What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Motto: "From Darkness Unto Dawn!"
Regimental Standard Baseform: Unit-Specific Standards, but a clenched Brown Paw, a Black Hammer, and a Red Star arranged in a Triangle on a Purple Field with the words "Truth, Loyalty, Dedication" between the symbols.


1st Host of the Unbidden - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Assault, 1st Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Engineering)
2nd Slayers of the Banished Foes - (1st and 2nd Yeeni Medium Infantry Sabotage, 1st and 2nd Yeeni Light Tanks)
3rd Legion of the Burning Ashes - (1st, 2nd, and 3rd Yeeni Heavy Tanks, 1st Yeeni Heavy Mechanized Engineering)
Oh my god, their names for the SAG's are so Chunni. I love it. Seems like they focused on a quick movement and heavy follow up. lot of Assault with Sabotage and engineering support and then light and heavy tanks to follow up. How quickly will more chunni 'titles' or such will appear once they see actual combat?

War pack is equivalent to a SAG, we have elite tier troops. They will also have elite troops like shock Guardsmen, Psykers, Mechanicum, maybe Sisters along with endless human waves. We're setting ourselves up to fight a peer that way outnumbers us, we need to be better than their best. But even if I'm being a doomer just getting Templars will buff both our SAGs and the infiltrators.
Yah this is an important bit here. We went with Quality over Quantity and while our quality of baseline units will be better then the Imperium Remnants or successor states, we'll always be outnumbered and the QM has warned us we can die to being buried in the corpses of Guard. when we lose SAG's its a lose but more in experience and equipment and the Imperial Guard can lose enough men to fill an SAG and still be in combat without too much problem.

Add in others like the Elite Guardsmen, Battlefield Pyskers, whatever Mechanicum troops and tech, with any descendants of any Sisters of Battle that can match our quality or give us enough losses it hurts us where a Imperial Guard unit flitches. Honestly, the thing I'm noticing is all our Pyskers in Choirs aren't suited for small battles given the plantery scale of songs and are more strategic, so we would have to just create something kind of damping song to make senses harder for the enemy Psykers. Elite Guardsmen will be higher equipment but much more veteran so doable, Mechanicum... who the fuck knows. depends on what they have locked up and ready to break out on us when we do. The problem is we have to multch so much fodder and any SAG tied up with equals is going to have a big effect when they can't help with the endless human wave. We have a lower threashhold for how many losses our SAG's can take before needing to cycle out.

Yes, in essence it would. You would lose the ability to direct the growth, but it would take over the maintenance.
Ah, hmmm. So would things like ordering infiltration of the PDF, the infiltrating and setting the gangs up against each other and the like be the result? cause damn, that is a loss since we can adapt and focus to better returns instead of just general maintenance and expansion. hmm

They've already done that once, or have you forgot? It's how we got this big in the first place.
And again. We are NOT hard to find. We have the biggest gang in the Underhives, you can't hide that.
Also I laugh at your idea that they'll have to 'look' for us in the Underhives. They are perfectly willing to just shoot everything that moves down there, we know because they already done that once. We only survived because we fled into the Wastes between Hives, we cannot do that again. You have a short memory.
Its.. really not that big all things considered. At in this is spread across the other Hives and Wastelands. we're not all grouped together and some only know us from rumors or a free day a day and most would see it as bait or some gang that lost a lot of members and needs fresh blood to join up quick. And we are small fish compared to the larger and more long established gangs, not many know about the equipment we have but looks to be someone skimmed off the top and sold some surplus to us. The entire reason they shot everyone in sight was the scare of a Psyker cabal and you skimmed over the chapter I see because it was the CAPTIAL Hive that shit happened in with far lesser shit happening in the other Hives, mostly just Witch sights and the ceremonial gesture of going down a few levels and shooting any mutant or weird looking person. We went to ground or even in the UnderHives when that happened. Add in the backstabbing and power plays from the Nobles against each other and its not going to be a 'wake up tomorrow and Voxx Primus is secured, our forces died'.

In order;
Yes it will if you don't pay Attention to that Auto-Ticker, and yes it could.

Yes, you would.
Ah, so what happens with that if we want to stop it? Just tell them to pause it or not to go loud? Do we just turn it on and off so to speak when we want somewhere infiltrated and converted?
on retrospective voxx primus has really been a resource sinkhole

did we vote to begin subverting it or was a event caused action?
on retrospective voxx primus has really been a resource sinkhole

did we vote to begin subverting it or was a event caused action?
The Laurent was really insistent on starting infiltration of Voxx Primus as soon as possible. To the extent they were advocating for it during our war in 621 b/c there were vastly more people suffering there than in all of the other subsectors we were in combined.
The Laurent was really insistent on starting infiltration of Voxx Primus as soon as possible. To the extent they were advocating for it during our war in 621 b/c there were vastly more people suffering there than in all of the other subsectors we were in combined.

huh,i would have preffered ignoring hive worlds for as long as doable as cruel as it sounds
that -30 debuff really scared the fuck out of me when i head it
huh,i would have preffered ignoring hive worlds for as long as doable as cruel as it sounds
that -30 debuff really scared the fuck out of me when i head it
Same, I would have preferred to situate towards the Ashan Families or the Black Ash Clan to get more territory, but this is fine. Our infrastructure hasn't collapsed yet and we still can work towards mitigating the eventual losses. That being said, I do also want to eventually move towards getting Civ XV just so we can reach that milestone before Voxx Primus tanks us.
Same, I would have preferred to situate towards the Ashan Families or the Black Ash Clan to get more territory, but this is fine. Our infrastructure hasn't collapsed yet and we still can work towards mitigating the eventual losses. That being said, I do also want to eventually move towards getting Civ XV just so we can reach that milestone before Voxx Primus tanks us.

I would have preferred to steer towards the Black ash Clans, Knight Clans tend to originate from Feudal worlds, and Fuedal worlds tend to be relativly habitable because the diffrence can't be made up with tech, Which means that they seem like Great targets for turning into Breadbaskets, Because not only should they be underpopulated by their size, but should have relatively unspoiled lands that can be turned into farmlands before we tried to even touch a hive.

As is, we at least seem to be managing? IDK I would have preferred taking on the Black ash clans BEFORE the Free duchy.
huh,i would have preffered ignoring hive worlds for as long as doable as cruel as it sounds
that -30 debuff really scared the fuck out of me when i head it
Well, I suppose it was that or making nice with the *shudders* capitalists on our other border (and to be fair they are kinda assholes, but one we can live with at the moment and probably 'peacefully' suborn)./s Or we can take on the Clans and settle that nonsense before they drop into yet another war of sucession.

And to be fair since we decided to muddle in that hellhole voluntarily, we are able to keep the Dutchy at arms length with them none the wiser, rather than being surprised by a scout group sussing us out early. How long we'll be able to keep them blind to us is an ongoing question, but one we should take advantage of.

Of course, even if the war does go hot, that doesn't me we have to commit to the Revolution immediately. The Dutchy is still recovering and -barring whatever weird fuckery is going on with their ships- we are fresh. We should be able to chew through whatever first scratch force the Dutchy throws at us, and then we can decide from there, probably finish thouroughly infiltrating the Voxx hives and the surrounding agri-worlds first and then popping it off then by the time the second wave comes at us. After that bite-and-hold style of offense would probably suit us then like it did against Zeon.
Of course, even if the war does go hot, that doesn't me we have to commit to the Revolution immediately. The Dutchy is still recovering and -barring whatever weird fuckery is going on with their ships- we are fresh. We should be able to chew through whatever first scratch force the Dutchy throws at us, and then we can decide from there, probably finish thouroughly infiltrating the Voxx hives and the surrounding agri-worlds first and then popping it off then by the time the second wave comes at us. After that bite-and-hold style of offense would probably suit us then like it did against Zeon.
Yeah, even if they do actually start attacking us they don't know that we've started infiltrating them or our capability to do so. We wait until we're ready then push up to Echish or failing that Voxx Secundus then fortify the crap out of it.

[X] BC-MSM E4765 "Plasteal-eater"
Also it should be noted that the desire to pick a fight with the Black Ash Clan is also a matter of hindsight. We were already starting in on Voxx Primus by the time we discovered them.

At the time, for expansion the options were "Pick a fight with allies, integrate the Merchant Families and then start a series of brushfire Balkans Wars, or save the 700 Billion (or at least some of them) next door."
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Though to be honest if we do decide, after we've fought the Van Zandt's to a stalemate/they can't break through us and we just leave them be, if we do want to be complete assholes I'm pretty sure that we'll have enough strength and industry to absolutely rampage through Macabre.

There's not a single fleet equal to an SBG! Now, all of them combined could make a challenge, but we probably could roll our way through if we really were devoted to be conquering Kings uniting the Balkans under our rule. :V
Though to be honest if we do decide, after we've fought the Van Zandt's to a stalemate/they can't break through us and we just leave them be, if we do want to be complete assholes I'm pretty sure that we'll have enough strength and industry to absolutely rampage through Macabre.

There's not a single fleet equal to an SBG! Now, all of them combined could make a challenge, but we probably could roll our way through if we really were devoted to be conquering Kings uniting the Balkans under our rule. :V

RULE NUMBER 1! Never Poke the Balkans! It never ends well!

Frankly unless Orks or chaos or some massive Force of Xenocidal aliens show up, I would prefer to back away slowly from the balkans and just leave them in their little corner :rofl:

Ishanu Looks like a much better Target. And I must admit, The croef almost look like a chance to make up for the mistake we made with the Forge. given the Omake bounty board, They look like a mechanicus derivative and they haven't seem to gotten any better.

Not to mention Black ash clan Is a Mess I want to get involved with because KNIGHT's! and the archeotech warp routes. Ishanu looks like the Land of Plot.
[X] BC-MSM E4765 "Plasteal-eater"

It might have been nice to go after Ishanu, but it wouldn't have been too much of a step-change for us to take each of those politys. A similar increase in size and population as what happened when we colonized 9 more worlds.

But Voxx... Voxx is a step change. It's a challenge and an opportunity unlike anything we've encountered before. If we manage to rescue and integrate even a third of the population then we'll almost double in productivity, and develop new methods and capabilities that will carry us through the future. The infiltration is a great example - we've laid the groundwork for how it works, built a fleet of ships for the work and schools to train revolutionaries and missionaries.

That's how we expand going forward, and we developed the capability and techniques on Voxx.
The croef almost look like a chance to make up for the mistake we made with the Forge. given the Omake bounty board, They look like a mechanicus derivative and they haven't seem to gotten any better.
IIRC, the Croaf Hegemony is run by Navigators who use their position as the only people readily available who can navigate ships to assert control and have influence over others. Needless to say our Choirs threaten their monopoly so conflict might be inevitable if they find out about us and how we don't need them, and how others might get the idea that they don't need to have mutants bossing them around anymore.
[X] BC-MSM E4765 "Plasteal-eater"

It might have been nice to go after Ishanu, but it wouldn't have been too much of a step-change for us to take each of those politys. A similar increase in size and population as what happened when we colonized 9 more worlds.

But Voxx... Voxx is a step change. It's a challenge and an opportunity unlike anything we've encountered before. If we manage to rescue and integrate even a third of the population then we'll almost double in productivity, and develop new methods and capabilities that will carry us through the future. The infiltration is a great example - we've laid the groundwork for how it works, built a fleet of ships for the work and schools to train revolutionaries and missionaries.

That's how we expand going forward, and we developed the capability and techniques on Voxx.
Yeah. Baby steps and all that. Voxx Primus is an action sink, but once we get the Propaganda and Infiltration ministry setup they'll be able to do this crap automatically, especially when we got some practical experience on doing it.
IIRC, the Croaf Hegemony is run by Navigators who use their position as the only people readily available who can navigate ships to assert control and have influence over others. Needless to say our Choirs threaten their monopoly so conflict might be inevitable if they find out about us and how we don't need them, and how others might get the idea that they don't need to have mutants bossing them around anymore.

Oh. Navigators... Ugggh. Alright, Stencilling Creof in on my shit list for certain. Navigators are... They are kinda handed a shit hand, but they also drag every around them down with them in terms of shit. The fact that we have an alternative to using them? Yah that basically Navigator jihad, The navigator houses are a petty and vindictive bunch who never hesitate to try and wipe out threats to their powerbase.
Though to be honest if we do decide, after we've fought the Van Zandt's to a stalemate/they can't break through us and we just leave them be, if we do want to be complete assholes I'm pretty sure that we'll have enough strength and industry to absolutely rampage through Macabre.

There's not a single fleet equal to an SBG! Now, all of them combined could make a challenge, but we probably could roll our way through if we really were devoted to be conquering Kings uniting the Balkans under our rule. :V
Words spoken moments before getting stuck in a centuries long slog fest. Never stick yourself into the Balkans, it never goes well for you.

Also the problem is we might be forced to absorb the rest of the Dutchy, not right after we take Voxx and fortify the chokepoint or any of the turns right after but I predict a Neon style collapse a few turns after where their armies dry up and they old enemies prowl back, overunning many worlds and turns outs they are just as bad as them or worst! though to be fair its hard to be worst than Chaos, they are the worst. But still, my main point will be we WILL be dragged into Breskal one way or the other, just may take 8 or so turns. the collapse of the Dutchy and that much free land for grabbing if no surprise faction pops up will be a surprise will tempt us too much if the worst doesn't come to past.

In other news, the Lamenters are almost fully back to full strength with the Exception of Dreadnaughts and Librarians (we need to get around to that). So you all know what that means! Time for a high level threat that will cause the Lamenters horrendous casualties! Bets? any bets on the threat we'll encounter. Chaos, Necrons, Dark Eldar, Orks, Surprise Distraction Carnifex from the Tyrranids, or yet unknown Horrors?
Also, while there's probably nothing to entirely resist the churn once we occupy Voxx Primus, I'm pretty sure the Servo Skulls+Better Weapons+Better Armor would probably at least HELP?
[X] Broadsword type Boarding Assault Craft

Not a fan of either design, they seem less effective than a Shark Assault Bost. But I decided to be lazy instead of writing up my design. At least this design won't have its "wings" torn off everytime it boards.