Hm. Assuming that "Plan: Buying More Time And Setting Goals, Maphara Version v2" wins (a fairly safe assumption with its huge lead), I'm trying to figure out what the future action economy looks like. Looking at the three aspects of the Voxx takeover - space, ground, and civilian aftermath.
Keep in mind this is all starting from next turn, and I'm treating the auto-tickers as having auto-ticked.
Bare minimum, we'll be slaughtered otherwise:
4 actions to build one more SBG OR finish the Lamenters fleet (autocompletes in 6 turns, completes in 4 turns if we spend 1 action) OR 2 research to upgrade our fleet (might require a 3rd action to refit our SBGs) OR 1 action to come up with void combat Song.
Probably enough:
Two of the above, OR 7 actions to build two SBGs.
Assured victory:
7 actions to build two SBGs + finish Lamenters fleet + 2 research actions to upgrade the fleet + Song = 10 actions if we have 6 turns for the Lamenters to autocomplete, 11 actions otherwise.
(Obviously, this only comes into play if we don't get slaughtered in space first.)
Bare minimum, we'll be slaughtered otherwise:
2 research to improve our infantry/ortillery OR 2 actions to create Augmetic SAGs/War-Packs (our War-Packs finish auto-replenishing 7 turns after the coming turn) OR 1 action to make a ground combat Song
Probably enough:
Two of the above, OR 4 research to improve our infanty/ortillery, OR 5 actions to create Augmetic SAGs/War-Packs
Assured victory:
4 research (3 actions) + Song + 4 actions to create troops = 9 actions.
(Obviously, this only comes into play if we win in space and on the ground, and we'll likely have more turns to complete it until the ground fighting finishes.)
Bare minimum, it'll make the Holodmor and Irish Potato Famine look harmless in comparison otherwise:
3 actions to build the evacuation fleet.
Not enough, but it'll avert absolute grimdark:
4 actions to build the evacuation fleet, 6 actions to build habitat stations
Might actually be enough:
6 actions to build the evacuation fleet, 12 actions to build habitat stations
Obviously, a lot of this is purely speculative on my part! I'm speculating that, between the Nutri-Paste and our research on Hive-City agriculture, Voxx will be able to feed a significant chunk of its population once we take it over. I'm speculating about how our space forces will be able to fight against the Duchy's space forces. But I like to think my speculations are reasonable.
With that in mind (and keeping in mind that we get extra research on our 2nd and 5th research actions)...
Bare minimum:
We take a single action for space combat, 1 action for ground combat, 3 actions to build up the evacuation fleet. 5 actions total... and, frankly, if we're stupid enough to do that, we deserve whatever we get.
Probably enough:
2 actions for space combat, 3 actions for ground combat, 10 actions for aftermath - about 5 turns' worth of actions, one or two of which can take place after the revolution starts. I honestly expect this would still be very, very painful, both on our military and the civilians, mind.
10-11 actions for space combat, 9 actions for ground combat, 18 actions for aftermath - basically need 7 turns for the military buildup and 6 turns for the civilian preparations (but it's worth noting that the civilian preparations in this case massively boost our Void Industry). Assuming World War Voxx takes three decades, that means we can theoretically pull this off if the revolution takes 10 turns to kick off. If we manage that, I strongly suspect we'll be be able to crush the Duchy on both land and space, and prevent a mass die-off once we're in control of the planet - while also being only 4 actions away from Void Industries XV.
Of course, we don't have full control of when the revolution will start, other factions also get a say, my speculative calculous could be way off, and there's a whole bunch of possible actions I haven't even addressed here (such as holy sigils, saints, raising Military Industry, The Hallowed Armada...).