC... it's a 'laser weapon', but more of an ion cannon judging by it being called (Ion?) Particle Projector Cannon? Look, I don't High Science too much. :V Will edit appropriately depending if QM yeets the PPC to Primitive Laser Research (which is done and probably pending to be placed inside the Available Assets - Technology tab?) but if so, then expect a Bad Reputation (UNSC) to Prototype PPC to be a thing too. It uses 15 Heat! Yikes!
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I honestly don't know what to say? This is honestly not really of any importance right now, or in several IRL weeks?

They exist and stuff?
Ok fair enough.

Also @DiscordOxymoron i think you should change the fusion factory location @HeroCooky even confirmed that it is more convenient to put the location on arcanum.
Do recall that you only have one Mech Factory that produces Mechs industrially, and that is on Arcanum. So if the Fusion Engines are put on Gunhallow, you will need FTL ships to ferry them from Gunhallow to Arcanum to be useful beyond case-by-case uses by way of Furina sprinkling them around.
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Ok fair enough.

Also @DiscordOxymoron i think you should change the fusion factory location @HeroCooky even confirmed that it is more convenient to put the location on arcanum.
Wasn't that the Crosscut? And last I recall those run on ICE?

@HeroCooky Are the Trooper and Thor Factories located in Gunhallow or are they all located in Arcanum? o_o? I yeeted the choice to Gunhallow on the assumption that it'll help boost the economy on top of the Trooper's factory being there too...

That, and would rather yeet the next to Sigar IV so that we're not being biased and after which Arcanum followed by 778 (I might have the wrong order but whatever). Aka yeeting Factories on the planets we chronologically visited and are part of the UNSC now as a result.

No, we're not talking about a certain state that is yet to be subverted. :V
@HeroCooky Are the Trooper and Thor Factories located in Gunhallow or are they all located in Arcanum?
You have no factories, they were bum-rushed aboard the Furina as artisinal creations. The only place that has any idea how to create and maintain Mechs on a scale beyond four mechs is Arcanum due to using them constantly for industry and Xianxia Shenanigans (trademark).

So it stands to reason that you'd want to put the Fusion Engines on the one planet you know of that can produce Mechs and has a Mech Factory that can be re-tooled for other productions instead of another one, in another system, that has maybe use for 2 such engines as power plants before you need to take the Furina off its duty to ferry the engines around.
You have no factories, they were bum-rushed aboard the Furina as artisinal creations. The only place that has any idea how to create and maintain Mechs on a scale beyond four mechs is Arcanum due to using them constantly for industry and Xianxia Shenanigans (trademark).

So it stands to reason that you'd want to put the Fusion Engines on the one planet you know of that can produce Mechs and has a Mech Factory that can be re-tooled for other productions instead of another one, in another system, that has maybe use for 2 such engines as power plants before you need to take the Furina off its duty to ferry the engines around.
...Fr-ck. That's good to know. I'm proposing another Plan then:

[ ] Time for Technology (Arcanum)
-[ ] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[ ] Fusion Engine Plant - (Arcanum)
--[ ] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE

Will yeet this to my OG Post/Vote, and keep both since people might still want to yeet the FE Plant in Gunhallow somewhat. I was really under the assumption the Mech Factory (that are non-existent) are there in Gunhallow. @_@;
[X] Time for Technology (Arcanum)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Arcanum)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
[X] Time for Technology (Arcanum)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Arcanum)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
@HeroCooky how easy it is to build our warp drives? and how small can we build them? because i just realised something can we make dropship sized warpdrives?
Because it will simplify A LOT of our logistics from not needing days to go a a zenith and nadir point to making the KF drives less essential by liew of making dropships capable of FTL and not needing Jumpships to go to another starsystem and we could just use our jumpships for moving things fast or as a reactionary force and even if the travel time is much longer comfort is definitely not an issue with even our steerage quarters probably being more comfortable and have more amanities than battletech officer quarters

And i just calculated using jumpships for our military or high speed shipping.
So the KF drives while it can jump 30 lightyears in an instant needed roughly 6-9 days or 151-210 hours to recharge, while warpdrives can go 1.345 lightyear a days so KF drives become less efficient on shorter distances, on the lower end it needed to go a bit more than 8 lightyears or (8.5÷6.2916=1.350) to match the speed of the warpsdrives and on the higher end a bit less than 12 lightyears or (11.9÷8.75=1.36).

Also Im seeing the lore for the Gravity plates and your answers to my questions is this quirk okay and i have a bit of a question with the cargo space?

Gravity assisted engine: increases the amount of thrust to 4 points. (So if the safe thrust is 3 then it will be increased to 7 and so on)
Warp drive: ships can teleport to any hex on the map every 1-5 turns?
Gravity-Plates function like a blanket where one side generates gravity. So most likely.

also with this i have a question
They are a technology that allows you to artificially generate gravity, up to 0.8G effectively/economically, which can only/primarily be used on spaceships and with EVA suits. They are massive helps in reducing the loss of muscles and bone density in zero/low gravity, while increasing the amount of stuff you can transport. Meaning a dropship can take, apparently, roughly 5x more stuff with the same amount of rockets and fuel. (Source: vsh on page 3 at the top.)

is it like 1 ton of cargo bay, fuel, ammo, ect can carry 5 tons? Because this is insanely powerfull like my missile boat can carry 15000 missiles, the mass of 2 entire mules with room to spare, and more fuel then they know what to do with. and if thats a yes i'm adding more launchers we will embody the macross missile massacre and no wonder we needed that many flaks. (Also i joined the quest after the mobile suits and i'm still incredibly sad and coping of the fact that we dont have a lightning fast biological eldritch murder machines (please tell me with enough time we can invent them :cry: i want my murder machines dammit) but gravity plates came in close second if this is the case) and our logistics are insanely powerfull like we can bring over a million tons of material with the equvalent of two invader jumpships and 6 mammoth and can bury planets in metal with our logistical capabilities powerfull.
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@HeroCooky how easy and small can we built our warp drives because i just realised something can we make dropship sized warpdrives?
Your Alcubierre Drives are around ~500m in diameter, with the internal hole needing to be empty. After that, you can build up to ~5km in diameter around the funnel going through the ship.
Spyglass lore said:
Spyglass lore said:
is it like 1 ton of cargo bay can carry 5 tons?
*Shrug* You'd need to ask VHS.
Spyglass lore said:
please tell me with enough time we can invent them :cry:
No. You had your chance to bring bio-machine mechs that bleed when hit to this universe and you chose Grav-Plates instead. Suffer.

Your Alcubierre Drives are around ~500m in diameter, with the internal hole needing to be empty. After that, you can build up to ~5km in diameter around the funnel going through the ship.
Can we make the drive smaller and easier to build?
*Shrug* You'd need to ask VHS.
Sadly vhs last commented on this thread in november and it felt really rude to ask him after all this time. Lets just say it that KF drive and gravity plates have a weird interaction that benefits the dropship.
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No. You had your chance to bring bio-machine mechs that bleed when hit to this universe and you chose Grav-Plates instead. Suffer.

Ok fine we will make the mobile suits with battletech technology and the tech we we have brought, invent, and improve.
??? United Nations Quad Light

Original: Battletech - Mech Factory

Source: My Own Custom /
Tech: United Nations / ???
Config: Quad BattleMech
Rules: Level 4, Experimental design

Mass: 35 tons
Power Plant: 280 XL Fusion
Walking Speed: 86.4 km/h
Running Speed: 129.6 km/h
Armor Type: Standard
Armament: ????
Manufacturer: ????
Location: ????
Communications System: ????
Targeting and Tracking System: ????

Mass: 35 tons

Equipment: Crits Mass
Int. Struct.: 62 pts Standard 0 3.50
Engine: 280 XL Fusion 12 8.00
Walking MP:8 [9]
Running MP:12 [14]
Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks: 10 Single 0 0.00
UNSC Gyro: 2 0.50
UNSC Cockpit, Life Supt., Sensors: 5 2.00
Triple Strength 6 0.00
(Loc.: 2 LL,1 LT,1 RL,2 RT)
N/A 0 0.00
Armor Factor: 127 Standard 8.00

Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head: 3 9
Center Torso: 11 17
Center Torso (Rear): 5
L/R Side Torso: 8 13/13
L/R Side Torso (Rear): 3/3
L/R Front Leg: 8 16/16
L/R Rear Leg: 8 16/16

Weapons and Equipment Loc Heat Ammo Crits Mass
Crits and Tons Left: 26 10.00

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: 7,480,800 C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1):446
Battle Value (BV2):615
This is the Quirks i think it should have
Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Improved Sensors, Improved Communications, Narrow/Low Profile, Combat Computer, Cowl, Stable

Ok so we have 13 tons for weapons, ect.

Ok so we definitely have the ECM/ECCM suites and hacking modules on our cockpits because of our computing (our computing is literally lightyears ahead of anything battletech have) and we also have that invasive procedures so definitely a very capable and very light cockpit so a 1 ton cockpit with all that is definitely possible. then if we can the claws are integrated with our legs and add gravity plates and other things so it can stick to walls and inverted walls and finally use the 1p tons for multiple tails with hijacking and breaching modules. And maybe i replace the standard armour for stealth for our enemies to hate us

And for the Quirks for running on walls, and the tails i still havent come up with it yet.

So this is a long term goal but by god I will have the mobile suits.
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Hm. Do we have an estimated time when Big Iron returns from the Aurigan Coalition? And would there be snippets on their (mis)adventures too QM? :V? I want their feedback on the Trooper and Thor on what to improve and what not outside of the obvious Negative Quirks and what they did best when they return.

...huh, I wonder if they'll bring back 'salvage'...

Once we start a Factory, is the Prototype tag lost on the new frames (aka not only Mechs but vehicles or ASFs in the future maybe DropShips too) or are they always there forever? Or do we have to yeet it away with an action?
I see no reason why you couldn't.
Can we make what i cooked up as an endgoal for our melee mech also i just finished making the quirks what do you think?
Wall climber: capable of going through cliffs and walls and battlemechs. Movement obstruction is ignored gives enemies +2 to hit and capable of climbing up directly damaging the cockpit.
Leg claws: each leg deals. 10(2) damage.
Tails: a new mech limb each weigh 3 tons. Capable of hijacking and breaching and deals 3(1) damage
Voting is open