What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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There are more things named Celestia than a funky alicorn. >:[
Let's try for the other ones.

Humanity Unity Technology Progress The Sun
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Logic
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Compassion
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Health
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Hope
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Death

I just realize I don't actually know enough MLP characters to accurately match them to our limited sections of words.
Let's try for the other ones.

Humanity Unity Technology Progress The Sun
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Logic
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Compassion
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Health
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Hope
Humanity Unity Technology Progress Death

I just realize I don't actually know enough MLP characters to accurately match them to our limited sections of words.
A Tribe Called:
Fluttershy would be Compassion, Animals (Custom), The Home, Mercy, Protection. :V
Guardian Of Livestocks :V
You are hitting the maximum of Choirs/Psykers your population can generate to keep up with the natural aging deaths of your Psykers.
So essentially our old dying choirs are being switched out with new ones and that's causing the decreases we are seeing? Cause we are reaching danger close to like dropping below 10

Edit: A question. It takes an action to infiltrate a Polity? I was under the impression that we would only have to designate planets for the propaganda office to work. Not an entire action. Am I mistaken?
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Ok, here's another one:

Struggle, The Void, Death, Silence
The End Of Service
Huh, so would this:
Compassion, (Blank), The Home, Mercy, Protection

Be the format for [Guardian of "Blank"]?
No, that was a joke one. :p
See, I can come up with non ominous ones.

(Plz ignore murder)
Oh right, you did those.
Changing to A Tribe Called:
Suffocating Attention

:V :V :V
A question. It takes an action to infiltrate a Polity? I was under the impression that we would only have to designate planets for the propaganda office to work. Not an entire action. Am I mistaken?
Directed Infiltration requires an Action. The Prop Office randomly works on subverting planets to your side without Actions.
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@HeroCooky okay so the new propaganda department. If I am getting this right it does auto-convert a planet/system slowly but the action we are given is to speed things along? How does that action work because the Propaganda Office was supposed to not take an action to use and it is using an action so...just general confusion on my end
Directed Infiltration requires an Action. The Prop Office randomly works on subverting planets to your side without Actions.
And never mind. I understand now.
[] Plan: We need more Things
-[] Production Line Rationalization Programs (0/2) x1+Free
-[] Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
-[] Git - (Target Biosphere: Megaflora) - (Maximum Population: 36 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~160 Years)

We need more Population space.
We need 300-350 and currently get:
50 in 10 Turns
101 in 19 Turns
so we are missing 150-200
if we accept unrest we have 64 more

I like terraforming Git. We gotta put those people somewhere and this is the best way to do that. But I'm not sure about doing both research actions over initiating infiltration on the hive worlds. The update says 'immediately,' so 'immediately' we should aim for.

[] Plan: Immediate but long-term bonuses
--[] [General] Infiltrate Voxx Secondus
-[] Advanced Servo-Skull Militarization Initiative
-[] Git - (Target Biosphere: Megaflora) - (Maximum Population: 36 Billion) - (Terraformation Time: ~160 Years)

Oh, other question - @HeroCooky the STC progress from last turn was New Dawn?

Also, some song ideas. I think these are new but I'm not sure.
Death, Void, Fire, Sun, Death
Death, Void, Death, Void, Death
Sun, Fire, Death, Void.
We're talking about Song components. I'd rather have more things to choose from. IE, be able to do Fire 1, Death 1, Some Other Thing 1.
Could we do Paths with next free melody?
Unrelated but I think we shouldn't sleep on this option either.

it's a fairly powerful capital class ship, and at only 1 action it's not all that expensive.
Also "Holy Sigils".

Empowering the Soul (of the one who they are drawn on)/the object they are drawn on sounds like a "make everything a bit better" thing.
A Tribe Called Celestia
Now we just gotta figure out Velvet Covers.
[] Plan: Continuing Build Up
-[] [General] Infiltrate (Voxx Secundus)
-[] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[] Minotaur (0/3.5)
-[] [Psykana] The Celestial Orrery (0/2)

If we ever plan to build the temple-ship, the celestial orrery would go great as a sub-system.
Alas, I suspect we are supposed to get the Orrery first before messing with something as important as the Hymns, and we don't have the actions for that.
I think QM said an upgrade to the Hymns is part of the Psytech tree so its behind there somewhere.

I'd be fine with switching to the production of Lupus Destroyers for a few turns to beef up our defensive forces with more minelayers.
I agree Lupus is the best choice for alternative destroyer auto-production but it takes a ton of them to have an effective minelayer fleet. QM said ~30 for something that significantly affects an SBG, not that less will do absolutely nothing. I've been making a minelayer if there is a design action it can be added onto, there's not much to them. It would be very nice for defending against the Voxx retaliation/reinforcement.

You are hitting the maximum of Choirs/Psykers your population can generate to keep up with the natural aging deaths of your Psykers.
So from what I can tell we have been getting 4 Choirs per turn, 3 immediately used with Scouts for a net gain of 1 per turn.

1. Are we still gaining 4 Choirs per turn but now 4 are passing away from old age for net 0? Or will we still be gaining a net of 1 Choir after Scouts?

The "additional effort" is calculated with an Action spent every two Turns on something that directly aids the Voxx Primus/Secundus Infiltration.
It does, it does, and it does not.
To make sure I'm not misunderstanding this because I'm nervous, we need 4 'additional effort' actions that can't be further than 2 Turns apart but can be set up ahead of time.
2. So 2 more actions after Servo-skull Militarization and Infiltrate Secundus if they win, one of which should be taken 2 turns after next?

3. Also, would Holy Symbols possibly count as an additional effort to help the infiltration? I'm reading it as being something like Faith-based simple Psytech which could be incredibly useful but hard to know the strength or limitations.

4. Would any of the Infantry Research count as an additional effort? Last try to find a sneaky double value action, promise.
-[] Novel Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
-[] Experimental Infantry-Grade Weapons and Armor Development
-[] Logistical Infantry-Grade Weapons Development (0/3)
-[] Logicstical Infantry-Grade Armor Development (0/3)

5. Are those 13 Chamleons part of the Propaganda Office? I assume they're still being used in infiltration support currently.

6. Final question for now, so ideally we have 90 years until the Voxx Infiltration is discovered and we need to attack same turn. If 790.M42 is year 0 of that countdown, does that mean we need to kick things off Turn 890.M42? Or before it hits 90 years so during Turn 880.M42? I'm trying to list out the turns and confusing myself.
edit: I was confused because I mistyped and my list skipped from 870 to 890, obviously 880 is 90 years from 790.
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