Voting is open
[X] Getting A Military
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Planet)
--[X] National Military Framework
--[X] Council of Affati
[X] Visit:
-[X] Zhao's Rest
[X] Visit:
-[X] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church

(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
[X] Time for Technology
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Planet)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
[X] Time for Technology
[X] Getting A Military
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Planet)
--[X] National Military Framework
--[X] Council of Affati
[X] Visit:
-[X] Zhao's Rest
[X] Time for Technology
Okay, simmer down lads and lasses. Just because I forget to put in the vote timer does not mean you can ignore the orange-highlighted moratorium timer. :V
@HeroCooky so what do you think of my suggestion on the faceshield?
Also @HeroCooky i think the faceshield rule needed to be changed 90% damage reduction feels a bit weak the bluntforce nose have 16 capital armour that means 160 points and with the and that can still be breached and for 25% of our ship's mass maybe let it have this explanation

With the invention of primitive armour the faceshield becomes much more resilient they not only reduced the damage from incoming fire they elimitate it entirely. An with the invention of standard armour just 3 years away the mass of our faceshield can be reduced.
faceshield: this quirk makes the ship becomes basiclly impenetrable on the front and can tank hundreds of multi megaton nukes
Also can the flak guns be used as an area denial weapon? Like for example if an aerospace fighter or even a dropship try to do a bombing run they will be destroyed by the density of flack or is it just specialized on missiles?
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@HeroCooky so what do you think of my suggestion on the faceshield?

Also can the flak guns be used as an area denial weapon? Like for example if an aerospace fighter or even a dropship try to do a bombing run they will be destroyed by the density of flack or is it just specialized on missiles?
It is still a 90% reduction to damage from the front. You gotta get better merallurgy for better stats.

It acts like IRL flak. An aerospace fighter popping up on the side will get greeted with a face-full of flak guns.
[ ] Time for Technology
-[ ] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[ ] Fusion Engine Plant - (Gunhallow)
--[ ] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE

Everyone that voted before the moratorium is finished should vote again later once it's open, else your votes wouldn't be counted. Also specify which Planet the FE Engine Plant one will be, but I guess it'll be Gunhallow. I think we need to pull the trigger on the KF-Drive now since I reckon we'll be able to put in more Actions to it afterwards (unless QM decides we have to play the looooong waiting game somehow). I really, really want the Military as well as the many Milestones (we need more APPPPPP) but I'm under the impression that by getting the KF-Drives up, and eventually JumpShips, up and running (we really need an AeroSpace Fighter design as well as situating some marines on board as well as defense, even with the JumpShip shouldn't be destroyed thingy going on, since I doubt a certain phone company would roll with it).

...speaking of. QM, do we have, or if not can we, research of communication thingy ala HPG? Might need to place down one each on the current planets...

...wait, speaking of, when's the tournament on Arcanum? o_o? Is it this turn/year?

Urgh, assuming we need to go there...

[ ] Arcanum Focus + Gunhallow Military
-[ ] Fusion Engine Plant (Arcanum)
--[ ] Bring factory tooling for the Primitive Mech Trooper as well to plop down at Arcanum?
-[ ] System Developments
--[ ] Arcanum
-[ ] National Military Framework

I'm assuming that the Tiny Fusion Engine Plant is the same rating used on the Trooper, so I figured it probably makes sense to bring tooling for said Mech Design too? That and it could replace the Crosscuts the Monks are using (same movement profile me thinks?). Also I think we promised them to fix the Crosscut Factory (though once again I might have missed it when skim reading. T_T) so yeah, not sure how that'll go that we bring in a new Factory to replace their Crosscuts... which has hands and can change stuff easily compared to having to wait for downtime to replace melee weaponries on the Crosscut.

Starting the National Military Framework too, though my issue with this is that we sent the Merc Spies to Aurigan Coalition so not sure how that'll work out once they return... aka, setup a Spy Agency Mercenary Board / HQ or something?
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@HeroCooky what do you think of this? This basically Tax'el 2.0 and adapted to the dropship design

Macross missile boat
2991 IS Spheroid DropShip

Original: Battletech - Mech Factory

Source: My Own Custom
Type/Model: Macross missile boat
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2991
Vessel type: Spheroid DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Advanced design

Mass: 50000 tons
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: 306.0t Standard
12 missile tubes
2 Spinal laser
50 flak guns

Type/Model: Macross missile boat
Mass: 50000 tons

Equipment: Mass
Engine: 0 Fusion Engine 13000.00
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 13000.00
Structural Integrity:85 8500.00
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 297 Single 0.00
Life Boats:27 189.00
Faceshield: 12500.00
Armor (Standard): 3400 pts Standard 306.00

Standard Armor
Front: 1095
Left/Right Side: 850/850
Rear: 605

Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters 375.00
Food & Water(600.0 days supply) 558.00
Spare Parts(2.5 percent) 1250.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps(25000.0 Points) 2550.00
Cargo Bays:
Bay 1:Cargo Bay (Standard) with 2 doors 3000.00
Bay 2:Small Craft Bay with 2 doors 400.00
10 Officers (5 minimum) 100.00
30 Marines 210.00
4 Specialists (1 minimum) 28.00
12 Crew (6 minimum) 84.00
30 Gunners (15 minimum) 210.00
10 Bay Personnel 0.00

Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Ammo Mass
2 Spinal laser Nose 11(110)11(110)11(110) 11(110) 170 1000.00
8 missile launcher FL/R 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 2000 2200.00
20 Flak cannon FL/R ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 1000.00
4 missile launcher 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 1000 1100.00
20 Flak cannon AL/R ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 1000.00
20 Flak cannon Aft ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 500.00
Totals 233 6800.00
Features the following design quirks: Accurate Weapons, Easy to Pilot, Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Difficult to Maintain, Prototype, gravity plates, ECM+ECCM Modules

Calculated Factors
Total Cost: ? C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1): ?
Battle Value (BV2): ?

Edit: forgot to add the quirks
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well based on this it doesn't really matter where we put our fusion plant, well apart from the political side but ehh. though now that i think about it. how about Planet 778? it doesn't really have anything going for it. plus the locals might understand that we're a better alternative especially when we bring quite literally more men to the planet.
[X] Time for Technology
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Gunhallow)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE

EDIT: Some Clarification, and a new Plan is being voted.

[X] Time for Technology (Arcanum)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Arcanum)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE

Reason for this is apparently we don't have Mech Factories in Gunhallow, we just artisan bum rush the Trooper and Thor for our Merc Company. So, uh, yeah, we're yeeting this to Arcanum instead since they have an idea on making Mechs. That, and probably a good replacement to the Crosscut maybe? 30-tons and all, and having actual hands which making change weapons/equipment easy.
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Sorry for jumping the gun earlier.

[X] Time for Technology

Don't really have any objections to any of the planets, and Gunhallow is our capital world. Briefly considered if a Fusion Engine Planet might have synergy on Sigar with repairing their Dune Fleets, but they do have the lowest population and we already know repairing is possible without them.
Don't really have any objections to any of the planets, and Gunhallow is our capital world. Briefly considered if a Fusion Engine Planet might have synergy on Sigar with repairing their Dune Fleets, but they do have the lowest population and we already know repairing is possible without them.
Do recall that you only have one Mech Factory that produces Mechs industrially, and that is on Arcanum. So if the Fusion Engines are put on Gunhallow, you will need FTL ships to ferry them from Gunhallow to Arcanum to be useful beyond case-by-case uses by way of Furina sprinkling them around.
[X] plan: all in
-[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
(all 3actions)
Begin creating the groundwork for JumpShip production.
(Requires 2 Actions. Stars the industry to create (Hybrid)JumpShips.
It will take ~40 years to produce 1 JumpShip per year...per Action put in.)
[X] Time for Technology
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Fusion Engine Plant - (Gunhallow)
--[X] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
Do you need something transported across UNSC Space then have i got the deal for you.
Introducing the SPACE BALL
Space Ball SB-D8-C
Type: Civilian Spheriod
Mass: 10,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 10,000
Battle Value: 1,688
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-X
Cost: 169,355,200 C-bills

Fuel: 85 tons (2,550)
Safe Thrust: 2
Maximum Thrust: 3
Heat Sinks: 41
Structural Integrity: 10

Sides: 102/102
Aft: 83


Bay 1: Cargo (8077.0 tons) 8 Doors

Escape Pods: 2
Life Boats: 0
Crew: 2 officers, 5 enlisted/non-rated, 3 gunners

Ammunition: 120 rounds of Heavy CoilGun ammunition (6 tons)

Notes: Mounts 35 tons of primitive aerospace armor.

Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)​
Nose (2 Heat)
2 Heavy CoilGun, Heavy CoilGun Ammo (20 shots)
RS/LS Fwd (2 Heat)
2 Heavy CoilGun, Heavy CoilGun Ammo (20 shots)
RS/LS Aft (2 Heat)
2 Heavy CoilGun, Heavy CoilGun Ammo (20 shots)
Aft (2 Heat)
2 Heavy CoilGun, Heavy CoilGun Ammo (20 shots)

Features the following design quirks: Easy to Pilot, Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Difficult to Maintain, Prototype, Gravity Plates
other variants include:
the -R for Refrigerated
the -L for Liquid
the -S for LiveStock
note: the cargo for each variant is just switched out for the relevant cargo type.
Edit: grammar
Edit: forgot the Gravity Plates
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Voting is open