I think that we could also start a crusade against few genocidal countries to expand our colonisation options... Oh fuck I just used expand living space as on of justifications to invade someone... I need to lay down
No, that Action needs the full 30 to be paid by you.Also @HeroCooky if we did go for the 30 action project could we also invest in something that would give the project an auto-ticker? Not to let it complete automatically but to help speed the prosses along, a 0.5 Auto-Ticker alongside 1 action/turn investment cuts a full in-game century off the completion timer.
...I had a very dark joke here, but that is too easy even for me.I think that we could also start a crusade against few genocidal countries to expand our colonisation options... Oh fuck I just used expand living space as on of justifications to invade someone... I need to lay down
I'm all on sending the Billions of people to other worlds, but how would we get them to not revolt, because they are the guys that think its wrong to be able to have a good house or that its a sin to not work till your body is exhausted, like for us to rip and tear those thoughts that are ingrained in them will be hard and will cost a lot of actions, my hope is if we can do a song that can help speed the process of turning them into normal people that can in fact have a happy day once in their lives.
Will we be meeting a polity callend landpo soon?...I had a very dark joke here, but that is too easy even for me.![]()
Why integration?Hmm...maybe we should have a conversation with the Ashan families about deeper integration. It is becoming rapidly apparent that Voxx is one of the situations where we need worlds or we need a 30 Action Project...not that I am against the latter
Around ~1 billion and ~50 million people. The first is your capital, after all.@HeroCooky how many people live on Candle Station and in the series of space stations at End of Line?
No, that Action needs the full 30 to be paid by you.
...but seriously, that is a 30 Actions Action, it's not serious.
One important thing to consider here is that that is 700 billion now.But none are entirely sure what to do when Voxx Primus is liberated, for 700 billion people are more than 13 times the entire population of the Federation...upon a single world, no less.
We could try expanding into the Macrabe Subsector by focusing on subverting the Asian Families so they flip to us then start rolling up the other systems there. Then there's the Black Ash Clans we could also try doing something with to try converting them, then we need to figure out how to deal with the Black Cat Company to get to the Croat Hegemony which sounds like the kind of people we could punch in the face.Uuugh, Looking over the maps, We don't have any easy colonization prospects. All of them are either gated by... our allies, or the post imperial powers that are in the middle of genociding minor xenos.
This is definitely the bones of a good plan, but I have some strong opinions about various parts of it that.[] [Voxx Primuse Afterplan] Plan: A Balanced Breakfast
-[] First, we must begin to create and expand space stations. What was done with Defense Stations, such at a level beyond belief, can be done with human habitation. Yet this alone will not be enough.
-[] Second, we must truly and fully continue upon completion the research of even further crops capable of growing in Hives (or Ex-Hives), and their integration. This Hive World must become increasingly self-sufficient, even if this means that space must be cleared which will necessitate decreases in the total population (see below). Yet this alone will not be enough.
--[ ] Means: Speak with the Irritia, you have a burgeoning humanitarian problem that's likely to pop, and you want to take the steps needed to minimize the issues. Do they have any insights on very, very high density food growing? Or barring that, how to produce large amounts of food in space?
-[] Third, emmigration is not a possibility but a necessity. While we cannot possibly house the whole of the population, depopulating Voxx Primus, even a drop of one, two, or perhaps at a very distant strength three hundred billion in the system--whether on planets or whether on new space stations--could be transformative. Yet this alone will not be enough.
--[] Means: While we are here at a Constitutional Convention, create modest (definitely compared to SDF and SAG budget concerns) requirements to invest in expanded housing, and the creation of infrastructure to allow to both better house those who are already there but also be ready for immigration if need be.
-[] Fourth, we need to encourage safe and humane birth-limits, tied specifically to capacity to raise children to a good standard of living, and coinciding with a propaganda campaign to encourage a different mindset of concentrating resources and efforts, at least until the population is under control. Yet this alone will not be enough.
--[] Means: As a provision now, while the larger campaign waits, make birth control readily available to the Star Child population on Voxx Primus, and begin education in Family Planning, and specifically the drive to have kids only when you can make sure they will have a good (by whatever is standard atm) quality of living. Etc, etc. Sewing small seeds for later situations, and hopefully making sure those who are born are loved, planned for, and more liable not to die in childhood.
-[] Fifth, we must remember that through the Star Child all things are possible, so jot that down. Through prayer to the Star Child for deliverence, and the study of such Melodies as Health, Compassion, the Home, and Family (which may aid in the 4th if used right), and the performance of unique Songs... we may yet bring salvation unto not just seven-hundred billion, but to the trillions that will yet live under the light of the Five. This, TOGETHER, will suffice!
Another thought is that all of the van Zandt ships are optimized to punch up as hard as possible. Torpedo destroyers, ramming-specialized ships, those are all things that are excellent at making small ships a threat to big ships
You know what they're not excellent at? Letting small ships fight other small ships on an even footing.
I'm wondering if the solution here is to just throw Crux's, Lupus's & Sagittarius's at them in very large numbers. It feels like range, missiles, mines & maneuverability should be a counter to torpedoes and rams.
My proposal here is that the shipbuilding action next turn isn't to fill out the sector battle group, but rather to do a normal build action of some scouts and then just a truckload of destroyers and frigates of our own which should counter their ships.
Because it would be nice to not fight through them? Conversion is already happening. Unless the plan is to like cause mass riots within their systems and cause a revolution. We just don't have the foreign masses option which makes slowly eating them via system defections very hard to do. Also I am counting on their planets on being as populated.Why integration?
Reminder, they are a kleptocracy like russia, our relationship is profitable, not friendship.
... the Macabre Sector has all of its planets occupied. Like, yes, could they probably hold more population than they have, in the same way that our systems could as well? Yes.
But they're not virgin soil to use as a massive colonization outpost unless we commit literal actual genocide.
This is definitely the bones of a good plan, but I have some strong opinions about various parts of it that.
First, I think planning some kind of specific population control is a terrible idea. Not only are explicit birth limits draconian measures that will almost certainly be impossible to enforce, trying will make people resentful and will absolutely spawn a few more heresies and potentially an outright insurgency. Maybe a song avoids this, but not the next problem. Because, population control measures cause an inverted population pyramid, where you have more old people than young people, which absolutely crushes a nation's productivity. I can cite academic sources on this.
The better way to bring a population under control is just straight-up increasing quality of life & education. Birth control is a part of that, but not necessarily explicitly. I think intentionally making birth control available early and easily is a good strategy to get the outcome we want (of a stable rather than exploding population) but we can't try to manually decrease the population size without triggering ISSUES.
So, what do we actually do? Well, it's going to be a lot of small things.
1. Building space stations is a great idea. I'm wondering if we might try to do a write-in to automate building living space. Something like the current automation plan but a bit larger. Maybe it builds 5 100-million stations every turn or something, distributed across our territory. Maybe it's an ISC we can create when we get to CIV XV to make more housing, then it just occupies one of our two slots for the next twenty turns.
2. Asking the Irrita is inspired. I think we want to leave it open-ended. Something about "We're going to have this problem (hundreds of billions of people to house and feed) in a couple hundred years. Is there anything you can do to help? Food infrastructure, terraform, new living space communities. Definitely ask what would be a sufficient payment for this help as well.
3. I think we should broaden this to the Shipwright's Alliance and the Mashan Temple Authority. Basically ask them if they would take any refugees or have other technologies or capabilities that would help with this problem.
4. Good idea about integration for sure. We should have each planet start making plans to take in what they can. A billion here, a billion there. It will be difficult, it will stress our society, but it's a necessary part of the solution.
5. I like the idea of helping stabilize things with our faith, but I'm not sure there's much the psykers can do. A population control song is a longer-term solution, but it doesn't do much in the short term. @HeroCooky Is there a song that might replace/reduce the need for calories across a population?
6. We should definitely plan to take those Agri-worlds in the short term, to keep things stable. I'm down for infiltrating them in the buildup to the final Voxx capture.
7. We shouldn't just plan for living space and food, but general living standards. We need to boost their general education, health and living standards up, either on Voxx or farther away. Figuring out more civilian manufactories, health infrastructure and other requirements and then getting them done needs to be an important part of what we do.
I swear I had more ideas when I started this post, but I've lost them now. It's a hard problem, but if we can actually integrate these people and boost them up to our quality of life. I actually think the best thing to do is to get to CIV XV, then get more ISCs and boost Food & Health infrastructure up to ten. Once we've built our fleet up to stability levels and are slowboating Voxx, hopefully we can buckle down and get all of that done. Here's a timeline:
Civ XV: 3 actions (Messenger ISC + 3 actions).
Food X: 6 actions (2 actions for new ISC + 4 actions)
Medical X: 7 actions (2 actions for new ISC + 5 actions).
So we could legitimately get all of that supporting infrastructure up with just a little bit more than 5 turns worth of effort. If we took the food/medical ISCs from our civ XV trait then it would be even faster. I think there's potential to make an ISC that can switch from boosting one infrastructure to another with an action.
Also, another point @Alectai What do you think of this argument? I think the van Zandt is specialized for getting in close and blowing up larger ships with torpedos and ramming, and that we should build a zillion small ships to counter that. Thoughts?
Birth control is in fact a valuable thing? We can soften it up if there's objections, but we do in fact want to make reliable birth control widely available and encourage family planning.
As far as it goes, I do know about the productivity crash, but it's a HIVE world. The Productivity Crash from an inverting population will be easily balanced out and overawed by the increase from no longer being the shittiest, worst run thing in the entire Galaxy other than another Hive World
E: I have more to address about your specifics, but I wanted to start with the fullthroated objection.