What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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SBGs should be our priority this turn to keep the fighting going for the Duchy war, maybe throw some actions towards either researching Duchy ships or researching Duchy Phalanax doctrine.

which houses a planetsized artificial orb composed out of the same black-green metals as the other forty-three ships of the unknown alien race recovered so far.

Star Child please let the planet sized war-machine remain inactive, last I checked it took a bunch of Naval ships and a suicide mission consisting of an entire chapter of Space Marines to take one of these out. We ain't built for this thing.
So we're all in agreement that all the Necron stuff came from that World Engine right? And that for some reason all the Necrons were warped out of their ships back to it?

So what the hell was so important that literally every warrior got called back without their ships?
[ ] Plan: Prepare for the Next Stage
-[] [Shipwright's Alliance Trade Deal] Take the deal.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Basilisk (1/2)

-[] [Military] Emergency Defense Station Deployment - Echish
-[] [Military] Anti-Piracy Patrol - (Minotaur)
-[] [General] Infiltrate (Phantom)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies

@HeroCooky :
Is revising our Doctrine a Free Action or a Full Action? That determines if I get the +1 G acceleration in time for the refit coming next turn or not. Also, we can fill in empty spots in our OOB by committing our large reserve of Wolves in the short term, as they excel in defensive battles between their torpedoes and minelaying functionality. Basically, I want to broadly go "We're mostly okay in our current state, but our vulnerabilities against large warships that don't have obvious weak spots has become clear lately. We must incorporate Lance Weapons into our doctrine if we hope to continue to advance."

Um, infiltration is free and already started at Phantom I'm pretty sure?
Um, infiltration is free and already started at Phantom I'm pretty sure?

Then why's it there as an action? If it is, I'll revise. I'm asking question to clarify, that's why I put a draft down, it's not final nor is it even complete. Though I'll definitely be happy if it turns out that we don't need an action to infiltrate Phantom and we don't need an action to update our Doctrine.
I think that the Engine Mysteries is the most tempting in the short-term just because it doesn't have a cost in DP to set up in a ship design: our newly designed ships are just faster, presumably after we design them?
Engine Mysteries seem really nice, but with the way Micro-Warp Jumps were used in the battle with the Duchy, it seems like that tech could be incredibly tactically significant if we can deploy it widely. Of course, the action doesn't actually say how much the equipment costs, and it's entirely possible that it'll be prohibitively expensive. Still, can you imagine how that battle would've gone if they had that tech on half their ships instead of on four destroyers?
Then why's it there as an action? If it is, I'll revise. I'm asking question to clarify, that's why I put a draft down, it's not final nor is it even complete. Though I'll definitely be happy if it turns out that we don't need an action to infiltrate Phantom and we don't need an action to update our Doctrine.
It isn't, as far as I can see?
Then why's it there as an action? If it is, I'll revise. I'm asking question to clarify, that's why I put a draft down, it's not final nor is it even complete. Though I'll definitely be happy if it turns out that we don't need an action to infiltrate Phantom and we don't need an action to update our Doctrine.

Basically the way I think it works is that it randomly starts infiltrating one place, etc, etc, but we can spend an action to redirect it, or something like that?

I might be remembering it wrong, but the offer was of free, automatic propagandizing/infiltration.

E: Oops, sorry, was writing this before your latest post.
Basically the way I think it works is that it randomly starts infiltrating one place, etc, etc, but we can spend an action to redirect it, or something like that?

I might be remembering it wrong, but the offer was of free, automatic propagandizing/infiltration.

E: Oops, sorry, was writing this before your latest post.
It's automatic, and changing is free if we remember to tell it where to go before it starts going.
Now lets see what happened today...
The yeeni must have some type of blessing from the Star Child, there is no other explanation for them to stumble across Necron tech, UNATTENDED Necron tech at that.
I would like to ask all of you to please make the research team for the Necron ships when we have that Faith turn be entirely composed of yeeni since everything points to them being extremely lucky when it comes to Necrons.

Psytech actions being an action sink as always(but it being moved to research is such a temptation), and the Choirs went bellow 10 right when I wanted to revolutionize the field.:V
Everything else seems alright.
Anyway, behold my words and revelations.

Fact the First : The Yeeni Home System was equipped with a culling beacon, not an extermination one, suggesting that someone in the local imperial hierarchy was interested in keeping them around.
Fact the Second : The Yeeni keep stealing Necron shit
Fact the Third : The Zahn Dynasty likely utilizes some necron tech in their vessels

Conclusion : The local Inquisition has, or had, captive Yeeni working for them to steal all those goodies.
[ ] Plan: Prepare for the Next Stage
-[] [Shipwright's Alliance Trade Deal] Take the deal.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Basilisk (1/2)

-[] [Military] Emergency Defense Station Deployment - Echish
-[] [Military] Anti-Piracy Patrol - (Minotaur)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
--[] Duchy Engine Mysteries (0/2)
---[ ] Bonus point here to complete
-[] [Psykana] Psytech Creations
--[] Primitive Psyker Staffs
-[] [Free][Navy]
Our Doctrine has proven effective against minor powers, but it has shown its limitations in a lack of ability to pursue a fleeing enemy, and its vulnerability in the bombardment phase of battle. We must make an effort to integrate Lance Weapons more properly into our battle line, as the Sagittarius-S and enemy forces have shown its potential, and we cannot afford to be paying such a premium to contest them. Also, how are Autoloaders still a problem? We just worked on improving our automation! Look into that if we can.
-[] [Free][Navy] Deploy all of our free Lupus-S ships to the front line at Echish, and turn this place into a fortified hell for any force they try to sneak in. This should compensate for the lack of Minotaur while Basilisk is brought up to battle-ready status.

Primitive Psyker Staffs we can potentially wait on, and instead get Burner-Seeker mines as well as the Rotary-Palsma (sic) Macrocannons. Or we can get the Arc-Carronade to really get our arty game on along in time for starting our big refit fest coming up with the superior engine model. 4G Heavy Cruisers are delicious.

But we might need a full action for the Doctrine Update, so Primitive Psyker Staves will have to go if we need that.
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[ ] Plan: Prepare for the Next Stage
-[] [Shipwright's Alliance Trade Deal] Take the deal.
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Basilisk (1/2)

-[] [Military] Emergency Defense Station Deployment - Echish
-[] [Military] Anti-Piracy Patrol - (Minotaur)
-[] [General] Research:
--[] Free Duchy Shipwreck And Battle Studies
--[] Duchy Engine Mysteries (0/2)
---[ ] Bonus point here to complete
-[] [Psykana] Psytech Creations
--[] Primitive Psyker Staffs
-[] [Free][Navy]
Our Doctrine has proven effective against minor powers, but it has shown its limitations in a lack of ability to pursue a fleeing enemy, and its vulnerability in the bombardment phase of battle. We must make an effort to integrate Lance Weapons more properly into our battle line, as the Sagittarius-S and enemy forces have shown its potential, and we cannot afford to be paying such a premium to contest them. Also, how are Autoloaders still a problem? We just worked on improving our automation! Look into that if we can.
-[] [Free][Navy] Deploy all of our free Lupus-S ships to the front line at Echish, and turn this place into a fortified hell for any force they try to sneak in. This should compensate for the lack of Minotaur while Basilisk is brought up to battle-ready status.

Primitive Psyker Staffs we can potentially wait on, and instead get Burner-Seeker mines as well as the Rotary-Palsma Macrocannons. Or we can get the Arc-Carronade to really get our arty game on along in time for starting our big refit fest coming up with the superior engine model.

Hmm, what's the logic behind making Minotaur the Anti-Piracy Patrol SBG?

...and this is not on you, but I still don't know what the deal involves, so a bit confused on that part.
First Necron ship then whole fleet of Necron ships.
This Year, planet size Necron ship, what next?
They fallow us home can we keep them?
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Hmm, what's the logic behind making Minotaur the Anti-Piracy Patrol SBG?

...and this is not on you, but I still don't know what the deal involves, so a bit confused on that part.

Presumably, it means "We get a free action, in exchange, they take 70 DP of production from us, because they're using our yards to produce shit that they're funding."

Except we have 60 DP of production passively and 44 DP built up, so our reserve is only exhausted by 10 DP to do it.

It'd be weird to have to pay an action to get an action, you know? And we'd be suckers to do it.

EDIT: As for why Minotaur, it's a force that doesn't have any particularly unique ships, and is fully intact to boot. It also doesn't have any Sagis, which will be important in a defensive battle.
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"In other news," the news broadcaster said, "the United Yeeni Naval Command has announced that the Spirit of Discovery has discovered a new system within Sub-Sector Macabre, which houses a planetsized artificial orb composed out of the same black-green metals as the other forty-three ships of the unknown alien race recovered so far.
What the hell? I swear, one of these days they're gonna collect Trazyn himself.
Whatever plan gets proposed early tends to take up all the room for discussion, so i'd like to have at least maybe, what 15 minutes or so, before people coalesce.

Moratoriums are pointless if it's just pseudovoting without discussion.

I have my doubts about defense stations tbh.

The Duchy has 3 weapons (the lance, their massive torpedo waves, and the null nets) that are ideal for killing stationary or largely immoveable targets.
Our point defense is not that good.
We have no way to stop the null net.
Only against the lance do we have a good counter.

So going for immobile defenses seems like a waste of lives and metal, when a mobile defense is better suited to counter the duchy.
you are discounting that the stations will likely have their own fighters to be able to run interference against torpedo spam. And they only have a limited number of Null Nets they can use, they gotta pick their targets between those stations and our Heavy Cruisers, plus they need to get close enough to actually do that.
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"In other news," the news broadcaster said, "the United Yeeni Naval Command has announced that the Spirit of Discovery has discovered a new system within Sub-Sector Macabre, which houses a planetsized artificial orb composed out of the same black-green metals as the other forty-three ships of the unknown alien race recovered so far. For further information, please visit our noosphere-domain. Onto the financial forecast..."