What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Personally I think we should mostly consider this vote a question of what archetype of destroyer we want to build, since we already have several Lance-based harassers and a torpedo boat I'll throw in two more designs for consideration, one brawler and a missile boat.
[] Wrath-Class Brawler
-[] The Righteous Wrath of the Star-Child will return Peace and Prosperity to the Galaxy-Class Brawler Destroyer
-[] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 250 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 6 Gravities (+2)
-[] Armor - Thick Single Hull (-1)
-[] Shields - Three Emitters (-1)
-[] Weapons - (2x Batteried Light Macro-Cannons) (-2)
-[] Equipment - (Armored Prow, Advanced Alloying, Armored Lifepods) (-2)
This design sacrifices speed and size for stronger defences and recyclability, it wants to get in close and start blasting until its corpse is retrieved at the end of the battle, hopefully alongside most of its crew. This kind of design would definitely draw on our ability to quickly shit out destroyer-sized ships and pray to the Star Child we hold the space at the end of the battle to retrieve the survivors.

[] Knowledge-Class Missile Destroyer
-[] Only through the Rigorous Advancement and Application of Knowledge will we Liberate the Galaxy from its Oppressors-Class Missile Destroyer
-[] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1)
-[] Width - 250 Meters (+1)
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities (+0)
-[] Armor - Single Hull (+0)
-[] Shields - Two Emitters (+0)
-[] Weapons - (3x Turreted Light Missiles) (-3)
-[] Equipment - (Missile-Swarms, Auto-Loaders) (-2)
This design relies entirely on weight of missile fire and sacrifices some hull space in return. Tactically the plan would be to approach the enemy, press the All The Missiles button and then either bounce or clean up, depending on how the strike went. Strategically these will likely be a logistical nightmare, since they'll churn through missiles very quickly, so they would have to be focused on defending planets and stations that can more easily resupply them, but in return they should put out a world of hurt.
I could see a place for a brawler rocking solid across-the-board numbers with a paired Macrobattery + Lance combination. It's the traditional One-Two punch for good reason, and the heavy armor of Ork ships will be mitigated, meaning we don't necessarily need to reach their aft to tear them apart. We'd definitely want counter-boarding and crew loss mitigations as supplemental benefits in that case though.
I don't think we really have the points to create something that has both a specific purpose and is still generally decent. Anything that has a clear purpose will need to have drawbacks to get the points it needs to specialise. If we slap a macrobattery and a lance on a cruiser we have exactly one point left, and sure we can put that in say better shield regen or advanced alloying, but it'll be a rather average design in return.
Personally I'm of the mind that a design that has a clearly designed use-case and some drawbacks in return will last us longer than putting out something that's average and will be replaced in fourty years.
how easy wield it be to retrofit or redesign a ship once we build our destroyer?

like would it be easier to improve or downgrade shields compared to growing and shrinking the length and width?

weapons are pretty much attached to the outside of the vessel so would they be easier to add more of them compared to filling up the internals with equipment during a retrofit/redesign?
[] Faith of the Stars class Destroyer
-[] Length
- 1.300 +1 Point
-[] Width - 250 +1 Point
-[] Acceleration - 7
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters
-[] Weapons - 2x Light Macrocannon Batteries, 1x Turreted Light Lance -3 Points
-[] Equipment - Autoloaders, Gravimetric Engine Calculations -2 Points

Here's my attempt at designing a generalist ship with the tried and true macrocannon + lance one-two punch. Not as tough as I wish but it should be fairly good as our mainline combatant until we can get something better built.


@HeroCooky if we put in a macrocannon battery, does it get mounted on both sides or will we need 2 batteries to cover both flanks of the ship?
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I could see a place for a brawler rocking solid across-the-board numbers with a paired Macrobattery + Lance combination. It's the traditional One-Two punch for good reason, and the heavy armor of Ork ships will be mitigated, meaning we don't necessarily need to reach their aft to tear them apart. We'd definitely want counter-boarding and crew loss mitigations as supplemental benefits in that case though.
How would you write-up a generalist Gun+Lance destroyer?
[] (SHIP)
-[] Aries-class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300
-[] Width - 300
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters
-[] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying

Solid all-rounder performance, the intent here is to fish for openings, stripping shields with our cannons and then exploiting with the lance weapons while doing our best to fish for favorable angles. More importantly, these ships are designed to minimize our losses and increase our veterancy. Because we're not catching up to Great Power level technology anytime soon--but if we make sure our dudes can continue accumulating experience, and we can recommission hulls that are otherwise beaten to shit but not double-tapped or looted, we'll steadily grow in strength--and since the initial phase of our campaign will happen on home territory simply because we won't be in any position to project power until we can at least field a Light Cruiser of our own--a chance to get some cadre established would be very beneficial for future models better suited to project power. One small hit to length to trade for the Advanced Alloying to negate a killing blow, and Armored Lifepods to minimize our crew losses and all.

It's not a glorious build that wins wars, but it should be a solid workhorse in the short term @Godwinson
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[] (SHIP)
-[] Aries-class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300
-[] Width - 300
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters
-[] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying

Solid all-rounder performance, the intent here is to fish for openings, stripping shields with our cannons and then exploiting with the lance weapons while doing our best to fish for favorable angles. More importantly, these ships are designed to minimize our losses and increase our veterancy. Because we're not catching up to Great Power level technology anytime soon--but if we make sure our dudes can continue accumulating experience, and we can recommission hulls that are otherwise beaten to shit but not double-tapped or looted, we'll steadily grow in strength--and since the initial phase of our campaign will happen on home territory simply because we won't be in any position to project power until we can at least field a Light Cruiser of our own--a chance to get some cadre established would be very beneficial for future models better suited to project power.

It's not a glorious build that wins wars, but it should be a solid workhorse in the short term @Godwinson
That's a solid build, yeah. Gives us a decent all-rounder to build off of with the explicit understanding that it's going to be obsolete in short order. Honestly, given what we've seen of the difference in capability between our design capabilities and the Cobra, I'm not super confident that the torpedo boat will work as well as we might hope.
That's a solid build, yeah. Gives us a decent all-rounder to build off of with the explicit understanding that it's going to be obsolete in short order. Honestly, given what we've seen of the difference in capability between our design capabilities and the Cobra, I'm not super confident that the torpedo boat will work as well as we might hope.

Yeah, I think this'll be my actual submission. We need to use this as a training ship in the early stages while we still have monitors to take the edge off, so we have veteran crew when we've scaled up to the level where we can project power forward.
I'm definitely looking forward to reaching a point where things like Auto-Loaders can simply be taken as a given, rather than fucking hand-loading our spaceship weaponry.
[] (SHIP)
-[] Aries-class Corvette
-[] Length
- 1.300
-[] Width - 300
-[] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[] Armor - Single Hull
-[] Shields - Two Emitters
-[] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying
think it would be okay to set width to 250 m and get Tuned Shields?
think it would be okay to set width to 250 m and get Tuned Shields?

Nah, I think we're good here, even Tuned Shields aren't going to save us if we get hit by boarding spam or eat a ramming attack.

They're a "Nice to have" but I wouldn't reduce our base "HP" more just for them. Not when the whole expectation here is "These ships suck and will probably get fucked up, but they're designed to save as many people as possible on the way down and be as salvagable as we can."

The revelation that we have a fifth of the Imperium's DP on our shipbuilding was... Uh, enlightening, especially since even the IN can't necessarily claim victories against Ork ships of equal weight class if they're not careful.
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Just throwing out the ideas I proposed earlier while I look at every design.

[X] Keeping on the Lance Train
-[X] Starburst-class
-[X] Length - 1.400 Meters
-[X] Width - 300 Meters
-[X] Acceleration - 8 Gravities (-2)
-[X] Armor - Thin Single Hull (+1)
-[X] Shields - Singular Emitter (+1)
-[X] Weapons - 2x Turreted Light Lances (-2)
-[X] Equipment - Gravimetric Engine Calculations, Pure Lenses (-2)

[X] The Little Tank That Could
-[X] Comet-class
-[X] Length - 1.200 Meters (+2)
-[X] Width - 200 Meters (+2)
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Thick Single Hull (-1)
-[X] Shields - Three Emitters (-1)
-[X] Weapons - 2x Light Macro-Cannon Batteries (-2)
-[X] Equipment - Armored Prow, Auto-Loaders, Internal Security Systems (-3)
[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White

[X] (SHIP)
-[X] Aries-class Corvette
-[X] Length
- 1.300
-[X] Width - 300
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Single Hull
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters
-[X] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[X] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying
[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White

[X] (SHIP)
-[X] Aries-class Corvette
-[X] Length
- 1.300
-[X] Width - 300
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Single Hull
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters
-[X] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[X] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying

The revelation that we have a fifth of the Imperium's DP on our shipbuilding was... Uh, enlightening, especially since even the IN can't necessarily claim victories against Ork ships of equal weight class if they're not careful.
We're at Void Industry 4 and Heavy Industry 2, with 3 Design Points, suggesting that it's something like half the sum of our Void Industry and Heavy Industry for Destroyer-sized ships? Presumably we could get more if we had more worlds to draw from for our industry?

I would be totally unsurprised to learn that there might be an entire sub-sector or even sector that's totally devoted to producing all the things needed to support a single Cobra shipyard.
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[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White
since my lance-based proposal is 90% the same as King's I'll put up the other two for voting:
[X] Wrath-Class Brawler
-[X] The Righteous Wrath of the Star-Child will return Peace and Prosperity to the Galaxy-Class Brawler Destroyer
-[X] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1)
-[X] Width - 250 Meters (+1)
-[X] Acceleration - 6 Gravities (+2)
-[X] Armor - Thick Single Hull (-1)
-[X] Shields - Three Emitters (-1)
-[X] Weapons - (2x Batteried Light Macro-Cannons) (-2)
-[X] Equipment - (Armored Prow, Advanced Alloying, Armored Lifepods) (-2)

[X] Knowledge-Class Missile Destroyer
-[X] Only through the Rigorous Advancement and Application of Knowledge will we Liberate the Galaxy from its Oppressors-Class Missile Destroyer
-[X] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+1)
-[X] Width - 250 Meters (+1)
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities (+0)
-[X] Armor - Single Hull (+0)
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters (+0)
-[X] Weapons - (3x Turreted Light Missiles) (-3)
-[X] Equipment - (Missile-Swarms, Auto-Loaders) (-2)

Since we have three hard targets we need to defend I think I prefer the missile spam as things stand, since that gives us strategic mobility and a strong punch with the main challenge of logistics being something we can prepare for.
[X] (SHIP)
-[X] Aries-class Corvette
-[X] Length
- 1.300
-[X] Width - 300
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Single Hull
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters
-[X] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[X] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying

[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White
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[X] (SHIP)
-[X] Destined Hope Class Missile Destroyer
-[X] Sketch N/A
-[X] Length
- 1.300 Meters (+ 1 DP)
-[X] Width - 300 Meters (+/- 0 DP)
-[X] Acceleration - 7.5 Gravities (- 1 DP)
-[X] Armor - Single Hull (+/- 0 DP)
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters (+/- 0 DP)
-[X] Weapons - Light Missiles/Batteries (-1 DP)
-[X] Equipment - Auto-Loaders, Missile-Swarms, and Gravimetric Engine Calculations ( - 3 DP)

[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White
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[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White

[X] Ship
-[X] Faith of the Stars class Destroyer
-[X] Length
- 1.300 +1 Point
-[X] Width - 250 +1 Point
-[X] Acceleration - 7
-[X] Armor - Single Hull
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters
-[X] Weapons - 2x Light Macrocannon Batteries, 1x Turreted Light Lance -3 Points
-[x] Equipment - Autoloaders, Gravimetric Engine Calculations -2 Points
[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White

[X] Wrath-Class Brawler

[X] Faith of the Stars class Destroyer
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[X][Design and Production Rationalization] Tall White

[X] (SHIP)
-[X] Aries-class Corvette
-[X] Length
- 1.300
-[X] Width - 300
-[X] Acceleration - 7 Gravities
-[X] Armor - Single Hull
-[X] Shields - Two Emitters
-[X] Weapons - Light Macro-Cannon Turret/Light Lance Turret
-[X] Equipment - Armored Lifepods/Advanced Alloying