What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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[X] Plan: Offensive Planning
-[X] [Military] Fill Out Sector Battle Group
--[X] Sphinx (0/0.5)
--[X] Werewolf (0/3.5)
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System. Focus should be on what can support each other and not to overextend, Planning of the Defense Stations should take into account the presence of at least one Sector Battle Group stationed in orbit around Ultima Sagritta for the foreseeable future. If there is time and room left in the budget Ground Base Anti-Orbital batteries should be built. Future expansion will focus on the further depth of the defenses and ability to base, supply, refit, repair, and service a Sector Battle Group in full at the system.
-[X] [Voxx Primus] Now is the time to press in on support, though make sure to keep things somewhat covert. Specifically, a few things can be done that have been done partially but not fully. First, escalate the trainers present, able to train out military grade units... even if they still have to use the carefully nerfed equipment as their core, if they're better trained, better fed, and better motivated the difference will show. Second, send in some engineers from... alternate sources who have an experience in that very special brand of amusement known as "Building Technicals." Tanks and Armored Cars and more cannot be hidden, but souping up "regular" groundcars and other vehicles to be far more impressive than they look will further strengthen the "gang."
--[X] Additionally send two things of great value. First, more food and more seeds, the better to have holy days and lure yet more into the arms of the growing movement. Second, hope. We cannot promise that tomorrow the revolution will begin and all will be liberated, but careful news in the ears of those locals who are leading the movement of the deeds of the Convention of 700 will make it clear that theirs is a holy crusade, backed fully by the Federation who, by now, likely have a semi-mythical reputation as a land of plenty and great learning and so on.

[X] Plan: Hive Focus
-[X] [Military] Militarize The Schools Of Paladins
-[X] Hive Agriculture Expanded (0/2)
-[X] [Voxx Primus] Now is the time to press in on support, though make sure to keep things somewhat covert. Specifically, a few things can be done that have been done partially but not fully. First, escalate the trainers present, able to train out military grade units... even if they still have to use the carefully nerfed equipment as their core, if they're better trained, better fed, and better motivated the difference will show. Second, send in some engineers from... alternate sources who have an experience in that very special brand of amusement known as "Building Technicals." Tanks and Armored Cars and more cannot be hidden, but souping up "regular" groundcars and other vehicles to be far more impressive than they look will further strengthen the "gang."
--[X] Additionally send two things of great value. First, more food and more seeds, the better to have holy days and lure yet more into the arms of the growing movement. Second, hope. We cannot promise that tomorrow the revolution will begin and all will be liberated, but careful news in the ears of those locals who are leading the movement of the deeds of the Convention of 700 will make it clear that theirs is a holy crusade, backed fully by the Federation who, by now, likely have a semi-mythical reputation as a land of plenty and great learning and so on.
Also, I'd like to highlight something I'd like to do before that long (as in, start it within the next 5-6 turns):

-[] Habitat Stations (0/?)
(Gain: +1 Void Industry every three Actions, enough living space for ~10 Billion people per Action.)

It already takes two actions to gain one point of VI, so we'd be trading paying 3 instead of 2 for being able to create living space for 30 billion people, which seems like a pretty good trade.
TBF orbital habitats are going to make defending our systems a lot harder if hostile forces get into systems. Cause orbital stations are going to be a lot riskier to stray shots than planets.
~500 million and in half of the planet after the purges and unrest. Massive explosion of power, people, and problems. Need aid in... all flavors of everything.
Important thing to note: with this latest expansion of our forces on Voxx Primus, we've reached the "shit get real" stage of our infiltration. Fairly soon, Voxx Primus will start taking action against our 'gang', and we'll need to invade Van Zandt to protect them. There is a number of things we need to do before this happen:
- 3 actions on building the Werewolf SBG. Van Zandt has 3 SBG-equivalent naval groups, we can't invade with any less. Not to mention we'll need to storm the Void Fortifications of Voxx Primus and destroy the naval forces there... @HeroCooky, what do our Admiral think we'll need to win the Void war over Voxx Primus? How many SBGs?
- Start inserting agents in the Voxx PDF, and in the forces garrisoning the fortifications. This is crucial so that our Voxx gang be actually useful in the invasion. Also, we might want to drop off a real military force - maybe a SAG, maybe even a Blazing Sun War-Pack.
- Make preparations to keep Voxx alive after the invasion is over. This will take a lot of actions (easily two turns' worth, likely more) and we have little time, we'll need our full focus on this.
- Ideally, we'd want 3 actions to reach Civilian Infrastructure XV, if only so that we can take traits that will protect our citizens' Quality of Life from the massive hit to infrastructure that taking Voxx Primus and Van Zandt will be. But we likely don't have the time for this: we might simply have to accept that our Development will be brought back to 5 across the board once we're done with Van Zandt.
Membership is based on "is under your control" above anything else. And yes, they are a Small Gang of Note. Notice the last two words. Tiny gangs exist everywhere, but shit like millions-strong gangs exist on any decently populated Hive World, just look at Necromunda! To become an actual "Important" Gang, you'd need around ~400 million people under you, at which point shit gets difficult if you desire to keep things secret. But at that point you'd already be at or shortly before the "BURN THE NOBLES!" stage of your infiltration.
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We're nowhere near ready though.
Maybe we should splinter our Vox Primus infiltration, quarter the gang into 4 minigangs that each escape notice?
-[X] Write in- Begin the construction of Orbital Defenses around the Ultima Sagritta System.
I have a recent long post with thoughts about taking the Hive and Agriworlds. Part of that is not building defenses at Ultima Sagritta because we will soon have to defend either Voxx Primus or Secundus when our infiltration of the Hive goes hot and defenses a system away won't help anymore. My preference is to invade Echish the next system over and create a choke point there we can fill with SBGs, defense stations and mine fields to hold off Van Zandt while we digest the Hive. What do you think?

TBF orbital habitats are going to make defending our systems a lot harder if hostile forces get into systems. Cause orbital stations are going to be a lot riskier to stray shots than planets.
We don't know how fragile Habitats are or if we could maneuver them into less vulnerable areas. I don't think they are orbital, a station that can house 10 billion would be a huge risk sitting above a planet. But it's still a good reason to not fight in our valuable systems and take Echish system so we're not risking billions to stray rounds.

@HeroCooky Are the space Habitats going to be sitting ducks or will they have some defences, shields and possibly mobility? Will they be orbital or free roaming? I'm imagining the habitats from Three Body Problem.

Important thing to note: with this latest expansion of our forces on Voxx Primus, we've reached the "shit get real" stage of our infiltration. Fairly soon, Voxx Primus will start taking action against our 'gang', and we'll need to invade Van Zandt to protect them. There is a number of things we need to do before this happen:
- 3 actions on building the Werewolf SBG. Van Zandt has 3 SBG-equivalent naval groups, we can't invade with any less. Not to mention we'll need to storm the Void Fortifications of Voxx Primus and destroy the naval forces there... @HeroCooky, what do our Admiral think we'll need to win the Void war over Voxx Primus? How many SBGs?
- Start inserting agents in the Voxx PDF, and in the forces garrisoning the fortifications. This is crucial so that our Voxx gang be actually useful in the invasion. Also, we might want to drop off a real military force - maybe a SAG, maybe even a Blazing Sun War-Pack.
- Make preparations to keep Voxx alive after the invasion is over. This will take a lot of actions (easily two turns' worth, likely more) and we have little time, we'll need our full focus on this.
- Ideally, we'd want 3 actions to reach Civilian Infrastructure XV, if only so that we can take traits that will protect our citizens' Quality of Life from the massive hit to infrastructure that taking Voxx Primus and Van Zandt will be. But we likely don't have the time for this: we might simply have to accept that our Development will be brought back to 5 across the board once we're done with Van Zandt.
I'm a little worried that if we start infiltrating Voxx PDF and defenses now along with inserting SAGs and War-packs it will be like infiltrating with the Choirs and we will just draw more attention and start the war sooner than we need to. I'd prefer to slow boat the infiltration as much as possible so we have as many turns to prepare as possible. I think QM said we have 10-15 turns?

'Militarize The Schools Of Paladins' would be a good action that boosts both our infiltrators and regular army with elite squads with power armour and plasma weapons, though maybe the infiltrators won't use that gear until needed.

I'm a big fan of another SBG and hitting Civ Ind XV, it'll be tricky to get those 7(?) actions while also pursuing terraforming, food production, habitats, logistics, infiltration etc with the 30+ actions we hopefully can do. I'd love to get All-X but thats like 40 actions as far as I can tell. Or Void Inf XV, 6 points to get it and housing for 180 billion through Habitat Stations would be 18 actions, a hard ask.

I also think we need to set up keeping Voxx Prime alive before we complete the infiltration, I'm praying we can take the Agriworlds and that will provide most of the food through.

@HeroCooky Can our terraforming and food production inquiries to the Irrita give us information about the Voxx Secundus Agriworlds, like if we'd be able to modernize them or repair them if taken? Or can we not find out until we have boots on the ground.
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@HeroCooky, what do our Admiral think we'll need to win the Void war over Voxx Primus? How many SBGs?
You are the attacker, so you'd ideally go at them with a 3~5 vs 1 numbers advantage if you don't bring a lot of artillery ships to crack their fortifications from range.
@HeroCooky Are the space Habitats going to be sitting ducks or will they have some defences, shields and possibly mobility? Will they be orbital or free roaming?
They will have defenses and weapons, yes, and they will be around planets, gas giants, or asteroids fields where one can easily obtain the materials for upkeep and maintenance.
ShakeyDog said:
@HeroCooky Can our terraforming and food production inquiries to the Irrita give us information about the Voxx Secundus Agriworlds, like if we'd be able to modernize them or repair them if taken? Or can we not find out until we have boots on the ground.
It'd be hard to modernize them beyond "safety equipment/rules are now in effect" because they are already at a level you are at, if not more advanced in their methods.
You are the attacker, so you'd ideally go at them with a 3~5 vs 1 numbers advantage if you don't bring a lot of artillery ships to crack their fortifications from range.
There's currently one Stronger-than-One-SBG force defending Voxx Primus, so... At least 4 SBGs to have triple their numbers. Or, alternatively, we build up a specialist long range artillery SBG. It would be less polyvalent, but more efficient for this specific case. We still need 3 normal SBGs though, to deal with the rest of Van Zandt forces, so we still have to finish Werewolf.
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There's currently one Stronger-than-One-SBG force defending Voxx Primus, so... At least 4 SBGs to have triple their numbers. Or, alternatively, we build up a specialist long ronge artillery SBG. It would be less polyvalent, but more efficient for this specific case. We still need 3 normal SBGs though, to deal with the rest of Van Zandt forces, so we still have to finish Werewolf.

Don't they have two? Not one? That's what I see on this map.

Name: Mothomes
Appearance: Humanoid in appearance, roughly ~1 meter tall, with vestigal wings on their backs. Insectoid heads with five eye clusters located in a forward-facing assembly. Hands with 4 manipulators spaced equidistant from one another. Straight legs with three-clawed feet. The most dominant colorations are grey, black, white, red, yellow, brown, green, and teal.
Age Range: Unknown. Unknown.
Technology Level: Bronze/Iron Age.
Psychological Compatibility: Low Assumed.
Physiological Compatibility: Low-Medium Assumed.
Chocolate Compatibleness: Unknown.
Short History: Encountered in 726.M42 within the Irridanus Sub-Sector after discovering a Stable Warp Route to their home system of Mothome. Initial observations turned into orbital studies confirming their presence and sophoncy when cities, mining, and warfare were observed.

Can you feel it coming in the distance, approaching like a terrific oncoming storm? Lumbering, steadily into view, to devour all it can.

Soon it will be here
Soon it will consume

Fear it, Defy it, It can not be stopped.

The Prime Directive Debate approaches.
I am currently updating the maps/species tabs, so there are some changes. The Duchy moved their fleet away from Voxx Primus into Breskal again.

Well, I know that part? I'm talking about the defense stations. There are two of them, and they're each stronger than an SBG.

We can hope for possible subversion to get by them, but I don't think we should place all of our hopes in that working perfectly.

Or else some creepy old man in a bath robe will talk about how we'll find the defense stations fully armed and operational. :V
Well, I know that part? I'm talking about the defense stations. There are two of them, and they're each stronger than an SBG.
HeroCooky said we'd need 3 times their forces to get through their fortifications - so I assumed they meant 3 times the mobiles forces, not counting the fortifications themselves. Like when people say you need three times the defender's forces to like, storm a castle, they don't count the castle as part of their forces.
If it should be understood the way you say, then we're fucking screwed :V
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HeroCooky said we'd need 3 times their forces to get through their fortifications - so I assumed they meant 3 times the mobiles forces, not counting the fortifications themselves. Like when people say you need three times the defender's forces to like, storm a castle, they don't count the castle as part of their forces.
But they do count the defenders defending the castle.

And that's what that "stronger than an SBG" thing indicates.
HeroCooky said we'd need 3 times their forces to get through their fortifications - so I assumed they meant 3 times the mobiles forces, not counting the fortifications themselves. Like when people say you need three times the defender's forces to like, storm a castle, they don't count the castle as part of their forces.
If if should be understood the way you say, then we're fucking screwed :V

I mean, the Defense Stations are... active defenders?

We probably need 4-5 SBG, IMO, some artillery-ships, and to infiltrate the Defense Stations in order to try to bring them offline.

...actually infiltrating the SDF and Defense Stations should be the next action we invest directly in Voxx Primus, and I do think that we've hit the point where, after next turn, we need to start spending two actions a turn on Voxx Primus... as in, not, two Voxx Primus actions a turn, but two actions that contribute to Voxx Primus' salvation a turn, which on every other turn would be "building up fleet and/or building up post-conquest solutions" (either 1-1, or 2-0, 0-2, whatever) while the other "every other turn" would be a Voxx Primus action and "building up fleet OR post-conquest solutions."
I mean, the Defense Stations are... active defenders?

We probably need 4-5 SBG, IMO, some artillery-ships, and to infiltrate the Defense Stations in order to try to bring them offline.

...actually infiltrating the SDF and Defense Stations should be the next action we invest directly in Voxx Primus, and I do think that we've hit the point where, after next turn, we need to start spending two actions a turn on Voxx Primus... as in, not, two Voxx Primus actions a turn, but two actions that contribute to Voxx Primus' salvation a turn, which on every other turn would be "building up fleet and/or building up post-conquest solutions" (either 1-1, or 2-0, 0-2, whatever) while the other "every other turn" would be a Voxx Primus action and "building up fleet OR post-conquest solutions."
Well, no. We need to invest all our actions, we don't actually have any slack here. Just getting to 4 SBGs is 7 actions, 5 SBGs is 11 actions, and that's not counting everything else we must do to be ready to invade.
When we discovered Breskal and started panicking about all their fleets, HeroCooky said not to worry too much because they were in total war mode while we'd been coasting easy from the start.
I think it's time we stop, and get serious. All actions into Voxx Primus, because the alternative is that when Van Zandt starts this by invading into our Underhives, we're not ready and we have to watch them all die.
Can you feel it coming in the distance, approaching like a terrific oncoming storm? Lumbering, steadily into view, to devour all it can.

Soon it will be here
Soon it will consume

Fear it, Defy it, It can not be stopped.

The Prime Directive Debate approaches.
Oh, you've already solved that. Don't poke them when they aren't capable of talking to you in space, don't give them shit unless they give you stuff of equal value in return, and make them into a Protectorate once they have Warp Technology.

Oh, and likely help them not die out if you are inclined to do so should Bad Shit go down, like an asteroid.
Well, no. We need to invest all our actions, we don't actually have any slack here. Just getting to 4 SBGs is 7 actions, 5 SBGs is 11 actions, and that's not counting everything else we must do to be ready to invade.
When we discovered Breskal and started panicking about all their fleets, HeroCooky said not to worry too much because they were in total war mode while we'd been coasting easy from the start.
I think it's time we stop, and get serious. All actions into Voxx Primus, because the alternative is that when Van Zandt starts this by invading into our Underhives, we're not ready and we have to watch them all die.

I think we should take care of the Heresies first, just so nothing bites us in the ass there.
Oh, you've already solved that. Don't poke them when they aren't capable of talking to you in space, don't give them shit unless they give you stuff of equal value in return, and make them into a Protectorate once they have Warp Technology.

Oh, and likely help them not die out if you are inclined to do so should Bad Shit go down, like an asteroid.

Huh, the description on Children seemed to imply something different here.

-Children are those who do not yet have Warp Travel on their own. They will need to be examined, and the dangers of letting them go unready into the Warp considered. There is fierce debate about whether the Xenos found at Theta-Sigma Qualify. In a sense, we have technically run across plenty of Imperial Children.

That at least seemed to imply that the decision would be made on a case by case basis.
Anyway, if we're following the standard prime directive stuff, then that's good. Means the we don't need to spend any actions on them for the next 2000-4000 years.
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