Macross missile boat
2991 IS Spheroid DropShip
Battletech - Mech Factory
Source: My Own Custom
Type/Model: Macross missile boat
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2991
Vessel type: Spheroid DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Advanced design
Mass: 50000 tons
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: 306.0t Standard
12 missile tubes
2 Spinal laser
50 flak guns
Type/Model: Macross missile boat
Mass: 50000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Engine: 0 Fusion Engine 13000.00
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 13000.00
Structural Integrity:85 8500.00
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 297 Single 0.00
Life Boats:27 189.00
Faceshield: 12500.00
Armor (Standard): 3400 pts Standard 306.00
Standard Armor
Front: 1095
Left/Right Side: 850/850
Rear: 605
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters 375.00
Food & Water(600.0 days supply) 558.00
Spare Parts(2.5 percent) 1250.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps(25000.0 Points) 2550.00
Cargo Bays:
Bay 1:Cargo Bay (Standard) with 2 doors 3000.00
Bay 2:Small Craft Bay with 2 doors 400.00
10 Officers (5 minimum) 100.00
30 Marines 210.00
4 Specialists (1 minimum) 28.00
12 Crew (6 minimum) 84.00
30 Gunners (15 minimum) 210.00
10 Bay Personnel 0.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Ammo Mass
2 Spinal laser Nose 11(110)11(110)11(110) 11(110) 170 1000.00
8 missile launcher FL/R 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 2000 2200.00
20 Flak cannon FL/R ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 1000.00
4 missile launcher 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 10(100) 1000 1100.00
20 Flak cannon AL/R ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 1000.00
20 Flak cannon Aft ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ?(?) ? ? 500.00
Totals 233 6800.00
Features the following design quirks: Accurate Weapons, Easy to Pilot, Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Difficult to Maintain, Prototype, gravity plates, ECM+ECCM Modules
Calculated Factors
Total Cost: ? C-Bill
Battle Value (BV1): ?
Battle Value (BV2): ?