Voting is open
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
giving up on automated warfare
You already use a heavy degree of automated warfare, with the lore of the Löwe II even specifically pointing out that combat automatons haven't replaced humans fully due to them lacking in certain areas.
Negentropy said:
@HeroCooky, am I reading that correctly?

Also, can instability only be incurred by player actions/choices or can it happen due to bad rolls and/or certain external narrative events and influences?
No, it would mean that the AGI which doesn't like being called a person stops hyper-focusing on this single thing to the detriment of all other things. You can still research it, just the normal way.

Instability will only be gained via player choice, it'd be real shitty if you get a bad roll and TAUBENMUTTER floods her cores for the lmao.
Shame that KF-drive take 40 years. I was looking forward to it, but if the first jumpship will be outdated by several decades before completion, its not really worth it.
The industry for it will take you 40 years. After that it is 1 Action and 1 Year per JumpShip.
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You already use a heavy degree of automated warfare, with the lore of the Löwe II even specifically pointing out that combat automatons haven't replaced humans fully due to them lacking in certain areas.

Yes, but TAUBENMUTTER is trying to achieve total or absolute automated warfare which can entirely remove humans from frontline combat and any backline position where they could be at risk - that is, if we continue to pursue the instability-causing drone project or hyperspace research discount (the later presumably motivated by the desire to effectively control drones through FTL links), correct?
Yes, but TAUBENMUTTER is trying to achieve total or absolute automated warfare which can entirely remove humans from frontline combat and any backline position where they could be at risk - that is, if we continue to pursue the instability-causing drone project or hyperspace research discount (the later presumably motivated by the desire to effectively control drones through FTL links), correct?
It is trying to do so under the belief that humans should not be anywhere military related. The UNSC telling their automated armies to conquer something? Good. Having any human ordering drones around, even on a macro-level? No bueno.
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
[X] I need to abandon this fool's hope...

[X] Laying the Foundation (Logistics Train First Before Going Further!)
-[X] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
--[X] Develop An Interstellar Bureaucracy - Federal
--[X] National Trade Framework
Had a thought, but QM if we took the KF Drive option and then AD/KF Hybridization and Hyperspace Theory finishes, does the action get modified as a result? It say the groundwork for JumpShips so I'm assuming it'll be using the new AD/KF Drive for the JumpShips when it finishes, right?
Had a thought, but QM if we took the KF Drive option and then AD/KF Hybridization and Hyperspace Theory finishes, does the action get modified as a result? It say the groundwork for JumpShips so I'm assuming it'll be using the new AD/KF Drive for the JumpShips when it finishes, right?
All sciene interacts with each other, and all things generational in scope get changed to take advantage of the best technology available. The 40 years are to create the industries required to produce the materials and tools to make the parts that are used in the pre-production etc. etc. etc.

Your people will use the things that make sense, and you'll be given the options that make sense. (Tho feel free to still ask, I am still one goober doing write good make word on screen thing.)
Hmmm... QM, concerning Fusion Engine-Reverse Engineering, will it start as Primitive?

...also, we haven't started on research on reverse-Engineering Energy Weapons I'm guessing since it's not there in the spoiler tab? And I'm assuming they'll start as prototypes/primitive?

Either or both options will likely affect said first BattleMech once that option is picked up (and you're excited about it huh)... though we might end up with a Talos (aka pure ammo weapons) if we do come down to it...

...speaking of, what year is the current/upcoming turn? I vaguely recall at the start that we landed around 3020-ish and you mentioned some time ago of pushing the timeline ten years onwards for funsies. :X
QM, concerning Fusion Engine-Reverse Engineering, will it start as Primitive?
Yeppers. As far as your folk were concerned some ten years ago, mobile fusion reactors were utterly ludicrous and a stupid idea.
DiscordOxymoron said:
...also, we haven't started on research on reverse-Engineering Energy Weapons I'm guessing since it's not there in the spoiler tab?
You already have them at IS Standard. It's just...why bother using them? Coilguns are more effective, generate less heat (important for people expected to see combat in vaccum-conditions), and do not draw power from the batteries keeping you alive and moving, both infantry and tank. So you didn't use them.
DiscordOxymoron said:
...speaking of, what year is the current/upcoming turn?
I've put the current day/month/year atop the Updates ever since you figured out what year it is by this universes' counting. See below:
HeroCooky said:
17th November of 2989
You already have them at IS Standard. It's just...why bother using them? Coilguns are more effective, generate less heat (important for people expected to see combat in vaccum-conditions), and do not draw power from the batteries keeping you alive and moving, both infantry and tank. So you didn't use them.
Huh, good to know, and because they're 'ammoless'. And if Coilguns are Gauss Rifle equivalent, that means it can kersplode when critical hit no? I feel like having just Medium Lasers is fine as close up defense, and as mentioned it's ammoless. Maybe I'm just used to having a pair, or trio, of Medium Lasers in designs since, well, they're good

...speaking of Mech Building: do we have access to a Multi-Missile launcher synonym since it's only Energy Weapons we aren't so keen on compared to those of the Inner Sphere? Or will we have custom stuff? You did mention Coilguns are Gauss Rifle synonym before.

Yeppers. As far as your folk were concerned some ten years ago, mobile fusion reactors were utterly ludicrous and a stupid idea.
Ah, Primitive... So our first BattleMech will likely be an Assault Class, since Primitive Armor is better on bigger tonnage until we get Standard Armor and Standard Fusion Engine at least... Maybe the minimum Assault class at 80 tons or 75 tons as a Heavy. I need to tinker about in MegaMek once I get back home from work. @_@;

...and I honestly didn't know about the Years being there at the top of every update. I tend to jump to the body most of the time every update... Q_Q;
You should use MML. MRMs are what the IS missiles are compared to UNSC missiles in all but damage. :V
Huh, that's interesting. o.o; Noted!

Sheriff (Prototype) SHRF-00GH
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: Liyue Heavy Industries Archon Assault-Grade 80
Power Plant: Natlan Energy Incorporated Phlogiston 290
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Jump Jets: N/A
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Monstadt Security Initiative Primitive
2 Medium Laser
1 MML 9
1 Heavy Coilgun
Manufacturer: Fontaine BattleMech-Mobile Suit R&D
Primary Factory: Gunhallow
Communication System: Sumeru Network Communications Seelie Communication Suite 1
Targeting & Tracking System: Inazuma Foresight Department Vision-n-Delusion Suite 1
Introduction Year: 3145
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-F
Cost: 7,088,340 C-bills

Armed with a UNSC Heavy Coilgun with the power of an assault-grade autocannon plus a quarter as well as a Multi-Missile Launcher-9 which functions like a regular LRM and SRM launcher combined, the Sheriff is a fearsome adversary to those that face it due to its Extreme range capability. These two are supplied with two tons of ammo each, with the MML-9 capable of fielding different ammo types depending on the mission. A pair of Medium Lasers, each located in one arm, are also made available in the, very unlikely, event that the Sheriff is not able to resupply its ammunition as meagre protection.

The first BattleMech prototype by the UNSC's first foray to BattleMech-Mobile Suit design. Aptly named the Sheriff to signify the protectors of Gunhallow before the UNSC's intervention of the last pirate raid.

Type: Sheriff
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 80
Battle Value: 1,514

Equipment Mass
Internal Structure
290 Fusion​
Walking MP:
Running MP:
Jumping MP:
Heat Sink:
Primitive Cockpit:
Armor Factor (Primitive): 235

Center Torso
Center Torso (rear)
R/L Torso
R/L Torso (rear)
R/L Arm
R/L Leg

and Ammo​
Location Critical Tonnage
Heavy Coilgun
Heavy Coilgun Ammo (40)
Medium Laser
MML 9 LRM Ammo (13)
MML 9 SRM Ammo (11)
Medium Laser

Features the following design quirks: Battle Fists (LA), Battle Fists (RA), Easy to Pilot, Improved Targeting (Long), Improved Targeting (Medium), Improved Targeting (Short), Improved Sensors, Difficult to Maintain, Prototype
Ta-da! Not sure on History other than this being the Prototype... GH = Gunhallow. :V

Easy to Pilot -> because UNSC managed to make the Neurohelment thingy not a thing anymore for future pilots!
Prototype -> First foray of the UNSC on BattleMech-Combat Mobile Suit design!
Battle Fists -> What do you mean they're just there? I refuse to believe it! - Captain Wriothesley Adams (If you know, you know. :V "I CAST FIST!") <--- also Arcanum Influence likely?

EDIT: Additional Quirks as per the new Informational Threadmark!
Improved Targeting - All -> Oh dear, this Quirk alone (actually three Quirks in one!) is scary, like really so especially with Weapons having the Accurate Weapon Quirk too for a total of -2 to hit.
Improved Sensors -> Built in Beagle Active Probe, which is very useful against Fog of War, smaller units and the likes. Not much against Mech to Mech barring if close enough to know there's an incoming ambush...

Difficult to Maintain -> Thinking about it, it does make sense that only the UNSC knows how to maintain these things... or maybe not at all? I dunno. :X

And whilst it's not there, since the UNSC said they have better targetting systems, the Gauss Rifle Coilgun and MML-9 Ruin Missile Assault Launcher have Accurate Weapon quirk. :V CASE Blowout Panel just makes sense for exploding ammo, no? :V
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HeroCooky on Jan 25, 2025 at 3:33 PM, finished with 29 posts and 13 votes.
The Nation Begins To Take Some Shape
29th June of 2990

Trade between the colonies that the Furina De Fontaine would establish had been, a universe and a decade ago, envisioned not as trade relations similar to Earth and the nations calling that beloved ball of mud home or even between her Solar Colonies, but as far different beast. As each colony would be created to be completely self-sufficient, trade would see a face more akin to developmental aid from the already established colonies toward the younger ones in an unbroken chain traveled by the Furina let loose into the service of the UNSC. Though such assistance would take up the most space aboard the Furina, luxury goods would also play a role, with cultural and data storage given consideration, to allow cultural exchanges to take place without requiring FTL-Comms that were, at best, a century away.

Within this new universe, the situation regarding trade looks far different. Not only because the worlds of this universe are more akin to colonies left to fend for themselves that managed to survive against the odds, but also due to the needs of each being vastly different from each other. Gunhallow required not so much education, but the tools to make the factories create the machines to construct the schools to teach the people that will create the tools for the tasks required to begin uplifting the people in earnest.

And this was on the best planet under the UNSC umbrella.

The worst had literally no idea what steel was.

As such, the trade that would flow from each planet would be vastly different and require expert fine-tuning to prevent the colonies that had managed to survive from collapsing outright because one world provided them the tools to fix critical infrastructure cheaper than they could produce locally, or prevent such production from ever happening in the first place.

This state of being was not at all helped by the fact that, quite honestly and frankly, the natives were willing to buy into the UNSC...but they were not willing to surrender their sovereignty. So, while Sigewinne Matthews and Lyney Daniels despaired in shared unity over the requirements to bring the already colonized worlds up to standard, Neuvillette Clement was brought to the edge of drinking with the creation of a national bureaucracy that could function and direct the whole of the UNSC without running afoul of slotting itself higher than each member state in things beyond defense and war. He hoped this would not lead to bad faith actors taking advantage of the whole until enough FTL traffic was underway within the nation to allow a congress to further centralize.

"Hey, are you going to watch the stream tonight?" Jenne idly asked, poking at one of her tablets displaying the latest efforts to reverse-engineer the advanced alloying of the natives. So far, they had managed to re-create the ""primitive" armor"" their vehicles and their Industrial Mechas used, but their efforts to figure out how to re-create the more advanced versions of those metals still eluded them.

"What stream? >Milky°~°Snake< hasn't anything scheduled for today," Bibi replied, looking up from the book she was reading, a sandwich in hand. It was one of those lettuce, mayo, and cucumber ones with just enough salt to bring forth the best flavors out of the ingredients without taking too much water.

Jenne looked up, a faint shadow of disgust on her face and a hint of judgment in her eyes. "You watch that himbo? Christ, woman, have some self-respect. I mean TAUBENMUTTER's stream," she said, shaking her head. "It's been trying to play through Ultrakill's Forty-Eight Chapters for a while now and streams to get tips on how to play."

Rolling her eyes in response to her colleague's dismissal of vital cultural art, Bibi took a bite from her sandwich before responding. "Mhea? Hof far ifs gone?" She mumbled out between bites.

"Has yet to clear the tutorial. Been trying for 3 weeks."

What Now?
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] Colonize Places (Write-In Number)
The Furina De Fontaine has discovered several systems and places in already visited systems that are viable for colonization. The maximum number of new colonies is 28, spaced into 7 new and already visited/incorporated systems.
[] Visit:
-[] Sjávarhús I

(Point of Interest: Inner Sphere Contacts?)
-[] Cenoma II
(Point of Interest: Advanced Human Augmentations?)
-[] Zhao's Rest
(Point of Interest: The System)
-[] Holy Diaconate of the Blessed Baptist Church
(Point of Interest: Primitive Native Space industry)
-[] Numaris
(Point of Interest: ComStar Ruins?)
[] Aid The Development Of The UNSC
Choose 2:

-[] System Developments
--[] Gunhallow

Gunhallow requires more of everything. Some time spent utilizing the factories and machinery of the Furina would drastically decrease the time to get the planet to produce something worthwhile.
(Gain: The Second Milestone for Gunhallow.)
--[] Sigar IV
Sigar IV is, most of all, in need of extensive maintenance for its many mining fleets, which the Furina could provide at the same time as their inhabitants are treated for medicinal ailments. We should also look at how the Shimmering Petal Mercenary Company is doing.
(Gain: The natives of Sigar IV join the UNSC happily without reservations.)
--[] Planet 778
President Ichu may appreciate some help finding ways to bring the natives to the light of civilization.
(Gain: The First Milestone for 778.)
--[] Council of Affati
With the affairs of the UNSC somewhat in order and the prospect of more stable trade relations to dangle in front of the Council, re-visiting them to entice them further for some concessions could be beneficial.
(Gain: Accelerates subversion of Affati.)

-[] National Military Framework
A nation without an army only exists at its neighbor's agreement. We must protect ourselves to the best of our ability.
(Begin creating a UNSC military.)

-[] A Mech For A Nation
Wait, we can...holy shit! - Gunhallow native.
(You will create your first BattleMech. (You can utilize Primitive Fusion Engines in the design but cannot produce them until you begin their production.))

-[] KF-Drive, KF-Drive, KF-DRIVE
Begin creating the groundwork for JumpShip production.
(Requires both Actions. Stars the industry to create (Hybrid)JumpShips.
It will take ~40 years to produce 1 JumpShip per year...per Action put in.)
Voting is open